How to increase lactation. Products and preparations for lactation. Dinner is served! Ways to stimulate lactation for the full feeding of the baby

Breast milk is the ideal product for feeding your baby. Its composition is significantly different from cow's, so feeding diluted milk from a goat or cow can lead to beriberi and ailments of the child's gastrointestinal tract.

The main thing in the article

Symptoms and causes of lactation cessation

In modern maternity hospitals, a new position has recently been introduced - a breastfeeding nurse. She shows how to properly attach the baby to the breast and stimulate lactation. Despite the attempts of the maternity hospital staff, half of the mothers breastfeed their babies for no longer than 6 months. In most of them, lactation crises occur in the third month of feeding.

Unfortunately, many mothers do not understand the process of formation and outflow of milk, it seems to them that the baby is not full, as there is little food for the baby in the chest. But in most cases, this is a misunderstanding of the process and a desire to quickly say goodbye to bloody nipples and constant stretching of the glands.

Objective signs of milk shortage:

  • the baby hangs on the chest for a long time and is constantly worried;
  • the number of “pisses” per day is less than 8 times;
  • often asks for breasts.

The most interesting thing is that many mothers constantly weigh the baby before and after feeding to find out how much he ate. This is a biased value and does not provide accurate information.

In the first days of feeding, the milk is very fatty, it is yellow in color. 10 ml of such food is enough for a baby. The most objective way is wet diapers. You need to remove the diaper from the baby for a day and swaddle him in the “old-fashioned” way. After that, control the process of urination of the child. In just a day, the baby should go "in a small way" at least 8 times. If less, we can talk about hypolactation - lack of milk.

Reasons for stopping lactation:

  • reduction in the number of feedings;
  • reduction in sucking time;
  • poor health of the mother;
  • lack of food and liquid in the diet of a woman;
  • temperature;
  • SARS and other ailments.

Note! Now you are a mother and you need to forget about a full night's sleep. Most prolactin is produced at night, so you can not go to bed at 23.00 and wake up at 8.00. Without night feedings, there will be no milk.

Not enough milk: what to do?

If you have done the wet diaper test and your baby is not gaining weight very well, then you should consider lactation stimulation. Naturally, pediatricians are worried about the health of the baby, so they recommend supplementing the baby with a mixture. But here a vicious circle is formed: more mixture - less breastfeeding and, accordingly, a decrease in the amount of milk. After the formula, the baby is full, he will not suck on an empty or tight breast. Therefore, after a while you will completely switch to the mixture.

Ways to stimulate lactation:

  • frequent applications;
  • drinking large amounts of warm liquids;
  • increase in "sucking" time;
  • pumping after feeding to the last drop;
  • taking drugs and tea to stimulate milk production;
  • feeding at night.

Feeding a woman during lactation

Grandmothers and older women, new mothers are recommended to eat nuts, honey and condensed milk to stimulate lactation. Actually this is the wrong approach. Scientists have found that with the help of food it is impossible to influence the percentage of fat content. This is a genetic feature. Therefore, do not engage in adding extra pounds and do not provoke diathesis in a child. It is nuts and honey that are strong allergens that cause a rash on the face and body of a child.

  • increase the amount of liquid;
  • eat small meals, but often;
  • do not eat processed foods;
  • sweets and chocolate are prohibited;
  • forget about sausages;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits are introduced gradually, one product every three days.

Keep a food diary of the foods you eat. So, you can find out what the child is allergic to.

Products for lactation

There is a list of products that stimulate lactation.

Products useful for lactation:

  • chicken meat and rabbit;
  • soups with chicken broth;
  • offal (liver, heart, stomach);
  • juices and fruit drinks;
  • watermelon;
  • dairy products;
  • green salad;
  • cereals.

As you can see, condensed milk and pork are not on the list. Nutrition should be balanced and complete, and exclude foods prohibited to nursing mothers.

