She scored on the guy and he began to run. The psychology of domestication: How to make a man run after you. What to do if you are in high school and you want to attract his attention

If you want the guy to be “blowing his mind” and he could neither eat nor sleep, dream of a meeting, count the minutes until goodbye and be your eternal “tail”, you need, first of all, to like him. Therefore, immediately throw out of your head the idea that it is easy to win any male representative just by snapping your fingers with a fashionable manicure.

When you see sympathy in the eyes young man and you understand that he is interested in you, you should carefully lead him to the fact that you are special and you cannot lose such a girl, you need to urgently hold and “tie” to yourself until you are taken away.

Become an ideal

Since childhood, a man has formed the image of a woman whom he wants to see next to him. Your task is to live up to this ideal. Try to get to know the young person: preferences, idols (especially female), tastes in food and clothing, hobbies ...

Gently ask him to talk about his parents. Pay attention to how he talks about his mother and note what exactly he praises: often young people subconsciously look for a girl who is similar in appearance and character to their mother.

Be independent

You are a person, you have your own life: rich and interesting. Allow the young person to “infiltrate” your space, but emphasize your independence. Let the guy feel a certain detachment: this will attract him even more.

A real man is interested in a strong and self-confident woman, intellectually developed, with a broad outlook. They are respected, valued and run after, afraid to lose.

Behave naturally and naturally, gradually adding notes of self-will and changeability to the relationship

Emphasize individuality

Don't forget - men love with their eyes. The first thing a guy will pay attention to when meeting is the expression of his eyes, his smile and the condition of his hair. Of course, your figure, posture and gait are important for a young man, but if he has already invited you on a date, you can relax, this qualification has already been passed.

Of course, you follow the condition of the skin, the beauty of the hair and the harmony of the figure. But it is also important to learn how to dress with taste and emphasize your external data, focusing on the most attractive features. If, for example, you have a dimple on your cheek, then, be kind, smiling, show the guy your zest.

Don't say you're free

Don't focus on the young man. Live full life: flirt, meet, make friends and communicate with members of the opposite sex. Sadly, but among men there is a strong opinion "if she is not interesting to anyone, then she is not interesting to me either."

Hint to the guy that you have the attention of men, and you are surrounded by fans. Use this technique, even if you have no one but him: the young man will be worried and jealous, his desire to be with you will become stronger.

Remember: what is easily obtained is underestimated ...

Be mysterious

Simple as five fingers, the girl is interesting only to the same, "near-minded" boy. If you want to call smart guy persistent desire to be near, cultivate an element of understatement in a relationship.

Don't show all the cards at once - make him guess what your words or behavior meant. A man likes to gradually “unravel” a woman, and her task is to make sure that this activity does not lose its relevance for as long as possible, preferably for a lifetime.

Surprise and delight

Be yourself, but try to favorably differ from other girls. When agreeing to have dinner in a cafe, report that you will pay your bill yourself. You immediately make it clear to the guy that you want to build relationships at the partnership level, and such behavior causes respect and interest.

As if by chance, show the young man your achievements, share your grandiose plans for the future, show your determination on the way to the goal.

Be affectionate

Do not forget about the qualities that attract men - femininity, vulnerability, sometimes defenselessness (it is important to give a partner the opportunity to prove himself a real man), compliance in small things, softness and sentimentality.

No need to become "your boyfriend" and show indifference to the feelings of a young man. You need him - show it: with hints, jokes and subtle flirting.

Let him talk - men love to talk about themselves.

Don't make mistakes

To make a guy feel the urgent need to keep you in sight, do not make offensive mistakes:

Psychologists advise using the “carrot and stick” tactics: charm a young person, attract, drive him crazy, and then disappear, surrender, do not answer calls, ignore him. Believe me, this method gives a 100% result, and the guy will circle around your house, waiting for an unpredictable chosen one.

Soon you will notice that the guy is trying to become the main person in your life, and you are free to choose whether to give him a chance or not.

Vera, Moscow

How to make a guy run after you and think about you - 10 tricks and tricks for a girl, how to drive him crazy

Any self-respecting girl enjoys being courted by men. Sometimes you want the one you like to show attention, but such luck does not always fall out. Usually some guys are nice to girls, and others are courting. How to make a guy run after you if he doesn't show interest? How to master the secrets of seduction? The task is not easy, but nothing is impossible !

How to make a guy think about you?

