What test is sensitive. When to take a pregnancy test after an abortion. False positive test result

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Dreaming about pregnancy, you probably want to know as soon as possible whether a miracle happened or not? I understand you. Therefore, very often you ask me: what are the best early pregnancy tests I can advise and will they show pregnancy before the delay?

Today we will understand this issue in detail.

Different tests - one principle

Absolutely all pregnancy tests work on the same principle - determine the presence of hCG in the urine of a woman.

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a specific hormone produced by the shell of a fertilized egg. The production of the hormone begins at the moment when the egg is attached to the inner wall of the uterus.

This happens about 6-8 days after conception, after which hCG is found in the blood, and after 2-3 days in the urine of a woman.

The conclusion suggests itself - any pregnancy test can be used no earlier than 8 to 11 days after the intended conception.

And now, dear girls and women, attention! In order for the test to show whether you are pregnant or not, you need to the level of the hCG hormone has exceeded the critical threshold of test sensitivity.

Therefore, when choosing a test, you should pay attention to its sensitivity - the lower it is, the more reliable the result will be in early pregnancy.

And for complete certainty, the test must be repeated after 2 to 3 days (that is, after 10-12 days), when the level of the hCG hormone in the urine reaches its required concentration.

Types of tests available to determine pregnancy

Pregnancy tests differ not only in their name and price, but also in sensitivity level and way of conducting.

Modern manufacturers offer several convenient and simple options for this procedure at once.

Strip tests:

These are special paper strips, with threshold of sensitivity from 10 to 25 mIU / ml.

To obtain the result, strips of the strip test should be dipped into a container with your own urine (preferably in the morning) for 15-20 seconds. After that, they must be placed on a dry, flat surface and wait 3 to 5 minutes, after which 2 strips may appear, indicating the presence of pregnancy.

Tablet tests:

Sensitivity threshold tablet tests from 10 to 25 mIU / ml.

They look like a plastic case with a small window, in which the substance that reacts to hCG is located. To use them, you need to drip a few drops of urine into the window and wait for the result to appear.

Inkjet tests:

Sensitivity threshold from 10 mIU/ml.

A very convenient product to use. To get the result, you just need to substitute the analyzer under the stream of urine (right during urination) and wait a few minutes.

Electronic tests:

These are the most modern products that, after a short contact with urine, will notify you of the onset of pregnancy by an inscription on the electronic display "pregnant" (or "not pregnant" there is no pregnancy).

Sensitivity threshold these tests starts from 10 mIU/ml.

All of these types of tests are suitable for home use. The main thing is to pay attention not only to their sensitivity, but also the expiration date.

Choosing the best test!

When the moment comes to choose one or another test, most of us are guided by its cost, because we are used to thinking that the more expensive the product is, the better it is.

In fact, this is far from true!

In the case of tests a high price rather indicates the convenience of use and the "authority" of the manufacturer.

In other words, more affordable strip tests are no worse than a “fancy” electronic test.

A authenticity and both depend not on quality, but on how long after intercourse the test was performed. Before your burning desire to know the result after 2 - 3 days, both tests will be powerless. But after 8 - 11 days they will give a result with an accuracy of 95 - 99%.

Therefore, when choosing a test, you should not focus on its cost, but correctly determine the time of the test.

But still! According to women's reviews, there are at least five tests that can be called the best of the best.

  1. Frautest EXPRESS(manufactured in Germany) – 1 strip test with a threshold sensitivity from 15 mIU/ml.
  2. FRAUTEST Planning(Hungary) - a whole set of 7 strip tests - 5 to determine ovulation and 2 to determine pregnancy. Sensitivity threshold from 15 mIU / ml.
  3. Clearblue Digital(Switzerland) - 1 electronic test, which not only determines the onset of pregnancy, but also determines its approximate duration. Sensitivity threshold from 25 mIU/ml.
  4. Evitest proof(Germany) - 1 tablet test, with sensitivity from 20 mIU/ml.
  5. Premium Diagnostics ( Germany) - 1 inkjet test, with sensitivity from 10 mIU/ml.

How to be sure?

If the test showed two stripes or the word “pregnant” on the scoreboard, you need to clearly verify its result. There is one reliable and safe method for this.

