Oily hair: causes and treatment. What to do if hair becomes oily at the roots very quickly

Hello my dear readers!

Then I was a student and I always had good hair: thick, strong, almost did not fall out, gave in well to styling. I didn't have any hairstyles: short haircuts, braids, curls.

And then at one point the first problems with my hair began.

Oily hair -How to get rid of oily hair?

Dandruff first appeared, then the hair turned, and eventually turned into lifeless long tows, which quickly became oily, creating an unkempt look.

Of course, I could not ignore all this and began an intense struggle for my hair.

I tried medicinal shampoos for dandruff (nizoral, friderm), used various decoctions (birch leaves, nettle), henna.

As a result, the dandruff disappeared thanks to, but all the other hair problems did not go away.

To the touch, after shampooing, the hair was dry and lifeless, the next day it turned into oily. Not only that, the scalp was inflamed and seemed to be crusting over.

I bought various shampoos for oily hair, but there was no effect.

And having collected them in a lifeless tail, I came to the hairdresser's salon.

The right people appear in our life when we need it most!

It was there that I met a professional in the field of hairdressing, who taught me the right hair care for my whole life, opened my eyes to my problems and suggested methods of dealing with them.

The specialist told me that all my troubles lie in my scalp.

I so "healed" her with the wrong care and oversaturated her with various means that I turned her into a sick hypersensitive dry crust.
All she does is secrete sebum to soften it. And the first thing I need to do is to normalize the scalp, that is, to begin with, choose a shampoo that solves this problem.

Why does hair get oily?

If the hair quickly becomes oily, the reason is the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are located in the hair follicles under the scalp.

The sebum they produce easily spreads along their entire length and turns them into unpleasant tows.

Reasons - why does hair get oily?

There are several reasons. The most background ones lie in diseases and disorders of various metabolic processes in the body (gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal disorders, diet, stress, rarely heredity).

In this case, you need to eliminate the cause that causes increased sebum secretion and only a specialist can help with this.

But, if you have a healthy intestinal microflora, there are no thyroid diseases, your hormones are not naughty, and you eat healthy food well and fully, then all your problems with increased hair grease lie in your improper care of them.

The simplest reason is that you wash your hair incorrectly.

Remember that the hair must be washed at least twice, that is, soaped, washed. Soaped again and rinsed again. At the same time, actively rubbing the shampoo into the hair skin, massaging the hair.

Hair rinsing is very important !!!

Rinse and rinse your hair so that it creaks, rinse thoroughly so that all residual detergent is washed out of the scalp and does not settle on it.

Water temperature

Wash your hair with warm, but not hot, water.

If you do everything this way, but it does not help, the hair still quickly becomes oily, then the next thing you should do is to throw out all your hair detergents, because 90% is in them!

Remember that 90% of oily hair is caused by improper care and cosmetics that do not match your hair and scalp type.

But, throwing everything away, do not rush to run and buy simple household shampoos for oily hair.

They will not help, but will only more thoroughly wash away dirt and grease from the hair. It also makes no sense to buy anti-dandruff shampoo.

What to do if your hair is oily?

Go to a professional cosmetics shop (ideally, if there is a trichologist there).

These shampoos regulate sebum secretion, revitalize your scalp and provide an effect that conventional products cannot.

Please do not experiment at this stage with folk methods (masks, infusions), you will only make yourself worse.

For a visual comparison, imagine that you are planting small bulbs in diseased soil that does not provide them with proper nutrition, does not promote growth ...

Instead of nourishing and healing the soil itself, you are constantly watering it with onion enhancers. Do you think you will grow healthy onions? I think the answer is obvious. Trust me, this is very important !!!

Continuing to rape your hair with various masks and other means that are ineffective at this moment, you will only waste your time and kill your hair to the end.

For my problems, they recommended this shampoo - a professional healing shampoo from Redken, which relieves irritation from sensitive, stressed scalp using the Sclap Relief Suting Balens healing system in combination with eucalyptus and licorice extracts.

After a week of use, I noticed a difference, and then completely switched to an ordinary shampoo.

