Interesting activities with children in kindergarten (photo report). Conducting an open lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten

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All sections | Lesson notes, GCD

Synopsis of a musical lesson for the second junior groups "Visiting Mishka-Toptyzhka" Lesson summary for the second junior groups "Visiting Mishka-Toptyzhka" purpose: Formation of a musical personality Tasks: Developing: Develop a sense of rhythm in children, develop listening skills. Educational: Learn to understand the content of songs Educational: Raise interest and ...

"A journey to the land of toys" purpose: to form the perception of color, shape, size of objects. Tasks: -Create a joyful mood; to bring up a joyful mood in children; to bring up in children a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help. -develop fine motor skills; -consolidate knowledge...

Lecture notes, GCD - Lecture notes for the formation of cognitive abilities "Magic salt" (senior group)

Publication "Summary of the lesson on the formation of cognitive abilities ..." Purpose: to study the features of salt, its properties, quality and application. Educational tasks: to educate curiosity, the need to obtain information about salt and adhere to the rules of conduct when conducting experiments with salt, while observing the necessary safety measures ...

Summary of GCD on modeling from plasticine "The hedgehog has needles" in the first junior group Summary of GCD on the topic "The hedgehog has needles" (modeling from plasticine) in the first younger group Purpose: To form the ability of children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll balls out of them; Tasks: - to form the skill of children with pressing movements to smear plasticine on ...

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group Children enter the hall. On the screen is a screensaver for the Mother's Day holiday. - Guys, look where we got to? It's so unusual today in our hall. What is it? (in the hall there are tables with blanks for making flowers, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue. In my opinion, our hall ...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 24" Outline of the organization and conduct of OOD with children of the older group within the educational area "Social and communicative development", on the topic: "Visiting the Old Man-Lesovichka" performed by: Kirillova OA .. ..

Lesson notes, GCD - GCD in the middle group on the theme "Birds in the spring" using the poems of the Sergiev Posad poetess G. N. Klyuchnikova

Educational areas: speech development, cognitive development Objectives: to acquaint children with the way of life of the magpie, rook, sparrow, nightingale; to acquaint children with G.N. Klyuchnikova's poems about spring. Tasks: educational: to introduce children to the way of life of a magpie, rook, sparrow, ...

Summary of an open lesson on the topic: "Visit the farmyard" Age group material library Abstract of the open lesson Topic: "Visit the farmyard" Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about pets and their cubs, about their purpose and benefits for. ..

The use of individualization methods in traditional methods and forms of educational activity The use of individualization methods in traditional methods and forms of educational activity The problem of individualization of preschool education has remained relevant for decades in pedagogical science and practice. In the context of modernization of the education system ...

THE OUTCOME OF THE CLASS ON ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT (DRAWING) IN THE FIRST YOUNGER GROUP ON THE TOPIC: "Dandelion" Educator: VASYUCHENKO IRINA VIKTOROVNA Purpose: Formation of children's skills to convey impressions of the surrounding life in drawing. Tasks: Educational: To consolidate ...

Video: class notes.

Most of the activities for preschoolers are cognitive and also contain elements of art, familiarization with the environment, and, of course, physical minutes (dynamic pauses), games.

Many works are located at once in several sections of this heading, since they combine several directions. So, for example, art classes are a general section, while drawing or sculpting classes are qualifying categories. Nevertheless, when publishing, it is advisable to put down all categories of headings related to your material for a more convenient search. Additionally, we suggest filling out the sections that sort the notes by topic. Then, when drawing up a lesson with your children, you can use ready-made lesson notes. For example, in the heading "toy theme", you can find all activities in one way or another related to toys.

If you want your post to be included in this heading, select the section " class notes, "and additional subsections.

Svetlana Sadyreva

What kindergarten? This is where the child spends a lot of time. We all say about this place "Our second home".

So, in order for the children to be "at home" interesting and not boring, as a rule, it is necessary to bring "bright colors" into the everyday life of little people.

In order to teach a child, you need to play with him. After all, through play, preschool children learn the world. And we, adults, must help children create, not just, but with interest.

Creative "ugliness" is a form of interaction with children.