Drugs to increase lactation

Now in the pharmacy you can find a lot of funds to increase the amount of milk. These are mainly dietary supplements and medicinal herbs. Many pharmaceutical companies have developed special teas for breastfeeding mothers. But these are traditional and familiar means. However, there are also hormonal drugs for lactation:

  • Domperidone. This is an antiemetic drug that is manufactured in Canada. In this country, he was not tested and was not allowed to be taken to stimulate lactation. The drug contains a hormone that blocks the release of certain substances in the body. Because of this, the level of prolactin in the blood rises, which leads to an increase in the amount of milk.
  • progesterone and estrogen. These are also hormones with which it will be possible to increase the amount of prolactin. Doctors have developed a special scheme to stimulate lactation.

It is worth noting that hormonal drugs should be taken only as directed by a doctor. They can cause uterine bleeding, breast engorgement, and sore nipples.

Apilak for lactation

This is a preparation based on bee uterine milk. Insects feed milk to the uterus and larvae. This increases the laying and growth of insects. This drug can be considered a dietary supplement. It is absolutely safe, but it is not allowed to be taken by women allergic to honey.

Application instructions for apilac:

  • For lactation, use only tablets.
  • Place the tablet under your tongue an hour before eating and suck it.
  • Take 1-3 tablets per day.
  • The course is 10-14 days.

The composition of the drug, in addition to royal jelly, contains vitamins A and B, as well as folic acid.

Mlecoin for lactation

Mlecoin is a drug based on plant materials. It is completely natural and contains no preservatives. The composition of the medicine contains such herbs:

  • Stinging nettle. It has a positive effect on the endocrine system and regulates the work of the pituitary gland, which gives "orders" for the production of prolactin.
  • Sleep grass. Normalizes the outflow of blood from veins and vessels, stimulates lactation. Sometimes restores the menstrual cycle in nursing mothers.
  • Abraham tree. Calms the nervous system. The plant normalizes the endocrine system.

Mlecoin is a homeopathic granule that needs to be absorbed. For a day you need to take 5-10 granules. This should be done 30 minutes before a meal.

Folk remedies to increase lactation: recipes

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that stimulate the flow of milk.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • Carrots and milk. You need to grate raw carrots and mix 3 tablespoons of this shavings with a glass of milk. Eat gruel three times a day. It is advisable to do this between main meals.
  • Ginger. You need to grind dry ginger root. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting powder with 5000 ml of water and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Cool and strain. Take a decoction of 80 ml three times a day.
  • Honey, nuts and butter. Grind 10 walnut kernels in a meat grinder. Mix with 120 g honey and 50 g butter. This paste should be eaten before each meal, 20 g (tablespoon).

Herbs for lactation

Instructions for the use of herbs for lactation:

  • Nettle. Pour a spoonful of dry chopped nettle raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water. Cover with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm decoction instead of regular tea.
  • Fennel. Seeds are used to stimulate lactation. To prepare the product, pour 20 g of raw materials with 200 ml of cold water. Put the pot on the fire and let the liquid boil. Turn off the heat and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 80 ml after each meal.
  • Fenugreek. It is a very effective lactation stimulant. It is used even in women who want to breastfeed adopted children.
  • Chamomile medicinal. Calms and normalizes the nervous system. Often problems with lactation appear against the background of overwork and stress. Chamomile helps to calm down.
  • Field alfalfa. It is indicated for women after caesarean section and with a large loss of blood during childbirth. This herb stops bleeding, which increases hemoglobin and normalizes the production of prolactin.

Tea to increase milk lactation

Now the pharmacy has a huge selection of teas for lactation of well-known companies. Here are the most popular:

  • Hipp. Contains lactose and medicinal herbs. The drink has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It calms and stimulates the production of prolactin. This tea is expensive, but many mothers find the remedy quite effective.
  • Humana. This drink is granulated. It contains extracts of medicinal herbs and rose hips. It increases hemoglobin and can be drunk in unlimited quantities. The price is also quite high, the drink ends quickly. One package is enough for approximately 1 week when taken 3 times a day.
  • Nestik. This tea is from a more affordable price category. It contains herbal extracts, rosehip juice and lactose. The price is lower than that of Humana and Hipp.
  • Grandma's basket. This tea is domestically produced. The composition of tea is not extracts of herbs, but a real collection. The filter bags contain a mixture of chamomile flowers, fennel fruits and rose hips. Tea costs a penny.

