At what week it is better to recognize the sex of the child. What week can you learn half a child on ultrasound? Is the error possible

"Who will be from us? Boy or girl? " - These issues are the most exciting for young parents.

To wait for the results of the ultrasound to many moms and dads are not under power. This is tedious, because the floor of the future kid wants to know for sure from the first days. It is possible to determine the sex of the child much earlier, if you know about some non-hard ways. Someone these techniques seem simple superstitions, and someone successfully uses them even when the baby is conceived.

Is it possible to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception?

Our first method has a serious scientific justification. In order to take advantage of them, it is necessary to at least approximate the date when fertilization occurred. Another option is to use the ovulation calendar. The fact that your baby will be solved on the day of conception: it depends on a certain set of chromosomes, which transmits the spermatozoa of the egg.

Women's sexual cells initially have a set of chromosomes of only one type - XX. And spermatozoa can enter into information and about X-chromosomes, and the Y-chromosomes. Accordingly, if the dad "gives" the mother of a men's Y-chromosome, a boy will be born; If two female X chromosomes are connected - a girl.

So what information can the day of conception can give us? The fact is that the cells with the Y-chromosome move quickly, but their life time is very short. Finding into women's genital paths, they are able to save the mobility not more than 22-24 hours. Therefore, the conception of the boy is only possible on the day of ovulation (+/- day).

If the conception occurred later than the day of ovulation for about a week, then the likelihood is that the goals managed to achieve a sperm with chromosome X.

This simple rule can be guided when planning a child: if the couple wants to conceive the Son, the sexual intercourse should take place as close as possible by the time of ovulation. If you dream about a girl, then with conception, you can wait a bit. Also on the sexuality of the crumbs can affect sexual abstinence of a man. Long absence of sexual contact (2-3 months) blocks the production of "boyish" spermatozoa. When conducting active sexual life before conception, the probability of the birth of a boy grows up to 70%.

Calculate the sex of the child to update the blood of parents

The essence of this non-standard, but no less efficient than the previous one, the methodology is the theory of blood update. It is believed that in a person, a person occurs several cycles, during which the "old" blood is completely changed to the "new".

"New" blood is stronger. Depending on whether some of the parents at the time of conception, the composition of the blood will be closest to the updated, the same sex will be a child.

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Traditionally, the blood change scheme is this: in women, the cycle takes place for 3 years, in men - 4 years.

This is where the disadvantage of this method is manifested: there is averaged data for its basis, and in practice, the rhythm of blood renewal can be completely different. The cyclicness affects blood loss (operations, donation, childbirth), blood transfusion, diseases of the circulatory system. If the conception was preceded by significant blood losses (from 1 liter), then record will be conducted not from the birthday, but from the date of the last transfusion (operation).

So, for calculating, we divide the age of the father (for example, 31 years) and the mother (25 years) on the update cyclicity:

Dad: 31/4 = 7,7

Mother: 25/3 = 8,3

In the results obtained, we will only be interested in the decimal numbers. We look at the residue: the larger value (7) will be at dad. So, his blood was updated earlier, and a high probability appears at the birth of a girl.

Also, the result may be like this:

Dad: 28/4 = 7,0

Mother: 24/3 = 8,0

If the rest is the same, the chances of conception of the boy and the girls are equalized. And it is also believed that such a result of the test indicates a greater possibility of the development of multiple pregnancy.

Determination of the floor of the child in the Rh Factor and the Blood Group of Parents

According to this method, it is possible to calculate the degree of probability of birth in a pair of a child of a certain floor.

The theory says that:

  • if a woman has blood L of group, a man L or LLL - they most likely be born daughter;
  • a woman has a LL group, a man - LL or LV is more likely to conceive a girl;
  • the woman LLL has a group, a man - LL, LLL or LV - the high probability of birth of a boy;
  • in a woman LV Group, and a man - LL - such a combination is ideal for the appearance of babies.

As for the rhesus factor of parents, the algorithm will be like this:

  • mom and Pope are the same cuts - a girl will be born;
  • the reasons are different - a boy will be born.

