Which side is the right way to comb your hair? Parting on the right or left side. Which side should a man comb his hair on: tips. How to part your hair

The right parting can decorate a woman better than any jewelry

Is parting your hair an easy way to correct your image, and then your mood, character, habits, and subsequently your life?

Let's talk about parting. Which side should you part your hair on?

I would like to touch on the topic of parting. This small touch of the female image carries a huge sacred meaning. Which? - Directs a woman in the right direction.

So, right parting (hair combed from right to left) - attention to yourself. Paying attention to yourself is always more beneficial for a woman in the long run. The right parting makes a lady more beautiful and feminine.

Left parting (hair combed from left to right) - attention to the outside: family, society.

For example, let's look at the parting options on Lily Donaldson.

(right parting - straight parting - left parting)

It would seem that such a small detail as parting the hair can work a miracle for some. Of course, Lily Donaldson is already beautiful...

Men: left or right?

The situation is different with men's hairstyles. Parting from right to left (attention to yourself) - does not suit men. But from left to right (directs a man’s attention to a woman or outward in general) can decorate any man. I hope it is clear that a man’s outward focus makes him more successful than focusing on himself. It’s different with women, just in case.

Let's look at the photo of Hitler. Selfishness on such a scale ends tragically.

For contrast - Putin

No comments.

Summary: the right parting will add yin, feminine qualities, the left parting will add yang, masculine qualities. Parting in the middle is the golden mean, balance, fairness.

So, parting on the left side makes the image more feminine, on the right - more masculine. Choose for yourself how you want to appear.

Men and women with proper parting are more attractive to the opposite sex.

Correct parting - what is it? For too Yin, feminine women (with a similar type of activity), you can add Yang and make a left parting (comb your hair from left to right). For Yang women (or those working in the Yang sphere), right parting will help them bring themselves into balance - to eradicate such a defect.

But I would comb all men, without exception, from left to right)

P.S. If you change, then for the better)

We all want to be accepted and loved by others, but let's face it: someday there will still be someone in your life who just won't like you. Maybe it's all because of your habit of scratching your genitals in public, or maybe it's because of the toxic gases that just beg to come out at the most inopportune moments. And, perhaps (although this is more likely the case), the reason lies in the fact that you have some kind of individual “feature” that forces people to shy away from you like fire.

Anyway, according to science, if you want people to like you, follow these absurd tips. Success is guaranteed for you.

5. Apologize for every little thing, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

Have you ever met Mr. Sorry in your life? You know, the guy who constantly apologizes for the terrible rush hour traffic or the terrible weather outside lately. Everything bad that happens in the world is not his fault, but he feels an obligatory need to apologize for every little thing. There may even be a Mr. Sorry inside of you - after all, we've all had to apologize for something at least once in our lives, be it a bad movie on the first date or accidentally spilling coffee on someone's new dress.

Well, why do people do this? Yes, because it is so accepted in society: you apologize, and in return you receive a reward and encouragement. In a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Business School, participants were sent to a crowded train station during a heavy downpour and tasked with asking strangers to make calls using their cell phones; Moreover, some were instructed to simply ask to use someone else’s phone, while others were instructed to first apologize to the person for the bad weather, and then ask for his mobile phone.

In the first case, people were reluctant to respond to the participants' request. However, after hearing excessive apologies, they, as if under hypnosis, did not hesitate to give their mobile phones to potential scammers in a crowded station.

A number of experiments have shown that unnecessary apologies increase trust levels - even if your actions are partly dishonest, you will still receive sympathy for admitting mistakes that you did not make.

4. Comb your hair to the left side

Yes, we agree, it sounds strange, but first, let's do a little experiment. Think and name several popular, attractive or influential men. Brad Pitt. Jon Hamm. Or John Fitzgerald Kennedy, why not? Now think about their hair. Don't you find anything in common between them? Ask Google for help if you don't remember what they look like. We'll wait, but no: either an accident or a pattern, but they all comb their hair to the left side.

John and Catherine Walter (brother and sister), a nuclear physicist and a cultural anthropologist respectively (apparently an unhealthy obsession with men's hair was a common hobby for both of them), decided to work together to find a scientific explanation for this. Their research resulted in the whole “Theory of Combing Hair.” According to this theory, the direction in which you comb your hair directly affects what assumptions others will make about your personality and character.

If a man combs his hair to the left side (and this is the majority), he hypothetically has courage, assertiveness and self-confidence, but if his parting is on the right, then in this case he is perceived as a sensitive, pampered and boring person.

It doesn't sound convincing until you start looking for examples to back it up. And here's the first one - Superman:

Weak, nerdy, and supposedly erectile dysfunction Clark Kent combs his hair to the right. But when he transforms into a strong, heroic Superman who can literally grind you into powder, his hair is already combed to the left side.

The second example is Ryan Gosling, who supported this theory throughout his career. He went from being a charming and sexually attractive man in The Notebook to being an eccentric loser in Lars and the Real Girl, and then back to being the legendary hunk (This Stupid Love). And all this time his hair was combed in different ways - to the left, to the right and again to the left (respectively).

I think that's enough about Hollywood stars. It's time to find a couple of examples from the real, non-film world. And here you don’t have to go far - US presidents. Among them, only six combed their hair to the right side, and, according to the study, three of them (Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan) are considered the worst presidents in American history, and the other two (John Tyler and Chester Alan Arthur) did not act at all any significant role in the development of the country.

3. Shave your head

When men have a problem such as alopecia, or simply baldness, the question arises - what to do with their hair. There is no perfect solution, but in any case, cutting your hair bald is far from the best option, right?

But scientists from the University of Pennsylvania do not think so. They conducted a series of experiments to find out how others perceive men with thinning hair, thick hair and a shaved head. During the first study, participants were shown a series of photographs of men similar to each other (in age, clothing, etc.) - the only and main difference was the presence of hair on their heads - and were asked to rate each of them in terms of how strong, influential and they looked authoritative. As the results showed, the men who shaved their heads turned out to be the best.

In the second experiment, participants were shown two photographs of each of four men—one with hair, the other completely bald. It turned out that in the latter case, the men in the photo look more masculine, and also “almost three centimeters taller and thirteen percent stronger.”

In the latest experiment, the researchers provided participants with verbal and written descriptions of the appearance of several men. And again, among them, the most courageous, strong, dominant and possessing leadership potential were recognized as men who, according to the description, had no hair on their heads.

Moreover, for those with thin, thinning hair, scientists simply recommend shaving their heads in order to “improve their interpersonal relationships.” Studies have shown that men with shaved heads look older and less attractive than those with thick hair. However, the most unsightly and repulsive are men who have only three hairs on their heads.