For example, in order to draw something for us, you can just take a brush and paint - paint over the paper. and that's all, but --- boring. Children will get tired of it quickly.

And you can apply for occupations non-traditional types of drawing. Such as "Nitkografiya".

Nitkography - laying out contour images of various objects with a cord or thick thread, that is, "drawing" with a thread. "Drawings", made with a thick thread or cord, differ in the softness of the resulting shapes, seem voluminous and "Alive" compared to a conventional outline image. Besides activities with compliant, soft and fluffy thread soothes children and develops interest to arts and crafts.

This is where the child can show their imagination.

I'm a sky climber

I climb the sky

And then from there - once! -

I sink to the ground.

You do not believe? Well then.

It's not a lie anyway

And my fantasy.

Drawing with wet wipes also gives children pleasure, and children will react to this type of drawing with great interest... This is the kind of painting where you can get dirty and, again, fantasize - with a choice of colors to mix. What is painting with wet wipes? We "smear" gouache of different colors on a watercolor sheet and then we mix all these colors, or rather, rub in with a napkin, "along the way" capturing and mixing all the colors. This is how we create the background - and please go ahead!

What can be said about working with cereals in kindergarten? -Of course, it is important for the development of fine motor skills. Groats are a very useful and pleasant material for classes with a child.

You can just sort out the groats, remembering the plots from everyone's favorite "Cinderella". IT can be glued, used when sculpting.

And you can paint cereals and create masterpieces baby pens)

In our case, millet was used. It is very easy to paint and stick.

Good luck to everyone in their work!

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We pay great attention to the organization of flower beds in kindergarten. Breeding in your own area is the most affordable, joyful and useful for.

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Showing publications 1-10 of 253.
All sections | Open classes. Abstract

purpose: Creation of conditions for the development of artistic and creative abilities of children in the image of early spring. Educational tasks: - to consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about spring, its characteristic features; - to form the ability of children to depict a picture of early spring, to think ...

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Open classes. Synopsis - Synopsis of an open lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group. "House for Mashenka"

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Open lesson on the development of speech by the "Family" in the 2nd junior group Educator: Maya Vladimirovna Bakulina. Group: No. 2 MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34". Topic: "Stories about your family" Objectives: 1. To acquaint children with the concept of a family. 2. Develop the ability to correlate your movements with words ...

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On March 5, 2019, an unusual meeting with a children's writer and happy mother of three children Elena Andrianova took place in the kindergarten "Romashka" in the format of an open lesson with preschool children (middle, senior, preparatory group) according to her book "Shi on the way to ...

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"Travel around the world" Course of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment. Children enter the hall on commands to music. The visiting card of the teams: 1 team "Sudarushka" 2 team "Russian patterns" Child: I say hello everywhere at home and on the street, Even "Hello!" I say to the neighbor street ...

Purpose: to create a cheerful, joyful mood. Objectives: 1. To continue teaching children to walk without bumping into each other, to alternate playing exercises with dancing ones. 2. To develop dexterity, coordination of movements, balance. 3. To foster a love of physical education. Methods and techniques: ...

Summaries of open classes

This section contains notes, the purpose of which is to familiarize parents and colleagues with the form of conducting classes in a preschool educational institution. This is a common practice for many kindergartens, in which parents are actively involved in the upbringing and development of children. It is these events that enable mums and dads to get to know much better the methods and principles of teaching their babies.

Classes can be conducted in any direction. The main condition, as usual, is the interest of the children, and the ready-made notes offered in the section will help educators draw up their own individual outline plan. The section has thematic classes dedicated to the holidays, such as: Easter, March 8, Harvest Day. There is an interesting activity for children learning English. The kids will not only consolidate their knowledge, but also have fun with fascinating didactic material, and parents will be happy to watch the development of their kids. In addition, the outlines of open classes on the development of speech, mathematics, modeling, drawing will be very interesting for employees of preschool institutions ... After all, quite a lot of attention is paid to all these areas, and parents, for sure, will be interested to see their interested and playing kids.