The truthfulness of calculations for blood groups is not so high: the results are very often not coincided with reality.

The indicators of the blood group and the rhesv factor remain the same for life, and in large families there are almost always different kids.

The rhesus factor in conception has more serious importance: moms with a negative value have a high risk of development. Such a pregnancy should take place under the obligatory control of the doctor.

Chinese table for determining the floor of the future kid

The floor of the future heir, who is under the heart of a woman, especially interested in the inhabitants of the ancient China. To solve this issue, a table containing data on the age of mom and a particular month in which the fruit was conceived. The intersection of vertical and horizontal lines and should provide the necessary information.

That the result was more accurate, some nuances should be taken into account. First, in China, it was customary to keep records of age not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception.

That is, when choosing a row to your real age, your mother needs to be added for another 9 months.

Secondly, a woman should know exactly what month the conception occurred. If the sexual act was carried out at the end of the month, the fertilization occurred, most likely, already in the following, as spermatozoa can "get" to the target about a week.

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It is not difficult to use the Chinese table: select your age in the vertical column, and the month of conception is in the horizontal string.

What the Chinese were guided in drawing up this table - unknown. But no longer one century she helps curious mothers and dads to find out who will be their long-awaited kid. Perhaps today she will help you.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the child

Deciphering this Japanese table is similar to the previous method. Only vertical will need to look no age mom, but a special secret number. To calculate the secret number, you will have to use the first part of the table. It is at the intersection of the month of birth of mother and father.

When the cherished number is found, it remains for small. All quickly and simple: We are looking for a color designation of the floor crumbs, corresponding to your secret number and month of conception.

Finding out the floor of the child for folk signs

What only beliefs did not use our ancestors to predict the gender of the baby in the womb. Consider the most interesting of people will take:

1 Mom's tummy is sharp, issued forward, and the waist has retained its outlines - get ready for the birth of a son. If the stomach is round and a little diverge to the side - most likely, there will be a girl.

2 It is said that girls usually "take the beauty" of their moms. If a woman has a strong toxicosis during the nipping, there are acne and acne, and the hair and nails often began to break - expect baby.

In distant times, pregnant women were fortoted, who wait in the family. And today, before the end of pregnancy, cute ladies already choose the names to their long-awaited son or daughter. Means of modern medicine allow today to see the sexual affiliation of a not born son or daughter long before his birth. This is what in modern medicine is known about the intrauterine definition of the floor. The easiest way to do is just do ultrasound. But how to choose a term? And is it the only way to understand when you run to the store for blue or pink ribbons? After all, it is believed that this study is harmful to the fetus. In this article you will learn what week you can find out the sex of the child and about some ways, how to do it. And also, where and how can you see who will appear when pregnancy is still small? When can ultrasound indicate the baby to wait or kid? Is it possible to do without this study and are there folk methods for determining gender?

Doctors consider the only most accurate way to get this information - it is to go to the ultrasound at 15 a week confirmed pregnancy. However, many ladies have a sexual belonging to the baby by 12 or even 11 weeks after conception. That is, translated to the calendar who will appear on the light will become clear after 4 months. However, there are some signs that will be prompted by a girl in a "interesting position" who will be born. They walked on them who will have our grandmothers, who else. Of course, 100% guarantees they can not give, but many today take them into account.

A more reliable way to determine the affiliation of the fetus can be called enough risky chorion biopsy. It is possible to conduct this analysis on the 7th week of time, however, it is rarely resorted to this method, as it can cause miscarriage. A thin needle is introduced into the uterus and take a small amount of arrogant fluid. Due to the high risk of fetal loss, this method even experienced doctors are not recommended to use.

Also on who, with a high probability, will appear on the light, the blood test can also indicate.

Which any girl can do, both in the women's consultation at the place of residence and in the medical center. In it 85% you can define the gear of the heir. But the result may be false, if there is some pathology in a patient or fetus. So the blood test does not always help determine exactly who will be, he or she. Best do it with ultrasound or some folk admissionwhich may be surprisingly accurate.