Most importantly, do not panic and resist the urge to formula feed your baby. Increase the number of applications. Let the baby "hang" on the chest.

  • Wake up every 1.5 hours at night and apply a sleepy baby. The more nighttime feedings, the faster your milk supply will increase.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and medications to stimulate lactation.
  • Experiment with teas to stimulate lactation. Get an inexpensive one right away. The composition of drinks for lactation is not much different.
  • Start with a decoction of nettle. This is an inexpensive herb, but really very effective.

Breastfeeding is a difficult task. Many women, faced with pain during the pouring of the glands and the formation of cracks in the nipples, refuse to breastfeed. But no formula can replace mother's milk, fight for every drop of "natural" food for your baby.

VIDEO: How to increase lactation

The question of how to improve the lactation of milk in a nursing mother, sooner or later arises in the life of every girl. Various folk remedies for improving lactation have survived to our time, which were used by mothers at a time when medicine was poorly developed. Now you have to puzzle over which methods are worth trying, and which are better to forget altogether.

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find a lot of all kinds of drugs that can help a modern mother increase the amount of breast milk. Among such a variety of goods, there are tablets of a domestic manufacturer and imported ones. Whom to give preference to - only you can choose. But we must not forget that there are various fakes and low-quality drugs that, at best, will not give any results.

Folk recipes can be just as dangerous or ineffective as low-quality medicine. To avoid the possible consequences of self-medication, it is imperative to consult a doctor. He will help to understand the reasons for the decrease in lactation and select the most appropriate solutions to the problem. Although it often happens that a decrease in the amount of milk in women is simply far-fetched by them due to suspiciousness and other reasons.

Checking whether the problem is contrived is very simple: look at the state of the child himself. If he feels good, gains weight and does not act up more than usual, then mom winds herself up. So that lactation does not decrease, you need to eat well, drink enough water (at least 1.5-2 liters per day) and rest.

Causes of a decrease in the amount of milk in nursing mothers

Each individual problem is solved in completely different ways. In some cases, simple vitamins can help, in more complex situations, drug treatment is used. You should remember the main rule - self-medication can harm, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

There are also folk methods for increasing lactation, which are advised by all grandmothers and friends. Basically, recipes include various natural ingredients, herbs and fruits that can be found in fields, villages and forests. But there are also simple recipes where it is advised to simply consume dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, low-fat), drink tea and various juices. These recommendations are confirmed by nutritionists and doctors, proper nutrition is the key to health.

Delicious recipes to increase lactation

Many grandmothers know how milk lactation improves in a nursing mother from tasty and healthy recipes. When you combine folk wisdom with modern recommendations, you can get an excellent method that improves breastfeeding.

Carrot juice is delicious and healthy. For those who do not really like this drink, you can mix it with milk: grate a small carrot on a fine grater, pour warm milk over it. You should drink such a cocktail 2-3 times every day. If you don’t really like this combination of flavors, you can try mixing several types of juice. But for 1 glass of carrot juice, you can add no more than 2 tablespoons of additional ingredients.

Milk tea is also very useful for a nursing mother. The recipe is very simple: add boiled milk to your favorite tea and drink it 3-4 times a day. You can also add honey to this drink, but be very careful, because it can cause allergies in the baby.

Herbal infusion is the best folk remedy. Almost all diseases and ailments are treated with such drinks. But you need to know which herbs can increase lactation:

  • caraway;
  • yarrow;
  • anise;
  • melissa;
  • fennel;
  • Dill;
  • oregano, etc.

There are a lot of different recipes with cumin, for example, kvass: 1 kg of black bread (rye) finely cut into cubes, dry in a pan, pour boiled water (10 l), leave to infuse for 3-4 hours Then strain, add 25 g of baker's yeast, 500 g sugar, 2 tbsp. l. cumin and put in a warm place for 10 hours. This drink should be drunk 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Tea with cumin: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed cumin seeds into 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, strain. The drink is ready, you can add milk or honey.

