If you can not forget the person for a long time, then he doesn't let you go in the soul. Forever forget the beloved person who betrayed you. How quickly forget the former and not think about him

Sometimes such life situations arise when it would be better to forget a certain person. Easy to say, and sometimes, it is very difficult, especially if we have enough strong attachment to this person. In this regard, I want to offer you several effective recommendations, how to forget the person. These are various psychological trainings and installations, and just tips, proven by the experience of many people relating to how to forget the person you love.

Psychological techniques - "Employment"

If you fell into a difficult life situation, do not despair! You are concerned about the question: "How to forget a person?" Psychology offers us a number of sufficiently effective and, in general, known to many techniques. The main method lies in switching attention to some other occupation. And the main role is given here to physical exertion. Indeed, engaged in some sport, and especially if it is an endurance exercises (running, bike, loads in the gym, and in the winter - ski racing and skating), in this case, with intensive loads, you will simply have no time to think about then. And coming home after work or classes, the only thing you will think about - how to quickly relax. A slightly smaller effect, but also quite significant, give various intellectual classes to which, however, from a person should be very serious interest. In addition, to forget the person, you need to work a lot or engaged, as they say, socially useful work. That is, the main help is still in "work therapy", and no matter what (in which area) is expressed. Therefore, to the question of what to do to forget the person, we are responsible for: work until the seventh sweat.

Let's exit emotions

Also, psychologists strongly advise not to keep their sadness in themselves. If you want to cry - we fumble, I want to scream - shout. We must definitely flash your emotions. Forget about the installations of the type: strong people do not cry. Believe me - as they cry, otherwise they would have been broken long ago. Only strong people do it away from prying eyes. As for attitudes towards you others, the only thing that should be avoided is to allow others to show pity in relation to you. No need to regret you, let it be better for you to support you that they will be awake, they will distract from unpleasant thoughts. But manifesting in relation to other pity, people provide them with a bear service. A person who is regret, often lowers his hands, does not want to leave his depressed state, while often surprised: why can't you forget a person? Meanwhile, the answer is simple: between genuine sympathy and pity - a real abyss. Sympathy supports, and pity - suppresses the will. Surrounded by pity, a person does not even understand that, in fact, he is free, and he brings himself almost to depression. Therefore, drive away the regrets and grieving and happily take fun and positive people.

How to quickly forget a person?

Whatever techniques we use, whatever psychological trainings spent, only one can truly help us: awareness. Awareness that a new life has begun, free from previous affections. Suppose the person you can't forget you seriously offended. Think about the same such outstanding this person? How could you influence what he did? I will answer - in no way. Though to cut: there is no way to make a person be different - he can change and change his attitude towards you only himself, according to his own will. And if you do not want to change the attitude, think: why is it necessary for you? Why should the sobal nerves, and therefore, and their health, because of the one who betrayed you? With such a person, you will not be happy, you will tell you any psychologist, and some sorcerer, who proposes to try the magic ritual - for example, a conspiracy to forget the person - provided that this sorcerer is honest enough. No psychology, no magic is able to force a person to become different - he can reach only his own mind, with its conclusions on the basis of personal experience and interaction with others. So, if you wonder - come and ask for forgiveness. Will not come - and okay, is it worth spending on such a nerves? In this case, it is better to forget the person forever - and without any regret.

If offender - you

What to hide - the situation is not simple. But not in vain say: what is done - it is done. Yes, it can be very painful, yes, you often think that I could do differently. Well, firstly: I could not, and secondly, it follows from the first: there is no point in worrying - and that is why. I am not a supporter of fatalism, but if we honestly consider the events that happened to us, we note that much in our life was actually happening in addition to our will. And this is no philosophy, but the real reality, analyzing which, you will look at a new look. Start from the very beginning: we wanted to be born? Let's recognize the obvious fact: our birth happened in addition to our will, rather - by the will of our parents, because they did not plan that we would be born exactly, is it? What happened next? We did not choose the parents, the house, did not choose the environment, just life, once at once put certain circumstances with which we could cope with anyway and to which adapt themselves. Thus, our personal life experience was acquired and character was formed. Why am I talking about this in this way? Because, honestly by analyzing your past relations with a person you can't forget, you will understand that they simply could not do differently - at least because of their acquired character. No one is to blame for that, just it happened - and let it be easier for you. Therefore, it is not necessary to lower your hands, just accept the situation as tributary - and as a useful experience for the future. If it becomes easier for you: I will cry, messy away from an extraneous eye, and then lift your head and calmly live on - after all, there is still so many interesting in life!

: Time reading:

"How to forget the person you love?" The women and men are asked by this question. Many are difficult, by completing the relationship in fact, at the same time release them emotionally. How to do it in seven steps tells psychologist Tatyana Chuwilikova.

When we are in a relationship for a long time, many unifying links and memories are accumulated, which cannot be deleted forever from memory forever. The idea of \u200b\u200bforgetting who you spent a long time is absurd by itself. It is impossible to forget your past, but it is possible to start experiencing other, more comfortable emotions and feelings.

Yes, not everyone suffers. It depends on how the relationship was completed: whether the partition was the initiator, or you themselves decided to part with the beloved. If you yourself decided to finish the relationship, it will be easier - because you are aware of the reasons to leave everything in the past. In such situations, it is easier to preserve a sense of self-esteem, satisfaction and confidence.

It is impossible to forget your past, but it is possible to start experiencing other, more comfortable emotions and feelings.

Parting is important to survive, figure out how to forget your loved one, even if it seems "the only one." We need to let go of painful memories and feelings - love, sometimes anger or offense.

