Send the child to an orphanage for a while. Educational measures: a naughty child can be handed over to an orphanage or sent to the army

In the section on the question of how to send a child to an orphanage, asked by the author Anna Rogozina (Kolokoltsova) the best answer is Call 09 (Moscow) find out tel. guardianship authorities in your area. Give them a call and they'll tell you...

Answer from chevron[guru]
contact the guardianship authorities they will tell you where to start

Answer from Prostitute[newbie]
Here, you are a creature!

Answer from Daniil Mitin[newbie]
It’s better to donate it to the organs if you don’t need it and you will get money and not a headache!

Answer from Natural philosophy[guru]
I have a child with ADHD, so what? Have you tried treating your child? Or just flog a lot? ADHD is perfectly corrected. Not in a day, not in a month. But the child needs to be ENGAGED and not yell. By the way, the fact that the child will live in an orphanage, no one will relieve you of responsibility in the form of alimony (30% of your salary). And the survivor's pension that your child receives, the same does not shine for you. The pension will go for the child in DD. But it is unlikely that the child will be returned back.

Answer from Olga weather[guru]
Yes indeed.. . This is probably what everyone is doing here.

Answer from Polina Romanova[guru]
I have a hyper-active child, gets up so that I cry sometimes I don’t know what to do, I get tired of him. but in an orphanage? ! who is easy? ! maybe you really are a troll ((and if not, then it’s better to go to an orphanage until you knock him down in a fit of anger

Answer from Danae[newbie]
Here you all condemn the author, but I do not. I myself am a mother of two children. Our family is well off. Until a certain age, the behavior of the eldest daughter with ADHD was tried to be corrected with the help of doctors and psychologists, but from the age of 9 our life turned into a nightmare. By the way, we are constantly engaged in a child. She is an excellent student at school, she has been going to rhythmic gymnastics since she was 4 years old. She likes to train, but there is no motivation to study. He only teaches me. Often with the family we go to nature, etc. But when we leave without the eldest, we rest and rejoice. When we take the elder with us, the rest turns into a nightmare. Moreover, her grandmother and grandfather, who love her infinitely, the daughter brings to tears and hypertensive crises. What does a child need? I understand parents who are already on the "edge", who can no longer live in such a stupid house.

Answer from Omniscient[guru]
people like you should be sterilized

Answer from Ekaterina Fedotova[guru]
Take it and leave it at the door)) If it's necessary)) PPC

Answer from Gennady Grivin[guru]
For an exchange - you hand over one, in return you get two ...

Answer from Jovetlana sv[active]
I hope this is a joke! Who in old age will bring a glass of water and not give it to a nursing home?!

Children are the meaning of life for many parents, their pride, joy, heirs of family values ​​and surnames. Therefore, some serious life situation must arise so that mom, dad and other relatives can refuse the baby. It is even difficult to imagine what could happen in a family for parents to start figuring out whether it is possible to send a child to an orphanage.

The legislation does not prohibit this action, because the child can live in unbearable conditions with his parents. Moreover, this may be the decision of the guardianship authorities. This article will discuss whether it is possible to hand over a child to an orphanage, how to do this, what documents are needed.

Reasons for abandoning children

If the mother and father have addictions (alcohol or drug addiction), and are also able to raise a hand against their child, then in this case the orphanage for the child becomes a salvation. From such families, children are taken away by guardianship authorities.

Parents, for whom alcohol and drugs are most important, do not think about how to send their child to an orphanage. Why should they think about it if they rarely think about their children?

What reasons push prosperous families to abandon children? There are no such parents who by all criteria would be ideal. Children are often dissatisfied with their ancestors, because they constantly tell them what to do, how to live correctly. Parents are also often dissatisfied with the behavior of their own child, which becomes unbearable.

But in most cases, all quarrels between fathers and children end happily, the family remains the same, no one has any thoughts of looking for an answer to the question of how to send a child to an orphanage.

