Which calcium for pregnant women to choose. What prevents and helps the absorption of calcium from foods? What is the danger of oversupply

During the carrying of a child, a woman's body constantly needs to be nourished with vitamins and microelements. The baby growing in the womb constantly needs calcium, and if it is not enough, it borrows this element from the mother's bone tissue. Therefore, she desperately needs recharge.
Often, doctors prescribe different drugs for a pregnant woman, which contain this mineral.

Why should you take calcium supplements during pregnancy?

Calcium strengthens the bones of the expectant mother - after all, the load on them increases in accordance with the gestational age. It is also needed for the formation of the baby's bones. 1 g of calcium per day is required by the body of a young woman. During pregnancy, the rate doubles. Therefore, it is so necessary to take calcium supplements. If this element is not enough in the body, the child may develop rickets - a violation of the intake of calcium and vitamin D. A sign of rickets is the defective formation of the skeleton.

Vitamin D contributes to the full penetration of calcium into the body. The absence of this vitamin means only that calcium, without delay, will be excreted from the body. Vitamin D contributes to the absorption and proper processing of the supplied element. Therefore, modern preparations contain both of these ingredients.

Today, a pregnant woman is not able to be content with the calcium that comes to her through food. We need auxiliary feeds with this element. They can be divided into three categories:

  • monopreparations that contain exclusively calcium salts;
  • combined funds, including calcium salts, vitamins D, C and a number of other elements;
  • multivitamins with calcium salts included in them.

What are calcium supplements for pregnant women?

For the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, that is, calcium loss during pregnancy, there are monopreparations, one tablet of which contains 200-500 mg of the required element, or combined agents containing at least 400 mg of calcium and 200-400 IU of vitamin E. These are CALCIUM D3 NIKOMED, \u200b\u200bCALCIUM 3, NIKOMED FORTE.

The most common combined CALCIUM D3 NIKOMED contains 1250 mg of calcium carbonate and 200 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) in one tablet. It is this drug that is usually prescribed during pregnancy to compensate for calcium deficiency. It is safe and does not cause side effects.

CALCIUM SANDOZ FORTE is also prescribed for expectant mothers. One effervescent tablet contains 500 mg of the essential mineral and citric acid, the salts of which increase the absorption of aluminum, so if the kidneys are impaired, it must be taken with caution. In case of diabetes mellitus, it should be borne in mind that one tablet contains 870 mg of carbohydrates. If you are on a low-salt diet, keep in mind that one tablet of the aforementioned drug contains 270 mg of sodium.

Why take calcium during pregnancy?

This mineral is found in hair, nails, teeth. With its help, nervous excitement is transmitted, which is associated with brain activity, heartbeat, blood vessels and much more. Calcium affects blood clotting.

This macronutrient lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood pressure, and improves immunity. With its help, a healthy skin condition is maintained, the manifestation of allergies, pain, and inflammation is reduced.

How to take calcium supplements during pregnancy?

  • After taking a calcium supplement, you should wait 1-2 hours before taking other medications.
  • When taking medications, do not eat foods that impair its absorption.
  • Calcium supplements should not be stored in the bathroom. They should not be exposed to moisture, heat, direct sunlight.
  • Do not exceed the prescribed dose. If you are taking it on schedule and missed an appointment, then take it as soon as you remember, but at least 3 hours before your next appointment.

Pregnancy is the period when a woman should pay special attention to her health, because the development of her baby depends on it. One of the most important elements needed by a woman during this period is calcium. The need for it during the period of bearing a child increases significantly.

Proper nutrition and calcium-containing preparations are the basis for the full development of the baby. But how and when to take calcium during pregnancy is up to the doctor. Otherwise, a woman can harm herself and the child.

Calcium is an element due to which bones and cartilage are formed. During pregnancy, it is doubly important, because the expectant mother and baby need it. When a woman's body does not receive enough calcium, the fetus takes it from the mother's skeleton, which sometimes leads to a disease called osteoporosis.

The kid needs calcium to form:

  • skeleton;
  • a full-fledged nervous system;
  • muscles;
  • hearts;
  • nail plates;
  • hair;
  • teeth;
  • ears and eyes;
  • internal organs.

