Describe the toy teddy bear. Essay about your favorite toy

1. My favorite toy is. It is light brown, it has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. My father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. I like my teddy bear because it is very sweet and cuddly. My soft toy is talented because it can read stories and fairy-tales to me. I like to listen to his stories before going to bed. My bear can sit and sleep with me. When I get upset, it calms me down. My teddy bear is my best friend!


My favorite toy is a teddy bear. It is light brown in color. He has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. Dad gave it to me for my fifth birthday. I love my teddy bear because he is very cute and soft. My plush toy is talented because the bear can read me stories and fairy tales. I love listening to his stories before bed. My bear can sit and lie with me. When I get upset, he calms me down. The teddy bear is my best friend!

2. My favorite toy is my. It is very beautiful, it is neither big nor small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is slim, she has thick brown hair. Her eyes are blue, her lashes are long. My doll has five fashionable outfits: 4 lovely dresses and a pajamas. I like to dress her up, to do her hair and to play with her after school. Every evening I dress her in a pajamas and put her in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy to have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.


My favorite toy is a Barbie doll. She is very beautiful, she is neither big nor small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is very slim with brown hair. Her eyes are blue and her eyelashes are long. My doll has five trendy outfits: 4 pretty dresses and pajamas. I love dressing her up, doing her hair and playing with her after school. Every night I put on her pajamas and put them in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy to have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.

3. My favorite toy is a. It is very fast and it works with a remote control. This car was a present from my father on my seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. It is red and very nice. The doors of the car open and close. When I play with my Ferrari car, I feel like I am driving it. It sounds like a real racing car. My cousins ​​also like to play with my favorite toy.


My favorite toy is a Ferrari. It is very fast and works on the remote control. This car is a gift from my dad for his seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. She is red and very pretty. The car doors open and close. When I play with my Ferrari, I feel like I drive it myself. It sounds like a real racing car. My cousins ​​also love to play with my favorite typewriter.

4. My favorite toy is my iPad Mini. I like it because of the games, music and videos. It was a great present form my parents for Christmas. I have much fun when I play or watch interesting movies and cartoons. I can also read books there and take pictures. I downloaded a lot of applications for children. The size of my iPad is very convenient, it is very thin and small, so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or my pocket.


My favorite toy is the mini iPad. I love it because of the games, music and videos. It was a great Christmas present from my parents. I have a lot of fun when I play or watch movies and cartoons on it. I can also read books on it and take photographs. I have downloaded many kids apps. The size of my Ipad is very comfortable, it is very thin and small, so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or pocket.

My favourite toy is a machine, a small car. It was made of iron or other metal similar to iron, and it is painted dark red. My father bought me a typewriter in a rather expensive store and told me to take care of it. My car is very high quality, we often played with her friends, and it did not break for almost two years. Meanwhile, my cheap plastic cars have been breaking for a long time.

When, after all, the wheel has my car fell off, and then immediately fell off and all the doors one by one, I went to my dad and asked her to be repaired. I was only five years old then, but I already knew that good things should be repaired and treated with care. And daddy gave the toy a new life.

My little car has four doors, and they open and close. If the car were large, then six people would be accommodated in the cabin with the driver. Typewriter has its own brand - a Mercedes, a German-made car. This car company has a good reputation in the world, it makes good cars, so I was told.

Why do I like to play exactly cars, you can't answer this question right away, but most likely the answer lies in me, I'm a boy. I want to learn to drive when I grow up. In the meantime, my toy helps me study motor vehicles. While playing with a typewriter, I already learned that cars have an engine, wheels, doors and that it can break.

Within the framework of the Primary School Week in the first grades, a competition "My Favorite Toy" was held. Here are the stories and poems of 1B grade students, class teacher Valentina Borisovna Yuzhakova.

My favorite toy is Little Pony. They gave it to me for my birthday. The pony is pink. She can speak. My Baby has a nipple and a comb. She sleeps in her crib. I love her so much!

