Sad story story. Short touching stories that make you think

“All this happened almost three years ago…. We submitted an application to the registry office. We are me and Arsen (the best guy in the whole world!). We decided to take note of this. We gathered a group of friends and went to the forest for a picnic. We were so happy in those seconds that intuition chose to remain silent about the tragic outcome of this whole story (so as not to upset us and not spoil this “fairy tale melody”).

I hate intuition! I hate! Her tips would save the life of my beloved….. We drove, sang songs, smiled, cried with happiness…. An hour later everything was broken .... I woke up in a hospital room. The doctor looked at me. His gaze was frightened and confused. Apparently, he did not expect that I would be able to come to my senses. Five minutes later, I began to remember .... We were hit by a truck... While I remember the details .... My voice diligently whispered the name of the groom .... I asked about his whereabouts, but everyone (without exception) was silent. It was as if they were keeping some nasty secret. Thoughts that something happened to my kitten, I did not let me close to me, so as not to go crazy.

He died….. Only one piece of news saved me from insanity: I am pregnant and the child survived! I'm sure it's a gift from God. I will never forget my beloved!

Second love story

“How long has it been…. What a romantic banality! We were introduced to the Internet. He introduced, but reality separated. He gave me a ring, they were going to get married .... And then he left me. Threw without regret! How unfair and cruel! For two and a half years I lived with a dream that everything would come back…. But fate stubbornly resisted this.

I dated men to erase my beloved from my memory. One of my boyfriends met me in the same city where my precious ex lived. I never thought that I would meet him in this crowded metropolis. But what always happens is what we least expect .... We walked with my young man, holding hands. We stopped at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. And he was on the other side of the road…. Next to him was his new passion!

Pain and trembling pierced my entire body. Pierced through! Our eyes met, carefully pretending that we were total strangers. However, this look did not escape my boyfriend. Naturally, he bombarded me with questions and questions when we returned home (we lived with him). I told everything. Petya packed my bags and sent me home by train. I understand him…. And he probably understands me too. But only in your own way. Thanks to him for sending me home without scandals and bruises "as a keepsake."

There were two and a half hours left before the train left. I found the number of my beloved and called him. He immediately recognized me, but did not hang up the pipe (I thought that would be the case). He arrived. We met at the station cafe. Then they walked around the square. My suitcase was waiting for me alone at the station. I even forgot to take it to the storage room!

My ex and I sat down on a bench by the fountain and talked for a long time. I didn’t want to look at the clock, I didn’t want to hear the sound of the rails .... He kissed me! Yes! Kissed! Many times, passionately, greedily and tenderly…. I dreamed that this fairy tale would never end.

When my train was announced.... He took my hands and said the most bitter words: “Forgive me! You're very good! You are the best! But we can't be together.... I'm getting married in two months.... Sorry it's not for you! My fiancee is pregnant. And I can never leave her. Forgive me again!" Tears spilled out of their eyes. It seemed as if my heart was crying uncontrollably.

I don't remember how I ended up in the car. I don't remember how I arrived... It seemed to me that I no longer live .... And the ring, presented to them, treacherously shone on the finger .... Its brilliance was very similar to the tears that I shed during those days ....

A year has passed. I could not stand it and looked at his Vkontakte page. He was already married... They already called him dad.

"Daddy" and "happy husband" was and remains my best memory and best stranger .... And his kisses burn my lips so far. Do I want to repeat the moments of a fairy tale? Now there is no. I won't let the best person become a traitor! I will enjoy the fact that he was once in my life.

The third story about the sad, about Love from life

"Hello! It all started so great, so romantic…. I found him on the Internet, met him, fell in love with each other .... Cinema, right? Only, perhaps, without a happy ending.

We hardly met. Somehow quickly began to live together. I liked living together. Everything was perfect, like in paradise. And the engagement came to an end. Only a few months left before the wedding... And the beloved has changed. He started yelling at me, calling me names, insulting me. He had never allowed himself to do this before. I can't believe it's him.... The dear one apologized, of course, but his apologies are very few for me. It would be enough if it didn't happen again! But something “found” something on the beloved, and the whole story was repeated again and again. You have no idea how much pain I'm in right now! I love him to utter madness! I love so much that I hate myself for the power of love. I am at a strange crossroads.... One path leads me to a breakup. Another (despite everything) - in the registry office. What naivete! I understand that people don't change. This means that my “ideal man” will not change either. But how to live without him, if he is my whole life? ..

Recently I told him: "my love, you devote very little time to me, for some reason." He did not let me agree. He started freaking out and yelling at me loudly. It somehow alienated us even more. No, I'm not imagining any tragedy here! It's just that I deserve attention, but he does not let go of the laptop. He parted with his “toy” only when something intimate “pecks” between us. But I don't want our relationship to be exclusively about sex!

I live, but I feel like my soul is dying. The native (most native) person does not notice this to me. I will not think that he does not want to notice, otherwise bitter tears will be shed. Wasted tears that can’t help me in any way….».

Sad love stories are taken from real life. . .

Continuation. . .

