Respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women: learning to breathe correctly for easy and painless childbirth. Gymnastics for pregnant women Strelnikova gymnastics for pregnant women

One of the key conditions for a painless and easy delivery is correct breathing. It is this technique that is primarily taught in courses for expectant mothers.

Doctors recommend learning how to control your breathing from the very beginning of pregnancy, because such exercises, in addition to preparing for childbirth, significantly help your body to cope with numerous loads, improve health, soothe and relax.

Special breathing exercises will help you master the technique of correct breathing.

Unfortunately, pregnancy is perceived by many as a kind of painful condition in which complete rest is needed.

As a result of the absence of any physical activity and inactivity, a woman faces a lot of problems, where the most harmless are gaining excess weight and the inability to put her figure in order after childbirth.

Of course, during pregnancy, you should not set sports records, but basic physical activity is still needed, especially since there are special fitness classes, yoga or water aerobics.

However, in any complex there will be breathing exercises - they are usually done before the main complex, but if physical exercises are contraindicated for you (be sure to consult your doctor), then breathing exercises are done separately.

Its benefits cannot be overemphasized:

  • Thanks to the correct breathing technique, you will learn to concentrate your attention and relax, therefore breathing exercises are often called relaxation exercises - the ability to calm down, get rid of tension, anxiety and relax will become a real salvation for a pregnant woman.
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to the body negatively affects not only your well-being, but also the condition of the baby inside you - having learned to breathe correctly, you will significantly improve blood circulation and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, which, in turn, will contribute to the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous and endocrine systems, normalizing blood pressure and improving the functioning of all your organs.
  • It is very important to breathe correctly during contractions - this significantly reduces the pain effect, speeds up the process of childbirth, makes it easier for both you and the baby.

Benefits of gymnastics in the first trimester

You can start practicing literally from the first weeks of pregnancy - this will help your body to quickly adapt to the changes that occur to them.

With the help of breathing exercises, you can strengthen your immunity and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. By starting to breathe correctly, you will ensure increased blood circulation in all internal organs, including the uterus, placenta (placental blood flow improves and the fetus receives everything it needs in the proper volume), as well as the intestines.

In the first trimester, many pregnant women complain of poor bowel function: they suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, so it is very important that it works well. Thanks to breathing exercises, you can normalize his peristalsis and forget about intestinal problems for the entire period of pregnancy.

The importance of gymnastics in the second trimester

When the first trimester is over, and your little one continues to grow in an enlarging tummy day after day, the technique will help compensate for the decreasing lung volume.

As the uterus grows, it begins to take up more and more space, displacing both the diaphragm and all the organs of the abdominal cavity upward, compressing them and making it much more difficult for them to work. That is why there is a decrease in the volume of the lungs, and the movement of the diaphragm is also hampered.

Due to these changes, the child may not receive enough oxygen, while his needs for it are constantly increasing.

With the help of breathing exercises, you can facilitate the access of oxygen to the placenta and the baby, relieve tension from the cardiovascular system, improve the drainage functions of the airways, strengthen the bronchi and increase the respiratory volume of the lungs.

The need for gymnastics in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, your main task is to physically and psychologically prepare for the upcoming birth.

During breathing exercises, you must learn how to control your breathing in such a way as to be able not to get confused and concentrate at the most crucial moment:

  • it will help you distract yourself from pain and discomfort;
  • facilitate the period of contractions;
  • will allow you to consciously control the process;
  • soften the tension of the perineum and prevent injury;
  • will reduce the risk of hypoxia in the child.

By distributing the effort correctly, you can relax and tense the desired muscles, so uterine contractions will be less painful, but at the same time, and more effective.

As for the benefits of gymnastics in the third trimester, then with its help you will be able to get rid of the increased tone of the uterus, surges in blood pressure, pain in the legs, lower back and back, nervousness and insomnia.