Gave a Pony to me
Color pink.
She knows how to speak
I love her for that.

I have a toy - a white Bear. If you press his paw, he starts to glow - first green, then red, then blue and yellow. My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. Sometimes, when I'm sad, I put Mishka on the bed and shake his paw. It starts to glow, I fall asleep, and I have beautiful, kind, multi-colored dreams. Most of the time, the bear sits on the closet, and I know that he watches how I play, assemble the constructor, draw or watch cartoons. The bear is always ready to come to my aid and comfort me in difficult times. My grandmother gave it to me. I play with him and always take with me. It is not large and fits in my backpack. He is fluffy, he has a beautiful green hat with a large pompom on his head and the same scarf. I love my toy.

I have a Bratz doll
No more beautiful than her eyes.
Like a doll, so what
We are a bit like her.
I play with her
I sew outfits, I dress up
And I play with her on the computer.
With her I share everything in the world
It's not for nothing that children grow up!

My toy is a puppet-fool!
Grunts, sniffs and cries,
Calls me to her.
Don't cry, my little angel!
Don't cry, my fool!
I will calm you down, change your clothes, feed you
And I'll sing you a song!

Santa Claus gave it to me in the New Year in the Lapland Nature Reserve. We went there with the whole class on an excursion. It is a small brown toy with black stripes, kind eyes and a large mustache. There is a huge bow on the tiger's neck! I like to put him to bed.

My tiger has a mustache
My tiger is striped
My tiger is charming
And very attractive!

I had a birthday. I turned 7 years old. On this day, my grandparents gave me a big tiger. He is handsome, bright orange with black stripes and a very cute face. I named him Tyoma. The tiger is a symbol of the coming year.
My favorite toy is Smesharik Nyusha. Nyusha is a real princess. With a gentle heart and a strong character. Nyusha is very beautiful. She has big, cheerful eyes, a round pretty patch. I really like her hairstyle - parting and a modest pigtail, visible from afar. Nyusha has red cheeks-hearts and small ears to listen to compliments and my little secrets. Nyusha is wonderful, I love her - my pink sissy. When I was little, my father and mother bought me a two-wheeled bicycle - a real one with black wheels. I immediately liked him very much. At first I rode it with small wheels on the rear wheel so as not to fall, but it was slow, and everyone was overtaking me. And a year later, the next summer, my dad took off the wheels and taught me how to ride on two wheels. True, I fell many times while learning to keep my balance on a bicycle, but now I can ride quickly and even steer with one hand. Now I calmly overtake my dad when he runs away from me. I can drive around the Ice Palace in 30 seconds. Last year I took part in the competition at the city stadium on my bike and took the second place among the boys. They even gave me a certificate and a prize. In general, I love summer because you can ride a bike in summer. The guys from our yard and I often race around the Ice Palace. I also enjoy cycling through puddles. I really love my bike and can ride it all day. Of all my toys, my favorite is my bike.

Wheels rush along the road
Legs rush over the road.
This is my run.
I'm on horseback!

Teacher Yuzhakova V.B.

In my free time, when all the lessons are completed, the given stories are read, examples, problems, exercises are solved, I take out my favorite toys from the box: tanks and airplanes. I've got plenty of them. Parents and friends give me these plastic, metal and even rubber models. Many of them are just like the real ones.

I have airplanes from Disney cartoons, with figures and weights, seaplanes, helicopters, flying collectible mini-figurines, worked out to the smallest detail. They are the "air force" of my toy army. But most of all I like to play with the “Division” airplane. This is a small copy of a military air transport.

He moves on a flat surface, avoids obstacles and obstacles on the way. When moving, he has light and sound effects. It's so cool! There is a pilot figure in the cockpit. I like to "lift" it into the air, twist - wind the propellers on the wings of the plane. This toy, representing, as it were, a front-line bomber, also shoots.

