Diagnostics of children with mental retardation. Psychological pedagogical diagnostics of delayed children

This diagnosis is made to children, usually at school or preschool age, when the child first encounters systematic and purposeful learning. This is a type of delay in psychological development that requires correction. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the behavior of parents with a child, this disease can be completely eliminated and developmental problems overcome.

ZPR - what is it

The abbreviation stands for mental retardation, according to ICD-10 it has the number F80-F89. CRA in children is a slow theme of improving mental functions, for example, the emotional-volitional sphere, thinking, memory, information perception, memory, which leads to a lag in terms of generally accepted norms in development for a given specific age.

Pathology is detected, as a rule. in primary school or preschool age. The first manifestations of DPD appear during testing, which is carried out before entering school. Specific manifestations include a lack of knowledge, limited ideas, impaired intellectual activity, immaturity of thinking, the predominance of purely childish and playful interests. The causes of the appearance of pathology in each case are individual.

Symptoms and Signs

Children with CRD in the cognitive sphere experience minor problems, but they affect many mental processes that form the clinical picture. The manifestations of CRD in children include the following symptoms:

  1. Experts characterize the level of perception in a child with CRD as slow, there is no ability to collect a holistic image of an object. Hearing often suffers with a disease, therefore, the presentation of material for children with this disease must be accompanied by pictures and illustrative examples.
  2. If the situation requires stability, concentration of attention, then the child has difficulties, because any external influence distracts him.
  3. When diagnosed with CRD, hyperactivity is observed against the background of attention deficit disorder. Children remember information selectively, with poor selectivity. The visual-figurative (visual) type of memory works better, the verbal type is insufficiently developed.
  4. There is no figurative thinking. Children use abstract logical thinking only under the guidance of a teacher.
  5. It is difficult for a kid to make some kind of conclusion, compare things, generalize concepts.
  6. Vocabulary is limited, speech is characterized by distorted sounds, it is difficult for the patient to build full-fledged phrases and sentences.
  7. ZPR in most cases is accompanied by delayed speech development, dysgraphia, dyslalia, dyslexia.

Before being admitted to school, specialists always conduct tests that check the level of development of the baby. If there is a mental retardation in children, then the teacher will definitely notice this. It is extremely rare for a baby with PDD to have no signs of the disease, and does not stand out in the circle of peers. Parents should not start treatment on their own; consultation with a doctor is required. The obvious signs of CRA in preschool age include:

  • the student cannot or with difficulty dress, eat, wash, button up his jacket, tie his shoelaces, perform other daily procedures;
  • the student does not want to participate in joint games, treats classmates with a dangerous attitude, clearly shows signs of isolation, does not want to communicate with the team;
  • any of his actions are accompanied by aggression, indecision;
  • behaves anxiously, is constantly afraid of even the simplest situations.

Differences from mental retardation

Parents do not always understand the difference between these two pathologies, but they exist and they are very tangible. If doctors in a baby after grade 4 continue to observe all the signs of CRA, then there is a suspicion of mental retardation or constitutional infantilism. The main differences between these pathologies are as follows:

  1. Mental retardation, intellectual underdevelopment are irreversible. With CRD, the situation can be corrected if treatment is started in a timely manner, with proper patient care.
  2. With DPD, the student can use the help that the specialist offers him, transfers it to new tasks. With mental retardation, this does not happen.
  3. Children with mental retardation try to understand what they have read; with MA, there is no such desire at all.


The classification of ZPR is carried out according to the factors that provoked the pathology. One of the possible options is local changes in the brain zones, which occur even at the stage of intrauterine development. The reason for this is the mother's diseases of the somatic, toxic, infectious form. The same changes occur with asphyxiation of the child during the passage through the birth canal.

Another important factor is genetics, which, according to the laws of nature, can reward a child with a natural predisposition to the slow maturation of brain systems. Often, the pathology has a neurological basis with signs of vascular dystonia, hydrocephalus, and a malfunction of the innervation of the cranial region. On encephalography, you can well trace all the disturbances in the activity of the brain, which provoke delayed development. The characteristic manifestations of ZPR in children include the activity of delta waves, complete attenuation of alpha rhythms.

Emotional and psychological reasons develop if a student from an early age was brought up in unacceptable conditions. Interpersonal, psycho-speech and other problems arise if:

  • there is emotional, maternal deprivation (neglect);
  • lack of attention from teachers, which led to neglect;
  • the baby did not have the necessary stimuli for normal development;
  • alcoholism of parents, lack of attention from parents at an early age;
  • there were no conditions to master simple skills;
  • indifferent, indifferent attitude on the part of the teacher, individual characteristics were not taken into account;
  • frequent, regular scandals in the family, limited contact with peers, instability;
  • poor, poor nutrition, which did not provide the growing body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Types of ZPR

This disease is divided into 4 groups. Each type is provoked by certain factors, has its own characteristics of emotional immaturity, impaired cognitive activity. The following types of pathology are distinguished:

CRA of constitutional origin

This type of pathology is characterized by a pronounced immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, it lags behind by several steps in comparison with other children. This is called mental infantilism, it is not a disease, it is considered to be a complex of sharpened character traits, behavioral traits that can tangibly affect the daily activities of the child. The educational, adaptive ability of the baby to new situations suffers more.

With this type of CRA, the child is often not self-reliant, attached to his mother, without her he feels helpless, and it is difficult to adapt to new conditions. A characteristic feature is an increased background mood, the manifestation of emotions is stormy, but the mood is unstable. Closer to school age, the kid still puts games in the foreground, and, normally, educational motivation should appear.

Without outside help, it is difficult for a child to make decisions, to choose something, to make any other volitional effort. Children with mental retardation can behave cheerfully and directly, developmental lag is not striking, but in comparison with their peers, they always seem younger. Educators should pay more attention to these students, taking into account the individual characteristics.

Somatogenic origin

This group includes often sick, weak children. Chronic infections, long-term illnesses, allergies, congenital defects provoke mental retardation. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of the long course of the disease, against the background of the weakness of the body, the baby suffers from a mental state. This does not allow him to fully develop, which leads to low cognitive activity, dullness of attention, increased fatigue. These factors lead to a slowdown in the rate of formation of the psyche.

This group includes schoolchildren from families with overprotection. Too much attention to the upbringing of a child leads, when literally a step is not allowed to be taken without control, leads to a lack of development of independence, knowledge of the world around, the formation of a full-fledged personality. Overprotection is inherent in families where children are often sick, constant anxiety, pity for the baby, the desire to make his life as easy as possible, ultimately lead to mental retardation.

