How to kick a pen guy: win-win ways. How to sew a guy off correctly so that he doesn't get offended

Oh, and the man got you, since you are looking for an answer, how to get a guy off. Someone's upbringing does not allow to do it rudely. And someone has already despaired to politely refuse persistent courtship. And he is looking for ways to end everything with one phrase.

Today we will analyze how beautifully to turn off a guy, depending on who he is to you.

How to get rid of a guy rudely: getting rid of an unpleasant "alpha male"

Each of us, probably, met a person who thought that perseverance is a synonym for importunity. And this stubbornness (which is importunity) is so selfless that it makes you feel sick. Flowers under the balcony, inscriptions on the asphalt and threats of suicide, “if you won't be with me” are a classic set of such characters.

Another thing is a noisy entertainment place where confident men gather outside in search of easy money.

Hitting a guy in a nightclub or bar is pretty easy. It can even turn into a rather exciting game called: "How to kick a guy off roughly in 5 minutes", or maybe: "How to kick a guy off with one phrase?" Choose according to your taste!

What makes it fascinating is the fact that you know exactly how it will end. The player will try to pass the boss, but he will fail.

The boss is you, of course. But you only need to play this game if the “guinea pig” deserves it.

If the “alpha male” is extremely unpleasant, is rude and spits through his teeth and breathes fumes on you, then this game is not possible, but you need to play. You have to play it like that, he finally learned what the word “no” is. You have to teach him a good lesson.

All the fun is that you don't have to do anything. You think that phrases to kick a guy off should be pretentious. But no! It may surprise you, but a simple “no” answer can turn a fairly level-headed individual into a machine that inflates eyes, veins, nostrils, and anything else that can be inflated on a human face.

For some girls, the "alpha males" get so bad that they humiliate him during the game. But remember, as much as you would like, never humiliate a person. Humiliation is the lot of weak and evil people, who always have their own ego in the first place. Just think about the consequences of this, because the butterfly effect has not been canceled. Today you humiliated him, he is disappointed in girls and normal relations, perhaps, in principle, no longer shine for him. And this is your karma.

How beautiful it is to turn off a guy who is in love

If sewing in a club / pub can be compared to a game, sewing a person who is ready to lay his chest on an embrasure for you can be compared to a military strategy. And it depends only on you whether there will be victims in this war or not.

You need to calculate each step a thousand times so as not to miss. Some girls choose the easiest tactics for themselves and enter into Google a query: "How to send a guy off via SMS?" If you have such thoughts, then forget about them. If a person is in love with you, then they deserve more than a social media post.

Everything needs to be done carefully. Think over each word of how to politely blow the guy off. Write out your theses. You need to make him believe that you are not suitable for him. It will be beneficial to both of you. You must speak with the utmost kindness and clarity. But in any case, do not flirt.

How to politely blow off a guy

For a man in love, any look, any gesture is a one-way interpretation. He is now in a stressful situation and may wishful thinking. When a guy is in love, he is crazy.

Therefore, talk to him like a madman. You can explain everything to a madman, only carefully so as not to cause a new attack. Before you kick a guy off nicely, you need to feel the degree of madness and start from it.

When you call on the phone and make an appointment, even then make it clear that your call is not a sign of consent.

Prepare him mentally for the fact that the future conversation does not bring him anything good. All girls are fluent in this technique. Every lady is a professional at getting ready for serious conversations. The low tone and catchphrase “we need to talk seriously” should do the job.

Don't make an appointment right now. Make sure that the interval between the phone call and the actual conversation is at least 2 hours. If the “serious talk” stage is successful, this should be enough time to go through the 3 stages: denial, humility and acceptance.

How to kick a guy off: phrases that will discourage the desire to communicate

When he arrives at the meeting in a state of acceptance, try to correctly articulate your unwillingness to communicate without offending the guy. Speak in a calm and serious tone. No jokes, funny phrases. Because shedding a boyfriend or an annoying ex in love with all your heart is not cool, like playing with an "alpha male". This is always frustrating for both sides.