What week can you learn half a child on ultrasound

Experts write that already for 12 weeks you can do an ultrasound and understand who to wait in the family. However, this method has opponents, which not without reason believe that this method may harm the infant And even becoming the cause of congenital pathologies from the fetus and violations of its development. Therefore, doctors do not advise you to learn the sex of the child on an ultrasound without other medical testimony for research. Yet, many mothers still resort to this research method. And at the same time, children are born healthy and without disorders of intrauterine development.

You can also find out, the female name to choose a baby or male and 3d ultrasound, as a more modern instrument. However, even an ultrasound can not always show a boy or a girl if he turned back to the instrument. Sometimes the umbilical embers interferes to see the floor of the child and even with this study not rare cases when, instead of the expected son, daughter is born. Therefore, even such a method, as an ultrasound, may be inaccurate, as well as the term for determining pregnancy. At one week already, it is clear, he or she will be after birth, others - only at 15 or 18. But by 20 week Almost every woman has a doctor who can know exactly, pink pelleons prepare or blue. However, many parents do not want to know about it before the birth.

If the conception happened, then the boy or the girl, which a woman wears under his heart, it can determine already from the first day of menstruation delay. Usually pregnancy, especially the first, changes the whole state of a cute lady, and it can intuitively feel that it happened.

Also, if the baby is destined to appear, she can see a lot of tipswho will say the mother who will have it. Tips can become like folk signs and dreams.

To folk signs, which they say, the gender will be the following. If the belly has a waiting appearance of a baby big and discontinuous, in shape resembles a cone, the son will be born. If he is rounded, resembling a ball, then, most likely, a girl is born.

You can also determine the gender of the child for intuition. There are experienced ladies, often professional gynecologists, who even just looking for pregnant people can say who she will have to light almost with 100% guarantee. How exactly they determine - the mystery and for them themselves. However, forecasts of such people are very accurate. Sometimes, the boy wait or a girl, determined by the energy potential of the mother. Each person has periods of activity or, on the contrary, the decline when it is little capable of productive activities. If at the moment of conception, the energy potential of the spouse was stronger than that of a woman, she would have a son. If the woman's husband was sick, weakened, and she, on the contrary, felt fresh and rested, then she would most likely be conceived a girl. Sometimes this potential people guess the first time. Therefore, many and exactly can be said from the side who will appear through a certain number of months.

Another, more accurate tip, are dreams of the future mother. If she sees a boy or a girl, she will have a child of the same sex, as in a dream. Also a tip, who will appear on the light, is a product that the future mother kept in his hands and through which stepped out. If she crossed in a dream through potatoes, cabbage or cooler, then a girl will be born. Embed in a dream through tomato or eggplant - by the birth of a boy. Also note what children's things you see in a dream. Typewriters, blue ribbons talk about the birth of a son, dolls, bows, pink dresses - girls. It does not matter when you can find out the floor of the child during pregnancy.

Sometimes some future mothers appear innocent intuition and it already knows in advance who she will have, without any dreams. Often close people see dreamsIn which even without special interpretors, you can guess how the gender will appear for the light.

What week can you learn half a child without ultrasound

Those who do not believe the signs for this it is better to turn to official medicine. Also, the sexuality of the baby will also prompt for a special blood test for hormones. Many experienced gynecologists after 20 weeks can say for sure who will be born. Another way, how can I learn half a child without an ultrasound - folk beliefswhich years have developed in the people and dreams. They can be like the most woman and her loved ones. For example, mother, father or even spouse.

There are a few will accept, indirectly indicating how the floor will you have a baby.

If a pregnant person or her mother, or mother-in-law dreamed that she had a kitten or a puppy on her hands, then a son would appear. The same means a dream in which she holds in the hands of Dolphin. In a dream, catching the fish, especially beautiful and decorative - to the birth of a daughter. Also it is important to determine the fish. Salmon, mackerel, searer or trout predicts the birth of a girl, but a carp, perch, fishing, bream or even Dolphin - a boy.