CRD of psychogenic origin

In this case, the main role is assigned to the social situation in the development of the baby. An unfavorable family environment, mental trauma, and problematic upbringing lead to mental retardation. In the presence of violence, aggression towards the baby or family members, it entails the development of certain traits in the character of your child. This often becomes the cause of lack of independence, indecision, lack of initiative, pathological shyness and fearfulness.

This type of cause of CRD differs in that there is practically no guardianship, insufficient attention to education. A schoolchild is growing up in a situation of neglect, pedagogical neglect. This leads to the lack of a formed opinion about the moral and norms of behavior in society, the baby cannot control his own behavior, is not able to take responsibility for his actions, there is a lack of knowledge about the world around him.

ZPR - cerebral organic origin

The most common type of pathology, has an unfavorable prognosis in comparison with the above types. The main development of the disease becomes organic disorders, for example, insufficiency of the nervous system, which develops for the following reasons:

  • birth injury;
  • pathology of pregnancy (Rh-conflict, trauma, intoxication, infection, toxicosis);
  • prematurity;
  • neuroinfection;
  • asphyxia.

This type of mental retardation is accompanied by an additional symptom - minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD). This concept means a complex of mild developmental deviations that manifest themselves only in certain cases. The signs are very different and can appear in different areas of the baby's mental activity.

Complications and consequences

ZPR is reflected consistently on the personal development of the patient in further life situations. Significant consequences can be avoided only with timely measures taken to diagnose deviations, correct behavior, and teach the existence of an individual in society. Indifference to delay only leads to the aggravation of existing problems, which will manifest themselves during growing up.

A typical complication is isolation in oneself, detachment from peers, they begin to be treated as outcasts, which adds a feeling of inferiority to one's own personality, lowers self-esteem. The combination of all factors leads to extremely difficult adaptation, the impossibility of communicating with the opposite sex. The consequence is a decrease in the level of cognition, assimilation of new information, distortion of speech and writing, difficulty in finding a suitable profession, mastering simple working techniques.

To determine the developmental delay, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the crumbs, which is carried out by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (abbreviated PMPK). The diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is made according to the conclusion of a speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist, pediatric neurologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist. The specialist will collect anamnesis, study it, analyze the living conditions. Next, neuropsychological testing is carried out, the study of your child's medical documentation, and a diagnostic examination of speech.

An obligatory part of the diagnosis is a conversation with the baby for the purpose of studying intellectual processes, emotional and volitional qualities. This information becomes the basis for determining the level of development of the baby. The members of the PMPK make an opinion on the absence or presence of the CRA, issue recommendations for the further organization of upbringing, training of your child in a school or other special educational institutions. The following can be used as instrumental methods:


Treatment of CRD begins immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. Early diagnosis is important for an effective correction scheme, which includes an integrated approach, using the following main treatment methods:

  1. Reflexology. Electrical impulses are sent to brain points. The technique of exposure to microcurrents is effective in lagging development after cerebral-organic lesions.
  2. Speech therapy massage, effective methods of memory development, memory training, articulatory gymnastics, increasing the level of thinking. All these therapeutic measures are carried out by specialists in a defectologist and speech therapist.
  3. Medication is prescribed only after examination by a neurologist. Self-use is strictly contraindicated, it can harm your baby.
  4. With social factors, consultation with a psychologist is required. Communication with dolphins, animals, horses helps a lot. Successful couples can help the baby develop self-confidence (without the formation of overestimated self-esteem), support should help in the development of personality.


The prevention of deviations in the development of the baby acts as a preventive measure. It is necessary to carry out accurate planning of pregnancy, to prevent the negative impact of any external factors during the formation and growth of the fetus. The expectant mother should avoid any diseases, infections, carry out prophylaxis against them at an early age of the baby.

One of the main tasks of young parents is the social sphere of the child's development. Create positive conditions for the development of crumbs, a prosperous atmosphere in the family. From infancy, you need to develop and engage in a child. For the prevention of malnutrition, you need to create an emotional-bodily connection between the baby and the parents. Then children feel calm and confident. This will contribute to the correct development, help to adequately perceive the world around you, to navigate in the situation.


Features of the mental development of children with CRD Based on the etiopathogenetic principle, four main clinical types of CRD were identified. These are mental retardation of the following origin: n constitutional; n somatogenic; n psychogenic; n cerebral organic.

Attention of children with mental retardation nnn Psychological and pedagogical research L.I. Peresleni, Z. Trzhesoglava, G.I. Zharenkova, V.A.Permyakova, S., A. Domishkevich and others note the following features of attention: amount of attention Reduced selectivity of attention Reduced distribution of attention "Sticking attention"

Feelings and Perceptions With DPD, such properties of perception as objectivity and structure are impaired. Children find it difficult to recognize objects that are in an unusual perspective. They find it difficult to recognize objects in outline or schematic images, especially if they are crossed out or overlapped. n Consistency of perception also suffers. Children with mental retardation experience difficulties when it is necessary to isolate individual elements from an object that is perceived as a whole. Also, they find it difficult to complete an integral image for any part of it. A significant lack of perception in these children is a significant slowdown in the processing of information coming through the senses.

Memory Involuntary memory. Children with CRD have certain deficiencies in the development of this form of memory. In particular, due to reduced cognitive activity, involuntary imprinting of information suffers. The nature of the material and the activities performed with it affects the productivity of children's involuntary memorization. (visually presented material is remembered better than verbal) n

Memory Arbitrary memory. Takes a leading place in the structure of the optimal mental development of a child as the basis for systematic learning. Visual (non-verbal) material is better remembered by children. Children with mental retardation are characterized by the absence of an active search for rational methods of memorization and reproduction. Without the help of adults, it is difficult for them to keep within the required task, to follow the instructions. n

Memory Mechanical memory. Mechanical memory depends on a number of factors of both biological and psychological nature: on the severity of the psychoorganic syndrome, on the organization and volume of the presented material, and the child's corresponding interest in the activity. n Deficiencies of mechanical memory, a noticeable decrease in the effectiveness of the first attempts to memorize in comparison with the norm; increased inhibition of traces by side effects; violation of the order of the reproduced verbal and digital series; slightly lower (by 2 - 3 years) level of memory productivity; a slow increase in memory performance in terms of volume and quality throughout school age. n

Thinking n The level of development of visual-action thinking in children is mostly the same as in the norm; the exception is children with severe mental retardation. Most children do all the tasks correctly and well, but some of them need stimulating help, while others just need to repeat the task and give the instruction to focus. In general, the development of this level of thinking is on a par with normally developing peers.