They can abandon their own child due to serious conflicts (parents divorced, everyone decided to live for themselves, and the baby became an obstacle to personal happiness).

Society often condemns such adults, but this is wrong, because people do not know the real reasons for such an act. Very often the child is left with the mother, who is unable to support him. Therefore, for the good of the baby (so that he is well-fed, shod, dressed), she decides to send him to an orphanage.

In the event of a serious illness of the parents or one of them, the child is not always ready to be taken in by close relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents). So that he does not see how the people dearest to him die, he is sent to an orphanage.

If an accident occurs in a prosperous family, in connection with which the adults are no longer alive, then the guardianship authorities place the children in an orphanage.

Parents go to work

It also happens that a mother who is raising a child alone has decided to leave to work, and she does not have the opportunity to take the baby with her. Then she thinks about how to take the child to an orphanage for a while. However, this does not happen, because the orphanage is not a toy, but a serious state institution that fully takes care of the maintenance and upbringing of the child.

You can send your child to a boarding school for the time of earnings (watches, unsettled life, and so on), where they will look after him around the clock while the parents solve their financial problems.

Back to orphanage

Very often there is a situation when they take from the orphanage, and then return it back. It is superfluous to talk about the psychological trauma that such adult behavior inflicts on children. Therefore, you need to think a hundred times and weigh everything, and only then accept a new member into your family.

Can I send my child back to an orphanage? Children are usually adopted by couples who cannot or do not want to have their own. When taking a baby from a shelter, it is impossible to know what character traits he inherited from his blood parents. In addition, the child may develop a psychological illness that is initially impossible to notice. Responsible people are trying to correct the negative behavior of the adopted child, who in fact has already become a family, to treat all his illnesses. The irresponsible are taking him back to the orphanage.

If the spouses already have children of their own, the adopted child may negatively influence or physically abuse them. In this case, the health of the blood child is more expensive, and the adopted son or daughter is sent back to the orphanage. It also happens that native children mock the adoptive child, because they consider him a stranger.

Of course, if any problems arise with an adopted child, parents are obliged to find a solution: to have conversations, try to reconcile with their children, seek help from specialists. There are many useful recommendations regarding the establishment of a normal healthy atmosphere in a family with adopted children. Before adoption, potential parents should study them and be clearly aware of whether they can become truly native to someone else's baby. Then you won't have to figure out how to send your child to an orphanage.

Lack of mutual understanding as a reason for abandoning a child

Not all parents have enough skills and experience to cope with the whims and bad behavior of their own children. Why the child began to behave inappropriately cannot be answered unambiguously, since there can be a lot of reasons. But the main one is the loss of parental authority. Many fathers and mothers in such situations begin to wonder how to send the child to an orphanage for educational purposes.

Aggressive behavior usually begins in adolescence. The child becomes uncontrollable: runs away from home, skips school, comes in bruised, rude and snaps, may start stealing valuables or selling something of his own. Sometimes threats from such a child may be strewed towards the ancestors. Some parents do not think that they made a mistake in education when their child was still very young, they do not look for other ways to correct the situation. They see only one way out - to shift the responsibility for their offspring onto the shoulders of others (in this case, the state).

Under such circumstances, parents have an alternative - to send the child not to an orphanage, but to a boarding school for re-education. They will be able to take him home for vacations or holidays, maintain a close relationship with their child while specialists take care of him.

Documents for registering a child in an orphanage

Parents should clearly understand that it is possible to send a child to an orphanage only on condition of deprivation. If the baby has both a mother and a father, they must both refuse him. If such a baby has other relatives whose age and state of health do not prevent them from taking custody, but they do not want to do this, then the child is recognized as an orphan. The state takes care of it.

Regardless of the age of the child, he is a full citizen of the country in which he lives. Therefore, when applying for an orphanage, you must provide a package of documents.

You can find out the full list of required papers in the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence. They will also be able to answer any questions you may have regarding the child abandonment process.

