How to support a man? phrases that can have an amazing effect on men. SMS, which will support in difficult times

It is best to fight with your shortcomings when there is support and support nearby.

Sometimes we need to support other people more people than relatives.

Turn the happiness back, turns the facade!

Love creates, and does not break, pleases, and does not torment, heals, and not wounds, supports, and does not overturn.

I would like to hug you so that you were not so hurt to support you ... But, unfortunately, I am just a text for you now ...

The ability of a man to achieve success and conquer vertices directly depends on the ability of a woman to give it the necessary incentive, giving his love, support and confidence.

Friends can be determined by how much they will support you and understand when it will be most needed.

I can do anything because you believe in me ...

No one will understand you and will not comfort better than you yourself.

While you are alive, so as not to happen, you have you.

Somewhere good ... somewhere bad ... just need support ... then everywhere will be fine ...

If you need a help hand, do not forget that you have them whole two.

It is impossible to help everyone. Help at least for those who are infinitely roads.

"The psychologist does not cry, he does not need. Support and help - why should it? "... Thieves if we treat other people's souls, with our own, or not, no?!?

If you have to meet a man with an outstretched hand, it does not mean that he intends to ask for your grace, maybe he is ready to offer you a hand to which you can rely on.

And even if the whole world is against him ... And if everyone says that he is not right ... I still go, I will take it by the hand and stand next. And not because it is bad or good ... And because - he is part of my soul ... And I can't refuse myself.

There will be all the ups and downs, the joy of tears and longing in the chest, but believe that there will be good, you please please - Terepi.

Support is needed to everyone ...

A woman is different from the fact that it does not need any support. Including the bra.

Even if inside is too empty - the silent of the silent fists. After all, when you tear into pieces, seem happy - art!

Before saving a friend, make sure that he needs this salvation. It may be what you consider the trouble at the moment for him - good. Intervening you risks to deprive a friend of happiness.
And yourself - a friend ...

But it will surely be the morning when throwing down the blanket and looking at the sun outside the window you will understand that everything is not so bad)) After all, it shines for you!

Girl stop building plans for the past, you will be waiting for no less wonderful future)))

I realized the mistake, I remembered, I supported myself and ... optimisticly went further ...

Very often, men need even greater support than women. And where to take it, if you yourself so need a male shoulder and affectionate word ...

Sometimes I do not want to figure it out and decide, I do not want to look for options ... Just need a few words of love and support.

You can overcome everything. If only there were close people nearby!

Supporting another strengthens itself ...

I have such friends that I am sometimes ready to shoot them. But if they were not, long ago would have shot himself.

This success is when people are supported, the eyes of which you have not even seen.

Sometimes it is very important that someone pays attention to your mood! No need to console, give advice! Enough that they noticed the change itself of this mood!

Time will tell. Just try to feel the situation. Bates and develop the ability. The main thing is to get knowledge. Support in life. Good thing you care. The comfort and heat of the hearth gives good support.

As it is important to have a number of man who will help the Word and Del, will support and send!

In the end, you will not remember the words of enemies, but silence of friends.

It's nice to realize that there are people who are ready for you.

If I need to be supported, I will buy myself a corset.

Hard?! Always difficult! But if there is a person in your life supporting and loving, you can survive everything ... always !!! By arms together !!!

If you see ahead of the light, show it fearing darkness, let me touch his warmth freezing ...

I have the roads of people who with me and in the moments of terrible grief, and at the moments of immense happiness, and the rest is simply not for me!

The worst thing is when it really needs support, and you are sitting with the phone in your hand and do not know whose number to dial

Thank you, Lord, what, you let me open the soul, and now you save it, opening my eyes ...

Wisdom strives to support, stupid to drop.

Nowadays, many men will rather submit a woman to the footboard than shoulder or neck !!!

Support must be sought not in the other or in a cigarette. In itself.

Good words always sound a wonderful music for those who have hard on the heart.

To get in old age to find spiritual support, you need to grow it in time in your children.

They took the hands, nourishing on the surface. Good thing - a friend's hand. Neither obliges anyone who stretches her, and very comforting the one who shakes her ...

