Rest at ease. Resting light: how to travel with hand luggage. What clothes and shoes to take to India

Airline tickets are increasingly reminiscent of a designer. If the passenger wants to save money, he can buy an inexpensive ticket, which includes only hand luggage. Or maybe, on the contrary, pay a few thousand extra for luggage or other additional features.

A year ago, in November 2017, Russia entered into force carry-on baggage on board the aircraft. The minimum weight of carry-on baggage that a passenger can carry on board for free is up to 5 kilograms. However, each airline has the right to independently decide whether to make carry-on baggage free.

The dimensions of the luggage are also set by the carrier. The main parameter for determining the dimensions- the capacity of the luggage rack in the aircraft cabin. Today, the average size of hand luggage is 55x40x20 cm. In addition to a small suitcase or bag, you can take a handbag, a briefcase, outerwear, or a baby carrier on board.

What you can't take in your carry-on baggage

There are a lot of things that you cannot take on board with you. Otherwise, you will have to leave them in a large trash can in the security inspection area. The list of prohibited items includes:

    Any types of weapons (children's toys in the form of weapons are also not worth taking).

    Stabbing and cutting objects. Very often passengers have to part with their nail scissors and corkscrews at the gangway.

    Explosive and poisonous substances. This also includes any pressurized containers such as hair sprays and deodorants.

    Strong magnets.

    Animal products (skins, horns, etc.).

    Water and food. True, some airlines turn a blind eye to food.

    Any other liquids: not only drinking water, but also creams, shampoos, honey.

It is important that liquids can still be transported by packing them in a special way. The cosmetics you need can be poured into small containers of no more than 100 ml each. However, the total volume of all liquid in carry-on baggage must not exceed 1 liter. Second option- pick up samples that you can take from a cosmetic store.

Bubbles with liquids should be packed in a transparent bag. If necessary, it will be convenient for you to demonstrate it at the control and not look for each bottle separately in your luggage. Some airports generally require you to lay out a transparent bag with liquids from your carry-on baggage during security screening. By the way, if you are carrying a cosmetic product in a 350 ml jar, and the product itself contains only 70 ml, you still have to check it in. The same rule applies with small containers: the 1 liter limit means that your carry-on baggage may contain, for example, 10 100 ml vials - even if they are incomplete.


The restrictions that airlines have for carry-on baggage do not apply to alcohol and duty-free perfumes. The main thing is that these products are inside a sealed bag with a receipt. You can take baby food (including liquid food) on board, but only as much as a small child will need during the flight. It is also permissible to take medications necessary for life, but in some cases, documents from a doctor may be required.

What you need to take

You need to take all the most important things in your hand luggage: money, documents, equipment. One way to get around weight restriction rules- when weighing, take out a laptop, camera, tablet from the bag. These items are not considered carry-on baggage.

If you are traveling with carry-on luggage and luggage, you can take one compact change of clothes into the cabin, as well as a toothbrush. If the airline suddenly loses luggage, you will be more comfortable and relaxed.

Don't forget to purchase and bring travel insurance with you.It can also include the risk of losing luggage.

By the way, some banks offer free TCD insurance with their cards of World, Gold and higher categories. Be sure to check if you have such a service connected.

How to pack everything is practical

The main rule of packing carry-on luggage- the most necessary things are on top, the less important- from below.

A good way to fit more things in a small space.- roll clothes into rollers. They can also fill the resulting voids.

Choose versatile things that are better wrinkle-free and lightweight (by weight).

Every summer we plan our vacation, a trip to friends for a few days or a weekend out of town. And sometimes both. And each time the same question arises - how to get ready for a trip, what things to take with you? And how do you put everything you need in a small suitcase or backpack that won't make travel a heavy burden? I have an answer!

Love for travel and minimalism taught me to collect in an hour. From my own experience, I know that for many this is comparable to the tricks of David Copperfield. Therefore, the magic will be exposed today.