We share our experience “How to prepare and conduct a lesson”. Cheat sheet for the teacher

Educator: Natalia Leonidovna Myakina, Novokuznetsk 2017

I Definition of the topic and leading concepts

1. Clearly define and formulate the topic.

2. Determine the place of the topic in the curriculum.

3. Determine the leading concepts on which this lesson is based.

4. Designate for yourself that part of the material that will be used in the future in other classes.

II Defining goals and objectives

Determine the target setting of the lesson - for yourself and for the children, understand why this lesson is needed at all. Designate the teaching, developing and educating functions of the lesson.

III Planning training material

Pick up literature on the topic. Select from the available material only the one that serves the solution of the tasks in the simplest way.
Pick up study assignments, the purpose of which is:
Recognition of new material,
Reproduction, application of ZUN (knowledge, skills and abilities of children) in a familiar and unfamiliar situation,
Get creative with the assignment.
Arrange study assignments in accordance with the principle "From simple to complex." Compose three sets of tasks:
Leading children to play the material,
Contributing to the comprehension of the material,
Contributing to the consolidation of the material.

IV Thinking over the highlight of the lesson

Each lesson should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight, in a word, something that children will remember, when, perhaps, everyone will forget. It is important to take into account the age of the children, a technique that is suitable for an average, but not suitable for a nursery or preparatory group.
It can be an interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, a non-standard approach to what is already known.

V. Grouping of already selected material

To do this, think over in what sequence the work with the selected material will be organized, how the change of activities will be carried out.

The main thing in grouping is the ability to find a form of organization of the lesson that will cause increased activity of children, and not passive perception of the new.

Vi. Planning control over the activities of children

Think over:
What to control
How to control
How to use the control results.
Do not forget: the more often everyone's work is monitored, the easier it is to see typical mistakes and difficulties, to show preschoolers the teacher's genuine interest in their work.

Vii. Equipment preparation

Make a list of the necessary teaching aids, devices, TCO. Check if everything works.

Introspection of the lesson

Determine the place of the lesson in the topic and the general course, ask yourself how clear this place became for the children after the lesson.
To correlate the goals set: for children and the teacher with those achieved in the lesson and determine the reasons for success or failure.

Determine the level of knowledge formation (the consistency of the presentation of the material, scientific nature, accessibility, difficulty, non-standard) and skills (the correspondence of the ways of forming special skills to generally accepted skills, the strength of the skills worked out, the degree of their automatism).

Answer the question of what was new about the lesson for the development of the mind, memory, attention, the ability to listen to a friend, express your thoughts, defend your point of view, to form interest in this lesson.
Think over how optimally the lesson was structured: did it correspond to the interests, temperament, level of educational training and development of children? Was the organization of the children's activities adequate to the teaching, developmental and upbringing goals?

Assess the degree of activity of children in the lesson: how many times and which of them spoke? Why were the others silent? How was their work stimulated? How thoughtful were their actions in preparation for the lesson? It is necessary to evaluate the child's activity, not his personality.

What was the pace of the session? Was the children's interest in the proposed activity maintained? How was the change of activities organized? How was the teaching material organized? What was given in the form of ready-made knowledge, and what did the children themselves think of?
Answer the question: “How was the reliance on previous knowledge, life experience of children organized and how relevant was the educational material for them”?
Assess how the control over the activities of children is organized: has all the work of children been checked? How quickly and efficiently was it done?

Describe the psychological atmosphere of the lesson, the degree of benevolence, the mutual interest of all participants.

The emotional state of the teacher before and after the lesson: has it changed? What is the reason? What would be appropriate to change in the lesson? What could be a plus and what a minus?
When analyzing, it is necessary to take into account the type, structure and logic of the lesson in accordance with the tasks of the psychological development of a person of a given age. What was important: the transfer of ready-made knowledge, independent mental activity of children, the acquisition of practical skills, learning to generalize with repetition. What is the form of the lesson? Justify the choice of the form of training.

When analyzing their activities and the activities of children, pp. 5 and 7, it is necessary to highlight what was important in terms of content, what active methods were used, what is the form of children in the lesson (collective, group, individual).