Calcium for pregnant women plays an equally important role:

  • makes a woman mentally stronger, she is less exposed to stressful situations;
  • protects teeth, nails, hair;
  • helps prevent allergies;
  • performs a protective function during childbirth (prevents blood loss, prevents seizures from developing).

If the expectant mother does not pay attention to nutrition, refuses to take vitamins containing calcium, this can lead to dangerous complications during childbirth. The cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys suffer.

At the age of 19 to 50, the female body needs 1000 mg of calcium per day. But during the period of bearing a child, this figure increases by one and a half times - up to 1500 mg. The reason is that approximately 300 mg of calcium penetrates the placental barrier per day.

Frequent urination during pregnancy is another reason for the loss of this important element, which is excreted along with urine.

Symptoms and effects of calcium deficiency in pregnant women

According to medical statistics, 17% of all women lack calcium during pregnancy.

This manifests itself in various conditions:

  • a woman constantly feels "goosebumps" on her body (paresthesia);
  • convulsions, more pronounced at night;
  • aching bones.

If calcium is added to the lack of calcium, then all the symptoms will increase significantly.

If the expectant mother does not tell the gynecologist about her condition or does not adhere to his recommendations (nutrition, taking medications), soon this may threaten with such consequences as:

  • the development of osteoporosis and osteomalacia;
  • , gestosis;
  • intense hair loss;
  • the development of caries, tooth loss;
  • deterioration of the skin condition (becomes dry, flakes off).

As statistics show, every fifth pregnant woman on the later lines experiences most of the above symptoms. Children born to these women are more likely to be diagnosed with rickets.

Rickets is a disease characterized by impaired growth and development of bones, which sometimes leads to pathologies of the entire skeleton as a whole.

Who is more likely to have a calcium deficiency?

Calcium levels during pregnancy primarily depend on the nutrition of the expectant mother. Women who do not follow what they eat, in what quantity, themselves provoke a deficiency of this important element in their body.

Indeed, some foods interfere with the normal absorption of calcium, and even contribute to its excretion. These are coffee, carbonated drinks, pasta, baked goods, all kinds of pastries, fatty, spicy, spicy dishes, spinach.

Studies show that calcium deficiency is most often diagnosed in blondes and women who smoke. Another reason can be a sedentary lifestyle, and vice versa - excessive physical activity.

What drugs can be taken by pregnant women

If a woman who has noticed suspicious symptoms in her immediately tells her doctor about them, then he will definitely prescribe medications with calcium (if the reason is a lack of this element).

Almost all pharmaceutical companies produce calcium in tablets for pregnant women, both in pure form and as part of vitamin complexes. Most often, this element is combined with vitamin D, as it is needed for the absorption of calcium. Without vitamin D, calcium will not be fully absorbed.

Ecology, constant stressful situations and "haste" nutrition are the reason that with the help of food a pregnant woman cannot provide herself with the necessary amount of vitamins.

She needs regular medication to compensate for the lack of calcium and other trace elements. How to take calcium during pregnancy should be explained by the gynecologist.

  • monopreparations (they contain only calcium salts);
  • combined products containing not only calcium and vitamin D, but several other useful elements;
  • multivitamin preparations.

In order to prevent the development of such a disease as osteoporosis, a pregnant woman is prescribed monotherapy or combined drugs. Most often, doctors recommend taking Calcium D3 NIKOMED.

1 tablet of this drug contains 500 mg of calcium (one third of the required amount per day). Method of application - 1 tablet 2 times a day. This tool does not cause side reactions. It is sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price and is ideal for expectant mothers.

Other popular calcium tablets for pregnant women are Calcium-Sandoz Forte and Calcium Active.

The dosage and duration of the course for each agent is selected individually and only by the doctor. It is impossible for a woman to independently decide to start taking any medications during pregnancy. This can harm both her and the unborn baby.

Some women are closely monitored and have to pass urine regularly to determine the amount of calcium leached out of the body. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor decides whether to increase the dosage of the drug or decrease it.