Among my other favorite toys, I can name the T-34 tank. It looks like a real tank, only small in size. I know what I'm talking about, because I went with my dad to the museum of military equipment, and saw such a car there. Along the body of the model are machine guns, engine grilles, spare and towing cables, searchlights and even a shovel. The size of the iron machine is relatively small. "Shot" is accompanied by a sound like a burst from a machine gun. Menacingly, like a real tank engine "roars" and "stalls".

I really like my toys. Tanks, airplanes are the most favorite of them. Maybe when I become an adult I will be a military man. I, and my friends, with whom, now, I play toys, we will defend our small homeland, our city, village, street and house.

Essay on the theme of your favorite toy Barbie doll (description of the toy) Grade 5

Every girl has a favorite toy, for me it's a barbie. My mother gave it to me for my birthday, I was very happy, because I had been waiting for such a gift for a long time.

My doll has long, soft and wavy hair, I really like to make different hairstyles out of them. I named my doll Olya. Olya has very beautiful eyes, long eyelashes and a delicate blush on her cheeks. She has a lot of different clothes, but most of all I like the pink princess dress.

My Olya also has removable wings, my doll is a fairy. We play a lot together, mostly in a good sorceress and a fairyland.

My doll can dance, with her we learned many different fashionable movements. Olya is able to move due to the presence of a large number of hinges. I like to take my doll for a walk, then many can see how beautiful it is.

When I have terrible dreams, I tell them to my friend, she listens to me attentively and I cease to be scared.

I really love my doll and am grateful to my mother that she bought it for me!

Composition My favorite toy is a type 4 car

My favorite toy is a toy car. She has been in my room for a long time. My parents gave it to me on the day I went to first grade. She was so big, red.

Among the boys, my car was the best. They all had old, cheap, plastic trucks, sometimes with broken glass or without a wheel. But mine was athletic, in excellent condition, and how shiny it was! I was very proud of this. All my classmates envied me. Some even after school asked me to come to my house to play with my typewriter.

When my mother took me on a visit, I took the car with me so that it would not be boring. There was a little kitten in the guests' house, and I enjoyed putting the kitten on the toy car and rolling it around. True, after Aunt Masha saw this, my mother forbade me to carry the car with me.

Now I have grown up and have become less likely to play with the typewriter. I gave it to my little brother, but it remained the same flawless. Everything is the same whole and shiny. It did not deteriorate, as it was very expensive, it was designed by some well-known company. I don't want to throw it away, because it reminds me of my carefree days at school. I immediately remember how everyone admired my car.

Composition My favorite toy is a 6th grade Lego constructor.

My favorite toy is Lego. I love to invent something new, do it with my own hands. In general, I think that toys should be useful. Lego constructor is not just a fun pastime, but also gives freedom to creativity. You can build entire houses and cities at will. There are also little figures in the kit, and you can play with them.

When my friends come to me, we build a big city together. Then we take the figures of the little people and play with them. Sometimes we like to play a war and destroy a built city. It's very funny. True, then you have to look for scattered parts for a long time. When we assemble the constructor, time flies very quickly.

Lego constructor is a fairly well-known toy. I myself saw her for the first time in an advertisement on TV. It is worth, of course, not cheap. But what a pleasure you get when building your own city! Now the Lego constructor is produced even for girls. Parents think this game is for young children. But they are wrong. This toy helps me develop my thinking skills. This is not for you to play with dolls. This game really got me thinking about the work of an architect.

Essay Soccer Ball

My favorite toy is a soccer ball. I do not like to stay at home, and we often go out with friends in the schoolyard. In warm weather, adults play football there. We also wanted to play, but they didn't take us, because we were in the third grade. Then I asked my mother to buy me a soccer ball.

I wear a soccer ball to PE class. Classmates were delighted when they saw him. He was so new and white and tough. This is not your school inventory in the form of a gray deflated ball. It was the ball that professional athletes play with. After the first game, I realized that I needed to train more. I wanted to be the best football player among the guys.