One day I was walking through the local shops, shopping, and suddenly I noticed the Cashier talking to a boy no more than 5 or 6 years old.
The cashier says: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.

Then the little boy turned to me and asked: Uncle, are you sure that I don't have enough money?
I counted the money and replied: My dear, you do not have enough money to buy this doll.
The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.

After paying for my purchases, I approached him again and asked to whom he was going to give this doll ...?
My sister loved this doll very much and wanted to buy it. I would like to give it to her for her birthday! I would like to give the doll to my mom so she can pass it on to my sister when she goes to her!
…His eyes were sad when he said that.
My sister has gone to God. So my father told me, and said that soon my mother would also go to God, so I thought that she could take the doll with her and give it to my sister!? ….

I ended my shopping in a pensive and strange state. I couldn't get this boy out of my head. Then I remembered - there was an article in the local newspaper two days ago about a drunken man in a truck who hit a woman and a little girl. The little girl died immediately on the spot, and the woman was in critical condition. The family must decide to turn off the machine that keeps her alive, as the young woman is unable to recover from her coma. Is this the family of the boy who wanted to buy a doll for his sister?

After two days, an article was published in the newspaper saying that that young woman had died… I could not hold back my tears… I bought white roses and went to the funeral… The young girl was lying in white, in one hand there was a doll and a photo, and on one side was a white rose.
I left in tears, and I felt that my life would now change ... I will never forget this boy's love for his mother and sister !!!

Please DO NOT DRIVER DURING ALCOHOL!!! You can destroy not only your own life...