Features of mastering the technique of correct breathing and precautions for a pregnant woman

Breathing exercises are practically the only activity for which there are no medical contraindications. On the contrary, doctors recommend that all pregnant women and not only learn the technique of correct breathing.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between static and dynamic gymnastics. Expectant mothers are often advised exactly the static type of exercises, since they do not require any movements, are performed in a comfortable and relaxed position and do not pose any danger;

As for dynamic gymnastics, one of the most famous techniques is Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises, then she may have certain contraindications (threat of termination of pregnancy, placenta previa, etc.), because when performing exercises you will need to perform fairly active movements that able to provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

If you want to do this kind of gymnastics, then you should definitely consult with your doctor.

For the rest, you only need to follow simple rules.

  • Gymnastics should be done daily, performing exercises as a warm-up before the main complex or as relaxation.

Ventilate the room well before exercising. It is better to set aside time for exercise in the morning, but keep in mind that at least an hour should pass after eating.

  • You can start with five to ten minutes, gradually increasing the training time to half an hour, but no more than this, since if oxygen saturation is too sharp, your body may react with the appearance of dizziness and weakness or a drop in pressure.

In general, the breathing exercises themselves will take you the same ten minutes, and the rest of the time will be spent on rest pauses, relaxation between exercises, and breathing warm-up.

  • Your activities should bring you pleasure, so if you experience the slightest discomfort or discomfort, it is better to stop training or take a break.
  • Try to completely relax while doing the exercises, not to be distracted by anything or talk.

For an emotional mood, you can turn on calm melodic music.

  • Do everything slowly and calmly, without sudden movements.

Remember to breathe through your nose, except for a few exercises.

  • Perform breathing exercises very carefully - it should not be prolonged so that the child does not experience a lack of oxygen. Many complexes recommend avoiding such exercises.

If you doubt your abilities, then conduct the first workouts with a trainer in order to understand how and what exercises you need to do. Then you can do them yourself at home.

A lot of useful information about breathing exercises for expectant mothers, as well as some exercises, are presented in this video.

An approximate set of breathing exercises for expectant mothers

In the process of doing gymnastics, you will need to master different types of breathing: chest and diaphragmatic (also diaphragmatic or abdominal), superficial, deep and full, jerk and rhythmic.

Each exercise should be repeated up to eight to ten times - in several cycles, taking pauses between them to rest a little.

  • Warm up at the beginning of the session.

Turns and tilts of the head, circular movements of the head, raise and lower your shoulders, circular movements with your shoulders, taking a breath, take your shoulders back and try to open your chest as much as possible, so that the shoulder blades are brought together, and while exhaling, bring them back.

  • Practice abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing.

To do this, place the palm of one hand on your stomach, and the other on your chest. After exhaling, take a deep breath, but not with your chest, but with your stomach (check yourself so that the hand on your chest remains motionless). The abdominal muscles should work, but not overextend, you just have to, as if massaging the internal organs of the abdomen while breathing.

  • Train your chest breathing.

The meaning is the same as in the previous exercise, but now you need to breathe with the chest, that is, while inhaling, the stomach remains motionless, and the chest moves. Then, spreading your elbows to the sides, put the palms of your hands on the ribs so that the fingers are connected. As you breathe in, your elbows should slide to the sides and your fingers separate, while your stomach and chest should remain motionless.

  • Practice deep breathing or full harmonious breathing.

Inhale slowly, sequentially filling the abdomen with air (it will seem to protrude), then all parts of the lungs - from the lower to the upper (the chest should expand to the sides), and finally the chest, which will rise up. Exhale slowly, relaxing all the muscles in reverse order.

  • Now try the shallow breathing exercise.

Here, only the upper chest will be involved, and the abdomen remains motionless. Inhalation is the same in duration as exhalation, breathing is light, fast, silent and rhythmic.

  • The exercise for intermittent breathing is very useful, it is also known as "doggy".

The essence of the exercise is to imitate the breathing of a dog that is hot: you need to open your mouth and stick out your tongue, and then inhale and exhale noisily and quickly at an accelerated rhythm (one inhalation and exhalation per second). Breathing is carried out by the upper part of the chest. This skill will come in handy during childbirth and will help relieve pain.

  • The following exercises are great for training the respiratory system.

Inhale, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through closed teeth (with your mouth closed) - you will get a special hissing sound. Then try to simulate blowing out a candle by exhaling through the lips extended into a tube (exhalation will be longer than inhalation).

  • Rhythmic breathing.