The high school students, when they saw my ball, immediately took me into the game. I learned from them to dribble and score goals. I lost to grown-up guys, but among my comrades I was an authority. I was not a professional athlete and did not take part in any competitions. I played for myself and I loved it. Mom suggested that I enroll in the section, but I refused. All boys usually like to play football, it is a yard sport.

Over the year I have improved my technique. I could beat any classmate. Basically I was a striker. Nobody liked to stand at the goal, because the defender cannot even leave his place, but a lot depends on him. In the future, I want to improve and become such a great footballer like Cristiano Ronaldo or David Beckham.

Composition My favorite toy paravozik Grade 5

Each boy has a toy to which he is attached more than anyone else. For me, this is the little engine that my dad gave me.

My engine is very beautiful, with green walls and a bright red roof. It has green headlights that really shine very brightly.

With the little engine, I like to play a game called the train station. Then I imagine a large railway, a lot of trains, passengers, luggage. All trains are late, people are nervous, but my locomotive arrives on time and saves everyone from being late. I myself am never late, so I want all people to always come on time.

We also play a construction site with the locomotive, where it transports a lot of valuable goods, thereby helping people build good houses.

We go for a walk with the locomotive, I take it with me on a beautiful string, I woven it myself. Everyone loves my little train, and once I helped a girl bring books to the house by putting them on the roof of the train. When I grow up, I want to always do only good for people.

I am very glad that my dad gave me a locomotive and I am very grateful to him!

Composition My favorite toy Doll Olya.

Hello, I'm Marina. For my 9th birthday, my grandmother gave me a big beautiful box with a pink bow. I hurried to open the gift and saw a beautiful tall doll. Olya - that was the name of my new toy.

At first glance, she became my favorite. Expressive blue eyes with long eyelashes looked at me. An elegant shiny dress, a crown in her hair, crystal shoes - a real princess. Ruddy cheeks, bright scarlet lips make the image attractive. Hair is just lovely! Doing different hairstyles, decorating with bows, hairpins is a pleasure. Olga is a fashionista. I sewed fashionable outfits, made handbags, beads, bracelets, brooches from beads. Mom knitted a warm blouse, hat, pants, boots. In the store, dad bought doll furniture with a bed, a wardrobe, an armchair and a floor lamp, a flower tea set.

Olya is an interactive toy. Speaks phrases: "mom", "dad", "see you soon", "thank you", "I want to play", "hello." Sings three good songs.

Playing with our girlfriends with dolls, we arrange a fashion show. I miss her when I go to school, I always rush home to meet again. She sits by the window and waits for me. My Olenka is very dear to me!

Composition My favorite toy Teddy bear grade 5.

My name is Sveta. Each child has favorite soft toys: dolls, bunnies, squirrels, chanterelles. I'm not an exception. I want to tell you about my plush friend.

At the age of three, under the New Year tree, I found a gift - a charming bear cub. “Tishka is a brown bear!” - that's what his mother calls him. Soft, fluffy, plump brown lump. Round brown expressive glass eyes. The claw nose is sewn from pieces of black leather. Dressed in a blue knitted sweater with snowflakes, a red cap on his head hides the left ear. There is a button on Tishka's right leg. Pressing, the song "In the New Year's forest" sounds. Leaning forward, the bear growls, back - says "mom". Every winter holiday, when dressing up a Christmas tree, we seat the teddy bear next to Santa Claus.

Now I'm in fourth grade. Over the years, Tishka is not just a toy for me, but a real friend, a talisman bringing luck and good luck. We do not part for a long time. On any trips I try to take him with me: to my grandmother, to the sea, to visit friends. I always share my secrets with him, I'll tell you what happened at school. He knows what my mood is. We fall asleep and wake up together, laugh and cry, miss our parents while they are at work.

Composition Doll Nastenka description of a toy for a girl in grade 2

At school we were told to write an essay about our favorite toy. And I decided to write about the doll. Just a couple of days before my parents gave it to me for my birthday. When Mom and Dad brought her home, I wasn’t there yet, I was at school. When they came home, they told me to close my eyes, a small gift was waiting for you, and I thought what it was. Opening my eyes, a large doll stood in front of me.