Can be distinguished 10 female tricks . making a guy interested in you.

  1. Think of yourself. and he will think of you. Be confident and well-groomed girl, then the man will be more likely to visit thoughts about you;
  2. Be an interesting riddle then he will constantly think about you, trying to reveal your secret;
  3. Experiment with looks. Today appear before him a strict lady, tomorrow a coquette, the day after tomorrow an athlete. After a while, you will understand: he is interested in you;
  4. Strive to be interesting. Stay up to date latest news, read books, constantly improve, go to events, play sports. He should not know that you are sitting at home, waiting for a call;
  5. Experienced women recommend: if you want to interest him, you need to please his relatives. If they manage to do this, they will advise the object of sympathy to become interested in you;
  6. Hint to the guy that you care about him, flirt with him and flirt;
  7. Don't let him forget about you. Constantly flash before his eyes;
  8. Give him small gift. Looking at him, he will remember you more often;
  9. Always wear perfume before meeting him. Men are good at remembering pleasant smells. If possible, spread a few drops on his clothes, at home or in the car;
  10. Stay out of reach, the hunter's instinct will stir his subconscious.

You can not be persistent and tedious with him. Guys often try to avoid such girls.

How to make a guy run after you: psychology

Psychologists say that in order for a guy to pay attention and start courting, it’s not enough to have a pleasant appearance and good manners, you need to become the girl he always dreamed of.

Thanks to modern technologies and the development of ways to transmit information, this task becomes simple.

  • Don't rush to meet. First, find a profile in social network and carefully study its page. Check out the photos and notes, you may be able to find out about his interests. Study them for yourself and you will have common topics for conversation;
  • See what girls he rates, who he has in friends and in photos. So you can find out what type he likes. It remains to slightly correct your appearance;
  • If the guy noticed you, then start intriguing him. Cancel a date a few minutes before it happens, sometimes stop answering incoming calls and texts. He will be in a state of tension and he will want to "tame" you;
  • Do not always agree to a date when it is convenient for him, do not rush to meet him. He must think that you have other plans;
  • You should not meet and communicate too often, 2-5 times a week is enough for him to miss you.

A man will only run after the girl who will intrigue him. It is recommended to carefully observe his behavior, whether he shows reciprocal sympathy. If this is not the case, then he does not notice you or he is not interested in you.

How to get a guy to text first?

Girls are constantly waiting for signs of attention. They can check the page on a social network around the clock, look at the phone screen, in the hope that a loved one will call or write.

But why torture yourself if you can push him to this action?

  • If you are waiting for messages from him on a social network, then try to always be in his sight. Actively communicate on the forums where he is present, discuss posts from his wall, comment on videos, rate photos, and so on. Provoke him to communicate;
  • Show him what you have similar interests. For example, he likes the compositions of a certain artist - share his new tracks with him, then you will start a dialogue;
  • If you want him to always write to you first, then be interesting in communication. Never complain about men, do not talk about ex-boyfriends, always be cheerful and cheerful. They love fiery girls.

Make sure he really has your coordinates. Perhaps he does not write or call, because doesn't know how to contact you .

How to get a guy to text first: conspiracy

Exists magical rite, which can make a guy remember you and write. On a full moon, you need to stand facing the east and say:

“Servant of God (name of the guy), respond to my request. Open your heart and your soul to me, rather remember me. Call me, write to me, your servant of God (your name). Wish to think of me, wish to speak to me, wish to see me. May it be so ".

This plot can be repeated several times. He will gain the greatest power if, when pronouncing it, you hold in your hands a photograph of your betrothed and a church candle.

How to make him call with the power of thought?

Are you sitting in front of the phone screen and waiting for his call? The situation is widespread and familiar to everyone. You can speed up this process and force him to dial the number with the power of thought.

  1. Concentrate carefully and imagine the image of your man to the smallest detail (height, facial features, clothing details);
  2. Put your phone in front of you and make sure that your number is displayed on its screen;
  3. Imagine that your lover comes to the phone and dials your number, concentrate as much as possible on your thoughts.

At the same second, the man will have an irresistible desire to call you. Two conditions are required: he must be familiar to you and know exactly your coordinates.

How to make a guy jealous?