Women who have a tendency to form calculi in the urinary system need to drink plenty of fluids while taking calcium-containing drugs.

What do you need to eat to maintain calcium levels?

Adequate and proper nutrition is a must-have supplement to vitamins with calcium for pregnant women.

A woman should regularly consume dairy and sour milk products, nuts, green vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, broccoli, green onions). The main thing is that everything is prepared correctly, without harmful additives.

Drinking a glass of kefir, yogurt or milk every day should become a habit for the expectant mother. Hard cheese or fresh cottage cheese in the amount of 100-150 grams per day are good sources of calcium. It is better to choose rye bread. You need to increase the amount of fruit in the diet.

When to drink calcium during pregnancy, the doctor decides. Calcium-containing drugs taken uncontrollably can cause irreparable harm. We must not forget about nutrition. It should be balanced, with a focus on dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

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Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and exciting times in every woman's life. It is at this time that the expectant mother should pay special attention to her health. And the well-being of the mother and the correct development of the unborn baby, among other things, directly depends on the presence in the body of the required amount of proteins and fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

One of the most important elements, which must be present in the body of pregnant women, is calcium. What is the peculiarity of this mineral and how to ensure its sufficient amount?

Let's consider these issues in more detail.

Calcium and pregnancy

This element is present in the body of any person in large quantities. According to medical research, calcium accounts for up to 2% of total body weight. In addition to the fact that it is the basis of bone tissue and is necessary for the growth and restoration of the skeleton, the work of the nervous system, the production of enzymes, and the contraction of muscle fibers cannot do without its participation.

The entire supply of calcium is found in bones and cartilage. Considering that in the process of growth and development of the body, bone tissue is constantly renewed, the microelement in question also requires replenishment.

The need for this substance in pregnant women increases several times. If, before conception, the need for calcium was about 800-1000 mg per day, then when carrying a baby and breastfeeding, this amount increases by 50% - up to 1500 mg per day.

This picture is due to the fact that in the formation of some systems of the body of the future baby, a large amount of the mineral is required. Calcium is involved in the construction of the following internal organs:

  • skeleton;
  • teeth;
  • nervous system;
  • hearts;
  • muscle fibers;
  • eyes and ears;
  • nails and hair;
  • skin.

It is invaluable in regulating the heart rate, as well as in the process of blood clotting. According to medical research, about 350 mg of calcium is transferred to the fetus through the blood vessels of the placenta per day.

On the other hand, in pregnant women, there is a natural loss of the mineral from the body. The fact is that when carrying a baby, due to the peculiarities of the physiological state, a woman often drinks water and goes to the toilet. This contributes to the leaching of the element in question from the bone tissue. However, due to some hormones secreted in the body of pregnant women, foods containing calcium are processed more efficiently.

Sources of mineral intake

How to provide calcium to the body of pregnant women? Naturally, it is necessary to eat foods rich in this natural element. The largest amount is found in skim milk. In addition, a considerable percentage is found in dishes containing such plant components:

  • cauliflower;
  • celery;
  • garlic;
  • fruit;
  • parsley;
  • berries.

On the other hand, some cereals, red and black currants, sorrel, spinach and gooseberries, because of the acid they contain, slow down the breakdown and penetration of calcium into the bloodstream. The above-mentioned biochemical compounds react with the mineral, as a result of which they form insoluble elements - oxalates and phytates.

Therefore, foods rich in calcium must be properly combined with each other. In addition, tea, cola and coffee adversely affect the absorption of this mineral. Naturally, the diet of pregnant women should not include these drinks.

When drawing up the menu, it should be taken into account that the following pathologies, among other things, affect the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to process calcium:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • chronic colitis (an inflammatory process in the large intestine that causes prolonged and acute diarrhea);
  • hepatitis (complex liver disease);
  • diabetes;
  • hyperparathyroidism (pathology of the parathyroid glands of internal secretion);
  • thyrotoxicosis (disruption of the thyroid gland);
  • bronchial asthma.

During the treatment of most of these diseases, glucorticoids are used. These drugs disrupt the work of some internal organs and interfere with the absorption of calcium into the bloodstream.

