Congratulations on the holiday of a lawyer's day, cool. Big selection of congratulations to the day of the lawyer

Professional holiday with a lawyer
What I don't find words ...
To not happen to man
You are always ready for revenue!
Contract and receipt
And power of attorney and other documents
Assist what to contact
The main thing is not to miss the moment!
What would not say, I know for sure
Without lawyers, we can not
You wish you happiness and health
What would be near friends nearby!

Create postcard


In our age, abuse, a lot of rules
Lawyer as a guide blind
Always tell the right way
And within the legal field.
He is the guard of the law, he is stronghold
The arbitrariness protects
His work under the hour to us
Pretty life simplifies everything.
So we wish him:
success, new achievements
To wanted and might
Move the blind people, the goal of the laws!

Create postcard


Today behind this beautiful table
We gathered to congratulate your colleague.
But we will be about work later
First of all, congratulate a person.
Wish we want together
Happiness, joy and songs.
On this day of your profession
Let his health come and go out.
Health will be and it will be -
The fact that people are called professional happiness.
So let's drink for happy lawyers!

Create postcard


Many warm friendly wishes speak today to your address with colleagues and friends! Allow me to join them and warmly welcome you on the occasion of a professional holiday - a lawyer's day!
Your activity is aimed at ensuring equity and legality in society, the creation of a stable mechanism for the implementation of legal norms in the work of state bodies. You are also invaluable to the contribution of domestic lawyers to an increase in the legal consciousness of citizens, the formation of a high legal culture of society.
Let me wish you a dedication and devotion to the great service of the law, new professional success. Good health, peace, happiness and well-being.

Create postcard


We all respect the laws,
And you want many of them to comprehend,
And holidays - from the day of lovers
Before, actually, independence day -
Today is a legal holiday,
Do you know you thoroughly,
We decided to congratulate you
With this day wonderful!
Little little lawyers
The medium of our acquaintances seem to -
But everyone marks strictly
Independence Day!
Therefore - with the holiday, it means!
We wish you no dependence
From all sorts of bin, and - good luck,
And - in the life of the affairs - justice!
Igor Yartsy

Create postcard


Lawyer in the morning are concerned about:
Someone should be divorced very,
From work expelled inappropriate.
The debtor does not pay any percentage ...
As if the lawyer has no problems -
Family, material theorems,
Children and houses, money and debts ...
But he is always ready to help others.
He will immerse about himself in the evening,
Well, in the morning ... Lawyer will visit.

The day of the lawyer unites many completely different people across the country. He is celebrated by those who devoted their lives to work in private firms or state-owned lawsuits related to jurisprudence. Universal congratulations on the day of the lawyer in verses and prose are suitable for everyone who has or only receives legal education. These are judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries, students, cadets, teachers, tax inspectors, investigators and many other professionals. Pick up the ready congratulation to the day of the lawyer, depending on the specifics of its celebration and consider both official and informal options from our article.

When will the day of the lawyer in Russia celebrate?

Employees of advocacy, prosecutor's office and the courts of Russia celebrate the day of the lawyer on December 3. Tradition to celebrate this day officially started in 2008. In Ukraine, the celebration of the professional holiday of all those associated with the jurisprudence is celebrated on October 8, and in Belarus - December 6.

Best congratulations on a lawyer in verse

Happy Lawyer! Connected

You are with a capricious lady,

Very fair

Strict and stubborn.

Femida name

Its Male

Before her lawyers

Always answer.

Let in honor of the goddess

The truth will win

And lawyer let each

Justice is like.

Happy Lawyer! Chose

You are your way in life.

Wishes from me

Weft all the essence:

I wish the right roads

Protane and smooth,

I wish not judgment

Hurryly innocent.

Though to distinguish the truth

From the testimony of false

Let you have enough strength

For the deeds of great, complex.

