How to make legs slimmer. How to visually make legs longer: tips. How to make legs longer: exercises

1. Large foot

Foot size is a concern for many tall or thin girls. To visually make the foot smaller, you need to give preference to shoes with a rounded toe in a contrasting color. Such a useful conclusion was made by the great creator of fashion - Coco Chanel, who in 1958 invented shoes with a dark cape, thanks to which the legs look more elegant and neat.

2. Short legs

Pastel shoes are always relevant. The thing is that they have an amazing property to visually add length to the legs. Nude stilettos are very appropriate with a short dress. You are guaranteed the same effect with shoes of a different color. Shoes and tights of the same color make the legs appear longer than they actually are.

3. Wide ankle

Despite the graceful shape and light weight, angular ankles can create a not very pleasant effect. But everything can be drastically changed by wearing shoes with thin straps. Such a clasp, closing the ankle at the most prominent points, makes it more elegant. So that the fasteners do not attract undue attention and do not visually shorten the legs, it is best to wear shoes that are close to the skin color, but darker than the skin or stockings.

4. Full legs

Flared trousers will help to make the figure more slender. Expanding downward, they visually make the legs longer. To enhance the slimming effect, opt for dark trousers, and you can also wear jeans that are darkened at the hips. But here there is one condition: flared trousers do not suit girls of short stature.

5. Bulky hips

Many women are forced to abandon beautiful clothes by protruding irregularities at the level of the hips. To hide them at least for a while, you can use dresses and skirts with contrasting side panels. Inserts seem to cut off extra centimeters from the hips. Therefore, the flaws become almost invisible.

6. Large-boned body type

Owners of volumetric forms should not worry about this. But if you want to divert attention from wide hips, a pleated skirt will help you with this. It will delicately smooth out the volumes and visually narrow the hips by a couple of centimeters.

7. Artificial tan

Legs that are golden in color look longer and leaner than those that are pale white. To change your skin tone, apply a 1:1 moisturizer with a self-tanner and apply some glitter powder along your shins. For a greater effect of harmony, you need to apply a bronze-colored powder to the outer part of the calves and thighs. If you need to hide veins, blemishes and other skin imperfections, you can use a concealer that matches your skin tone.

Show at least one woman who does not dream of long and slender legs. Such ladies simply do not exist in nature, because long legs are beautiful. Not everyone, of course, mother nature singled out her legs from her ears from her generous bins. But let's not fall into despair and shed bitter tears. You can work a little on yourself and your wardrobe and your dream will come true. You will appear taller and slimmer, and your legs will be much longer.

For many centuries of chasing the changing ideals of beauty, women have fully learned many tricks and tricks to always look attractive and at least a little closer to perfection.

Choosing the right clothes

Going shopping again, do not forget the following recommendations that will help you choose clothes that lengthen your legs.

First of all, don't buy things with horizontal stripes. Any division of the figure into parts adversely affects the perception of your legs. They always become shorter than they really are. Only use horizontal stripes if you really want your legs to look shorter. If not, then add to the forbidden list things with various patterns that tend to be arranged in the form of transverse stripes.

We also include sharp contrasting combinations of colors in clothes. For example, a snow-white blouse and black trousers. For you, a monochromatic outfit will be more successful. A tight dress without color transitions or a blouse with a skirt in similar shades is what suits you. Monochrome outfits will help to stretch not only the overall silhouette, but also the legs in particular.

Wide belts make your waist look narrower, but at the same time steal a few centimeters from your legs. Decide what is more important to you.

Let's take a closer look at the trousers. After all, this is exactly the clothing that often hides the legs along the entire length. To make your legs look longer, give preference to the following models of trousers:

It is unacceptable to wear any model of trousers with a low waistline. This is especially unfavorable for the length of your legs when such trousers are complemented by a belt. The list of undesirable trousers includes bermudas, capri pants, trousers with heavily flared legs and trousers with massive decorative trim (buckles, rivets, appliqués, etc.).

In addition to trousers, there are also skirts. In most cases, they open at least half of the leg to prying eyes, but nevertheless they can help you visually lengthen them. The easiest way to do this is to wear a miniskirt. But not everyone can afford such a length. Skirts to the floor or to the ankles are not your help here. Although they are long, they poorly cope with the task. The best option from all sides is a medium-length skirt. Slightly tapered models and a pencil skirt will do. Don't be afraid of cuts. They look not only attractive, but sometimes catchy and sexy. One cut in the side seam or slightly shifted forward will attract men's eyes, and at the same time create the illusion of long legs.