Registration takes some time, because one decision of the parents is not enough. You will also need the approval of local authorities and state organizations, as well as a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights. The main documents that will be needed in this case:

  1. Child's passport, if he already has one. If not, a birth certificate will do.
  2. If none of the documents listed above is available, then a medical certificate is issued, which must indicate the age of the child, his state of health.
  3. Conclusion on the living conditions of the baby, if he is taken from a dysfunctional family.
  4. If the children are of school age, then you must provide a certificate of education.
  5. Data about parents or one of them, if the second is missing.
  6. which belongs to the child.

Other documents may be required. Everything depends on the specific case.

We give to the orphanage without a return

How to send a child to an orphanage permanently? If parents cannot provide everything necessary for their own child, then the employees of the orphanage will take care of this. In this case, the baby will remain there forever or until adoption by other people.

Adults who have placed children in an orphanage may ask to be allowed to see them if the child agrees. However, this is permissible only until the moment when the baby is adopted by other people. In this case, all meetings with him will be prohibited. In fact, blood parents lose him forever.

This is a big difference from placing a child in a boarding school. At the same time, the father and mother are not deprived of parental rights, and no one has the right to adopt a baby.

In the orphanage, the child is under the protection of the state on full material support. A child cannot stay in this institution forever, because he will soon come of age. Adult children can work and provide for themselves, as well as think about creating their own family.

The procedure for putting the baby in a boarding school

When a decision is made to send children to a boarding school for their own good, then you need to know what will have to be done for this. To register a child, you will need to write an application to the relevant authorities and provide them with a package of documents.

In the event that children have reached the age of more than 10 years, then it is necessary to ask their opinion on this matter. The final decision on placing a child in a boarding school is made by the guardianship authorities. If there are serious grounds for placing the baby in this institution, then a written agreement is concluded between the PLO, the parents and the boarding school.

This document must contain the following information:

  1. How long will the child be in the institution?
  2. Possibility of visits and their order.
  3. Duties of the parties.
  4. What kind of psychological support does the child or parents need.
  5. Responsibility of the parties.

If adults do not violate the agreement, the child will be able to return to the family. This method can be used to correct the behavior of children, as well as if there is a need to send the child to a boarding school for a while.

To the orphanage for a while

This is also theoretically possible, but the procedure is incredibly complicated. How to take a child to an orphanage for prevention for a while?

As mentioned above, a formal renunciation of the child will be required. When a decision is made on this issue, in fact, the baby's parents are no longer such. They can visit him, give him toys and things, buy sweets and so on. But at any moment there may be people who want to take this child into their family.

Blood parents in this situation will not be able to do anything. If it so happened that no one liked their baby, and they themselves have already resolved all their issues, they can take the child back from the orphanage, but only after their parental rights are restored.

This procedure is even more complicated than the refusal. Parents will have to provide information about their financial situation, living conditions, health status, psychological atmosphere in the family, and so on.

How to send a child of 12 years old to an orphanage?

Boarding schools and orphanages accept only minor children (under 18). Therefore, a 12-year-old child can be handed over. In this case, the opinion of the child himself will be taken into account. It is important to note that the shelter accepts children from any age. Babies, as a rule, are determined in a baby house, where they live up to 3 years. Then they are transferred to an orphanage. As a rule, schoolchildren are registered in boarding schools.

How to send your child to an orphanage in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, children who are left without parents or without their support can get into an orphanage. Children who have been abandoned by guardians and close relatives are also accepted. Admission of a child is carried out by decision of the guardianship authorities. To hand over children to such an institution in Russia, the following procedure is provided:

  1. An application must be written to place the child in an orphanage.
  2. Document on deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Copies of children's birth certificates and passports (for 14-year-olds) are provided.
  4. Copies of personal documents of parents or guardians.
  5. Information about children and their relatives.
  6. The act of housing conditions where the child was.
  7. Information about the psychological state of the child.
  8. Rehabilitation program (for disabled children).

The decision to admit a child to a state institution is issued after studying the current situation, the documents provided and the conclusion of the guardianship authorities.

