How deep cleansing of the face is carried out. Deep cleansing of the face at home

Clogged pores in the form of blackheads, blackheads, comedones worsen the appearance of the skin on the face and body. Various special masks can help get rid of the problem of clogged pores, restore beauty and radiance to the skin.

When you need a mask to cleanse your pores

It is necessary to deal with the problems of the skin of the face in a comprehensive manner, using various methods and means. Masks with the right ingredients to unclog pores are effective tools. Therefore, they are used to solve a number of problems.

Masks are required for:

Normalization of the sebaceous glands;

Cleansing the epidermis from impurities;

Fight against oily sheen;

Elimination of blackheads and inflammations of various types;

Nutrition of the skin with vitamins and other components;

Fight peeling;

Healing lesions on the skin and eliminating redness;

Evens out skin texture and improves color.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of such a cosmetic product is to cleanse the pores, it performs a number of other additional useful functions.

Preparing the face for the use of a mask for cleansing pores and care after the procedure

A tangible positive effect after using the mask can only be obtained with proper preparation of the face for its application. First, you need to wash off all cosmetics or eliminate its remnants, remove the tonal base, lipstick, pencil, shadows, mascara. For this, you can use any suitable cosmetic product.

Then the skin must be steamed using either of two methods:

On a steam bath - you need to keep your face above the steam for no more than 10 minutes;

Using a hot towel - the method allows you to steam those areas of the face that need the procedure.

After removing the mask, the skin needs additional care. If superficial cleansing was carried out, then it is enough to remove the mask, wipe the skin with lotion or tonic, apply a moisturizer.

After deep cleansing, redness may appear on the skin, painful sensations will disturb. To get rid of discomfort on the skin, you can use a foam or milk for washing with the lightest texture possible. At the same time, before going outside, you need to apply ultraviolet-protecting creams with a level of at least 50 on the skin.

Rules for applying masks to cleanse pores

Regardless of which recipe for a mask for cleansing pores was chosen, it is necessary to follow the same application rules for almost all of them. Only an effectively performed procedure can really transform the skin of the face, cleanse and narrow the pores in problem areas: on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and even out the complexion. The main ones are:

1. Any mask used, whether it is homemade or purchased from a store, must first be tested for allergies.

2. Before applying the mask, you need to spend a little time and carry out the procedure of steaming the face so that the pores expand and the sebaceous plugs are removed safely.

3. On average, you need to keep the mask on your face no more than 15-20 minutes, depending on the ingredients included in the composition, otherwise the most aggressive of them can simply damage the skin.

4. Rinse off the mask from the face with warm water, you can add lemon juice.

5. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at home 2-3 times a week.

6. Between the use of masks, you should systematically use a cleanser.

Effective Pore Cleansing Mask Recipes from Available Ingredients

Cosmetic products are created for cleansing and narrowing pores from active ingredients that not only help to solve surface problems, but also fight against the appearance of oily content. With regular use of masks, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the oily sheen disappears, the pores begin to breathe, the skin color becomes smoother, and the amount of inflammation decreases.

Most popular recipes:

1. Activated carbon mask... For cooking you will need:

Milk 1 tsp;

Gelatin 0.5 tsp;

Activated charcoal - half a tablet.

The medicine must be crushed into powder, mixed with milk and gelatin until all components are completely dissolved in the liquid. It is necessary to warm the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds, let it cool slightly and apply on the face. After the mask has dried, you need to apply a second layer of the substance, detect for 10-15 minutes until it dries completely and remove it like a film.

2. Clay mask created on the basis of cosmetic clay, it is better to choose white. It will take 1 tbsp. l. product to be mixed in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio with warm water and the same amount of lemon juice. You should get a homogeneous mass, which is evenly distributed over the surface of the face, left for 15 minutes.

3. Protein mask cleanses pores and dries problem skin. You will need:

Egg whites - 2 (chilled);

Fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp l.

Mix everything, apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, after the mask you need to moisturize the skin with a cream.

4. Strawberry based - a good solution for girls with combination and oily skin. Strawberries effectively eliminate oily shine and cleanse pores from accumulated dirt. You need to choose ripe strawberries, chop them with a fork and put the resulting gruel on your face. Leave on the skin for a maximum of half an hour.

