I do not love you anymore. How to say "goodbye" former beloved? How to tell a guy that I don't like it anymore? Goodbye ... Tell me not so

Today you decided to part with your boyfriend. Your dream "consists" is that already tomorrow he was considered your next former.

The words "I do not love you" and "goodbye" always speak very difficult. I will tell you how I managed to cope with this very "not promotional" task and say these words.

How to say "goodbye" and "I do not like" the once beloved person?

From personal life

I was seventeen. I got acquainted with a wonderful guy (he seemed to me then). We met a half year old, we were going to get married. But then he somehow changed dramatically. He began drinking, wildly to everyone jealous .... He suffered for a long time, but patience burst like an unfortunate balloon. I decided: "I part with him tomorrow from the morning!". But could not. And everything was transferred to the next morning. I explained that the relationship to finish it. And he cried, and said that she would commit suicide if I would not return to him. I was afraid, naturally, but I did not see the slightest point in returning. Maybe cruelly, but I said simply: "Andrei, goodbye! I do not like you more! " Then I ran into the passing trolleybus .... For another six months, he ran after me, but I did not give up. Then he married, and I could breathe with calmness.

The second, I said "Goodbye" in the other

This time the Council of his beloved milfova helped. She told me that I was "confessed" in the simplicity of my orientation. It was possible to apply the "method" much earlier (in parting with Andryukha). But then I did not dare.

Action plan

And so…. Came "that very" moment! We spent a wonderful night with Marat. Then one more. Then he was celebrated his thirty-year anniversary. During this time, I well developed a plan of action. He sat down a girlfriend so that she wrote to me messages on the mobile ("appropriate content"). Kirchka tried "to glory." Everything was written so realistic that I myself believed in each line, in every word. Then I found the right time and said the guy that everything ended between us. It was hard for "goodbye" to talk. I am especially. I am a "thin-minded" person, however! Marat did not believe in my "lesbianness." He laughed sincerely! So I had to show "SMS - proof". Then he stopped all his laughter. Emotions almost turned into tears. I do not know myself how he restrained! But died worthy: quietly and silently.

Parting is a little death

I managed to understand this for several parting. I decided that I would not break anyone else's hearts. But it did not stop, because I knew that anything could happen in life. And in this I was not mistaken. Because in six months he met with another person, young. It was all cool and wonderful. So, as if I turned out to be in the fabulous world. I thought I found an earrings for life. But so I arranged that I do not know how to be with one man for a long time! We also had to break the relationship with him. Painfully! But I achieved it. She said that love is no longer. But "Goodbye" a little later said. Message in the chat! Most likely, courage was not enough to speak the word "live" .... Then we crossed a couple more times (on the apartment from a common friend). And recently he wrote a report to the phone. On business. Asked if I had a sim card, which he once gave me. I replied that she was lost. Well, continued the correspondence. Seryozha broke her himself. Apparently in order not to "tickle" the past. I see that he is unlikely to be friends with me.

There were still separation .... But I will not describe the stories yourself. I will write only the methods, guided by which I set the "points" in the relationship ...

Methods How to say "Goodbye" to the former beloved

Method of complete ignoring

Let the boy rings, writes, asks for a meeting .... And you refuse or silent at all. As if you do not hear a call to mobile or in the front door.

Method "Special" treason

It is very easy to implement it! Adjust treason and make the "process" could see the young man. It's not good to do so, but you have to, if there is nothing else "in stock".

The "terrible coldness" method

Fat words say and very quickly from the guy leave. Because there is a phrase that you independently continue: "Long wires ...". " The guy will forgive if truly loves or loved.

The method "Call, which consists of tears rivers"

Find a song in which there are words. Choose the lines you need. Cut them with specials. Program. Dial the number of "former" beloved. Let me listen to what you have prepared. No strength to do this way? EMEMESKA Fill with a song. Simka Throw away and replace the phone number.

Method "Lipa Pregnancy"

Pretend to be pregnant from another person. When you see anger that comes from a person, "say" these most unfair words in your life! But immediately "Turn off" your own heart. He (your boyfriend) can touched you, and you tell all the truth to him. Then the whole plan fails and not to realize.

How to tell a guy that I do not want to meet with him?

Generate him with his current fight Friend or his spouse. But make sure that the acquaintance does not end with the Mordiculum. Such partition never ended with something good. I remember how and how it ended with me. I will try to describe everything briefly to do not tire you.