Tell him that you really appreciate his attitude, but now you cannot reciprocate. It is advisable to find reasons that will not affect his self-esteem. Say, for example, something like this:

"I am pleased to communicate with you, but we are not suitable for each other"

"I'm not ready for a relationship right now"

“I need time to sort myself out, and so now I can’t date you.”

It doesn't matter if it's a game or a military strategy - you should always think about the person you want to kick off and his feelings.

Sometimes, meeting or texting with a young man, you realize that you are wasting your time - you do not like him and will never like him. Some little things are annoying: he walks wrong, speaks wrong, looks wrong, breathes wrong or writes wrong ... The main thing that you feel is that the guy does not suit you, you don’t see you together in the future, you don’t want to be with him anymore communicate.

But at the same time, the young man has wonderful spiritual qualities and behaves impeccably. It is noticeable that he likes you, and he falls in love more and more.

How to break up so as not to hurt a guy with your confession?


The best way is to tell the truth. Explain that you like him, it is good and calm with him, but you will not order your heart and you will not be able to love. You need to be patient, tactful, but firm: not to make concessions and not give hope. Perhaps the young man will convince you to wait a little, give him a chance to show himself - do not agree, because there is no turning back. A guy may flare up or get angry, but you don't need to be offended by attacks: a man is driven by emotions. Be discreet and friendly, but remain adamant.

It is better to part in a place where you will not be disturbed, but not where you met or had romantic dates.


  • not answering phone calls and messages;
  • pretend to be an eternally busy and somewhere in a hurry;
  • do not accept gifts;
  • not agree to dates;
  • do not introduce him to your friends and family.

Sooner or later, a young man will get tired of knocking on the wall of indifference and will find himself a more suitable object for expressing sympathy.


A tactful way to show that there can be no relationship is to write a letter to the guy. Long and sincere. Better to hand it over personally. In the letter you will be able to clearly and clearly state the reasons for not wanting further meetings, no one will interrupt and persuade you.

List the best qualities of a young man, thank him for the communication and wish him a quick meeting with his girlfriend. Such contactless separation will allow both of you to “save face” and minimize negative emotions.

Make a copy of the letter, you may need it more than once.

Parting online

A young man with whom you are in correspondence on a dating site or on a social network page can become very annoying and at some point this communication will cease to bring you pleasure. If you have not yet had time to tell the whole story about yourself, then let me know that you already have a very jealous boyfriend, and he is now checking the correspondence.

Write that you can no longer respond to messages, and if they appear again, you will have to add the intrusive interlocutor to the "black list" or click the ignore button. Alternatively, try to "throw" the guy with incomprehensible images or links to strange sites, do it actively and every day: the interlocutor decides that you are not yourself and retreats himself.


If you are very sorry for the guy, and you want to leave without hurting his pride in the least, show yourself in the worst light. This method will require effort from you, because you always want to look better in the eyes of others. But in order for the guy to let you go on his own initiative, you need to try:

  • argue with him about every matter, even a trifling one;
  • reduce any conversation to money, hinting at the consumer attitude;
  • do not share his hobbies;
  • do not take the initiative, answer in monosyllables.

There will come a time when the young man gets tired of misunderstanding and decides that you are too different with him to continue the relationship.


Get rid of your annoying fan by playing male polygamy. You introduce a guy to a very pretty girlfriend who is willing to play along. The girl tries to interest the young man and invites him on a date. And you seem to accidentally "find out" about their meeting and accuse the guy of treason. Thus, the former, reluctantly himself, becomes the cause of the breakdown of relations and he no longer has anyone to be offended by.

Inappropriate behavior

Normal men are frightened by women who can "explode" for no apparent reason. Therefore, start quarrels and scandals, swords "thunder and lightning" for the most insignificant reasons, arrange stormy scenes and showdowns from scratch until the guy runs away from you in horror, dropping his slippers. You can also inform the young man that, as it turned out, sexually you are more seduced by women, and men are now only of interest to you as friends.