For each point of your introspection, you need to give an example from the lesson, confirming its use. It is also necessary to indicate the changes in the synopsis made by the teacher during the lesson, the reasons and the result of the changes. Did you manage to maintain the pace of the lesson, avoid overload and overwork of children, maintain and develop productive motivation for learning?

Analysis of the lesson

How did the teacher accomplish the assigned tasks?
Preparation (including hygiene conditions). Materials and equipment.
What is the nature of the occupation: developmental or teaching, does it correspond to the set goals?
Does the activity contribute to the development of mental, physical and moral qualities? Cognitive interests?
What is the psychological microclimate in the group?
How did the teacher carry out the optimal selection of methods, means and forms of education?
forms of work (traditional, non-traditional, with subgroups, individually, etc.).
Means of teaching and education (visualization, filmstrips, gramophone, pictures, reference tables, etc.).
Methods of teaching and upbringing, assessment of the activities of children, methods of encouragement, auxiliary questions, the result of work with children.
Creation of conditions for creative possibilities of children (developmental environment)
Owns the way of organizing and conducting experimental, research activities.
which analyzers of children were involved, how?
Does the teacher know how to conduct classes?

Integration of the lesson, connection with other activities.
On the formation of what mental processes is the lesson directed (attention, thinking, speech, imagination, will, emotional, moral education)?
Are the children comfortable in this lesson, what is the psychological state of the teacher?
Lesson evaluation criteria

Training should be:

  • scientific,
  • problematic
  • visual,
  • cognitive,
  • affordable,
  • systematic and consistent,
  • durable,
  • developing,
  • educating:
  • attention,
  • memory,
  • thinking,
  • emotions,
  • imagination.

During the lesson, the following methods are applied:

1. Explanatory and illustrative.
2. Reproductive.
3. Partial search engines.
4. Research.
5.the teacher's readiness for the lesson
6. Target setting of the lesson.
7. Sanitary and hygienic standards.
8. Individual work.
9. Norms of knowledge assessment.
10. Availability of feedback.
11. Rational use of time.
12. Organization of working hours.
13. Practical skills and abilities.
14. Independent work.
15. Self-control and self-esteem.
16. Collective, individual, group work.
17. Development of speech, the quality of children's answers.

1. Adzhi A.V. Synopsis of integrated lessons in the middle group. Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2006

2. Arapova-Piskareva N.A., Veraksa N.E., Antonova A.V. Education and training in the senior group of kindergarten: Program and guidelines. Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006

3. Aydasheva G.A., Pichugina N.O. Preschool pedagogy. M: Phoenix, 2004

4. Bolotina L.R., T.S. Komarova Preschool pedagogy. Moscow: Academy, 1997

5. Bondarenko T.M. Complex lessons in the second junior group of kindergartens. M .: Uchitel, 2007

6. Veraksa N.Ye., Veraksa A.N. Child Development in Preschool Childhood: A Guide for Preschool Teachers. Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006

7. Golitsyna NS Activities in kindergarten: Long-term planning: Second junior and middle groups. M .: Skriptoriy, 2007

Abstract of an open lesson. Topic of the lesson: "Secrets of Friendship".

Occupation type: Social - personal.

Occupation type: Cognitive.

Lesson topic: "Secrets of Friendship" (circle work on social and personal development "The World of My Possibilities).

Children's age: 6-7 years old (children of the preparatory group).

Method of organizing children in class: with a subgroup of children of 10-12 people.

Preliminary work: conducting a conversation on the topic "What is friendship?" listening to audio recordings of children's songs about friendship: music by B. Savelyev, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky "If you are kind", music by V. Shainsky lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky's “Smile”, music by E. Krylatov lyrics. Y. Yakovleva “Lullaby of the Bear”; music by B. Savelyev, lyrics M. Plyatskovsky "A real friend, watching the cartoons" True friends "," Zayushkina hut "," Teremok ", etc.

Visual didactic material that provides the formation of sensory experience in preschoolers: a volumetric model "artificial tree", models of multi-colored sweets, cards with letters (friends, friendship), plot pictures for the game "Encrypted Pictures", pictures with the emotional state of people for the exercise "Mimicry ".