The table below can help you in making the right diet. It lists selected foods that contain calcium and other important information.

Product name

% of daily

Russian cheese
Hard cheese
Latvian cheese
Blue cheese
Goat cheese
Canned sardines
Milk chocolate
Savoy cabbage
White cabbage
Ice cream
Low fat cottage cheese
Sunflower seeds
Green olives
Green onions
Soy milk
Low fat sour cream
Dried apricots
Dark chocolate
Sun-dried figs
Lettuce leaves
Black bread
Bran bread
Fruit icecream
Pearl barley
Beef liver
Rabbit meat

Lack of calcium

Modern medical research shows that in about 17% of cases, pregnant women are diagnosed with various conditions due to an acute lack of calcium in the body. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form:

  • parasthesia - a feeling of "creeping" on the skin;
  • muscle cramps;
  • bone pain.

In the case when the condition of pregnant women is aggravated by gestosis (pathology of pregnancy, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the presence of protein in urine tests, swelling of internal tissues), the described clinical picture is more intense.

Deficiency of the mineral is also caused by unhealthy diet and environmental influences (for example, in winter and spring, due to a lack of vitamin D, the calcium content in the blood is usually low).

If you do not eat foods containing calcium in sufficient quantities, the described condition leads to various pathologies:

  • caries;
  • osteoporosis - increased fragility of the bones of the skeleton;
  • osteomalacia - softening of bone tissue, which leads to bone deformation;
  • early toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia.

In addition to the considerable harm to the health of the expectant mother, the lack of calcium greatly affects the correct development of the baby in the womb. A similar condition in the overwhelming majority of cases leads to rickets, since during pregnancy favorable conditions were not created for the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

A sure sign of a lack of calcium in pregnant women is a deterioration in the condition of their teeth. It was mentioned above that the main supply of the mineral is found in the teeth and skeleton. The body, in the event of an increase in the need for this element, begins to take it away from the expectant mother. This process is most acutely observed during lactation. Numerous analyzes show that within 6 months after the birth of the baby and breastfeeding, the mother's spine loses a significant amount of mineral elements.

Later, after the onset of menopause, this leads to the appearance of osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures of various bones of the skeleton.

Another serious ailment that is caused by a lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother is arterial hypertension caused by pregnancy (abbreviated as AGOB). This pathology is diagnosed in 10% of women. It is rightly recognized as one of the main factors leading to the frequent mortality of newborn children and women during childbirth.

Despite the fact that physicians have not established a direct relationship between the presence of the mineral in the body and the normalization of blood pressure, clinical studies show that normalizing the concentration of calcium significantly affects the reduction of symptoms of AHOB during pregnancy and childbirth.

Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of all systems and organs of any person. And its importance for the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother is difficult to overestimate. This element is indispensable for the correct formation of the body of the unborn baby.

Therefore, during pregnancy, you should definitely eat foods containing calcium. They will allow you to maintain his concentration at the required level. As a result, the expectant mother will be sure that she will have a healthy and happy baby.

Pregnant women definitely need to include foods containing calcium in their diet, because its deficiency can cause many health problems, both for the expectant mother and the baby. After all, we all know that calcium forms bone tissue, hair, teeth and even participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to congenital abnormalities of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman lacks calcium in her body, then she will undoubtedly feel it on herself. The lack of this trace element will be reflected in this way:

  • Nails will start to break and peel off all the time.
  • The condition of the teeth will worsen, caries will develop.
  • Hair will become dry, brittle and dull, and the ends will become severely split.
  • In late pregnancy, due to a lack of calcium, cramps in the legs and in the muscles of other parts of the body can appear, which is fraught with premature birth and other related problems.

During pregnancy, a woman needs twice as much calcium, because due to this microelement, the skeleton and internal organs of the fetus are formed. However, calcium cannot be taken in excess either. To find out the dosage of calcium during pregnancy, you need to consult with your doctor. He will give practical advice on how much and what calcium to take during pregnancy.

How to make up for the lack of calcium during pregnancy?