But also professional, organic, completely natural and specially selected for my hair type. (I wrote how to choose a shampoo)

Today I can easily wash my hair 2 times a week, take care of it with the help of various s, and the increased oily scalp no longer bothers me.

Of course, everything is individual, I just described my experience, which, perhaps, will benefit someone. Specifically, in my situation, only this helped!

If you know something more effective, some folk remedy or any other effective method, be sure to share your advice.

Alena Yasneva was with you, I wish you all beautiful hair and I hope that my information will be useful to you!

Everyone knows the phrase “oily hair”. Many people have encountered this problem personally. But, unfortunately, few people know about the real reasons for this physiological feature. If the hair on the head quickly turns oily, what to do? This is what we will try to find out.

A little biology lesson

Each hair on our head has a root covered with a layer of epithelium and connective tissue. In the area of ​​transition from the root to the shaft, a hair funnel is formed. There from the root follicle the ducts of the sebaceous glands come out. They secrete a fat-like substance consisting of protein fractions, cholesterol, wax ester, a complex of fatty acids, squalene and triglycerides. This mixture, covering the hair, moisturizes it and becomes a protective barrier that suppresses pathogenic microflora. Steroid hormones - androgens - control the normal functioning of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The strongest activating effect on sebum production is exerted by testosterone and especially its derivative, dehydrotestosterone. The hormone estrogen inhibits the activity of these glands.

Don't provoke hormones

What to do if hair grows oily quickly? Now it is clear that the problem of interest to us has a specific name - hormonal imbalance. If you do not have serious endocrine disorders, most likely the following factors are "to blame" for the disruption of the sebaceous glands:

  • chronic overwork and stress;
  • puberty;
  • bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • infectious diseases of mild and moderate severity;
  • life in conditions of poor ecology and harsh climate;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • poor sleep;
  • overeating, unbalanced diet (a lot of spicy, salty and fatty).

If the hair turns oily and falls out quickly, what to do? Try to change your lifestyle. Use sound advice from trusted sources. Traditional medicine recipes will help you restore the health and beauty of your hair on your own.

If there are other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to go through a complete examination. This will prevent the development of dangerous diseases that can be disguised in the early stages as mild hormonal disorders. And only then can you start the wellness procedures according to the "grandmother's" recipes.

Varieties of alternative therapy

Hair began to grow greasy quickly, what should I do? In order to independently achieve noticeable results in returning the hair to its former freshness, you need to connect the entire arsenal of our capabilities. Let's turn to traditional medicine, remember the most interesting recipes and tips.

In the good old days, when there were no cosmetic corporations, our ancestors knew a lot of plants used to treat and simply wash problem hair. Time-tested for the effectiveness of the drug and today for many are a "lifesaver".


Dried flowers of mallow, coltsfoot, chamomile, linden, calendula, young leaves of nettle and plantain were used in the recipes of infusions for the treatment of increased fat content of hair. The mixtures were combined or alternated separately.

Dried medicinal herbs - four tablespoons spoons - poured with hot water and boiled for 15 minutes, put in a warm place for 45 minutes. Strained, then moistened the head and hair to the very ends. Dried naturally and did not rinse. Used no more than twice a week.


If the hair turns oily quickly, what to do? At home, burdock root is used everywhere. A one-year-old plant dug up in the fall is dried and crushed. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with hot water and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. Let it brew well for about an hour. Drain the ready-made broth and treat the hair roots with it. It is also used to rinse the head after washing.

The same technology is used to make and use decoctions of badan rhizomes, calamus and oak bark. The number of procedures is not limited.


Hair grows oily very quickly. What to do? The general rule for all recipes is to apply the ingredients to moist, but not washed hair. First, with light movements, you need to rub the mixture into the scalp, then distribute it in a thin layer through the hair. You can alternate between different masks, applying them every time the opportunity arises.

Effectively normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the mask from:

  • low-fat homemade yogurt;
  • two tbsp. l. water, half tsp. camphor oil and egg yolk;
  • two tbsp. l. alcohol and juice of half a lemon;
  • three tbsp. l. blue clay, Art. l. burdock oil and one yolk;
  • two tbsp. l. kefir and the same amount of mustard powder;
  • two tbsp. l. warm water, two sachets of dry yeast, 10 g each and egg white.