Thinking n n Analysis of the level of development of visual-figurative thinking, as its higher stage, shows heterogeneous results. Among children of preschool age there are those (30%) who do the task without much difficulty, but in most cases (60%) children need multiple repetitions of the task and the provision of various types of assistance. There are children (10%) who, having used all the attempts and all kinds of help, do not cope with the tasks. Note that when distractions or foreign objects appear, the level of task completion drops sharply. Verbal and logical thinking is the highest level of the thinking process, and here the success rates drop sharply. And yet, among these children there are those whose level of development of this type of thinking corresponds to the norm (15%). Most of the children (65%) cope with the task by 50-60%. In most cases, children are hindered by the poverty of the conceptual vocabulary and the inability to establish a logical connection or understand the relationship between objects and phenomena. 20% of children are at a very low level of development. Verbal-logical thinking in these children is not yet developed, we can say that it is just beginning to develop.

Speech n Children with mental retardation differ in the originality of speech development. The impressive side of speech is characterized by insufficient differentiation of the perception of speech sounds, shades of speech. The expressive side of speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary, impaired sound pronunciation, insufficient formation of the lexicogrammatical structure of speech, the presence of grammatisms, defects in the articulatory apparatus

The signs of a peculiar delay in speech development include the process of age-related development of word formation in CR (ES Slepovich). Usually, the process of violent word creation in normally developing children ends by the older preschool age. In children with mental retardation, this process is delayed until the end of primary school. Children are insensitive to the norms of language use, they use atypical grammatical forms that have the character of neologisms. Due to the reduced cognitive activity, children with CRD have a poor vocabulary, reflecting inaccurate ideas about the world around them. n Speech

Features of the development of the personality and the emotional-volitional sphere The main negative consequence of the pathological level of personal development is the presence of pronounced difficulties in social and psychological adaptation, manifested in the interaction of the individual with society and with oneself. Speaking about deviations in the formation of the personal level of regulation of behavior and activity in preschool age, it should also be borne in mind that the untimely development of any mental processes, including personal characteristics, will primarily affect the level of social and psychological adaptation of the child, the optimal form of his functioning. n

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with mental retardation 1. Identification of the qualitative characteristics of the child's mental development; 2. identification of the "level of training", ie, the degree of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with age capabilities; 3. determination of the nature of the dynamics of development and the characteristics of learning in mastering the program; 4. differentiation of similar states on the basis of a long-term dynamic study of the characteristics of the emotional-volitional and cognitive sphere of the child.

Requirements for selection of techniques n First requirement: techniques should identify the leading factor in the structure of the defect. Consequently, the methods used should make it possible to assess the ratio of violations of the regulation of arbitrary forms of activity and cognitive processes (memory, perception, thinking). n Second requirement: the requirement is associated with the reliability of determining the nature and state of certain mental functions and their relationship. n The third important requirement for a set of diagnostic techniques is determined by the fact that children of this category are characterized by instability of performance indicators, as well as their deterioration with prolonged performance of intellectual tasks. It follows from this that the examination should not last more than one hour.

Methods for diagnosing the cognitive development of children with mental retardation 1. Diagnostics of thinking: A) Methodology "Establishing the sequence of events." Purpose: Studying the ability to understand the relationship of events and build consistent conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships. n B) Methodology "Excluding unnecessary" Purpose: study of the ability to generalize and abstraction, the ability to highlight essential features.

Methods for diagnosing the cognitive development of children with mental retardation 2. Diagnostics of attention: A) Method "Put the badges" Purpose: to study the switching and distribution of the child's attention. n B) Method "Remember and dot" Purpose: study the amount of attention of the child.

Methods for diagnosing the cognitive development of children with mental retardation 3. Diagnostics of perception: A) Method "Cut pictures" Purpose: to study the level of development of integral perception of a subject picture. n B) Methodology "What is missing in these figures?" Purpose: study of the level of perception

Methods for diagnosing the cognitive development of children with mental retardation 4. Diagnostics of memory: A) Method "10 words" Purpose: study of mechanical memory n B) Method "Remember the pictures" Purpose: study of the volume of short-term visual memory. n

References: n n n 1. Fundamentals of special psychology: Textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions / L. V. Kuznetsova, L. I. Peresleni, L. I. Solntseva and others; Ed. L. V. Kuznetsova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 480 p. 2. Slepovich ES Formation of speech in preschoolers with mental retardation: Book. for the teacher. - Mn. : Nar. Asveta, 1989 .-- 64 p. 3. Boryakova N. Yu. Steps of development. Early diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children. Study guide. - M.: Gnom-Press, 2002 - 64 p. (Correctional developmental education and upbringing of preschoolers with mental retardation) 4. Ulyenkova U. V. Children with mental retardation. N. Novgorod. 1994.228 s.

There are several types of diagnosing a child with CRD. This is a very important stage in the correction of a child - the earlier the problem is identified, the more opportunities for solving it. The degree and nature of the developmental delay is determined collectively by a physician, psychotherapist, psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist.

In practical psychology, there is such a direction as psychodiagnostics, the purpose of which is to study the features of the application of various diagnostic techniques. When diagnosing a patient, it is possible to determine the levels of his cognitive, emotional and personal development.

A child with MRI needs to undergo an examination, which, as a rule, is carried out in stages. Let's highlight the main parts:

  • 1) Contact setting;
  • 2) Conducting research;
  • 3) Conclusions.

The first part - establishing contact - contains the initial possibilities for a positive diagnosis. At this level, there is an acquaintance with the child, the design of his "comfort zone", the establishment of relationships. Also, the purpose of the diagnostician is to determine the degree of awareness of the child.

The second part - conducting research - involves testing, the purpose of which is to test the various abilities of the child. Diagnostics can be realized by analyzing

  • 1) cognitive processes,
  • 2) emotional development.

And finally, the third part - conclusions - is based on the identification of research results, their interpretation and the proposal of psychological and pedagogical recommendations.

For each child, a psychological examination card is created, in which the examination results are recorded, on which you can rely on when drawing up a child's education plan.