If you have nothing to give in the needy, give something to his heart. One word of support can bring a man out of gloom despair.

As you want to cuddle to someone and calm down, but all the time you have to substitute your shoulder and soothe.

That person is valued, putting his hand on the shoulder of which, you are sure that you will not fall ...

In sadness, we become exorbitantly proud. We create the appearance that I do not need anyone, alone is so important to the shoulder.

Mine Support - Best Soothing)))

It's just great: to have a person in his life, who is calling in deep depression ... And put the phone with a crazy desire to live!

People love to reproach, blame, make the wrong conclusions, but the support and simple understanding of the hell will wait.

Husband wife - support, and wife husband is support.

There are disagreements in family life, but one can never plant each other, especially nationwide and others need to fight back. Then everything will be fine !!!

Everyone dream of a beautiful love, but few understands that it starts not from the words "I, I, my, I want" and with the question, what can I do for you?

Never despair. There is always a person who can support you. The main thing is to discern it.

The best gift from a friend is his presence and support in a difficult moment.

Losing equilibrium in life, a woman should quickly find a strong male shoulder - even if you can not hold, it will be more pleasant to fall)

Supporting a woman a man receives approval in return with subsequent satisfaction.

But there is nothing better than hearing from your beloved when you are very bad, the phrase: "Do not worry, everything will be fine! After all, I'm with you

Support the good word of a man who has fallen into trouble, often it is also important how to switch the arrow on the railway on time: only one inch separates a catastrophe from a smooth and safe movement in life.

A friend is another wing whom we sometimes lack ...

When the wife supports her husband, his love crashes his wings - he becomes invulnerable.

"Mercy consists not only in real help, as in the spiritual support of the near. The spiritual support is primarily not in the condemnation of the near, but in respect of his human dignity. "

If you have been afraid from childhood to be afraid, then after will it be and not for that ...

"She has no chance," circumstances stated loudly.
"She is a fault" - people shouted. "She will succeed," God said quietly.

How many people willing to teach how little capable consoles.

Sometimes you sit and you enjoy someone's happiness, sincerely, without envy ... And so it gets warm in the soul ...

I am depressed? No, it is in depression, and I am with you on the site :) !!!

Sometimes we are maintained at all those people from which we expected to get support.

Hold on to be glad by the hand, sincerely outstretched to you in a minute of despair. And do not forget to stretch your in response.

Those who supported me when I fell - now hold on - we take off!

Statuses about support

The economic crisis is reflected not only at prices and currency courses, but also on the relationship. Like any complex times is a test. Especially for a strong half, breadwinner and mining. How to support her husband, if he has problems at work? How to support your man when he is bad? How to support a man and caress? This is a special female art. Not in vain say, a great woman is behind each great man.

During the crisis, businessmen men rigidly rebuild their business. You have to take a lot of hard solutions. Employees may fall under the reduction. Prices are growing, revenues are reduced, salaries are delayed. Often, men demand from themselves more than at the moment are capable of achieving. It seems to them that they earn less than their work. And the found work is unworthy of their ambitions. It is the failures in a career and finance most beaten through male self-esteem and mood. It is much more painful than the female self-esteem.

But the man is brought in this way: you need to be strong, never give up and not cry. He is - family support. Therefore, he locks emotions in himself, without recognizing his experiences.

Nevertheless, your man is not Batman and not superman. If he does not ask for help, does not mean that he doesn't need support at all. Need. And how. Good female support. But it requires tact, wisdom and knowledge of male psychology.

Many women really want, but do not know how to support a man in a difficult situation. I sincerely try, but managed to block a bunch of firewood and then they will be upset. Therefore, I will give 6 ways to support, from which 3 methods should be abandoned, which will bring a real effect.

6 ways to maintain a man to maintain

Specify a lot of questions."Everything is fine? Nothing caught? ". Those insistent questions you will only annoy it. This woman shouted, went to shopping, poured his experiences to the girlfriend and calmed down. A man closes from the world to one to figure out the problem. Do not break into the closed door. A man is busy. He is looking for a solution. When will find - it will open himself. However, he will appreciate if you give him to understand what they are ready to listen to and support.

