How to clean silver jewelry? What at home to save the ring and earrings from the plaque, how to bring the brilliance of silver products with a stone with priests at home. How at home effectively clean silver: tips and nuances

From this article you will learn:

    Because of what you need to clean silver jewelry

    How to clean simple silver jewelry

    How to clean silver decorations with gilding

Silver decorations are very popular. Almost all women, and often men wear a silver cross, chain or ring. But, alas, with a strength of silver changes its color. In this article we will talk about why this metal darkens and how to clean silver jewelry.

Why do you have to clean silver decorations often

Why fucking silver? On this score there are different assumptions. Many hypotheses are based on popular beliefs. However, this phenomenon can be explained from a scientific point of view. Silver darkening is a simple chemical reaction.

Consider in detail each hypothesis.


There is a folk sign: if the cross is blackened on the body - this is to failure, unfortunately. Probably a man was smoothed or brought a strong damage to him. After the curse loses its strength, the decoration will acquire the original color. In addition, on the shade of a dark fly on the decoration, you can judge the force of curse: what he is black, the stronger damage.

But to understand, there is a evil eye or not, a person should just listen to himself, analyze his own feelings. According to the folk, accept the one who smoked, nothing pleases. The world around him is gray and lifeless, everything causes irritation and longing. He always feels someone's presence next to him, especially at night.

The type of deterioration can be determined by a darkening silver product:

    ring - the girl is a crown of celibacy;

    earrings or chain - man smoothed;

    a native cross - a strong curse;

    silver tableware means in the house there is an evil.

According to another belief, silver products absorb all negative energy, protecting its owner from unclean strength and evil spirits. The blackened decorations say that their owner bypassed the side of the trouble or serious trouble.

Another folk sign states that silver darkens due to the owner's disease. There is a rational grain in it. Silver products are really darkened by oxidation when interacting with then, which is mixed on the surface of the body with a secret of the sebaceous glands.

Since the metal usually concerns the skin (the person is decorated on the finger, the wrist, on the neck or ears), there is a chemical reaction that causes the color darkening. If the sweat is highlighted in a normal volume, then a person may not notice that the decorations on his body are oxidized. This reaction proceeds slowly and does not appear immediately.

But with a more abundant selection of sweat, a silver product is usually a chain or cross, black is very fast. At the same time, in some cases, the rapid darkening is caused by health problems. For example, such a reaction occurs in hormonal failures, pregnancy and endocrine diseases.

Many also believe that the silver metal begins to darken if a person has problems with kidney or liver. But this belief is not scientifically confirmed.

Scientific explanation

What is actually caused by the darkening of silver? Metal interacts with sulfur-containing connections. Under the influence of oxygen, its reaction with hydrogen sulfide, or oxidation occurs. As a result, a dark silver sulfide layer appears on silver products, which changes its shade.

4AG + O 2 + 2H2S \u003d 2AG2S + 2H 2 O

Another reason for the sudden darkening of silver jewelry can be that their owner moved to the area, the air of which is very rich in hydrogen sulfide.

But, as already noted, the darkening of silver products is usually caused by contact with then on the human body. It present sulfates - salts of sulfuric acid, and therefore, with the interaction of silver and sweat, a chemical reaction occurs. Its result becomes oxidation and blackening surface of silver decoration.

Why can silver oxidation be increased?

Potuminous and sebaceous glands work with different intensity. When a person is nervous or engaged in active physical labor, then, accordingly, sweats stronger.

If you are engaged in the fitness room or at home, without removing the silver decoration, do not be surprised by changing its color. When the sweating is enhanced, sulfate concentration increases. Accordingly, silver darkens faster.

If you want to wear silver and at the same time do physical labor or sports regularly, take care of your products so that they do not dare. So how to clean silver jewelry? About this further in our article.

In the meantime, consider other factors affecting silver darkening. Decorations from this metal change color and due to humidity. Do not be surprised that the product is soooed if you wore it in rainy, wet weather or not filmed in the bath and sauna.