5. Cucumber based the mask gives the skin of any type of hydration, effectively cleanses, and is suitable even for owners of sensitive skin. Two small cucumbers need to be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Also evenly distribute the resulting gruel over the face, cover with gauze and hold for 15 minutes.

6. Honey mask allows deep cleansing of pores. For cooking you need to take:

Green apple - the fourth part of the average fruit;

Natural honey - 1 tbsp. l .;

Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

The apple is rubbed on a fine grater, the rest of the ingredients are added to it. The finished mixture should be applied to all problem areas of the face, left for 10 minutes.

7. Yeast based product. Dry yeast should be mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide to a slurry state, it can be diluted a little with milk. You need to apply such a mask once a week.

8. Aspirin-based express mask... To create, you need to grind acetylsalicylic acid tablets, add vitamin C. Before the procedure, steam your face by washing with hot water. You need to take 1 tsp of the ready-made aspirin mixture and dilute with boiled water to a state of a thin gruel. Apply the product in a circular motion to the face. After drying, you also need to wipe your face in a circular motion, only with a cotton swab dipped in water. This should be done especially carefully in problem areas.

When using ready-made cosmetics, you must pay attention to the composition. It should not contain gluten, bentonite, glycol, animal fat. Otherwise, you need to follow the instructions or seek help from a professional beautician.

Deep cleansing of the face at home is a very effective procedure.which helps to solve major skin problems.

Thanks to this manipulation, you can get rid of the accumulation of dead cells and cleanse the pores that are clogged with sebum, dust and cosmetics.

So, how to do a deep facial cleansing at home?


Facial cleansing at home carried out with the appearance of comedones - blackheads... They appear as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands by secretions that rise to the upper part of the epidermis and combine with pigment, resulting in their oxidation.

Inflammation of blackheads is extremely rare. That is why carrying out cleaning allows you to completely cope with them.

The same cannot be said for white comedones., which are even mechanically removed with great difficulty.

In order not to harm the skin, cleansing the face at home from acne should be carried out in compliance with all the rules of hygiene. The basic rules for performing the procedure include the following:

  • first, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned;
  • it is recommended to use only sterile instruments for the procedure;
  • before starting manipulations, hands should be thoroughly washed to prevent infection;
  • it is recommended to refuse the procedure if there are wounds or inflammations;
  • it is not necessary to carry out manipulations in the presence of skin pathologies;
  • after the end of the session, you should use a moisturizer.

If there are rashes on the skin, it is better not to deep cleanse. This will help prevent further spread of the infection.

After the rash has healed you need to cleanse your skin regularly - it will become a reliable prevention of acne formation.

  • normal skin should be cleansed every two weeks;
  • oily skin needs weekly cleansing;
  • dry skin can only be treated once a month.

Facial cleansing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first you need to steam the dermis over the bath;
  • exfoliate the top layer;
  • apply a moisturizing, purifying or nourishing mask.

After cleansing the pores of the epithelium, you need to develop a comprehensive care that will help narrow the enlarged pores.

To deep cleanse your face yourself, dermis should be thoroughly steamed... Thanks to the action of steam, it is possible to soften the dried layer of the epithelium, eliminate dead particles and melt sebum.

To carry out this procedure, you need to do the following:

    1. Before you start steaming, you need to get rid of cosmetics.... To do this, it is recommended to wash with foam or gel.

  • Prepare steam bath solution... For this purpose, a decoction of medicinal plants is made. Pour 1 liter of water into a wide saucepan and put a couple of tablespoons of the herb. Then the composition should be boiled for several minutes. Owners of oily skin can take linden, mint, nettle. For girls with dry dermis, thyme and oregano are more suitable. If you have a tendency to inflammation, it is recommended to use calendula and celandine. Common herbs include chamomile and lavender.
  • If you don't feel like using herbs, you can add essential oil to boiling water in a proportion of 10 drops per 1 liter. Owners of oily skin can choose tea tree, bergamot. For girls with dry dermis, rose, jasmine and orange are suitable. For problematic epithelium, sage and patchouli are used.
  • The pot with the broth must be placed on the table and let cool slightly under the lid... Then the container should be opened and the face should be tilted over the liquid at a distance of 30 cm. On top, cover with a towel. A quarter of an hour will be enough to open the pores.