Actively worry. Some women have such a change in a man begins to cause anxiety and anxiety. "What if he blinked me out? What if he is different? But what about our vacation plans? " Sometimes the woman is experiencing even more than the man himself. And the situation becomes even worse. Where much more favorite will support your calm confidence that he will cope with everything. And therefore, instead of anxiety and excitement, deal with your affairs.

Save a man. Do not guess what you can do. Your words of consolation for him - like a red rag for a bull. Do not be your men mom who protects him from any attack. The man is very important that he will solve the problem itself. The best thing you can do is: to express confidence that it has enough forces, knowledge and talents for this.

Give inspired tips. Even if you have brilliant solutions, do not hurry to share them. Tips man perceives as your doubt in his abilities. It will be annoyed and becomes even more detached. Let's advice only if he asks.

Reproach. "You yourself are to blame for everything." "You're not capable of anything." Reproaches, accusations, pylebry hardly inspires him to new accomplishments. He is probably not too successful. Even if it does not show this. An unnecessary reminder of the errors that can no longer be corrected is even more densely in the bog of depression, take part of the forces that he needs so now.

Ship it with your problems.Your whims and whims that have been tired before, can now lose their effective strength. Sometimes a man with pleasure can help his beloved woman, despite his difficulties. And it is even inspired. But still do not strain him without your concerns without much need.

3 ways that a man should support

Create a nutrient environment for it.. What do you need a sprout bloom? To put it in good soil and open the rays of sunshine and light. So you will surround a man with comfort, love and unbelievable care. He must feel necessary. Not for any achievements. And just like that. Make him a massage. Take his hand. Hug. Hormones of touches in these times are necessary in its body.

Do it physically - delicious dinners. And mentally, impressions and interesting activities. Think what gives him strength? View your favorite movie? Sex? Sport? Meetings with friends? Trips to nature? Stay his muse.

However, leave enough space to show himself. If a man discusses his problems with you, pay attention to the available advantages and the possibility of its situation. It will be a fertilizer to future shoots. For example, when a person lost its work, a very important resource is exempt - time. So, there is a wonderful opportunity to increase your competence, explore the market and find free niches. Support a man in this. Successes in school will raise the level of dopamine - the hormone of intelligence and achievements. And your faithful will be easier to move forward!

Raise his self-esteem. When a man's self-esteem falls, testosterone is reduced, which is responsible for male strength and movement. Some representatives of strong sex at such moments even tear the relationship. It seems to them that they will not be able to pull the service of this enterprise. Others are filled with a mistress to patch their male ego. But the husband is unlikely to do it, if he knows that he is respected at home and appreciate as a man, they recognize his merits and dignity. If a woman believes in him, even when he himself doubts himself, a man will grow with her and take care of such relationships like treasure.

And in order to lift the male testosterone, you need to communicate with your beloved, my man's start, be able to say compliments, celebrate success and create situations where he feels at height. Not all women know how to give a man's magic kick, fluffy and soft, but at the same time effective. Fortunately, this can be learned.

Support yourself. If a man is difficult, he will give you less resources: love, attention, money, tourist. And to support you to support your own resources, you will need more than usual. How to be? Where do they draw them? Inside yourself! The resource is given endorphine hormones. And they are produced from positive thoughts and good mood. To pump the domestic resource and keep it always at level is not so difficult: there are special techniques. As a plant from sunlight, with photosynthesis, useful substances and you, and you, after our practices, will feel like your inner energy boil. And when a woman is full of female energy and the joy of life, then the man next to it involuntarily charges, spreads his shoulders and feels a passing wind in his sails.

The legend walks on the Internet, allegedly stood in one of the cities there was a unique telephone booth, to which the queue was built out of people in need of supporting another person. After the coin fell into the slot, a handsome pleasant female voice sounded in the handset and uttered the right and very important words for any person - pleasant words of support.

The fact that everything will be fine is that he loves, that they believe in him and that he will cope with everything. From the telephone booth, people came out with happy, slightly confused persons. But these words were very necessary. Probably, among their loved ones and relatives, there were no those who could say such words at this time. Namely, at that moment, the support words were so necessary.