When the air humidity is high, the evaporation of the sweat slows down (in the air and so strong water concentration, and the sweat is evaporated on the human body, it is not so intense). As a result, as in the previous case, the concentration of sulfur salts and silver rises on the skin.

What enforceively, gradually because of the sweat, silver products can become lighter. The sweat contains not only sulfates, but also nitrates - nitric acid salts. Upon joining with them to the reaction, silver sulfide (dark raid on jewelry) begins to collapse. So the silver product on the human body can change its shade, but only becoming lighter.

These are not all factors affecting silver darkening. It is very important which sample metal - the higher, the more stable silver to the change in color, and vice versa.

Pure silver decorations are almost not done, since this metal is very soft and can lose its shape. So that the product is stronger, other metals are mixed with silver, including copper.

When silver interacts with sulfur salts (when the decoration comes into contact with then on the human skin or air, where there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide), copper sulfide appears on its surface. Like silver sulfide, he also looks like a black bloom.

Basic Methods for cleaning simple silver jewelry

How to clean silver jewelry at home? In recent years, quite a lot of products for cleaning silver products are presented on the market. But they are not available to everyone. In addition, according to experts, there are aggressive chemicals in their composition, adversely affecting human health and capable of horrifying the decorations of silver if they are badly washed away.

An excellent alternative to special shopping makeups for cleaning - folk remedies. Previously, people used only them. Today you can choose any way to clean your silver jewelry, taking into account your own preferences and features of the product. Before using this or that means, the product should be held in the soap solution and rinse with water.

  • Toothpaste.

Many prefer to clean silver products toothpaste or dental powder. This method is available and simple. First you need to wet the cloth and squeeze a little paste on it. If you use the powder, spread it with water to the consistency of the porridge, and better by the ammonia alcohol. Next, this cloth carefully wipe the decoration in a straight line.

Using this method, consider that it is rude enough, and together with the darkening you risk remove and silver particles. Therefore, it is necessary to brush jewelry and valuables to be cleaned with toothpaste or powder.

  • Soda.

Clean silver jewelry can be soda. Divide into your hand or soft cloth soda with water and spend the product. But there are softer methods. So, you can lower the product into a solution for several hours, rinse with water, and then wipe the dry soft cloth. But it is much more efficient to put a piece of foil into an aluminum saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and dilute 2 tablespoons of soda in it. Lower the decoration into water for 10-15 minutes, and the initial appearance will be back to them. Instead of soda, you can use salt or mix it with soda.

  • Summer.

The ammonia alcohol also helps to return the original species. If the product is not contaminated enough, it will be cleaned immediately as soon as you lower it into the solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Keep the decoration in the solution follows for 10-15 minutes. You can also wipe the products with a cloth moistened in this solution.

If the product is very smoking, mix the ammonia with water and add a little washing powder. Thoroughly rinse the products in the solution and rinse them in water.

You can also mix the ammonia with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions and put a silver product in this solution for 15 minutes. To clean small decorations, for example, rings, you can mix the chalk with the ammonia and gently rub the silver with this mass.

  • Acid.

Silver decorations are also cleaning with acid. Take a 6% acetic solution or a 10% citric acid solution and spend the product with a cloth moistened in this composition. You can also put products into lemon juice for several minutes. Both after the first and after the second procedure, the decoration is necessarily rinsed.

An excellent way to eliminate the flare from coins and other highly blackened products is to take a sulfuric or formic acid (5% solution) and boil silver in their solution.

Recently, the popularity has also acquired a new tool - Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks, which contains orthophosphoric acid. Silver decorations can be cleaned with them.

  • Potatoes.

Another effective folk remedy is cleaning silver jewelry potatoes. Cut potatoes, place it in the water and hold the decoration in this container for several hours. To more effectively wash off the flare, the decoration can be lost. You can also use the water left after cooking potatoes, especially if adding a piece of foil into it.