Any of these hair masks should be kept for 20 minutes. Then rinse and rinse your head with warm water acidified with vinegar, use shampoo if necessary.

All herbal recipes are affordable, simple and healthy. Biologically active ingredients from mask recipes do not cause allergic reactions, strengthen roots, stimulate scalp and prevent dandruff formation. Hair stays clean for much longer, looks healthy and well-groomed.

Scalp massage

Hair grows oily at the roots very quickly. What to do? Let's not forget these simple and useful procedures. Everyone is well aware of the ancient ritual of prolonged combing of hair before bedtime. It is better to do this with a massage brush or a wooden comb. Carefully and slowly, strand by strand. This increases blood circulation in the root area. Sebaceous secretions that have collected in the hair funnel are mechanically removed by combing. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Shampoo matters

What to do if hair grows oily quickly? Some cosmetologists advise using only baby shampoo, regardless of hair type. It contains less aggressive, highly foaming PA compounds that ruthlessly wash away the necessary fatty film from the scalp. This stimulates the sebaceous glands, restores the protective function.

Get in the habit of asking for a Certificate of Excellence when purchasing any cosmetics or personal care product. So you will hedge against counterfeits hazardous to health.

There is a way to determine the presence of certain impurities in the shampoo. Dissolve a small amount in a glass of water. If a precipitate has formed with adhering flakes of white blooming, it means that the shampoo contains silicone and mineral oil. They are added to create an elastic microfilm on the surface of the hair to protect it from drying out. But in fact, we have a factor that disrupts metabolic processes and natural ventilation of the scalp.

Pharmacy chains have on sale special harmless shampoos that foam slightly and do not have perfume fragrances.

In an emergency, you can use a degreasing dry shampoo. Often it cannot be used. It is applied to the root zone, spread over the entire head with massage movements, and then combed out. If this "powder" is not washed off periodically, then the blockage of the sebaceous glands is guaranteed to you.

Hygiene features for quickly oily hair

What to do if hair grows oily quickly? Don't be afraid to wash your hair often. Dermatologists have long challenged the stereotype that this will make the sebaceous glands even more active. The frequency of shampooing depends on your desire and the condition of your hair. If the pollution occurs very intensively, a comfortable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora is created. This can cause various inflammations and seborrhea.

Use soft, boiled or filtered water, with which the detergent will not react chemically. Modern shampoos for daily use are delicate in relation to hair, have a neutral acid-base balance and do not contain allergens.

Do not pour concentrated shampoo directly onto your hair. Foam it in a small container of water and add a drop of your favorite essential oil (cedarwood, grapefruit, lemon). This will give your hair a shine and delicate scent. Add two tablespoons of vinegar or a glass of decoction of medicinal herbs and roots to a three-liter jar of water. Use this rinse solution all the time.

Do not wash your hair with too hot water, the acceptable temperature is about 40 degrees. You can use contrasting baths. Pour water of different temperature into two basins, add a decoction of medicinal herbs and dip your hair alternately in them. Finish with cool water. This will strengthen the circulatory system in the areas of the skin adjacent to the problematic sebaceous glands.

Remember - your health is in your hands.

For millions of people, hair that is prone to oily content is a real problem that takes a lot of energy, time and nerves. Sometimes only in the morning, washed, shiny curls by the evening look untidy and spoil the appearance. This is, of course, one of the most difficult cases. Many people have oily hair 2-3 days after washing, but you must admit that this is also annoying. The article will look "into the roots" of rapidly growing fatty strands and will help you with tips on how to make life easier for your hair and yourself.

Despite the different styling tricks (styling) and daily thorough washing, does your hair quickly become oily and cast a shadow on its excellent appearance? By the way, this is not only a woman's problem. The risk group includes the elderly, adolescents, and overweight people.