Five reasons forget the destroyed relationship:

  1. In order not to endure the remaining feelings on new partners. Do not compare them with the previous one in the best, then for the worse. It greatly prevents new relationships.
  2. In principle to be ready to enter into new relationships. Sometimes after the rupture, we may not want any more relationship, even if we meet decent partners. Then we choose loneliness for years that rarely makes us happy.
  3. To stop blaming yourself. And to endlessly sort out the episodes of your quarrels, scroll into the idea in the head, as it was necessary to behave differently, so that the gap does not occur, what could not make mistakes.
  4. To restore self-esteem. There may be a thought that you cannot be together. What no one else with you in relation to your relationship. This installation may not leave alone and pretty spoil life.
  5. To just stop suffering and wait for a partner's return.

How to fall off the person you love? I will try to help you.

These rules must be followed for at least three months from the date of termination of relations. I want to warn, they work only in case you definitely decided that the relationship is over. Or are you sure that the partner, if he left you myself, will not decide to return. That is, if there is no options for the resumption of relationships.

There is no accurate answer, how much time needs to forget your loved one, but after three months of life for these rules you must feel relief.

How to forget your loved one, the advice of a psychologist.

1 abandon alcohol and sedative

The main rule for the next three months is to completely eliminate any psychoactive substances: alcohol, drugs, sedatives. It is necessary because substances inhibit the accommodation of emotions using them, you delay the process, but do not facilitate your condition.

2 abandon meetings with experiences

Exclude all contacts with a person who broke up. Correspondence, browsing pages on social networks, gossip about a former partner from friends and acquaintances and, of course, any possible meetings.

You need to warn all the common acquaintances that they should not inform you about the news about the former partner in any way. Let them communicate without you. If you need to convey some things, ask someone else about it, best if it is a courier, a neutral face.

If you have common children, organize a meeting of children with a partner through relatives, in order not to intersect personally. Do not ask the child about all the details and news. How to easily and quickly forget your loved one, if all the time talk about him?!

3 get rid of things and places that remind about the past

The third rule, which will facilitate your condition, is to completely get rid of things, photos, gifts and other points that can remind relationships. Even if they like you very much. Just give or throw away. Even if this car is worth selling it and buy another.

Do not attend places - cafes, parks, theaters where you love to walk together. All objects that are able to call memories of relationships should be eliminated as soon as you noticed it.

4 Abandon habits formed in relationships

When we closely communicate with a person, we produce habits or rituals that form the environment of our relations. These habits will also support the process of reproducing memories and feelings. Therefore, any habits that you have been formed in relationships, for these three months it is necessary to exclude.

For example: with a partner you started sleeping on your back, and not on my side. Or you started going to the gym, began to go to bed late, began to dress differently. All these rituals need to be stopped following these rules.

5 eliminate artistic images that cause sadness

6 Wait to enter new relationships

At this time, it is necessary not to enter into a new relationship, no matter how much you want. Also worth excluding both accidental intimacy. An approach to new relationships in such a period usually does not lead to anything good, and random relationships will only exacerbate the state. Unfortunately, people rarely realize this and use the rules "wedge-wedge embroider" or do it as attempts to distract.

7 Think about working with a psychotherapist

All the necessary support for the loss of relationships will also help ensure a psychologist-psychotherapist, which will greatly facilitate the process of complete completion of relations. It is necessary that you do not have any emotional "tailings" that could be brought to new relationships.

Instead of imprisonment

Observing these items, do not try to force yourself to drown out feelings, but do not immerse them completely, do not stuck in the experiences. Remember that the relationship is big, but still a part of life, and not the whole life is entirely.

Completion of relationships is a loss, loss of what was in life priorities for a long time. And, as in the case of any loss, for example, the death of a loved one, time is necessary to live it. You have to go through all its stages - from denial to adoption.

Even if now it seems to you that you have not lost anything (and maybe, on the contrary, - insanely happy release), such as, for example, in the event of a severe, destructive relationship, this process will begin sooner or later. There is no one relationship in which there would be no attachment and something valuable that you received for yourself. Moreover, the presence of such strong senses such as anger, disgust, relief from the rupture - an indicator that inside itself you have not finished these relationships.

Do not stuck in the experiences. Remember that the relationship is big, but still a part of life, and not the whole life is entirely.

To answer the question of how to forget your loved one, it does not matter what particular feelings are you experiencing. Much more important is the degree and the degree of expression of experiences. What experiences are weaker, the closer you are to the complete completion of the relationship. I can not say when you can "cool down". In each story, it will be individual, depend on a number of factors: your personality, relationships themselves, as far as a person has been close to you, the duration of contact and parting features.

But still using a list of rules that I led will speed up the process of living and release a partner, if it does not happen in itself. Survive the gap will be easier using these methods.

How do we all want that our love never died, and we believe, because we want to believe that real love lives forever. However, in real life, love still dies, someone earlier, someone later, but dies, and each of us can potentially be ready for her death. And when love dies, we have a need to forget your loved one, so as not to suffer too long because of the memories of him, but instead to prepare yourself for new love, new relationship, new life and move on. How to forget your loved one, when all thoughts are only about him, when you can not even imagine life without him? In this article, I will give you, dear readers, a few proven life, and personally confused in practice, advice that will help you do. I will be healed your heart and soul so that you felt a happy person again!

The rupture of the relationship is almost never painless, since it is rare anyone to calm their emotions, inevitably arising because of this gap, and at first it always seems that everything is over with loss of his beloved person. The tragedy is so great that it seems like a person seems to be no longer able to live on, and if he can, he is no longer waiting for anything good in the future that everything is good in the past. But in reality it is not. You just need to understand what happened to you and why. Want to understand - how to forget your loved one? Understand what you need to forget it. And you need to forget your loved one in order not to not only not suffer, but also not to deprive themselves opportunities to get even more different impressions and sensations from life. But while your thoughts are spinning around the dead, or while still dying love - you lose the precious time - the time of your life. What is your problem at all, if you can't forget your loved one? It's all about the habit and in your attention, which you just focus on one single person - a loved one who is allegedly impossible to forget. But if you learn how to manage your attention, then you can forget anyone and anything, as well as you can drop from anything and from anyone. This can be learned either independently or with the help of foreign people, specialists. You need to manage your attention so that it is flexible enough and could switch from one life situation to another at your request.