April 12, 2011, 22:30

*** The family spent the day off on the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly, a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her gray hair was blowing in the wind, her clothes were dirty and tattered. She mumbled something to herself as she picked up some items from the sand and put them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, stooping down to pick up something, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old woman had devoted her whole life to picking up pieces of glass from the beaches with which children could cut their legs. *** SEARCH FOR THE IDEAL Once upon a time there was a man who avoided the bonds of marriage all his life. And so, when he was already dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him: - You never got married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, reveal it even now - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even if your secret is known, it won't hurt you. The old man answered: - Yes, I keep one secret. It's not that I'm against marriage, but I've always been looking for the perfect woman. I spent all my time searching, and that's how my life flew by. - But really on the whole huge planet, inhabited by millions of people, half of whom are women, you could not find the one and only ideal woman? A tear rolled down the cheek of the dying old man. He replied: - No, I did find one. The questioner was completely bewildered. - Then what happened, why didn't you get married? And the old man replied: - That woman was looking for the perfect man ... *** Once upon a time, there was a drug addict who, like all his friends in misfortune, was more than anything else afraid of withdrawal. I was so afraid that I could not quit drugs. His only hope was that death - although he was only twenty - would soon deliver him from them. So it would soon come out, because it is known that drug addicts do not live to old age. Only he suddenly learned from one priest that death would not bring him deliverance, but on the contrary, after it, eternal breaking would begin for him. And this news frightened him so much that he steadfastly endured withdrawal and never again touched drugs. Of course, with God's help! This is how a drug addict lived in the world. That is, why is it - lived? And why an addict? He still lives. And it won't be long before he grows old! *** One day, a man came home late from work, tired and shaky as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door. - Dad, can I ask you something? - Of course, what happened? - Dad, how much do you get? - That is none of your business! - the father was indignant. - And then, why do you need it? - I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour? - Well, actually, 500. And what? - Dad- - the son looked at him from the bottom up with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow 300 for me? "You only asked so I could give you money for some stupid toy?" he shouted. - Immediately march to your room and go to bed! ... You can't be so selfish! I work all day, I'm terribly tired, and you're acting so stupid. The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand at the door and get angry at his son's requests. How dare he ask me about my salary, then to ask for money? But after some time, he calmed down and began to reason sensibly: Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, after all, he has never asked me for money at all. When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed. Are you awake, son? - he asked. - No, dad. I'm just lying down, - the boy answered. “I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. - I had a hard day, and I just broke. Forgive me. Here, keep the money you asked for. The boy sat up in bed and smiled. - Oh, daddy, thanks! he exclaimed happily. Then he reached under the pillow and pulled out a few more crumpled banknotes. His father, seeing that the child already had money, got angry again. And the kid put all the money together, and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again. Why did you ask for money if you already have it? he muttered. Because I didn't have enough. But now I just have enough, - answered the child. - Dad, there are exactly five hundred. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home from work early tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us. Moral There is no moral. I just wanted to remind you that our life is too short to spend it entirely at work. We must not let it slip through our fingers, and not give at least a tiny fraction of it to those who really love us, our closest people. If we are gone tomorrow, our company will very quickly replace us with someone else. And only for family and friends, this will be a really big loss, which they will remember all their lives. Think about it, because we devote much more time to work than to family. *** NOTICE ONLY THE GOOD. One old and very wise Chinese man said to his friend: - Look at the room in which we are better, and try to remember the brown things. - There was a lot of brown in the room, and a friend quickly coped with this task. But the wise Chinese asked him the following question: - Close your eyes and list all the things ... blue! - The friend was confused and indignant: “I didn’t notice anything blue, because I remembered only brown things at your instruction!” To which the wise man replied: “Open your eyes, look around - there are a lot of blue things in the room.” And it was absolutely true. Then the wise Chinese continued: “By this example, I wanted to show you the truth of life: if you look for only brown things in the room, and only bad things in life, then you will only see them, notice only them, and only they will be for you.” remember and participate in your life. Remember: if you are looking for something bad, then you will definitely find it and you will never notice anything good. Therefore, if you wait all your life and mentally prepare for the worst, then it will definitely happen to you, you will never be disappointed in your fears and fears, but you will always find new and new confirmations for them. But if you hope and prepare for the best, then you will not attract bad things into your life, but you simply risk being disappointed sometimes - life is impossible without disappointments. Expecting the worst, you miss out on all the good that is actually in it. If you expect bad, then you get it. And vice versa. You can acquire such fortitude, thanks to which any stressful, critical situation in life will have positive aspects. Friends, So let's look for only good, bright and joyful in life, and we will definitely receive only pleasant gifts from life ... *** - Hello! Please don't hang up! - What do you need? I don't have time for your chatter, hurry up! - Today I was at the doctor's... - Well, what did he tell you? - Pregnancy was confirmed, for the 4th month. - How can I help you? I don't need problems, get rid of it! - They said it was too late. What should I do? - Forget my phone! - How to forget? Hello, hello! - The subscriber is in in not ... 3 months have passed. " - Hi baby!" in response to "-Hi, and who are you?" "I am your Guardian Angel." "Who are you going to protect me from? I’m not going anywhere here.” “You are very funny! How are you doing here?” "- I'm fine! But my mother cries something every day." "Don't worry, baby, adults are always unhappy with something! The main thing is to sleep more, gain strength, they will still come in handy for you!” “Have you seen my mother? What is she like? "Of course, I'm always by your side! Your mother is beautiful and very young!” Another 3 months have passed. - Well, what are you going to do? As if someone is pushing by the arm, I have already spilled the second glass! So you won’t get ready for vodka! "- Angel, are you here?" "Of course here." "- Something is very bad for my mother today. She has been crying and swearing with herself all day!" "- And you do not pay attention. Not ready yet, to see the white light?" "I think I'm ready, but I'm very afraid. What if my mother gets even more upset when she sees me?" "- What are you, she will definitely be delighted! Is it possible not to fall in love with a baby like you?" "- Angel, how is it? What is there, behind the stomach?" "It's winter here now. Everything around is white, white, and beautiful snowflakes are falling. You will soon see everything for yourself!" "- Angel, I'm ready to see everything!" "Come on baby, I'm waiting for you!" “- Angel hurts and scares me!” - Oh, mommy, it hurts so much! Oh, help, at least someone ... Well, can I do something here alone? Help, it hurts... The baby was born very quickly, without outside help. Probably the baby was very afraid to hurt his mother. A day later, in the evening, on the outskirts of the city, not far from the residential area: - You son, do not be offended by me. Now is the time, I'm not alone. Well, where am I with you? I have my whole life ahead of me. But you don’t care, you just fall asleep and that’s all ... “- Angel, where did mom go?” "I don't know, don't worry, she'll be right back." “- Angel, why do you have such a voice? Are you crying? Angel, hurry up your mother, please, otherwise it’s very cold for me here. And you just don’t sleep, you cry, cry loudly! “- No, Angel, I won’t cry, my mother told me I need to sleep.” At this time, in the nearest five-story building to this place, in one of the apartments, a husband and wife are arguing: - I don’t understand you! Where are you going? It's already dark outside! You've become unbearable after this hospital! Dear, we are not alone, thousands of couples have been diagnosed with infertility. And they somehow live with it. - I beg you, please, get dressed and let's go! - Where? - I don't know where! I just feel like I have to go somewhere! Trust me please! - Okay, last time! Do you hear, the last time I go on about you! A couple came out of the door. A woman was walking ahead. A man followed. - Darling, I have a feeling that you are walking along a pre-selected route. - You will not believe, but someone leads me by the hand. - You're scaring me. Promise to spend the whole day in bed tomorrow. I'll call your doctor! - Hush ... do you hear someone crying? - Yes, from the other side, you hear, cry baby! “Baby, cry louder! Your mother is lost, but she will find you soon! "Angel, where have you been? I called you! I'm quite cold!" “I followed your mom! She's already there!" - Oh my God, it's really a child! He's completely cold, hurry home! Dear God sent us a baby! “- Angel, my mother's voice has changed” “- Baby, get used to it, this is the real voice of your MOM!”

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

One day I was walking through the local shops, shopping, and suddenly I noticed the Cashier talking to a boy no more than 5 or 6 years old.
The cashier says: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.

Then the little boy turned to me and asked: Uncle, are you sure that I don't have enough money?
I counted the money and replied: My dear, you do not have enough money to buy this doll.
The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.