Oily hair is a normal natural process. The scalp contains sebaceous glands that produce sebum. It is designed to protect hair and scalp, nourish, keep them from drying out and brittle. Hair quickly turns oily if too much sebum is produced. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Genetic predisposition. The number of sebaceous glands and their activity are hereditary. If the closest relatives have complaints about rapidly oily hair, then it is impossible to drastically reduce the amount of sebum. However, the use of modern cosmetic products in combination with home remedies, a healthy nutritional balance, and adherence to hair care rules will significantly improve the appearance and condition of the scalp.
  • Unbalanced diet ... Excessive consumption of fast food, carbonated drinks, smoked products, semi-finished products, sweets, white bread, alcohol activates the sebaceous glands. You have to stick with it. It is recommended to consume more fiber (vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains, cereals). If possible, prepare homemade meals, introduce sour milk products, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and legumes into the diet. If necessary, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist who will help you choose vitamin complexes.

  • Fluctuations in hormone levels. Rapidly oily hair is observed in adolescents, women who take hormonal contraceptives or are in menopause. The release of hormones (specifically testosterone and adrenaline) is the culprit for oily hair in stressful situations. Hair condition may also worsen temporarily after taking antibiotics.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis Is a disease in which there is an increased production of sebum and a change in its composition. It can be caused by dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, cerebral vessels, endocrine system, as well as the development and activity of yeast fungi. Seborrheic dermatitis is also congenital.
  • . Washing hair with too hot water, improperly selected care products, excessive use of styling products. Prolonged wearing of hats made of synthetic fabrics provokes increased production of sebum.

Solving the difficulties with quickly oily hair "by the pike's command" will not work. If your hair becomes oily within one day, and at the same time you are not subject to constant stress and eat right, then you should contact a dermatologist. He may prescribe medications, such as a carboxylic acid form of vitamin A, also known as all-trans retinoic acid, or ATRA, to regulate sebum production. In cases that do not require medical attention, the advice of an experienced beautician, hairdresser or stylist, together with the right hair care products, will help solve the problem. Train yourself to take proper care of your hair and scalp, establish a few new habits, and in a relatively short period of time you can enjoy the result.

Hair wash... Prefer shampoos designed specifically for oily hair. They contain extracts of algae, nettle, rosemary, hops, horsetail, coltsfoot, sage, mint, string, which help restore the balance of sebum production and soothe the scalp. Healing tar shampoos have also worked well. It is worth giving up shampoos and conditioners with silicones, proteins, lipid complexes, various oils: they make the strands heavier, give them an even more untidy look. Choose a shampoo with a clear gel consistency, not creamy. If you have natural hair color, you can buy a lightening shampoo - it helps to reduce the oiliness of your scalp, but is not suitable for colored hair. Use a trick: mix shampoo and crushed aspirin in the palm of your hand - this will help cleanse the scalp well without affecting the color, get rid of excess sebum, and the curls will become shiny and fresh.

Washing head... The opinions of experts on this issue differ. Some people think that oily hair should be washed daily. Others, on the other hand, advise you to wash your hair less often. If the hair washed in the morning is already unkempt by the evening, then, of course, they need to be washed. But not at night, but in the morning. At night, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, so it makes sense to wash off excess sebum in the morning. If your hair becomes oily 2-3 days after washing, it is recommended to wash it every three days, but also in the morning. Shampoo must be applied and rinsed off twice. The scalp should be washed well, but not too actively massaged, because under the influence of warm water and active massage, the sebaceous glands become more active. Wash your hair with warm, but not hot, water, and for the last rinse, the water should be cool. This will help close the pores of the skin and slow down the production of sebum. Apply conditioner only along hair length and rinse thoroughly.

You can prepare an infusion: peel an apple, orange or grapefruit, pour the peel with water, bring to a boil and leave overnight. Strain in the morning, warm to a comfortable temperature and rinse hair after washing.

The herbal infusions mentioned above are also effective. For example, you can prepare an infusion from the collection: 1 tablespoon of horsetail herb, coltsfoot, mint and nettle pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist, allow to cool to a comfortable temperature and rinse your hair after washing. You can add 1-2 drops of mint, rosemary, bergamot or citrus fruits to the finished infusion.