How do they solve this issue in Belarus?

How to send a child to an orphanage in Belarus? Acceptance is based on the following data:

  1. Registration is carried out on the basis of the direction of medical organizations in which there were children who needed constant help and had physical disabilities.
  2. By decision of the guardianship authorities or the committee on juvenile affairs.
  3. At the request of the parents or guardians of a disabled child to provide him with medical assistance.
  4. In the direction of the guardianship authorities related to the deprivation of spouses of parental rights.
  5. Children from dysfunctional families living in poor conditions are accepted.
  6. A child who lost both parents, abandoned by relatives.


It is worth remembering that the decision to place children in an orphanage should be considered and accepted by both parents. It is better for the baby to live in a prosperous family. If a child cannot fully develop with his or her parents, does not receive enough food, warmth and care, it is better for him to live in an orphanage.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine what life circumstances can force an adult to think about how to send a child to an orphanage. It is difficult to talk about this topic, realizing that there are no uniquely bad, scary and evil adults, as well as unfortunate and offended children. It is easy to make a decision to place a child in an orphanage if the parents lead an asocial lifestyle, drink or beat - in this case, living in their own family is perceived as a threat to their lives, and the orphanage becomes a salvation. But just such parents do not think about whether it is possible to hand over the child to an orphanage - they generally think little about children.

It is more difficult to understand what should happen in a relatively prosperous family so that the parent begins to think about this issue. It’s worth understanding this not in order to savor the details of someone else’s family misfortune, but in order to notice and prevent a problem in your family in time.

Reasons for abandoning a child

There are no ideal parents. Sooner or later, in their family, children are dissatisfied with their parents, just as parents would always like to correct something in the behavior of their children. But after all, these conflicts between "fathers and children" do not always become an occasion to think about how to send a child to an orphanage. The reasons for abandoning a child can be different - momentary spontaneous decisions that are the result of a violent quarrel or conflict with the child, as well as balanced and adopted as a result of a difficult family situation. Do not rush to immediately condemn such parents (and, as a rule, this is a single mother), there are really difficult cases. Real life sometimes throws up situations that are much more intricate than the most complicated series.

Difficult life ups and downs

Some are familiar with the situation - a single mother living in a remote area wants to go to work for her family in a large city or abroad. There is no one to leave the child with, and she comes to the decision: "I want to hand over the child to an orphanage. Temporarily!" It is assumed that a mother does not leave her child forever, only until she earns a living. The situation can be aggravated by the fact that the mother may have several children, and one of them needs expensive urgent medical care.

Return of foster and adopted children

Sometimes parents have to think about returning adopted children to the orphanage. There is a situation when adoptive parents took a child into a family with already existing native children for them. Some time later, it turned out that the adopted child has a serious mental disorder, due to which he practically terrorizes the younger children in the family. Moreover, the children, due to their age, cannot rebuff him, and with adults, the foster boy behaves adequately. Parents were not in a hurry to get rid of him immediately, on the contrary, they arranged repeated conversations, looked for other methods of influence that were unsuccessful. Moreover, they themselves have become attached to their adopted son, they are well aware of what a psychological blow for the adopted child his return to the orphanage can turn into, but, looking at the bruises and beatings on younger children, they simply do not see another way to resolve the issue.

Lack of contact and mutual understanding in the family

Not always parents can cope with their own child. The reasons for this are different, but the result is the same - the parents have lost their authority and cannot exert the proper influence on the teenager. The latter is aggressive, sees relatives as a threat to his freedom, strives to run away from home, and even grab some of his things, and his parents do not feel safe being near him. Do they have the right to make a harsh decision for educational purposes, or should they meekly wait for their fate? Each parent answers this question independently in each case. It is not worth waiting for help or advice from others in such matters - this is your personal choice and your responsibility.