Also noteWhat attracted you on the street or in the store of children's things or toys. The people have long seen that if you drew attention to the cars, clothes for newborn boys, tanks, airplanes, this is a faithful tip that the family will replenish the baby fill. If your attention was attracted by clothes of pink, dolls, bows, then, most likely, there will be a daughter in the house.

Also the future woman in labor can change addiction in food. If it pulls it on fish, cucumbers or salty products, under his heart she wears a son. If, during the waiting, a cute lady constantly eats sweet, ice cream - wait for my daughter. This is due to the fact that the boys and girls different hormone background.

How to find out the floor of the future child on the table by months

In addition, there are still Chinese and Japanese tables for which you can calculate, the baby will appear in your family or kid. Enough specify the month of conception and age of the mother. Then look at the intersection of numbers, which will indicate, pink decorations for the cradle to buy or blue.

And now you understand what week you can find out the sex of the child? Did you know or left a surprise? Leave your opinion or review for everyone on the forum.

Pregnancy planning is an important stage in the development of the family. Many future parents are trying to follow all the stages of growth and forming the fetus. Often the doctor is asked a question, on what time it is possible to find out the sex of the child on the ultrasound. To understand when it can be done, it is necessary to figure out how the formation of a sexual system in a boy and a girl occurs.

Fertilization occurs when the genital cells are merged. In the first two weeks there is a zygote. It appears during the active division of blastocysts. From the third week, the embryo begins to form the zygota. It does not have clear outlines. Future limbs and genitals are laid in the form of small tubercles. Sex tuber is preserved unchanged.

At 9 week, certain changes appear. From this point on, on the monitor of the device, the doctor observes the appearance of the following parts of the sexual system: a urethral deepening, pigeon-scrutinous folds, sex hollows, urinary folds. On this time, the system does not allow to determine the child's sexuality. Even an experienced specialist is unable to accurately determine the floor.

You can see the first signs of change on week 11. From this point on, the formation of organs.

Boy formation

At 11 week, boys appear additional signs. They depend on the start of the hormone work. Dihydrosterone substance is responsible for the male floor.

It is produced in the pituitary. The beginning of the brain activity leads to the construction of a hormonal system. Dihydrosterone affects the work of the testicles. Up to the eighth months, they are located in the abdominal zone. Before childbirth, the testicles are descended into the scrotum.

Men's external genital organs consist of scrotum and penis. Penis consists of head, body and extreme flesh. The head is formed from the sex bump. He does not change its structure. Sex folds are spliced \u200b\u200band form a penis body. The distance between them is saved. In the resulting cavity, the urethra is laid. Lifting-scrutinating tubercles are gradually shifted to the bottom. Midgeka is formed from the tubercles. The line of splicing of tubercles is preserved on a scrotum bag throughout life.

With the appearance of the scrotum, the testicles begin to produce a small amount of testosterone. He is responsible for the further development of the boy. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus has a scrotal furrow, according to which the doctor may install sexuality.

Formation of the girl

Girls undergo less explicit transfiguration. Sex hoody gradually deepening in lip-scrotal folds. It also persists until the end of his life and forms the clitoris. The growth of the clitoris continues to one year. Grunette folds gradually increase and form outdoor sexual lips. Small lips are formed from the remaining folds. The splicing of bugs and folds does not occur.

The process of performing sexual tuberca is accompanied by a change in the angle generated between it and the body of the fetus. Girls are gradually lowered. An angle of less than 35 degrees is formed. At the corner you can define the floor at the end of the second month of pregnancy. But not all doctors are used by this method. A small number of specialists can accurately choose an angle to establish an angle. The correct definition is carried out in the fourth month. On the period of three months, doctors can make an assumption of sexuality. But parents warn about the probability of 50%.

Causes of erroneous establishment of fetal accessories

Many parents mistakenly believe that the floor can be installed in the early deadlines. Receiving the opposite result on the repeated screen, upset. Errors during ultrasound depend on the following factors:

  • the position of the fetus;
  • mobility of a child;
  • quality of equipment.