I always like to know exactly where what lies. Little things that get lost at the bottom of my backpack annoy me. Therefore, for the sake of order, I use these organizers. With them, everything is quickly located and does not crumple ... In this video on the YouTube channel, I show what I really take with me and how I pack it. So a good quality backpack is an important point in the training camp.

Why is it worth giving up heavy suitcases?

Firstly, this is a significant saving: sometimes luggage costs the same as the ticket itself (a common situation in low-cost airlines). Secondly, the less things you have, the more mobile and free you are. For me personally, these arguments are quite weighty. And thirdly, having only the necessary minimum at hand, you will avoid long fees and a painful choice of what to go to the museum, and what to go to a bar or to the beach. Less time in a hotel closet - more in the fresh air of the overseas land.

For me, travel is a time of new sensations, discoveries, acquaintances, breaking away from routine and enjoying freedom, so I don't want to overshadow it with a heavy suitcase and a bunch of unnecessary things. It is important for me to have comfortable, functional, but at the same time stylish clothes that are suitable for every occasion and activity. Bring as many items as you need between washings. Alternatively, choose something that can be easily washed and dried on the trip.

I shot for you an illustrative example of how you can travel light, but with style - summer lookbook, where out of 20 items I made 15 looks, one for each day of our vacation in Italy.

4 tips for traveling light with everything you need

1. Find out the weather / climate

First of all, find out what the weather will be like in the place where you are going. Pretty obvious advice. This will be especially useful if you are traveling for the first time to a country with a different climate or to another hemisphere. Miracles are everywhere: when we have summer, it is winter in Brazil and Australia. Even approximate data from Wikipedia will help you navigate: whether it will be hot, windy, whether there is a big difference between the temperature between day and night, whether it will rain. This will help you determine what kind of clothes and shoes you need: spring / summer or fall / winter. Advice: even if very hot weather is expected, I still take at least one warm thing with me, as I know from experience that it will come in handy either on the plane, or at the airport, or at night, or on a windy and rainy day that may come contrary to the most accurate weather forecasts 🙂

2. Write down your plans

Think and sketch on a piece of paper what you plan to do during your vacation or trip. Will it be a beach holiday, a trip to the mountains, a weekend with friends in nature, or a sightseeing tour of Europe? Be very specific and write down all the activities you plan to do: beach, restaurant, museum, overnight in the mountains, barbecue, picnic, city walks, long excursions. Now determine what you will do most often, and than just once or twice. Then you will easily understand what type and in what proportions clothes and shoes you will need and can think over each outfit in advance. If you are planning only one or two evening outings, then there is no point in taking 2 evening dresses and high-heeled shoes with you. Advice: better take one silk top, which you can combine with any of your bottoms (jeans, white trousers, shorts, skirt) - and you will already have a wonderful evening outfit. Plus, silk is very suitable for hot weather, takes up minimal space and adds a touch of chic to any look.

By the way, if you yourself are planning a trip and booking a hotel, then you can get a nice discount from me! If you book a hotel using my link on, then you and I will receive $ 10-15 or euros per card after the trip. This money can be happily spent on something more enjoyable, right? 🙂

3. Choose a combination of things for each activity.

Read more about this capsule on vacation read

Play as a stylist: next to each activity, write down what items you need. For example, Beach- swimsuit + long dress + sandals, Museum- skirt + blouse \ dress + ballet flats, the mountains- shorts + T-shirt + shirt + sports shoes. So you will see for which activities you will need similar things, which things will be needed more often and which less often. For example, you are going to go to a restaurant and a museum only 2 times and these are places where you can put on things of a similar type, but you will go to the beach and walk around the city every day - which means that you will need two or three times more of these things. This simple arithmetic will help you collect an adequate number of things and be ready for any situation.