2. Hide your atheistic views, even from atheists

In the modern world, atheism is becoming increasingly popular and widespread. According to surveys, faith in the Almighty is on the decline, and the number of ungodly people has increased by half a billion people across the planet. And while atheism is becoming the norm in regions like Scandinavia, where religion has always been at a low level of cultural development, if you happen to be an atheist in America, for example, we have potentially bad news for you: the chances are that people won't like you. including other atheists, are very high.

Overall, polls have shown that less than half of Americans would even consider voting for a presidential candidate who espouses atheistic views. Moreover, many parents oppose the marriage of their children with “pagans.” A group of researchers led by Will Gervais from the University of British Columbia became interested in the reason for this attitude of people towards atheists and found out that it all comes down to simple mistrust.

Gervais and his colleagues presented the subjects with a situation where a person accidentally crashed into a car parked on the street and, without waiting for the owner of the car and without leaving him any information, left the scene of the accident. Participants were asked to identify who could conceivably do this: a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or a rapist. Most of them said that the culprit was either a rapist or an atheist.

Subsequent studies showed that participants would not hire an atheist for a job that required a high degree of trust, and that they locked their doors at night just to prevent atheists from sneaking into their house and eating their sleeping children.

It can be assumed that such a biased attitude of others towards those who do not believe in the Almighty is a common manifestation of religious discrimination. But the most interesting thing is that even those people who called themselves atheists were inclined to trust believers more, because they considered them more ethical.

1. Don't smile (if you're a guy)

Surely, since childhood, your mother tried to impose on you the idea that a smile is our everything. Is it photography day at school? Smile! Grandma gave you... knitted socks for Christmas???!!! Smile! Broke your leg and ended up in the hospital? Smile! Smile! Smile because your future spouse may be looking at you at this very moment!

Well, the next time your mom calls you, you can safely say “thank you” to her for the fact that the whole world now hates you. Because, despite all her words that a smile can attract people, scientists from the University of British Columbia have proven the opposite - at least when it comes to the stronger sex. The researchers asked participants to look at photographs of the same man depicted in various poses expressing happiness, pride, modesty and a normal state. Women recognized the man as the most unattractive in the photo where he smiled and showed joy. They liked him most in those photographs where he took on a serious or thoughtful look.

But, as we mentioned earlier, this only applies to the stronger sex. As for the fair half of humanity, here my mother’s advice, on the contrary, was useful, because, according to the results of the same study, men are more attracted to happy rather than sad women.

So, dear readers, draw your conclusions...

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Translation of an article from cracked.com
Translation by ROSEMARINA

And if you are a man and want to look good, an ironing press from the Clean Wednesday company will help if you are not ready to always apologize or shave your head bald...

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

They can tell a lot about the character of their owners.

Men who prefer long hairstyles are considered to be representatives of bohemian circles; they have an aura of masculinity and romance attached to them. However, very often long-haired representatives of the stronger sex are not self-confident and childish. With the help of lush hair, they seem to be trying to protect themselves from the outside world.

Men who wear short hair are, as a rule, determined and hardy, you can rely on them in everything. In addition, owners of such hairstyles are real leaders with a developed sense of competition.

Those who like medium-length haircuts have a soft, even character; they are cheerful, romantic and creative.

A bowl haircut or the presence of clearly defined bangs indicate that this is a warrior, an active figure.

If a man prefers to shave his hair bald, then this indicates his adventurous and extreme inclinations. By the way, in the old days those who shaved their heads were not favored; it was believed that such men wasted too much energy. Such a loss, according to our ancestors, was compensated for by increased fussiness.

Even more feared than the shaven were the bald ones. It was believed that such men (especially those who go bald at a young age) lose their minds early, are prone to fawning, and have an amazing ability to submit.

Curly-haired representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by increased emotionality (at times even psychosis) and unpredictability. But they are never fans (unlike people with straight hair).

There is nothing random about a person's appearance. Even hair styling can provide information about an individual's personality. For example, if a man combs his hair to the right side, this indicates his fanatical inclinations. It is very difficult to convince such people of anything; they can easily dig a hole for themselves or push others into it. Therefore, men are recommended to part their hair on the left side. However, parting on the right is not always a bad thing. The manner of combing your hair to the right also speaks of a pedantic nature that loves order in everything. A parting on the left side indicates that this person is modest, reserved, and purposeful. A parting in the middle of the head is a sign of humility and submission, while hair combed back is a symbol of determination and independence. Such people tend to achieve their goals. Stubbornness is their main trait, they write

Modern hairstyles for men are distinguished by models that are striking in their artistic design. The main parameters are: clear silhouette, fashionable style, individuality. Men's models with side styling are always in fashion. The question of whether a man should comb his hair on the left or right side is actually far-fetched. Lengthening the hair in the upper sections of the hairstyle allows you to create models that demonstrate great possibilities for combing in various shapes and directions.

Men often comb their hair to create an original hairstyle.


The style orientation in the manner of dressing and hairstyle is inseparable.

When creating a new image, consider a number of important factors:

  1. hair thickness;
  2. the direction of their growth;
  3. structure;
  4. structural features of the skull;
  5. face shape;
  6. growth line;
  7. the lifestyle you prefer.

The classic style remains an eternal trend. It allows you to wear your hair combed back, or comb your bangs to the side. In any case, we will see a confident man, brutal, sexy and at the same time well-groomed. Classics with an emphasis on retro, long men's hair adds a specific twist to the image of a modern macho.

Important! Hairstyles with a parting on one side are recommended by stylists for owners of any face type. Features will be in the styling.


Not a single men's haircut can do without these attributes. How to achieve a combination of these elements?

The latest trend is shaved temples with high styling. The undercut model, or the transition from very short to long, goes well with a parting on one side. In this case, a man needs to comb his bangs back and slightly to the side. It doesn't matter right or left. Although, more often men prefer to part their hair from left to right. Psychologists say that a man combs his hair to the right side when he is confident. If desired, the temples can be lengthened, and even transition into an elegant beard. If you have masculine, prominent cheekbones, it is better to comb your bangs back. For men who have a large, crooked nose, it is more advisable to create voluminous bangs. Comb it forward a little to one side.


Styling (styling product) for men, characterized by long-lasting and strong hold. If a man wears his hair on one side, he combs his hair using special tools. In order to finally decide what to choose, remember these tips.

  • If you need to achieve volume, foam or mousse will come in handy.
  • To enhance the texture, use hair wax or pomade.
  • Tame unruly curls with a hair straightening balm. And for those who have an extremely negative attitude towards their curls, use lamination.

  • In moisturizing or creating the effect of wet hair, a balm, gel or wax will be an indispensable assistant. The principle is simple - I comb my hair, apply the product with my hands, and get the effect.
  • To achieve a healthy glow, use special serums and glosses.
  • Stylings have a fixing effect. Therefore, if we talk about men's hairstyle, the use of varnish is not necessary.