To loosen from your loved one and switch your attention to other people, you need to be able to look at life wider and through the prism of time. You see when love dies in a person, an emptiness is formed inside it, in which the image of a loved one is smoldering. But the holy place is not empty, and a new one will come to the place of deplest love, even stronger love will come. And all that the person is required is to simply wait until the old love and everything connected with it - joy, hatred, resentment, anger, memories, pleasant and unpleasant feelings, touch and prepare for a meeting of new love. It is not necessary to hold on to the smoldering ashes of old love, it is not necessary to focus its attention at the current moment, believing that the whole life is imprisoned only in it - see the future, take your attention to positive images from the future in which you are waiting for new, even more exciting and Charming sensations. In my mind, this image of a bright future in your mind, imagine a new love, before you unprecedented, think about what you have not yet experienced in life, because all the best we always have ahead.

Anger, hatred, disorder, resentment, sadness, suffering, mental pain, various memories, perhaps even depression - so that you do not have to have at the moment all this you need to leave in the past. With whatever feelings you have not connected your beloved person, whatever emotions have experienced, thinking about him, all this, I repeat, should stay in the past so that you have already experienced everything with you, new feelings, new experiences, new feelings have come to the place. Do not deprive yourself the pleasure of learn other people who can give you even more bright love. You do not think that your favorite (beloved) is the only person in the world you can love? There are so many interesting people around us who can love and who can love us that we just have no need to keep the image of one single person in our head, no matter how wonderful he is and give all his life energy only to him. This person is not so important for you, as before, he depreciated, realize it. And all that for us has no importance and value - it is easily forgotten.

You also need to get rid of unnecessary associations and memories related to your loved one. If something or, perhaps, even everything in your life, reminds you of a person you want to forget, then change your life. Get rid of all things that remind you of it, from all gifts that this person give you, in general, from everything that you tied with him. You can change the place of residence and place of work, if they are associated with you with this person to completely get rid of old, both pleasant and unpleasant, memories related to it. You can, and you even need to do it - go to some interesting journey that will give you a lot of new impressions and help forget. You need new emotions, new sensations, new energy from the outside world. Then everything is old that now worries you and does not give you peace, you will be forgotten. If you are interested in anything - work, hobby, then start paying more attention to this, plunge into what you wonder what you really like to take your attention. Well, about entertainment, of course, do not forget too. With their help, you can relax and remove stress. By myself, I can say that active mental activity helps to forget about many things, including about the beloved person. When we actually think about something or over something when we solve any complex tasks, we achieve any important goals for us in life, we are not up to suffering and not before experiences, our brain is busy work, not by busting Old memories. So if you are an amateur of intellectual work - work, strain your brains, then they will not have the strength to thoughts about the beloved person. You need to show your brain that it is currently more important for you, focusing on what it, in your opinion, must be concentrated.

You know, friends, what else is important to understand - suffering from deceased love, when it is impossible to forget your loved one, we must be experienced, at least once in life. You will never know the taste of life - if you do not suffer. After all, when we rejoice and when we are happy - our life can be called a sweet life, and when we suffer and sad, then this is a salty life, and even a bitter life, which we also need to taste. So more interesting, you see, so we live, we feel, we feel the life of all our senses, we know this life through the joy and suffering. We live to think and suffer - if you agree with the famous poet. Let you now have a soul and whine hearts, let you be very sad and hurt, understand the main thing - you need it, you need all these feelings, so enjoy them. But they need them in moderation, these sufferings are needed, so they were injured, they won, shoved, in one word - they felt everything that you needed to feel - and enough. It's time to return to the world of joy and happiness, otherwise you reduce and cross your life. And life, nevertheless, more often should be sweet, not salted and not bitter.

You will die to manage your thoughts to manage your emotions with their help. When you think about how to forget the person you love, think about what you love him, or loved. It's all about sensations, right? It was for the sensations given to you that you loved him, for all those experiences and feelings that thanks to him were experienced, for all those happy moments that he gave you. And even if it may be a little good, let him be imperfect in something, in something he was even terrible and offended you, yet, thanks to the fact that he (or she) gave you - you once fell in love. And now ask the question - whether you experienced all the feelings in your life, which you can experience, did you experience all the emotions? Obviously, no. After all, life is so complex and diverse that it is just a sea of \u200b\u200ball sorts of sensations and related emotions that can awaken in a person incredible in their power of feeling, thanks to which we can experience great joy and bliss. So why limit yourself only those sensations that you have already experienced, why hold on for the old, when is it waiting for the Divine love ahead? And she really awaits you, believe me. Love, joy and happiness in this life a lot - for everyone enough.

Probably, you are because you limit yourself, clinging for the old love that you are afraid that it is in your life anything good nothing will happen that you will no longer have any love that you can only lose something, but not to purchase. I'm right? Of course, I'm right. After all, I know what you feel, and not only because I have a psychologist and through me a lot of people have passed, trying to forget your loved one, but also because I myself, too, a person who is able to love, and once my heart sick so same as yours now hurts. We are deeply mistaken when we think that only one single person in our lives can be a loved one, losing whom, we will lose forever and love. But if I should tell you about how often I lose one love, people, after some time, fell in love again, did they find a new person who fell in love with madness and completely forgot about their past love? I am confident that such cases are also known to you, and I, friends, came across them and come across constantly. The thing is that love lives in this world by itself, it is not related to specific people, it just has and we can all have it if we strive for her. And when and with whom we will experience it, it is not so important, because in this life there are many people who can love and who can love us. Love the love itself, and not just a person, in relation to which you are experiencing it, then love in your life will be a lot - clean, bright, sincere and very strong love.