In the dictionary of the Ozhegov, the word "support" matters - assistance, assistance. It is not necessary to wait for heavy life situations to assist another person. Remember how we tongue words support our kids who make the first steps. We do not talk about what they are clumsy and that they still do not know how to walk. On the contrary, we encourage them, the incredible number of times we speak about how wellholds they are, and our kids, satisfied with the praise, try our best.

What happens later when children grow up, we know perfectly well. Greater, children are less likely to hear from us the words of support necessary to them in various situations.

Recently, the adult daughter of my friend first participated in the competition of oriental dances. After she ranked first and hit everyone with his stunning take-off at the pedestal of Honor, her daughter asked her mother, what a place in her opinion, she could take. "Well fifth, sixth ..." Mom said, knowing about the talent of his daughter, but considering that this is her first big competition. "Eh, Mom, badly you think about me." - answered her daughter.

To any of us is important to know and understand that you believe in you and your undertakings are supported. It is especially important when we change something in our lives and at this stage there are doubts. Here, more than ever, valuable any word of encouraging from loved ones. Understand dreams, hopes, the desire of another person is not so difficult. But perhaps only when you love.

Sometimes it happens to be supported. Just said a few words: "You will succeed. You are the best. You are super! Well done! It's important to me!".

I do not know how anyone, but my wings grow from such words. And obstacles that stood on the way seem very small and frivolous. Dwinkles energy, a good mood is added ... in general, solid positiff!

Despite the abundance of everyday tasks facing the heads of companies, I am very respectful about those who are assessed by the work of its employees before the whole team. For example, in many network companies, the "recognition" factor is in the first place, inspiring partners for further feats and accomplishments.

How to support?

Universal encouraging words can be found a lot. When you do not know how to support and cheer up another person, ask yourself what words would you like to hear in such a situation? These are the pronunciation. Just say sincerely, and everything will definitely work.

Do you need a lot of people? It happens that a person can be supported without words. Smile and friendly patting on the shoulder can raise the fallen mood. Sincere congratulations at the moments of joy will be an excellent start for further accomplishments.

We all know that you are faster and more fun with a good mood. It is possible that the anecdote or someone's story told in the topic will be an excellent "lift of mood", which will undoubtedly increase efficiency and performance.

Service of a good mood "You -Super!"

With this service, you can remind your loved ones, relatives and friends about what they are cool! " Using the project "You are super!" A real person will call your loved ones, friends and acquaintances, to say simple, but nice things: they are cool and awesome! Or will say what you yourself want! "

Service is paid, but this is a little money for such a great case, believe me. Voice examples can be heard on the site itself, and you will hear how much surprise is a person from surprise and encouraging words from an unfamiliar person. After all, live and real people call.

Here it was possible to subside on the topic, from whom we would like to hear the words of support, from friends or strangers to us ... but the idea is so good - to honest money, giving a lot of positive emotions and charge for the whole day that you want to discuss, think It is unlikely to be found.

Think someone from your loved ones needs today's words of support? It is possible that pleasant and unexpected calls will make a variety and become an excellent motivator.

The main thing is that we do not stop at the same time believe in yourself and in our own strength. Apply effort, try, do not stop there, and believe in yourself and the success of your business. Work on feelings and relationships to yourself and to other people, and everything will be done with you. I am very sincerely, dear readers, I wish.

You are super! You are the best!

And all in your hands!

Check more in less time together with

For the start of understanding and accept one piece: Let you have been familiar for a long time and you know a person as irradiated, now it does not mean that his behavior will correspond to your expectations. "There are some general stages of feeling grief. You can easily focus on them, remember, of course, that an individual approach is still needed to each of us, "the psychologist Marianna Volkov explains.

Our experts:

Anna Shishkovskaya
Psychologist Gestalt Center Nina Rubestein

Marianna Volkova
Practitioner psychologist, Family and Individual Psychology Specialist

How to support a person if he is shocked

Stage №1: Usually a person is in full shock, confusion and simply cannot believe in the reality of what is happening.