After paying for my purchases, I approached him again and asked to whom he was going to give this doll ...?
My sister loved this doll very much and wanted to buy it. I would like to give it to her for her birthday! I would like to give the doll to my mom so she can pass it on to my sister when she goes to her!
…His eyes were sad when he said that.
My sister has gone to God. So my father told me, and said that soon my mother would also go to God, so I thought that she could take the doll with her and give it to my sister!? ….

I ended my shopping in a pensive and strange state. I couldn't get this boy out of my head. Then I remembered - there was an article in the local newspaper two days ago about a drunken man in a truck who hit a woman and a little girl. The little girl died immediately on the spot, and the woman was in critical condition. The family must decide to turn off the machine that keeps her alive, as the young woman is unable to recover from her coma. Is this the family of the boy who wanted to buy a doll for his sister?

After two days, an article was published in the newspaper saying that that young woman had died… I could not hold back my tears… I bought white roses and went to the funeral… The young girl was lying in white, in one hand there was a doll and a photo, and on one side was a white rose.
I left in tears, and I felt that my life would now change ... I will never forget this boy's love for his mother and sister !!!

Please DO NOT DRIVER DURING ALCOHOL!!! You can destroy not only your own life...


The new admirer treated Lena with care and tenderness, and she already felt something more than just sympathy for him. But even six months later, he did not make attempts to get closer ...

Lena liked that she had such a young, athletic and cheerful mother, that even passers-by address them the same way - “girls”. They really were more like friends: they liked the same music, author's cinema, youth fashion (Lena admitted that a bright T-shirt and short trousers look even more appropriate on her mother than on her, nineteen).

Lena did not feel deprived in an incomplete family. She understood that her mother did everything in her power to give her the opportunity to live in abundance, enter a good university, and saved her from her drunken father, putting an end to her “great love”.

Their house was open to guests. The men cast admiring glances at their mother. But no one stayed overnight, which the daughter was pleased with: let Dina's personal affairs be outside these walls!

Ideal son-in-law

Once, preening herself in front of a mirror, her mother said:
- Tonight they will come to us ... And I would like you to take a closer look at one person.
And, noticing the confusion in her daughter's eyes, she laughed:
No, it's not at all what you think! You know, that's the kind of son-in-law I'd like to have.
Lena snorted.
- Looks?
- And what's wrong: I looked, so look and you. It's not for you, but we arrange brides for him - how can you not like it ?! And she gently pressed her daughter's cheek.

Guests arrived in the evening. Lena did not know only one of them - Boris - and realized that everything was started precisely because of him. But he’s really good: tall, charming, with a wide smile (Lena was once again convinced how much she and her mother have the same tastes).

He began to visit them almost every evening, was witty, dined without ceremony, as his own, in the kitchen. Bringing concert tickets. Always three. But Dina felt her daughter's dissatisfaction and, under various pretexts, tried to send them together.

At first, Lena was impressed that Boris was so careful and gentle with her. She already felt for him much more than sympathy, and became nervous: almost six months had passed, and the fan did not make decisive attempts to get closer. The girl became depressed, frankly shared with her mother.

Well, you must! Dina was genuinely upset. - Aya already decided that everything is all right with you!

They devised a cunning plan. The house again began to be visited by young people who had been retired after the appearance of Boris. Lena left in the evenings, if he did not speak about the meeting in advance. But Boris still came when he felt like it, in the absence of Lena, he enjoyed spending evenings with Dina. In less than ten minutes, she laughed heartily at his jokes and compliments, but did her best to turn the conversation to her daughter: “Look, here Lenochka is three years old! Such a doll ... And already in the first grade she won the reading competition!

He did not understand himself: the girl is beautiful, smart, with a light and accommodating character - what else is needed! But how to forget the meeting with Dina, who sunk into his soul at first sight? All evening then he looked after her. But, when, having asked for it as an escort, he took her home, she resolutely broke out of his arms: “Let him go, boy,” making it clear that the age difference is an insurmountable barrier. Boris, not wanting to give up, attacked. She chuckled, “Well, come along sometime. I'll introduce my daughter."
Lena turned out to be so similar to her mother ... And he made up his mind.

The wedding was played in a trendy restaurant. When the orchestra played a song about the mother-in-law, they were pushed into the circle with laughter. Boris circled Dina with all his might and looked into her eyes so that she was frightened.

Bitter epiphany

Dina tried to visit the young only in the absence of Boris.

Lena noticed this:
"Mom, why are you mad at him?"
- Yes, I'm just busy in the evenings! Dina lied. “You know what a cool romance I have!”

Lena enjoyed the role of a wife, remodeled Boris's bachelor apartment to her liking, stoically endured toxicosis ... She was not happy that she became pregnant right away, thinking that her husband had become colder to her because of the spots on his face and his figure. Now they have almost never been together. Boris became gloomy and irritable, citing problems at work. Lena was crying on the sly, but her mother comforted her: everything would work out with the birth of a child.

One evening, yearning for loneliness, Lena decided to go to her old house. Hearing loud voices from behind the door, she opened it with her key and quietly entered. Finally, she "caught" her mother's elusive gentleman! I imagined how they would laugh together now ...