When discussing the problem of parting without resentment, psychologists advise:

  • do not blame a young man for breaking up;
  • take the conversation very seriously: do not flirt, do not give hope for the resumption of meetings;
  • do not start a new relationship before you have finished the previous one.

When parting, remember that the next time you yourself may be in the status of a dump. Therefore, try to leave without hurting your once loved one.

Tamara, Podolsk

1. You are a good guy, it’s a pity that we didn’t meet earlier, before I got married.

Not a bad phrase for those who do not want to offend the person who is interested in you. But it can give hope because it contains a double bind. There are men for whom the official status of a married lady is not a hindrance to dating.

2. Okay, let's get to know each other. I'm just a little busy right now. Call back in a year.

What if he calls? What then? I can imagine how surprised you will be when you hear the barely recognizable (if at all recognizable) voice of a random fellow traveler, with whom once in the cold they waited in vain for a tram and, out of frustration, gave their phone number.

3. Someday you will understand that this is the end. And this will be the beginning.

Any phrase that is incomprehensible from the first time provokes one thing: be sure to clarify its meaning. Even if you dumped her like Zorro, waving his cloak and hiding in the bowels of the supermarket, the guy will surely follow you. He will definitely want to know what you mean.

4. I already have a boyfriend, he recently returned from the army, from the airborne troops.

Ideally, the phrase should scare off the gentleman. But what if he himself served in the Airborne Forces? The paratroopers' brotherhood is very strong, and therefore such information may interest the boyfriend even more and will certainly lead to a detailed question: “Who? Where? Does the divisional commander still have a one-eared dog? "

5. Okay, let's meet. Come to me tomorrow evening, I will introduce you to your parents, husband, children ...

Such a phrase will definitely cool the ardor of any objectionable admirer who wants to get your attention. A good way to abruptly break off unnecessary contact.

6. Just do not be offended, you will still meet a girl who will love you ...

This is usually said by girls who are used to apologizing for having to put the interlocutor in an awkward position. Hearing this is unpleasant, but the phrase does not traumatize the masculine vanity. There is a subtext in it: "It's just that you and I don't suit each other, but in general you are nice to me."

7. I will gladly meet you, only now I am in a hurry, I have to pay off my mortgage and three loans.

It would be nice that the interlocutor does not find a soul mate in your person and does not offer to merge his own debts into one huge loan.

8. You are already fat, why do you need a soul mate?

This phrase, of course, sounds ridiculous. But not for the person to whom it is addressed. It is guaranteed to cause an attack of aggression in the interlocutor. It will be difficult to predict the reaction of the offended gentleman.

9. Let me call you myself. Then, when absolutely no one will need it.

The beginning of the phrase is good, you take the initiative in your own hands. In this case, no one will force you to call the obsessive admirer. Unless you change your mind, sitting alone on long winter evenings and going over in your head candidates for the place of the one who will brighten up your life for the next hundred years. But the second part of the phrase can cause a negative reaction, because it contains the context of the insult. Do not offend a person.

10. Sorry, but I don't want to meet with you anymore.

The most honest answer. Perhaps it will have to be repeated several times - to the one who did not understand anything the first time.

Not all acquaintances with the opposite sex please a girl. Some guys repulse with their uncivilized behavior, annoying habits, character, or simply do not like their hearts. But especially persistent and self-confident young people, even after an obvious refusal, will continue to seek the girl - and here it will be useful to learn how to kick a guy off gently and politely so that he understands and stops making endless attempts and courting you. There are many different situations and in each case separate tips can be useful, so it will be useful to get acquainted with the entire article and find the most interesting points for yourself.

When does it become necessary to turn off a guy

A girl may need to sew a young man off in a variety of cases. For example, a guy may be too intrusive, or a girl simply does not like it according to a variety of criteria. Sometimes former boyfriends trying to renew your relationship, and even friends secretly in love with you since childhood, haunt you. In these situations, you will need to act in different ways in order to achieve the desired effect and to protect yourself from subsequent courtship by a particular young person. Moreover, you need to act as early as possible in order to prevent more serious courtship on the part of this guy.