Let us dwell in more detail on the second part of the examination of the child and consider the methods of diagnosis presented in detail.

G.V. Fadina in her work "Diagnostics and correction of mental retardation in older preschool children" suggests using the following tests to analyze the cognitive development of a child:

  • 1) Methodology of S. Liepin;
  • 2) Kogan test;
  • 3) Generalization of concepts;
  • 4) Concretization of concepts;
  • 5) Classification;
  • 6) Comparison;
  • 7) test "Forbidden words";
  • 8) Ebbinghaus technique;
  • 9) Associative experiment.

Each test is done to determine the different cognitive processes of the child. Thus, the "Methodology of S. Liepin" will reveal the level of stability, distribution and switching of attention; "Kogan test" - schematic thinking; "Generalization of concepts", "Concretization of concepts", "Classification" and "Comparison" - the logic of thinking; test "Forbidden words" - the level of arbitrariness; and the "Ebbinghaus Methodology" and "Associative Experiment" - speech development.

Methodology of S. Liepin

The goal is to study the stability, distribution and switching of attention.

A form is offered with the image of familiar objects of three types (mushrooms, balls, spruce), located eight in each row.

To assess the stability of attention, the task is given to cross out all the balls.

To assess the distribution and switching of attention, it is necessary to cross out the spruce with a red pencil, and the balls with a blue one.

Processing of the results: performance of the task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of development of attention, which may indicate the presence of DP.

Features of the implementation of the technique. When performing this task, children with CRD encounter difficulties in maintaining instructions until the end of the activity being performed, which is reflected in a low level of attention distribution between two objects and switching from one object to another. Children with CRD are characterized by extreme instability of attention, inability to prolonged tension and concentration of attention without play motivation.

Kogan test

The goal is the study of schematic thinking.

Incentive material: a table with different geometric shapes and samples of different colors, separate cards with the same figures in different colors.

The test is carried out in two stages.

Instruction 1: Lay out the cards by color or shape.

Instruction 2: Look at the table and lay out the cards so that each falls into its own cell.

Processing of the results: performance of the task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of development of schematic thinking, which may indicate the presence of DPD.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with CRD have difficulties in systematizing the cards simultaneously according to two sensory standards. Children with CRD show an inability for holistic perception, they are characterized by difficulties associated with the classification of figures, minor errors with the similarity of sensory standards (confusion of colors).

Generalization of concepts

Stimulus material: a set of related concepts.

Children are given an assignment for generalization - it is proposed to "name in one word" 10 series of specific concepts:

Wardrobes, beds, chairs.

T-shirts, trousers, jackets.

Boots, shoes, slippers.

Cornflowers, lilies of the valley, roses.

Oaks, trees, birches.

Ravens, pigeons, ducks.

Currants, raspberries, strawberries.

Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes.

Apples, pears, tangerines.

Sailors, pilots, gunners.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with CRD most often make generalizations at an intuitive-practical level:

Wardrobes, beds, chairs - apartment.

T-shirts, trousers, jackets - dress.

Cornflowers, lilies of the valley, roses - spring.

Oaks, trees, birches - the street.

Ravens, pigeons, ducks fly.

Currants, raspberries, strawberries - food.

Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes - vegetables.

Apples, pears, tangerines are delicious food.

Sailors, pilots, gunners are adults.

Children with CRD, when generalizing, make mistakes in expanding or narrowing the generalizing word, the descriptive nature of the generalization, insufficient analysis of objects, their essential features.


The goal is to study the consistency of thinking

Incentive material: a set of 16 cards depicting animals, furniture, fruits and vegetables.

Instructions: Divide the pictures into four groups. In each group, the pictures should fit together so that they can be called “in one word”.

Processing of results: performance of a task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of development of logical thinking, which may indicate the presence of DPD.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with CRD are unable to explain their actions and responses.


The goal is to study the consistency of thinking

Incentive material: five pairs of words.

Instructions: compare words, how they are similar and different.

Butterflies are swallows.

Apple trees are birches.

Foxes are dogs.

Flowers are trees.

Fish are birds.

Processing of results: performance of a task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of development of logical thinking, which may indicate the presence of DPD.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with CRD are more likely to highlight differences than similarities; are distinguished by unplanned analysis, its one-sidedness.

When announcing similarities and differences, they highlight mostly insignificant signs, for example: foxes - dogs: they have ears, tails, apple trees - birches: green, grow in the forest, flowers - trees: they can be put in a vase.

Forbidden Words Test

The goal is to assess the formation of arbitrariness, the level of speech development.

Instructions: I suggest you play a game: I will ask questions and you will answer them, but you cannot say the words "yes" and "no" and you cannot name the colors.

Processing the results: the performance of the task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of randomness, which may indicate the presence of DPD.

Features of the implementation of the technique. In most children with mental retardation, elements of arbitrariness are weakly manifested, which is expressed in an insufficient vocabulary, inability to correlate their actions with the rules.

Basically, children with CRD use words from the questions for answers:

Is the water wet? - Wet.

Do adults like apples? - They love.

What kind of grass in summer? - Summer.

Is the snow black? -- The black.

What kind of eyes do you have? - Beautiful.

Diagnostics of the development of speech in preschool children (subtest from the Ebbinghaus method)

The goal is to identify the level of vocabulary, arbitrariness and differentiation of associations.

Instruction: for each word you need to choose the opposite in meaning: Dull, thin, dirty, alien, bottom, enemy, high, soft, loud, joy, quarrel, light, lift.

Processing of the results: performance of the task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of development of the semantic side of speech activity, which may indicate the presence of DP.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Most children with CRD have difficulty finding words due to insufficient vocabulary and general awareness.

When finding a word with the opposite meaning, they often use the negative prefix "not": dull - not stupid, thin - very thin, dirty - not dirty, alien - mine, bottom - up, enemy - not enemy.

Research on the emotional development of a child with CRD assesses intellectual and emotional abilities collectively. The following features are observed in “special” children: lack of a sense of duty and responsibility, uncriticality, disorganization, weak differentiation of emotions, affective reactions in the process of communication, etc. To diagnose emotional development G.V. Fadina suggests using techniques such as

  • 1) "Emotional color painting" by A.N. Lutoshkin;
  • 2) Determination of the emotional well-being of preschool children;
  • 3) Determination of the level of development of the communicative sphere of preschool children (in the form of a conversation);
  • 4) Study of children's perception of graphic images of emotions;
  • 5) Study of children's understanding of their emotional state.