After completing the procedure, you can lie down for a while, covering your face with a towel... The skin can then be rinsed with water. After steaming, do not go outside for 2 hours.

Deep Cleansing Recipes

After steaming the skin, you must immediately proceed to the next stage. It is recommended to choose suitable recipes according to skin type... Otherwise, there is a risk of irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

This composition successfully copes with blackheads, enlarged pores, acne and pimples. This recipe is perfect for those with oily skin types.

Such a mask for cleansing the face at home involves performing the following actions:

  • put two small tablespoons of gelatin in a glass;
  • add 3 crushed charcoal tablets;
  • pour the composition with 100 ml of hot water;
  • leave to infuse until dissolved.

Sometimes in the process of removing the mask, discomfort may occur. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Thanks to the use of this recipe, you can immediately see an excellent result.

White clay effectively removes pigmentation, whitens the dermis and has a narrowing effect on the pores. It is recommended for dry and sensitive skin care.

Black clay helps eliminate deep impurities, blackheads and improve the work of the sebaceous glands. This product is ideal for oily skin prone to acne and acne breakouts.

Traditionally, these recipes include clay powder and warm water. These ingredients are mixed until a thick mass is obtained.

To improve the result, you can use additional components:

  • sour cream or vegetable oil is suitable for dry skin;
  • owners of oily epithelium are better off using soda or salt;
  • for aging skin, olive oil or macadamia oil is suitable.

This tool not only successfully cleanses the dermis, but also noticeably hides wrinkles, removes pigmentation and improves metabolic processes. Thanks to its use, it is possible to improve the penetration of nutrients.

  • crush succinic acid tablets into powder;
  • mix them with water to get a gruel consistency;
  • apply the composition to the face with a brush or cotton pad;
  • wash with warm water after 10 minutes.

This substance perfectly cleanses the dermis. However, it is allowed to use succinic acid maximum once every 2-3 weeks.

Do not carry out the procedure if there is damage to the skin. It is not recommended to use acid for owners of sensitive skin.

Mechanical cleaning of the face at home is considered the most difficult and responsible procedure.

Before holding it be sure to treat your hands with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide... After that, you can start cleansing.

This method is suitable exclusively for girls with oily or normal dermis.... Owners of dry skin can only be cleansed in a salon. At home, it is permissible to use only masks.

After cleaning, it is imperative to tighten the pores.... For this, experts advise using a natural tonic. It should not contain alcohol or preservatives.


Do not deep cleanse for chronic inflammatory lesions of the sebaceous glands. It can manifest as acne vulgaris or pustular acne.

Besides, the main contraindications include the following:

  • any kind of dermatitis;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • pustular or other skin rashes.

Typical mistakes women often make include the following:

  • cleaning if there are contraindications;
  • attempts to squeeze out deep acne in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle;
  • too intense rubbing into the skin of cleansers;
  • burning the dermis with too hot steam;
  • applying a scrub or mask on the eye area;
  • applying cosmetics after deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning is considered an effective procedure, which allows you to cope with blackheads and acne. Thanks to the application of useful formulations, the condition of the dermis can be significantly improved.

Wherein it is important to strictly adhere to the rules for carrying out such manipulations.


Before cleansing, remove any makeup residue from your face and wash yourself thoroughly. Steam your skin for best results. This can be done with a container of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lower your face over the dishes. For oily skin, the procedure can take up to 10 minutes. Dry skin lasts 3 minutes. To make the procedure more pleasant and useful, add a drop of essential oil or an infusion of herbs such as chamomile and sage to the water. A contraindication to such a procedure is the presence of spider veins, skin diseases and hypersensitivity.

For a deeper pore cleansing, mix fine salt or sugar with makeup remover milk or other facial treatment. Take a small amount of this product and gently massage your face, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes and lips. Pay the most attention to heavily soiled skin areas. Do not use this scrub if you have inflammation or acne. This procedure can injure the skin and spread the infection.