And one more secret of mine: when collecting your wardrobe, think not in things, and pay attention to the fact that any bottom can be completed with any top. This is a guarantee that from a minimum of things you will get a maximum of images. Advice: if you want to make your vacation capsule more varied, then give preference to tops and bottoms separately than dresses, so by swapping them you will get a lot more looks. But you can always take one dress, how can you do without it 🙂

4. Choose a color scheme

Capsule wardrobe in this palette

Before, like many others, I traveled with a lot of luggage, "with a picture, a basket, a cardboard box." I perfectly remember all the cases. Once I was carrying a heavy computer system unit - a dubious pleasure. It was no laughing matter that day when I almost lost one of my eight carry-on bags and rushed around the crowded Heathrow airport in search of the loss. Luggage and comfort are inversely related concepts. We go on the road for the sake of new experiences, but we carry old things with us, wasting time, energy and money. Instead of going straight to the city of dreams upon arrival, we unpack our bags in the hotel room. Especially when it comes to business trips or trips for one or two days, when every hour is expensive. Doesn't this seem paradoxical to you? It seems to me.

Why limit yourself to carry-on luggage

Limiting yourself to carry-on baggage, you save: you do not pay extra for overweight and you can fly with the cheapest airlines that simply do not carry
baggage. Upon arrival, you will be relieved of the tedious waiting for the issue. In my opinion, this is the most boring aspect of the trip, and it can also be quite dramatic. I remember how a casual fellow traveler beamed with a smile: "Oh, lucky, the suitcase arrived!" From her sincere joy, I guessed that in the past she was not always so lucky. Moreover, no one can guarantee that the suitcase will remain intact: torn off zippers, ripped handles and jammed
casters are not uncommon. Hand luggage is less often inspected upon arrival. When passengers walk along the “green corridor”, customs officers mainly pay attention to those with large luggage. Their attention is attracted not by expensive and bright bags, but by the size. The logic is simple: the smaller the bag, the less likely it is that there is something prohibited for import. In developing countries, porters often grab suitcases without your consent, put them on carts and roll them to the taxi rank, and then you have no choice but to pay for unsolicited "baggage delivery services." With one small bag, you look independent and are less interested in would-be helpers.

Plus, you won't need to take a taxi just to deliver a heavy suitcase to your hotel. By this, by the way, you demonstrate respect for the environment: you do not consume gasoline on a solo taxi ride. By limiting yourself to carry-on luggage, you will save time overall. The faster you go, the more likely it is to travel spontaneously. Packing a seven-kilogram bag takes three times less time than a 20-kilogram bag. For tourists loaded with suitcases, the first and inevitable destination becomes a hotel, and while they are registered there, while they go up to their room, they will unpack their luggage - those who have a small light bag will already visit a cafe, a park, inspect a local museum and make a hundred photos. Is your heavy suitcase worth the loss?

Bag selection

Once I drove through the entire rather big Indian state of Rajasthan with a bag intercepted by a man's trouser belt. The handles of the bag came off at the airport. So, when choosing a bag, first of all make sure that it has reliable handles. Get a bag that is sized and shaped to be easy to carry through the crowd. There are no universal laws: some like bags with a handle and a rigid frame, others like soft backpacks. When buying a bag, load it up and try placing it on the top shelf with one hand. Happened? It will be more difficult in a crowded Indian train carriage or in a cramped aisle of the aircraft cabin! Ask the seller about the characteristics of the bag. Remember: it is necessary that it be waterproof, including in the places of fasteners. Pockets should be closed with zippers, not with laces, clips or Velcro! Requirements: a strong carabiner strap, ample internal pockets and an external card compartment.

In addition, the perfect bag does not need to stand out in color, material and accessories - in short, to shout about itself. This will protect yourself from theft and undue attention from bored officials.

Remember about the bag that:

The presence of wheels does not mean that the bag can be heavy;

The weight of the bag is determined by the inner frame, not the textile. Don't be tempted by an ultra-light fabric - choose a thicker one.
but durable;

A rare pattern, monogram or embroidery is good for identification on the baggage claim tape, but if you are traveling with carry-on luggage, this is a sign for scammers to show you have extra money.