What documents are needed to send a child to an orphanage

A child is a full citizen of his country. Therefore, if such a decision has already been made, a package of documents will need to be submitted to the orphanage. The main rule is to contact the local guardianship and guardianship authorities, they will provide all the necessary information. Registration of a child in an orphanage is not a one-day process, since this will require the decision of local self-government bodies or other state bodies, and an application form is filled out in the guardianship authorities. The minimum set of documents includes:

  • birth certificate (or passport) of the child. In the absence of such, a medical report is issued establishing the approximate age of the child;
  • act of inspection of housing conditions;
  • if the child goes to school, education documents will be needed;
  • information about parents (parent);
  • an inventory of the child's property.

Problems of personality formation in children's institutions

  • In the cognitive sphere, associated with a lack of mental development. Moreover, this does not mean mental retardation, it is the result of irregular exposure to the external environment when acquiring any skills.
  • In the emotional sphere, caused by the lack of close emotional contacts, primarily with the mother and peers.
  • In the social sphere, provoked by a lack of experience in interpersonal contacts and communication in a team.
  • Sensory sphere - due to a lack of stimuli in the auditory and visual spheres.

As a result of these factors, orphanage children are characterized by emotional poverty, a lack of experience in social life, which can only be obtained in a family. They have either low or high self-esteem due to the unformed image of the "I". The lack of social experience leads to the fact that children cannot find a common language with the people around them, because of this they become rude, distrustful, suspicious, and may begin to deceive. They tend to want to separate from the rest, to assert themselves by any means.

Negative consequences of living in children's institutions

Before you make a final decision, you need to have a correct understanding of how children live in an orphanage and how their personality is formed there. This is a place where children cannot develop a stable attachment to a person, to the so-called "significant adult" by psychologists. And without this, according to L. Petranovskaya, a Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality. Any child should feel a reliable rear behind him, know that he has someone who will protect him.

Living in an orphanage, he sees many adults (speech therapists, psychologists, educators, librarians, cleaners, and so on), but none of them is personally attached to him, and he, accordingly, is not attached to anyone. The feeling of intimacy and devotion can be formed only in the conditions of separation into one's own adults and strangers. Living life without a significant adult, the child, in fact, is in a situation of constant stress and fear. The world around him is not open, interesting and informative, but cold, ruthless and hostile.

Limited personal space

Another fact that characterizes life in children's institutions will tell about what kind of children are in orphanages - the total impossibility for pupils to lead their own personal lives. In the orphanage there is a constant violation of the boundaries of personal space - a shared shower, a toilet, there is nowhere to retire with your feelings and thoughts. The child gets used to the fact that he is constantly being examined, he is being watched by adults who are strangers to him and by the same strangers and not always friendly children.

Lack of responsibility

The problem for the future life of a person who grew up in an orphanage is the impossibility of learning to take responsibility for one's life and one's actions. On the one hand, the constant absence of problems with daily worries about where to get food and how to wash dirty clothes makes life easier, on the other hand, the pupil gets used to the fact that someone has to do this work for him daily.

Summing up, we can say that the issue of transferring one's own child to an orphanage in each specific situation is always decided individually. Perhaps there really is no other way. This is a moral and ethical question and everyone answers it in their own way. It is very important that in the case of a positive answer - yes, to give - this happens with the full understanding that the only condition for the formation of a successful personality of each child can be a family. Everyone will agree with this statement - from psychologists, teachers to the children themselves - pupils of orphanages.

A lot of time is now devoted to charity. Someone helps homeless animals, lonely old people and people with disabilities. Most of the volunteers prefer to help boarding schools and orphanages. Volunteers visit supervised shelters, arrange concerts and master classes for children, and bring gifts. The pupils of shelters most of all lack attention, so they are very happy with the guests and prepare for their arrival: they arrange concerts, tea parties, joint games. Therefore, if you want to give a piece of warmth to children, the volunteer movement will gladly accept anyone who wants to join its ranks, tell you the addresses of orphanages in Moscow, whose pupils are looking forward to guests.