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of friendly relationships in children and a positive attitude towards themselves and others.

Tasks: Educational: To teach children to reflect on the moral essence of actions and to distinguish between the emotional states of each other;

Developing: Develop social and moral feelings, mutual assistance, as well as improve communication skills;

Educational: To foster a fair attitude towards each other and moral forms of behavior.

The main parts of the lesson:

Introductory part: Greeting

- Listening to the audio recording "Friendship begins with a smile"

- Exercise "Smile";

- Exercise "Call your neighbor affectionately by name."

Main part: Surprise moment mockup of unusual tree with colorful candies

- Word game "World without a friend";

- Game "Collect the Word";

- Exercise "Continue the proverb";

- The game "Encrypted Pictures";

- Exercise "Mimicry";

Final part: Summarizing

- Exercise "Let's name the secrets of friendship";

- Ritual of farewell "Give a tulip to a friend"

Physical culture break related to the content of the lesson:

- Finger gymnastics "Friendship";

- Physical education "Amicably got up for a warm-up"

Follow-up work:

- Conducting a quiz "Friendship is our strength";

- Conducting classes of social and personal development "The World of My Possibilities";

- Continue the study of folklore (proverbs and sayings about friendship); children's songs and poems.

- Supervision of children in various activities (games, educational activities, walks, sports events, thematic matinees, participation in regional and city competitions).

Course of the lesson

Introductory part of the lesson:

An audio recording of the song "Friendship begins with a smile" sounds, the guys stand in a circle.

Social teacher: - Hello guys! I am very glad to see you!

And it was no coincidence that I included this song. Have each of you guessed what our meeting is about?

Children (in chorus): - Friendship!

Social teacher: That's right, friendship. And also guys, we have to go through various tests and unravel the "secrets of friendship". Be careful!

So where does friendship begin?

Children (in chorus): With a smile!

Children perform the "Smile" exercise.

Social teacher: Well done boys! That's how easily you and I have solved the first "secret of friendship", which was "hidden" in the song "Friendship begins with a smile."

Now let's greet each other with the help of polite words!

The exercise "Call your neighbor affectionately by name" is carried out. Using polite words, you need to give your neighbor an affectionate name. For example, a child turns to a neighbor on the left: "Hello, Slavik!" He turns to the next child: "Hello, Tanyusha!", "Good afternoon, Vanyusha!" etc.

Children are doing.

Social teacher: Well done boys! We were all friendly to each other now! This is the second "secret of friendship".

The main part of the lesson:

Social teacher: (children sit on high chairs, forming a circle).

- Guys, our tests do not end there, but continue and this unusual tree, on which colored candies grow, will help me. And the "secrets of friendship" are encrypted in the sweets - So, are you ready?

(The social educator invites one child at a time and gives instructions).


- I take off the yellow candy from the tree, that I will find in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: "Can you live without a friend?"

Social teacher: - I will start the sentences, and you finish it.
The word game "The world without a friend" is being held.

- The world without a friend would not be interesting, because ...

- The world without a friend would be bleak, because….

- The world without a friend would be gloomy, because ...

- The world without a friend would be boring, because ...

Social teacher: - Well done! We also passed this stage of the test.
Social teacher conducts finger gymnastics "Friendship"

Girls and boys are friends in our group.

(Grab your left palm with your right palm and swing to the rhythm of the poem)
You and I will make friends with little fingers.

(Grasp the left palm with the right and swing to the rhythm of the poem)
One two three four five.

Five, four, three, two, one. (Connect the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb. Then connect, starting with the little finger.

Social teacher: All good fellows! We pass the next test.

Child:- I take off the red candy from the tree, that I will find it in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: - We need to collect two words from letters.

Child: - Oh, and I need a friend's help!?!

(A friend comes to the rescue).

Children collect words.Social educator (conducts the game "Collect the word!")

In the envelope there are cards with letters. You need to correctly form the words:
"Friendship" and "friends". Children read words.

Social teacher: And we did it!

Child: - I take off the blue candy from the tree, that I will find it in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: You all know a lot of proverbs about friendship, I suggest you remember them. I will pronounce the beginning of the proverb, and you will continue it.