If your trip is divided into two different parts (for example, climbing the mountains and wedding ceremony in the valley), separate things into different bags. This way you will not get them dirty or wrinkled. It makes sense to distribute luggage among several bags even if one half of the things are needed more often than the other, for example, when traveling with children.

Many airlines do not have restrictions on the amount of carry-on luggage (but it is better to check in advance), but you should not carry more than two pieces of carry-on luggage per person, because with these bags you still have to walk around the airport. A good option is two bags symmetrically located relative to the axis of the body, which will evenly distribute the weight and relieve the spine.


A separate question is where to put money, bank cards and documents while traveling, so that, on the one hand, you do not worry about them, and on the other hand, you can easily and quickly retrieve them if necessary.

In my opinion, there is nothing uglier than "secret handbags" for wearing under clothes. Perhaps they make some sense if you are alone with a large amount of cash going to a place teeming with pickpockets (for example, to major cities in Italy, Paris or London). However, experience shows that on the road it is better to keep everything valuable and important in a small purse, which will always be in your sight (and when the contents go to the hotel safe, the purse will serve as a clutch for you). This bag should be with a strap to keep your hands free. If you do not trust your neighbors, you can easily take her to the toilet, and in all the cramped conditions she will not bother you.

Cosmetic bag

Of course, a cosmetic bag is not the heaviest and voluminous part of your luggage, but this is not a reason to lug your entire arsenal of toiletries and decorative cosmetics with you. On the road, you will need cosmetic products that are best poured into small jars and put in your carry-on luggage, a multifunctional restoring balm (for lips, skin and as a remedy for sunburn) and a moisturizer before applying makeup. Always put liquids in resealable bags, even inside a cosmetic bag; it is even better if the bag allows you to remove liquids in a separate part of it. Fluid may spill due to pressure drops during takeoff and landing.
and stain the rest of the contents. On the trip, you will need a toothbrush and paste, dental floss, deodorant, soap suitable for body and hair, nail scissors, a nail file, tweezers, a comb, moisturizing lotion and sun cream. Eau de toilette with alcohol will replace the bactericidal lotion for acne, often appearing at sea due to climate and nutritional changes.

Sure, it won't be a problem to buy a toothbrush or moisturizer locally, but you probably won't want to go looking for it on your first day. This is the basic set. It always stays in my travel bag and does not change from trip to trip. By the way, if your hair is short, you can take dry shampoo in a small jar.

What is not worth taking

An equally important question is what should be left at home. Let's think together. For example, do you need a multi-page travel guide? For a compact bag, it is clearly too heavy, so its weightless electronic version is better to upload to a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Trust the experience of many travelers: overly smart clothes, expensive jewelry and watches can create unnecessary problems. On a trip, the likelihood of spoiling them is much higher, and a confused and absent-minded tourist is the blue dream of a pickpocket and a robber. Do you need full bottles of shampoo and shower gel? Take a little, not enough - buy it locally. By the way, in the first edition of the book after these words it was written "unless you go to the desert", but I was told that nowadays and in many places of the deserts there are shops.

A complete set for hair and make-up will not be useful to you either. Travel, like rain, washes away everything unnecessary from your style, and after a successful trip with only a comb, eyeliner and lipstick, it turns out that you can do without tons of makeup. Also, leave at home monofunctional gadgets, discount cards, clothes and shoes "just in case", food (with the exception of a muesli bar as a safety net on the first night in a new place). It is definitely not worth carrying supplies with you. Yes, abroad (most likely) there is no Borodino bread, but travel is not only new places, people and monuments, but also new food. You cannot understand a country without getting to know its cuisine.