Jealousy is an unpleasant feeling, but it has a positive effect on relationships. It can push a man to take a step forward and start paying attention to a girl. Jealousy can be caused in several ways:

  • Flirt in front of his eyes with individuals of the opposite sex;
  • Be the center of attention and have fun, behave so that you are noticed;
  • Sometimes don't answer phone calls and sms;
  • Periodically stay late from school or work;
  • Always look like you're getting ready for a date.

If the question of how to make a guy run after you is tormenting, then it's time for you to change your behavior. Be more bright, active and interesting, then men will start to notice you.

: fall in love with a guy

In this video, psychologist Ekaterina Zhmurova will tell you how you can make a guy run after you and constantly think about you: - portal of answers to Internet questions

More information

If you are puzzled by how to make a man run after you then this article is exactly for you. From it you will know why you should not cling to a man if your goal long term relationship and not a one night stand. And also about how to build relationships

“I never keep anyone, because the one who loves will still remain, and the one who does not love will still leave.”

First and main secret how to make a man run after you, especially on initial stage- you need to behave with a man that you like very much the way you behave with those men that you do not like.

What usually happens when a woman meets a guy she likes very much? She turns into a trouble-free fool who agrees to everything, moreover, at any moment. “What are you, I’ll come myself, you don’t need to pick me up! Don't pay for me, I'll pay for myself!" etc. rave.

That is, you are ready for anything, if only he would pay attention to you, if only to be with him, if only to spend as much time with him as possible.

And how do we behave with those men that we do not like? We do not always respond to their messages, often we simply ignore them, sometimes we are cold with them, etc. ... That is, we don’t care whether we succeed with him or not.

This is the main secret of how to make a man run after you.

When you don't care, then he doesn't care anymore. He wants to get your attention he wants to be with you.

When you like a man, you are afraid of losing him. When you are afraid of losing a man, there is a very high probability that you will lose him.

When you are afraid of losing a man, you start to wind yourself up, you start to think, fantasize, and in every possible way try to keep his attention, attract him, somehow interest him.

In general, in the eyes of a man, all this looks like some kind of clowning when you do such actions: how to write an SMS first, call, etc. show your strong interest in him.

And this immediately discourages a man's desire to communicate with such an obsessive person.

Why is this happening? Because a man is a hunter, he needs to get, to achieve. And if a woman herself begins to seek a man, by this she sharply reduces his interest in her.

So remember: a man should always take the initiative.

It is impossible to write SMS first, it is absolutely impossible to call first. The woman who calls first, in the eyes of men, is not a woman at all.

SMS was invented for a woman. Even if he does not write to you for two or three days, do not write, do not call to find out if everything is fine with him, if he is ill, etc.

How to make a man fall in love with you forever

Therefore, in order not to sit and wait for his call, you should have a lot of your own affairs and worries. And not only a man is your only concern. When you sit at home and only think about him. This is the first moment.

That is, you should not build your whole life only around relationships, or only around one man. A man should occupy in your life somewhere 1/5 of 1/8 of your life.

The next moment, in order not to sit and not wait, you need to crash into his memory so that he thinks about you around the clock. So that he goes to bed thinking about you, so that he wakes up - thinking about you, at work - thinking about you, thinking about you everywhere - in the car, in the store, and on business meeting too.

And then he himself will be the first: and write to you, and call, and fill you with gifts, attention.

To make it so, you need to work on yourself, on your femininity, and not on how to keep it.

You need to be mysterious, you need to be such that you want to see you again, that you want to unravel you, that you want to talk with you, find out everything about you. To be interesting, alluring, so that he blows his mind from you.

What a woman shouldn't do for a man

And how does a woman usually behave when she likes a man? She is like an open book, she agrees to everything, even if she immediately moves in with a man the very next day to cook borscht for him.

And that's how most women behave. “Ah, you are the limit of my dreams!” - forgetting about honor, self-respect. Instead of showing: “You are not alone, I choose about ten like you.”

And then the man understands: “Yes, in principle, I have already achieved it, won it, I’m going to win a new one. She's too easy for me - three dates and she's already in my bunk."

So, so that this does not happen to you, this article is written. It’s better, of course, to re-read it again in order to remember exactly how to make a man run after you, and why you shouldn’t cling to a man,

We remind you that the site wrote about how men manipulate women

Many girls dream of a guy running after them. It is unlikely that such a desire can be called reasonable, but it is always very difficult to cope with it. Therefore, many young people use various magical means to attract the attention of a guy. But even experienced magicians do not recommend doing this, because it is very dangerous. There are many other ways in life that will allow you to attract attention and at the same time can not cause harm.