After rinsing with acidified water or herbal infusion, wrap the curls with a towel to remove excess moisture. dry on their own, but if this is not possible, dry them with a stream of warm (not hot) air, keep the hair dryer at least 30 cm away from the scalp. Bring your head down from time to time - this way you will achieve more volume at the roots. Use a wide-toothed comb, not a brush, to brush and style your hair.

Styling products... curling irons, straighteners, gels, etc. If your hair is prone to oily, then curling or styling with varnishes, gels, mousses should be as rare as possible. You've probably noticed that after the “go out hairdo” you need to wash off the rest of the styling products along with sebum the next morning. Of course, it's worth doing a beautiful hairstyle from time to time, but if you put curls with gel and a curling iron every day, it will only aggravate the excess sebum production. Don't pull your hair too tight in a ponytail or bun. The closer the hair is pressed to the scalp, the more sebum it will absorb. Therefore, it is better to choose a volumetric styling. Remember that touching your hair with your hands during the day will inadvertently spread sebum through your hair. Try not to touch your hair with your hands.

Home masks... In the care of hair that quickly becomes oily, a variety of ingredients that are at home or theirs will help.

Every woman tries to look perfect and makes a lot of effort for this. We take care of our hair so that it is healthy and strong, but often within a day after washing the hair, the strands look dirty and sticky again. The reason lies in the excess production of sebum. A huge number of sebaceous glands are located on the scalp, they produce a secret that lubricates the hair shaft, protects it from drying out, ultraviolet radiation and other external influences. Normally, the hair becomes dirty after 3-4 days, but if there is a lot of sebum, the curls become oily after a few hours! This cannot be tolerated in any case.

Very often we ourselves provoke oily hair by frequent washing. The fact is that sebaceous oil protects the scalp from dryness. If we wash our hair every day, the skin produces even more oil to form a protective layer. That is, a vicious circle is formed - we often wash our heads to get rid of the unpleasant oily sheen, and the hair becomes even more greasy each time. It is important to understand that you need to get rid of this addiction. If you have long hair, you don't have to wear loose curls every day. On the day you washed your hair, you can walk around with your hair down. The next day, you can do the styling, braid your hair - this is very fashionable this season. As a last resort, you can only wash the bangs or front strands. There is an option to hide stale hair under a hat. That is, you need to try to increase the interval between shampooing up to 2-3 days, gradually this will help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. In this article, we will try to figure out how you can cope with excess oily curls. But first, let's find out what is the cause of this hair condition.

Why hair quickly becomes oily

Oily hair is characterized by more than sticky curls at the roots. Oily hair is more prone to dandruff, with greasy roots, dry ends are observed, in rare cases even an unpleasant odor appears. As noted, frequent shampooing is one of the most common causes of oily hair. What else can be caused by the disruption of the sebaceous glands, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Hormones. Often, the process of excess sebum secretion is activated during puberty. The changes in the body at this time are colossal - adolescents begin to sweat more actively, excessive sweat and sebum production leads to acne, the hair becomes oily and sticky.
  2. Smoking and alcohol. Alcohol and nicotine, with regular consumption, affect the condition of the blood vessels, they become more fragile, and their conductivity decreases. As a result, the cells of the scalp do not receive enough vitamins and oxygen, which leads to dysfunctions.
  3. Overweight and unhealthy diet. As you know, overweight people suffer from more active sweating, this also affects the work of the sebaceous glands. A large number of oily, spicy, fried and spicy foods lead to excess oily hair. Also, there is a lack of vitamin B in the diet, which regulates the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Stress. Everyone knows that in men, sweat glands work much more intensively. When a woman is nervous and constantly exposed to stressful situations, the body produces male hormones, which increase the production of sebum.
  5. Alcohol masks. Hair can become greasy with inadequate care. For example, many people make alcohol masks, which dry the skin a lot. Of course, the hair will get rid of grease for a while, but this will be a very short period. Alcohol dries the skin, the sebaceous glands after a while will begin to produce even more secretion, the hair will become even more oily. Therefore, it is impossible to use aggressive drying masks for alcohol for this type of hair.