From personal experience

Divorced with husband. Meet another. Husband (former) found out that someone appeared. Apparently, I wanted that the guy acquires a similar "status". He arrived with a bouquet of field flowers (a bouquet I was pleased with my appearance, of course). Stood on his knees, cried, begged me to return. I did not take a bouquet, and all the words (censorship) expressed. My boyfriend came out. The former husband said: "Choose". Naturally, I made a choice in favor of the parenochka, who had time to love before Madness. But the hubby and then did not calm down. I asked to think. He wrote for a long time (and in ICQ, and in the phone), how much he loves me, and as a divorce regrets. My soul squeezed. Sorry became the poor man! After all, he himself is to blame in a divorce ....

How to explain how to say that love has passed? How does he understand that love has gone? How to explain that there is no more love?

In your heart, the flowers of love were brought. And you understand that nothing can be returned. There was a time when you melted from feelings. Now - on the contrary. You feel the snow queen. And your "Snezhility" originates you, every day, is stronger. You are winter. How is not easy to be a winter, when ahead is a spring time. But March, April and May understand you.

"I do not love you anymore". How to say goodbye to the former beloved?

You no longer love the one who swear in eternal love. Do not blame yourself: you did not lie to him. Everything happened so suddenly that you did not have time to, really understand anything. This, at the moment, you care little. Most of all, you are puzzled by how to say a man that love has cooled, ended, passed, stopped living and exist.

"I do not love you anymore". - Are you afraid to say? Do you want to hurt? How to say goodbye to the former beloved? - Pick, combine, mentally, words, but you understand that they are not at all. They are confused and you, being captured by verbal web, do not know where to choose yourself and your glare heart. You hear his exciting and alarming knock, but no longer feel a drop of love.

Do you think he does not notice anything? He does not want to notice your "cooling" to him. So, and trying to delay the moment of a frank conversation, in which the words that can hurt and kill will sound.

"I don't like anymore." How to say that love has passed? How does he understand that love has gone?

How to explain that there is no more love? - Don't need his kisses, arms, his tenderness. You regret that, once, it all started. No, not that you complain. You were good next to him. But everything went. And you did not think that this would happen. Past does not turn over. It will remain beyond the horizon of the lived days, and you will not change it in any way. But you will be able to change the present, affecting, directly, for the future. Tell him everything as it is! Everything, without roller, in detail. No one said and did not write anywhere that it was easier to do it. But it is necessary to make it, otherwise ... The further - the worse, it is worse.

If you are just going, without explaining the reasons, disappear from his life - it will be very unfair. You do not want everyone to return to you boomerang. And so, in general, and happens. Not with everyone, naturally, but it happens. And no one knows what will be the "not lucky", which will be seen with the boomerang face to face.

How to say goodbye to the former beloved? - The present option is also an option. You can not search for a poetic rhyme. And the prose is suitable for this kind of confession. Do not write the words of parting on the mirror, in the bathroom, lipstick. Read this information, right at your reflection, is even harder than to part. And on the bedside table, do not leave a note. You saw how they did in films. But why do it all?

It is also practiced by this option when the girls ask their friends to be intermediaries and tell everything for them. It is clear: it is difficult and scary to talk about such "bad luck of fate." Girlfriend (or girlfriends), of course, will not be able to refuse to help. But, nevertheless, it is best if you do this without any other "effective" help.

If you doubt that love has disappeared without a trace and coming - do not hurry, consider everything as it should. Tell him everything when you gain real confidence in everything. Otherwise, dear, you can spoil everything, wounding and yourself, and it. Think you can return if you understand. What was wrong about not love him? And the conscience is enough? Feelings are not a computer game. You can not play them.

Send him a message to a mobile phone. But remember the softness of words. Sharpness and rigidity caused a "separate" the pain to whom you are going to send a fatal "Esemask". But also "diminishing" avoiding not to give him any hope that you will be with him someday.

In your eyes the question is read: "What if, if, in a few years, at a random meeting, the feelings come back?". First, you can't say that you will meet, but, moreover, according to a pure chance. Secondly, your heart will be occupied by a completely different person. And the one to whom you are finally confessing in dislike, will remain in the waves of your memories.

Do not torment the past, leave it where it is kept stored. Meet him, once, after separation .... Try to give it distance. She will help him understand that you have been for a long time for thousands of people, and that you are not destined to become closer.

He will ask: "Why?". - answer. Run everything in its place. It will not work not hurt. No matter how you follow the words. But if you will postpone the pain for another day - it will strengthen and strengthen.