First of all, if you like a guy, you need to try to understand what he likes in girls. In addition, you should get information about his hobbies, food preferences, clothing style. And then you should become the one and only in his life in accordance with his requirements and taste preferences. You need to make the guy become interested in yourself and fall in love with yourself. But at the same time, it is important that all actions are natural and not look feigned.

In practice, it has been proven that most guys like girls who:

  • In appearance they look accessible, but at the same time it is not always easy to achieve their location;
  • They can agree, but at the same time not let it go;
  • They look mysterious even after long communication.

In no case should you be intrusive when communicating with a man. You should know that guys are different in that, having met a girl, they never plan a future relationship. Most of them live for today, so any obsession can kill relationships and alienate the person they like forever. It is important to understand that the desire to be with a girl develops gradually, so patience and time are needed.


Only if it was not possible to make the guy run after you using everyday methods, you can resort to a conspiracy. Before that, you should decide whether you really need this guy and whether you are ready to maintain a long-term relationship with him.

But in any case, in order to make a guy run after you, you need to use only conspiracies related to white magic. Their action, as a rule, is removed after a certain time, which is quite enough to finally determine the feelings and understand the relationship.

Getting a guy's attention

One of the most famous conspiracies white magic to attract a guy's attention is a ritual performed on a drink. To do this, take any soft drink and warm it up a bit.

After that, you need to say the following words to him:

“Oh, my Lord Jesus Christ, help the Servant of God ( given name).
Give me, God, the strength to inspire strong love and bind the Servant of God to me, (name of the chosen one).
Make it so that he cannot eat or drink without me, the Servant of God, (proper name).
So that he could not live and sleep without me day or night. Amen".

The drink should be given to the chosen one to drink for any reason. Remember that the success of the conspiracy depends entirely on your faith and sincerity.

To enhance the feelings of the chosen one

A conspiracy is very effective, aimed at strengthening the feelings of the guy you are dating. This will make him run after you, and who knows, maybe soon your relationship will move to a more high level. This rite has the greatest power during the full moon or during the period of the rising moon.

For the ritual, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Church candle;
  • White sheet of paper;
  • Pencil or pen.

The ceremony should be performed at midnight in a secluded place. In a separate room, you need to sit down at the table, place a candle in front of you and light it. After that, you should take a pen and write on a sheet full name beloved and his date of birth.

After that, focus on the image of the chosen one and try to imagine a variety of scenes with him, for example, romantic dinner or the moment when your chosen one gives you flowers. You can also remember the first dates with your loved one, which, as a rule, are filled with special tenderness.

When you feel that you are ready to utter a magical conspiracy, you need to set fire to the leaf from the flame of a candle.

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) read a magic spell on the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one). To yearn and miss me, so that he would not see his life without me! I bring on him a strong longing, a sad sadness! Let him walk around and around me, let him please me only, let him see happiness with me only! Amen!"

The ashes must be carefully collected and scattered to the wind through an open window with the words:

"My words will reach the goal, everything that I said, everything will come true."

After that, you need to sit and wait until the candle burns out naturally. Wax from it must be collected and hidden in a secret place. It is very important not to tell anyone that you did the ceremony, otherwise you may invite the wrath of higher powers on yourself.

With the use of silver

In order to make a guy run after you literally after the first meeting, you need to perform a ceremony using silver.

In the ritual you will need to use:

  • A small silver spoon;
  • Holy water, but it can be replaced with water from a spring or well;
  • Glass cup.

The ceremony must be performed after sunset in an empty room. Pour water into a glass and lower a silver spoon into it. After that, you need to focus on the image of your beloved guy.

Then say such a magical conspiracy:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) love the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), and I want to see him next to me. So that you miss and yearn only for me alone. White metal and natural water will help me in my business. You, my beloved, will follow me on my heels and will think of me every minute. I will see you in your dreams. I call for help to the powers of heaven. I repent and submit. Amen!"

After that, a glass of water and a spoon should be left in the same position until the morning. The next day, water should be quietly thrown out in the place where your loved one steps over it. A spoon with a glass must be hidden in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

The pie will make me sad

Spend strong rite, aimed at making a guy run after him, you can use a special longing pie. At the same time, you can bake any cake that your boyfriend will like. For a pie, you need to speak flour. To do this, take a sieve and ground cinnamon.