You need to donate blood from a vein to the level of hCG, in any laboratory in your city.

Usually blood sampling is done in the morning, at 8-9 o'clock, depending on the rules of the laboratory, you can be told the result of this analysis in 15 minutes, or in a couple of hours.

An hCG blood test is the surest way to confirm pregnancy..

In addition, it is practically painless for you and completely harmless to the baby. Unlike ultrasound.

I repeat once again that doing an ultrasound to check whether you are pregnant or not is a very dangerous occupation. If you are pregnant, then you can harm the baby with dangerous ultrasonic radiation, interfere with the laying of its cells. The first ultrasound should be done no earlier than 12 weeks of pregnancy.


From what you have learned today, you can draw several conclusions.

Firstly, you can choose absolutely any pregnancy test, it is not necessary to focus on the very best. It is important not to rush the test, do it no earlier than 8-11 days after conception, then its result will be reliable.

Then, if the test shows a positive result, you need to check the level of hCG in the blood by passing the tests, and you can already congratulate yourself on the long-awaited pregnancy!

And I wish you always to see only the test results you've been dreaming of!

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It is difficult to say which pregnancy test will be the best and most convenient to use. It all depends on the date of conception and your personal preferences. At the same time, these products make life much easier, because you can find out the result at home, without conducting special studies and analyzes.

Budget The most convenient Tablet
evitest test several analogues
Information about the term at any time of the day what is it

Pharmacies sell several pregnancy tests. Which one is the best you will learn in this article. So, there are three options for the device.

  1. Tablet.
  2. Test strips.
  3. Inkjet.

The most convenient option

Test strips are the most popular and affordable tool. It is necessary to collect morning urine in a dry, clean jar, and then lower the tip of the device into it to the indicated mark for 20 seconds. In five minutes, the result will be visible. Please note that it is best to diagnose in the morning, when the concentration of the hormone is highest in the urine.

Available test strip

It is difficult to say which test is best used to determine pregnancy, but many people like the tablet version. In addition, the reagent is protected by a plastic box, which is an additional plus. As in the previous case, you need to collect urine into a clean container with a pipette that is attached to the product, and drip a few drops of urine onto the window of the device. After five minutes, the answer will be visible.

The inkjet type of device is the most convenient of all presented. It must be brought under the stream of urine for five seconds, and then placed on a horizontal surface. The urine will quickly rise along the fibrous structure of the rod with many tubules to the test part of the device, where the reagent is located. If there is hCG in the urine, it will attach to the latex particles with antibodies inside the device. The result is visible after two minutes.

The most convenient way

How to choose a remedy

To understand which pregnancy test is best to buy at a pharmacy, you need to know that they are sensitive. If you are in doubt which pregnancy test is best to buy at an early stage, you should take the inkjet option. Its sensitivity is the highest.

It should be understood that each device has its pros and cons. For example, there is a huge selection of test strips. Although their cost is the most affordable, sensitivity is limited to 25 mIU / ml hCG. In addition, diagnostics cannot be carried out at any time, since it is necessary to collect urine and find a sterile container. Also, the carrier of the reagent is paper, but it does not give a 100% result.

If you are limited in finances and do not know at what stage of pregnancy it is best to do a test diagnosis, take the tablet version. It is more accurate than test strips, but cheaper than the inkjet version. It does not need to be completely immersed in a jar of urine, which is an undoubted advantage. Below is a table that will help you figure out which pregnancy test is best to buy.

Tablet variant

We focus on the manufacturer

It is difficult to say which of the available options will be the best. This is a biased assessment, since everyone will choose something of their own, convenient for him. There are many reviews on the Internet about which pregnancy test works best.

Many people like inkjet and tablet options. Some girls are sure that they are more expensive than test strips, so they are better and better. Others believe that the price is not the point and argue that the cheap device turned out to be the most correct. The choice is yours alone.

Using a proven option

Focus on the manufacturer of the product. There is still debate about which company has the best tests. Choose a trusted manufacturer that has been on the market for a long time and has proven itself well. For example:

  • clearblue;
  • Frautest;
  • Evitest.