And you need more to love yourself. You must understand that people come to our life and go out of it, and we stay. And it is natural, everything ever ends, even love. But our love for yourself can be very long, and she must be long as we live - we must love ourselves, and we need to cherish this love. Now you doubt that in your life there will be a lot of love, because you doubt yourself, you doubt that you are worthy of something more than what you have lost. Although you know, this is not a loss - it's just a living stage of your life. And having loved themselves, you will not only forget your loved one, or rather, you will stop attaching to it the meaning in which you are experiencing emotions that have tormented you, but even thank the fate for separating you. After all, thanks to this separation, you have the opportunity to make your life even more interesting, even better, even more beautiful, and this is exactly what we all want. We all want - more love, more joy, more happiness, more pleasant and even unpleasant sensations, we want to experience everything in your life, which can be experienced. Well, take advantage of this opportunity - experience new feelings, new love, new sensations, accommodate another joyful life.

Old love died, and no matter what reason, now it's time for the birth of new love, she is already punishing in your heart, you just need to pay attention to it and help her grow. You ask - how can you love yourself to believe in the best future? And I will ask you another question friends - why don't you love yourself? You do not have objective reasons not to love yourself, I am ready to prove it to any of you if you need. If you do not like yourself, I can with full confidence you tell you that someone's stranger is to blame for this, and not you yourself. Apparently, someone once again responded to you, someone convinced you that you were not for you to love yourself or there was no need, and you believed this person, as a result of which they really ceased to love themselves. Perhaps it was your favorite or beloved who you can not forget now. Then, perhaps, you should forget it or it precisely for this reason, because of the fact that your favorite person made you not love yourself? It seems I got too launched, agree? Well, let's leave all these logical perversions for your advisory work, and now we will be better thinking about another question.

And this question sounds like that - what do you think is happiness? Of course, you can think about many things, answering this question, but let's make it more specific. Answer yourself honestly - you could live forever with that person who loved and which now can't forget? Think better. No matter how strong your love was, it is quite obvious that sooner or later she would just be tired. Well, why it's late for her to bother you, why not stop it right now, that's exactly this very second? Nothing can be eternal, for eternity is hell, what we would not speak with you, at least about love, at least about what. You can not love forever, you can not constantly live with the same person and constantly try to him alone and the same feelings, everyone ever should end, so that something else has something else, something new. Remember, I wrote above, through the prism of which you need to be able to look at life? Now, now I'm talking about this. Think about the time, about its necessity for us and our lives. Your old love is finished, she has been talked, the time has come for a new love. You will now have a new love, understand it. It will be even stronger, brighter, more, if you want, high-quality love from which you will be on the seventh heaven from happiness. What are you, in this case, may still be questions about life and love? Live, love, suffer, but in moderation - life gives everything that has, you will be able to take her gifts and be grateful for them. Believe me, life is wiser than us, and if she changes our life, it means that it is necessary so better for us.

Well, what, you still can't forget your loved one? Then I will help you do it with suggestion. Right now - take and forget it! All, forget, and no longer remember him! Your will - will allow you to forget anyone and anything. It only needs to give the appropriate team, and if we speak more precisely, you need to wish to do something with the help of your willpie. So, we now wanted you to forget your loved one. And you forgot it! And now open a new page of your life - and paint your future on it as you want to see it. From this very moment, begin to enjoy life, enough suffer - Gorky and Salney must be in moderation. It's time for new sensations, new joy, new love and new happiness. Today you are re-born, and now you have to experience a lot of new and pleasant sensations that you have never experienced. I healed you! You are free! The question with the forgetting of your loved one is closed. Now, after you read this article - you will forget about everything that bothered you. There is no more pain, no suffering, no experiences and any tears. From this very moment, your life has changed, now you live in a new way, you woke up new, clean, bright and very strong love. While you do not notice her and do not know about it, but it is, I assure you. Go to her meet, and do not think about anything, just feel - you feel that love I awakened inside you. Feel it? Okay. That's all. Now your problem is solved. Live and enjoy life!

If you still have some questions about this topic, well, let's say that they have left you, let's say that you are one of those few people in this world, to whom my article did not help cure the soul, then contact me for advice . We will treat your soul wounded with you and the new heart, and we will definitely cure them. I will not allow you, after reading my article, and even more so after communication with me, to remain an unfortunate man! I believe that we all must be happy!

Definitely parting with once a hot beloved person ... Not the most pleasant event in life. But so either otherwise, almost every person faced with such situations. The incredible number of unpleasant external circumstances, which undoubtedly affect the natural course of events, and on the relationship between people in general.

Our internal conflicts and negative states, some uncontrollable and uncontrolled situations or a sudden coolness of the feelings, as on your part, so actually from the most beloved person - and here literally the threshold has already plugged inexorable separation. And somehow our house suddenly empties, and somehow our phone is silent for a long time, and it's a shame and hurt, and again hurts and hurt ...

Moreover, it hurts so that not even retelling these words. There may be sleepless nights, and almost completely wet from their own tears pillow, and complete despair, and even chaos in our soul and in our thoughts. No matter how regrettable it would be to realize it, but no advice of crowded girlfriends or close people are absolutely not able to clarify the situation and explain how to live next ...

We described some kind of classic genre, which is familiar to the majority. And now let's figure it out how to still be able to forget that your loved one and seemingly the only one?

Many painful minutes of waiting, many melting with each new day of hope - for sure, all this was once able to survive hundreds of thousands of left women. Unfortunately, this imperfect world is so arranged, which implies that women tend to throw men much less often than the men themselves do.

And, probably, an incredibly painful question, how to forget once a hot beloved person, sooner or later it can stand almost before all of the representatives of the beautiful female. It should be noted that some of the women have already learned easily and adequately cope with that pain or longing, which can accompany separation. Or maybe in this matter someone has already helped the Solving Tips for psychologists or experienced girlfriends ... how to know.