What should I say. If you are really close friends, best of all to be nearby, not counting on the phone, Skype or SMS. For some people, tactile contact is very important, the opportunity to see the interlocutor in front of him. "At this time, the conversations and attempts to express condolences are not needed, - I am sure Marianna Volkov. - None. Therefore, if your friend asks you to stay nearby and at the same time refuses to communicate, do not try to talk it. Contrary to your expectations, it will not be easier for him. It is worth talking about what happened only when the close will be ready for this. In the meantime, you can hug, sit nearby, keep your hand, stroke your head, bring tea with lemon. All conversations are strictly in the case or on distracted topics. "

What to do. The loss of a native person, sudden terrible diseases and other blows of fate assume not only reflection, but also many worries. Do not think that to assist such a kind is simple. This requires a large emotional return and very extinguishes. How to support a person in such a situation? For starters ask how you can be useful. Much depends on what state is your friend. You may have to take on organizational issues: call, find out, negotiate. Or take the unfortunate sedative. Or along with him to wait in the doctor's reception. But, as a rule, it is enough at least to deal with the solution of household issues: to clean up, wash the dishes, cook food.

How to support a person if he is sharply experiencing

Stage №2.: accompanied by sharp experiences, offended, misunderstanding and even aggression.

What to do. It is clear that it is difficult to communicate at that moment. But it is now a friend needs attention and support. Try more often to come, be in touch, if he stayed alone. You can invite it to visit for a while. It is important to clearly understand whether you are ready for this morally.

Sobolences words

"Most people, expressing condolences, use generally accepted phrases that do not make sense. Actually, this is the manifestation of politeness and nothing more. But when it comes to a close person, you need something more than formality. The template suitable for each situation, of course, does not exist. But there are things that are definitely not worth talking, "says Marianna Volkov.

  1. If you do not know what to say - silence. Better after all times, show that you are near and at any time ready to help.
  2. Avoid expressions like "everything will be fine", "everything will pass" and "life continues." You seem to promise good, but only in the future, and not now. Such conversations annoy.
  3. Try not to ask extra questions. The only appropriate in this situation: "How can I help?" Everything else will wait.
  4. Never pronounce words that may appreciate the importance of what happened. "And someone can not walk in general!" - This is not a consolation, but mockery for a person who has lost, say, hand.
  5. If your goal is to rendress moral support, first of all, you must hold it very much. Skid, inhibiting and talking about injustice of life is hardly reassured.

How to support a person if he is depressed

Stage number 3.: At this time, awareness of what happened to the person comes to a person. Wait from friend of depression and depressive state. But there is a good news: he begins to understand what you need to somehow move on.

What should I say. We are all different, so the best thing you can do is to ask what a close person is waiting for you.

  1. Some need to talk about what happened. "There are people who in a difficult situation are vitally need to pronounce their emotions, fears and experiences. Friend does not need condolences, your task is to listen. You can cry or laugh with him, but give advice and in every way to insert our five kopecks, "I advise Marianna Volkova.
  2. Someone to survive the grief, you need to distract. You are demanding conversations for foreign topics, the involvement of a person in solving some questions. Insuit urgent cases requiring full concentration of attention and permanent employment. Do everything so that a friend once was to think about what he tries to escape.
  3. There are people who prefer loneliness in difficult life situations - so it is easier for them to cope with their emotions. If a friend tells you that it does not yet want any contacts, the worst thing you can do is try to climb into his soul from the best motives. Simply put, forcibly "cause good." Leave a person alone, but definitely make it clear that you are near and at any time ready to provide all the assistance.

What to do.

  1. In the first case, a domestic help is required, especially if your close is not from those who easily agree, communicates and can easily choose the best of several proposed options.
  2. You have to help a friend to move a little away from what happened. If working questions are associated - you can spend distracting maneuvers in this direction. Good option - sports. The main thing is not to torment yourself and its grueling workouts, but choose what to do. You can walk together to go to the pool, on the court or on yoga. The goal is to try to enjoy.
  3. In the third event you only need what they are asked about. Do not insist on anything. Invite to "go out and disperse" (what if you agree?), But the choice is always leaving for a person and do not be intrusive.

How to support a person when he already survived the grief

Stage number 4.: This is a period of adaptation. You can say - rehabilitation.