Use a scrub made from ground coffee and sour cream or heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in the proportion you want and rub gently on your face. There are a large number of options for making scrubs from improvised means. Choose the one that works best for you and use 2-3 times a week to cleanse pores, renew skin and remove dead skin particles. When choosing a factory-made scrub, rely on your skin type. For dry, products with a more oily and softer texture are suitable, which will not injure and dry even more. For owners of oily skin, products without oils, but with harsher abrasive particles, are suitable.

After cleansing your pores with a scrub, apply a pore-tightening mask to your face. To do this, mix raw yeast with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and milk in equal proportions. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with cool water. Mask and milk are very effective. Combine a tablespoon and a tablespoon of milk and heat the mixture in the microwave. Apply the mixture to heavily soiled areas of the face for 15 minutes. Remove the formed film. All impurities, even deep ones, will remain on it.

Black clay perfectly cleans pores. You can buy it at any pharmacy or large store for little money. Dilute the clay with water until a thick enough slurry is obtained and apply to the skin of the face. When the mask dries and turns gray, rinse it off first with warm and then cool water.

After the cleansing procedure, wash your face only with cool water and gently blot your skin with a towel, without causing unnecessary injuries. Effectively tightens pores and prevents increased pore clogging using a special toner. It can be purchased or made by yourself. Use green tea, aloe juice, or diluted lemon juice as a tonic.


Wash your hands thoroughly before cleansing. This will keep the skin free from infections.


  • How to clean pores on your face at home?

Tip 2: How to clean your face at home in 2019

Who among women does not dream of a beautiful and even skin of the face. Throughout the day, your skin is exposed to dirt and dust from the streets, interacting with persistent sweat and grease. You will not be able to do without daily proper face cleaning.


Before you start cleaning, do not be too lazy to clarify the type of your skin. It can be normal, dry, oily and even mixed when the T-zone is replete with oily pores and the skin and around the eyes remains dry and prone to formation. Dry skin needs to be cleaned very carefully with gentle means, but oily skin can be subjected to more thorough cleaning.

The easiest way to cleanse your skin with regular masks. Ordinary oatmeal can be an excellent remedy for this. Brew 1 tablespoon of rolled oats with a little boiling water so that a thick gruel forms. Cool the porridge and massage it onto your face. Leave the oatmeal on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off with water. The effect will literally amaze you. Not only will you remove dirt from your face, oatmeal is rich in vitamins and minerals, it will clean out clogged pores, exfoliate dead skin particles, complexion and slightly dry your skin.

If you have very dry skin, brew the oatmeal instead of water with milk, add a little honey to the mask before using.

Blackheads in the T-zone can form with any skin type. To remove them, steam your face over a basin of hot water for 10-15 minutes. Take the cream, add one teaspoon of salt and soda to it. Rub the soiled areas of the skin with massaging movements. But be extremely careful, try not to get the mixture on the skin.

The most convenient face cleanser is various masks.

There are many different homemade cleansing masks available.

They effectively remove dirt, grease from the surface of the face, while providing the skin with the substances it needs.

How to cleanse pores at home? A few tips for cleansing and tightening pores:

Mask recipes

Egg mask : Powder the shell of one egg.

Add a canteen boat of fat cottage cheese. Dilute with milk so that the mask can be conveniently applied to the face.

Herbal mask: 2 tbsp Pour 250 ml of boiling water over dried chopped herbs. Insist 15 minutes. Apply the gruel to the face as a mask, then wash with a decoction.

This is a universal recipe for different skin types. For oily, prepare masks from yarrow, horsetail, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, calendula. Rosehip, mint, lime blossom, rose petals are well suited for dry skin.

Flour mask: 1 tbsp Dilute flour with mineral water. Apply the resulting gruel to the face.

For normal and oily skin, you can use wheat, rice flour, starch. For dry skin, oatmeal is good.

Other ingredients can also be used instead of water. For dry skin, these are cream, milk, sour cream. For fatty - herbal decoction, yogurt, sour milk. For dry - cucumber juice, herbal decoctions, egg white.

Flour mask for dry skin: 2 tbsp mix flour with egg yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil.