If you don't like a guy, tell him no right away.

If you simply don't like a guy (not that appearance, opposite characters, don't suit his demeanor), then you just shouldn't accept his flirting and courtship, just to flatter yourself. It will be useful to openly tell him that now you are not looking for a serious relationship or that you already have a man of heart, even if this is actually not the case. At the same time, one should not answer even a little to his courtship - this gives the man a sign that after the first one the girl will respond to subsequent courtship on his part. Therefore, all attempts to flirt should be immediately cut off and stopped.

If a guy is a compulsive suitor, then a sharp refusal is needed.

If the guy is an overly obsessive boyfriend who calls and writes a dozen times every day, diligently trying to ask you out on a date or just chat, then a clear and sharp refusal is needed here. It might even be a little rude to talk to him if the guy doesn't get it right away. But at the same time, you should not get personal, so as not to offend the guy's pride, otherwise he may begin to take revenge or spread far from the most disagreeable rumors about the girl. You need to let him know that such courtship is not your taste, you prefer softer and more unobtrusive suitors.

If an ex pesters, talk to him frankly.

A separate topic if a girl is annoyed by her ex-boyfriend. He wants to return to his old relationship, where he was comfortable, but not the fact that the girl was comfortable, since she broke off the relationship or did not want to keep them. The most ideal thing here would be a frank conversation about the fact that you can only see him as a friend (not a friend), nothing more. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly indicate for what reasons you broke up and why you do not want to resume the relationship - so as not to repeat the mistakes made earlier.

To gently deny a friend

There are also situations when you have to gently refuse a friend - not always true love can arise from a strong friendship. There is no need for harshness and rudeness, because you have been friends for a long time. It is unlikely that after the courtship from the guy it will turn out to continue to remain friends, so you should not pretend that you do not notice his courtship. It's better to honestly say that you only see him as a friend and brother of interest, so that the guy does not harbor false hopes. It can be explained that you are connected by too many events and you know each other too well so that friendship could develop into feelings, because there is no longer that mystery and zest that usually happens at the beginning of a relationship.

How to gently blow off a guy so that he doesn't get offended

Since all guys are in varying degrees of masters at hiding emotions, parting with a girl will be somewhat painful for them. No matter how softly and subtly the last words are said, the main point will not soften from this. Any guy very hard and offensively endures the moment when a girl turns him off. The only way to help in this difficult matter is to suppress the resentment from the guy as much as possible. But you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to receive unpleasant rumors about yourself or even a desire on the part of the guy to take revenge on you. Today, there are 3 main options for the development of events (namely, at the moment when the girl turns the guy off). In some moments, it is better to use communication devices to avoid awkward glances and silence. Elsewhere, a face-to-face meeting will be appropriate and honest.

You can discourage a boyfriend by correspondence on social networks.

A distinctive feature of this method is that with the help of remote communication, you can avoid all the awkwardness, silence and attempts to transfer the conversation to a casual topic. Correspondence on social networks not only does not limit you in time in a conversation, but also helps to gently hint at parting (change your details on your personal page, write a huge message). And with all this diversity, you will be sure that he will recognize and read it. This is convenient and practical, but slightly disrespectful towards the guy, since the choice was made towards remote communication rather than a personal meeting.

Discard the obsessive admirer by talking on the phone or in SMS

Old, time-tested and nerves way, literally. In fairness, it should be noted that the distance of communication is also a convenient thing, but the functionality of your conversation is sharply narrowed. Now you can only make a call or write an SMS to send a person off. Moreover, the guy can be busy, and such an important phone call will simply unsettle him. The best solution is to avoid such a conversation by phone or SMS. Adopt it only when no other opportunity presents itself. It is worth turning a person off on the phone only when you communicate at a distance or you are afraid that you will not find the courage at a meeting to carefully turn off a guy and not break under his onslaught and persuasion to try to give him another chance.