  • Decorations.

Clean silver jewelry can be also a garlic husk, salted hot decoction of egg shells. Flip from silver eliminate and mechanically: eraser or lipstick. Its products can also be cleaned of simple contaminants using a soap solution, a washing powder or "fairy".

Consider that it is possible to clean all these methods without stones, gilded or engraved elements. If there are such elements on the decorations, you need to apply special methods. It is impossible to purify them with rude abrasive materials, as well as subject to strong temperature differences and the effects of aggressive solutions.

How to clean silver jewelry with stones

Reliable and safer to contact the jewelry master. If this method you do not like, use specialized means selling in jewelry stores. With these solutions, you can easily clean silver decorations effectively. Of course, there are other, more budget methods for removing plaque from silver.

If you are going to clean the silver home decoration, remember that the products cannot be cut into a sharp temperature difference that causes damage and destruction of inserts. At the same time, each type of stones should be cleaned by its rules.

  1. Mineral semi-precious stones.

How to clean silver jewelry with stones? Experts advise before proceeding to cleaning, learn more about their density. The most dense are aquamarines, sapphires, emeralds (about diamonds we are not talking, because decorations with these precious metals are rarely made of silver).

You can clean such silver products with a simple washing powder or shampoo for washing the hair, strongly dissolved in warm water, and a soft toothbrush. The pile of brushes will easily penetrate into all the hard-to-reach places of the product and will allow cleaning to clean.

You can clean the product much faster if placing it for 30 minutes in warm water. Mud splashes in warm solution, and you can remove it as soon as possible.

If we talk about opal, turquoise, malachite and lunar stone, they have a density coefficient of less than 5 units, and therefore it is possible to brush the products with them with a similar method, but only to use a powder, but a household soap. Powder and chalk for cleaning silver jewelry with stones are categorically prohibited, since abrasives in their composition can scratch the less dense structure of minerals.

Important! Due to the effects of high temperatures, ruby, topaz, grenades can change the shade. Therefore, brushing them using hot water is prohibited.

Silver decorations with enamel colored inserts are very popular today. Clean them can be with a tooth powder and cotton. In the powder you can pre-add a few drops of the ammonia.

Remember that silver decorations with mineral semi-precious stones are also not subject to mechanical effects and sharp temperature differences. In addition, such products cannot be cleaned with abrasive means.

  1. Organic materials.

In pearls, amber, pearl, ivory texture is very soft and porous, and therefore scratches or damage may remain on them. Wash decorations with these stones with acid and alkaline solutions, as well as with ammonium additives is strictly prohibited. It is also impossible to clean silver jewelry with organic materials and any abrasive powders.

So how to clean silver jewelry at home? Be careful. For example, ivory products and amber decorations are simply lowered in warm water at a certain time, after which they wipe with a soft cloth.

Corals are a very sensitive mineral, even to the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, it quickly flashes and loses color, and therefore silver products with corals do not wear in the afternoon. It is necessary to clean such jewelry very carefully, not assigger.

For washing pearls, like amber, use warm water. But it can add a household soap. Further, such products are sealed in running water, and then they do not wipe the stone, giving it to dry in a natural way. Polishing to shine can be metal design of the product. Pearls with a strong bloom clean with dry potato starch.

How to clean gold-plated silver jewelry

Before the procedure, silver jewelry is cleaned from dust, oily plating and other spots. It is necessary to do this with a sponge dipped in ethyl alcohol or turpentar. The cleaning process is absolutely harmless, but if you are dealing with solutions, then the procedure should be carried out in rubber gloves and with open windows so that the room is well ventilated.

  • Summer alcohol + honey or toothpaste.

In a suitable capacity, make a solution from water and ammonia alcohol (in the ratio: 1 tbsp. L of water on 1 tbsp. L of the ammonia). Next, spoons or silver products place in the container and wait 15-20 minutes.