Since we touched on the topic of skirts, we will also touch on dresses. Choose models that fit you exactly on the figure. Clothing should not expand you to the sides. Prefer solid colors, simple cuts and a minimum of detail. Dresses with a high waistline, in the Empire style will suit you.

We select lengthening shoes

Shoes should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also properly matched to your goals. And if your dream is to find legs at least a little longer, then the choice of shoes should be approached more scrupulously.

  1. Buy shoes with heels. As a matter of fact, not only shoes should have at least a small heel, but all the shoes that you wear. If you do not believe that the heel is capable of this, then stand barefoot in front of the mirror and rise on your toes. Well, how do you like the result? Just do not immediately sweep away shoes with high heels and platforms from store shelves. The height of the heel must be correctly calculated. Very high heels can make you slouch and bend over. This will not help matters, quite the contrary. In principle, the heel should not exceed a height of 7 cm. This will avoid not only a bent figure, but also problems with the spine from wearing excessively high heels. Shoes with flat soles will not suit you. But if you are not used to walking in stilettos, then take a closer look at platform and wedge shoes. Your legs will noticeably become longer, but walking will be more comfortable.
  2. Boots. This type of shoe will be perfect for the purpose you are pursuing. There is only one condition for them - the length should be slightly higher from the knee or slightly lower. Very high boots, on the contrary, will shorten your legs. Half boots, as well as ankle boots, can only be worn if they merge into one piece with the clothes and do not expose the leg. For example, a long skirt that covers the upper part of the shoe, or skinny trousers that tuck into ankle boots.
  3. Shoes with a rounded toe. In shoes with such a toe, the legs will look more elegant. Pointed shoes and boots for short women are not recommended.
  4. Similar colored shoes with tights. This is the most effective and proven way to lengthen your legs. Therefore, wear black tights or stockings under black shoes. In hot weather, when we usually wear light-colored tights or don't wear them at all, choose shoes in white or beige shades.
Multi-colored tights and leggings can not afford to wear everything. It is best not to take risks and abandon such experiments.

You can lengthen your legs with the help of things designed in the same color scheme. For example, wearing a black skirt, complement it with black tights and shoes. If you want to wear such a set with a light blouse, choose a skirt with a slightly high waist. It will visually shorten the torso, making the legs longer.

Give up belts on the hips - they make the pelvis more voluminous, and the figure is squat. But contrasting elements in the upper part of the figure will suit you. White collars, buttons at the collar, bows and scarves around the neck against the background of a dark dress will divert attention from short legs. Do not wear loose blouses - it is better to tuck them into the waistband of a skirt or trousers.

If you prefer trousers and jeans, opt for straight or skinny styles. Choose the right length - the legs should cover the heel to the middle. Do not pull the edge of the trousers over the heel - the legs should lie freely on the shoes.

Match tights and stockings to match trousers or skirts.

An ideal option for lengthening the legs is black or dark trousers, complete with tight-fitting boots of the same shade. The longer the pants, the better. You can choose a model that completely hides high-heeled shoes - as a result, the legs will turn out to be simply endless.

Choose trousers, skirts and dresses in dark colors, preferably without a pattern. Large prints, plaid, polka dots and transverse stripes will not work - they will visually add a couple of kilograms to you. Longitudinal stripes are acceptable, but only on loose-fitting items. Tight striped trousers will make your legs not only shorter, but also crooked.

Platforms and heels

The easiest way to elongate your legs is to wear high heels. However, too high a heel can distort the proportions, and besides, such shoes are not easy to walk in. If you bend your knees with every step, your legs are unlikely to look beautiful. There is a way out - pick up shoes with a hidden platform 1-2 cm high. It does not interfere with an easy walk, besides, deception will be almost invisible.

Do not wear patent or too bright shoes - they will break the proportions of the figure.

Avoid shoes and boots with flat soles, as well as shoes with membranes and ties above the ankles. Wear short ankle boots only with trousers - a low top visually makes the legs shorter and the calves wider. It is better to choose long narrow boots made of leather and textiles for knee-length skirts. It is desirable that the edge of the top is hidden by the hem. This ensemble is especially good with a flared skirt.

Very open shoes with a cutout on the fingers or sandals with a pair of thin, inconspicuous straps will help to lengthen the legs. The original solution - shoes made of transparent plastic - invisible membranes will create the impression of endless legs. If you prefer classic styles of clothing, complement them with elegant light beige pumps with medium heels. Such shoes will merge with the skin, visually lengthening the legs and making them more slender. Beige shoes go with any outfit. The only exception is dark trousers and maxi skirts that reach the edge of the shoe.