Devices made in the USA and Germany are considered the most reliable and accurate. You should also pay attention to the quality of the packaging. It is important that it is intact, not torn. Read the annotation for the device. It should be clear to you.

Why is there an erroneous result

If you decide which pregnancy test is best done, you should know that this diagnosis may have certain errors. Yes, if a second strip appears, the probability of conception is equal to 99%. A weak line can also give a positive result. A pale color is possible due to the low concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine.

But, sometimes the test shows a positive result, although conception has not occurred. This is possible with certain medications and the presence of tumors. Learn about and.

It happens the other way around, when the result is negative, and conception has occurred. This is usually due to an error during execution.

For example, the test was used too early, when the hCG concentration is still low. With kidney disease, hCG may simply not get into the urine, so a positive result will not appear. Also, this option is possible if you drink a lot of water. The liquid is able to "wash out" hCG.

Thus, if the test is positive, then you should immediately go to the gynecologist to confirm the result. If negative, but there are all signs of pregnancy, most likely a mistake was made. In any case, a trip to the doctor can not be canceled.

The long-awaited result

The specialist will conduct an ultrasound examination, which is the best test to determine the possible conception. The doctor will also advise which pregnancy tests are best used and explain in detail why false positive or false negative results appear.

When can the product be used

The sensitivity of the device is one of the main priorities when deciding which pregnancy test works best in the early stages. Tests with a sensitivity index of 25 mIU / ml are reliable after 13-15 days of conception. Thus, it will be possible to obtain an accurate result at least two weeks after the onset of ovulation.

Most often, this period coincides with the onset of menstruation, so it is worth doing the test no earlier than the first day of the expected date of the onset of menstruation. If you have calculated the terms according to your “female” calendar and realized that your period did not come on the calculated day, feel free to buy a test.

This does not mean that home diagnostics cannot be carried out earlier. Just the result will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Many women are interested in the question of what sensitivity indicator is best to purchase tests if you want to know the exact result as soon as possible. In this case, tests with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml should be preferred. They are able to give a reliable result 8-9 days after conception. But here a false positive result can occur, since a "statistical error" may occur.

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The sensitivity of pregnancy tests allows you to determine in the shortest time and at the shortest possible time whether a woman is in a position. A variety of such "devices" gives the fair sex the opportunity to choose - from ordinary to the most advanced. At the same time, sensitivity remains the main determining factor for acquisition.

What are they?

The easiest and fastest way to find out about an interesting position after a delay in regular menstruation. Traditionally, the test is a special strip, on one side of which there is an indicator. Improved types are constantly appearing on the medical market, with different designs and more convenient to use.

All the proposed tests are produced according to the same pattern - they measure the level of the pregnancy hormone (hCG) present in the urine of a woman. It begins its growth at the moment of the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. Every 2 days, the amount of this hormone increases, accumulating in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman.

Doctors note that checks on such "devices" often bring false negative results. One of the most common reasons is that a pregnancy test is taken early. Usually it is designed for use no earlier than the first day of menstruation, subject to their constancy.

Women are often eager to hear the happy news about a child, especially those who have had a problem of infertility for many years. In this case, very recently developed pregnancy tests with very high sensitivity can help, allowing you to confirm the long-awaited event long before 1 day of delay in menstruation.

Test coefficients

The sensitivity indicators of "devices" for determining pregnancy are different: 25 mmu / ml; 20 mmu/ml; 10 mmu/ml. They are usually divided in this way:

  • sensitivity 25;
  • sensitivity 20;
  • sensitivity 10.

If the determining number is lower, then the sensitivity of the pregnancy test is greater and, accordingly, it is able to recognize the lowest concentration of hCG in the urine. Such "devices" are used from the first day of the expected menstrual cycle.

When purchasing tests, you need to be careful. Manufacturers of low-quality goods deliberately label products with the number 10 in order to increase its price and demand among buyers.

"Instruments" with high sensitivity

Pregnancy test 10 makes it possible to determine whether the content of hCG has increased over a certain period. Its high sensitivity makes it possible to recognize the most minimal surge of the hormone much earlier. These "devices" are more expensive than usual. Produced by well-known trade brands.