In addition to drinks, there are very healthy dishes for lactation:

  • carrot and anise salad;
  • buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • cottage cheese with raisins, etc.

For a nursing mother, it is very important to eat well, get enough energy and vitamins. The daily diet should include fruits and vegetables, lean meats, dairy products. In no case should you drink alcohol, bakery products (buns, shortbread, etc.). A lot of onions and garlic are also not recommended to eat while breastfeeding. Be sure to include low-fat soups and broths in the diet. Daily consumption of clean water should be at least 1.5-2 liters. If you follow all the recommendations, the improvement of lactation will not be long in coming.

Often, breastfeeding mothers face the problem of a lack of breast milk. There could be many reasons for this. The food consumed, stress, disturbed daily routine, and medications have a great influence. The main reason for the lack of milk is improper breastfeeding.

Drugs to increase lactation - an extreme measure. First of all, make sure that the baby is really not getting enough milk. In this case, he does not gain or lose weight and rarely "goes to the toilet" (less than six times). In this case, the baby behaves restlessly and often requires a breast. How to determine that a newborn is not full, read

The lack of milk is indicated by a half-empty chest and the absence of milk inflows. If the lactation process is going badly, do not rush to take pills. First, determine if you are correctly attaching the baby to the breast. The newborn should take both the nipple and the areola. It is necessary to feed the baby often and on demand, and not according to the regimen.

To improve lactation, folk remedies, breast massage, compresses and warm, plentiful drink will help. During breastfeeding, be sure to consume 2-3 liters of fluid per day. These are drinking water (50% of the total volume of liquid), compotes and fruit drinks, broths and soups, herbal teas, natural juices from carrots, apples or pears. You can find more ways to increase lactation at the link /.

Three myths about lactation pills

  • Drugs to increase lactation should be taken by every nursing mother

Most women are able to feed a child on their own without taking additional funds and medications. If there is not enough milk, pills are started when other methods of increasing production have not helped.

  • Lactation pills are safe for babies

Each baby is individual. The child's response to drugs, food, and other factors depends on development and heredity. The ingredients in the same drug can affect different children differently. One baby normally perceives the remedy, while the other becomes covered with spots and begins to itch.

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking! Only he will select the correct regimen that will suit you and the baby. Even after the approval of a specialist, carefully study the composition of the drug. Choose the most hypoallergenic products. If your baby develops an allergy or eating disorder, reduce the dose or stop taking it.

  • Tablets prolong lactation

The best way to prolong lactation is to apply the baby. The more often the baby breastfeeds, the higher the milk production. If you have problems with lactation, you can apply the baby at least every hour. Even if he takes a small amount of milk, suckling will still have a positive effect.

Popular drugs for lactation

Today, a lot of drugs have been developed to increase lactation. We have identified four of the most popular and effective drugs that have received positive feedback from nursing mothers.

Means Release form and dosage Compound Side effects Price
lactogon Tablets are taken with food 3-4 times a day Royal jelly and carrot juice, dill and nettle, ginger Allergy to the composition 250 rubles (20 tablets)
Femilak Powdered milk mixture, dissolved in water and drunk before meals Powdered cow's milk and whey, vegetable oils and minerals Allergic reaction to components 290 rubles (360 grams)
Apilak Tablets, take three pieces a day for two weeks Royal jelly, vitamins and useful elements Allergies and sleep disturbance, so it is not recommended to drink late in the evening 150 rubles (30 tablets)
Mlecoin Granules, take before meals until completely resorbed Pasque meadow (sleep-grass), stinging nettle, sacred vitex Allergy to components 140 rubles (10 grams)

Remember that an overdose of even the safest drug leads to negative consequences! At higher doses, nausea and vomiting, intestinal disorders, dizziness and headaches, heart palpitations and dry mouth are observed. In case of an overdose, the mother and child may experience severe intoxication. Be sure to discuss the rules for taking a particular drug with your doctor and do not exceed the prescribed dosage!