A.N. Lutoshkin "Emotional color painting"

The goal is to study the emotional well-being of children.

Color is the most accessible and positive form of mood expression.

Assignment: What is my mood?

The shades of mood are recorded, which are then designated with color: joyful - red, calm - green, dull - gray, bad - black, anxious - brown, indifferent - white.

We highlight the zones: game, activity, family, friends, educator, group, school.

We evaluate each zone with color. To assess emotional well-being, it is enough to write down the colors.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with CRD have difficulty understanding the emotional state through color. Most children experience anxiety, mood changes occur due to a deterioration in the emotional background with fatigue or failure to complete the task.

Methodology "Determination of the emotional well-being of preschool children"

Purpose: to determine the emotional well-being of the child in kindergarten.

Material: colored pencils (black, green, gray, red, yellow, blue, brown), a strip of paper.

Procedure: the child is invited to choose a pencil of the color that he likes best. With this pencil, you need to draw a dash on the strip, then from the remaining ones choose the pencil that you like most and also draw a dash on the strip, and so on, until the last pencil.

Further questions are asked. What mood do you get when you come to kindergarten? What color is your mood, choose that color pencil and draw a line on the strip. What mood do you get when you meet with your caregiver? When do you see your friends? What is your mood in the classroom?

Thus, we can get a graphical projection of the child's emotional relationship to adults, peers, and activities.

The results of the study help to determine the causes and zones of the child's emotional distress.

Features of the implementation of the technique. The more likable the person or the more attractive the situation, the more preferable the color chooses the child with CRD.

Methodology "Study of children's perception of graphic images of emotions"

Purpose: identifying emotions.

Incentive material: cards with graphic depictions of emotions.

Procedure: the child is offered one card each with a graphic image of joy, grief, fear, anger, surprise, with the question: "What kind of person is this?"

Processing the results: performance of the task below 50% of the result corresponds to a low level of the ability to distinguish emotions, which may indicate the presence of DPD.

Features of the implementation of the technique. Children with DPD have difficulty in recognizing graphic images, they verbalize the emotion of joy better, and worse - anger and surprise.

Methodology "Studying children's understanding of their emotional state"

Purpose: to study the understanding of their own emotions.

Incentive material: colored pencils, sketchbook.

Order of conduct. Children are invited to remember and draw a situation when they experienced surprise, fear, grief, joy.

Processing of the results: the availability of an explanation of one's emotional state in different situations is studied.

Features of the implementation of the technique. The majority of children with mental retardation are characterized by a small size, schematic drawing, the creation of a negative color scheme, the predominance of an alarming emotional background of mood, which suggests the presence of a feeling of rejection, abandonment, hostility. Children with DPD imprecisely distinguish between emotional states, partially verbalize emotions, not understanding instructions, and switch to drawing.

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The problem of education and training of preschoolers with developmental disabilities is one of the most important and urgent problems of correctional pedagogy.

According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children of the Scientific Center of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, over the past 7 years, the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased 5 times and is about 10%. The number of children with developmental disabilities in Russia amounted to 36% of the total child population of the country. Of these, the number of children attending preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type has doubled (from 152 thousand children to 385, 5 thousand children).

Experts distinguish a special category of children - not “sick” in the full sense of the word, but in need of special educational services. This category of children (PD) needs a differentiated diagnosis of developmental anomalies already at an early and preschool age. It has now been proven that the earlier purposeful work with a child begins, the more complete and effective the correction and compensation of violations is.

The problem of diagnosing disorders of mental and cognitive development of preschool children is reflected in the works of Russian defectologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.A. Venger, S.D. Zabramnaya, S.G. Shevchenko. Certain experience has been accumulated in organizing psychological, medical and pedagogical counseling for children of primary preschool age (E.A. Strebeleva, S.D. Zabramnaya, N.Yu. Boryakova, N.A. Rychkova).

At the same time, the materials available do not give complete answers to the questions of how to conduct examinations of children with a complex defect, what diagnostic material is advisable to use in working with children with advanced developmental problems, and how to determine the assessment criteria for identifying the level of development of a child. It should also be noted that in many modern editions of the diagnostic cycle, there is a listing of individual tests, tasks that do not allow to give a qualified description of a particular violation.

Thus, there is a need to create a detailed complex diagnostic module, which is the first stage of a unified system of correctional work with children with complex developmental disorders. This work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. It will be useful for employees of preschool educational institutions, as well as for students of pedagogical universities.

1. General signs of mental retardation

There are such features of children with mental retardation, which are noted by most researchers, regardless of their scientific specialization and theoretical preferences. In our work, they are designated as "general features of CRD" solely for reasons of convenience.

Anatomical and physiological manifestations of CR

The first symptoms of ZPR can be in the form of a somato-vegetative reaction to various hazards at the age of 0 to 3 years (V.V. Kovalev, 1979). This level of response is characterized by increased general and autonomic excitability with sleep disturbances, appetite, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, temperature fluctuations, lack of appetite, bloating, sweating, etc. may be present). This level of response is leading at this age due to the already sufficient maturity of the somato-vegetative system.

Ages from 4 to 10 years old are characterized by a psychomotor level of response to harm. It includes mainly hyperdynamic disorders of various origins: psychomotor irritability, tics, stuttering. This level of pathological response is due to the most intensive differentiation of the cortical parts of the motor analyzer.

Children with CRD are often small in height and weight. Physically, they resemble younger children. In 40% of cases, there are no pathological signs or mild neurological disorders are observed.

Motor skills are sufficient in most cases. Movement is coordinated, dexterous, precise. Children perform well the movements in an imaginary play situation. Only the most complex voluntary movements are underdeveloped.

Features of ATTENTION of children with mental retardation

Attention is unstable, with periodic fluctuations and uneven performance. It is difficult to collect, concentrate the attention of children and keep it during this or that activity. The lack of purposefulness of the activity is obvious, children act impulsively, are often distracted. In a comparative study of the stability of attention in normal conditions, with mental retardation and oligophrenia (using the adapted variant of Sh.N. Chkhartishvili's test), it turned out that 69% of children with mental retardation of primary school age had an average percentage of distractions higher than normal. With oligophrenia, there is an even higher distractibility compared to the norm and ZPR (L.I. Peresleni, 1984). Manifestations of inertia can also be observed. In this case, the child has difficulty switching from one task to another. In older preschool age, the ability to voluntary regulation of behavior is insufficiently developed, which makes it difficult to complete tasks of the educational type (N.Yu. Boryakova, 2000). Difficulty planning and executing complex motor programs.