(A child starts with a candy in his hands).

  • There is no friend, so look (and you will find, so take care).
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed).
  • Don't leave your friend (in misfortune).
  • Strong friendship (and you can't cut it with an ax).
  • Where friendship is dear (there and enemies tremble).
  • Destroys himself (who does not love others).
  • Friendship and brotherhood (more valuable than any wealth).
  • An old friend is better than two new ones).
  • Friendship in business (assistant).
  • Friendship is like glass (if you break it, you won't fold it).
  • Remember friendship (and forget evil).
  • I am making new friends (but I don’t forget old ones).

- "There would be a friend, (there will be leisure)"
- "Do not have a hundred rubles (but have a hundred friends)"
- "Rye and wheat will be born a year (and a faithful friend will always come in handy)"

Social teacher: Well done boys! What secrets of friendship are said in proverbs?


- Friends in difficult times should help each other.

- Protect friendly relations.

- Make friends sincerely.

- Support each other.

- Treats friends with respect.

- Remember your friends.

Social teacher: Here are how many "secrets of friendship" are contained in folk wisdom.

The social teacher conducts a physical training session: Physical education minutes “We got up to warm-up together”.

We got up to warm up

And we bend the back back,

One-two, one-two, one-two-three

Don't fall, look

(Children lean back, resting their palms on the lower back)

Lean forward

Who gets to the floor?

This hard work

Together we do the count.

(Leaning forward).

Child: - I take off the green candy from the tree, that I will find it in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: The next secret is "encrypted" in pictures.

(Social educator shows plot pictures).

Children look at and discuss the situations depicted.

- This is another secret of friendship - help everyone who needs help, and you will have many friends.

Child: - I take off the orange candy from the tree, that I will find it in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: - Many dangers lie in wait for friendly relations: offensive words, rudeness, fights, anger, tears over trifles, whims. Let's show our bad mood with facial expressions, and we will strive for a good mood.

(Social educator demonstrates pictures of the emotional state of people)

Children perform the exercise "Mimicry".

Social teacher: - So you managed to cope with your bad mood and reveal the "secret of friendship" - a good mood.

Child: - I take off the purple candy from the tree, that I will find it in the candy, I don't know yet, I open it ...

Social teacher: - Now let's try to recognize your friend by voice. The next test is called “Recognize by voice - who said?”.

The driving child, sitting with his back to the players, must find out which of the children said: “You won’t know my voice, who said you won’t guess.”

The final part of the lesson:

Social teacher: Well done, you are true friends! How many different tests we have passed, how much you know about friendship. This means you can easily find friends and be loyal and good companions. So we are the most friendly family. Look how our group lit up with joyful smiles, warmed up with the warmth of friendly hearts! Let's call all the "secrets of friendship" again?

(Children call). Summing up the results of the lesson.

- What do you need for life?

Children (answer in chorus): The sun!

- What is needed for friendship?

Children (answer in chorus): Heart!

- What does the heart need?

Children (answer in chorus): Happiness!

- What do you need to be happy?

Children (answer in chorus): World!

Farewell ritual "Give a tulip to a friend."

Once upon a time there was a Tulip. (The palms represent an open bud).

Autumn came, a cold wind blew. (They blow cold air on their palms).

The tulip has become cold, it closes, it is sad. (Hands close, face sad).

Suddenly the sun came out, and a warm breeze blew. (They blow warm air on their palms).

The tulip opens its petals, rejoices in the sun. (The palms open, the children smell the flower, the faces are joyful, they clap their hands.)

Children give each other an imaginary tulip and say goodbye.

Children stand in a circle, join hands and say: - Goodbye, Nastenka! Goodbye, Sasha! Etc.

Social teacher: - Goodbye, guys!

List of methodological literature that was used in preparing the synopsis of the lesson:

1. Akimova G.E. Activities with a child from birth to six years old: Growing, playing, developing! Yekaterinburg, "U-Factoria", 2006

2. Alyabyeva E.A. Kindergarten with love: games for children 4-7 years old: development of speech and imagination, Moscow, "TC - Sphere", 2009.

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