Drinks and herbal teas

Drinking has a positive effect on the level of lactation. To increase the production of breast milk, special herbal teas for nursing are perfect. Today the market offers a wide range of such products. Be sure to check the ingredients before buying. Such drinks contain various herbs that can easily cause an allergic reaction in infants.

How to choose the right tea for lactation, read.

In addition, decoctions and drinks that can be prepared at home will help to establish lactation:

  • Carrot juice not only stimulates lactation, but also helps a woman recover faster after childbirth. Useful properties of carrots improve skin condition and maintain visual acuity. To make carrot juice, wash and peel a medium-sized vegetable. Scald with boiling water, grate and squeeze the juice. In the first three to four months of lactation, dilute the juice by half with water so that the drink is easier to digest in the baby's body;
  • Dandelion leaf tincture. Wash fresh leaves and scroll through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass every day. To improve the taste, add a little sugar and lemon juice if the baby is not allergic to lemon;
  • Decoctions of cumin, anise and fennel are the best helpers for a nursing mother. These herbs rarely cause allergies in newborns and have a positive effect on milk production. Take 10-15 grams of seeds of any plant, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour and then strain. Drink the drink twice a day for half a glass.

A complete list of drinks and products to improve lactation can be found at the link /.

Scientists have proven that the quantity and quality of milk during lactation directly depends on the products that a woman consumes. Therefore, if the question arises of how to increase lactation, you should first of all think not about drugs and medicines, but about how to increase the calorie content of your own diet. But this should be done correctly, without going beyond the use of healthy and wholesome food.

Diet as a means to increase lactation

Before you start eating more, you need to analyze the existing diet and determine its nutritional value. During breastfeeding, it should be on average 700-1000 kcal higher than in the normal state, for which the energy value of foods consumed per day should be an average of 2300 kcal.

The daily diet of the mother should include poultry or fish, milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables and fruits. From fats it is better to use butter, but not more than 20 g per day. The main tool that helps a woman both increase lactation and maintain it at this level is to maintain the correct ratio of these products. You can not allow an overweight in the direction of proteins, carbohydrates, and even more so fats. By increasing the consumption of one component, you need to adjust the amount of the rest.

The amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters per day. Some women find that if they drink more fluids, the amount of milk produced will increase. And this is true, but at the same time its composition will change. It must be borne in mind that in this case, milk will contain less protein and vitamins. Therefore, this is not the best way to increase lactation. The level of protein in breast milk is also affected by how much a nursing mother consumes sweets - sugar, buns, confectionery, bread. The more such foods are eaten, the less protein the child receives.

Products that increase lactation and reduce it

Before you start artificially increasing the amount of milk, you need to be firmly convinced that it really is not enough. If you can’t determine this on your own, you can always consult a pediatrician.

But if nevertheless it turned out that the baby was malnourished, then first of all you need to limit yourself in products that reduce lactation: chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cocoa. In addition, it is necessary to exclude alcohol in any of its manifestations. Contrary to the stereotype, not only is it not a product that increases lactation, but it also negatively affects the health of the child, since it quickly enters milk through the bloodstream. The same applies equally to nicotine.

Onions, garlic and spices should also be excluded from the diet, as they give the milk an unpleasant aftertaste, due to which the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

If we talk about how to increase lactation, one cannot fail to mention such a tool as warm tea with milk. Sometimes it is advised to drink it with honey, but since honey is a strong allergen, you need to add it to tea with caution. Tea should be drunk half an hour before feeding the baby. This simple method does not affect the amount of milk, but the intensity of its production.

Lactation is also stimulated by meat and chicken broths, cheeses (especially Adyghe and feta cheese), seeds and a variety of fermented milk products. In addition, you can start drinking drinks with natural lactation enhancers - dandelion, ginger, cumin, radish, carrot and fennel on a regular basis.