In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association defined criteria for the early diagnosis of attention disorders and hyperactive behavior in children based on the following main features:

· Excessive physical activity: the child makes a lot of movements with his legs, arms, or turns in place;

· Cannot sit quietly for a long time according to the instructions of an adult;

· Easily unbalanced by external stimuli;

• impatient and easily aroused in games with peers, especially having difficulty waiting for his turn in the game;

· Often begins to answer questions, not listening to them to the end;

· Hardly obeys instructions in the absence of negativism;

· Has difficulty retaining attention when performing game tasks;

· "Does not know how" to play and speak quietly;

· Often interrupts or interferes with other children's play.

According to L.I. Pereslenia, when teaching children with mental retardation, special attention should be paid to repeated repetition of what has been covered. This can contribute to fixing the failure of the processes of consolidation of traces. At the same time, violations of selective attention in DPD require the use of various methods of presenting the same information. Any methodological techniques that draw attention to new information and increase its sustainability are important. The increase in the total amount of information perceived by the child in ontogenesis, especially in the sensitive period, is of great importance, since this contributes to the development of cortical-subcortical-cortical connections. An increase in the amount of information coming through the visual, auditory and skin analyzers at the early stages of development is the basis of differentiated perception, more subtle and quick recognition of real events, more adequate behavior (L.I. Peresleni, 1984)

Manifestations of DPD in the cognitive sphere

Features of PERCEPTION

Reduced the speed of performing perceptual operations. It takes a lot of time to receive and process information, especially in difficult conditions: for example, if what the child is told (speech stimulus) has both semantic and emotional significance. LI Peresleni studied the influence of irrelevant influences on the perception of sensory information by children with a normal level of development, mental retardation and mental retardation.

Children experience particular difficulties in mastering the concept of size, do not single out and do not designate individual parameters of size (length, width, height, thickness). The process of analyzing perception is complicated: children do not know how to distinguish the main structural elements of an object, their spatial relationship, and small details. Similar properties of objects are often perceived as the same. Due to the insufficiency of the integral activity of the brain, children find it difficult to recognize the unusually presented objects and images, it is difficult for them to combine the individual details of the drawing into a single semantic image. We can talk about a slower pace of formation of a holistic image of an object, which is reflected in the problems associated with iso-activity.

Orientation in the directions of space is carried out at the level of practical actions. Spatial analysis and synthesis of the situation is difficult. The perception of inverted images is difficult.

MEMORY features

The memory of children with CRD is also distinguished by its qualitative originality, while the severity of the defect depends on the genesis of mental retardation. First of all, children have limited memory capacity and reduced memorization strength. Inaccurate reproduction and rapid loss of information are typical. Verbal memory suffers the most. With the right approach to teaching, children are capable of mastering some mnemonic techniques, mastering logical methods of memorization (N.Yu.Boryakova, 2000).

Features of THINKING and SPEECH

The lag in the development of mental activity is noted already at the level of visual forms of thinking, when difficulties arise in the formation of the sphere of images-representations, that is, if the visual-active thinking of a child with DPD is close to the norm, the visual-figurative one no longer corresponds to it. Researchers emphasize the difficulty of creating a whole from parts and separating parts from a whole, difficulties in spatial manipulation of images, because images-representations are not mobile enough. For example, when folding complex geometric shapes and patterns, these children cannot carry out a full-fledged analysis of the form, establish the symmetry, identity of parts, arrange the structure on a plane, connect it into a single whole. However, relatively simple patterns are performed correctly (as opposed to SD), since establishing similarity and identity between simple forms does not seem difficult for children with CRD. The success of solving such problems depends not only on the number of elements in the sample, but also on their relative position. Some difficulties are caused by tasks in which there is no visual example. Obviously, not only reliance on the idea, but also the very mental reconstruction of the image of a given object is a difficulty for these children. This is also evidenced by the studies of T.V. Egorova, which showed that the success of performing tasks according to the sample depends on whether the sample corresponds to the size of the folded image, whether the parts from which it is composed are indicated on it. In 25% of these children, the process of solving visual-practical problems proceeds as a haphazard and disordered manipulation of individual elements of the folded object.

They hardly understand the logical-grammatical structures that express spatial relationships, it is difficult for them to give a verbal report when performing tasks on the awareness of these relationships.

Thus, we can state the insufficient formation of analytical and synthetic activity in all types of thinking: it is difficult for children to isolate the component parts of a multi-element figure, to establish the features of their location, they do not take into account subtle details, synthesis is difficult, i.e. mental combination of certain properties of an object. The analysis is characterized by irregularity, insufficient subtlety, and one-sidedness. The lack of formation of anticipatory analysis determines the inability to foresee the results of one's actions. In this regard, special difficulties are caused by assignments to establish cause-and-effect relationships and build a program of events.

Variants of thought disorders:

1.With a relatively high level of development of visual-practical thinking, verbal-logical thinking lags behind.

2. Both types of thinking are underdeveloped.

3. The verbal-logical approach is close to the norm, but the level of development of the visual-practical is extremely low (it is rare).

Immaturity of the functional state of the central nervous system (weakness of the processes of excitation and inhibition, difficulties in the formation of complex conditioned connections, lag in the formation of systems of inter-analytic connections) determines the specificity of speech disorders in children with CR, which are mainly of a systemic nature and are part of the structure of the defect.

The entire course of speech development (both spontaneous and corrected by speech therapy measures) in children with speech delay is qualitatively different from the speech of children with its general underdevelopment. This is especially true of the formation of the lexical and grammatical system of the language.

At the level of impressive speech, difficulties are noted in understanding complex, multi-stage instructions, logical and grammatical constructions such as "Kolya is older than Misha", "Birch grows on the edge of the field", children do not understand the content of a story with a hidden meaning, the process of decoding texts is difficult, i.e. the process of perception and comprehension of the content of stories, fairy tales, texts for retelling is difficult.