What do I take with me


International driving license

Medical insurance policy

Bank card number 1, for cash withdrawal

Bank card number 2, on which a small amount is stored and with which you can safely pay even in questionable places

Cash in rubles

Cash in whatever currency is easiest to exchange for local currency

Copies of all documents (I also store them in electronic form on gadgets; it's a good idea to make a color laminated copy of the passport: in many countries, when paying by card, they ask to show an identity card, and it's not safe to carry a passport with you)

Notepad and pencil


Non-metallic nail file and cuticle oil - a broken nail can ruin the flight

Before packing your suitcase, imagine all the situations ahead.

The book is provided by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Last year, I tried the travel style for the first time, which in Russia is called "lightweight", and abroad by the fashionable word "minimalism". The main idea is to get rid of all the excess in your travel luggage, and what you cannot do without it can be reduced in weight and volume.

When you need to travel and take your bike with you on the plane, cyclist-friendly airlines use your bike as your main piece of baggage free of charge. And you have to carry all other things in your carry-on baggage.

On my first trip, I put all my clothes, a repair kit and a sleeping bag with a tent in a city backpack. True, at the airport they had to transfer the repair kit to the bag with the bike, since they were not allowed to carry screwdrivers and other iron things on the plane.

On my first trip I used a small Phantom cycling backpack of 36 liters. By the standards of experienced cyclists, this is very little. I bought it after reading a bunch of reviews and positive reviews from the owners. Also, for the first trip, I bought an 800 grams ultra-lite sleeping bag for temperatures up to -5 C and a Quecha Ultra-lite tent, which was very expensive at that time, for 4 thousand rubles. Its weight together with arcs is 1.8 kg. Out of clothes, I had a two-layer windbreaker, a pair of T-shirts, sweatpants and shorts. Even then, I did not carry so many things with me, the heaviest of which were my winter sneakers (I took them off when I arrived in Asia) and a large DSLR camera.

List of things for a trip to Laos

  • Norco Mountainer Bike - 14kg
  • Bicycle cover - 1.6 kg
  • Mat - 600 grams
  • Nikon camera - 400 grams
  • Repair kit - 1.5 kg (gained a lot)
  • Jacket windbreaker and other clothing - about 3 kg
  • Sneakers - 1 kg
  • Cycling backpack - 2 kg
  • Urban backpack - 600 grams

I carried some of my things on my back in my backpack. On one of the passes, I met a French bike traveler who advised me not to load my back and attach all my things to the trunk. He himself had a compact camera on the handlebars and a bicycle backpack in the rear rack. I immediately believed in his advice, as he looked like a hardened traveler and was the only foreigner who rode a bike without bags on the front wheels.

During my trip to Australia, I realized that a lot does not mean good. I took a lot of water as I was driving through the Nallabor Desert. The weather was not very hot, so only half of all supplies were useful. I also took a laptop, which was completely unnecessary for traveling in the desert. For 13 days I spent the night in a tent. Not cold or wet. I was very overloaded, and as a result, under the weight of the backpack, after 1100 km, the rear tire was completely worn out. After Australia, I seriously thought about traveling light.

The first hike of a minimalist

This was the first trip to Europe - Hungary and the Czech Republic. Before the trip, I ordered a banana bag with a saddle attachment from a craftsman, as well as a spacious frame bag. I took the same tent and sleeping bag. Instead of foam, I used an inflatable mat, which takes up the minimum volume in the luggage. I have not mastered the saddlebag arrangement. I just put all my things in my backpack and tied it with harnesses to the trunk. I screwed the bike cover to the bike frame, but now I don’t do that anymore, I just put it neatly on the trunk under all the things.

List of things:

  • Bike - Trek 1.2 - 9.5 kg
  • Bicycle cover - 800 grams
  • Mat - 300 grams
  • Pelat Quecha Ultralite - 1.8 kg
  • Sleeping bag Quecha Ultalite -5C - 800 grams
  • Repair kit with spare chambers - 1 kg
  • Backpack - 600 grams
  • Electronics - about 400 grams
  • Food (nuts, dried fruits and shock bars) - 1.5 kg.
  • Clothes - 2 kg.