You can train on two-phase, three-phase and four-phase exercises - taking a deep breath (from four to six seconds), you need to hold your breath for two to three seconds, in the third phase, exhale deeply through your mouth (this should also take four to six seconds), and on fourth, hold your breath again for two to three seconds.

  • If you are a little familiar with qigong and hatha yoga practices, then you can use the vocal accompaniment: chant the mantra "Om", concentrating the sound behind the breastbone, or just hum softly as you exhale with your mouth closed.
  • At the end of the session, just sit back and relax.

As for the paradoxical gymnastics Strelnikova, it is used to treat a number of diseases. It got the name "paradoxical", because when you inhale, the chest must contract, and when you exhale, it must expand.

Pregnant women are recommended to engage in this technique from the second trimester, if there are no contraindications (threat of interruption, bleeding, high blood pressure). There are also some restrictions on certain exercises. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor.

Breathing exercises will be useful to you during the entire period of pregnancy and will be of significant help during childbirth. The main thing is to regularly practice and do all the exercises correctly.

Since school days, we know that breathing is the basis of life. A modern, well-informed pregnant woman cannot but think in advance about how to alleviate the condition for herself and her baby. It is better to start doing breathing exercises long before the woman finds out that she is in an interesting position, and, of course, it is necessary to continue the exercises during pregnancy. However, one must distinguish breathing exercises, aimed at strengthening the body as a whole, and special exercises designed for use in childbirth.

Getting ready to become a mom

Experts recommend to train your breathing literally to everyone who is attentive to their health. Respiratory gymnastics exercises have a beneficial effect not only on the vocal cords.
They compensate well for vegetative-vascular dystonia, strengthen the circulatory system, and increase the overall resistance of the body. And they also eliminate fatigue, mild depression, various forms of neurosis. With their help, you can clean the maxillary, frontal sinuses of the nose, as well as the lungs and bronchi from stagnant mucus, which often becomes the root cause of the occurrence of a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis. When it comes to planning pregnancy, breathing therapy is focused on preventing and enhancing a woman's immunity.

In the cold and rainy season, it often happens that coughing, sneezing and a runny nose become unwanted companions of the onset of pregnancy. And this happens because in unprepared and weak girls against the background of pregnancy, the protective functions of the body are noticeably reduced, which is why they raise their heads for colds. And how you don't want to stuff yourself with pills! The good news that you will soon become a mother is a reason to do breathing exercises with a greater degree of responsibility. After all proper breathing during childbirth - the guarantee of sufficient oxygen for the baby, which, unlike us, does not use the lungs for breathing, but receives oxygen through the placenta directly from the blood. And the need for oxygen in a rapidly growing and developing baby is very high (before childbirth, it increases by 30-40%). Exercises that help to increase the vital capacity of the lungs, as well as the maximum saturation of blood with oxygen, will be an excellent prevention of wrong. And of course, you should not forget that a pregnant woman should be outdoors as often as possible, in addition, swim in the pool for children and pregnant women, and in the summer - in the sea.

Respiratory gymnastics, Strelnikova's exercises

The complex of breathing exercises was developed several decades ago by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, an opera singer and theater teacher. Contrary to the negative attitude of Soviet medical officials to the Strelnikov system, patients came to it in a stream. And today, after her death, this method remains popular and in demand. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova, being natural in nature, has practically no contraindications. Some restrictions exist only for people with injuries of the brain, spine, and also with severe osteochondrosis with long-term severe sciatica.

The peculiarity of this technique lies in the fact that, while performing the exercises, it is very important not to think about the exhalation. Only inhalation is active, while exhalation is passive, which is very paradoxical, since in ordinary life we \u200b\u200bare used to doing the opposite. According to Strelnikova, improperly produced breaths contribute to the development of lung disease, distort their shape. So, the volumetric inhalation, which puts the chest as a wheel, or a deep, protruding belly, is incorrect. These movements, combined with simultaneous body movements, under a clearly defined count, should be performed in a ventilated room 1 time a day, in different positions: sitting or standing, as it suits you. All exercises are performed regularly for 12 eights, that is, each exercise is 96 breaths in and out.