Nevertheless, the main part of the abandoned ladies, from its inescanic grief often can fall into some extremes and even begins to make absolutely unreasonable in all respects, and sometimes even more than inadequate actions or actions. Moreover, the results of such actions, as a rule, are directly opposite to all expectations. So how to avoid you all? How quickly and painless for yourself to forget earlier a lot of your loved one? In this publication, we will try to choose the best tips for you. The best advice of psychologists who have already been able to help many women adequately experience their loss, and do it as quickly and easily.

Learn to forget your loved one

No doubt parting with a gently beloved person is always a shock that can be a very serious test and even an injury for your psyche. Many are convinced that a woman abandoned by a loved one is in some ways perhaps even the sacrifice that fell into a dangerous trap separation with an incredibly expensive and close to her man.

It is a victim, which in principle does not know how it is from such a dangerous trap to get out. And, as a rule, any movements can cause the victim unbearably severe pain, however, and remain more time in such a cappana - almost death like. So how to be, you ask? How to be able to change the current situation to something better and what needs to be done to be able to completely forget the beloved and expensive, who was previously more expensive and more value?

For a start, let's try to look at the situation of the partition itself with a man, as a fact that has already taken place and uniquely cannot be denant. And then we will remember that the woman is, primarily a person, and a strong person, for which such tests may be just another step to greater self-cultivation. Well, of course, few people would like such a lift to the next step so difficult. But fate has its own rules and laws. With fate, of course, you will not argue ... Actually, therefore we have only one thing - try to climb up the very steps with the least unrest for yourself and minimal losses.

How can it be done? Well, in general, of course, this process of falls and lifts is strictly individual. Nevertheless, truly a huge collective experience, as well as numerous advice for the ladies who have already separated once with their favorite men, gives psychologists a great opportunity to create a strictly defined scheme for behavior. A scheme that could most fully answer questions about how it is possible to forget their beloved person quickly and most painless for themselves.

So, what should I do to achieve the result?

  1. Well, firstly, in no case, in no case, it is not strongly impressive and actively try to recognize how your former beloved man lives after parting. You can ask any psychologist who will answer you that in addition that such information brings only a terrible pain to you, such actions in the end can provoke you on extremely rampant rash deeds.

    At such actions, for which after a short period of time you will definitely become incredibly ashamed. And moreover, if, after parting, a person's favorite people also could have any doubts about the correctness of the act or simply in relation to the woman who had once left him, such actions would be able to dispel such doubts finally and irrevocably.

    Actually, therefore, if you are moving, not knowing how to forget your beloved man, you should try to remember, and once and for all, after the rupture should be kept from such a man as much as possible. And even in that dangerous from the occasions, if you are still not able to forget your loved one, it is constantly impossible to get across this man on the eyes - this is a law, as it can cause only more irritation and negative desires!

    Nevertheless, if this is how to immediately decide on such cardinal measures (from the eye, from the heart, from the heart) I simply lack your own mental strength or madly you want a loved one at least just to call and hear the voice, then, of course, to dial his number The phone is definitely possible. As psychologists say, completely unrealized desires of this kind may even provoke the solid development of the deepest depression, and this is as you understand, unambiguously does not contribute to the restoration of your psyche after transferring stress. Actually, so if it is impossible to endure - take and call, but at the same time we are trying to rather say without hysterical, as if in a friendly, it's not enough interested in his daily affairs, possibly health or work.

    After all, in the end, this man had a close man to you, and it means that you can ask you how he lives now. Note that in general, most abandoned women, such calls can help calm down faster. Moreover, such calls will fully comply with the correct scheme that allows you to forget your former beloved person forever. Note that thanks to such calls, gradually a man from the discharge of hot loved ones may well go to a certain discharge called friends. Moreover, after such calls with time, a man can disappear from your life at all, simply remaining a pleasant (or not very) memories.

  2. And secondly, for a long time to stay alone only with its own grief, like a kitten, clogging into the most distant corner of the corner and leave all as far as possible, it is definitely impossible. Of course, it is not worth it to expand yourself with memories with a detailed digging in every minute, which was once spent with her beloved once man.

    Thus, it is possible to start inventing the most incredible reasons for the care of a beloved, perhaps to start digging in yourself awarding themselves with complexes, and portraying at the same time a home-grown inadequate psychologist. ... and is not better to walk as much as possible to go as much as possible, or to be in humans.

    Make a simple communication is sometimes able to graze a person. However, if at a specific period of time you do not have a suitable society, with which you will feel relatively worn, it means that it will be possible and most likely to take a walk through the streets of the city or somewhere in a beautiful pleasant park.

  3. Well, and, thirdly, constantly hiding their own emotions or to restrain constantly crying is impossible, and in no way from real cases. And yet, with all the same, we, of course, do not supporters that you talk about your problem to every conversational person. It will be possible to just go closer to my mother or a close girlfriend and tritely nourishing Radom with her, as they say before stuttering.

    As a conclusion, we note that the main answer to questions like, how to consume to survive parting, sounds like this - by all means, chat in a difficult period with people close to you. After all, otherwise, the development of the strongest psychosis will be simply provided. It is also definitely not to try to block in yourself and thus continue to cultivate your own pain - believe me, it can grow to gigantic nobody of the necessary sizes.

    And even if I am glad to have those people with you who could have suffer in a vest, it should be actively looking for a new communication - it is communication will help you to delete overly oppressive thoughts and the main thing will help stabilize bursts of negative emotions.

Some of the girls once lost her beloved and, in principle, not knowing and not understanding at all thoroughly, how to be able to forget the oldest feelings, trying to trust the grief in alcohol.