What equipment and things can you get rid of?

Guides, books or maps. Download maps to your smartphone and use the whole day in airplane mode. Plan your route, write down the important names of cities, print on a piece of paper in one column in 7 type. Laminate and put in a wallet. You don't need anything else. Map on your phone, your way on a piece of paper.

Laptop or tablet. Enjoy the trip. Check your email or social networks through your phone. The more gadgets, the more dependence on them and the desire to charge.

Extra cameras, tires, chains, spokes. I hadn’t traveled on long journeys in over a month, so my spokes didn’t burst and my chains didn’t break. Spoke breakage can occur on the rear wheel due to overloading the bike. If you strive to travel light, then this can be avoided. I took a spare tire on one of the hikes. It came in handy when the tire on the rear wheel worn out. It was worn out precisely because of overload, and also because it was too soft. Buy reliable and hard tires. If your trip isn't longer than a month, just grab a pump, two spare chambers, and a set of patches.

Tourist rug. Convenient, lightweight thing, but very large. If you buy the cheapest type of foam mat for 300 rubles, you can use it as a protection in a case with a bicycle during the flight. On the way back, you can throw it away. For the last two trips, I have taken an inflatable mat, which takes only 20 cm in my luggage. Lightweight but very expensive for the price. I hope it will last a long time.

Food. Namely canned food, pasta and other ingredients. You can replace them with high-calorie chocolates, nuts and dried fruits. They take up little space in your luggage and take no time to prepare.

Cup, mug, burner, saucepan. See the point above. I really like to drink tea. I brew it in my bike bottle. I don’t carry a separate mug.

Camera. If you are not a professional cameraman or photographer and there is no goal to create a film as a result of the trip, then the capabilities of modern smartphones or compact cameras will suffice. In addition, there are HD cameras such as GoPro.

Excess clothing. I take one jacket and one thin and light windbreaker. If it rains, I'll get wet anyway. A cellophane bag worn between two socks will keep your feet dry.

Backpack for bicycle. Foreign tourists love separate front and rear wheel bags. It seems to me that as long as there are bags in which to put things, you will be tempted to take a lot of excess with you. Our tourists use a pant-type bag that attaches to the rear rack. But it also relaxes with its volume. One urban backpack that can hold all my trekking gear is my rule. Attaches to the rear rack with harnesses and rubber bands. Removes quickly when you need to leave the bike in the parking lot.

Fenders on wheels. Controversial issue. I have never used it and have not really regretted it. Other travelers who put on the wings also do not complain about overload or inconvenience. If it is possible to put classic and lightweight wheels, then put it. The main thing is not to get in the way during transportation.

The very next season, I again went light with a minimum set of things. No laptops, no bulky rugs. Only one jacket and one pair of shoes for the entire hike. A minimum of provisions, everything is bought when there is a desire to have a snack.

The minimum set of things for the trip

List of things (from left to right and from top to bottom): sleeping bag, inflatable mat, windbreaker, tent, fleece jacket, clothes rolled up in socks, a piece of polyethylene that serves as a cover for packing a bike in flight, two spare cameras, harnesses for fastening, a key 15 (unscrew the pedals), nozzles, front frame bag, power bank, flashlight, usb wire, trekker, rear flashlight, camera charger, Sony camera, micro-usb phone charger, Nokia Lumia phone, necessary tablets, toothbrush , gloves, repair kit, spare pads, multitool, tire removal keys, adhesive tape, helmet (needed in some countries), bike lock, wallet, bandage, small scissors, belt bag in which I put my passport, wallet and phone.

Let Me Into The Dirty Estuary: The Ultimate Guide to Accommodation in Kuala Lumpur

January 27, 2020

Dasha answers. Issue # 2: Warsaw, Dubai, a secret location in Istanbul

Three years ago, my suitcase broke a wheel. Since then I have been flying without luggage: things for a week-long trip fit perfectly into a small backpack.