For a pregnant woman, the load can be reduced (up to 3-5 eights), the main thing is that she feels comfortable and in no case overloads herself. Of course, an expectant mother should consult a doctor before doing any gymnastics.

Do the exercises under the supervision of an experienced childbirth trainer. Otherwise, if you are guided only by a magazine or a book, it is easy to make mistakes, which can later cost you dearly!

When the expectant mother suffers from a pronounced vegetative-vascular dystonia and already from the very beginning of classes feels severe dizziness, she should limit herself only to those exercises that are performed while sitting. At the same time, she must definitely take breaks for rest. Please note: the "squatting" position for a pregnant woman is recommended to be done in a half-squat so as not to put too much stress on the body. These exercises are well suited for a woman after the birth of a child. The intensity of the classes depends on the well-being of the young mother, on how the childbirth went.

Exercise before childbirth

At the 7-8th month of pregnancy, when the woman is fully aware that she will soon become a mother, and begins to communicate with the baby more and more often, preventive breathing exercises Strelnikova should be supplemented with special exercises that will help you relax during contractions, as well as teach you how to push correctly. After all, it is well known that the more the expectant mother is clamped during childbirth, the slower the cervix opens and the more painful and longer the whole process goes. A special complex of breathing exercises must be brought to automatism, since in childbirth, and this has been proven by doctors, a woman is unlikely to be able to remember anything. During the birth process, the activity of the cerebral cortex is inhibited and childbirth is controlled by the subcortical structures.

Usually they only talk about the suffering of a woman during labor, but believe me, it is also very difficult for a child, he is experiencing enormous stress. If a mother, giving birth, can relax a little and start thinking not only about herself, but also about her baby, this will allow her not to lose emotional connection with him and support him even before he is born. This is very important for your future relationship with your baby! While practicing your breathing, each time replay in your mind a successful scenario of childbirth, forming certain thoughts-images, which, as experts assure, are really capable of having a beneficial effect on the outcome of real childbirth.

We breathe correctly in childbirth

Each stage of labor has its own way of breathing. The generic process begins with contractions. At first they are weak, but already painful and unpleasant. A woman should not impede the course of contractions as much as possible: only at a time when she is experiencing real discomfort, she is painful and uncomfortable, she should take a soft breath through her nose, and then a soft and long exhale through her mouth. In the intervals between contractions, there is no need to breathe “according to the system”. Breathe as you like. The stronger the contractions become, the deeper the breaths should be taken. Try to do them with your breasts, relaxing your stomach, back and perineum as much as possible. If it so happens that a woman in labor is uncomfortable breathing through her nose due to swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages (this can be caused by both a banal runny nose and hormonal changes in the female body), you should breathe like a dog. That is, quite intensively, putting the tip of the tongue behind the teeth to the upper alveoli. Thus, you split the air stream into two jets and prevent dryness in the throat. Stretch your lips in a smile. Sometimes it is more convenient to "sing" the fight. And the baby will not be so scared at the same time: mom is singing, which means everything is in order. It is better to sing vowel sounds: "a", "o", "u", etc. You can also mumble (pull the “m” sound). In this case, the sound should be directed upward so that vibration is felt in the maxillary and frontal sinuses of the nose - perhaps this vibration will help relax the body in contractions. It is important for a pregnant woman to learn not only breathe correctly during childbirth, but also take a comfortable position. You can stand leaning on any object that gives support (table, bed, windowsill), or take a knee-elbow position. It is permissible to sit down, but on a full foot, leaning against a wall, for example. Rocking your hips from side to side relieves tension from your lower back. At some point, "pushing" sensations gradually join the contractions, the pressure on the perineum increases - the baby begins to slowly, literally, millimetrically move forward. At this point, use diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing or breathing in four counts: we breathe three times like a dog, the fourth breath is again the same as that of a dog, but the exhalation is more powerful (as if we are trying to blow out a candle). Using this type of breathing correctly, a woman may well "hold out" until the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully dilated, when the doctor finally allows her to push. People often ask: how to push? During the effort, you need to take a soft breath and hold your breath, lowering your chin down, strain, as with constipation, as much as possible. This is followed by a gentle exhalation, another inhalation and repetition of the pushing. Several attempts may occur during one contraction. In no case should you abruptly inhale and exhale air, so as not to change in the birth canal. When the widest part of the baby's head appears, the doctor asks the woman in labor not to push on the contraction anymore. At this moment, you need to try to relax, breathing again like a dog. In this way, you will be able to avoid soft tissue injuries.