Excessive secretion of sebaceous fat can be a consequence of some diseases, usually endocrine disorders. The condition of the hair is also affected by heredity - if the parents' hair quickly gets dirty and becomes oily, you will have to monitor your curls more carefully. The cause of excess grease can also be a fungal infection - seborrhea is accompanied by itching of the scalp, severe dandruff, and active work of the sebaceous glands. If you want to change the situation and get rid of excessive oily hair, you need to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner.

Often we ourselves stimulate the active production of sebaceous fat. If you want your hair to remain loose and silky for a long time, it should be properly looked after.

Do not wash your hair with hot water, it activates the sebaceous glands. Use only lukewarm or cool water for washing (but not cold!). It is advisable not to use tap water - it contains a lot of chlorine. Better to wash your hair with filtered or boiled water.

After shampooing, many people use a hair balm, but it should be applied exclusively along the length of the hair, you should not rub it into the roots and skin, even under such a slight film, the sebaceous glands work more actively.

If you have seborrhea, see your doctor. He will help you choose antifungal agents that should be used both internally and externally. They will relieve not only oily hair, but also dandruff.

During the day, try not to touch your hair with your hands - this makes it dirty and quickly becomes greasy.

In some cases, metal jewelry, combs, hairpins, upon contact with the scalp, activate the production of sebum. Try not to use metal hair accessories.

The secretion of sebum becomes especially active if you often do tight hairstyles in which the hair is under excessive tension - a ponytail, a bun, complex styling with heavy metal decorations, etc.

The use of thermal devices - hair dryer, ironing, curling iron can also lead to excess fat content. Try to find more gentle ways for styling, or set the optimal temperature on the devices so as not to burn the curls and not provoke the active work of the sebaceous glands.

In order not to wash your hair every day and look decent, you can use a special shampoo powder from time to time. It is applied to the hair roots, absorbs excess oil, and then can be removed with a comb without any problems.

Avoid shampoos that contain silicone, sulfates, parabens and other synthetic ingredients. Prefer shampoos that are specifically designed for your hair type, and should also indicate that the products are suitable for daily use. Among the effective means against oily hair can be identified products of the brands Yves Rocher, L'Etoile. All products for this type of hair restore the natural balance of the scalp, normalize the sebaceous glands, relieve itching, flaking and dandruff.

Every day you need to massage the scalp with your fingertips - this will help increase blood circulation in the tissues, saturate them with oxygen. It is very effective to peel the scalp - the scrub removes dead scales from the epidermis, this allows the skin to breathe.

Nutrition in the fight against oily hair

Hair and skin are very sensitive to the condition of our intestines. Everything we eat is reflected in our appearance. To cope with excessive oily hair, you need to give up greasy, smoked, salty, pickled, spicy and spicy foods. Try to eat right - cereals, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Choose healthy cooking methods - braising, baking, steaming. It is very important to eat more foods that contain vitamin B - buckwheat, nuts, red meat and fish, garlic, kiwi. Avoid coffee and alcohol - these drinks wash out vitamin B. Drink plenty of water - moisture will help protect curls from dryness. Try to eat right and balanced - you can improve not only the condition of your hair, but also lose a couple of extra pounds.

Homemade masks are very effective in combating increased sebum production. Use only the most effective and proven recipes.