Oatmeal mask for oily and: 1 tbsp. pour a small amount of boiling water over the flakes. Let the flakes swell. When the mixture is warm, apply it all over your face. Egg white, 0.5 tsp, can also be added to the mask for oily skin. lemon juice.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin: 1 tbsp pour a small amount of milk over the flakes. When the mass has cooled slightly, add egg yolk or 1 tsp. mashed banana, melon.

Bread mask: Pour boiling water over a slice of black bread with a crust.

When the bread is soft, squeeze it and knead it into a gruel. Add 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Gelatin film mask: can be used for different skin types.

Especially useful for aging skin as gelatin nourishes it. Drying, gelatin creates a film on the face, which, when removed, takes away dirt and grease.

1 tbsp pour gelatin with 100 ml of water. After swelling, melt in a water bath. Apply to face with a soft brush or fingers.

Various essential oils, herbal decoctions can be added to gelatin.

Mask with orange and semolina: remove the zest from one small orange. Add 1.5 tbsp. semolina. Add a little warm water to make a gruel. Leave for 10 minutes to swell a little.

Potato mask:peel and finely grate one small potato or half a large one. Mix with 1 tsp. lemon.

Almond mask: Mix 1 tbsp of almond oil equally with the walnuts, ground into flour.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


The benefits of cleansing masks for facial skin is expressed as follows:

Frequency of use and contraindications

In order not to cause irritation and allergic reactions, it is enough to do cleansing procedures 1-2 times a week. Pre-steam your face. This allows pores to be enlarged and better to remove dirt particles.

Don't go outside for 1-2 hours after your procedure. It is necessary that the pores narrowed, then they will not be clogged with dirt.

It is best to do masks before bed. Then, during the night, the skin will have time to rest and stop.

Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream according to your skin type.


  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Diet. During this period, it is not recommended to use masks with acidic ingredients: lemon, apple, vinegar, etc.
  3. Open skin lesions.
  4. Dermatitis, seborrhea, large acne, acne.

Masks should be used during pregnancy and lactation. carefully.

When used properly, homemade cleansing masks will be just as effective as salon procedures.

But at the same time, you save money, you don't even have to leave the house and you are always sure that the mask is made with the highest quality ingredients.

The recipe for a homemade pore cleansing mask in this video:

Dust, dirt, grease secreted by the sebaceous glands, the remnants of cosmetics - all this is clogged in the pores of the facial skin. This leads to the fact that metabolic processes slow down in the layers of the dermis, oxygen does not enter them in the required volume, as well as nutrients. All this turns into the appearance of inflammation, irritation, acne, pustules, acne.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to deeply cleanse the pores, for which masks that can be made at home are used.

What methods can you use?

The effectiveness of the measures depends on how correct their choice will be. You can perform procedures that cleanse the pores both in salons and at home on your own.

As a rule, in beauty parlors, chemical or mechanical peeling, cold hydrogenation, and ultrasonic cleaning are carried out. All these activities can be carried out only in the absence of dermatological diseases and allergies to the formulations used.

All these methods of cleansing can achieve results, but their cost is quite high.

In this regard, many women prefer to use folk methods for cleaning their face, the cost of which is low, and the effect, with the correct selection of recipes, is not worse than the result of salon procedures.

You can cleanse your face yourself in the following ways:

  • Rubbing, for which decoctions, herbal infusions, ice are used;
  • Compresses;
  • Masks;
  • Baths that allow you to steam the skin and get rid of impurities.

All these methods can be combined for an even more effective effect on the dermis. The main thing is to choose the right means.

Effectiveness of masks

It is believed that the most effective means for cleansing pores are scrubs. But they can negatively affect, especially on sensitive skin, traumatizing it and causing irritation. Therefore, women often prefer more gentle means - masks.

What is their effectiveness?

  • Cleansing masks for pores of the face help dissolve sebum produced by the sebaceous glands;
  • Thanks to these products, impurities that have been clogged deep into the pores come to the surface of the dermis, after which they are easier to remove;
  • They allow you to soothe the skin, thus eliminating inflammation, irritation;
  • The mixtures used at home have a disinfecting effect, disinfecting the dermis, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of microbes and infections;
  • Thanks to masks, skin cells are restored;
  • The funds have a protective effect, protecting the dermis from negative external influences.