But suddenly, growing cold, she recognized Boris's voice. Through the gap between the curtains, Lena saw how he was kneeling in front of Dina. Suddenly he jumped up, grabbed his mother by the hands and began to kiss her. Dina shook her head, trying to escape. Lena somehow detachedly thought that SO her husband had never kissed.

It was as if her mother read her thoughts, rushed sharply and began to whip her son-in-law on the cheeks, as if hammering a desperate phrase into his head:

She loves you! Fool! She loves you!

Lena quietly, on tiptoe, slipped out of the apartment. There was a continuous ringing in her head and the same thought was spinning: she urgently needs to make a decision. Itself. For the first time in her life, she has no one to consult with ...

When there is no main
Often we mistake other feelings for love: respect, gratitude, or even sympathy.

Therefore, not being sure that the feelings of a partner are serious, you should not make a hasty decision about marriage.

Psychologists say that those women who experienced the love of their father in childhood are happy in marriage. He forms the daughter's image of a future life partner and gives her self-confidence.

Excessive love of a mother for children is not always good for them. Trying to protect the child from worldly storms, a woman deprives the child of independence.

Read also:

“All this happened almost three years ago…. We submitted an application to the registry office. We are me and Arsen (the best guy in the whole world!). We decided to take note of this. We gathered a group of friends and went to the forest for a picnic. We were so happy in those seconds that intuition chose to remain silent about the tragic outcome of this whole story (so as not to upset us and not spoil this “fairy tale melody”).

I hate intuition! I hate! Her tips would save the life of my beloved….. We drove, sang songs, smiled, cried with happiness…. An hour later everything was broken .... I woke up in a hospital room. The doctor looked at me. His gaze was frightened and confused. Apparently, he did not expect that I would be able to come to my senses. Five minutes later, I began to remember .... We were hit by a truck... While I remember the details .... My voice diligently whispered the name of the groom .... I asked about his whereabouts, but everyone (without exception) was silent. It was as if they were keeping some nasty secret. Thoughts that something happened to my kitten, I did not let me close to me, so as not to go crazy.

He died….. Only one piece of news saved me from insanity: I am pregnant and the child survived! I'm sure it's a gift from God. I will never forget my beloved!

Second love story

“How long has it been…. What a romantic banality! We were introduced to the Internet. He introduced, but reality separated. He gave me a ring, they were going to get married .... And then he left me. Threw without regret! How unfair and cruel! For two and a half years I lived with a dream that everything would come back…. But fate stubbornly resisted this.

I dated men to erase my beloved from my memory. One of my boyfriends met me in the same city where my precious ex lived. I never thought that I would meet him in this crowded metropolis. But what always happens is what we least expect .... We walked with my young man, holding hands. We stopped at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. And he was on the other side of the road…. Next to him was his new passion!

Pain and trembling pierced my entire body. Pierced through! Our eyes met, carefully pretending that we were total strangers. However, this look did not escape my boyfriend. Naturally, he bombarded me with questions and questions when we returned home (we lived with him). I told everything. Petya packed my bags and sent me home by train. I understand him…. And he probably understands me too. But only in your own way. Thanks to him for sending me home without scandals and bruises "as a keepsake."

There were two and a half hours left before the train left. I found the number of my beloved and called him. He immediately recognized me, but did not hang up the pipe (I thought that would be the case). He arrived. We met at the station cafe. Then they walked around the square. My suitcase was waiting for me alone at the station. I even forgot to take it to the storage room!

My ex and I sat down on a bench by the fountain and talked for a long time. I didn’t want to look at the clock, I didn’t want to hear the sound of the rails .... He kissed me! Yes! Kissed! Many times, passionately, greedily and tenderly…. I dreamed that this fairy tale would never end.

When my train was announced.... He took my hands and said the most bitter words: “Forgive me! You're very good! You are the best! But we can't be together.... I'm getting married in two months.... Sorry it's not for you! My fiancee is pregnant. And I can never leave her. Forgive me again!" Tears spilled out of their eyes. It seemed as if my heart was crying uncontrollably.

I don't remember how I ended up in the car. I don't remember how I arrived... It seemed to me that I no longer live .... And the ring, presented to them, treacherously shone on the finger .... Its brilliance was very similar to the tears that I shed during those days ....

A year has passed. I could not stand it and looked at his Vkontakte page. He was already married... They already called him dad.

"Daddy" and "happy husband" was and remains my best memory and best stranger .... And his kisses burn my lips so far. Do I want to repeat the moments of a fairy tale? Now there is no. I won't let the best person become a traitor! I will enjoy the fact that he was once in my life.

The third story about the sad, about Love from life

"Hello! It all started so great, so romantic…. I found him on the Internet, met him, fell in love with each other .... Cinema, right? Only, perhaps, without a happy ending.