An important factor in the definition of the floor is the position of the fetus. For the best research, the child must be located sideways. But it is impossible to force the fruit of the fruit. Often the child can turn away with his back or firmly compress the legs. Such a posture does not allow the doctor to consider the characteristics of a tubercle and folds. In some parents, the child does not allow you to install your field before delivery.

Also, difficulties occur with the enhanced activity of the fetus. If the child is actively moving in a bubble, the doctor will not be able to correctly install the sensor. Thanks to this feature, the floor can only be determined on the second screening.

Modern equipment allows you to consider a child in detail. Such equipment gives a three-dimensional image. With this ultrasound, you can define not only the sex of the child, but carefully consider the whole body. Many women have this procedure only in paid clinics.

Not all medical centers have means for such an ultrasound device. In most perinatal center there are ordinary equipment. To set the floor of the baby, the doctor explores the angle of sexipal tuberculosis and the external features of lifting-sex folds. A more accurate result can be obtained by receiving pictures.

Additional methods of determination

Ultrasonic apparatus does not always give an accurate picture of pregnancy. You can determine the floor using additional studies. If the floor does not discern, you need to use the following methods:

  • counting heartbeat;
  • taking a chorionic sample;
  • basic puncture.

Many doctors use the first method. Calculation of heartbeats is also carried out on the ultrasound apparatus. It is believed that the number of blows depends on the hormonal system. A female child has a slower heart. Up to 4 months is determined by 140-150 beats per minute. The boys the heart beats faster. This is due to the feature of the activity of Dihydrosterone. It enhances blood circulation. The heart is reduced more often. The boy can be determined by 150-170 shocks.

A more complex study that allows you to get a 100% result, is carried out on the puncture of Chorion. Chorion is formed at the point of consolidation of the zygota. It performs the feature of the placenta. In the first month, the chorion contains a genetic code. The code is carrying male sex cells. Sperm and spermatozoa have two types of chromosomes - x and u. When conceiving a boy, the formation of a chromosomal code of Hu type occurs. The girl appears at the XX chromosomes. Studying the sample from Chorion allows you to correctly install the fetal affiliation.

The rare method of establishing the floor is puncture of the umbilical cord. This procedure is carried out only if certain reasons are available. It can harm a child or disrupt the normal course of pregnancy.

Causes of early definition of fetal affiliation

The sex of the child is determined not only because of parental interest. There are other factors affecting these procedures. The reason is the presence of such reasons as:

  • genetic diseases;
  • chromosomal pathologies.

Some families have hereditary diseases transmitted by a certain floor. Such a child can purchase a heavy pathology either to have an anomaly that does not allow a long time to live. If there is this reason, it is necessary to determine the floor until the end of the third month of pregnancy. This period can be carried out in a timely manner in a timely manner. In order not to get errors, the study is carried out by chorionic tissue. One ultrasound is not enough. The procedure can be carried out by 4-5 weeks.

Also danger causes chromosomal anomalies. They are detected with a violation of a genetic code that is carried by spermatozoa. Such diseases are determined by the presence and development of previous pregnancies. If the pair had problems with iteming, then an additional examination of both partners is appointed. The spermogram helps specialists to determine the cause of the ailment. If a culprit is a certain chromosomal code, the conception of a child's child is carried out using an extracorporeal fertilization procedure. At Eco, the doctor sets the floor of the future child before the submachine to the female body. This treatment allows you to avoid possible complications in 95% of cases.

Home Methods

If a woman does not receive results up to 14 weeks, it can take advantage of folk tips. It is believed that these methods allow you to determine the floor on any time. You should pay for the following features:

  • abdominal location;
  • food preferences;
  • the condition of the skin of a woman;
  • calendar technique;
  • sexual activity.

Many patients are trying to install the sex of the child in the form and location of the abdomen. A woman who drowshes a boy has a more dense belly. Many mammies are not visible to the abdomen during the entire wear from the back. In the presence of a girl, the figure of a woman changes stronger. The stomach does not have large sizes, but the waist quickly disappears. Most patients have this technique effective.