Flour must be sifted through a sieve with the words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), sow flour, sift, to my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) for longing. Let him eat my favorite pie and yearn for me, the food is delicious, cooked by my hands, let his blood excite. So that he would never be embarrassed by someone else's beauty and other people's bodies. Let my dear only strive for me, and for this I sprinkle cinnamon. Amen".

When the word "cinnamon" is pronounced, a little cinnamon should be added to the flour. From the charmed flour, you should bake a cake and treat it to your chosen one.

Ancient conspiracy

At all times, girls sought to use magic to make a guy run after them. Therefore, many conspiracies have come down to us since ancient times. As a rule, they are not difficult to perform, but it is very important to put your soul into every word and believe in success.

magic words old conspiracy sound like this:

“I will go out, the Servant of God, (proper name), in White light and I know there is no one more beautiful than me in the whole world. I will go wide open field, there I will see seventy-seven stone ovens. On them lie fiery and hot cakes, which consist of oohs, sighs, love turmoil, night and day experiences, and languor of spiritual and heart impatience. I urge you, get up and go to the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), push him to me, and when he comes, I will charm and lure him. Let him not forget about me and always his soul overflows with longing. This will happen now and forever. Amen".

Such a conspiracy must be pronounced in the early morning, looking to the east. The conspiracy will work only if you sincerely love your chosen one.

Complete collection and description: for a man to run after you, a prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

When a girl is seriously interested in a man, she wants to do everything to win him over, arouse his keen interest and desire to develop and deepen relationships. But it is far from always easy, so many girls are worried about how to make a man think about himself and captivate his thoughts once and for all. Exists different ways, therefore, in search of your happiness, it is worth trying them - at least one will surely work and the man will start thinking about you all the time. And regular thoughts about a girl are the first step towards a serious development of relationships and a close rapprochement of a couple.

What should a girl be like so that a man thinks only of her

real girl in the eyes different men may be very different from their point of view. Some like strong-willed and strong girls who are able to stand up for themselves and do extraordinary things, but other men are attracted to gentle and timid representatives fair half humanity, who need constant care and guardianship. It all depends on the nature of the man himself, his vital needs and even past relationships, because a man can subconsciously compare his object of adoration with the girl who was before. But still, there are several character traits and behavior of a girl that will make a man think only about her alone:

Mysteriousness. Men are attracted to girls, in whom there is always something mysterious and unattainable, even after many years of relationship. They need to regularly feel like earners and conquerors, constantly conquer the girl and discover something new in her. Therefore, never open all the cards to your man, leave him the opportunity to think about what is hidden in your soul this time. You can leave hidden your habits, character traits, some of your dreams - let the man try to unravel them on his own.

Optimism. Of course, men are always ready to help and support their girlfriend when she feels bad and she does not believe in good things. But constant feeling despondency from a girl will quickly tire a young man, because it will not be pleasant to spend days and nights with such a girl, she will always be in a bad mood. A man wants to see his soul mate radiant with happiness, cheerful and optimistic. In addition, such a girl, if necessary, will be able to support her man, which is also important.

Care. Any man needs a caring girl nearby, in whom he can see a potential spouse and mother of his future children. Therefore, expressing sincere concern for a young man, you can make him think about you very often, because without your manifestation of feelings, he will very quickly begin to feel lonely. At the same time, care is well expressed even in small things: fixing his scarf, listening to problems at work, showing attention to his family or pet. AND required condition- care should be natural and sincere, since men very well distinguish it from a false manifestation of care.

Appearance. Of course, the appearance of the girl is also important. Pretty haircut, neat clothes, proud posture and confident gait - all this attracts men like a magnet, they really like ladies who are confident in their attractiveness. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your appearance in order to please not only yourself, but also the man who cares about you. It doesn't mean you have to buy expensive clothes and Jewelry- a man will appreciate a simple, but nice clothes, which sits well on your figure and emphasizes all the advantages.

Ways to make you think

To charm a man and captivate his thoughts - such an idea at least once occurred to every girl who is not indifferent to a young man. There are different ways to captivate the thoughts of a man, they will differ depending on whether you met recently, or have known each other for a long time and communicate as friends. The differences are listed below, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Conquer a young man if you just met

If you know each other recently, but this man has already definitely attracted your attention, you can conquer his thoughts with the three points listed above - mystery, care and optimism. In addition, do not forget that men love with their eyes, so you should always look well-groomed and beautiful. You should not resort to open neckline and too short skirts, they rather awaken in a man thoughts about intimacy, but not about the development of your relationship and the desire to get you as a girlfriend. Good as a way to charm and feel mild jealousy- flirting with others or leaving a date for some reason will surely make a man worry if you have some other man who claims your hand and heart. This will spur the man to constantly think about you and take action in your regard.