Important! The amount of styling should be small. Otherwise, you will get the effect of dirty, unwashed hair.


So, the technology has been followed, the machine and scissors have done their job. This is where what separates a wizard from a master happens. The same haircut is laid in different directions completely individually, taking into account the characteristics of the person. Thinning, growth line correction, styling products and the talent of the master help with this.

But in the future, you will have to do the daily side styling yourself. For this, in addition to styling, you will need:

  • flat comb;
  • styling brush;
  • A straightening iron for those who want to straighten curly hair.

Get a hairstyle that says you're a man

For those with medium-length hair, a brush will help you comb your hair when styling. Short hair is styled with a flat comb under the flow of a hair dryer. To consolidate the skill, watch the video.

Remember! Seeming carelessness in a beautifully executed styling, the result of painstaking work.

Don't be lazy, try hard, and you will definitely achieve success in your chosen image.

Which side do you comb your hair on? Just don't panic - we are still writing about careers. There is an opinion that the hairstyle has the most direct relation to this topic. Maybe, by combing your hair in the morning, you, without knowing it, are deciding your fate?

Let’s make a reservation right away: the facts that we are going to talk about are not recognized by official science. With the theory of partings it is like with astrology: it is customary to laugh at it, but the hypotheses expressed in it receive empirical confirmation over and over again. And once you start understanding them in detail, it turns out that it’s all about psychology.

Tricks with parting

The influence of hairstyle on success was first discussed about 30 years ago. It all started with an observation made by engineer-inventor John Waters. At school, he was not popular with girls, who considered him a boring and uninteresting nerd, but one day he changed his hairstyle, parting it on the left side as usual. The effect was stunning: there was no end to classmates. Then the attentive Waters combed his hair back - this made his life somewhat calmer (read about the invention that inspired John Waters to observe partings).

Later he paid attention to the hairstyles of American presidents. Almost all of them (except the six least fortunate) wore their hair parted on the left, and some had to change their habits to do this - for example, Lincoln and Reagan. Here you can’t help but think: maybe there really is something in this?

Who's right, who's left

Let's look at the facts. Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway (No. 11 in Fortune's Top 500) and billionaire, wears his hair parted on the left side. Indra Nooyi, Fortune's top female CEO and head of PepsiCo, wears her hair parted on the left side. Bill Gates parted his hair on the left side. Why look far for examples - Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev comb their hair to the right (and, accordingly, part it on the left). Even “the best manager of the 20th century,” Jack Welch, wore his hair parted to the left in his youth.

However, now Jack Welch doesn’t have a parting at all, but that doesn’t make him any less successful. Ruben Vardanyan, Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail Prokhorov, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Sergey Brin and Larry Page do not have a parting. Steve Jobs wore his hair parted on the right when he was young. Roman Abramovich's parting periodically changes its location. And what’s going on on the head of billionaire Donald Trump generally makes stylists all over the world shiver - but there’s no parting there.

Brain massage

The brain, as you know, is divided into two hemispheres, each of which has its own “sphere of responsibility.” The right is responsible for spatial-figurative thinking and the ability to be creative, the left is responsible for abstract-logical thinking and analytical abilities. That is, for the fact that for most “office” professions it is precisely a necessary condition for a successful career. But what does the parting have to do with it?

Hypothesis one: The parting on the head somehow affects the brain activity inside the head. Let’s say, it stimulates the manifestation of those very “left-hemisphere” qualities - the ability to think logically and analyze. We will not even try to refute this hypothesis. Try telling someone very trusting about it and watch the reaction.

Hypothesis two : The parting on your head somehow affects the attitude of those around you - colleagues and business partners. Seeing this emphasis on the “right” side of the head, they subconsciously begin to attribute to you the possession of the qualities necessary for a successful business person. This theory would have a right to exist - after all, it has been proven that, for example, a trusting atmosphere when communicating with a partner can be created by standing up. However, if you part your hair on the left, people looking straight at you will see it on the right. Inconsistency.

Hypothesis three : Parting your head affects your self-esteem. After all, if you have a parting on the left, then your mirror image has it in the same place. Perhaps, by doing the “correct” hairstyle and then observing it in the mirror, you are, wittingly or unwittingly, programming yourself for success. If this is really the case, then, in the end, it doesn’t really matter where you comb your hair, especially since the theory of the left parting has not yet received any scientific evidence. You can treat it as a sign or as a funny statistical incident.

The moral is simple: the main thing is your personal attitude and self-confidence. Well, a neat hairstyle won't hurt.

Straight hair and slightly asymmetrical bangs are Reese Witherspoon's choice. Looks very cute and flirty!

Penelope Cruz

Penelope Cruz wears straight bangs just above her eyebrows and paints them with two shades using the balayage technique - this refreshes her face and makes her look modern. We advise brunettes to follow her example.

Kim Kardashian

Once upon a time, Kim also wore bangs and it is worth noting that it suited her very well. Kardashian looked great with thin, torn bangs and straightened, smooth hair.

Jennifer Lopez

And JLo chooses bangs that remind us of the fashion of the 80s - long, thick and fluffy. More volume!

Sienna Miller

The bangs, divided into two halves, open up the forehead and at the same time beautifully frame the face - Sienna Miller’s feminine image is the best proof of this.

Emma Stone

Another spectacular option for bangs is on one side, in the style of the 30s, like Emma Stone. You can do this styling with a regular curling iron - just carefully curl the strands and secure them with a bobby pin at your temple.


False bangs. If you want to diversify your image, but you haven’t decided to cut off your bangs yet, get a hairstyle like Rihanna’s!

Taylor Swift

The ideal option for girls with a high forehead is thick, long bangs, like Taylor Swift's. It looks very stylish, but you will have to style it every day.

Jennifer Garner

Messy bangs like Jennicher Garner's will look great paired with long hair and a cascading haircut. Such bangs can be a little longer on one side and a little shorter on the other.

Jessica Bill

Jessica Bill has been wearing bangs like this for many years, and it really suits her. The hair is perfectly smooth, like a mirror, and the bangs are cut like a ruler. Suitable for those with thin hair.

Zooey Deschanel

Another option for bangs is like Zooey Deschanel. Slightly disheveled, down to the eyebrows, longer at the temples. It's feminine!

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande's bangs look good combined with a long high ponytail - they are long, curled with a curling iron, very voluminous, in the style of the 80s.

Jessica Alba

Overgrown bangs. A styling option for those trying to get rid of their short bangs is to curl them at the ends, like Jessica Alba, and wear them divided into two parts to keep your forehead open.

Blake Lively

Blake Lively wears long bangs that effectively frame her face. You can create this hairstyle from a cascade haircut, you don’t even need to cut off your bangs!


Long bangs, combed to one side - this is the option Beyoncé prefers when she wears her hair straightened.