It is convenient to travel with hand luggage when traveling between cities and countries by public transport is planned. Lugging a suitcase back and forth from your home to the train station or bus stop is exhausting, and a backpack behind your back becomes a real salvation. It also helps save money, time and hassle. Flying without luggage is almost always cheaper, and after landing, you don't have to push around the luggage belt and worry about the safety of your belongings.

For example, a flight to Barcelona and back with luggage is 4252 rubles more expensive:

Most likely, a trip with one hand luggage will not be suitable for those who are traveling for the first time and do not know their own set of essentials, and for parents with small children who need to carry a lot of items and clothes. Well, and for a period of ten days without luggage, it's hard to go.

For those who are ready to give up a suitcase, I have formulated five rules for assembling a backpack on an airplane.

Rule one: check airline rules and weather forecast

It will be a little boring, sorry. But it is better to read the rules for carrying hand luggage in a particular airline before purchasing tickets. They are all different and change periodically. Pay attention to three points: the permissible size of carry-on baggage, its weight and the list of items prohibited in the cabin.

Federal Aviation Regulations they say that the carry-on baggage allowance cannot be less than 5 kilograms per passenger. But the minimum size is not limited by law, so airlines can manipulate them as much as they want.

For example, according to the current rules (February 2019) at Pobeda, the size of all items of hand luggage should not exceed 36Ă— 30 Ă— 27 centimeters. S7 is more humane: you can take a backpack or bag with dimensions 55 into the cabinĂ— 40 Ă— 23 centimeters.

I advise you to have two backpacks in order to always fit into the allowed sizes: one smaller, the other larger.

Apart from the direct prohibitions of the airline, carry-on baggage must not contain anything fromthe list of things prohibited for carriage in the aircraft cabin ... Airlines may not prescribe these items in their internal rules, because the list is the same for all air carriers. You cannot take with you:

  • explosives;
  • compressed and liquefied gases;
  • flammable liquids and flammable solids;
  • oxidizing agents and organic peroxides;
  • toxic substances;
  • radioactive materials;
  • caustic and corrosive substances;
  • poisonous and toxic substances;
  • weapon.

The same list allows passengers to take with them liquids, gels and aerosols,

in containers with a volume of up to 100 ml, if they are packed in a securely resealable transparent plastic bag. But if the capacity is more than 100 ml - no matter how much liquid it contains - it will be taken away at the inspection.

By law, the airline may prohibit taking scissors, forks, folding knives, corkscrews, knitting needles and medical syringes on the plane.Here is an example of such a prohibition in the Pobeda rules:

If the size of your backpack or bag is slightly out of bounds, it is better to look at the cost of your luggage or additional piece of carry-on luggage. Most likely you won't have to pay extra, but it's easier to be prepared in advance for the worst-case scenario.

Before you start packing, check the weather forecast for your destination. He will help you navigate with clothes and not drag too much.

Rule two: collect the necessary

Travel essentials are documents, money, medicine and house keys. Everything else can be purchased locally if necessary.

My first aid kit for a trip fits into one box of any medicine. These are plasters, pain relievers, antipyretics, allergy and food poisoning remedies, sore throat lozenges. If there are many tablets in the blister, you can cut off a part. Separately, you should grab a drop for a cold or a motion sickness medication if you need it.

It is better to shove cash in different places in order to protect yourself from thieves. If you plan to pay by card, be sure to warn the bank about this, otherwise it may be blocked on suspicion of fraud. Contact the bank's support service a few days before departure and provide a complete list of countries with moving dates. This way you will get rid of the need to make roaming calls and prove that it is you who perform the card transactions.

Rule three: wear warm and voluminous

This rule is intended to save space in your carry-on baggage. The most voluminous things, if possible, should be worn on you during the flight.