The ammonia you can connect with chalk, apply a mixture on the decorations, wait for it drying, after which it is water to remove the remnants of the chalk and wipe the product with a soft cloth.

It happens that silver spoons acquire an unattractive greenish tint. How to clean them? Prepare a solution from soap and ammonia. Take 1 l of water (better warm), 1 tsp. The chalk, grated on the grater (can be liquid) and 6 drops of ammonia. Place a gilded silver product in a container with this solution for 30 minutes. Next, rinse with running water and dry it. Be sure to follow the time and do not overturn decorations to save gilt.

How else can you clean the silver home decorations? Use the following method. Take the ammonia and toothpaste (not gel). The strip of paste is mixed with 15 drops of ammonia and apply the prepared composition on the toothbrush, and then on silver jewelry. Very neatly clean products, washed in water and dried.

Remember, the mixture of amusker and paste smells sharply and unpleasantly, and therefore it is better to clean the decorations on the street or a balcony.

  • Hydrogen peroxide.

With peroxide should work very carefully. This composition perfectly cleans silver products, but it is capable of interacting with other elements. To know exactly whether it is possible to clean the decoration of the peroxide, specify its composition.

  • Wine alcohol.

The tool is perfect for cleaning spoons and silver decorations from plaque and spots. The composition is absolutely safe for gold-plated products. To clean, take a cotton swab, moisten it in wine alcohol and wipe the product. Then you can polish it to the shine suede.

  • Vinegar.

In the liter of the water, divert 2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, put the gold-plated silver products and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe dry. Silver decorations in solution can not be soaked. Just carefully wipe them with a sponge dipped in vinegar. Then soda to the shine suede or woolen material.

  • Beer.

Pour a simple beer (grade, brand does not matter) and place the gold-plated silver products there for 30 minutes. Remove the decorations, rinse with running water, let them dry and polish suede for glitter.

  • Egg yolk.

How to clean silver jewelry with egg yolk? Carefully sweat the yolk and add to it 1 tbsp. l. Zhaveleva water. All mix well. Zhavel water consists of potassium solutions of hydrochloric and chlorothic acid. Such a composition is located in the disinfection facility "Domestos".

Moisten a sponge in this mixture and apply for a gold-plated silver product. Rinse it in water, and then polish suede or wool to shine. Thanks to the egg yolk, you will return the shine to the hanging product.

  • Drink "Sosa-Sola".

Another effective way to clean silver products. Take an enameled container, pour the "saua-co", put silver jewelry there and boil 5 minutes. So you will eliminate the raid from the products.

  • Student eraser.

Clean silver jewelry can also be a simple eraser. The main thing is to use a rubber not red, because it has abrasives that can damage the surface of silver jewelry. Eraser not only eliminates the flare, but also perfectly polishes the decoration.

How often clean silver jewelry?

It should be done constantly. The solar flaw is always harder. Some types of silver, such as black (filigree), should not be cleaned very carefully. In this case, the blackness is specifically applied for effect.

After cleaning the decoration should not be worn within a few days. Special protective film should appear on their surface.

Experts are not recommended to clean silver hard brushes and abrasive materials, as they can damage the top layer of the product. To do this, use only a soft cloth. Toothbrushes can especially harm it, since their rigid bristles leave damage on the soft metal. If there is a carved pattern on the decoration, you can clean them with a soft brush with a natural pile.

If you brush the product aluminum, then after the procedure, carefully polish it with a soft cloth so that aluminum sulfate is not formed.

For brilliance, silver jewelry is wiped with a rag moistened in lemon juice and washed in hot water.

Do not clean silver cleaning agents. There are strong chemicals in their composition, and with improper use they are able to damage products. Maintain cleanliness of decorations need strictly according to the instructions.

And finally, another way is cleaning napkins for silver products.

Before any cleaning, the silver decoration must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water and wipe it with a soft cloth. If the product is very contaminated or very valuable for you, do not risk. Tell it to cleanse it.