How to become a volunteer

It is not at all necessary to have huge money for this, because help to an orphanage can be not only material. Pupils are happy to wait not only for gifts, but also for the visitors themselves, because attention is so important to them, which is so lacking. You can connect to a group of volunteers, assemble your own team or visit an orphanage alone. Before visiting, be sure to find out what exactly you need to bring, on what day it is more convenient to arrive so that the pupils have time to prepare, check the addresses of orphanages. There are over 45 institutions for children in Moscow, many of them are specialized - for pupils with physical or psychological disabilities.

How can I help you?

There are a large number of orphanage addresses in Moscow, but not everyone accepts used items. Therefore, before visiting, it is better to phone the management and find out what kind of assistance is required. Many of the institutions are happy to accept not only things, but also stationery, toys, educational games. Children's homes for pupils with disabilities take medicines, care products: diapers, powders, creams, etc. But most of all, children need attention. The organization of concerts, festive evenings and master classes will be the best help for orphanages. Addresses in Moscow can be obtained from experienced volunteers.

Specialized orphanages

There are a large number of institutions for orphans in Moscow. It is important to understand that some of them are specialized, they take care of pupils with various disabilities. Before visiting, check what type of institution it belongs to so that help is in place. There are about 10 addresses of orphanages for mentally retarded children in Moscow. The largest of them is located on Yuzhnobutovskaya street, 19. More than 300 children with disabilities are brought up here. You can help with things, outdoor equipment for games, toys. You can also help clean up the area, plant flowers, etc.

Another of the institutions for pupils with disabilities in Moscow is Orphanage No. 8, located at the address: Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 3, building 3. You can bring things that develop games, stationery.

Orthodox orphanages

Shelters at churches and monasteries have existed for a long time. Even in Tsarist Russia, children who were left without parental care were given shelter here. They exist today. Some of them are separate and accept either only boys or only girls. Orphanages are located in Moscow at the following addresses:

  • st. Timiryazevskaya, house 22 - Orthodox orphanage "Pavlin"
  • st. Bolshaya Ordynka, house 34, building 7 - Orthodox Elizabethan Orphanage
  • st. Krupskaya, house 12A - St. Sophia social house.

These are just some of the Orthodox shelters. Addresses and phone numbers can be obtained from the ministers of the church. You can help not only with things, but also with the organization of holidays and events with an Orthodox bias.

Orphanages for abandoned children

In such shelters, as a rule, there are children who have been abandoned or whose parents have been deprived of parental rights. Pupils do not suffer from health restrictions, but, like disabled children, they need love and care. There are more than 20 such institutions in Moscow, and it is up to volunteers to decide which one to choose to provide assistance. Despite the good state provision, there is always a shortage of simple things: stationery, hygiene products, equipment and technology. Here are the addresses of some of them in Moscow:

  • Orphanage No. 6, Pyatnitskaya street, 40/42.
  • Orphanage No. 4, Izmailovskoye highway, 49A.
  • Orphanage No. 3, Yunykh Lenintsev street, 96, building 2.

Where they are always waiting

Whatever the care and love of educators, it will not replace parental attention. Children are looking forward to the arrival of visitors, not so much because of gifts, but because of the lack of warmth. If there is no time for a long visit to the institution, you can simply transfer the necessary things to the pupils. They must be new or not heavily worn, having undergone special processing. Shelters generally don't have the funds to take used clothes to dry cleaners. Therefore, it is better to deal with its processing in advance if you have decided which orphanage in Moscow to give things to. The address and time of the visit must be clarified in advance, not everyone is ready to receive guests at any time. It is not necessary to bring everything to the shelter at once, because sometimes even a little help can be very timely!

Difficult vicissitudes of life Some are familiar with the situation - a single mother living in a remote area, wants to go to work for the sake of her family in a large city or abroad. There is no one to leave the child with, and she comes to the decision: “I want to hand over the child to an orphanage. Temporarily!". It is assumed that a mother does not leave her child forever, only until she earns a living. The situation can be aggravated by the fact that the mother may have several children, and one of them needs expensive urgent medical care. Return of foster and adopted children Sometimes parents have to think about returning adopted children to the orphanage. There is a situation when adoptive parents took a child into a family with already existing native children for them.