  1. Herbal rinses. Herbs do an excellent job with the active production of sebum, relieve inflammation and soothe the scalp, relieve itching. Get in the habit of preparing a decoction before each shampooing. You can use one plant or several types of herbs for this. Chamomile relieves irritation and soothes, sage eliminates grease, mint and eucalyptus give the curls freshness and friability, nettle perfectly suppresses the appearance of dandruff. A decoction from oak bark will help to get rid of excess sebum - it contains a lot of tannins. With the prepared broth, you just need to rinse your hair after washing, do not rinse, but blot the broth with a towel.
  2. Cosmetic oil. Owners of oily hair avoid cosmetic oils, believing that it will make hair even more greasy and greasy. But this is not the case. Some oils are perfectly absorbed, do not leave greasy marks, nourish the skin so that it does not need additional lubrication, that is, does not release its own fat. These oils include coconut oil - this is an ideal remedy for oily hair, does not leave a greasy film, with proper washing, the strands do not stick together, the curls remain clean and crumbly. In addition to coconut oil, you can also use lemon oil, tea tree oil, jojoba oil, lavender oil, and rosemary oil.
  3. Kefir, lemon, protein and oat flour. This is a powerful mask for oily hair, which will give real results after the first application - hair will stay clean and fresh longer. Lemon gently dries the scalp, oatmeal absorbs excess sebum, egg white and fermented milk product normalize the sebaceous glands. Mix one protein with two tablespoons of kefir, a tablespoon of lemon juice and oatmeal so that you get a thick creamy mixture. Apply the mixture to the scalp like paint, wrap in plastic and leave it on for a couple of hours.
  4. Coffee and cognac. Mix strong coffee and quality cognac in equal proportions, rinse your hair with this composition so that the roots are thoroughly saturated. Leave the mask on for a couple of hours, then wash it off with shampoo and warm water.
  5. Cosmetic clay. It is a great ingredient for oily hair. The clay perfectly cleanses the hair, restores the water balance of the hair shaft, removes hair grease and soothes scalp irritation. There are blue, red, white and green clay on sale - each of the compositions is very useful and differs only in the amount and variety of minerals. The clay is diluted with milk or water, applied to the hair, the mask should be kept for at least an hour or until completely dry.
  6. Scrub with sea salt, honey and aloe. A scrub is an effective means for massaging the scalp, particles of coarse sea salt literally cleanse the surface of the skin from peeling and dandruff flakes. Honey is necessary in a mask for deep nourishment of the epidermis. Aloe disinfects the cleansed skin surface, prevents dandruff and inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands. Honey must be preheated in a water bath, mixed in equal proportions with aloe juice, add a little coarse sea salt. You need to use the scrub immediately, until the salt has dissolved. After an intense scalp massage, keep the mask on your hair for about an hour, then rinse it off with warm water.
  7. Fruit wipes. Fruit juices have a pronounced drying effect. Fruits with a lot of acids are especially effective - citrus fruits, apples, pineapple, strawberries. The juice of the selected fruit or berry should be rubbed into the scalp with a small sponge or cotton pad. After an orange, for example, you do not need to rinse your hair - it will not stick together, but, on the contrary, will acquire a pleasant citrus aroma.

Homemade masks do not give immediate results. Of course, small improvements can be noticeable after the first application, however, you can completely get rid of oily hair only after a course of treatment for 2-3 months. During this period, you need to do various masks 3 times a week, alternating them with each other, constantly rinsing the curls after washing your hair with herbal decoctions.

If all these activities do not help you get rid of excess fat on your own, then you should contact a trichologist, perhaps he will prescribe drug therapy or cosmetic procedures. Among them can be mesotherapy, ozone therapy, laser or liquid nitrogen therapy. Hair can and should be treated, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly!

Video: an easy way to freshen up oily hair

Our hair lives with us in a dusty urban environment, feeds on snacks and does not get enough sleep. They lack freedom and peace, fresh air and healthy food. There is no woman in the world who is ready to come to terms with their poor condition. Light fluff or greasy strands instead of thick, shiny and flowing ones, cause torment and suffering, spoil the mood and the nervous system. Oily curls interfere with creating the image of a stylish, prosperous and well-groomed woman. Know what to do if you need oily hair in order to get a modern hairstyle, long curls or a creative haircut.

Why hair turns oily

As well as the skin, it can be normal, dry and oily. The root part and the hair follicle are located in the follicle - the hair follicle. The ducts of the sebaceous glands of the skin go out into the same bag, which determines the natural oily content of the hair. Depending on the state of the body, environmental conditions and care, the hair becomes more oily or drier during life. Greasy shine and glued strands of an unhealthy and untidy look are the result of increased sebum production and changes in its chemical composition. Solving the issue, you need to understand the reason for the failure of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.