What should I say. It is at this time that a person re-establishes contacts, communicating with the surrounding little, takes its usual appearance. Now a friend can be needed parties, traveling and other attributes of life without mourning.

What to do. "If your buddy is quite ready for communication, you do not need to try to behave in his company. Do not try to quickly cheer, shake and lead. At the same time, straight views can not be avoided, sit with sour face. The more habitant you will raise the atmosphere, the easier it will be a person, "says Marianna Volkova.

Visit to psychologist

Whatever from the stages there is a person, friends are sometimes trying to assist, which is not needed. For example, forcibly submit to a psychologist. Here you will have to be especially attentive, because sometimes it is necessary, and sometimes it is completely unnecessary.

"The experience of misfortunes, sadness is a natural process, which, as a rule, does not need professional assistance," said psychologist Anna Shishkovskaya. - There is even the term "work of grief", which healing the effect of which is possible, provided that the person allows himself to go through all the stages. However, this is what it becomes a problem for many: allow yourself to feel, meet with experiences. If we are trying to "escape" from strong, unpleasant emotions, ignore them - "the work of grief" is broken, "jam" can occur on any of the stages. Then, really the help of a psychologist need. "

Cons Support

The experienced tragedy sometimes gives people a reason to manipulate others. Of course, it is not about the first, the most serious period. But you may require constant presence for a long time. Your personal life, work, will not be able to take into account. Let's say you invited a friend to live for a while for some time - a rather common practice. But all agreed deadlines have long passed, and man continues to visit. You are silent, because it is impossible to say about inconveniences, but a lawsuit will be spoiled relationships.

The financial issue is no less important. It happens, time goes, everything that was needed is done, and the need for investment does not disappear. And you inertia continue to give money, afraid to answer with refusal. " Noticed that you start sacrificing myself and your interests - it means there is a reason to talk And clarify the situation, - reminds Anna Shishkovskaya. - Otherwise, the accumulated insult and indignation once provoke a serious conflict with mutual claims. It would be nice to not bring to the scandal, and in time to designate the borders. "

Personal dramas - just one of those faces that are familiar with friends. And your behavior during this period is probably somehow affecting your relationship. Therefore, it is worth rushing only if you sincerely want it.

It is impossible to remain indifferent in a difficult period of life of a loved one. In the protracted depression, everyone may be important in time to be supporting and to provide all sorts of help. Methods must be effective, and words are convincing, only then the result will be maximal. What if you can't find words and fall into a stupor at the sight of a person's suffering? Do not panic and carefully read the recommendations.

8 effective human support methods in difficult times

Finding near
Do not disappear, do not turn off the phone and be near the other 24 hours a day. Stay for the night, if necessary, give a close person all my free time. Show the skills of Sherlock Holmes and identify the true cause of experiences, after which try to eradicate it.

Do not utter learned phrases from which it only gets worse: "You will cope", "time will put everything in our place" and the like. Let me understand that you are supporting and support, so we will have a comprehensive assistance.

Distracting maneuvers
In every way distracting a person, even if you have to stand on your head or dance on the table. Now it is important to eradicate the mountain, which will soon threaten to grow into a protracted depression. Possess the return of a friend or relative to normal life at least a few hours a day. Take a gland to the park, cinema, exhibition of photographs or place where there are no people at all.

An excellent option will serve homemade gatherings with pizza or rolls, another option of dishes are possible. Turn on the modern comedy, but not with the effect of melodrama, add sound and delve. Try to comment on the actions of the heroes and reenate them to your own way. Observe the tactfulness, inappropriate will be an invitation to a nightclub, where everyone is drinking and having fun. Although you are better known for preferences of your native person.

Expression of emotions
You can not cope with strong emotions, holding them deep inside. It is important to spill out the whole pain, and you, as a friend, should help in this. Provide the opportunity to show that despair, offense, disappointment and sadness that wounds the heart.

Improving the overall condition of both physical and psychological, will only occur after the expression of the beardy of feelings. There are cases when people are closed in such situations. Write it with the appropriate conversation, but watch the reaction and do not overdo it.

