Beautiful drawings of nature coloring in pencil

For children in kindergarten and summer camp they are waiting for you in our selection. Download, print and color.

While you are waiting for the arrival of summer, you dream of how children will run around in the street from morning to evening, splash in a river or sea, play yard games. But in practice, it turns out that during the day it is too hot for outdoor fun, and you have to hide the children from the sun and heat at home.

What to do with the kid, who in the summer had to be taken from the street and locked within four walls. How to keep kids busy in kindergarten when the weather does not allow for a lot of walking, or children from a summer camp who do not want to sleep during quiet hours.

Print to children. They will surely be happy to color beautiful summer coloring pages.

These summer coloring pages can be painted with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, paints, plasticine, and made into applications.

Coloring Pages for Kids: Summer Treats

These summer coloring pages are about children's favorite treats: ice cream and lemonade. Offer the children not only to color the coloring pages, but also to dream up how to decorate ice cream or what fruits can be added to lemonade.

Summer Coloring: Ice Cream

Summer Coloring: Ice Cream

Summer Coloring: Ice Cream

Summer coloring: lemonade

Summer coloring: Sea

The sea is what children are waiting for the summer for. To brighten up their anticipation of the main trip of the year, invite the kids to paint summer coloring pages with a marine theme.

Summer coloring: underwater world

Summer coloring for the little ones: shovel and bucket

Summer coloring: ship

Summer Coloring Pages: Fruits and Vegetables

An integral part of any summer is fruits and berries. We offer not only regular coloring, but also by color.

Summer coloring: fruits

Summer coloring: fruits

Summer coloring: fruits and vegetables

Summer coloring: strawberry

Summer Crafts: Insects and Animals

Many of the children spend the summer in the village with their relatives. There they get acquainted with insects (beetles, spiders), small wild and domestic animals. Even if it is a hedgehog and a goat, the child will have enough impressions for a long time.

Summer coloring: snail

Summer coloring: butterflies

Summer coloring: butterflies

Summer coloring: insects

Now you have summer coloring pages for kids that you can easily print to keep your little ones busy.

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Download and print coloring pages nature

In chapter nature coloring pages for children you can find pictures of plants, islands, mountains, palms, sun, sun, nature in summer, and much more.

What is nature for a baby? These are trees and flowers, grass and foliage, ants and birds, rain and snow ... Nature in its many forms is painted with the brightest colors! On our site you can easily download and print coloring pages on the theme of nature, thereby giving the child the opportunity to give the world around him the most fantastic colors ...

Each season has its own unique shades. Cold and snowy winter is associated primarily, of course, with white snow, because when going outside it is difficult to find at least one object not covered with a snow-white hat. But in reality, winter is not painted in a uniform white! Winter is also a dazzlingly beautiful Christmas tree, whose outfit shines with colorful toys, this is Grandfather Frost in a bright red fur coat, and his granddaughter Snegurochka in soft blue clothes! It is safe to say that Nature coloring pages will be very interesting for both the boy and the girl. Every parent can easily download and print coloring pages of winter nature - snowmen, Christmas trees, New Year's gifts, sledding and much more.

Spring is associated with the first warmth, bright sun, drops, snowdrops, freshly grown grass, pale green leaves on trees. At this time of year, mums and dads tidy up the sleds in a far corner, and kids can spend much more time outdoors, which makes them happy. But, as you know, spring is also mud, puddles and feet soaked through ... But, to everyone's joy, mankind has invented such a magnificent thing as rubber boots! Thanks to them, it is not at all necessary for parents to forbid their children to wander through the puddles. All children dream of this entertainment, do not deprive them of such great pleasure. Download and Print Spring Nature Pictures, paint with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens delicate spring flowers, trees with first foliage and many other images.

Summer ... so much in this word! This time of the year is the most favorite for both adults and the younger generation. Summer nature is painted with the brightest colors - here there is a blue sky, and green trees, and blue bells, and brown bugs, and a red sunset, and even a multicolored rainbow, which is visible only in summer. Surely coloring pages with summer nature will appeal to any boy and girl!

Autumn is the golden decoration of nature, gradually giving way to gray monotony. This is a time of waiting, thoughtfulness and light sadness. In the fall, our hearts most of all yearn for warmth, love of loved ones, a quiet family hearth. Nature seems to be preparing us for a fun and active winter, so that we fall in love with it even more, slightly waiting for snow women and snowmen, perky rides on sleighs and cheesecakes, skates and skis ... Download and print pictures of autumn nature, color them with your children.

Other coloring pages:

Drawing is a favorite pastime of many children. But for the drawings to be beautiful, you need to have the appropriate skills. They are acquired in the learning process. One of the educational tools of the future artist is coloring.

Probably every child loves stencil drawings. Colorings are chosen in accordance with the interests of the baby. It is also recommended that the topic be selected taking into account the program for teaching the child to perceive the world around him. Coloring books for children about nature are universal. It is not difficult to download online or print from the website. In our selection you will find coloring pages for children of all ages.

Why are coloring pages useful?

In the course of play, the child acquires knowledge about the world around him. Nature is one of the most interesting and multifaceted topics. Natural coloring pages are suitable for kids 2-3 years old and schoolchildren. Only their complexity will be different.

The benefits of coloring pages at every age are invaluable. By offering your child new stencils, you help them develop their creativity. The more complex the coloring, the more the imagination works. When a child is drawing, he learns to perceive color and shape, to make decisions. But most importantly, he creates his own art.

Watching the resulting pictures is no less useful than creating them. Children's imagination brings drawings to life. Storylines are formed from them, at first simple, then more difficult and more complex. A child who actively uses his imagination is constantly busy with interesting things. He is practically not afraid of childhood depression, so frequent in our time.

Where can I find coloring pages?

Does your baby love nature? Finding A4 coloring pages is a snap. We have collected the best stencil drawings for you in this section. Searching by age is also a simple matter. Use filters to optimize the time spent on viewing thematic pictures.

All coloring pages on the site are freely available. We offer nature stencils free of charge. Choose the most interesting for your child, download, print. Develop your kid, teach to draw, create, create beauty. Praise more, if necessary, correctly point out the shortcomings. Offer easy-to-hard coloring pages.