Means to increase lactation: simple recipes for healthy drinks

  • Carrot juice. Washed carrots should be poured over with boiling water, grated and squeezed out the juice. 1 glass of juice should be drunk 2-3 times a day, and it should be prepared immediately before use;
  • Carrots with cream. One of the variations of an effective means to increase lactation. Grated carrots (3-4 tablespoons) should be poured with a glass of milk and let it brew a little. Take 1 glass 3 times a day;
  • Dandelion leaf tincture. Wash freshly picked leaves, scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and salt a little. Leave to infuse for half an hour, then take half a cup 1-2 times a day. To slightly improve the taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice and sugar;
  • Cumin cocktail. 8 g of cumin seeds pour 0.5 liters of water, add half a chopped lemon and 50 g of sugar. Mix everything, put on low heat and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain the finished drink and cool. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • anise drink. Anise is a wonderful product that increases lactation. To prepare a drink, you need to pour 15 g of the seeds of this plant with a liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain, cool and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Drugs to increase lactation

In some cases, folk remedies to increase lactation do not help. It often happens that a young mother simply does not have enough time to prepare tinctures and drinks. In this case, the woman is forced to use some medications with a similar effect.

At the same time, taking pharmaceutical drugs and teas to increase lactation does not cancel the normalization of the diet, since this is the main way to increase the amount of milk. Here is a list of some effective drugs to increase lactation:

  • Lactagon. The composition of the drug includes royal jelly in combination with nettle, carrots and some other components, due to which the desired result is achieved;
  • Femilak-2. Dry milk product, which contains protein, vitamins and some useful minerals;
  • Lactavit. Cumin, fennel, nettle and anise - here are the most powerful herbs that improve lactation;
  • Apilak. Preparation on royal jelly with a variety of trace elements and vitamins;
  • Tea "Grandma's basket". It contains useful herbs in the right proportions. This is a ready-made answer to the question of how to increase lactation - packaged and waiting for a woman on the shelf of a store or pharmacy. Such tea saves time that is spent on self-preparation of a collection for brewing drinks;
  • Mlekoin. Homeopathic preparation in granules, which are taken before meals.

How to increase lactation and maintain it?

After enough milk has been produced, women often wonder how to maintain this condition.

Firstly, you need to remember the quantity and quality of the products you consume, and secondly, follow simple recommendations:

  • Observe the regime of the day: sleep for 8-10 hours a day, walk in the fresh air for at least 2 hours;
  • Do not skip night feedings, they are required. This point is especially important because the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced at night. Due to this, the night feeding of the baby turns out to be of better quality, and the process itself is lengthy. If a mother has stopped feeding at night and is interested in the question of how to increase lactation, then all she needs to do is resume them;
  • Consume more dairy products;
  • Apply the baby to the breast more often;
  • Drink multivitamins;
  • Less nervous, have a positive attitude;
  • Relax during feeding and put off everything for the sake of this process.

These are the main methods of how to increase lactation. If after their application the situation does not change, then you will need to consult a doctor for advice. You may also need to feed your baby formula milk.

Text: Alina Litovchenko

4.62 4.6 out of 5 (81 votes)

Breastfeeding consultant, AKEV member and mother of five.

What would you like to eat…

Many mothers talk about the existence of "magic" foods and special "dairy" diets.

A guest: It helped me, oddly enough, a good regular diet and hot tea with milk before feeding. Before giving birth, I ate (as I understand it now) low-calorie food. I tend to be overweight and therefore kept myself in check. Everything that I have read in my life about lactation suggests that the amount of calories in food and food in general are not related to the amount of milk. However ... if I ate a solid plate of borscht, potatoes with a cutlet - milk gushed and the child smiled straight, sipping. And it was worth dieting with kefir with bran - that’s all, you won’t wait for milk.
As a result, she nursed for almost two years. This is how it happens...

Belena: I made such a cocktail: I mixed grated carrots with warm fat milk or cream (this is if there is no allergy to carrots).

Dairy products usually include: milk (everything is logical: if you drink milk, you excrete milk), carrots (apparently, as the most affordable vitamin product at any time of the year) and walnuts (high in vegetable fats, and just delicious).