The name of this doll immediately came to my mind and I called her Nastenka, because she was very similar to the girl from the Morozko fairy tale. My parents told me about her, it turns out she can walk, I took her hand and she walked next to me. She also knew how to talk. It was so great, I just loved it. My girlfriends did not have such a doll, when they came to me, I allowed them to play with it. We had a lot of fun at the place.

Essay on the topic barbie doll grade 4

Everyone in childhood had a thing with which he did not want to part for a second. In my case, it was a Barbie doll. Most of the girls I was friends with at the time had similar dolls, but mine was special, she stood out from the crowd of the gray mass. And maybe no one noticed this singularity, but I knew that my Barbie is unique.

Maybe it's because my parents raised me like a little princess. Every day they said that I was special, smart, beautiful and capable. And never, even in the worst moments of my life, they did not let me forget about my uniqueness. Therefore, I saw the world just like that - peculiar, unique.

Like all Barbies, my doll had smooth and silky blonde hair. I stubbornly tried to wind them: on curlers, a curling iron, I even used a huge amount of my mother's styling products, but it was all in vain. The hair did not want to obey. And I so wanted her curls to fall gently on her shoulders and she looked majestic in a dress that I sewed so persistently throughout the whole quarter in labor lessons.

One day, very angry that her beauty did not lend itself to my alteration, I decided to cut Barbie's hair. I thought that the regrown hair would be obedient. But days, weeks went by, and the hair did not grow. Not a millimeter was added a month after the haircut. Then I realized that this was the biggest mistake. And in order to make amends to Barbie, I began to make fashionable hats for her so that she would remain stylish and fashionable, and forgive me for my stupidity and irascibility.

And although people part with their favorite childhood things, lose them, change them for new ones or simply get rid of them, I am inseparable from my Barbie. She is always with me. I don’t play with her like I used to, I don’t make clothes and don’t pick up my makeup and hair. She meekly stands on one and the shelves in my room, beautiful and unique. And when I'm sad, I take my favorite childhood toy, comb her hair, talk about my failures and secretly hope that someday her hair will grow back.

Composition My favorite toy Zhul's dog

As a child, every child has their own favorite toy. And I have one. My favorite toy is a dog. Tolya gave me her grandfather for my first birthday. She was and is the most expensive and favorite toy to this day.
Mom and I came up with a name for her - Julia. Julie has beautiful snow-white fur, black eyes and a sweet smile. I spent all the time with her. We went to the garden together, to the street, ate and drank together too. I read her books, drew pictures and we went to bed together. Mom sang us songs and told us stories. Julia, very much loved my mother's songs. When she got dirty, my mother and I washed it, and then combed it with a comb to make it the most beautiful. In general, Zhulichka was a real friend to me.

When I got a little older and went to school, they gave me a game console. After this gift my life became different. I began to spend my free time playing games on the console, but at the same time I did not forget about my beloved dog Zhulichka. I sat her down next to me and imagined that she was playing with me. Console games are very addictive, and sometimes I even forgot to pack my portfolio. Coming to school, I found that there was not enough textbook or notebook. The teacher wrote the remark in a diary, and I was deprived of the pleasure of playing the console.

And on my tenth birthday, my godmother gave me a tablet. This is, of course, a very interesting, multifunctional gizmo. In it, you can not only play games, but also watch cartoons and films. He is also a good academic assistant. I often take him to school. And my dear dog is still sitting on my bed, although I no longer sleep with her. Sometimes, when it’s completely sad and lonely, I talk to her. She is the most reliable conversationalist. Of course, I understand that this is just a toy, but it is so dear to my heart. I haven't played with her lately, but it's important for me to know that she exists.

Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Compositions of my 3rd grade students on the topic: "My favorite toy."

When I was little, my aunt gave me a gray, soft, toy hedgehog. I have always looked after him. I played with the hedgehog, danced and even fed him with porridge. And then she washed his face with water.