It is possible to fix pregnancy using highly sensitive tests on the 7-10th day of conception. Their indicator should be 10 mmu / ml. This must be indicated on the packaging of the drug.

Devices with high sensitivity are of two types:

  • hypersensitive;
  • ultrasensitive.

Their difference is in terms of determination time. Hypersensitive detect pregnancy 8-10 days, and ultra-sensitive 4-7 after conception has occurred.


Immunochromatographic tests determine pregnancy before regular menses are delayed. They are easy to use and quite comfortable. There are 4 types of such tests:

  • strip;
  • tablet;
  • jet;
  • electronic (digital).


A common, inexpensive and fairly easy-to-use type of test. It is a cloth or paper impregnated with a special substance (reagent). During operation, the strip strip is lowered into a container with urine for 20-30 seconds. Then you need to wait 5 minutes before the result appears. The appearance of the second band is evidence that pregnancy has occurred. The first makes it clear that the procedure was carried out correctly, but the concentration of the hormone is below the level at which the test shows its sensitivity. Such strips have one significant disadvantage. If they are not properly kept in the urine in time, the result will not be correct.

Strip tests are able to detect pregnancy from the first day of delay. Their sensitivity is generally limited to a degree of 25 mIU/mL.


These tests demonstrate high reliability. They are presented in the form of analogues of laboratory tests. Appearance - small elongated boxes with two windows. In one of them, urine is dripped from a pipette, and in the other they look at the result.

The test is designed in such a way that it is simply impossible to conduct an analysis incorrectly. This greatly increases the reliability of the indicators.

The operation of such a “device” is based on the principle of a test strip. A special chemical reagent reacts to the presence of hCG in the urine, and if pregnancy is confirmed, a colored strip appears in another window.

The testing procedure is best done in the morning - the result will be more accurate.


These are advanced devices of the latest generation. They have a complex, modern design, they are more convenient and more accurate. The high sensitivity of inkjet tests (10 mmu/ml) helps to determine if a woman is pregnant the day before the start of a cycle delay. Such "devices" are considered ultra-precise.

It is very easy to do research with them. The very name "jet" suggests that urine does not need to be collected. It is only required to remove the special cap from the absorbent tip and urinate on it. Then you need to place the device on a horizontal plane with the information window up. The results will appear on it in a maximum of 5 minutes. Pregnancy is diagnosed by the appearance of two stripes.


They can be used from the first day of the cycle. Even then, their accuracy will be more than 99%, which is comparable to studies conducted in the laboratory.

Use such tests as well as inkjet. After the urine is absorbed into a special sorption strip, the test is activated and a special screen shows an hourglass icon. After 3 minutes, it gives the result and the exact gestational age.

Selection rules

Going to the pharmacy, you need to decide on the term of conception. If the decision to buy the test was the absence of menstruation at the expected time, then there is not much point in purchasing an expensive test. From the 2nd day of delayed menstruation, you can easily use the "device" with a sensitivity of 20 mmu / ml. If the period has not yet come, and you can’t wait to find out about your situation, you need to purchase an inkjet test. Its price is more expensive, but the sensitivity is the highest (10 mmu / ml).

In the process of choosing and buying a test, rely on the recommendations of professionals:

  1. Reliability is determined by the quality indicators of the diagnostic system. The fewer hormones they find and the more specific antibodies are used in it, the more reliable the indicator.
  2. Do not buy fakes in dubious outlets. The name of the manufacturer is the guarantee of quality. Companies such as Evitest, Frautest, Test of Best, Clear Blue, BONA have proven themselves very well.
  3. When choosing, carefully inspect the packaging. It should contain: the necessary information about the test and its manufacturer, a well-printed production date, expiration date, company phone numbers. Moisture-absorbing bags and annotation in Russian are required in the package.
  4. The reliability and sensitivity of the test directly depend on its price.

Pregnancy tests allow many women to receive the most long-awaited news in their lives. It is best to approach their choice and purchase when planning a pregnancy and on the advice of a good gynecologist.