In connection with such a beneficial effect on the cover of deep cleansing, one can expect from the procedures such results as improving its condition, color, getting rid of acne, acne, wrinkles.

In the cleaned pores, metabolic processes are normalized, oxygen and useful elements are much better absorbed through them, so other cosmetic procedures become even more effective.

In addition, such masks are usually prepared with a combination of cleansing and nourishing ingredients. The indisputable advantage of self-prepared products is their naturalness. They can be made from ingredients that are almost always at hand.

These tips are about how to properly apply cleansing face masks yourself.

  • Before using the product, you should steam the dermis with a bath. This procedure does not pose any difficulty, and its result is that the applied formulations will penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin, therefore, the effect of their application will increase. At the same time, scrubs do not need to be used to expand pores and pre-clean them;
  • No matter how harmless the composition of the cosmetic product you have prepared, it must be tested before using it on the face. To do this, the mixture is applied to the dermis of the wrist for at least 10 minutes, and then the result of its impact is assessed. If the mixture that you prepared at home for deep cleansing of the pores of the facial lining causes itching, irritation, redness and other negative manifestations, you cannot use it;
  • To achieve a good result, it is necessary to apply cosmetic compositions with light massaging movements - this will help them to more effectively cope with dirty pores. You need to keep the mask for about a quarter of an hour, a maximum of a third of an hour. You do not need to keep it longer, because products that allow you to deeply cleanse the pores of the face at home often contain components that can have an aggressive effect on the dermis. Some of these compounds can simply dry out the cover, which is also not useful;
  • You need to wash off the cleaning compounds with plain warm water, but it will be better if you add a little lemon juice to it.

After the cleansing mask has been used, the dermis must be soothed, for which a nourishing or protective cream should be applied to it.

It is recommended to use these products once a week if you are cleaning your skin for prevention purposes. If you have an oily skin type, it has a lot of blackheads, acne, you should perform procedures 3-4 times / week, carrying out deep cleansing of the pores, until you see that the condition of your skin has improved.


Use the recipes below to help you make effective cleansing mixes.

Recipe number 1

An aspirin mask is very popular among women:

Recipe number 2

To cleanse the dermis, formulations with essential oils are also prepared:

  1. Combine the protein of the 1st egg with 3 tsp. lemon juice;
  2. Add a few drops of essential oil to the composition (you can take lemon balm, bergamot, mint, sage, tea tree or juniper oil);
  3. Apply a thin layer to the dermis, rinse off after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 3

Such a tool is famous for its high efficiency:

  1. Combine 2 teaspoons of pre-warmed liquid honey, 2 tablespoons of yogurt;
  2. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice;
  3. Next, you need to add so much corn flour to the composition so that the mass becomes thick. This will require about 1 tbsp. l. ingredient;
  4. The mass is applied to the cover for about a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 4

You can also prepare a mask for deep cleansing of the pores of the facial skin according to the following recipe:

  1. Chop the parsley, take 2 tbsp. l. component and fill it with ½ cup boiling water, let the composition brew for 10 minutes, decant;
  2. Combine the resulting gruel with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  3. Grind the mixture with a blender, add a few drops of sage oil to it (you can replace it with mint or rosemary ether).

Recipe number 5

To deeply cleanse your skin, you can prepare a simple remedy:

Recipe number 6

Clay is also used to remove dirt. To do this, the product, selected in accordance with the type of skin, is diluted with warm water to a state of thick sour cream and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 7

One of the most effective means to cleanse your face is a gelatin mask:

  1. Combine dry gelatin and milk in equal parts;
  2. Using a steam bath, heat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves;
  3. Let the mixture cool, add the protein of the 1st egg to it;
  4. Apply the mass to the face for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, it will dry out and form a film, which you just need to remove with your hands, taking it by the edge. While holding the mask, it is better not to talk or use facial expressions so that the film will freeze correctly.

As you can see, we have a lot of opportunities to make our skin clean, soft and smooth, and for this it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. Beautiful and healthy skin for you!