Let's say a trip to winter Europe. It’s not outrageously cold, but it’s not hot either. The thickest and fluffiest sweater should not be tamped into a backpack, because it is easier to carry on yourself. Any hoodies and sweatshirts with sleeves can be tied around the hips.

Want to take your hat with you? Great, put it on before leaving for the airport. In hand luggage, it will take up an unreasonable amount of space. Fly from summer to summer? Feel free to wear sunglasses. If you need two pairs of shoes on a trip, leave one for the backpack that can be folded as compactly as possible without harm and not spoil.

Rule four: choose things and lay out in plain sight

In practice, there are not many things you need to travel. But it is easier to separate the necessary from the unnecessary when it is in front of your eyes.

Free up space on the couch or floor and start packing. Put the essentials from the rule first#2 ... Further carry electronic equipment. For example, I always carry a camera with me and it eats up a decent amount of space in my backpack. Some airlines allow you to carry your camera in a separate bag, but more often you can't count on it. Therefore, it is better to put the camera, laptop, power bank and all the wires first in order to soberly assess the situation.

Then get rid of the idea of ​​lugging shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, soap and toothpaste with you. Firstly, they are almost always available in hotels and apartments. Secondly, they will have to be packaged separately because they are liquid. Thirdly, you can buy these things and not go broke in any supermarket already on the spot. More often than not, only toothpaste is missing from this list in rented housing. If you are very worried about oral hygiene on the day of arrival, you can buy tooth powder or hard toothpaste in tablets.

Carry underwear and socks next. They can be washed very quickly in the sink and dried overnight, so don't use a hundred pairs. Three will be enough for sure. Some rented apartments even have the luxury of a washing machine that you don't have to play with a raccoon every two days.

Then we move from the legs up: pants and skirts. In one or one, you will fly one way or another. So with you in your backpack you will need at most one piece of clothing for your legs. Warm countries are easier: shorts and short skirts take up very little space and you can even take two pairs.

You will fly in a warm sweater, so you just need to take something to dress up, as my grandma would say. These are T-shirts, T-shirts, tops, whatever. Four is enough: it's okay to wear the same T-shirt for two days. If you are completely unbearable, the experience of a raccoon gargle and liquid soap will come to the rescue.

If you go swimming, carry a pair of swimwear or swimming trunks. Don't forget to bring your sleep items: a T-shirt, pajamas, or nothing, depending on your personal preference. I usually add another pair of socks at this stage because my feet are always freezing.

Add a makeup bag with a psychologically minimal set of makeup.

After you have put things in front of your eyes, distract yourself for ten minutes. Then return to them and look around with a critical eye: suddenly the superfluous has crept in.

If, after packing, there is room in the backpack and the weather forecast requires it, you can take a folding umbrella or raincoat with you. If there is no place, you will spit: there will probably be an umbrella in your temporary living space. Parasols are forgotten in hotels too, so feel free to check with the staff if you can borrow one in case of rain. And, again, buying an umbrella is not such a problem.

The fifth rule. Roll up and fold

It's time to pack. Take a few bags, plastic or paper, if you are an environmentally responsible person. Packages are needed so that things do not get dirty and there is where to put dirty things.

Arrange underwear, socks and clothing according to color in separate piles. The latter is not necessary, I’m just paranoid - all of a sudden one on the other will be painted by some miracle. Now you need to carefully fold everything from the piles so that it takes up a minimum of space.

I roll my clothes into tubes. So she almost does not wrinkle and leaves room for maneuver. The same technique is better to cover the edges with soft: you never know where you hit your backpack or drop it. The process looks like this:

Rolled up - in a bag, a bag - in a backpack. Between the clothes - a cosmetic bag, money, equipment, medicines. Sometimes I also have a small bag in order to walk around the city with it. The mobile phone will fly in your pocket or in your hands, so everything is ready for the plane.

If you have any tips for collecting carry-on luggage, share them in the comments below the text.