The opinion of the consultant on GV

There are no magic foods; WHO studies have shown that even in conditions of nutritional deficiency, a mother can fully breastfeed her child. This, of course, does not mean that the mother should go on a diet, but for full lactation, a healthy diet is enough, only slightly more high-calorie than in ordinary life (2700 - 3000 kcal). But there are a lot of allergens in the list of "products for lactation" - these are honey, nuts, and, by the way, cow's milk. Even if the mother tolerates a particular product, this does not guarantee that the baby will not have an allergic reaction. So be careful when leaning on "magic" foods!

To drink this...

Milk is a liquid, and in order to excrete a liquid, you have to drink the liquid. The more you drink, the more milk - is it so?

Nusha: In such crises, an infusion of dill fruits in a fairly high concentration helped me a lot - 2 tbsp. per 200 ml of water, drink 1/3 cup 40 minutes before feeding. Just do not need to drink the dill infusion warm - I once got drunk, so much milk arrived that I almost got mastitis.

Sunshine: I have heard that any large warm drink helps to increase the amount of milk. And after beer (including non-alcoholic) they say that there is simply nowhere to go from milk!

Yakovka: I read from Komarovsky that you can drink carrot juice to improve lactation. And indeed, I began to drink, milk comes very well, I drink about a liter a day (we take either "Frutonyanya" or "Hi" in the store), I really like it and the child is fine.

Svetych: You need to drink to the maximum, constantly. It is desirable not just tea, but a special one. If possible, you can prepare some fees yourself.

Folk drink for lactation - tea with condensed milk. It is he who is most often advised to drink to young mothers.

The opinion of the consultant on GV

No drinks by themselves increase lactation. But warm drinks do cause a rush of milk, so if you have an idea what time you will feed your baby, then 10-15 minutes before that, you can drink a cup of warm drink. By the way, the drink can be anything that mom likes: tea, milk, jelly, compote, fruit drink ... But at the same time, you should, firstly, control whether the drink causes allergies in the child (mothers often underestimate the allergenicity of cow's milk), and secondly, strong tea and coffee, of course, are also not suitable for the expectant mother.

There is no point in drinking through force, - Elena Shmakova emphasizes. - You should drink "by thirst" when you want.

Maybe go to the pharmacy?

AnyutaA79: I have a serious lactation problem! My baby is only 3.5 months old, but I started to let him down ... The last week there is very little milk - 80-120 ml. In search of a solution to this problem, I first turned to the Internet, looked for products to increase lactation! And I came across one of our domestic product "Milky Way", as they say, designed just for this! I would like to hear the opinion of those who used this mixture, and if there are any other analogues. Except Hipp, because according to the story of her friends, she is of no use.

Miss Anyuta: Lactavit just helped me and calming my nerves by reading manuals on breastfeeding, including on Sibmama.

Nusha: When I went to work and the unrest increased, I drank homeopathy - it seems that it was called Mlekovit.

Belena: I drank Mlekoin - it helps me a lot so far, also Lactavit tea.

Marita: Maybe it will help someone - I drank Apilak (he is on royal jelly). I also found tea "Grandmother's Lukoshko", it says that it is to increase lactation. It has a bunch of different useful herbs, it seems to help!

Zum-zum: Nursing mothers in the first month and in the third have so-called milk crises, when there is not enough milk. The most important thing is not to rush to transfer the baby to the mixture. I was in such a situation, the doctor advised me Apilak tablets, they increase lactation. I didn't believe it at first, but I tried it. Effective. Now there is no such problem.

Okio: I, like everyone else, have lactation crises at regular intervals. When this happens, I apply the whole recovery complex:

  1. I take Apilak tablets
  2. Tea Laktovit or Vitamin-lactation tea No. 8
  3. I drink a lot of hot tea with milk (more than 15 mugs, for sure)
  4. I include butter, cheese, and most importantly, walnuts in my diet.
  5. I often put the baby to the breast
  6. I take a hot shower.

I do not know which of this list is more effective, but all together helps well.

Svetych: I liked Humana, but they also praise BL. I also massaged my breasts every evening in the shower with warm water. The child applied constantly. And I also tried to walk in the evenings. For some reason it helped me. So try everything. It should definitely work.