Official and solemn congratulations on the day of a lawyer in prose

A lawyer is not only a profession. This vocation, willingness to put the word "justice" on the central place in life. This decision to be responsible for the fate of other people. This is an obligation to comply with the laws of your state. A lawyer is a vital credo and a difficult path in the name of the rule of law.

Dear our lawyers! Take congratulations on your professional holiday with the wish of successful achievements and incredibly high achievements in law and in personal life!

Today I want to congratulate all employees of the courts, the state prosecutor's office, lawyers of various specialization, as well as cadets of legal universities and their teachers. You are entrusted to the greatest missions - to protect and protect human rights in all spheres of life. Remember: The main tool in the work of a lawyer is a developed ability to be confident in their actions in any circumstances. Let the inner faith in itself and the right thing will be unshakable and solid!

Happy Lawyer! You chose the path of one of the most complicated professions. Compliance and protection of the laws of their state is just the vertex of iceberg. The whole essence of this profession is in finding the truth, following the conscience and the establishment of truth. I wish you to realize yourself as excellent professionals and professionals who know their work thoroughly. Act right, on conscience and for the benefit of other people.

I congratulate you

Employees of ships,

Avid lawyers

From different cities.

Colleagues in the prosecutor's office

And private notaries,

Police officers

And just archivists.

Assistants in the courts,

Protection, prosecutors,

Lawyers beginners

And managers!

I wish you patience

And to believe in deal.

In practice, laws

Successfully check!

Happy Lawyer! We are worthy

Praise and merit:

The law does not work

Without the mountain of our services.

We use skillfully


Never distort

Truthful facts.

Let this work

It is easily given.

Real let the lawyer

Always honest stay!

Original congratulations on the day of the lawyer colleague in prose

Language of legal terms can only understand the lawyer. Without a team, the ability to transfer their experience to beginners and without constant communication is difficult to take place as a real professional. Colleague, I wish you on the day of the lawyer of courage and confidence, professional growth and continuous development in our big team!

They say fisherman fisherman sees from afar. So in jurisprudence. Our language of terms, norms and articles are unlikely to discern a doctor or plumber. But we in our professional world know exactly how to help your colleague and give a deliveline to the law. Today is our day - the day of a lawyer! I congratulate all of you, dear staff, and I wish to work fruitfully for the benefit of the Motherland and the people.

A good colleague, like a wife, always knows when to raise, and when to support. And a good colleague-lawyer also always knows one more law than you. Happy Lawyer! Let everyone be order and justice in the life!

Beautiful poems on a lawyer day for colleagues

I congratulate you

Employees of ships,

Avid lawyers

From different cities.

Colleagues in the prosecutor's office

And private notaries,

Police officers

And just archivists.

Assistants in the courts,

Protection, prosecutors,

Lawyers beginners

And managers!

I wish you patience

And to believe in deal.

In practice, laws

Successfully check!

Happy Lawyer! We are worthy

Praise and merit:

The law does not work

Without the mountain of our services.

We use skillfully


Never distort

Truthful facts.

Let this work

It is easily given.

Real let the lawyer

Always honest stay!

Unusual and cool congratulations on the day of a lawyer in prose

The lawyer is the captain of the ship, able to maneuver between the reefs of the laws. I wish you a long swimming, passing wind and never get stranded!

What is the lawyer different from mathematics? Just what uses instead of formulas words. Good students become good lawyers, and only true masters of words become true lawyers! I wish you, lawyers, always find the right formula from beliefs and laws and not mistaken in accuracy of calculations!

There is a brilliant and short saying: "Two lawyers are eight opinions." Let it not frighten you. In the ocean of various opinions, opposite views, beliefs and unconfirmed facts, you will be able to find the truth, and then the career of a brilliant lawyer is provided to you. Happy holiday and good luck!

Professional holiday of all lawyers, lawyers, judges, students of legal universities and faculties is celebrated annually in Ukraine on October 8. This day is always very fun: conferences and symposia are arranged, diplomas and diplomas are presented, and in the evening everyone moves to restaurants to celebrate this day "not officially".