Some women are focused on food preferences. They are associated with the hormonal features of the child. The boy's development entails an increase in testosterone level. Such patients use a greater number of animal products. It is noted that the mothers of boys during pregnancy have uncharacteristic food needs. They combine unusual products. When developing a girl, a woman is experiencing a craving for sweet dishes. This feature arises due to increased protein consumption by a child. Increasing blood glucose levels allows the child to get the necessary substances.

It is also believed that the girl picks her mother's beauty. Women appears rashes on the skin. Increases the fatty skin. These phenomena are associated with an increase in female hormones. After childbirth, the skin condition stabilizes. The boy carries the dihydrosterone. Woman's skin can be dry for pregnancy. Many patients pregnant with boys, external skin changes are not observed.

More accurate results can be obtained by the calendar technique. The floor is calculated from the date of conception, the age of mom. But this method can not use all patients. The exact date of conception is not always known. You can use this technique when planning pregnancy.

An important aspect is the sexual activity during conception. If a man was more active during sexual contact, the girl's birth chances are increasing. If the woman was more active, a boy can be born.

It is possible to determine the floor with an ultrasound 12-14 weeks. If the affiliation is not installed at these deadlines, it is recommended to wait for the second screening. Most patients have a second survey gives the result.

Definition of the child's floor on ultrasound is a method that can most accurately be used to get an answer to the question of which the sex of the baby you are waiting.

At the same time, the method is not invasive, that is, does not require any injections or punctures, painless and safe for mother and kid.

For what you need to define the sexuality of the child by ultrasound

This study is not always conducted "of interest" to know what color to buy things.

Information may be vital in cases when it comes to diseases transmitted with sex chromosomes.

From what period you can define the floor

When the ultrasound shows the sex of the child, more accurately find out this information from 21 weeks.

Of course, the floor is predetermined while conception when the sperm and egg fusion occurs, but the genitals begin to form only from the 8th week.

Then, on the existing ones from the 6th week, a sexual tuberculus from the 6th week will not even be understood by the ultrasound during pregnancy, what sex is a child.

With 50% probability from 12 weeks, subject to the presence of good equipment and an experienced Sonolog doctor, you can assume Paul by ultrasound.

This is judged by the corner formed by the back of the baby and his sex bumps. If it is an angle of less than 30 ° - it says that, most likely, you develop a girl. The angle of more than this figure speaks of the male beginning of the fetus. But these figures are indirect certificate of gender.

Only from 20-21 weeks of genitals are already fully formed, and the definition of gender is based on their appearance, not angles or other measurements.

So, in the photo ultrasound you can already see the sex of the child. But even the third compulsory study still exists an error.

Why the ultrasound of the fetus may arise errors associated with the definition of fetal sex

Ultrasound can be mistaken with a child of a child in such cases:

  1. If the study is carried out too early. Usually 11-13 weeks, already under the first planned procedure, the doctor tries at least approximately to define the floor by ultrasound. It may not be confirmed later, but to configure a married couple to wait a boy or a girl. Although it is necessary to know that ultrasound in this time puts completely different purposes, rather than the definition of sex of the fetus - identifying the defects of its development.
  2. Late time of pregnancy. In this case, errors in the recognition of Paul Child according to the ultrasound data are related to the fact that due to the fact that the baby is already quite closely in the uterus, he can hide his genitals from the sensor.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. The difficulty is that kids can cover each other.
  4. Human factor, that is, the error of the doctor controlling the sensor. Or the fact that when conducting research, the kid all the time closes the legs or turns away. In these cases, to distinguish a boy from a girl will help 3D ultrasound with a photo.
  5. Outdated equipment that does not allow to visualize the genitals of the fetus.

See also:

5 main questions about the yellow body on ultrasound

It is important to know that the determination of sex on ultrasound during pregnancy is also influenced by the amount of water in which the baby floats, and the location of the fetus and umbilical cord, as well as the thickness of the mother's belly wall.