First of all, every expectant mother needs to plan her diet so that it includes foods that contain calcium. The list of these products includes:

  • Cod liver.
  • Fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish fat.
  • Cabbage.
  • Rye bread.
  • Parsley.
  • Celery.
  • Currant.
  • Strawberry.
  • Nuts.
  • Cherries.
  • Dairy products.
  • Milk.

However, it is impossible to fully replenish the body's need for calcium with food alone. It is imperative to take extra calcium tablets during pregnancy. In the process of carrying a child, the expectant mother needs to consume 1500 milligrams of calcium.

Calcium supplements during pregnancy

In this section, we list which calcium supplements during pregnancy are most often prescribed by doctors:

  1. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy, available in tablets and injections. It is used by expectant mothers, as a rule, from the 14th week of pregnancy.
  2. Calcium carbonate d3 during pregnancy is a drug that is best absorbed by the body of a pregnant woman also because, in addition to calcium, it also contains vitamin D. according to the instructions, calcium d3 during pregnancy should be taken three times a day, one tablet at a time ... Take each tablet with plenty of liquid. There are two calcium d3 preparations available at the pharmacy:
  • Calcium "Nycomed" during pregnancy, available in the form of chewable tablets.
  • Calcium "Complivit" during pregnancy is a complex vitamin complex that will not harm the health of the expectant mother.
  1. Calcium Citrate - One tablet of this drug contains only 250 mg of calcium, so it needs to be taken 6 times a day. Preferably after every meal. According to reviews, calcium citrate during pregnancy is best for expectant mothers. It is sold in a pharmacy under the name Kalcemin.

Calcium use during pregnancy

We have identified several basic rules that expectant mothers should adhere to if they decide to drink calcium during pregnancy:

  • Do not drink more than one tablet at a time if it contains 500 mg of calcium. If you are taking the drug in such a dosage, then you need to drink calcium three times during the day, since the calcium norm during pregnancy is 1500 mg.
  • Take calcium either with food or on an empty stomach.
  • After childbirth, you need to be very careful to take calcium supplements d3, as it will accumulate in the body in excess and can pass into breast milk.
  • After childbirth, in no case should you stop taking calcium.

If you do not follow the above rules, then:

  • An overabundance of calcium will begin to be deposited in the placenta, which will disrupt the correct fetal-placental blood flow.
  • The baby's bones will lose their elasticity and become very hard, which will complicate the delivery process.

Contraindications to the use of calcium during pregnancy

Be sure to ask your doctor if you can use calcium during pregnancy for you, because there are several contraindications, in the presence of which calcium cannot be taken. These contraindications include:

  • If you are allergic to any component of calcium supplements.
  • You have been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism.
  • There are malignant tumors in the body.
  • Chronic diarrhea takes place.
  • Developed atherosclerosis.
  • Renal failure was diagnosed.

Remember that the health and well-being of the child in utero depends entirely on you, as on the expectant mother. It is important not only to take calcium, but also to eat a balanced diet, walk in the fresh air, get more rest and not get nervous. Take care of yourself and your baby.

Video: "Why do you need calcium during pregnancy"

For a full-fledged bookmark and formation of the organs of the unborn baby, a sufficient supply of nutrients is necessary. They get to the baby through the placental system from the mother's body. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals, especially calcium, are important building materials. It forms the skeleton of the fetus, is the basis of dental tissue, and participates in physiological cellular processes. The role of this chemical, the required amounts, signs of deficiency, ways of replenishing the calcium depot - we will consider such questions in this article.

What is calcium for?

The bulk of calcium in the body is contained in bone and cartilage tissue. The mineral forms inorganic salts that make up the human skeleton. According to scientists, up to 98 percent of calcium is found in bones, teeth and ligaments. The remaining two percent are scattered throughout the cells of the body and are involved in many vital processes:

  • Promote the transmission of impulses between the cells of the nervous system.
  • Ensure the normal functioning of the glands of internal and external secretion.
  • They are assistants in the utilization of fatty acids.
  • They activate hormonal processes.

Another vital effect of this chemical is the triggering of the blood clotting system in response to damage to the integrity of the blood vessels.

In addition, calcium takes part in the contractile activity of muscle tissue. This mineral regulates the tone of smooth muscles, which is part of the female reproductive system.