Children with CRD have a limited vocabulary, the passive vocabulary sharply prevails over the active one (in normally developing children, this discrepancy is much less). The stock of words that denote and concretize generalized concepts is limited, reveal them in their entirety and variety. Adjectives and adverbs are rarely encountered in their speech, the use of verbs is narrowed. Difficult word-formation processes, later than in the norm, there is a period of children's word-creation and lasts up to 7-8 years. By the end of preschool age, when neologisms are observed quite rarely in normally developing children, children with PDD have an "explosion" of word creation. At the same time, the use of neologisms differs in a number of peculiarities: several variants of the same word are found in speech, the word-neologism is defined as correct, etc. (for comparison, mentally retarded children do not observe a period of children's word creation throughout the entire preschool age; separate neologisms are found only at the end of primary school age). The peculiarities of word formation in children with CRD are due to the later than normal formation of generalized verbal classes and pronounced difficulties in their differentiation. In mentally retarded children, the main difficulties are in the formation of generalized verbal classes (this fact is important in terms of differential diagnosis of DM and ID). The concepts of children with DM, which are formed spontaneously, are poor in content, and are often inadequately comprehended. There is no concept hierarchy. There may be secondary difficulties in the formation of generalized thinking.

When approaching a child with speech pathology, it is always necessary to remember that, no matter how severe speech disorders are, they can never be stationary, completely irreversible, the development of speech continues with the most severe forms of its underdevelopment. This is due to the continuing maturation of the child's central nervous system after birth and the great compensatory capabilities of the child's brain. However, in conditions of severe pathology, this ongoing speech and mental development can occur abnormally. One of the most important tasks of corrective measures is to "manage" this development, and its possible "alignment".

When approaching a child with general speech underdevelopment, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

1.What is the primary mechanism in general speech underdevelopment?

2. What is the qualitative characteristic of the underdevelopment of all aspects of speech?

3. What symptoms in the speech sphere are associated with speech underdevelopment, which - with the child's compensatory adaptations to his speech impairment?

4. What areas in speech and mental activity in a child are the most intact, on the basis of which speech therapy activities can be most successfully carried out?

5. What are the further paths of speech and mental development of this child?

Only after such an analysis can the diagnosis of speech impairment be substantiated.

With properly organized correctional work, children with mental retardation demonstrate a leap in development - what today they can do only with the help of a teacher in the conditions of special experimental training, tomorrow they will begin to do on their own. They are able to graduate from a mass school, study in technical schools, in some cases - in a university.

Features of the emotional sphere of children with mental retardation

Children with developmental delay are usually characterized by emotional instability. They find it difficult to adapt to the children's team, they are characterized by mood swings and increased fatigue.

Z. Trzhesoglava singles out weak emotional stability, impaired self-control in all types of activities, aggressive behavior and its provoking nature, difficulties in adapting to the children's team during play and classes, fussiness, frequent mood swings, insecurity, fear , demeanor, familiarity in relation to an adult.

M. Vagnerova points to a large number of reactions directed against the will of parents, a frequent lack of a correct understanding of the social role and position, insufficient differentiation of persons and things, pronounced difficulties in distinguishing the most important features of interpersonal relations.

Features of the communicative behavior of children with mental retardation

The child gains experience of social and interpersonal relationships in the process of communication with adults and peers. Communication of children with DPD is extremely poor in terms of content and means both along the line of an adult - a child, and along a line of a child - a child. For example, in play, this is found in the difficulties of isolating, understanding and modeling interpersonal relationships. Business relationships prevail in game relationships, out-of-situ-personal contacts are almost not singled out: the modeled interpersonal relationships are specific, insufficiently emotional, the rules governing them are tough, exclude any options. Often the requirements are reduced to one or two, with a complete loss of connection with those interpersonal relationships that partners model. The rules and regulations are specific, taking into account the position of only one side. Moreover, the process of implementing the rules is often not correlated with the logic of the deployment of relations. There is no flexibility in applying the rules. Probably, the external logic of real actions is much more accessible to preschoolers with mental retardation than the logic of social relations.

These children have a reduced need for communication with both peers and adults. Most showed increased anxiety in relation to the adults on whom they depended. The new person attracts their attention to a much lesser extent than the new subject. In the event of difficulties in activities, such a child is more likely to stop working than turn to an adult for help. At the same time, the ratio of different types of contacts with adults is characterized by a sharp predominance of business contacts, which are often represented by addresses such as "Give me," "I don’t want to study," "Will my mother take me?" etc. They rarely come into contact with an adult on their own initiative. The number of contacts conditioned by the cognitive relation to the objects of activity is extremely small; personal contacts with adults are relatively rare.

mental child attention

2. Methods of psychological and pedagogical research of children with mental retardation

Examination of children, as a rule, begins with the study of their documentation (medical records, characteristics) and products of activity (drawings, etc.).

When examining a child, the following indicators must be taken into account:

The child's emotional reaction to the very fact of the examination... Excitement is a natural reaction to a new environment, to strangers. At the same time, excessive gaiety, inadequacy of behavior should be alarming.

Understanding the instruction and purpose of the assignment... Does the child listen to the instructions to the end, does he try to understand them before starting work? What type of instruction is clear to children: oral or oral with a visual demonstration?

Nature of activity... It is necessary to pay attention to the presence and persistence, interest in the task, the purposefulness of the child's activity, the ability to bring the matter to the end, the rationality and adequacy of the methods of action, and concentration in the work process. The overall performance of the child is taken into account.

Reaction to the result of work. A correct assessment of one's activity, an adequate emotional reaction (joy in case of success, grief in case of failure) testify to the child's understanding of the situation.

The following methods can be included in the diagnostic complex:

1. Exploring memory

(a) "Clap like me";

(b) “Remember and repeat”;

(c) "What's missing?"

2. Research thinking

(a) "Name the figures";

(b) "Folding cut figures";

(c) "Classification".

3. Study of attention

(a) "Loud - Quiet";

(b) "Show the picture";

(c) "Find the same object";

(d) "Finish".

4. Research of perception

(a) "Know and name";

(b) "Guess who's coming."

5. Exploring the imagination

(a) "Drawing figures".

6. Speech research

(a) Show;

(b) Show and Name;

(c) "Tell";

(d) "Compose a story from a picture."


The set of materials presented for the diagnosis of the mental development of preschool children contains tasks intended for psychological and pedagogical examination of children from 3 to 4 years old. Materials are taken from various sources.

The proposed material contains a description of well-known psychological techniques, tested over many years of practical work with children in psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, consultations, diagnostic centers.

This material can be used by practical psychologists.

The choice of the task with which the examination begins depends on the individual characteristics of the children. In the final assessment of the results of the examination of children with mental retardation, it is first of all important to take into account not age norms, but qualitative peculiarities determined by the structure of the defect.