No matter what virtues of appearance nature endows women with, the fair sex will always find flaws in their appearance and will make every effort to correct them. The possibilities of modern cosmetology and plastic surgery allow this, but there will always be moments that cannot be corrected, or it is extremely difficult to do so. These include short and plump legs, because of which many girls feel insecure.

The problem is serious, but not critical! We invite you to learn how to visually make legs slim using simple and affordable means. The main secret of perfect legs lies in the ability to model your image using the right clothes, shoes and accessories. Let's not forget about care.

Let's review the wardrobe, taking into account the harmony and length of the legs

The legendary Christian Dior once uttered a very cynical, but very well-aimed phrase: “If you have crooked legs, wear a deep neckline.” Indeed, shifting attention from one piece of clothing to another in order to smooth out imperfections in appearance is a great technique. Thanks to such a trick, it will actually be possible to be more confident in society.

However, the advice of the great fashion designer and fashion designer should be considered as a guide to choosing the right wardrobe. After all, over many centuries of their existence, women have achieved perfection in such an art as the manner of dressing. There are some valuable tips on how to make your legs visually slim with the help of harmoniously and properly selected things.

Make friends with the vertical stripe. This is the best option of all prints that can be used to give the legs slimness and extra length. Vertical stripes visually stretch the legs, visually reduce the volume of the hips, making the figure more elegant. In addition to such a pattern, it is not forbidden to use things with geometric ornaments, diagonal stripes. Just not round shapes.

Avoid sharp contrast in clothing colors. The classic dress code "white top - black bottom" in the case of full and short legs will not work. Excessively contrasting shades act in the opposite direction, as if dividing the silhouette into two halves. Therefore, the lower part looks more massive. The way out of the situation is a laconic monochrome outfit without strong color transitions. For example, a monophonic narrow dress above the knees or a skirt with a blouse, matched in similar colors, will help to visually make the legs slim. This look is very fashionable, stylish, but still perfectly stretches the figure, especially the legs.

Choose the right accessories. Tight hip straps always shorten the legs, so don't use them. A wide belt should be considered as an optimal must-have for girls who dream of adjusting a few centimeters in their waist, but this is not an option for owners of short legs. Such an accessory can visually shorten the legs even more. Therefore, you need to decide what is more important: long and slender legs or a wasp waist.

Pick the perfect fit for your pants. Owners of chubby legs should take a closer look at the following options:

1. Classic cut trousers. They go absolutely to all women, great as the basis for an office dress code. The color scheme does not matter, but monochrome variations of dark shades look especially advantageous. To make your legs slimmer, choose models with vertical stitching or a clearly defined arrow in the middle. The length of the trousers should be such that the hem goes slightly over the shoes to achieve a merging effect.

2. Models with high waist. Trousers with a fit on the hips have the property of shortening the legs, they further reduce their length. Therefore, a high waist is what you need! The image should be complemented with a light top or blouse that matches the tone.

3. Flare from the hip. The model is suitable for girls with obvious disproportions in the volume of the hips and lower leg. Thanks to this simple technique, it will be possible to visually lengthen the legs and make them slim, as well as achieve balance in proportions. But with caution, you need to use this method for girls of short stature.

4. Tight trousers. We’ll warn you right away that such a cut is not an option for women with voluminous hips and shins. But for slender women with short stature, this is a great solution. Thanks to tight-fitting trousers, it will be possible to visually add a few centimeters to the legs, while emphasizing their relief.

Try to match trousers and shoes of the same color so that they merge into a single whole. This technique helps to visually lengthen the legs, giving them harmony. Finally, it's very stylish.

In a women's wardrobe, you can not do without skirts with dresses. But, if you are looking for a way to visually make your legs slim, you should take a closer look at these items of clothing.

Outwardly, straight-cut skirts or the popular “pencil” style will help to give the legs extra length. Ideally, if they barely cover the knees. Owners of lush hips should take a closer look at pleated skirts, they perfectly correct excess volume.

Don't be afraid to add a sexy touch to your look. A small slit on the skirt will perfectly cope with this task.

Dresses are better to choose a straight silhouette with a high waist. Laconic monochrome colors with no voluminous details are ideal.

Learning to choose the right shoes

Absolutely any woman knows the classic commandment on how to visually make her legs slim - just put on high-heeled shoes. It is not necessary to use a thin and uncomfortable hairpin for this, even a heel 3-4 cm high will be enough to stretch the figure. An alternative to heels can be wedge and platform shoes. But not on a flat sole and sandals in clog format.