What should a woman do if she suspects pregnancy? It's simple: she goes to the pharmacy, gets a pregnancy test and checks how real her expectations or fears are. This method works if suspicions arise due to a delay in menstruation by several days. When menstruation is delayed by about a week, this already says a lot. In this case, if conception did occur, then it happened some time ago and the pregnancy test will most likely show a positive result.

What to do if the expected menstruation does not come soon, and fears or hopes do not allow you to live in peace? Should I take a pregnancy test before my period is due?

When can a test confirm pregnancy?

Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies can really be trusted. Nowadays, they are quite sensitive and are highly accurate. It does not matter which company produced a particular copy, they all work on the same principle. A substance is applied to the test strip that reacts to the presence of the hormone gonadotropin in the urine of a woman. When this hormone is determined, a dye is activated that stains the second strip on the test, next to the control strip.

After fertilization, the placenta of a pregnant woman begins to secrete human chorionic gonadotropin, also known by the abbreviation hCG. If conception has not occurred, then this substance is not in the urine, which will affect the test readings - the second strip will not appear. Very rarely, certain diseases or taking hormone-based drugs can affect the level of hCG. But such cases are rare, so the test results can be trusted.

When does the level of gonadotropin begin to rise if pregnancy has occurred? 7-10 days after the fertilization of the egg, the embryo implants into the endometrial layer in the uterus. Starting from this period, the level of the hormone to which the test strips react increases rapidly.

There is a process of increasing the concentration of the substance quite sharply, doubling the amount of the hormone in the body every day. A few days after the embryo is implanted, a routine pregnancy test will already be able to recognize the presence of hCG in a woman's urine. However, most experts advise taking a pregnancy test only after 3-4 days without a period. By this time, the level of gonadotropin in the woman's blood will be high enough that there is no doubt about the test readings.

If the girl's patience ends much earlier, you can go the other way. The solution for many women is the use of highly sensitive tests. They are able to recognize even a small concentration of hCG produced by the developing placenta.

Using highly sensitive tests

As we found out, the level of hCG begins to rise rapidly even before the onset of the first days of a missed period. Studies show that its content in the blood by this time is approximately 100 mIU / ml. Blood is not used by women to test for pregnancy at home. The role of the test fluid is urine, the content of hCG in which is almost 2 times less. If you take into account all the calculations, you can be sure: on the first day of a missed period, the hCG level is more than 50 mIU / ml.

To find out with a 100% result whether you are pregnant or not even before the delay, you can take a blood test for hCG. The content of the hormone in the blood is much higher than in the urine, and is easily determined in the laboratory.

The ability of modern highly sensitive pregnancy tests to respond to gonadotropin in the urine is simply amazing. A positive result can be confirmed even when the level of gonadotropin is in the range of 10-20 mIU / ml. From this we can conclude that using an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test even before the period of the expected menstruation, a woman can get a fairly accurate answer to her question.

It should be noted: the result of an ultrasensitive pregnancy test should not be regarded as a 100% guarantee. Since the level of gonadotropin is too low, there is a high probability of an erroneous result. To confirm it, you need to repeat the test in one or two days.

When choosing a pregnancy test before a delay, you should know that there are several types of them. Let us dwell on the hypersensitive, reacting to the low content of human chorionic gonadotropin.

We looked at some of the features of popular tests for determining the presence of pregnancy before a missed period, which can show in the early stages whether conception has occurred or not. Usually, girls do not have questions before they notice the absence of menstruation.

Online test

If a woman does not have an urgent need to immediately find out if she has become pregnant, it is better to wait for her period (or from a delay). Then the confidence in the accuracy of the result will be much higher. While waiting for this time, women can use the services of online services that help determine whether she is pregnant or not.

Of course, any pre-term pregnancy test bought from a pharmacy will be more accurate than an online questionnaire. On the other hand, it's absolutely free and does not require much time. Women who have taken advantage of online testing say that the result in most cases reflects the real picture. These testimonials show that using an online pregnancy test is not without merit. What is emphasized when creating such a questionnaire:

  • Features of the body of a woman.
  • Changes in the functioning of the body, noticed by her after ovulation.
  • State of health and analysis of possible signs of pregnancy.

The use of online tests has become very popular with women who would like to know if they are pregnant or not, a few days before the expected start of their period.