Say the words of separation of the song. Call, bring to the phone tube "The sound" of the songs selected by you. To see the song to give him what you want to say, look for and listen, carefully, all the songs that relate to the theme of parting. Listening to the song, he will understand everything. You will not hear and you will not see the expression of his saddened person. But you will feel your heart, as he is not in itself.

Tell him all, not silent. You regret yourself, because you understand how difficult it is to say sticking words. I regret him: Do not leave him in the complete ignorance of all that is happening. Stay, in his wounded memory, honest and decent. Releasing, do not do more. He will be so awesome.

There will be tears. And in his eyes, and yours. There will be a sea of \u200b\u200btears! But they will help themselves, facilitate what the soul is so tormented. You are not destined to be together and go, hand in hand, on life path. You have decided so herself. And the fact that he is against your such decision, he will no longer help him. And he needs support and help. Most likely, not yours, because he cannot see you. Wants, wants, wants, but can not.

He will bloom, in your presence, your photo. He will shout, firmly, to call. Do not glow the situation: do not answer the same. Everything happened as it happened. You all told him. There is nothing to add. Rise and do not be angry with his behavior. Would you - they would behave much inconsistency.

"I do not love you anymore".And he loves you very much, and you should take it into account. Do not go, blade or knife edge, by its bloody feelings. Words of consolation, in this minute, will not help: he will listen to them, but will not hear. So, do not say anything. Get away, leave him one if he does not leave. Lightly sigh: you did what I wanted.

Prodolenia should:

It happens that we cannot answer a person with reciprocity, respond to his feelings. How to explain this to the answer sounded delicately for the in love and at the same time convincing? The psychologist, psychotherapist of the Moscow Center "Psychodynamics" Marina Yuryevna Praidatev, is responsible for readers' questions.

Each risks

"One person is cared for me - he has serious intentions. But I do not feel anything to him except sympathy. How can I explain it so that he was not too worried? After all, it is known that the unrequited can bring a lot of suffering. "

- When it comes to romantic relationships, then everyone risks. An expressing woman's sympathy, a man risks to be rejected. In the same situation there may be a loving woman. Here the chances of all are equal.

Expresses the unfortunate cavalier, we, as if we take responsibility for his pain. We impose a guilty for the fact that we cannot accept his courtship. In fact, any man understands that not with every woman who likes, you can build relationships. So the world is arranged. And no one is not to blame.

Moreover, trying to express your sympathy to a man who is unrequited in love with you, you can seriously offend him. Because your position is purely maternal. This is a sympathy of Mom's little son. Let you do not like a person, but do not deny him in respect.

The best answer to the explanation in love is an honest answer. Understand, first of all, for yourself, what you feel for this man. Do you consider the relationship with it possible. If not, then it should be said. Do not hack what is called, tail in parts. Men love concreteness. Of course, no one says that you need to be sharp, rough. Just explain that there is no feelings and there is no hope that they will appear.

No unambiguous "no"

"One man is caught behind me. I told him many times that nothing could be between us. But he still continues to give flowers, gifts. What to do to stop all these signs of attention from his part? "

"A man in love can continue courting, because he does not receive the heart of the unequivocal" no "from his lady. She rejects him, but he feels that she is not one hundred percent confident in his answer. Something in her behavior leaves him hope for reciprocity. A woman can behave as simply because she likes cares. The man does not like, but the courtship is like. She sometimes does not even realize these nuances and is absolutely sincerely wondering why he will not be lagging behind.

Therefore, that the recreational cavalier disappears from the field of view, sometimes it is easy enough to ask yourself: Do I really want it? And honestly answer this question.

Another variant. The woman plunged convincingly and in detail what was happy in marriage that she loved her husband that no one was needed. But the effect is zero. Man still continues his courtship. How to be here?

Perhaps a man does not hear you because you are not particularly necessary for him. Yes Yes. There are men who easily fall in love with a fictional image. He inspires them, allows you to experience bright emotions of love. And no longer need them. And if the woman herself is in love and happy - it becomes especially attractive for such men.

What to do in such a situation? I think it is worth considering the understanding of the romance suffering. Suddenly, under the influence of this love, an ingenious work will arise, and your image will be afraid of marble or verses?

Tell me, what's wrong?

"One person asked me - why can't I love him? I tried to explain. Now he pours me messages with reports of work done on himself. And what - maybe he will succeed, changed, conquer my heart? "

- Walked misconception. The old wise proverb says: "Not on a good mil, but good enough." Love is or there or not. Sometimes it happens that we see the shortcomings of a man and love him anyway. And at the same time, a person is completely consisting of advantages, may not be completely awakening in us this feeling. Therefore, even if the man succeeds to remake herself at your order, it is not a fact that he can conquer your heart.