  • Improper care: very frequent or very rare shampooing, which disrupts the natural mode of the sebaceous glands, as well as excessive scratching and massage stimulating their work. The use of a large number of cosmetics: shampoos with high pH or 2 in 1, balms that do not require rinsing, and oils for hair growth and density.
  • Violation in the regime: an excess of sweet, fatty and smoked food, alcohol and coffee.
  • Avitominosis, lack of trace elements.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Hormonal shift, including as a result of taking medications and contraceptives.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands.

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What to do if your hair quickly becomes oily

How and what to wash

Oddly enough, in hair care the most controversial issue, to which there is no single answer, is the frequency of washing. This is determined by individual characteristics, the degree of fat content and external factors: humidity, temperature, ultraviolet light, water hardness, dust, etc. If you need frequent or daily washing, you should use light transparent shampoos labeled "for daily use" with extracts of medicinal plants that regulate the sebaceous glands: burdock root, rosemary, hops, birch bark, nettle or black turnip.

High water hardness plays a negative role in shampooing. In this case, it is better to use boiled water, as well as thawed or rainwater. After washing, it is recommended to rinse them in slightly acidified water with lemon juice or vinegar, as well as in a decoction of nettle, coltsfoot, horsetail, burdock root or a mixture thereof.

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How to stack

If applied, they should be distributed along the length of the hair closer to the ends, without touching the roots. Using a hair dryer, you can dry and style the curls to add extra volume to the hairstyle only with a stream of cold air, directing it against hair growth.

Oily hair does not imply frequent and prolonged combing; for it, use wooden combs with rare blunt teeth or brushes with rounded thick teeth. All items should be washed regularly with shampoo.

How to eat right

Hair consists of the protein substance carotene, containing up to 5% sulfur and 20% nitrogen. For his health, the balance of vitamins and microelements in the human body must be observed, which are involved in the processes of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, in redox reactions.

  • Lack of riboflavin (vitamin B 2, the daily norm for an adult is 2 mg), which is involved in metabolic processes, contributes to the oily hair at the roots with dry ends. Most of this vitamin is found in meat, kidneys and liver, eggs, bread, dairy products.
  • Of the microelements, zinc is very important, which regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. It is found in seafood (shellfish), peas, eggs, milk, etc.

A blood test and consultation with a trichologist will help to solve the problem and restore, if necessary, the correct balance of essential vitamins, not only with a priority diet, but also with the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes for health and hair growth.

How to get rid of oily hair with folk remedies

  1. Mask for eliminating avitominosis of hair: mix 1 yolk, 1 chopped clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon each of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice. Apply the mixture to the curls, cover them with a plastic kerchief or hat, wrap it on top with a towel or scarf. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.
  2. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, half an hour before washing, kefir or yogurt is applied to the hair, which can be made from milk by fermenting it with black bread. Another option is to make gruel from black bread and an infusion of a mixture of dried medicinal herbs. An infusion of a mixture of nettle, linden and chamomile in 1 tablespoon or 1 filter bag and 1 cup of boiling water is prepared in a thermos for 1 hour. Masks are recommended to be applied 1-2 times a week, they are washed off with shampoo and the hair is rinsed with acidified water.
  3. Compresses to make hair livelier are prepared from fresh finely chopped mint leaves, pounded with rowan berries or from fresh dandelion or plantain leaves. The mixture is applied to the curls and kept for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week (they can be alternated with each other), then washed off with plenty of warm, but not hot water.
  4. Oily hair can be washed periodically with mustard, diluting 1 tablespoon in 2 liters of hot water. To rinse very oily hair, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water to the water.
  5. To reduce greasiness, lemon juice, pharmacy tincture of calendula or a decoction of green needles of pine, spruce or fir are rubbed into the scalp (3 tablespoons are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes over low heat). The prepared broth can be used alone or mixed with ethyl alcohol 1: 1.

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Modern with smooth, glossy skin, proud posture and sleek thick hair, it attracts attention and arouses respect for the skill and work done in self-care. Having a lot of opportunities to improve your appearance, correct shortcomings, you can emphasize your advantages and benefits. Taking care of your appearance helps to overcome difficulties in different life situations and move towards victory!

What has helped you get rid of oily hair?