How to send a child to an orphanage? Can I send my own child to an orphanage?

Upon reaching the age of fourteen by a minor ward, guardianship over him is terminated, and the citizen who performed the duties of a guardian becomes the guardian of the minor without an additional decision on this. 3. Educational measures: can a naughty child be handed over to an orphanage or sent to the army? Recently, the court made an unprecedented decision - to deprive parents of parental rights of their own free will.

Mom and dad, by the way, both with higher education, who have three more older children, explained their act by saying that their son skipped school, studied poorly, ran away from home, dragged money. And although the child begged to forgive him and take him home, the parents remained adamant.

According to the father, they no longer want to be responsible for the boy's actions. Sergey V. If a woman refuses a child (gives him to an orphanage) - does she have to pay something like alimony? 1 answer.

Moscow Viewed 74 times.

How to send a child to an orphanage

Send a child (not a baby) to an orphanage in Ukraine Every child should be brought up in a family. You can't argue with this axiom. This is the normal order of things.


You can even say it is necessary for a child to grow up as a worthy member of society, a citizen, in the end - just a good person. And in most cases, fortunately, this is what happens: the long-awaited child is born, he and his mother are discharged from the maternity hospital in a festive atmosphere, and he goes to get acquainted with his warm, comfortable home.

I want to send my child to an orphanage

This topic interests me to the point of horror !!! Don’t worry, I haven’t lost my mind and I’m not going to donate my blood to an orphanage at all, I’m asking this for a different reason ... I like to watch the news - well, I can’t live without them (especially without crime), so I watch the news like in Ukrainian and Russian channels.

A month ago, in Russia, there was a case - a mother killed a child: she brought up a type and beat a 5-year-old boy to death. It is justified that it was hard for her alone, so she broke.

The boy did not obey and indulged, so she beat him with her fists until he stopped breathing ... The other day shows Ukraine: a three-year-old girl was beaten by her mother's hahari, while her mother was lying drunk.
Mom makes excuses that the child fell from the tractor - but the child was shown on TV. What a tractor! After all, it is clear that the girl is beaten. The third day in intensive care, the baby calls her mother, but her mother does not come ...

How to apply for a boarding school

They have either low or high self-esteem due to an unformed image of the “I”. The lack of social experience leads to the fact that children cannot find a common language with the people around them, because of this they become rude, distrustful, suspicious, and may begin to deceive.

They tend to want to separate from the rest, to assert themselves by any means. Negative consequences of living in children's institutions Before making a final decision, you need to have a correct idea of ​​how children live in an orphanage and how their personality is formed there.


This is a place where children cannot develop a stable attachment to a person, to the so-called “significant adult” by psychologists. And without this, according to L. Petranovskaya, a Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality.

How can I place a child in a boarding school without deprivation of parental rights

The reasons for this are different, but the result is the same - the parents have lost their authority and cannot exert the proper influence on the teenager. The latter is aggressive, sees relatives as a threat to his freedom, strives to run away from home, and even grab some of his things, and his parents do not feel safe being near him.

Do they have the right to make a harsh decision for educational purposes, or should they meekly wait for their fate? Each parent answers this question independently in each case. It is not worth waiting for help or advice from others in such matters - this is your personal choice and your responsibility.

What documents are needed to send a child to an orphanage? A child is a full-fledged citizen of his country. Therefore, if such a decision has already been made, a package of documents will need to be submitted to the orphanage.

Can you send your own child to an orphanage?

This is a moral and ethical question and everyone answers it in their own way. It is very important that in the case of a positive answer - yes, to give - this happens with the full understanding that the only condition for the formation of a successful personality of each child can be a family.
Everyone will agree with this statement - from psychologists, teachers to the children themselves - pupils of orphanages.

  • 15.02.2018