Some try to leave trouble, constantly engaged in sex with all new and completely unfamiliar partners. Of course, to do the first, and the second is not only illogical and inexpedient, but also extremely dangerous and harmful to health, and sometimes life.

Alcohol assistance usually only aggravates the problems, and the same random sexual communications at any time can provoke an incredible set of any additional even more unpleasant problems.

Well, as a folding reputation of the completed alcoholic, or the dissolved ineffective parties will never be able to unambiguously contribute to the time that the former lover decided to ever regret his gap with you.

Forget your beloved man ... how best to do it?

In order to fully realize and understand how to forgive the former beloved man forever, you need to try to take the truth that all psychologists are in need. Namely to realize the fact that from your own future life will have to remove everything that binds you even by banal memories. And therefore it is very desirable to eliminate absolutely all objects that can have at least some attitude to a previously beloved man.

You will have to throw away or give someone from the long-haired acquaintances to him all who belonged to him, all given gifts and so on. Do you feel sorry? Without doubt! However, remember your mental health, is undoubtedly more expensive. Understand how it will disappear from your environment, all the material reminders about this person - right there, completely disappeared by us all the anchors who kept us beside him. And then your boat of fate will again receive an excellent opportunity for full and undivided freedom.

Without a doubt, the freedom of this shoe will be able to fully use not so immediately. Only after your primary shock from painful separation will be fully held, the next period will come. And it will be a period of complete prostration, a kind of unpleasant depressive, but less painful state, when you remember your trouble, but perceive no longer enough, as it was before, the problem is felt as if from afar. You ask, how to experience full parting with your favorite previously man at a not less difficult period of time?

Now explain.

It is definitely a rather complicated time in a psychological plan, a time when emotions could gradually be filled, but everyone is so thoughts, they are still spinning near the past misfortune, constantly interfering with you at least seriously. Of course, from such a state, a woman needs to leave, applying all the forces.

You should be distracted in companies of close friends, or colleagues, attend various corporate events, go to theaters, or exhibitions - in general, to do anything, just all these entertainment helped weathered dangerous sad reflections on past relationships.

Moreover, all this "what the soul of please" Of course, it should be at least a little more interesting than you are interested in otherwise the desired effect will not be released. It is also desirable that both your companies and numerous visiting sites were unfamiliar or generally new, primarily nothing, and in no way remind you of once lost love.

Modern psychologists have a wonderful reception, helping incredibly quickly understanding a woman, how to forget once and forever a previously beloved person. To do this, make a special "Book of Happiness" - it can be a regular notebook or say notepad, where in a literal sense, each of the pages will be assigned under a strictly defined day in the week.

Directly in the headlines on each such pages, you should write a large authoritative phrase "My incredible happiness for this (today's) day of the week", and then, daily, let's say in the evenings, calmly rewrite in these pages all that has delivered you at least the slightest at least Minor joy. And any little things are suitable for you from the past day.

Suppose it may well be some funny dog \u200b\u200bon the street that sniffed you, or a beautiful handbag, looking at you from the showcase of your favorite store, perhaps a smile of passerby, bright flourishing flowers and so on. And believe me only after such a small "happiness" you will be frightened a couple of dozen pages, your tired psyche will begin to fully navigate only on the most joyful events in life, and then the trouble will retreat completely.

How to delete from the memory of your beloved man forever

At that time, when your grief from a sudden parting with an expensive and beloved person gradually stopped breaking you into parts, but the soul is still gradually and occasionally, it is finally time for creation. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken precisely for creation, since such stresses, as a rule, allow us to freely release their internal potential, and that potential, about whose power we themselves could not even think and literally not suspic. Actually, precisely in this - and the undoubted use of the table of painful and unpleasant situations is, and to some extent, this can be considered even our luck.

You ask, what will the creation be expressed in? Yes, believe me literally in anywhere! You can radically change your own image or change the interior of your own apartment, it is possible to study a long-lived foreign language or just shopping. Someone in this period of life will write a book, someone will learn to know perfectly to knit, or embroider with a cross, and someone will draw, breed exotic plants ... and much more.

It is incredibly useful can be at this time to start some kind of pleasant pet, of course, if there is no such thing, and as a result, to get into full-fledged care for this animal. Well, in one word, you will need to start creating your own life again, and to do all this in such a way that literally each of the minor changes in life delivered a maximum of pleasure.

In such actions, in general, it is the basis of a full understanding, as indeed forget the beloved earlier forever and is still quite expensive (close) man.

It is extremely important in such a responsible period of life to pay special attention to its own state of appearance. After all, your former beloved man is not the only person on earth at all, and you are finally free. And this is greater extent that finally comes great time to try to find another beautiful prince. We try to update, as you can, and the wardrobe, be sure to do a completely new hairstyle and in the literal sense, trying to smile to your significantly in the mirror every day, which you will watch in the mirror. Always smile, completely, despite the possible trouble.

We do not react to any possibly bad weather, neither, of course, on an unimportant mood. Remember, smile Even if you reluctantly pulled her face sooner or later, 100% will be able to act as the most effective antidepressant, which means that completely new forces will appear to the right actions. Life Believe me, rollit and again will be able to wake all the colors, as the result was the formerly of the real place in your life simply will not be left absolutely. As a result, we will finally understand that no parting with your favorite people cannot be the end of your life. Rather, all this is just the beginning. Moreover, the beginning of a new, incredibly happy stage in life.

How to behave in anticipate of absolutely new happiness

Finally, we were able to tell you the cute ladies in detail, about how permissible to be able to forget the once beloved and dear man, if the latter suddenly decided to disappear from your life. Out of doubt, such psychological techniques cannot be considered a certain panacea - remember that each of us is always strictly individual and it means that it can carry its grief in its own way. Nevertheless, as a rule, these techniques still work successfully, eliminating us from problems.