We hardly met. Somehow quickly began to live together. I liked living together. Everything was perfect, like in paradise. And the engagement came to an end. Only a few months left before the wedding... And the beloved has changed. He started yelling at me, calling me names, insulting me. He had never allowed himself to do this before. I can't believe it's him.... The dear one apologized, of course, but his apologies are very few for me. It would be enough if it didn't happen again! But something “found” something on the beloved, and the whole story was repeated again and again. You have no idea how much pain I'm in right now! I love him to utter madness! I love so much that I hate myself for the power of love. I am at a strange crossroads.... One path leads me to a breakup. Another (despite everything) - in the registry office. What naivete! I understand that people don't change. This means that my “ideal man” will not change either. But how to live without him, if he is my whole life? ..

Recently I told him: "my love, you devote very little time to me, for some reason." He did not let me agree. He started freaking out and yelling at me loudly. It somehow alienated us even more. No, I'm not imagining any tragedy here! It's just that I deserve attention, but he does not let go of the laptop. He parted with his “toy” only when something intimate “pecks” between us. But I don't want our relationship to be exclusively about sex!

I live, but I feel like my soul is dying. The native (most native) person does not notice this to me. I will not think that he does not want to notice, otherwise bitter tears will be shed. Wasted tears that can’t help me in any way….».

Sad love stories are taken from real life. . .

Continuation. . .

"28 years ago, a man saved my life by protecting me from three villains who tried to rape me. As a result of that incident, he injured his leg and still walks with a cane. And I was very proud when he put that cane away today to lead our daughter down the aisle.”

“Today, exactly ten months after a severe stroke, my dad got out of his wheelchair for the first time, unassisted, to dance the father-bride dance with me.”

"A big stray dog ​​was chasing me from the subway almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy with a knife in his hands appeared from somewhere and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog attacked him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I'm home, safe and all thanks to that dog.”

“Today my son, whom I adopted eight months ago, called me mom for the first time.”

“An elderly man came into the store where I work with a guide dog. He stopped in front of a stand with postcards and began to take each one in turn, close, close to his eyes, trying to read the inscription. I was about to approach him and offer help, but a burly truck driver got ahead of me and asked the old man if he needed help, and then began to reread all the postcards to him, one after the other, until at last the old man said: “This is the right one. She is very sweet and will surely please my wife.”

“During lunch today, a deaf and mute child that I have been caring for 5 days a week for the past four years looked at me and said, “Thank you. I love you." Those were his first words.”

“When we left the doctor’s office where they told me I had terminal cancer, my girlfriend asked me to be her husband.”

"My dad is the best dad you can dream of. For mom, he is a wonderful loving husband, for me a caring father who never missed a single football match of mine, plus he is a great host in the house. This morning I reached for pliers in a tool box father and found an old note there. It was a page from his diary. The entry was made exactly a month before my birth, it said "I am an alcoholic with a criminal past, who was kicked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad that I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it.”

"I have a patient who suffers from a severe form of Alzheimer's disease. He rarely remembers his name, where he is and what he said a minute ago. But one part of his memory, by some miracle, remains untouched by the disease. He remembers his wife perfectly. Every morning he greets her with the words: "Hi, my beautiful Kate." Perhaps this miracle is called love.”

“I work as a teacher in a poor neighborhood. Many of my students come to class without lunch and without money for lunch because their parents earn too little. I occasionally lend them some money so they can eat and they always return it after a while, despite my refusals.”

“My wife is an English teacher at a school. About two hundred of her colleagues and former students wore T-shirts with her photo and the inscription “We will fight together” when they found out that she had breast cancer. I have never seen my wife so joyful.”

“Coming from Afghanistan, I found out that my wife had deceived me and ran away with all our money. I had nowhere to live, I didn’t know what to do. One of my school friends and his wife, seeing that I needed help, They took me in. They helped me get on with my life and supported me through a difficult moment. Now I have my own diner, my own home, and their children still consider me a member of the family.”

“My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would not see him anymore. It took about a day after I put up the missing ads and I got a call from a person who said that he had my cat. It turned out that this is a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a payphone.He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.”

“During the school fire evacuation today, I ran outside to find the head bully in the class and saw him holding the hand of a tearful little girl and comforting her.”

“On the day my grandson had a graduation, we started talking and I complained that I never got to my graduation ball, because no one invited me. In the evening, the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw my grandson in a tuxedo. He came to invite me to his graduation.”

"Today, a homeless man who lives near my candy store bought a huge cake from me. I gave him a 40% discount. And then, watching him through the window, I saw him go out, cross the street and hand the cake to another homeless person, and when he smiled back, they embraced.”

“About a year ago, my mother wanted to transfer my brother, who has a mild form of autism, to home schooling, because his peers teased him at school. But one of the most popular students, the captain of the football team, upon learning about this, stood up for my brother and persuaded the whole command to support him. Now my brother is his boyfriend.”

“Today I watched a young man help a woman with a cane cross the road. He was very careful with her, followed her every step. When they sat next to me at the bus stop, I wanted to compliment the woman on how her wonderful grandson, but heard the words of the young man: “My name is Chris. And what is your name, madam?"

“Already after my daughter’s funeral, I decided to clear the messages on my phone. I deleted all incoming messages, but one remained unread. It turned out that this was the last message from my daughter, which was lost among the rest. It said: “Dad, I want you knew I was fine."