In addition, to change yourself to someone is unlikely perhaps. A person should change as life experience gained, the change of worldview. Otherwise, it will not be deep changes, but rather pretense.

Therefore, if there is no love, then it is necessary to answer a man. And do not try to block it under yourself.

In addition, spreading about the laptops of the fan, you, as it were, try to shift responsibility for the situation that created him. Answer a sense of guilt in it. Like, you yourself are to blame for the fact that I do not like you. And this, as you yourself understand, unfairly.

Time for thought

"I like one person. I am wondering with him, fun. But, in my opinion, this is not love. And he loves me. Gives gifts, suits dates. It turns out, I drive him behind his nose? "

- Sometimes it is difficult to understand yourself, to understand how you treat a man. And in this case the best way out - say everything frankly. "I like you, I'm having fun with you. But I love you while I can not understand. I need time".

No need to blame yourself for the fact that you are not experiencing strong response feelings. There are no guilt here. In addition, who told you that in your pair a man takes less than a winning position? In fact, it is not known who of you are more happy. A man who loves, and these feelings are painted him, give strength, give. Or you who are probably pleasant to courtship, but there is no emotion firework.

There are people for whom unrequited love is not such a painful thing. They can rejoice at what they can see a loved one, communicate with him.

By the way, a woman to understand himself can help one simple reception. Imagine that your fan leaves somewhere far away and most likely you will never see it again. Presented? And now think about what you felt

Ekaterina Kovaleva

Lawless Heart! Sometimes we cannot answer the reciprocity of the love of another person. It happens that, being married for many years, we get used to the spouse and love develops into friendship. It happens, we meet another person who burns the fire of love in the heart, and the previous partner must say: "Goodbye". And it happens, we are forced to refuse a passionate fan or fan. Then we begin to break the head: "How to say that I do not like, and at the same time offend a person?". Consider how to make your refusal or a message about the breaking of the relationship less painful.

Gap a long relationship

First of all, answer yourself to the question: do you really do not like a person? Do you want to part? Maybe this is a temporary alienation provoked by the quarrel or unfavorable life circumstances? Psychologists recommend to imagine life without a partner. Will you be comfortable, or will you torment memories of the departed minutes of happiness?

If you all thought and still decided to say the fatal words, then do not pull with a conversation. Anyway, your partner will feel something wrong. Do not stretch the painful moment, it is better to survive the gap, recover and find new love.

So that your words did not sound like a thunder among a clear sky, you can prepare a little partner. Try to spend less time together, leaving any prepositions, avoid tactile contacts and physical proximity. If you break a psychological connection, it will be much easier to say that you do not like.

At the very beginning of the conversation, tell me that everything is over - and this is your final decision. Prepare for the fact that the reaction can be different, play various events in the head in the head.

  • The partner begins to blame you, scream, scold, curse, remember all your sins. The main thing is not to get involved in the exchange, do not justify. And even more so do not begin to scold the partner yourself and indicate its shortcomings. React calmly. Say something like that: "I understand that you are very hard, let's discuss it later when you calm down. Let's break in kind".
  • The partner begins to cry, fall into hysterics, begging not to throw it or her, threaten suicide, etc. Such behavior is especially characteristic of women. Such a scene to withstand is very hard, but you have to do it if your decision is firmly. Try to console the partner, thanking all the good things that were in your relationship, emphasize the positive qualities of your husband or wife. Nevertheless, clearly formulate your decision so that the partner does not have empty hopes.
  • The partner closes in itself, does not respond to your words. Then leave it alone, do not prescribe, do not demand an immediate answer. Perhaps a person just needs time to digest the received information and think everything.


"I do not like, but I can not say ..." If you do not manage to pronounce heavy words, write about it. Just do not write on social networks, chat rooms, by email. Write a regular letter, but also do it only as a last resort, since it is better to speak about such serious things. A letter is good because you can clearly build your arguments, no one will interrupt you, cry, begging to change the decision, which and so far than you with great difficulty.

Failure to fan

You confessed in love, and you think: "How to say that I do not like?". Make it easy. After all, if you did not have a long relationship, you will not apply a deep wound to your refusal. On the contrary, you will not allow developing relationships that are doomed to failure.

You can thank the person for a good attitude, emphasize his dignity, but refer to the fact that you already have a partner or you are in love with another / Other. The main thing, do not give a person in vain hope, do not pull, do not say that you will think. Try to stay with a fan or fan of friends or at least keep a good relationship. If you refuse tactfully, it is quite possible.