Now I have grown up and play little with this toy, but I also love the hedgehog on the shore.

Abdurashidova Raisat.

I have a toy - a bear. He is shaggy and brown, with a red tie around his neck and bells. One bell is red and the other is blue. My uncle gave me a bear when I was four years old. I combed his hair, slept with him. He was the best friend to me. I called him Maxim. Now the bear sits on the shelf with the horse. I love him.

Kolpinov Artyom.

My favorite toy is a dog. Mom gave it to me for my birthday. I named it Peach. I play with her and go out for a walk. Sometimes I put my dog ​​to bed. I have a crib for a dog. I really like her.

Kosmukhambetov Ramil

I have many toys, but one of them is my favorite. This is a tiger cub. His name is Tigger. This is a bright and funny toy. Tigruli has a blue cap on his head, and a joyful smile on his face. He is wearing a green jacket. He has funny green eyes. When you look at him, you rejoice. I take him to bed with me, and Tigrulya smiles cheerfully, as if he wants to tell me: "Good night, Snezhana." I fall asleep and have good dreams about my Tigger.

Emikova Snezhana.

My favorite toy is a dog. I named him Druzhok. I always slept and played with him. Now I keep it. When I grow up I will show it to my children.

Utkin Maxim.

My favourite toy.

New Year has arrived. I was looking forward to this holiday. For the New Year, Santa Claus gives gifts to children. In the morning I ran to the tree. A beautiful OMON car was parked under the tree. It stands for a special police detachment. The machine runs on batteries. She gives signals. Headlights, flashers and turn signals shine with multi-colored lights. I really like my toy. I shore it and play very carefully with it.

Babaytsev Vadim.

My plush toy.

I have a plush dog. She is very small. The color of her fur is brown, except for the white muzzle. And the eyes are like two black beads. She has long ears, a short tail. She is very soft. Each foot has small balls. When you play with it, it is very pleasant to your hands. She is funny and sweet.

Sulimanova Madina.

My elephant is big. I feed him with jam. I play with him. At night, the elephant sleeps with me, I tell him stories. Then we go to sleep together. He was and will be my lifelong friend.

My favourite toy

Zaitsev Alexander, 2 "B"

My favorite toy is a teddy bear. His name is Mishka. He is big, brown and shaggy. He has a jersey with the emblem of the Siberia hockey team, because this bear is the symbol of the team. They bought it for me during the match. Mishka is three years old. With him I play, read and go to bed.

Izmailova Ekaterina, 2 "G"


I have a favorite toy - a dog Sharik. Once I went to the village and took him with me. When we got off the bus, we hurried and forgot it on the seat. The ball rode the bus, and only two days later I finally saw my favorite. Since then, I have never parted with him!

Kolotilov Andrey, 2 "V"

All children have their favorite toys. My favorite toy is the train. It was given to me for my birthday. This is a very beautiful train: it has four multi-colored passenger cars. They move along the railway, and they are pulled by a diesel locomotive with glowing headlights. The train has a governor that can increase or decrease speed. The power supply unit is connected to the railway with two wires with terminals. When you turn it on, a safe current passes along the rails, supplies electricity to the locomotive, and therefore it pulls so many cars along with it. And one more thing: a diesel locomotive can reach speeds of up to 100 km per hour. I have such a wonderful toy! I love my toy because when the train rides, it seems to me that it is real!

Kiseleva Tatiana, 2 "B"

When I was eight years old, my friends gave me a wonderful toy - a dog. When I saw her, I immediately liked her very much. When I go somewhere, I miss her. But when I return, I am childishly happy that I have such a toy. The dog is guarding my sleep. And her name is Peach. I love her very much!

Mikhailov Sergey, 2 "B"

Several years ago, when I was little and did not go to school yet, they gave me a wonderful soft toy Gosha. Outwardly, he looks like an alien: he is plump, his nose is red, long ears stick out to the sides, he has blue sad eyes and horns that look like antennas. Gosha is dressed in a blue fur coat with a yellow belly and a red baseball cap with his name written on it.