To often do not resort to cleaning, observe all the rules for the storage and use of products.

Rules for handling jewelry:

    Keep them in a closed box in a dry room. If some kind of product you do not wear for a long time, wrap it into a piece of flannel.

    Before you leave the decoration for long-term storage, rinse it in warm soapy water and be sure to dry.

    Do not wear silver products, if you go to the pool or in the bath.

    Decorations should be removed when you are going to apply cosmetics or make cosmetic procedures.

    After active physical exertion and abundant decorations, you need to rinse.

    If you are doing homemade, remove the decorations so that they do not come into contact with household chemicals.

Silver utensils also need special storage and care conditions. From contact with household gas, improper care or contact with certain spoons, glasses, trays, straws are often darker, and therefore you need to wash them immediately after use.

For storage of utensils from silver, the boxes still have a flannel are best suited. You can also wrap products into parchment paper. It is strictly forbidden to put them so that they come into contact with a plastic or rubber surface.

Before storing silver products, soothes and dry. Always flush salt with dishes. Do not put eggs from silver eggs and mayonnaise dishes, otherwise the products will quickly lose color.

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Clean silver with stones at home - the task is easy to perform. Return the product former appearance can be even without referring to the jeweler. It is not necessary to buy expensive means, because folk methods for cleaning silver are no less effective.

Why silver things black

Silver is easily subjected to oxidation, this feature is inherent in the metal. If the share of silver in the alloy is small, then the jewelry will be black very quickly. This occurs as a result of a chemical reaction.

In addition, rings and chains, pendants and silver earrings are black under the action of moisture. The most qualitative decorations are considered from 925 samples. They are less likely dull and differ greater durability, so when buying it is important to pay attention to the quality of the alloy.

Preparation of items to clean

First, it is necessary to remove the dirt and residues of fat, which are present on the surface of silver decorations. Methods are several. You can wash the rings and earrings soap, well suits liquid concentrate. In addition, you can use a diluted dishwashing or shampoo. Dirt needs to be removed necessarily, because it will make the process of cleaning more. It is enough to put a jewelry to the solution, and then hold it for a few minutes.

All hard-to-reach places should be a toothbrush, but it is necessary to ensure that the bristles are soft. After the cleaning process is completed, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly in clean water.

How to clean the product

There are many options for how to clean the silver with stones at home, using sweater. This may be amazing alcohol, in a 10% solution of which soaked jewelry. In another case, you can wet in the vasoye alcohol, and then wipe the surface. But this method cannot be used if the decoration with pearls, because the color of the pearl will change. But silver with stones will be cleared very quickly.

There is another option. It consists in cleaning objects with a special solution that is manufactured at home. To do this, it is necessary to connect hydrogen peroxide in the capacitance and liquid soap, and then add the ammonia alcohol. All ingredients should be carefully stirred.

Making time you need to choose individually for each decoration, because the degree of contamination can be different. After using the solution, it is necessary to rinse items, and then thoroughly wipe with a soft cloth.

Lemon acid has every mistress. With its help the dark flight will come down very quickly. Take the enameled dishes, place the copper wire in it and pour citric acid. On 1 liter of water you need to take 200 g of acid. Put the dishes on the stove, lower the rings in it, boil it a quarter of an hour. Rinse objects and wipe dry.

Clean the items of soda, 2 tbsp. l. Pour in 0.5 liters of water. Solution placed on fire. When water boils, put a piece of foil and decoration into the container. It will take just a few minutes to see the magnificent result.

There is another solution option. In 1 liter of water, it is necessary to mix the soda, salt and detergent for dishes, taking each ingredient of 1 tbsp. l. Silver place in solution and boil for 30 minutes.

Before and after cleaning

You can clean things from black things if you apply a cleaner on them, they are made of soda. It is necessary to clean with a soft cloth until the decoration is returned to the shine. In places that are difficult to access, you can brush with a toothbrush.