Kate Moss

Kate Moss's hairstyle looks voluminous due to bangs and proper coloring - several shades of blonde and dark roots look great.

Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain wears feminine structured bangs, not too thick, with long strands at the temples. This is the best option for those who like to wear a ponytail.

Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester's bangs look as casual and playful as her entire hairstyle, but this carelessness is where all the charm lies!

Ann Hataway

The canonical look of Anne Hathaway from the film “The Devil Wears Prada” is a stylish and very long bang that almost covers her eyes. This is still relevant!

Kerry Washington

Thick bangs and slightly torn at the ends - a hooligan version from Kerry Washington, we suggest repeating.

Which side do you comb your hair on? Just don't panic - we are still writing about careers. There is an opinion that the hairstyle has the most direct relation to this topic. Maybe, by combing your hair in the morning, you, without knowing it, are deciding your fate?

Let’s make a reservation right away: the facts that we are going to talk about are not recognized by official science. With the theory of partings it is like with astrology: it is customary to laugh at it, but the hypotheses expressed in it receive empirical confirmation over and over again. And once you start understanding them in detail, it turns out that it’s all about psychology.

Tricks with parting

The influence of hairstyle on success was first discussed about 30 years ago. It all started with an observation made by engineer-inventor John Waters. At school, he was not popular with girls, who considered him a boring and uninteresting nerd, but one day he changed his hairstyle, parting it on the left side as usual. The effect was stunning: there was no end to classmates. Then the attentive Waters combed his hair back - this made his life somewhat calmer (read about what invention inspired John Waters to observe partings).

Later he paid attention to the hairstyles of American presidents. Almost all of them (except the six least fortunate) wore their hair parted on the left, and some had to change their habits to do this - for example, Lincoln and Reagan. Here you can’t help but think: maybe there really is something in this?

Who's right, who's left

Let's look at the facts. Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway (No. 11 in Fortune's Top 500) and billionaire, wears his hair parted on the left side. Indra Nooyi, Fortune's top female CEO and head of PepsiCo, wears her hair parted on the left side. Bill Gates parted his hair on the left side. Why look far for examples - Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev comb their hair to the right (and, accordingly, part it on the left). Even “the best manager of the 20th century,” Jack Welch, wore his hair parted to the left in his youth.

However, now Jack Welch doesn’t have a parting at all, but that doesn’t make him any less successful. Ruben Vardanyan, Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail Prokhorov, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Sergey Brin and Larry Page do not have a parting. Steve Jobs wore his hair parted on the right when he was young. Roman Abramovich's parting periodically changes its location. And what’s going on on the head of billionaire Donald Trump generally makes stylists all over the world shiver - but there’s no parting there.

Brain massage

The brain, as you know, is divided into two hemispheres, each of which has its own “sphere of responsibility.” The right is responsible for spatial-figurative thinking and the ability to be creative, the left is responsible for abstract-logical thinking and analytical abilities. That is, for the fact that for most “office” professions it is precisely a necessary condition for a successful career. But what does the parting have to do with it?

Hypothesis one: The parting on the head somehow affects the brain activity inside the head. Let’s say, it stimulates the manifestation of those very “left-hemisphere” qualities - the ability to think logically and analyze. We will not even try to refute this hypothesis. Try telling someone very trusting about it and watch the reaction.

Hypothesis two : The parting on your head somehow affects the attitude of those around you - colleagues and business partners. Seeing this emphasis on the “right” side of the head, they subconsciously begin to attribute to you the possession of the qualities necessary for a successful business person. This theory would have a right to exist - after all, it has been proven that, for example, a trusting atmosphere when communicating with a partner can be created by standing up. However, if you part your hair on the left, people looking straight at you will see it on the right. Inconsistency.

Hypothesis three : Parting your head affects your self-esteem. After all, if you have a parting on the left, then your mirror image has it in the same place. Perhaps, by doing the “correct” hairstyle and then observing it in the mirror, you are, wittingly or unwittingly, programming yourself for success. If this is really the case, then, in the end, it doesn’t really matter where you comb your hair, especially since the theory of the left parting has not yet received any scientific evidence. You can treat it as a sign or as a funny statistical incident.

The moral is simple: the main thing is your personal attitude and self-confidence. Well, a neat hairstyle won't hurt.

We all want to be accepted and loved by others, but let's face it: someday there will still be someone in your life who just won't like you. Maybe it's all because of your habit of scratching your genitals in public, or maybe it's because of the toxic gases that just beg to come out at the most inopportune moments. And, perhaps (although this is more likely the case), the reason lies in the fact that you have some kind of individual “feature” that forces people to shy away from you like fire.

Anyway, according to science, if you want people to like you, follow these absurd tips. Success is guaranteed for you.

5. Apologize for every little thing, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

Have you ever met Mr. Sorry in your life? You know, the kind of guy who constantly apologizes for the terrible rush hour traffic or the terrible weather outside lately. Everything bad that happens in the world is not his fault, but he feels an obligatory need to apologize for every little thing. There may even be a Mr. Sorry inside of you - after all, we've all had to apologize for something at least once in our lives, be it a bad movie on the first date or accidentally spilling coffee on someone's new dress.

Well, why do people do this? Yes, because it is so accepted in society: you apologize, and in return you receive a reward and encouragement. In a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Business School, participants were sent to a crowded train station during a heavy downpour and tasked with asking strangers to make calls using their cell phones; Moreover, some were instructed to simply ask to use someone else’s phone, while others were instructed to first apologize to the person for the bad weather, and then ask for his mobile phone.

In the first case, people were reluctant to respond to the participants' request. However, after hearing excessive apologies, they, as if under hypnosis, did not hesitate to give their mobile phones to potential scammers in a crowded station.

A number of experiments have shown that unnecessary apologies increase trust levels - even if your actions are partly dishonest, you will still receive sympathy for admitting mistakes that you did not make.

4. Comb your hair to the left side

Yes, we agree, it sounds strange, but first, let's do a little experiment. Think and name several popular, attractive or influential men. Brad Pitt. Jon Hamm. Or John Fitzgerald Kennedy, why not? Now think about their hair. Don't you find anything in common between them? Ask Google for help if you don't remember what they look like. We'll wait, but no: either an accident or a pattern, but they all comb their hair to the left side.

John and Catherine Walter (brother and sister), a nuclear physicist and a cultural anthropologist respectively (apparently an unhealthy obsession with men's hair was a common hobby for both of them), decided to work together to find a scientific explanation for this. Their research resulted in the whole “Theory of Combing Hair.” According to this theory, the direction in which you comb your hair directly affects what assumptions others will make about your personality and character.

If a man combs his hair to the left side (and this is the majority), he hypothetically has courage, assertiveness and self-confidence, but if his parting is on the right, then in this case he is perceived as a sensitive, pampered and boring person.