The last phase of the labor process is the birth of the placenta. It separates, as a rule, within half an hour after the birth of the baby. When the placenta comes out, it is recommended to cough a little while shaking the tummy. The birth is over. A baby, healthy, funny, screaming, is put on your stomach. And the pain fades into the background.

Set yourself up for the best breathe correctly during labor, and the result of expectations, believe me, will not disappoint you. And breathing exercises will help to cope with the top five! After giving birth, in the first six months, classes are recommended to be performed at least 2-3 times a week. Agree that the baby will also be pleased to see next to her mother, not only caring, but also cheerful, healthy, who has enough strength for a variety of games with her beloved baby.

Pregnancy - this is perhaps the happiest, most joyful and unusual period in the life of every woman.

As soon as the expectant mother finds out that she is pregnant, she immediately begins to imagine how this miracle will happen - a meeting with a baby growing in her tummy. And, of course, from the very first days of pregnancy, she begins to take care of her unborn baby. Refusal of bad habits, good nutrition, healthy sleep, taking vitamins, getting extremely positive emotions and, of course, importantly, gymnastics - these are the life habits that should enter a woman's life when an "interesting" situation comes, because thanks to them her chances give birth to a healthy baby are multiplied.

Today, no one doubts that gymnastics for a pregnant woman is not only useful, but even necessary. With moderate exercise in the body, metabolic processes are accelerated, blood flow in the capillaries of the placenta and uterus is significantly improved, which improves the nutrition of the fetus, and increases the supply of oxygen to the baby.

In addition, gymnastics strengthens and maintains muscle tone, preparing a woman for such a physical challenge as childbirth.

Also, a big plus in gymnastics courses for pregnant women, in addition to maintaining muscles, is the preparation of the body for a quick and effective recovery after childbirth.

Today, you can easily do gymnastics for pregnant women at home, for which there is a large selection of courses on the Internet for various indications with a detailed description of gymnastics for pregnant women in pictures, with explaining videos and photographs. There you will also find advice on the preferred sets of exercises for each trimester.

Also, gymnastics for pregnant women you can do for free in the clinic where you are registered. Your doctor will be sure to advise you on moderate physical activity for a good pregnancy.

When doing gymnastics for pregnant women, the trimester plays an important role, since for each of them separate exercises have been developed that are most useful and effective for the health of the mother and her future baby during this period.

Gymnastics in the first trimester should help maintain a good mood in a pregnant woman, since it is at this stage that many women experience increased irritability and a sharp change in mood. It is very important from this period to master breathing exercises for pregnant women. Full chest breathing with the help of the diaphragm muscles is of great importance during pregnancy, since during this wonderful time a woman's intrauterine pressure significantly increases, which simply needs to be contained due to the movements of the elastic muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor. Regular breathing exercises for pregnant women can make them the same. It is worth noting that such exercises stimulate the excellent supply of all the necessary nutrients, including oxygen, to the crumbs.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for pregnant women is probably a unique course that will be extremely useful for expectant mothers. It helps not only to enrich the blood with oxygen, but also increases the immunity of both the baby and the mother, from the first days prepares the baby for proper breathing after childbirth. The entire course of Strelnikova's gymnastics is designed in such a way that it can be practiced in any trimester, and even for those women who suffer from some abnormalities during pregnancy, because all Strelnikova exercises are at the same time therapeutic exercises for pregnant women.

Gymnastics for pregnant women of the 1st trimester is the basis, a kind of foundation for the further successful course of pregnancy and easy childbirth.

When doing gymnastics for pregnant women in the second trimester, if the pregnancy itself proceeds without any special complications, the load can be slightly increased. The course of gymnastics for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester requires more careful development and maintenance of the muscles of the back and legs in tone, because the load on them increases during this period. It is from the second trimester that the optimal solution would be to start attending gymnastics classes for pregnant women in the pool, since it, being in fact very light, helps to increase muscle tone and, of course, avoid weight gain.