How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound

1. Invasive methods:

  • Biopsy Vysin's future placenta - Chorione. This method - 100% guarantees the definition of the floor, only for it you need to introduce long small tweezers into the olive flood bubble, which can be infected there, and also provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, the method is used only in the case of genetic diseases lucked with gender chromosomes.
  • Amniocentesis. For this, the octopling bubble is punctured, and water in a small amount is taken to the study. The procedure is done on July 16-18. Complications can be the same as in the first case, therefore, from simple curiosity, parents are not done. If there is no big necessity, it is better to visualize the sex of the child on such a study as a 3D ultrasound than in this way.

2. Estimated methods:

    • By the date of ovulation and the date of sex, which led to conception. If sex was for several (3-5) days before the exit of the egg, you will probably have a girl. And if the sexual act was 1-2 days before or on the day of ovulation, it says about the conception of the boy.
    • By the combination of blood groups (according to AB0) parents. There are special tables for this.

  • On the "update" of blood. There are locomotive data that men completely change blood every four years, the ladies are for three years. To determine the floor, we divide the age of the mother to 3, and the father is 4. whose number is less, that gender and "transmitted" to the fetus.
  • In the frequency of heartbeat defined in 12-14 weeks: the boy is less than 140 shots per minute, the girl has more of this figure.
  • round belly during pregnancy says that you are waiting for a small princess; When the boy should be born, the stomach "sharp"
  • if the woman has become more ugly, her pregnancy is hard, then she is waiting for a girl
  • damage nipples says that you are waiting for the girl
  • the first movement on the left side suggests that you should buy a pink "dowry", with the right - blue.

The child tooling the child is the happiest part of the life of each of us. This is a period of surprises and surprises. The future mother is in anticipation of every movement of the child and adding a centimeter on the tummy.

Of course, future parents are interested in a babbit floor during pregnancy. To do this, there are a wide variety of people and fortunes, but learn the gender of the baby will more accurately help.

Ultrasound as the most common diagnostic method is used in all sorts of medicine areas. Pregnant women are exposed to ultrasound, with the aim of diagnosing potential development problems, as well as to monitor the state of the authorities, both the baby and its future mother.

Ultrasound is an inexpensive, simple and affordable method of examination, which makes it possible to extract accurate information about the formation of the fetus. This procedure is absolutely painless and safe. The gynecologist at the reception will lead to a woman about the timing required for the ultrasound.

As a rule, for the entire period of nursing the baby accounts for three studies:

  • 10-12 weeks
  • 20-22 weeks
  • 30-32 weeks

Each of these research pursues its goals. This amount of ultrasound is necessary. There are cases when the doctor appoints additional research, which is determined by the state of Mom and her child. Often, the very first procedure is carried out on a period of 3-5 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, hear the heartbeat and see the location of the child. But, in order to recognize his development, you need time, because it is still quite a crumb.

The purpose of such a survey is to assess the state of the fetus and the diagnosis of possible anomalies of its formation.

In addition, during the procedure, fruit measurements are made, the parameters of the ocoplodic waters determine the structure and umbilical cord, the position of the placenta is investigated, the uterine-placental blood flow is estimated. All these factors help to identify possible deviations.

For 10-12 weeks, ultrasound will tell you:

  • On the development of the fetus.
  • On the presence of heartbeat.
  • On the presence or absence of gross defects of formation.

The second study will provide information:

  • About the location of the placenta.
  • On the volume of spindlewater waters.
  • About cervix.

Useful video - how to determine the sex of the child without an ultrasound:

At this stage, you can reveal the potential threat of miscarriage. Then, the woman is offered to go to the hospital to eliminate adverse effects.The main function of the ultrasound during this period is to identify all sorts of malformations, as well as genetic pathologies.

The last study is necessary for:

  • Definitions of the child's condition.
  • Detection of potential infectious diseases.
  • Establish different congenital surgical diseases.

It is necessary to establish the position of the child, since at this stage the kid should be head down.