It doesn't sound convincing until you start looking for examples to back it up. And here's the first one - Superman:

Weak, nerdy, and supposedly erectile dysfunction Clark Kent combs his hair to the right. But when he transforms into a strong, heroic Superman who can literally grind you into powder, his hair is already combed to the left side.

The second example is Ryan Gosling, who supported this theory throughout his career. He went from being a charming and sexually attractive man in The Notebook to being an eccentric loser in Lars and the Real Girl, and then back to being the legendary hunk (This Stupid Love). And all this time his hair was combed in different ways - to the left, to the right and again to the left (respectively).

I think that's enough about Hollywood stars. It's time to find a couple of examples from the real, non-film world. And here you don’t have to go far - US presidents. Among them, only six combed their hair to the right side, and, according to the study, three of them (Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan) are considered the worst presidents in American history, and the other two (John Tyler and Chester Alan Arthur) did not act at all any significant role in the development of the country.

3. Shave your head

When men have a problem such as alopecia, or simply baldness, the question arises - what to do with their hair. There is no perfect solution, but in any case, cutting your hair bald is far from the best option, right?

But scientists from the University of Pennsylvania do not think so. They conducted a series of experiments to find out how others perceive men with thinning hair, thick hair and a shaved head. During the first study, participants were shown a series of photographs of men similar to each other (in age, clothing, etc.) - the only and main difference was the presence of hair on their heads - and were asked to rate each of them in terms of how strong, influential and they looked authoritative. As the results showed, the men who shaved their heads turned out to be the best.

In the second experiment, participants were shown two photographs of each of four men—one with hair, the other completely bald. It turned out that in the latter case, the men in the photo look more masculine, and also “almost three centimeters taller and thirteen percent stronger.”

In the latest experiment, the researchers provided participants with verbal and written descriptions of the appearance of several men. And again, among them, the most courageous, strong, dominant and possessing leadership potential were recognized as men who, according to the description, had no hair on their heads.

Moreover, for those with thin, thinning hair, scientists simply recommend shaving their heads in order to “improve their interpersonal relationships.” Studies have shown that men with shaved heads look older and less attractive than those with thick hair. However, the most unsightly and repulsive are men who have only three hairs on their heads.

2. Hide your atheistic views, even from atheists

In the modern world, atheism is becoming increasingly popular and widespread. According to surveys, faith in the Almighty is on the decline, and the number of ungodly people has increased by half a billion people across the planet. And while atheism is becoming the norm in regions like Scandinavia, where religion has always been at a low level of cultural development, if you happen to be an atheist in America, for example, we have potentially bad news for you: the chances are that people won't like you. including other atheists, are very high.

Overall, polls have shown that less than half of Americans would even consider voting for a presidential candidate who espouses atheistic views. Moreover, many parents oppose the marriage of their children with “pagans.” A group of researchers led by Will Gervais from the University of British Columbia became interested in the reason for this attitude of people towards atheists and found out that it all comes down to simple mistrust.

Gervais and his colleagues presented the subjects with a situation where a person accidentally crashed into a car parked on the street and, without waiting for the owner of the car and without leaving him any information, left the scene of the accident. Participants were asked to identify who could conceivably do this: a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or a rapist. Most of them said that the culprit was either a rapist or an atheist.

Subsequent studies showed that participants would not hire an atheist for a job that required a high degree of trust, and that they locked their doors at night just to prevent atheists from sneaking into their house and eating their sleeping children.

It can be assumed that such a biased attitude of others towards those who do not believe in the Almighty is a common manifestation of religious discrimination. But the most interesting thing is that even those people who called themselves atheists were inclined to trust believers more, because they considered them more ethical.

1. Don't smile (if you're a guy)

Surely, since childhood, your mother tried to impose on you the idea that a smile is our everything. Is it photography day at school? Smile! Grandma gave you... knitted socks for Christmas???!!! Smile! Broke your leg and ended up in the hospital? Smile! Smile! Smile because your future spouse may be looking at you at this very moment!

Well, the next time your mom calls you, you can safely say “thank you” to her for the fact that the whole world now hates you. Because, despite all her words that a smile can attract people, scientists from the University of British Columbia have proven the opposite - at least when it comes to the stronger sex. The researchers asked participants to look at photographs of the same man depicted in various poses expressing happiness, pride, modesty and a normal state. Women recognized the man as the most unattractive in the photo where he smiled and showed joy. They liked him most in those photographs where he took on a serious or thoughtful look.

But, as we mentioned earlier, this only applies to the stronger sex. As for the fair half of humanity, here my mother’s advice, on the contrary, was useful, because, according to the results of the same study, men are more attracted to happy rather than sad women.

So, dear readers, draw your conclusions...

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Translation of an article from cracked.com
Translation by ROSEMARINA

And if you are a man and want to look good, an ironing press from the Clean Wednesday company will help if you are not ready to always apologize or shave your head bald...

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

They can tell a lot about the character of their owners.

Men who prefer long hairstyles are considered to be representatives of bohemian circles; they have an aura of masculinity and romance attached to them. However, very often long-haired representatives of the stronger sex are not self-confident and childish. With the help of lush hair, they seem to be trying to protect themselves from the outside world.

Men who wear short hair are, as a rule, determined and hardy, you can rely on them in everything. In addition, owners of such hairstyles are real leaders with a developed sense of competition.

Those who like medium-length haircuts have a soft, even character; they are cheerful, romantic and creative.

A bowl haircut or the presence of clearly defined bangs indicate that this is a warrior, an active figure.

If a man prefers to shave his hair bald, then this indicates his adventurous and extreme inclinations. By the way, in the old days those who shaved their heads were not favored; it was believed that such men wasted too much energy. Such a loss, according to our ancestors, was compensated for by increased fussiness.

Even more feared than the shaven were the bald ones. It was believed that such men (especially those who go bald at a young age) lose their minds early, are prone to fawning, and have an amazing ability to submit.

Curly-haired representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by increased emotionality (at times even psychosis) and unpredictability. But they are never fans (unlike people with straight hair).

There is nothing random about a person's appearance. Even hair styling can provide information about an individual's personality. For example, if a man combs his hair to the right side, this indicates his fanatical inclinations. It is very difficult to convince such people of anything; they can easily dig a hole for themselves or push others into it. Therefore, men are recommended to part their hair on the left side. However, parting on the right is not always a bad thing. The manner of combing your hair to the right also speaks of a pedantic nature that loves order in everything. A parting on the left side indicates that this person is modest, reserved, and purposeful. A parting in the middle of the head is a sign of humility and submission, while hair combed back is a symbol of determination and independence. Such people tend to achieve their goals. Stubbornness is their main trait, they write

The right parting can decorate a woman better than any jewelry

Is parting your hair an easy way to correct your image, and then your mood, character, habits, and subsequently your life?