Potato decoction has proven perfectly, it will help to return the brilliance even very dull subjects. In the water, which remained after cooking potatoes, place a piece of foil. Silver with pearls drop into the water, hold for 10 minutes. In addition to potatoes, water can be used in which eggs boiled.

Magnificently cleans the metal toothpaste and dental powder. But this method cannot be used for products with patterns or stones. If you want to quickly save silver items from the plaque, buy special napkins. They are on sale in jewelry stores.


Credit with darkens helps heated to 40-50 ° C table. Lower the decorations for 15 minutes in it, and after rinse them and dry them with a soft cloth.


Removes rack from a silver chain or ring toothpaste, brush and your persistence. A few minutes of thorough polishing will make metal glisten.

Ammonic alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

In a liter of water, dissolve two tablespoons of the ammonia alcohol and the same peroxide. Lower into the decoration solution for 15 minutes. Silver will enter the reaction with ammonia, and the dirt will disappear without a trace.

Lemon acid and copper wire

In the enameled saucepan, pour the floor-liter of water, add 100 grams of citric acid, and then put everything on a water bath. On the copper wire, put on rings and seelings, wrap around the chain around it (the contact of copper and silver is important). Boil liquid 15-20 minutes, periodically checking the purity of decorations.


Add water to the food soda to get a thick casher. Lock the resulting mixture of silver products with a toothbrush or sponge. Then rinse the decoration of warm water to avoid divorces.

Vinegar, salt, soda and foil

To clean the silver with the help of spa procedures, you will need a half-table of boiling water, half a cup of vinegar and on a tablespoon of salt and soda. At the bottom of the container, put the foil sheet, pour dry ingredients and fill them with liquid. Decorations in the solution are placed so that contact with the foil is maximum. Silver will be perfect in just 5 minutes.

How to clean silver jewelry with stones

  • Sapphire, Emerald and Aquamarine - High density precious stones. They will not hurt clean, whatever way you chose.
  • Opal, malachite, turquoise and lunar stone are not so dense: abrasive substances can scratch their surface. Therefore, choose soft detergents or baths.
  • Ruby, topaz and pomegranate can not be brushed in hot water: from high temperature they can change color.
  • Products with amber, pearl, coral or ivory, give to clean the specialists. These materials are very sensitive to acids, alkalis and any solvents.

How to clean matte silver

The only warning for decorations from such a metal: Do not use abrasive materials or acids. They will spoil the appearance of the product. The soap chips dissolved in water is the perfect soft tool.

When cleaning such products, act neatly and delicately so as not to damage the unique top layer. It will help you soda soda solution: Soak silver in it for 20-30 minutes.

But another effective way. Clean several potatoes from the peel, put them in the water capacity and add your decorations there. After 3-4 hours, you will get silver and rinse with water. If the row from the metal was not completely removed, erase it with a rubber eraser.

What to do to silver not dark

So that your silver shine brighter than the sun, follow simple, but efficient recommendations:

  1. Remove rings and bracelets before cleaning or applying cosmetics.
  2. If the decorations wet, as quickly as possible, wipe them dry.
  3. Store jewelry in a dark dry place, ideally wrapped in foil.

Did these advice helped you? Talk in the comments about your experience cleaning silver at home.

You can quickly and effectively clean silver jewelry with stones, using the services of a jewelry master or purchasing a multicomponent cleaning agent for fabulous money. However, this option is not suitable for each owner of silver jewelry. But if you try the proven methods for cleaning this metal at home, remove the blackness from silver and retail the former glitter will be able to almost any woman.

Why darkens silver?

There is a belief that the cause of silver darkening with inserts or without them lies in a serious sickness of the owner of the decoration or induced damage. In such situations, superstitious people prefer to turn to sorcerers and grandmas. In fact, there is a scientific explanation of this phenomenon.

Due to chemical oxidation reaction Sine-green raid is formed on silver. When silver contact with gray (and it is contained in the form of amino acids, even in human sweat) black sulphide is formed.