I immediately fell in love with Gosha, and he fell in love with me. Microcircuits are hidden in Gosha's abdomen, and when you turn on the control panel, Gosha starts talking. His voice is very kind. He taught me to count and memorize the alphabet. When they turned him on and did not bother him for a long time, Gosha fell asleep and began to snore funny.

We tried not to part with Gosha, he visited Spain and the United Arab Emirates with me. True, there he did not go on excursions with me and did not swim in the sea, but patiently waited for me in the room.Now I have grown older and rarely talk to Gosha. But I still love him very much.

Inozemtsev Nikolay, 2 "D"

When my mom and dad were younger than they are now, dad on March 8 gave my mom a plush toy - a tiger from the fairy tale "Aladdin". Mom loved and cherished this toy very much. The toy is very beautiful: the back, legs and tail are red in color with black stripes, and the neck and abdomen are white. The eyes are sandy in color, and the pupils are black - just like real ones. The mustache is long and spiky. The ears are white and black, and the pads of the feet are soft, like velvet. And when I was born (in the year of the Tiger), my parents gave it to me. I really love my toy, I even came up with a name for him - Garfield! Garfield is always by my side: when I sleep, play, do my homework. Of course, it is not as new as it was 12 years ago, but I love it very much, this is my favorite toy!

Beletskaya Irina, 2 "D"


Once I was presented with a pattern of a bear cub. I sewed all the parts, stuffed them with filler and connected them to each other. It turned out to be a wonderful pink bear. He has a funny face, and in his hands he holds a heart. Before, I often played with him, even put him to bed. Now he sits on the shelf with my other toys. This teddy bear is especially dear to me because I made it myself.

Antipina Ekaterina, 2 "D"

In the summer I was at the dacha. I have a children's house there where I play. My friend, a teddy bear, lives with me in the house. We have a lot of fun with him. I read to him and talk to him. I always tried not to leave it on the street, but to bring it into the house, and be sure to take it home for the winter. This winter I forgot him in the house. All the time I thought about how he was doing, and then I decided that he was a bear, and bears spend the winter in a den. My bear began to dream of me often, and I got bored. And then I asked my grandfather to go and pick up my friend. I was very happy when my grandfather brought it to me.

Glushinsky Sergey, 2 "B"

My favorite toy is a huge soft, fluffy white and gray hare. He, like me, is 9 years old. It was given to me by my uncle on the day I was born, February 1, 1999. When I was little, I crawled on it, jumped, and sometimes, having played enough, I fell asleep on it. Over the years, we have given a lot of my toys to other children, and I do not want to part with this toy. Sometimes, when I am sad, I will look at my hare, and he is always cheerful, and my sadness goes away.

Gerus Yuri, 2 "D"

Probably, many have a favorite toy from childhood, which everyone cherishes as a memory of the most joyful, significant events that once happened to him. Teddy bears, long-eared hares, young lady dolls in lush outfits, the first model airplane or a car with a remote control…. You take such a toy in your hands, and touching memories will immediately rush over you, you will be seized with bright sadness from the understanding that childhood is leaving and will never return. But it leaves us with such a small "piece of joy" in the form of a favorite toy as a keepsake.

I have a lot of toys. I love them all very much and treat them carefully. Each has its own unique story of appearance in my life. But I want to tell you about my favorite toy.

This is a little kitten named Punka. She is originally from the United States of America. Mom and Dad and I came up with this name for her not by chance, because her real, native name is Pounce, which means "claw" in English. This toy was given to me by my dad and his colleagues at work when I was only two years old. Since then we have been inseparable.