Preparation and procedure

For more accurate results, you should prepare for diagnostics. Preparation at each stage has its own characteristics:

  • Before the diagnosis is undesirable to eat dairy products, bakery and legumes. Because they cause the formation of gases in the intestine. Among the fruits it is necessary to exclude prunes, peaches and figs on the eve of the ultrasound.
  • Before the first diagnosis, it will be necessary to drink a lot of ordinary water so that at the time of study the bladder was moderately complete. As a rule, the first is transvaginal for which a condom and a diaper is needed. A specialist conducting ultrasound diagnostics, puts on the designed equipment condom, lubricating gel. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. As a rule, the future mother does not experience any discomfort and painful sensations.
  • Before the rest of the ultrasound drinking water is not required, because the liquid will already replace the oily water. Diagnostics at later timing is a transabdominal procedure. That is, the development of the fetus, and the general development of pregnancy is estimated through the stomach. The specialist lubricates the belly of a pregnant woman with a special gel, and with the help of an abdominal sensor drives through the stomach, finding a suitable place to study all the crumbs. Also, the diagnosis assesses the placenta and the uterus.

Regardless of the term of pregnancy, emotional preparation for ultrasound is needed. Most women believe that an ultrasound study brings harm not yet born baby.

As a result, the body allocates stress hormones that instantly go to the fetus. For this reason, during the ultrasound, a child can vigorously steal, which may affect the diagnostic process.

To determine the sex of the future crumbs, the knowledge of the intrauterine development of the fetus is required. Therefore, it will not be important to make sure the qualified specialist and in the presence of high-class equipment.

The gender of the baby can be seen already for 13 weeks of pregnancy, if the ultrasound is carried out transvaginally. During the diagnosis, there is an opportunity to see specific symptoms inherent in girls and boys:

  • Girls have a chance to notice from 2 to 4 accurate lines, which in the future form small and large sex lips.
  • Boys have the primacy of the penis and scrotum. A specialist during the study diagnoses in the transverse position of the embryo.

The visualization of the genital organs of the embryo at week 13 is possible, but quite complex. Being for 16 week, it is already possible to notice the morphological characteristics of the genitals of girls and boys.

For 20-24 weeks, the sex of the child can be found with 100 percent accuracy, provided that the fetus is correct. However, there are some obstacles: the thickness of the abdominal wall and the volume of ammunition. Significantly simplifies the definition of the floor to the so-called 3D ultrasound.

Features of the development of gender from the fetus

The floor of a tiny embryo is laid immediately by conception. But no equipment cannot determine it in this period. Even for the approval of pregnancy should go about a week after the delay. Previously, fix the presence of an embryo is almost unrealistic.

Forming an embryo:

  • At 8 week of pregnancy, reproductive fetus bodies are developing - ovaries and testicles. When conducting an ultrasound in this period, the genital bodies will be impossible to determine, since their formation is in an infallinal stage.
  • On 11 week later, the fetus has sex and pupils. Sex hormone dihydrotesterone is responsible for the development of the "male body". A small tubercock grows in length, thereby forming, penis.Also in this period, the splice of sex folds flows and a urethra is formed. Running tubercles are also spliced, forming a scrotum. However, the oval omens occurs only in the last trimester. During this period, sex folds form small sexual lips, and the clit is formed from the sexual tubercle.
  • Set the floor of your baby with the greatest accuracy of the ultrasound study can from 18 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, the role is playing the skills and skills of a specialist, as well as the quality of the devices. In addition, the child himself is entitled not to demonstrate the genital organs up to birth, closing them with his hands or lumps a barrel.

If you are already waiting for a child or you are going to plan a pregnancy, I would like to note that the most important thing is not the floor of the kid, but his health. Preparing for the role of parents, first of all, take care of the conception of a healthy baby.

A child, a girl or boy, should start his long life path in a healthy body Mom, and also feel like dad dreams of his appearance. Your desire to conceive the baby of a certain sex will be a pleasant addition to even more wishes - to have a child. Who would you conceive, believe me, he will post your heart once and forever !!!