In silver ornaments, the metal share is a maximum of 92%. The remaining 8% is copper, platinum, gold, zinc. It is thanks to them that products acquire strength, since silver is quite soft metal. But if it is not enough in decoration, the darkening will happen faster.

Sample 925 decorations are distinguished by higher quality, strength and lesser leaning to dullness.

Often rhodium film is applied to decorations from silver to protect the product from the oxidation process. There is enough such protection for just a few years, then she wear out and silver darkens. In addition, rhodium enough fragile in operation is subject to mechanical damage, so after a while, the jewelry decoration loses its former attractiveness.

Another reason for the darkening of silver things - unfair manufacturers. They are added to the products fewer metal than necessary, so the decorations are quickly losing their shine.

Silver fades from interaction with moisture, so products from this metal must be removed before going to the pool and bathing in the lake, the adoption of the shower, a wet room cleaning, washing the dishes.

Preparatory work

Before you begin cleaning decorations, it is necessary to remove fat, dust, dirt from them. For this procedure, you will need a toilet soap (usual or in liquid form), a dishwashing gel, diluted with water, shampoo.

After staying silver jewelry for some time in the soap solution, the dirt will come down, and it will be much easier to clean the product. For hard-to-reach places you need to go with a brush, then rinse the products in cool water.

Effective methods

So that silver jewelry with pebbles glittered from the store, it is necessary to use a 10% solution of the ammonia. Immerse in it silver for 15 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse the cool stream of water and get into the soft cloth. If you do not want to soak the decoration, take a woolen fabric, moisten with alcohol and wipe the product. This method is not recommended for products with pearls, as stones can change their original color.

Can make a solution from ammonia, peroxide and soap(in liquid form). All components make a pretty mix and immerse silver there. Making time depends on the degree of pollution. Then the products are washed and wipe well with a soft cloth.

Home can be cleaned with soda silver. It will take two tablespoons of a substance on 500 ml of water. After boiling the solution, lower the foil paper and decorations there. The result will be noticeable after a short period of time.

There is another way to clean up soda. It is necessary to take a liter of water, on a tablespoon of food soda, a cooking salt and a gel for washing dishes. Mix everything well. Silver decorations immerse in the resulting solution and boil half an hour.

To make decoration of the former attractiveness use Cashitz from food soda and water. It is applied to the product and neatly clutch to a glitter with a soft cloth or a piece of bandage. Inaccessible places can be cleaned with an old toothbrush.

Lemon acid will help to quickly remove black and silver. Take 100 g of acid at 2 glasses of water. Put on fire, omit into the solution copper wire, then silver decorations. Boil 30 minutes. Rinse products under running water, bite dry soft cloth.

Screw tools

For silver products, which are not badly injured from a dark fly, you can apply potato decoction. It immerses a piece of foil and decorations for 5 minutes. If there is no time to cook potatoes, you can graze raw vegetable.

Good cleansing properties has fluid from under boiled eggs. It must be cooled and immerse silver decorations there. Dark mount disappear.

Effectively remove dirt from the products will help the table vinegar. A small amount of vinegar warm and lower silver. Wait for 15 minutes. If during this time all the raid did not completely reach, then the decorations are washed with water and slightly wipe the cotton towel.

Toothpaste Proven itself as an effective means of cleaning products from silver. However, it is suitable for jewelry with a smooth surface. If the jewelry has precious inserts, elegant patterns, they may suffer from cleaning mechanically (steaming, scattering).

For decorations with semi-precious inserts, the ammonia is best. 6 drops of substance dissolve in 250 ml of water, wet the sponge or cloth, clean the product. This cleaning method is not acceptable for products with pearls.

If you are afraid to clean with silver with screwdrivers, purchase wet napkins with impregnation in a specialized salon. They will help carefully eliminate contamination from the surface of the decorations. After such a cleaning on silver, a protective film will appear and it will be worn much less.