Let's talk about parting. Which side should you part your hair on?

I would like to touch on the topic of parting. This small touch of the female image carries a huge sacred meaning. Which? - Directs a woman in the right direction.

So, right parting (hair combed from right to left) - attention to yourself. Paying attention to yourself is always more beneficial for a woman in the long run. The right parting makes a lady more beautiful and feminine.

Left parting (hair combed from left to right) - attention to the outside: family, society.

For example, let's look at the parting options on Lily Donaldson.

(right parting - straight parting - left parting)

It would seem that such a small detail as parting the hair can work a miracle for some. Of course, Lily Donaldson is already beautiful...

Men: left or right?

The situation is different with men's hairstyles. Parting from right to left (attention to yourself) - does not suit men. But from left to right (directs a man’s attention to a woman or outward in general) can decorate any man. I hope it is clear that a man’s outward focus makes him more successful than focusing on himself. It’s different with women, just in case.

Let's look at the photo of Hitler. Selfishness on such a scale ends tragically.

For contrast - Putin

No comments.

Summary: the right parting will add yin, feminine qualities, the left parting will add yang, masculine qualities. Parting in the middle is the golden mean, balance, fairness.

So, parting on the left side makes the image more feminine, on the right - more masculine. Choose for yourself how you want to appear.

Men and women with proper parting are more attractive to the opposite sex.

Correct parting - what is it? For too Yin, feminine women (with a similar type of activity), you can add Yang and make a left parting (comb your hair from left to right). For Yang women (or those working in the Yang sphere), right parting will help them bring themselves into balance - to eradicate such a defect.

But I would comb all men, without exception, from left to right)

P.S. If you change, then for the better)

Physical beauty of a woman.

A woman should have a slim waist and a good figure, i.e. in accordance with the constitution, do not have excess fat. If a woman does not take care of her body, then she is rude with her appearance.

If a woman has a feminine figure, then her hormonal system works according to the female type, i.e. If you eat too much, it immediately gets deposited on your waist and hips. If it is a male type, the excess is deposited on the internal organs. And there are often situations where an outwardly healthy man dies for no apparent reason. Women are more resilient.

If a woman fulfills her duties correctly, then she does not need special diets, she will have a beautiful figure.

A woman must have elastic ligaments. Once a day, every day (not excluding critical days), it is beneficial for a woman to do sihasana (Star pose) with the feet on the floor, knees apart, pulling the pelvis to the heels as close as possible. Ideally, the heels are near the anus. Bend towards your feet, with your chest resting on the floor, your lower back relaxed, and your hip ligaments stretching well. Keep the tilt as long as you can. A woman acquires mystical attractiveness, prepares her body for conception, pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby. A girl doing this pose regularly attracts a worthy partner for marriage. Allows a woman to heal and prevent all congestion in the female organs.

Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 grain of star anise. The subtle body is cleansed, the woman becomes attractive. However, no more than 1 grain per day, otherwise the energy descends into the lower chakras, and you become attractive to unclean individuals. Your blood pressure may drop.

If we are treated by a doctor or massage therapist, then he must be healthy and attractive. Because the result of treatment depends on what karma he gives us.


Hair should be long. This is one of the most important aspects of female asceticism. The word “comfortable” should not be in a woman’s arsenal, b.b. "Beautiful".

The minimum length of hair is to the level of the heart chakra, where the Paramatma (oversoul) is concentrated. This length of hair allows you to restore connection with Paramatma. With long hair, a woman protects the happiness, health and well-being of her family. It often happens that when a woman cuts her long hair, misfortune befalls the family. When a woman decides to grow long hair, events in her life begin to change for the better, and her subtle body becomes stronger. If a woman strives to cut her hair, she constantly strives to destroy her subtle body. A woman should have her hair cut once every six months.

A man needs to cut his hair once a month, it is better if his wife does it.

Trimmed hair should not be thrown into the garbage disposal or into water. They must be burned.

Mask for fast hair growth: grate three cucumbers, spread on your head and go to sleep. During the season we always wear cucumbers - a very good effect.

Women use henna to cleanse the subtle body. Apply to your head and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse well with water. Do not use colorless henna. You can use henna in combination with basma, achieving the desired natural shades.

Hair d.b. painted in colors that can be found in nature. Bright red color, very fashionable nowadays, is unfavorable because... This is the color of the planet Rahu. If we dye our hair and eyebrows the same color, the woman will look lively.

It’s interesting that in India there are no beauty salons; friends and relatives help each other to be beautiful.

Hair should be washed once every 3 days. With daily hair washing, female thin body

becomes thinner.

By the way a woman wears her parting, we can talk about her character.

In Vedic culture, bangs and side parting are believed to be a sign of prostitution.

A parting on the right side indicates a woman's masculine character traits. On the left side - Venusian energy to attract men, flirtatiousness. A middle parting harmonizes the thin body, the inner core appears, health improves, and the woman becomes protected. All hair up is a sign of false renunciation.

If a woman grows bangs, it means she is trying to hide her thoughts. Women of easy virtue need to hide their unclean thoughts from everyone, and a chaste wife should. open to her husband.

Sometimes it may seem that we are ugly without bangs, but this is a view from the position of Venusian perception, and according to the Moon, such a woman is more spiritual.

Hairstyles with matted hair are very unfavorable.

You need to wear your hair the way your husband likes. If you want to change something in your appearance, you need to ask your husband’s permission, not your friends, and make changes gradually.

You need to be wary of men with long bangs.

As for hair extensions, various bows and scarves that can visually lengthen hair, they can be used because... increase shakti.

Hairpins, bows, flowers - all this is simply necessary for a woman.

A woman's sexual energy is concentrated in her hair. Hair d.b. collected.

If we wear our hair down, then

There is a great loss of vital energy,

We attract the attention of strangers, distract them from performing their duties,

Having become attracted, men begin to lust after us, then they cannot satisfy their lust and become very irritated and involuntarily curse us.

You can let your hair down in front of your husband, before intimacy.

By covering her head, a woman becomes protected and gains strength.

In the temple, a woman should cover her head for several reasons:

The strong, pure energy of the temple can hit a woman hard in the head, because... throughout the entire month, from one period to another, she collects different emotions and energies in her hair,

Allows her to maintain her chastity and prevents the lust of men.


A woman must wear makeup. When applying makeup, focus attention either on the eyes (this is how we stimulate the lunar nature) or on the lips (Venusian nature). By highlighting our eyes with cosmetics, we protect our soul and ward off adverse energy effects. When looking into painted eyes, it is impossible to clearly focus on the pupil itself.

If your vision is poor, then lenses are preferable to glasses. According to studies, lenses are less harmful for women than for men. If we still prefer glasses, then the frames need to be carefully selected (air frames are preferable to heavy dark ones).