It was in the second trimester that a woman got used to her new position, put all her thoughts in order, identified some tasks related to the birth of a child, and now wants to continue pleasant, gentle sports to maintain her excellent physical shape after childbirth. And gymnastics for pregnant women on fitball can become such a sport. During these exercises, the load from the spine is perfectly relieved, the back muscles relax, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, and blood circulation is significantly activated.

Exercising for pregnant women with a ball is not only useful but also incredibly enjoyable.

If you were engaged in fitness, then during pregnancy you should not stop exercising, you should only choose gymnastics for pregnant women (fitness exercises).

Fitness combines health-improving, supportive and therapeutic exercises, for which it is very popular, especially among pregnant women, it simultaneously gives an excellent emotional state, a health-improving effect that contributes to the full development of the baby, and also maintains the excellent physical shape of the mother.

Gymnastics and yoga classes for pregnant women have their big advantages. This course can be described as the health of the baby and mom, multiplied by the incredible harmony that this excellent breathing and relaxation training provides.

Yoga classes for pregnant women are preparing the body for childbirth through the ability to consciously concentrate on certain parts of your body.

In the last months of pregnancy, overall physical activity decreases slightly. Gymnastics for pregnant women in the third trimester is a physical complex that includes exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles in combination with breathing exercises and stretching of the spine, designed to improve the overall tone of the cardiovascular system.

For this period, positional gymnastics for pregnant women are excellent, it is very light and does not require much effort.

It is quite common that the child is located in a breech presentation, in a different pelvic presentation. A special set of gymnastics exercises for pregnant women (breech presentation) will be able to correct this misunderstanding and help the baby to turn around, taking the correct position.

Of course, before you start practicing one of the types of gymnastics for pregnant women, you should first consult with your gynecologist to find out if you have any contraindications for exercising during pregnancy.
It should also be remembered that now every morning for all nine months you should begin with morning exercises.

Strengthening the body, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improving oxygen supply to the fetus, increasing psycho-emotional stability, strengthening muscles, ligaments, tendons - this is what gymnastics for pregnant women is for.

And remember that now there are two of you, that now only you, the mother of the future baby, can provide him with everything necessary for good growth and proper development, so that in 9 months your happy meeting and his long-awaited acquaintance with our wonderful and wonderful world will take place.

Being pregnant, every woman prepares her body and body in every possible way before giving birth. The process of the appearance of a little man in this world is a very difficult moment in the life of every pregnant woman, therefore it is very important to prepare for this event both mentally and physically, so that during childbirth the body and body of the expectant mother are fully ready to endure all those loads that foreseen by this process.

Today, there are many options for expectant mothers in order to put their bodies in order before this truly happy moment - fitness for pregnant women, yoga, swimming, water aerobics, swimming with dolphins, etc. grandmothers, very lucky, because in their time they did not even hear about this.

However, for a long time there have been a number of special breathing exercises, thanks to which women could survive all those painful sensations during childbirth much easier and faster. It is breathing exercises for pregnant women that can improve the general condition of the expectant mother throughout pregnancy, as well as during childbirth.

Did you know that proper breathing plays an important role in the development of human health. The expectant mother is simply obliged to constantly observe the correct pace and rhythm of breathing, since each trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the consumption of a large amount of oxygen.

The benefits of breathing for a mother and her unborn baby:

  1. Observing correct breathing, a pregnant woman can affect the normalization of the cardiovascular system, removing unnecessary stress. In addition, this technique will help you learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth, which is important for this process.
  2. The third trimester of pregnancy is always determined by several times more oxygen consumption than during the first two trimeters. Therefore, breathing exercises for pregnant women are simply necessary for women who are preparing to become mothers in the near future.
  3. Thanks to breathing exercises, the required amount of oxygen is supplied to the baby's brain in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, which allows avoiding various pathologies during childbirth and in the later life of the child.
  4. Learning how to breathe correctly will help:
    • reduce toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy;
    • improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
    • relieve tension and relax;
    • get rid of the headache that "accompanies" many pregnant women in the first trimester, and sometimes the entire pregnancy.
  5. Breathing exercises help relieve increased uterine tone during the first and second trimester of pregnancy.
  6. By doing breathing exercises throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to breathe more concentrated during childbirth, and also reduce the risk of any injury during childbirth.
  7. Respiratory exercises Strelnikova for pregnant women helps to normalize blood pressure, relieve prenatal depression and relieve fatigue.
  8. By taking a little time for classes 3-4 times a week, you can learn to relax the abdominal and pelvic muscles, which helps the uterus to fully open during childbirth, speeding up the entire process of labor.
  9. You can study at any time of the day without spending money (unless, of course, you do not attend special courses).
  10. This breathing system has absolutely no drawbacks, since its action is aimed solely at maintaining health.

You can start breathing exercises only after consulting your doctor. Only a qualified specialist can make recommendations for pregnant women involved.

As a rule, you can do this kind of exercise already in the first trimester of pregnancy. This will help you learn how to breathe correctly to provide your body and the body of the unborn child with oxygen, and will also prepare the expectant mother before childbirth.

The principles of correct performance of breathing exercises

Before performing gymnastics of this kind, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules for the event.

In order to learn correct breathing, you should lie on your back and slightly bend your legs at the knee joint. Now we inhale air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. It is very important to learn how to draw air not into the lungs, but into the stomach. inhaling air, try to hold your breath for one minute. If you fail to do this, then we keep the air just as much as you can. After that, we gradually exhale the air.

In the first lessons, this exercise should be performed three times. Over time, the number of exercises in one approach should be at least five. In total, at least twenty repetitions should be done throughout the day. And only after you breathe with ease in this way while lying on your back, you can try to perform them from a standing and sitting position.

Having learned this breathing technique, you can easily practice anywhere and anytime: while watching your favorite TV series, while walking, etc. Once you have developed a persistent diaphragmatic breathing habit, you can try to speed up the exercises.

All that is needed for this is to count the number of breaths you took in one minute, and then gradually increase this figure. As a result, you should master the execution of deep and rhythmic breathing, which can be performed at different rates. It is this kind of breathing that is used at the first stage of labor.

List of breathing exercises

We bring to your attention the most common types of breathing exercises.

Chest breathing technique

We put our right hand on the chest, and the left hand on the stomach, inhale with a full chest and exhale. Now we inhale air through the nose and try to draw it into the lungs, and not into the stomach, so that the left hand remains motionless.

The right hand, on the other hand, should rise during inhalation. We hold our breath as much as you can, after which you should exhale very slowly.

Holding breathing technique

We enter through the nose and hold our breath for exactly ten seconds, after which we exhale sharply through the mouth. Beginners can start with five of these exercises, but ideally twenty reps should be done.

This exercise will help get rid of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Mastering the technique of shallow breathing

We breathe often and rhythmically so that the stomach remains motionless. The air must be inhaled into the lungs. Before performing this exercise, it is undesirable to eat anything.

Typically, there should be at least 30 breaths in 60 seconds.

Learning to breathe intermittently

We open our mouth slightly and stick out the tongue. All breaths in and out should be accompanied by sound. This exercise resembles dog breathing.

In one minute, you need to make 60 breaths.

Learning to breathe with the muscles of the abdominal cavity

We put our right hand on the chest, and the left hand on the stomach. Before starting, you must exhale all the air from your lungs. Now we inhale through the nose, so that the right hand remains motionless, and the left one rises.

We hold our breath for 20 seconds, after which we gradually exhale through the mouth.

Mastering the full breathing technique

First we exhale, and then the entrance. It is very important to inhale gradually, while lifting the abdomen and then the chest. At the end of the inhalation, we hold our breath for five seconds, after which we slowly exhale through the mouth. Initially, the chest should go down, and only then the stomach. This exercise can cause slight dizziness, so it is undesirable to do it more than four times.

While in position, do breathing exercises daily, do not be lazy, as this will help you improve your health throughout pregnancy and facilitate the course of contractions during labor. It has been proven that the ability to control their own breathing has helped many girls relieve pain during childbirth.

We sincerely wish you success in all your endeavors and good health!