Charm a guy if you've known each other for a long time, but communicate in a friendly way

But if you have been talking for a long time and everyone around you considers you friends, here it will be more difficult to captivate the thoughts of a man. First you need to get rid of the status of friends - for this you can slightly limit your time together, let the man know that you are simply not interested in friendly evenings. You can often start talking with him about what you dream about strong relationship and a reliable man nearby. Then you need to gradually use methods that will help make a man think about you and miss you, while showing him that this man is interesting to you precisely as a second half, and not as a friend. It is worth making clear hints that you would like more in your communication, you can even try to invite him on a date with a hint. If you are not one of the timid, then you should talk frankly with a man and tell him about your warm feelings that cannot be called friendship. It is worth asking a man to decide: does he want to continue your relationship as a love one, or is it better for you to stop communicating altogether, because it will be difficult to remain friends.

What you need to do to make a guy or a man miss you

In order for a young man to start missing a girl, you first need to interest him well in his own person, to hook him with something. You can also use cunning tricks that act on subconscious level. It is enough to train them for some time in a row so that in the future these ideas will work without your direct participation.

Options for women's tricks

  • Men remember scents very well, associating them with something or someone specific. Therefore, when meeting a man, always at first use the same perfume, with a well-defined aroma. The main thing is that a man likes this smell - then, left alone, a man will think about a girl every time he feels a similar aroma somewhere. You can also leave your item scented with your scent at his house so that he smells you much more often. By the way, your things, forgotten "accidentally" at his house, in any case, will be a great reminder of you.
  • Find a common hobby with your man, it can be watching every movie released in the cinema, collecting or even fishing. Any joint hobby perfectly brings together, and in the future a man will think about you every time he encounters this occupation.
  • Pleasant little things always please a man and cause the most tender feelings even if it doesn't look like romance at all. Leave nice notes in his jacket pockets with kind words, text him before going to bed or with wishes good morning. It will take just a couple of minutes, and a man will immediately have your image in front of his eyes and pleasant thoughts about you will warm his soul.

If you want a guy to think about you constantly and miss you, then a few simple ones will come to the rescue. psychological advice. First of all, you need to create for the guy the image of an interesting interlocutor - men love it when a girl knows how to listen to them and support even those topics that, in principle, are not of interest to the female sex. Chat with him on different topics and do not refuse categorically: if the topic is completely uninteresting, you can listen to the man, show your interest in at least a couple of sentences and then carefully translate the topic. In the future, when a man remains at least a day without such interesting and productive communication, he will involuntarily begin to miss you as an interesting companion with whom you can share any moments.

Another great way to make you bored is to be inaccessible to a guy. Men love to be conquerors, they don't want easy prey. Therefore, sometimes slip away from him, make him worry. You can sometimes refuse a meeting, citing business, or sneak out of a party in its midst. Then the man will puzzle over why you left, will look for new reasons to meet - and the more effort he spends on conquering the girl, the more he will eventually love and appreciate her, missing her every day.

Don't forget about this little trick like a feeling of jealousy. Do not show a man that you are entirely in his power, give him reasons to be jealous of those around you. Do not openly flirt with another or openly correspond with ex-boyfriend, it may cause too backlash. But it’s quite possible to joke nicely in response to flirting from another man and behave a little secretly. Jealous, a man will constantly think and miss you, because he will be haunted by a sense of anxiety for your relationship. In addition, jealousy allows him to feel like a getter and conqueror - after all, he enters into a real struggle for your heart while fighting against other opponents.

Magical conspiracies that will make you miss and yearn when you are not around

When simple female tricks give a weak or inconsistent effect, but you want to make a young man really miss and miss you a lot while you are not around, you can resort to the power of magical conspiracies. It is important to use only white magic, harmless - black conspiracies can harm a person, and if they are carried out by a person who is poorly versed in this, then you can completely harm yourself by mistake. white magic is based on the connection of a person with some object that has energy. As a rule, love conspiracies are carried out on the personal belongings of a loved one, or on common objects with strong energy- mirror, scissors, etc.