The desire to speak out
The ability to listen is valued just like the art of talking. Look at all the words of your opponent, do not interrupt. The story may be long and repeated several times, nothing terrible. Do not make comments "You already told it" or "Enough to repeat!". If the buddler does this, then it is necessary.

Take for due all the above and what is happening, provide support, give up if necessary. You do not need to sit and meditate who did the right thing, and who is not or why everything happened. Limit the use of single-stroke phrases "Yes, of course", "of course", "understand", "accurately noticed."

Useful advice
After passing the emotional discharge and the many hours of monologue, you have come to talk. At this stage, share your own considerations on a particular reason, be convincing and do not put your words in doubt. Give such examples from life and tell you how you coped with the grief (if you have happened earlier).

Slim out the situation by putting yourself to the position of the comrade. Being a right mind, you have an irrefutable advantage that you need to use. Show care and sincere concern about the emotional state. Perhaps it was time to delicately enjoy the person about his erroneous actions and assumptions (if so).

Offer assistance in the apartment, take care of cleaning and post the lingerie. Take the children from school, go to the store, pay according to accounts. Prepare or order a delicious dinner, bought a bottle of good wine. Surely you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe taste preferences of a loved one, play it.

Of course, to return the former equilibrium in one moment will not be able, but the situation you clearly alleviate. Help until the condition is normalized, and life will not return to normal. It will take time, as however, and always. This method is considered to be the most effective among all proven.

Evaluation of the situation
It is important to understand the whole seriousness of the situation, do not condemn and not reproach. Perhaps a loved one will have unreasonable flashes of anger, do not respond in response. The spiritual storm causes people to look at things otherwise, show condescension and patience.

Do you see all the absurdity of what is happening? Speakers, wait for a convenient moment about this. Permanent irritability is also a frequent phenomenon, perceive emotions with humor, translating everything in a joke. If you notice that you yourself are on the verge, stroll and collect thoughts in a bunch.

Ahead of several steps
Listen to intuition, watch the response to actions and words. Judge about the situation, and you will see progress. Do not use template methods, tears are pouring not on schedule. Ahead of a friend / relative for two steps forward, be always ready.

Man is a person purely individual. What will work with one will be unsuccessful with another. Empathy, constant attention, care - that's what is really important!

Everyone needs a solid shoulder of their relatives during the disease. There are a number of recommendations designed specifically for these purposes.

  1. Show love and let us understand what is valid by a person.
  2. Prove that the disease did not affect your plans, even if it is not true. It is important to show all love and care, make the patient feel necessary.
  3. Build plans that come together after discharge. Agree on campaigning in a movie or visit your favorite bar, work several options for joint pastime.
  4. For those who are not seriously ill, buy an interesting present in a comic shape, hinting at rallier recovery.
  5. If you are colleagues, more often repeat about boring workdays without your friend. Share the funny stories that have happened for the absence period.
  6. Come to the hospital as often as possible. Share the news, refer to the patient for advice / help, interest your opinion.
  7. Bring backgammon in the clinic, checkers or poker, take a comrade. Everyone knows how boring the bed regime is. Have fun together and cheer over each other, if no happens is not serious.
  8. Create a normal room from the chamber (as far as possible). Bring your personal items from the house, put a vase with flowers or equip the kitchen table with a tablecloth and normal cutting appliances. If there are no contraindications, order your favorite meal, because it is a source of good mood. Who does not like to eat delicious?
  9. Download several films on a laptop or purchase an e-book to brighten the patient's gray days when he is alone.
  10. The above methods are mostly effective for people with light diseases, but how to support someone who is sick serious?

Be near every day, put all your affairs and let me understand that now only the health of your native person is important to you. Buy nice little things, make gifts with your own hands and open secrets. Ask advice, lift the mood and do not let the patient lose heart. If he wants to talk about the ailment, support the conversation and be softer.

You need close people during periods of despair, grief and emotional depression. Calculate exclusively on intuition, act on the situation and show condescension. Look for the necessary words of support, assist comprehensive assistance, use effective diverting methods. Show all the love and care that is capable of, be near as often as you can. You know your loved ones well, help them and welcome back in a hundred times!

Video: Support words in difficult times