List of references

1. Boryakova N.Yu. On the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of children with mental and speech retardation. // Correctional pedagogy. - 2004. - No. 6.

2. Boryakova N. Yu. Steps of development. Early diagnosis and correction of mental retardation. - M., 1999.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speaking. / L.S. Vygotsky. - M. Labyrinth - 1996.

4. Dateshidze T.A. The system of corrective work with young children with delayed speech development. - SPb .: Rech, 2004.

5. Zabramnaya S.D. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the mental development of children. - M., 1995.

6. Lalaeva R., Seryabryakova N. Formation of vocabulary in a preschooler with OHP. -Spb., 2001.

7.Nishcheva N.V. The program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten. -SPb .: CHILDHOOD -PRESS: 2006.

8.Nishcheva N.V. Organization of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten. - SPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS: 2004.

9. Khvatsev M. Speech deficiencies in preschoolers. - M., 1958.

10. From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / Ed. By N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2010.

11. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age. Under. ed. E.A. Strebeleva. - M .: Education, 2009.

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Delayed mental development is a non-gross and reversible violation of the cognitive activity and emotional-volitional sphere of the child. The difference between CRA and other severe pathologies of the nervous system is that this disorder is mainly caused by the too slow rate of its maturation. According to statistics, CRA occurs in 16% of preschoolers over 4 years old and younger schoolchildren.

Many parents consider the diagnosis of CRD as a verdict, but this is the wrong position. With timely diagnosis and correction, children with DPD gradually catch up with their peers and are no different from them.

Features of children with mental retardation

Diagnosis of DPD is based on an objective assessment of the state of the emotional-volitional sphere, the degree of intellectual and interpersonal development.

Children with mental retardation do not feel responsible for their actions and do not control them, do not see themselves from the outside, do not obey the established rules, in most cases they cannot establish good relationships with adults and peers. Their main activity is play. They show no interest in learning, do not ask questions about the world around them, etc.

The weak point of children with CRD is perseverance and attention. They quickly lose interest, are impatient, it is difficult for them to sit in one place for more than 20 minutes. In terms of speech development and cognitive activity, they noticeably lag behind other children, since they have poor memory, reduced attention, poorly developed abstract thinking, they mix concepts, cannot distinguish the main features of objects, phenomena, and more. Their main goal is to have fun, therefore, as soon as they get bored of something, they immediately switch to another activity or subject.
Children with CRD have few friends, both among peers and among teachers and adults. They are often very lonely, playing alone or with adults, because they have difficulty learning the rules and need someone to constantly guide them. Their behavior is characterized by fear, aggression, delayed reaction, inability to conduct a normal dialogue.

Full diagnostics always includes a conversation with a child, tests for perception, memory, the ability to analyze information, and the level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere and the ability to interpersonal communication is also assessed. The diagnosis of "DPR" is always made only by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Types of ZPR

The correction program is selected depending on the type of DPD, which is diagnosed in the child. It is customary to distinguish 4 types of this violation.

CRA of constitutional origin

Such children are of low weight and height. At school and kindergarten, they are very curious, quickly make friends, as their character is usually soft and cheerful. Teachers constantly reprimand them for their restlessness and conversations in class, being late. Their thinking and memory are poorly developed, so their academic performance leaves much to be desired.
With this type of CRA, the prognosis is generally favorable. When teaching, it is necessary to use more visual-action principle. Classes are useful for the development of attention, memory, thinking, they should be conducted under the guidance of a psychologist and a defectologist.

CRA of somatogenic origin

This type of CRD occurs as a result of severe infections or head injuries in early childhood. Intellect is preserved, but mental infantilism and asthenia are present. Children are attached to their parents, they miss them a lot, cry, become helpless. In the classroom, they do not show any initiative, quickly get tired, are extremely disorganized, they are not interested in learning, they often refuse to answer the teacher's questions, nevertheless, they are hard at times with failures and low grades.
Children with a somatogenic form of cerebrovascular accidents need education at a sanatorium-type school, where they can receive round-the-clock medical and pedagogical assistance. If the somatic causes are eliminated, then in the future, the correction of mental development will take place quickly and successfully.

3. CRA of psychogenic origin

Children with this type of CRD experience a lack of attention and warmth from close relatives, especially the mother. They often grow up in a dysfunctional family, amid scandals, their social contacts are monotonous. Children experience constant anxiety, downtrodden, it is difficult for them to make independent decisions. The ability to analyze is poorly developed, they live in their own world, often do not distinguish between good and bad, and have a small vocabulary. Children with psychogenic form of mental retardation respond well to correctional classes and quickly catch up with their peers.

4. DPR of cerebral-organic origin

The disorder is caused by organic brain lesions that have arisen during pregnancy, difficult childbirth or due to illness. As a result of asthenia, children quickly get tired, remember information poorly, and have difficulty concentrating on one lesson. Primitive thinking, inhibited emotional reactions, suggestibility, rapid loss of interest, inability to build relationships with people, the manifestation of aggression and fear, the confusion of the concepts "want" and "must" - these are the characteristic features of children with CRD of this type. The prognosis for this form of RP is not very favorable, it is not possible to completely correct the condition. In the absence of correction, the child begins to regress.

How can I help a child with CRD?

Children with mental retardation need comprehensive help from a psychologist, neurologist, speech therapist-defectologist. The correction process is long, complicated, and it is highly undesirable to interrupt it.

An obligatory part of the correction of ZPR is medical care: taking medications according to a certain scheme, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, hydrotherapy. This is what a pediatric neurologist does.

The development of the emotional-volitional sphere is beneficially influenced by art therapy, fairy tale therapy, play therapy, which are conducted by a psychologist. The development of intellectual abilities - memory, attention, thinking, as well as speech, is the responsibility of a speech therapist-defectologist.

Experts recommend sending children with severe forms of mental retardation not to ordinary kindergartens and schools, but specialized ones - type VII. A good option is training in a correctional class of a regular school, where training takes place according to certain principles:

  • the new material is explained to the child in small portions and repeated many times so that he can master it well;
  • a large amount of visual material is used;
  • frequent change of various activities so that the child can concentrate as much as possible and does not lose interest.

Why will the child be better in the correctional class? The fact is that in a regular class, a child with CRD will lag far behind the rest of the students and suffer from ridicule and the status of a loser.

Expect the correction to take a long time, but most children with CRD have a good prognosis, so there is no need to despair.