Punka is small in size and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Only the tail will hang down. It is made of soft velor-like fabric. The kitten is bright brown, almost chocolate color. Her muzzle and abdomen are white, and on her paws there are light socks. Her ears are small, sharp, with white triangular inserts. Small black eyes look like beads and look at everyone with interest. Punka's tail is long and thin. Her tummy is full of small rustling balls. They roll all over the body. It is very funny to roll them all over the legs, then the tummy will become thin and empty, as if Punka is very hungry, or you can collect them all in the tummy, then, on the contrary, it seems that the kitten has eaten tightly. Thanks to these balls, Punka is very plastic. She can lie with her legs spread wide, or throw them on top of each other, or she can sit or curl up into a ball.

I really love to play with my kitten, dress her in different outfits, build houses for her, feed and put her to bed. Mom and Dad also love to pluck her. If we are going somewhere, then I take my little girlfriend with me. When I was six years old, I went to the hospital. Punka was with me and helped me to recover. Many children in the ward also liked her, and we played with her all together or in turn. We all liked to squeeze her rustling tummy.

Punka will always be my favorite toy. It is very dear to me because it reminds me of my early childhood. I love her to this day and regret it - because she was left without the antennae, which my younger brother cut off for her.

Nadezhda Kuznetsova
The project of a child of the middle group "My favorite toy".

Group: Average

Full name of educational institutions:

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten of compensating type No. 1487

Job title: "My favorite toy»

Scientific information the leader:

Kuznetsova Nadezhda Vasilievna educator middle group... State budgetary institution kindergarten of compensating type No. 1487 SOUO.

Annotation structure

Formulation of the problem:

All preschoolers love to play toys, but not everyone knows how to play with them, what they are made of and do not know how to take good care of them. The project will help children learn to take good care of toys, find out what they are made of.

Individual, short-term, information-practice-oriented project: child-parents collect information and implement it, focusing on their own social interests.

Target the project:

teach children to tell from memory about their favorite toy describing it in detail and interestingly;

cause a desire to take good care of toys;

expand children's ideas about the world around them.


teach the skills of writing a story based on personal experience on the topic "My favorite toy";

teach to tell consistently, expressively;

teach children to listen carefully to their comrades, not to interrupt;

instill love, respect for toys, desire to put them back in place.


Family, fiction, cartoons.

Product of children's activity:

creation of joint work for children and adults (layout);

children's drawings "My favorite toy» ;

didactic games;

selection of illustrative and informational material;

role-playing game "Shop toys» .

Stages of work:

1st preparatory:

Method of work: selection of literature, reading fiction, conducting classes with children, conversations.

Preliminary work with parents:

Conversations, consultations with parents, selection of material for parents. Parents with children compose a story about one favorite toy, make up the layout of this toys.

2nd main (research):

Didactic games:

"What is it made of a toy»

"What is gone"

"Fix a toy»

"Find an extra item"

"Name the action" (for example: the doll can be dressed, undressed, bathed, put to bed, etc.)

Conversations with children on topics: "How to treat toys» ; "What games do you like to play at home» ;

3rd generalizing (final):

Drawing competition "My favorite toy» ;

Master class for children.

Story baby"My favorite toy»

I really like to play with cars. In kindergarten, our teacher, Nadezhda Vasilievna, told us about toy cars, there are a lot of them and they are all made of different materials. Just like the real ones, they can be used for different purposes - firefighters, ambulances, police, cars and trucks. I began to ask my mother to buy me cars for various purposes. I was very fascinated by cars, I learned how to draw them, make appliqués, brought all this to kindergarten and told the children about my favorite cars... They listened to me attentively, looked at my drawings and applications, asked me to play with the typewriters. Now I have a whole collection of machines made of plastic, metal, wood.

But my very favorite toy - Renault Logan car... This is the first of all my cars. She appeared to me in an unusual way. On New Year's Eve, the doorbell rang, dad opened the door and a real Santa Claus appeared on the threshold in a red fur coat, with a long beard and gave me my favorite car... The car is made of metal, red and goes very fast. Her wheels are spinning, doors, windows, hood and trunk open. When I play it, I imagine myself driving this car, taking care of my darling, building a garage for her.

My car is a real friend. When I'm sad or in a bad mood, I play with my red Renault and it immediately makes me feel better.