Make it clear that you are not a couple in person

The bravest and most serious act, albeit a very responsible one. Huge freedom of communication, the ability to adjust to the mood of the interlocutor, personal presence and direct contact. Not everyone decides to take such a step, but it is he who can bring much more benefit than others, and maximally alleviate the pain of parting. When you meet, the easiest way is to dismiss the guy as gently as possible, to explain to him that it's not about him, but about outside reasons or your personal beliefs. After such a separation, the young man will have only a good impression of you as an honest and courageous girl.

How to politely refuse a man to date and not offend him

Let's simulate the following situation: a man, led only by the most sincere and lofty feelings, invited the girl to meet, but for some reason she was against the relationship and decided to refuse him without offending him. It doesn't matter why and why this happened - we are only interested in further actions. In such a situation, it is worthwhile to understand that if a man decided to open up to you in his feelings, then his intentions for a possible relationship are very serious, and his feelings for you are deep, and just ignoring his signs of attention will be at least disrespectful and insulting to him. So think about what words to say. For a serious conversation, personal communication will be necessary! Now let's talk directly about the dialogue itself. Try to avoid any negative mention of a man, direct or indirect. Show the situation as if the problem lies with you. For example, you have a career, a long journey, a lot of worries, serious health problems, you are not ready yet, you are painfully experiencing a breakup with your ex, and the like.

Next, be sure to appreciate the sympathy shown to him. He is sweet, sensitive, kind, attentive, caring, etc. - choose his positive qualities yourself. It is important to show that you appreciated his work and attempts at a relationship with you. In addition, you will give him confidence that he is not bad and deserves his happiness, but only with another person. Let there be only a couple of such compliments, but it is best to be sincere, and then maintain an extremely friendly relationship with your recent admirer. Treat him like a friend - accidentally give him hope for a relationship, which will make him suffer and suffer. It doesn't matter what he was then, the main thing is that now he is just an acquaintance, a friend - no more. You can never leave a man hope for a second chance if a girl realizes that she will definitely never be ready for a relationship with this man.

The best phrases to blow off a guy beautifully

It is often difficult to find normal words so that they correctly reach a young person. Therefore, it will be good to have a few phrases in stock in order to beautifully cut the guy off. It is worth considering both soft refusals and more rude phrases that will have to be used when a young man simply does not understand soft communication and is too intrusive. You can use the following options from the ones suggested below:
    I thought for a long time and realized that you are not ready for a serious relationship with me, we are too different for this. And I consider only serious relationships. In response to a request for a phone number, you can say - I leave my number only to people I like, and you are not yet one of them and you’re unlikely to find yourself there. Now I’m not tuned in to communicate with men, sorry. When I’m ready, I’ll call myself. Sorry, but now I need to be alone, without a male company. Therefore, do not disturb my idyll of loneliness. My tastes and needs are constantly changing - but I see that you are not changing, your values \u200b\u200bare not changing. Therefore, we will not be able to develop together as a couple and you better look for another girl. I need a man who will be ready to endure my tantrums and mood swings. Therefore, I advise you to stay away from me and save your own nerves.
The main thing is that your words sound confident and clear, otherwise the guy may take them just as a joke and continue his courtship. And the second time it will be very inappropriate to use such phrases, they will no longer sound as serious as the first time.