Food for our eyes is what we look at. Therefore, avoid looking at sewage, dirty films, paintings, etc.

A woman's sexual energy is concentrated in the area of ​​her cheekbones. An important indicator of a woman’s healthy hormonal system and an important factor in her attractiveness are rosy cheekbones. A natural blush will appear when a woman follows the recommendations given for critical days.

The shape and size of the nose can determine a person's health. A large, beautifully shaped nose is a sign of great shakti (strength) of a person. Three important energy channels are concentrated on the nose.

You cannot pierce your nose (during sinusitis, etc.), because karma changes for the worse.

A woman's nose should be pierced on the left side in the curl. This allows you to connect the mind and body, gives a woman peace of mind, reduces lust and greed.

Every 1.5 hours a person automatically changes the nostril through which he breathes. When we breathe through the right nostril, the body is active, and when we breathe through the left nostril, it is passive.

It is beneficial for a woman to master the technique of identifying the active nostril in her husband. This will allow you to instantly guess what will suit your husband right now. When the right is active, it is good to eat, work, make decisions, go to training, study. When the left is active, it is favorable to rest, meditate, and be in a calm state. If a conflict breaks out, wait until breathing is through the left nostril. If you see from the threshold that your husband is breathing through his right nostril, immediately from the threshold you need to feed him, at least a little.

If you want to lose weight, after eating, breathe for 15 minutes through your right nostril, closing your left nostril in the diamond pose. This method allows you to get rid of herpes and fungi.

Take medicine when the right nostril is active; if it is a sedative, then when the left one is active.

They should be pierced and the earrings should be larger in the form of flowers and leaves. Avoid broken lines and sharp angles in earrings that cut off your energy. The earlobes contain an important energy channel, the effect of which has a calming effect. This is why we unknowingly fiddle with earrings when we are worried.


Piercing is an unauthorized piercing. There are 84 energy channels in the navel. Piercing cuts through all these channels, and the energy does not go above the lower chakra. Thus, piercing indicates that a woman is always ready for sex and attracts men with strong lust and irresponsibility. Historically, it comes from Turkey, where concubines were pierced in order to have submissive sex slaves.


It needs to be repaired and inserted in a timely manner. In addition to the aesthetic and physiological aspects, it is necessary to take into account that each tooth is associated with a specific planet. There is a method of strengthening teeth - going to the toilet while gritting your teeth.


Olga Chaplygina

Usually, when I cut men’s hair, I ask them, if they don’t know how, I try, 90% ask to the right

Maria Polishchuk

how it suits anyone


yes, they cut hair simply, but comb it wherever you ask - right, left, back, forward


Is this really a serious question? You can comb it in any direction, whatever is comfortable, familiar, or beautiful.

Angela Onitseva

as you like!

Vladislav Semenov

Is this a matter of life and death? As soon as the master combs your hair, will you walk around without washing your hair for a month until the next haircut? Nowadays there is not even a concept of “fashion”, not to mention “what is right and what is wrong”, let alone which side to comb one’s bangs, is it a personal matter for everyone, or do you have trouble with combs at home? P.S Even when the bangs are oblique, they can be combed in different ways, at least on one side or the other.

Which direction is the right way to comb your hair?


Olya With an idiot argue...

Choose the right comb to start. It should have blunt, rounded ends to avoid injury to the scalp, and not very dense teeth. Give preference to wooden or silicone combs. They, unlike plastic ones, are not charged with static electricity. It is convenient to comb straight hair of any length using the so-called “fish bone”, where there are several rows of teeth. The shorter the hair, the more often the comb can be used. The head brush should not be very thick. Rinse and clean between the teeth of the comb before brushing. Use only dry and clean tools.

The algorithm of actions depends on the length of the hair. Short ones are combed straight from the root. But you shouldn’t do this with long ones: you can pull out a lot of extra ones. Wrap your hand around your hair in a bun, untangle the ends, then work on the middle and base. It is more practical to first go over long hair with a fishbone, and then use a comb. Move the comb smoothly, from the crown to the ends of the hair, alternately grabbing different strands. After a few minutes, you will feel the pleasant warmth that accompanies increased blood circulation.

To achieve greater blood flow to the skin, you need to lower your head. Just be careful if you have blood pressure problems! Alternate the movements of the comb and stroking with your palm. This alternation will give the scalp a rest and allow sebum to be evenly distributed throughout the entire length of the hair, so that it is stronger, shiny and flexible.

Previously, in the old days, girls were forced to make at least 100 movements with a comb. But modern science believes that this is excessive. So brush your hair while you enjoy it. A tired scalp itself will tell you that you need to stop. After completing the procedure, remove the fallen hair from the comb. Rinse the brush in a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia. Use only individual combing products to avoid unwanted exchange of fungi and microorganisms.


It all depends on the haircut.
P.S. I don’t comb them at all. I cut my hair and that's it.

Kalyaka Malyaka - Idol of Democracy

Diagonally so as not to suffer.
In general, it is believed (at least it was believed under the communists) that boys comb their hair from left to right, and girls from right to left.

JENA Moreva

how does it bring you pleasure

Ilnur Gubaidullin

I comb my hair right but it depends on the hairstyle

Did only Hitler comb his hair to the left? Is this even according to Freud?


Lady Blues

it's like cockroaches in your head

olga bacileba

he just liked it that way

Tina Lyubimova

That's probably how he tasted.


And I’m like no one. Execution!

peretzchilli Ivanova

I sometimes comb my hair... I don’t have such a constant concept as a parting.... EH! Woe is me! I haven't read all of Freud! :-))) Then I would know which side to scratch my bangs so as not to become “mental”....: -))) Without jokes, I respect Freud, as for young people, but when it comes to older people, his theory sometimes does not stand up to criticism...


Where the soul lies


The cult of the drooling stockings

Andrey Volk

And what difference does it make whether it goes to the left or to the right, as long as there is something to comb.

How and how to style a man’s hair (42 photos) to have an attractive look

Hairstyle plays an important role in a person’s appearance, however, unlike women, the opposite sex often neglects the fact that hair styling for men, like clothing, is no less important, and it is a kind of calling card. The perception of others will depend on how well-groomed the head is, whether the hairstyle corresponds to the general style and whether it suits the shape of the face, and on these factors a holistic opinion will be formed about the person as a particular person.

Attention! With the help of styling, you can even hide any personal flaws by creating this or that image. For example, if a man is overly modest and shy, then the image of a “bad guy” will help to visually deceive others.

But how to style men's hair correctly? This question may be of interest to many, so let’s look at the existing nuances together. After all, knowing some secrets regarding styling men's hair and choosing products for this, you can completely do without visiting expensive salons and create the desired look yourself.

Choosing hairstyles based on face type

Styling is easier when the haircut is done well. And it is considered as such not only when it is made carefully and according to technology, but also provided that the master or the man himself chose the right type, depending on the configuration of the face. Often, the instructions below are used to select a haircut.