Lack of calcium leads to a violation of the tone of the uterus and makes natural delivery impossible.


For the renewal of the cells of the skeletal system and the normal functioning of the internal organs, a daily intake of calcium is required. As a rule, dairy products and vegetables are the main sources of it. Passing through the digestive tract, it is absorbed at the level of the initial sections of the small intestine. This process is influenced by vitamin D produced in the skin by UV rays. Bowel diseases of an inflammatory or dystrophic nature or lack of insolation significantly reduce the absorption process and can lead to the development of calcium deficient states.

Once in the blood, the mineral can bind to plasma proteins or remain in a free state. Its concentration in the bloodstream is maintained at a constant level. In this process, the hormones of the parathyroid glands play an important role. This chemical element is excreted in the urine or through the gastrointestinal tract.

Endocrine disorders can alter the level of calcium in the blood. This situation is most often observed in patients with cell lesions:

  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland.

In diseases of these organs, the deterioration of mineral metabolism is most often diagnosed. Also, calcium deficiency is characteristic of patients taking hormonal therapy.


The need for calcium varies widely throughout life. Its peak occurs during childhood, pregnancy and lactation. The first is associated with the active growth of the child's skeleton, an increase in the volume of bone tissue, the second - with the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus and natural feeding.

Calcium requirements during pregnancy increase by the third trimester and can be as high as 1.5 grams. This is due to the active formation of the skeleton of the unborn child during this period. For the normal development of bone tissue through the placental blood flow, the fetus receives up to 300 mg of this chemical element. In addition to participating in the mineralization of the supporting apparatus, calcium takes part in:

  • bookmark and growth of teeth;
  • physiological development of internal organs, nervous system;
  • differentiation of connective tissue (hair, nails, skin).

In the last three months of pregnancy, a mineral depot is created in the child's body, reaching 30–35 grams in weight.

During lactation, a woman loses calcium. Up to 300 mg of this metal per day is excreted in breast milk.

According to research data, the mineral is washed out of the mother's skeletal system throughout the entire period of breastfeeding and begins to accumulate immediately after the termination of this physiological process.

Deficiency symptoms

Violation of mineral metabolism has an extremely negative effect on the state of the whole organism. During pregnancy, natural conditions are created for the development of deficiency conditions associated with the formation of the fetus. According to the observations of health professionals, about 20 percent of pregnant women experience such problems. They become especially noticeable in the third trimester. During this period, the development of the musculoskeletal system of the unborn baby takes place, which means that a significant amount of building substances passes from the mother's body to the child.

Calcium loss is accompanied by characteristic clinical manifestations, the combination of which helps the gynecologist to quickly suspect a pathological condition. These include:

  1. Nervous system disorders. A pregnant woman is in constant emotional excitement, complains of insomnia, a decrease in the memorization of information, the appearance of subjective unpleasant sensations in the extremities.
  2. Unusual food preferences, including craving for chalk.
  3. Deterioration of the condition of the skin, their dryness, the appearance of peeling.
  4. Hair loss or changes in hair structure.
  5. Dental pathology associated with the leaching of calcium from the body.
  6. Increased muscle tone, sudden cramps, most often in the muscles of the lower extremities.
  7. The rise in blood pressure is higher than the usual indicators.

The above symptoms indicate the complex nature of disorders in the body with a deficiency of minerals.

Currently, researchers are actively studying the relationship between an insufficient concentration of calcium in the body and the occurrence of such a serious complication as gestosis. The clinical picture of this pathology in many ways resembles a severe violation of mineral metabolism.

It is possible that one of the reasons for the development of gestosis is calcium deficiency.

Long-term consequences

The limited intake of minerals during pregnancy has long-term consequences for both the baby and the woman. In the first case, changes in the skeletal system occur almost immediately, in the first months after birth. In the second, the pathological process has low activity and develops imperceptibly over a long period. Let us consider in more detail what a disturbed mineral metabolism can threaten:

A calcium deficiency state increases the likelihood of a child developing a pathology called rickets. This disease develops in infancy and is associated with a violation of bone mineralization.