Is it possible to refuse a guy and remain friends

It's worth making it clear right away - after parting, it's impossible to remain friends. No matter what others tell you, the consequences after a relationship will always be felt on its participants. And if you treat your ex in a friendly way, then be sure that he still hopes for a second relationship. Remember that any guy will never do anything for nothing. He stays there only because he still sees a chance to get you back, no less. Why is there no friendship after a refusal in a relationship? Everything is quite simple: at the moment when a strong friendship is spinning in her thoughts, he has rationality. "To love, so to love." After the breakup, when the girl made it clear about her intentions, he will not waste time on friendship. He already has friends, rest assured; there is an exception to any rule. And this is also the case. Someone really after the breakup becomes a friend, maybe even a best friend. But such cases are isolated and have their own special prerequisites. For example, people initially treated each other as friends, and after the attempts made, they could not build a joint future, and therefore decided to return to simple friendly communication. From the above, it is important to understand only one thing - after refusal, it is almost impossible for a guy to remain good friends with him. One of you will be especially acutely aware of the consequences of your breakup, which will clearly exclude friendly relations, especially when the girl has turned the guy off. For complete happiness, it is better to separate friends and lovers. Some will support, others will love - and no mixing. It will be easier for you and for those around you.

What to do if he didn't get it the first time

Is your partner unwilling to hear your intentions to break up? Stubbornly refuses to end the relationship and pretends that everything is fine? There is a way out, but here you have to act without any specific instructions. Rather, there is a well-coordinated algorithm for a person's behavioral state, the observance of which will help to achieve the desired results. Including a list of those options when he simply does not realize that the girl does not want to date him. First, assess the situation and give yourself a brief description of him. Why does he refuse so vehemently? What is holding him back? Answering these questions will help you understand his feelings and thoughts. And give food for thought for the future. Perhaps the guy suffers from loneliness and is trying in every possible way to fill the void. Or he wants to make some other girl jealous by flirting with you. Secondly, prepare the guy for a second conversation if he doesn't get it the first time. Accept the fact that he understood everything from a slightly different angle. Suddenly, emotions from the conversation play in him, or the day was not pleasant and he simply missed the girl's words deafening his own ears, etc. It is important for you not that he listened to you, but that he heard. Otherwise, he will continue to conduct rebellious activities and deny everything and everyone. Prepare, give him time to think things over. But be ready and you - your intentions must be unshakable, and your mind must be clear. In no case should you doubt your decision, otherwise the guy will feel it and try to convince you. Thirdly, your arguments will be important. Agree, when you need to convince a person of something, you need such arguments, on which the fate of the further choice will depend. And in this case, everything is absolutely the same. Give the man those undeniable arguments about the bright and happy future that awaits him, but without you. The understanding that he can achieve more on the other will give strength and patience for the future. And then his understanding of the situation is not far off.

Sew it off, once and for all, saying no

Of course, the main question is how to kick a young man off once and for all by saying “no” to him. In principle, in order to discourage a guy from himself, it is enough without accusations and rudeness, without raising your voice, to talk to him and put all the points. It is best to have such a conversation in private so that the guy does not get the feeling that you want to humiliate his pride in front of strangers. Do not promise him that after some time your relationship may change for the better and you will give him a chance. If we are to sew it off, then to sew it off once and for all. Otherwise, the guy will think that you are just playing an unapproachable girl and with your refusal hint to him that you need to be conquered more actively. If after the conversation the attempts to start a relationship on the part of the young man continue, it is better to start ignoring this behavior. You need not to see and not hear his advances, not to follow his lead, and then soon the guy will simply get tired of seeking you in vain and he will choose a new object for courtship, leaving you alone. interest in looking after you. If he voiced which girls do not attract him, use this chance. Does he not like excellent pupils and girls with a desire to constantly study / work? Great, take on this business even more actively and start mentioning these topics in every conversation with the guy. He will quickly get tired of it and he will prefer to retire.

What's in the article:

About how to sew a handsome man, recently reviewed in one all (or many) well-known film "How to get rid of a guy in 10 days." But the situation there was absolutely lifeless.

The main character needs to write a fiery article, a guy turns up at the bar, it seems that he looks nothing, and there is something to talk about. And she decides: a man is suitable for the experiment. And he begins to fool with might and main.

More difficult in other situations:

  • you need to get rid of an annoying admirer;
  • you don't like the guy at all, but you need to send him gently.

In general, there can be many situations. You can't list all of them. Today we will not talk with you about how to get rid of it rudely or abruptly. It is not a problem to make a man offended, and strongly. But to turn off culturally, even if the guy is too intrusive, is a whole art.