Triangular face type

In this case, you will need, first of all, to hide the frontal area, so the ideal option would be a uniform haircut with short hair (1-2 cm) and medium-length bangs (3-4 cm). Based on the desired image, there can be several ways to style it.

These include strands laid in different directions if you need to create a creative, slightly careless style. Or, when you want to look more strict, you can comb your hair back or to the side. The main thing is that the bangs cover the frontal part.

Long face type

In such a situation, elongated hairstyles, as well as hairstyles with shaved temples and a high top, will be inappropriate, as they will visually elongate the face. In order to visually round out this type of face, it is better to give preference to haircuts with good thickness on the sides (no more than 2-3 cm) and volume on top. The location of the parting is acceptable both on the side and in the middle.

Bangs are welcome, and when the frontal part is extended, it is better if it is processed with thinning scissors. Asymmetrical haircuts also hide flaws in the shape of the face well, and if, for example, the lower area, in particular the chin, is narrowed, then a small beard will help to visually hide such a defect.

Square face

Owners of such a face are more suitable for short hairstyles with straight, elongated strands at the temples. In this case, outrageous personalities can afford to wear long curls, because if they are pulled out with a hairdryer, then such hair styling for men will help visually narrow the face vertically.

Oval face

Typically, this face shape has massive cheekbones, so in this case, either a short or medium-length hairstyle without a clear edging on both the sides and back would be appropriate.

In this case, the temples should be left elongated, and the strands in the parietal area should be trimmed so that in the future it will be possible to lay them volumetrically. When there is also a low forehead, it must be covered by medium-length bangs, at least up to the hairline.

Choosing styling options depending on hair length and type

Nowadays, hair styling products for men are no longer something unusual, and without them it is often impossible to create a modern hairstyle. If you know which styling products to use in a particular case, the styling will turn out neat, attractive and at the same time natural. So, what is the best way to style men's hair based on hair type and length?

Attention! You should not rely only on a haircut, as it only sets the basis for high-quality styling. For example, defects from an unprofessional haircut can be hidden with styling. But if it is done poorly, then it is unlikely to be corrected, and there will be only one way out in this situation - the installation will have to be created anew.

Name of hair type and length Name of suitable means and their features
Short strands with a fine and soft structure
To style this category of hair, it would be good to use a gel, because it gives a vibrant shine to the strands and perfectly holds short hair in place. Provided that this product is applied in moderation, it allows you to create a natural effect. It is first applied to the palms (a few drops), and then distributed over the strands from the forehead to the back of the head. If you overdo it, you can instead get “wooden hair” that looks like porcupine quills.
Medium length hair with wavy and coarse texture It is better to style this category of hair with men's wax or pomade, as these products allow it to lie softly and naturally, without a weighting effect. However, these styling products must be used, again, in moderation, otherwise the effect of oily hair will be guaranteed.
Elongated strands with different structures It is better to style such curls with mousse or cream. This can be explained by the fact that only mousse or hair styling cream for men can give long locks manageability and softness. Other styling makes them heavier and stiff.
Any hair On any hair, varnishes will help fix the styling result. They are usually applied as a finishing agent. To make the styling seem natural, the main thing, again, is not to overdo it with this fixing agent. Otherwise, it will create the effect of a dirty, greasy head, and all efforts to create an attractive hairstyle will be in vain.

Note! Using the listed products, you can do your own styling without the help of auxiliary tools, but when the hair is unruly or needs to be given sufficient volume, they are often used together with a hair dryer with a diffuser and special brushes. In this case, in order to protect the hair and scalp from the effects of the hot stream, they should first be applied with thermal protection, the price of which is now affordable for everyone.

Secrets of using important tools

After the styling has been correctly selected, many will be interested in how to style men’s hair, that is, with what tools, and where does this process begin? Of course, first of all, before this procedure, you will need to thoroughly wash your hair.

Moreover, the diameter of the brushing will depend on the length of the hair. So, for long curls a large size is suitable, and for short ones - a small or regular hard brush.

There are several secrets that will help you achieve high-quality hair styling using a hair dryer:

  1. If the length of the strands does not exceed 4-5 cm, then you can give them the desired direction only with a stream of air from a hairdryer and a movement of your hands, in which your fingers should be at the roots, lifting them slightly.
  2. When the hair is longer than this, then to add volume, the roots should first be lifted by brushing, and then only exposed to air. After drying the roots, you can use the same device to pull out the strands by first winding them from the ends onto the brush and lightly pulling them down. These manipulations should be accompanied by hot air from a hair dryer.
  3. Right-handed people hold the brush in their right hand, while left-handed people take it in their left palm.
  4. The hairdryer should be at least 20 cm away from the head. It should always be held in the direction the strands are oriented.
  5. If your hair is unruly, applying gel before blow-drying will make it easier to handle.
  6. The cowlick on both the crown and the bangs is first straightened with a hairdryer, and then sprayed with varnish, after which it is smoothed with a flat comb.
  7. Before blow-drying frizzy strands, you should first lightly wax them..

Examples of creating images only using styling

The image of a "good boy"

To create this style, you will need a short or medium-length haircut and applying on both palms the product that is suitable for your existing hair type. Then the strands are laid with smoothing movements slightly to the side, resulting in either a barely noticeable parting or a pronounced parting. The strands will look, as it were, “sleek”.

Stylish "bad boy"

To create this effect, select a suitable styling product and rub it on your palms. Next, you need to distribute the strands in the direction from the crown to the forehead. If you have bangs, they should lie so as to slightly cover your forehead, and in the parietal area the strands should be slightly tousled.

If the bangs are very short, then they can also be slightly raised, directed either back or slightly to the side. Such carelessness will help you appear younger and look stylish.

Elegant style

Elegance can be created by having either medium-length or below-the-shoulder curls. To do this, if desired, they are pulled out with a hairdryer, and then combed back either with or without a parting. Next, they are fixed with styling, which will help them not to fray during the day.

If desired, this styling can be easily transformed into an informal hairstyle by slightly tousling the strands with your own hands. And if hair gets in the way, then a ponytail, which will also emphasize elegance, will be an ideal option for creating a strict style.


In conclusion, it should be noted that by experimenting with styling products and a hairdryer, you can, albeit not immediately, find your own styling method that will help highlight your inner world and create a unique image. And if you are still not clear on how to style men’s haircuts, then watch the video in this article, and it will definitely help in this interesting matter.


Men's hair styling is an important element of a man's appearance, which is often neglected. However, every man should be able to style his hair correctly, since with the help of styling you can radically change your image, creating hairstyles suitable for business meetings, a work atmosphere, a friendly holiday or a club party. Styling hair is not that difficult, especially in the case of a short men's haircut.