"Today I stopped on my way to work to help an elderly man change a flat tire. When I got closer to him, I immediately recognized him. It was a firefighter who pulled me and my mother out of a burning house 30 years ago. We are a little chatted, then shook hands and simultaneously said, “Thank you.”

“When my wife gave birth to our first child and my family and I were waiting for her in the hospital, my father had a heart attack. He was immediately treated. The doctors said that he was very lucky, because if he had not been in the hospital during an attack, they might not have had time to help him. So my son saved my father’s life.”

“Today I saw an accident on the road. An elderly drunk man crashed into a car driven by a teenager and the cars caught fire. The young man, jumping out into the street, first pulled out the culprit from the burning car.”

“Five years ago, I volunteered for a suicide prevention hotline. Today my former manager called me to say that they had received an anonymous donation of $25,000 and a thank you in my name.”

"I texted my supervisor telling him that my father had a heart attack and I would not be able to come to the appointment. After a while I received a response saying that I had the wrong number. And after a while A complete stranger called me back and said a lot of sincere, hopeful words. He promised that he would pray for me and for my father. After this conversation, I felt much better.”

"I am a florist. Today a soldier came to me. He is leaving to serve for a year, but before that he decided to place an order, according to which his wife will receive a bouquet of flowers from him every Friday during this year. I made a 50% discount for him, because he made my day happy.”

“Today my school friend, whom I had not seen for a long time, showed me a photograph of us with him, which he wore in his helmet during his eight years of service.”

"Today, one of my 9-year-old patients with a rare form of cancer is already having her fourteenth operation in the last two years. But I have never seen her frown. She constantly laughs, plays with friends, plans for the future. She is 100 % is sure that she will survive. This girl has the strength to endure a lot.”

“I work as a paramedic. Today we picked up the body of a skydiving instructor who died because his parachute didn’t open. His shirt said: “I will die doing what I love.”

"Today I came to the hospital to visit my grandfather with pancreatic cancer. When I sat down next to him, he squeezed my hand tightly and said:" Every day, waking up, thank life for what you have, because every second somewhere, fighting desperately to keep it that way.”

“Today my grandparents, who lived together for 72 years, died an hour apart.”

“Today, I watched in horror from my kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing near the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the scruff of the neck.”

“Today I turned 10 years old. I was born on 09/11/2001. My mother worked at the World Trade Center and survived only because on that terrible day she gave birth to me in the maternity hospital.”

"I lost my job a few months ago and had nothing to pay for my rent. When I went to my landlord to let him know I was moving out, he said, 'You've been a good tenant for 10 years, I know your hard times, I'll wait. Take your time, find another job and pay me later.”

I'll tell you my very sad story about love, which creeps to tears even now. I am Marina, age 44. I love the one who left this world.

I'm out of my mind, and I'm not seeing a psychiatrist.

When I seriously fell in love, really, wanting to have children from Maxim, I was 24 years old. Exactly 20 years I've been crying, and I can't forget him.

Lord, he didn’t have a lot of money, and a cool foreign car of the latest model.

He didn't even give me flowers. He was just there, and loved not with words and kisses, but silently helping me with his deeds.

You know, I was not sad then, and I never sobbed. My tears flowed with happiness that soon we would get married, move to live with his mother, and then ... we would have many children.

We will feed them, put them on their feet and educate them so that they respect and love each other, just like we do.

Maxim was stingy with compliments, did not like pathos, slobbering speeches and many promises.

And he learned how to do them.

I did not know anything about another love, but I clearly understood that I would not meet such a person again.

Maxim worked as a driver, often traveling long distances. He did not like to talk about his work.

There is no need, Marie, for you to know a lot, otherwise you will not have time to grow old, he joked.

We scheduled the wedding for the summer ... I remember everything in detail. Parents, mine and his, were not opposed, planning in advance, and who, I wonder, will be born: a girl or a boy?

In the morning, in May, Maxim, as usual, left.

And didn't come back...

Until now, for 20 years I do not know about his whereabouts.

Applications were written, calls were made to friends and ex-girlfriends, work colleagues and superiors. To no avail.

Maxim is missing. He still hasn't been found. The car is also missing.

My story is open ended. I cannot erase from life and forget a person who can come back at any moment.

As if my life “froze” at the fateful May mark.

I am sad, often I bring myself to tears, not understanding why everything happened this way. And what the hell happened exactly?!

Can anyone help me?!

Neither the fortune-teller nor the prophetess told me anything sensible.

It was a sad story about love that brings the main character to tears.

I'm sorry, but I have nothing to calm her down.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

This will help you in your life

author : Site administrator | Published: 27.02.2016 |


A real story about love from life is not always cheerful, optimistic and with a happy ending, as many people think, but often sad to tears. It can be filled with regrets about what did not come true, about what cannot be returned.

Nature pleased the last warm autumn days. I sat on a park bench, smoked cigarette after cigarette, and sadly looked into the distance. When you are almost 50, you no longer want no noisy companies, no alcohol, no dubious decorated girls who look only into your wallet. I want simple human warmth, love, care ... But I myself missed my happiness.