Dispatch when trying to meet

Now it is quite a rarity to try to meet on the street, but sometimes it happens. Life situation: I am going home from work, I decided to take a walk rather than take public transport. And the guy "drew in".

There is no need to make the main mistake here: laugh it off with a smile.... Do not confuse the concept of softly turning a guy off and flirting. To politely refuse dating means dryly and without emotion to answer that you are not in the mood or that you already have a boyfriend or husband. But if you giggle and at the same time refuse to meet, it can be perceived in the spirit of "I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram." A fan who has accidentally drew up may turn out to be so annoying that he will "guide" you all the way home.

Another mistake is to be rude and shout... This can provoke retaliatory aggression. And you don't know what kind of person he is. Don't look that man. He can hit. Especially often on the street those who are a little or very drunk come up to meet.

Correspondence is a "weapon" of special action

Sewing a pen guy you don't even know yet is easier than a steamed turnip. You just don't answer him - that's all. If he is not a real fan, with whom you already had some kind of communication in reality, then it will be easy to get rid of. Maybe he will write a couple of times from other accounts, but if you continue to ignore and send to the blacklist, it will stop.

Another thing is when the correspondence with a guy you know, with whom you always seemed to communicate in a friendly way, suddenly takes on completely unfriendly turns. And you do not want to develop a relationship with him in this way.

Then you need to think about how to kick the guy off so that he doesn't get offended. And here the site invites you to do at least two different ways. Choose according to the situation what suits you best.

Be monosyllabic

All his questions and messages cannot be answered at all, right? The guy will immediately understand that you are trying to kick him off, and this can offend him. But if you are not the first to write to him, you begin to answer questions in monosyllables, only yes or no, then he simply will not have something to continue to communicate with you. But it will only work if he did not declare his love to you, did not say that he was sympathetic to you.

But if the fan has confessed his feelings and continues to write a lot, it is better to honestly tell him. At the same time, it is worth cutting off such a guy as correctly as possible, so as not to undermine his self-esteem. Tell him that you love someone else or that you have an admirer. But to say that you perceive him only as a friend or directly write that you do not like him, because (and here is a list of reasons), this is no longer so beautiful. Unless, of course, you want him to take offense.

Be an actress

Again I want to remember that movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". There is such a funny instruction on how to sew a man off, you can't imagine better. No, this does not mean that you have to put everything into practice. Take over acting. Be the kind that guys hate.

And what is there to play around: silence is not always rolling. Sometimes it even whips up. If a person is intrusive, like a fly or a bath leaf, then he will not lag behind. He will think that silence is a special kind of flirting.

Then the "chatterbox" mode will help you get rid of the already annoying fan who has tortured you. He is intrusive, and you become even more intrusive. Constantly write to him and call him, tell him about how your day went, what varnish you want to paint your nails with and all that jazz.

We sew culturally

What if a man constantly invites you somewhere. Now go for a walk in the park, then to the cinema, then to the theater, then to the museum. In this case, your composure will come in handy - it is she who is the key to how to politely kick a guy off. Answer that you would gladly go, but today you cannot. But do not say exactly when it will turn out, so that later he will not be very offended for the fact that again you will not succeed.

The rate on commercialism

For dessert - one of the ways that work with a bang. Yes, this is not at all about the man feeling like a hero and falling behind you. So that he still idolizes you, but does not impose. After this method, he may start to hate you, but he definitely won't want to try to become your boyfriend.

Talk to him about money. Ask how much he earns, say that you want expensive gifts, and everything like that. This can especially affect those who do not even invite for coffee in a cafe, but call to take a walk in the park when autumn or winter has come. As a rule, men do not like this, especially those who prefer “romantic” walks under the moonlight on cool days can rank as mercantile.

Well, now you know several ways and you can beautifully dismiss a guy or say goodbye to him once and for all by simple questions or ignoring. Look at the situation and use it.