In general, the main task of a woman who falls into a similar situation can only be able to change their own attitude to the established unpleasant situation. But only to catch and find out how to do all this even faster, it will be possible to apply for advice to those ladies who have long been successfully survived something like that. Believe me, even sincere sympathy and understanding of such people may be a significant help in such a difficult moment for a woman.

Although it should be noted that an unpleasant parting with a beloved man is far from all cases there is so much trouble for a woman as it seems from the side. It is likely that the beloved man was not 100% ideal, as once seemed.

So, having lost such a man, we will get a unique opportunity to subsequently meet the most real big family happiness. Well, in addition, as previously said - it is such an unreasonable separation that it becomes a start to the most serious achievements, as it moves the woman to conquer all new incredible vertices.

And you agree, who can know - perhaps, after a short period of time, we will experience only immense gratitude to the former and deeply forgotten beloved only for the fact that one day this person is so suddenly and unreasonably left, leaving you alone with a problem.

So either otherwise, but after parting, even with a hot beloved man, a woman should live, and live happily. After all, our life presented by nature is so multifaceted and completely unpredictable that happiness can overtake you pretty quickly! At the same time, happiness, absolutely new, reliable, with which you can go through your whole life.

Such happiness can wait for you literally at each turn! Especially since now, when you have a young lady, you know perfectly well how to get rid of the memory of the once beloved man, you will become completely free and will be able to give a new happiness entirely and completely, completely without light charters.

Each person at least once in his life experienced affection and the disappointment inherent to it, since we are all consisting of romance, dreams and emotions, especially if we love. But here, unfortunately, it is also necessary to say that we are not always loved by mutually, and then it starts to the painful questions to yourself: "Or maybe he (she) will come back - call ...", "He (she) is the most (" The best (one) and I will never meet more than such a person ... ", etc .. This condition is not just an unpleasant feeling, but literally unbearable. It is quite possible to equate even to easy malaise, spoiling our wounded psyche. Well, how much precious time it can take away? Never bring the desired result ...

So let's collect all the strength in the fist and forget about this person!
Next, from the article you will learn:

When should you forget about a person?

One effective means with exhausting relations remains independently to take themselves in hand and begin the stage of recovery, which will undoubtedly bring the fruits. Reliable from painful thoughts about the past partner needed when the following signals seems to be "like" with him with him:
  1. Complete lack of contact on his side and on his initiative.

  2. Refusal under any pretext more than once in a meeting proposed on your part (even when ghosting, it seems to be valid for that).

  3. Full indifference to you as a person and to what is happening in your life.

  4. The emergence of your partner with another person of the opposite sex in various places and treason.

As you can see, these signs are not very much, but they are all absolute proof that you are this man, to put it mildly, as a person, not interesting and further relationships (maybe besides periodic intimate) from him to expect simply not logical, and Basically stupid. "But how so!? And three months of correspondence, a year of relationship, a joint holiday in Sochi, and his romantic calls and sms ...!? " - What it was, you exclaim. Is it really nothing else? - Does not mean! The remote behavior of the partner, especially after a certain time of the joint relationship (if you, of course, did not have trouble, as for example, he changed or committed a different rapid act) in reality only signals about one unpleasant things for you - there is no more relationship There will be no, no matter how sad it was not.

So, how to treat yourself from old ties, how to forget the person you love? If you are interested in whether it is possible, then we answer categorically that yes - possibly. Let's figure it out in the psychology of this process together.

An example of bad relationship
The fact that in a pair of two people - one loves, and the other this love takes, there is nothing strange. Much here really depends on the initial association with an ideal partner, which is somewhere deep in the subconscious, each of us and the real living person with whom we are in a particular connection. So, for example, if "your" type of person is a small increase in a firmly folded brunette, then, having met such a man, you will be half "defeated". And his type of woman, for example, a fair-haired girl with hair to the belt, but he chose you, although you are brown and have a very short haircut. But you have long legs and snaps on the cheeks, when you smile, which attracted his attention to you. After all, he also likes it. But not as the princess with long hair ... What will be the result?

Of course, according to the degree of "soreness" of possible parting will be in its favor. After all, you were far from his ideal. And therefore, you will suffer completely in vain. This is the first explanation for painful separations, which in the head of one "abandoned" partner never end. The second explanation is in the head of the person himself and no preliminary love images for themselves.

What people should forget?

So let's understand three types of a person who can hardly build a long relationship.

The hearts are rarely born. But they often become. This is mainly happening very simply, according to the standard lifestyle. A guy or a girl at a young age does not take care of classmates (which they often have because of their own shyness and it seems). A few years later, when the appearance of such a girl or boyfriend is changing (again, as it seems to others themselves, it happens, as a rule, the first happy event for them. Namely, the fact that someone will definitely show them increased interest. In 99% of such cases, this interest is only a light flirt, about which our "ugly duckling" most likely does not recognize at all.

After breaking the same relationship, "duckling" instead of the "snow-white swan" turns, most likely, in a skillful "manipulator", which prefers the first to hurt partner. Just so as not to experience such a feeling for one more time. From this begins at the "duckling" a whole series of no leading links, "which he himself turns the standard, and for the incomprehensible circumstances for both partners. As a rule, such "duck" improves their appearance primarily and prefer to be the focus of attention due to its irresistible. Although they are actually looking for a way to express themselves due to the cause of pain to another person.

Of course, many "nasty ducklings" in real life are not so divestly. They really can fall in love and advise many beautiful fictional qualities. But their installation on the rupture of relationships does not allow business cards to a stable direction. Such relationships can only be quickly broke and release such a person. In addition to the "nasty ducks" there are several more categories that are not accustomed to the quiet harbor of life together.

"The dreamers"
"Dreamers" who destroy the connection, people are completely unpredictable, and therefore especially dangerous. They themselves are unforgettably believe in their non-existent ideal. Moreover, they believe in it so really and sincerely, that they also force a partner to believe in her game called "Serious Relations". At a certain point, when such as work at work or somewhere else, they are not in order, their idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ideal partner" is also bursting.