It's good if you have a photograph of a loved one or some object belonging to him (a book, a watch, a handkerchief - whatever). In this case, you can go out with this object in your hands on the street at exactly noon.

In this case, the object should be firmly pressed to the heart.

If there is no object from a young man, then a conspiracy with an ordinary mirror is well suited. To do this, you need to take a mirror and write the name of the guy on it with lipstick or a marker.

Then before going to bed you need to repeat three times:

The mirror must then be placed face down under the pillow in order for the magical effect to work in full. After one of these conspiracies, a man will soon begin to think about you every time you are not around. He will be drawn to see each other for no reason and spend time together, because without this he will feel bad and he will begin to suffer.

TO magic conspiracies it is better to resort to extreme cases, when no other methods work anymore. Although if a man is indifferent to your beauty, care, optimism and, in principle, does not strive to be close, it is worth considering whether it would be better to turn your attention to other men who stealthily dream of you and try to win your heart.

How to make a man miss you very much?

There are many situations when you want to draw the attention of a man to your person, and make you think about you from a distance. For example, a colleague he likes does not want to make close contact, or does not accept other relationships at all, except for workers.

It happens that feelings have cooled legal spouse, and now he does not spend evenings with his beloved woman, but prefers the company of friends in a bar nearby. Or a loved one goes on a business trip, and is overcome with excitement, but will his love stand the test of time, will he be interested in other girls, close and accessible?

Psychological ways

The best way out, in order not to be tormented by unsolvable questions, wasting nerves, is the solution push or even make a man think about you, preferably throughout the time that he is apart.

It remains only to decide how to do it most effectively, as they say, once and for all.

The means by which you can influence the subconscious of the desired object are divided into two types: psychological and magical. The first are based on provoking a man to the desired reaction through a certain behavior, for example:

  • always, in any situation, especially in the presence of other girls, look great so that he sees that you are really the best, and in separation from longing, he remembers and thinks about you
  • create a cozy and friendly atmosphere at home so that he strives to return to the mistress, knowing that he will be fed, warmed, relaxed and listened to
  • keep your perfume in the bedroom, and sprinkle them on his clothes so that the man has pleasant associations
  • at separation rejoice in the morning pleasant messages with a wish good day, with the aim of reminding yourself and giving pleasant emotions
  • surround a man with warmth and care and then show indifference so that he understands that he lacks your attention
  • But often with psychological tricks fail to achieve desired result, or the process seems to be taking too long. Then comes to the rescue magic - it helps to fully achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

    One of the most strong conspiracies, acting almost instantly, is wind conspiracy.

    After pointing it in the next few hours, you can wait for an invitation to a date or another manifestation of the activity of the charmed guy.

    To speak to a loved one, you need to open the windows and create a draft, and then read the magic text:

    "On the island of Buyan strong wind walks. Day and night he grinds stones. Go wind to my beloved, stream his heart, catching up with melancholy. Let the heart of the servant of God (name) cry, sob. His longing for me (name), waiting and waiting for a meeting with me. Beloved could neither live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat. Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk, so would he (name of a loved one), without me (proper name). I could not live, neither be, nor drink, nor eat, neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor in the day with the sun, nor in the night with the moon. Amen, amen, amen."

    Another effective conspiracy, designed for a long time is spell on apple.

    For its execution, you need to take fresh, ripe, beautiful apple to your appearance it reflected your feelings for your beloved to the maximum, and it was just as beautiful. Above it you need to pronounce the text:

    “As the apple dries, so the servant of God (name) will be bored!”

    And after that, put it in the sun, for example, on a balcony, so that it dries. As it dries up, the charmed person will become more and more bored.

    The strongest conspiracy on a photograph or any other personal thing of a loved one, so that a man is very bored:

    “I will go out, God's servant (my name), into the light - there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I will go to a clean field, a wide expanse, I will find 77 stone ovens there. On the stones of those cakes are fiery, oohs and sighs, love commotion. 77 ohs, 77 sighs, ahs and suffering, day and night experiences, impatience and love yearning. Get up and go, look for God's servant (dear name), drag him to me, God's servant (your name), lead. I will fill him up, I will lure him in, I will take him into constriction. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist and mix, throw yourself at his liver and heart. Let him think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He misses and yearns, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitterly when he sees - he does not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"