Calcium loss during gestation can increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease in which the structure of the bone tissue changes. Bones become fragile and prone to spontaneous fractures, even after minimal traumatic exposure. Such changes are more common in older women.

How to replenish?

The role of calcium during pregnancy is enormous, so it is vital to maintain normal levels of this chemical in the body. The main way that allows you to replenish the mineral depot is alimentary. It is with food that we get all the necessary building materials. However, it is not always possible to cover the growing needs with food. In such situations, the gynecologist may prescribe medications. Let us consider the nutritional features and the use of medications in more detail.


The chemical composition of food used during pregnancy is very important, since the mother's food provides the unborn child with the necessary substances. Therefore, during this period, it is worth revising your diet. If we talk about calcium, then in the dietary recommendations for the time of gestation are present:

  1. Dairy products. Choose foods that are low in fat. It is in this case that the absorption of calcium in the parts of the digestive tract is maximal. Excess fat interferes with the penetration of the mineral through the intestinal wall and increases transient losses.
  2. Vegetables and fruits. Plant fruits contain many irreplaceable chemical elements. A high concentration of calcium is found in the inflorescences of broccoli, legumes, nuts. However, you need to be careful when compiling a menu from these products, as they can cause an unpleasant phenomenon - flatulence. Heat treatment of vegetables has practically no effect on the mineral content. It is recommended to cook soups in vegetable broth.

Not all foods have a positive effect on mineral metabolism. According to dietary recommendations during pregnancy, you should refrain from meals from:

  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • beets;
  • oatmeal.

These products interfere with absorption or increase the excretion of alkali metals from the body. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of coffee, fast food, chocolate, salt.

By properly building your diet, you can avoid many problems, including calcium deficiency.


What to do if a lack of minerals occurs against the background of a balanced diet? In such cases, pharmaceuticals come to the rescue. Pharmacy shelves are piled high with products designed for pregnant women. Vitamins, dietary supplements, trace elements - what should you take? What calcium won't harm your baby? The gynecologist should answer these questions. Self-medication and self-prescribing any medication can be dangerous to the health and life of the unborn baby.

Mono-component and combined preparations

Calcium during pregnancy can be taken as a monopreparation or multivitamins with several components can be used. The first remedies are more effective in eliminating the symptoms associated with a deficiency of this alkali metal. They contain various calcium salts, the chemical structure of which greatly affects the absorption and assimilation of the mineral. The composition of modern drugs includes active organic salts that show the best results in research.

The absorption of calcium depends not only on the chemical structure of the salt, which is why many pharmaceutical companies began to produce combination preparations. They contain a combination of calcium and vitamin D. Such medicines help to saturate the body with a mineral, as well as to deposit it in the bone tissue. This group of medicines includes:

  • Calcium-D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcium Active;
  • Vitrum Calcium;
  • Calcitab.

Depending on the dosage, the above medications can be used for both prophylaxis and therapeutic purposes.


The dose of calcium salts in multivitamins allows the use of these drugs only to prevent a deficiency state. When they are used, the body receives the necessary minerals and vitamins, supporting the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Such funds are an additional source of useful chemical compounds.

For most women, the combination of multivitamin complexes and balanced nutrition contributes to the normal bearing of the fetus.

When diagnosing deficiency conditions, it is advisable to use monocomponent or combined drugs, the instructions of which indicate the possibility of their use for therapeutic purposes. Among the representatives of multivitamins, Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum Prenatal and others are popular.

Side effects and contraindications

Calcium preparations during pregnancy do not have any negative effect on the fetus. If necessary, they can be used from the first trimester. Lactation is also not included in the list of contraindications, therefore, the development of a deficiency state during this period can also be corrected.

Side effects are rare. Basically, they are associated with the effect on the body of additional and auxiliary substances. Among them:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • violation of the stool;
  • skin rashes.

There are few contraindications for the use of calcium supplements. These include endocrine pathology of the parathyroid glands, cancer, severe disorders of the urinary system.

If you drink calcium according to the instructions for use and the recommendation of a gynecologist, then there will be no negative consequences either for the mother or for the unborn baby.