Sky_belka: I drank tea more to calm down. Probably the only positive effect is that the herbs in such teas are sedative, relieve tension, which means that the milk will be better to leave. But it is unrealistic to increase the production of milk with tea.

Estelle: I also drank lactogenic teas, and Hipp, and Laktogon, and some others, I don’t remember anymore, in short, everything that I saw in pharmacies, but there was no effect from them. I really sat and listened to myself: well? Well, when? When will it start to work? But I drank them stubbornly, it is important for me that I take some steps to increase lactation, and not just suffer that there is not enough milk. Tea, I think, played the role of only a sedative.

Two hormones are responsible for lactation: prolactin (it regulates milk production) and oxytocin (it is responsible for its separation, with its deficiency there is milk, but the ducts of the mammary gland and the outflow of milk are difficult). Pharmaceutical agents that can accurately regulate the amount of these hormones do not exist, however, for a number of drugs (for example, some antiemetics), the side effect is precisely an increase in the amount of prolactin. Of course, you can’t resort to such methods on your own, and it’s no longer doctors who experiment with drugs. But, in any case, discuss the problem with your therapist.

The opinion of the consultant on GV

Lactogons are indeed effective, but, as mothers rightly noted, only due to a slight sedative effect. The fact is that in a stressful situation, the production of hormones responsible for lactation, especially oxytocin, decreases. Mom drinks “healing tea”, calms down (not so much from tea, but falls under the influence of the placebo effect), and the milk really comes.

However, once again I warn you - pay attention to whether the child has an allergy to the components contained in lactogenic products - this also applies to herbal preparations, and especially beekeeping products.

Change your feeding schedule

orange: And I myself was convinced that it is necessary to feed at night! At 2 months, my daughter refused nightly feedings and by the evening I had an empty chest ... There was nothing to feed - hysteria, panic. Sucked up to 12 nights alternately 3 times in a row both breasts. Then she fell asleep all night. Then I started getting up and pumping at night. There was more milk, in the evening she ate with one breast, stopped hanging, and ate at night. And still eats 3 times.

Natalya Gulyaeva: I also have my secrets. Sound sleep (together with the child), good nutrition (meat, broths, vegetables, fruits), a sufficient amount of liquid: I drink rose hips, chamomile, various teas (but not in bags!), juices. Another hot shower + turn on the steam generator in the cabin and relax, making sure that the chest is warm. The closeness of the baby (tactile and emotional) contributes to the production of milk. And calm!

Estelle: Ultimately, I am sure, feeding was established due to the fact that, against the background of drinking teas, I also fed for hours, and at night I fed for every peep, did not give water to drink, did not give a pacifier. Tactile contact was constant, in a sling she wore naked.

Iris-ka: We completely left the mixture (we didn’t even finish 1 can), already a week ago, but there is supplementary feeding, my expressed milk, I express it after I put 100 ml to bed, and supplement it 2 times 50 ml each. Now we have a set of 200-250 grams per week, there is enough milk! We will soon leave this additional feeding, although I am not against this. I was helped by night feedings, evening pumping and feed-feed-feed.

The opinion of the consultant on GV

While lactation has not been established, if milk deficiency is proven (and only in this case!), You can try to increase the amount of milk by pumping. It is not necessary to pump after each feed (strictly speaking, it is not necessary to pump at all, since you can increase the amount of milk through more frequent and effective applications), but in general, pumping contributes to additional milk production. You can do this under a warm shower - from the heat, the ducts of the mammary gland expand and the outflow of milk is facilitated.

  • Breastfeed your baby "on demand" as soon as he shows signs of anxiety.
  • Watch how the baby takes the breast: the mouth is wide open, the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola area. At the same time, he does not so much suck as squeezes milk with his tongue.
  • Be sure to feed your baby at night - this stimulates the production of prolactin.
  • Rest more, ask loved ones to take on part of the household chores.
  • Do not be nervous and do not worry: breastfeeding is the natural destiny of a woman, and you will definitely succeed.