They suddenly discover the unpleasant smell of perfume, or too fat nose or full hips and begin to enter the stupor state, looking for any reason to part. At that moment, not even a person, but the connection itself begins to annoy them. They try to get rid of this burden to get rid of this burden and simply disappear from your life! This, as a rule, cases when a person says "I will call you back ..." and does not ring and does not write and does not come. Never!

"The Great Nehokhah .."
Such a person, as a rule, is not a scoundrel in its human essence. He is really looking for a serious relationship - they find them and actively supports! But in the soul he himself does not understand what is absolutely not ready to take responsibility for another person. And the older becomes such "type", the more difficult it will be increasing, that is, to teach it to a normal healthy connection, which ultimately implies the union of two adults. Typical "great non-good" have the following pronounced identification signs:

  • The habit of suddenly disappearing and appear, as if nothing had happened, "squeezing" the beginning of the conversation for nothing without a binding joke or a standard question: "Hello, how are you?".

  • Surface interest in your personality. Talk about parents, work, in general, your way of existence, as a rule, is always translated into a joke and the deepening in this topic is not observed.

  • The tendency to a joint visit of only entertainment institutions for the purpose of ... to have fun.

  • Embossing to appear with you sick, not "so" dressed, just cleaning potatoes or is afraid once again to relax ... (Increased manners, fabulous perception of ordinary reality)

"Great Nehokhuha" seems to be loved by love and family, but does not know until the end, that this is generally implied. He lives in his little Mirka, woven from only him led ideals. By the way, such a type of person can be really faithful to its partner and not give a reason to change. The promotion of relationships with him in the channel "Family, Children ..." is usually completely excluded.

So, if you are really looking for a serious relationship - recognize in time of frivolous partners and throw them. Reagree your soul and look on. And make sure that you will certainly be happy. Now let's look at the period of parting and the stage of "rehabilitation", which is happening in them and how it is necessary to behave correctly.

What to do after parting to forget your loved one faster?

So, it happened ... all. You are no longer together. "When he (she) will finally call ?! .. Maybe something happened? ..." - remember forever, such a simple rule, if something happened, you will call even faster than if nothing happened at all. Of course, if your relationship was really serious. Otherwise, keep in mind that the person has gone and return, i.e. Renew contact - does not intend. What are your actions here correct? Here is a short instruction of these actions.

- Do not call, do not write, do not pass hello.
Because you disappeared not, and he. According to the sober logic of the healthy human mind, the first should be felt about himself - just announced.

- Do not make a "loss" and do not try to suddenly meet.
From this, it is better not to you nor him (her). After all, this way you forcing "loss" to explain something. Well, what could be frank conversations forced?!

- Avoid the place where you may encounter it (her) nose to the nose.
Thus, you get rid of yourself - from unpleasant explanations, and he (her) gives the opportunity to once again take over his own, to put it mildly, bad behavior.

- Delete all the contact details of the missing person.
His data from him - she probably remained, because they are not "missing". And in general, even if he (her) remains your contacts, think, and whether a person is needed that calls you if anyone else on the "today's evening" did not call ... sad and cruel? But the truth! So, remove everything for clean. In addition, having in mind the weak character of some people will be better for themselves not to have access to the contact information of the "missing" in order not to launch "nonsense." For example, after adopting alcohol.

If the "loss" will still call, listen carefully to the cause of the loss. If so does not follow - do not insist on its voice. And the abyss itself.
Believe me - this tactic will be the right one. First, you will remain a person worthy of respect, even in your own eyes. Secondly, you will examine the offender. Well, and thirdly, you do not need a person who does not consider it necessary to explain the cause of his loss. Since he himself does not put anything. Well, what serious relationships can be built on such a relation to you?

Methods, how to forget the person you love, and reduce pain after parting?

In fact, "recover" from love is not difficult, but this will not work so quickly, as I would like. "Out of sight, out of mind!" - This saying is not so meaningless. If you do not see a long time object of your frills and do not hear his voice, you, as it were, fix your, still painful attachment to a person, just based on the old memories. That is, at the time where you were still together. As statistics show (collected by the site specialists, the site), only 13% of 100, people found each other all the same desired and attractive, seeing the passage of a large amount of time. And the rest of the percentage did not even recognize the face or partner figure. So, here's a practical guide to the cleansing "Soul":

1. Make a permutation in the house - change the tablecloths, curtains on the windows, floor mats.
This is a good psychological move. Changing the usual interior where you were thoughts are still tied to a person - takes you into reality, where it is no longer. You, as it were, will begin life from pure sheet, and therefore, the feeling will be more and more and, in the end, it will disappear.

2. Find yourself any routine lesson for every day. For example, start learning a foreign language. Or invite friends every day on tea.
As the same psychology shows, distraction through other sources of "discharge" completely switches the person's consciousness and makes it not to think about the past. What dults pain from the lesion break smoothly threefold. In addition, you can really make useful things during this time.

3. Get acquainted with a person who is interesting to you.
Communication with another partner, even if on a friendly basis, will not give you to deepen in your pain, the latter by putting a meaningless question - "He will call (she) or not?" In fact, it does not matter whether he will call or not. It is important that you, in this way, let your "wedge" of a deadly stupor and stop perceiving the reality inadequately, that is, dreaming and living last. That, undoubtedly, will also return you to the promised land.

Of course, writing advice and follow - two big differences. After all, our heart is made of alive fabrics, and not from chip. But you need to clear all the indignations and the pain of the loss clearly understand that all the time spent on waiting is the time spent in vain. After all, the fate will not deceive. So build it with your own hands, make a lemonade from Lemon, as the great Dale Carnegie wrote. And you will certainly see that it will help you to become more fun, cheerful and most importantly - free person! Good luck!

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