The optimal heel height is up to 7 cm. Not every girl can adapt to a too high heel, which causes a stoop that spoils the gait. Plus high heels are not good for health. The constant wearing of such shoes provokes a hernia of the spine, increases the load on the internal organs, and reduces the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

If, in addition to full legs, the excessive size of the foot is of concern, shoes with a round toe will help to smooth out this deficiency. We owe a similar secret to female attractiveness to Coco Chanel. At the same time, she suggested contrasting combinations of the main part of the shoes and the nose, which also helps to visually reduce the foot, but not to the detriment of the length of the legs.

Among the prohibitions are shoes that wrap the foot and shins with straps.

Some attention should be paid. Even 30-minute daily walks at a fresh age can qualitatively change the relief of the legs, making them slimmer and sexier.

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Disappointment in diets comes precisely after the result does not justify all hopes. As a rule, this is due to losing weight “in the wrong place” or in insufficient volume. The most difficult thing is to throw off extra centimeters in the legs. Here, only one will not be enough, so physical activity will have to be added to food restrictions. NameWoman offers readers body flex exercises that will make your legs slim, as well as a special video workout. A nice bonus will be tips on how to visually make legs slimmer, and a selection of additional useful materials.

How to make legs slim: adapted bodyflex exercises

Among girls and women who take care of themselves, the bodyflex technique is very popular, which is aimed at solving the problem of thick legs. An interesting advantage of bodyflex is that as a result of exercise, the muscle mass on the legs does not increase, that is, weight loss occurs due to the burning of the fat layer and at the same time it is not replaced by muscles. In fact, this technique is a simple breathing exercise that enhances the effect of physical exercises. With proper and intensive breathing, more oxygen enters the body, which contributes to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat. So, how to make your legs slim with bodyflex?

1. Stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees a little and put your hands on them, after crouching a little. As soon as you take the necessary posture to start the exercise, exhale all the air that is in your lungs. After waiting a second, sharply draw air back through your nose, while also pause. It is necessary to exhale through the mouth, and while holding air in the lungs, you can move the stomach, thus performing a natural massage of the internal organs. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can. Then straighten up, shake your legs, stretch, rest for 40 seconds and do the next approach. To make legs slender, you need to show perseverance and diligence, repeat 1-2 more times.

2. Correction of the legs, of course, will not do without stretching. For its correct implementation, it is necessary to sit on the floor and spread your legs as much as possible in different directions. Bring your straight arms back and lean on the floor. Straighten your back, keep your chin up, but do not throw your head back. At the same time, try to pull the socks on yourself and after a second send them back to their original position. Stretching is best done in the morning, before you go to breakfast or go to school or work. This will help you recharge your energy and ensure excellent health throughout the day.

3. The previous exercise for slender legs can be slightly modified. To do this, the hands that stand behind the back must be gradually moved in front of you and try to stretch them forward as much as possible, while they should lie on the floor. During the above exercise, try to touch the floor with your chest.

4. Stretching must be done for both the outside of the thighs and the back. To do this, try to lie on your back, lift your leg up without bending at the knee, and pull the sock towards you. Lying on your back and lifting your leg up, you will work on stretching the back of your thigh. If you are just starting to practice exercises that will make your legs slim, then do 8-10 repetitions, then change legs. Do 3-4 sets and finish with 8-10 reps as you lift both legs.

How to make legs slim: video training

To quickly get slim legs, NameWoman recommends doing this video workout every other day. The session lasts only 10 minutes, and in less than a month you will get the result - not only slender legs, but also beautiful, more toned hips, pleasant changes in the abdomen, and you will also feel a general lightness in the body. It is very convenient to perform the exercises while watching this video, so you should save the link to your computer or on your social network page.

1. When choosing clothes, avoid transverse stripes in the leg area (this also applies to ankle straps on sandals or shoes), focus on verticals.

2. Skirts and summer pants with slits look very sexy and make legs visually slimmer.

3. Monochrome outfits help elongate the entire silhouette, including your legs.

4. For those who want to create the effect of long legs, the site has repeatedly advised choosing trousers and shoes, tights and shoes in the same color.

5. Don't wear flat shoes.

6. Round toe shoes will make your feet more graceful.

7. Avoid short shorts, overly tight trousers, and low-waisted trousers/bridge/shorts/skirts that sit on the hips.

Those who want to make their legs slim will benefit from the following auxiliary materials:

- . The article contains recommendations for conducting special exercises for this particular problem area on the legs, as well as a video that is convenient for training.