I was brought out of my far from gloomy thoughts by a bright blue ball that fell near my feet. Looking up, I saw its owner - a blue-eyed girl of about 6 years old, who ran up to get the toy, smiled at me and, after a little hesitation, said: "Uncle, please give me a ball ...". I handed the toy to the child and caught myself thinking that the look of those sincere sky-colored eyes was so similar to the eyes of the one I once loved.

Lena... Lena, my dear, what an idiot I was. I ruined your life and ruined mine. All these thoughts flashed through my head in a split second. The girl said "thank you" and ran to the man and woman, who were holding hands and talking cheerfully. Probably her parent, I thought. And the woman looked so much like Elena ... But Lenochka and I could have had the same baby, - I sighed aloud, and a bitter tear rolled down my long unshaven cheek.

For the first time I saw Lena in Yalta on the seashore, when I came to the Crimea to take a break from worries and have fun on my 35th birthday. Then I decided to wake up early and still meet the dawn, since soon I had to leave home, to dusty and stuffy Moscow. For all two weeks of my stay in the Crimea, I did not succeed. After sitting in a bar in the company of beauties, I returned to the hotel room after three in the morning and often not alone. What a dawn...

So, when I came to an almost deserted beach, sleepy and yawning, my attention was drawn to her - a girl of about 20 with golden hair sparkling in the light of the rising sun, slender, in a light blue sea-colored dress and a snow-white hat. She sat by the water's edge with an album in her hands and made a sketch of the seascape. , there was so much simplicity and naivety in her movements that I involuntarily stared at this drawing angel. She was the exact opposite of the young ladies with whom I used to spend time, brightly made-up girls with magnificent forms and cheeky manners. All I wanted from them was sex, often I didn't even remember their names.

And her face, breathing simplicity and attractiveness, fascinated me for a few minutes and turned my head. I don’t know if I would have met her myself, but the opportunity just turned up. Suddenly the wind blew, tore off the girl's hat and carried it to the sea. She gasped, but didn't catch up. Apparently, she was afraid of strong waves or did not know how to swim at all. I rushed into the water, quickly took out a hat and handed it to the owner. The girl smiled, thanked me, and our conversation from a few phrases turned into a long conversation about everything in the world.

We came to our senses only when the sun began to mercilessly give us its hot rays. It was time to hide in the shadows. We exchanged phone numbers and decided to take a walk in the evening, meet the sunset together. We spent the rest of my vacation walking by the sea, riding a boat, eating ice cream, hugging and kissing. I haven't had a romance like this in a long time.

Fortunately, she also lived in Moscow. Although, rather, unfortunately. After all, if we went to different cities, then our relationship in the stream of an endless routine would most likely be forgotten or would be perceived as just a summer memory filled with happiness. However, when we returned to Moscow, our meetings continued. Lena was not like all the other girls. Kind, soft, open, sincere, she was like a breath of fresh air for me. But even at 35, I was not ready for a long and serious relationship. Overdressed beauties spoiled me and blackened my soul with lust and depravity. If I ever had one. Unlikely.

And when one cold dank autumn day Lenochka came to me, excited, confused and with trembling lips told me that she was pregnant from me, I was seriously scared and offered to give her money for an abortion. I assured that we will always be together, but I'm not ready for a child. When she heard this, her sky-blue eyes turned cloudy gray with tears, and she flew through the barely closed door like a bird with clipped wings. For the first time, I got mad at her and didn't catch up. "Here's a fool" - I thought, "Well, well, he'll come back, where will he go."

And she didn't come back. Not that day, not the next. I tried to call her, but the phone was switched off. The doors of her small apartment on the outskirts of the capital greeted me with a closed lock and cold aloofness.

After grieving a little, I began to forget my blue-eyed miracle. Work, friends, random young ladies filled my life again. Everything returned to normal. And I remembered Lena only occasionally and immediately drove thoughts of her away from me.

Days, months, years passed. Once I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of a friend who died in a car accident. Passing by the monuments, I saw a face with painfully familiar features, painted on a granite slab. It was her, Lena. I froze in place. Sometimes when I thought about her, I thought that she must be married and happy with someone. Having recovered a little, I began to look at the date of death and realized with horror that about 8 months had passed since our last meeting, when she ran away from me with tears ...

I started making inquiries about her. Fortunately, connections and acquaintances allowed. Turns out she died in childbirth. The child did not survive either.

Elena, Lena, Lenochka... you could become the meaning of my life, my happiness. But I lost everything. Fool, what a fool I am!

This fleeting meeting with a girl in the park awakened in me all the emotions and feelings that were so hard to muffle. I realized that I had lived my life in vain, wasting precious days on dubious pleasure and entertainment.

After sitting a little more on the bench, looking after the friendly and happy family, I wandered home. In an empty apartment in the center of the capital, where no one is waiting for me, and never will be.

If you have your own interesting story about love from the life of your friends, write to me, I will definitely publish it.