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer - the mandatory component of the holiday. Pronounce a few warm words, read the verse and raise the glasses for representatives of this difficult and very important profession - what can be more pleasant!

SMS greetings

If your friend is a lawyer, the colleague is in another city or even the country - modern means of communication allow you to send any congratulations in electronic form: email, SMS greetings or even video - our capabilities have no boundaries. Lawyers in their professional holiday will be pleased to get several lines from friends who remember this a significant day for all representatives of the right.


Legal problems
Avoid help everyone!
Happy Lawyer Congratulations,
Affairs successful only wish
So that you listened to compliments
Always from your customers!
Let them for honest work
Large money gives
After all, for the quality of service
You need to pay for merits!


Congratulations on the day of the lawyer,
So that everything was clean in the affairs,
So that the laws succumbed to
So that the pockets were filled
So that proud was always -
Everything will turn out then.
That is a favorite country
I knew our names!


In cases of order and good luck,
Customers generous, not otherwise
And deals the most expensive
In the life of happiness and love!

Always in everything be ahead
Competitors to get around.
Fun, laughter and good
Happy lawyer, friend, you! ***

You are a lawyer, you know a lot,
All laws you understand
You can always apply them,
All on the shelves spread.
Dispute any
You always make sure you are boldly.
Let your practice
Not found "stones".
Noble protect
You are always ordinary people.


For a lawyer congratulations,
To have a lot of venos,
Do as the law tells
With no other fiber!
To protect citizens
Big fee do not take
And work very honestly
It was really interesting!

Congratulations on the day of a lawyer in verse

At a solemn event in honor of the day of the lawyer, you can prepare congratulations in verses. It is always original and beautiful. Moreover, a lot of successful thematic poems, which will emphasize all the peculiarities of the profession are invented. Here are some examples:

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer
And wish from the soul:
Let everything be smooth, purely,
Let luck in a hurry to you!

Fair solutions
At work and everywhere,
Well, in life - adventure.
Always on top!


Legal nuances do not count himself,
And in companies stable for problems - lawyers are.
Decrypt contracts, all the details will take into account
So that the owner is pleased: he is right there and he is right!
They - thanks for the work, for stability and peace,
That the documents are rapidly, who knows the hand.
For the lack of conflicts and with the law, and with soul:
Our short-term lawyer, we all admire you!


People with a lawyer's profession
We can easily learn
They are deciding fast,
Have a brave, proud look.

They have, of course, than be proud of
They are the law of the guard.
Accustomed to wear to work,
It is worthwhile.

So be happy, lawyers,
Today you are the heroes of the day.
And everything will be in the laws purely
Since you are standing at the helm!


Causes respect
Your clear thinking
Orientation in the laws
Legal expanses.

With your holiday, lawyers!
You wish you cleaner transactions
Everyday lungs, without abrasions
And high fees.


On the day of the lawyer you wish you
The kindness of fate without the edge.
Let the idle of the house will be,
In the body health will be.

Let success in work waiting for
Good luck to you will find a way
Let everyone come true dreams.
Peace, happiness, warmth!

Funny congratulations

Code Keepers of civil rights and freedoms come out of the notarial office, ships or lawyers, they turn into ordinary people with an excellent sense of humor. For the celebration in a narrow circle, small comic poems are perfectly suitable, in which there is a subtle irony, and sometimes some sarcasm.

Believe me, serious documents and bad conversations are enough lawyers at work. And on the holiday - you need to have fun! Choose one of the poems based on the features of the perpetrator of the celebration and its working direction.

All lawyers are honored.
He is not bad on all sides:
By law in December
Day of lawyers in the yard.

So it is necessary to rest
Celebrate and light
And to disobey - neither!
You, lawyer, law apply!


Not known artist
(Although she would be able to be),
You, girlfriend, - lawyer -
It is cooler than a star!

You set up passion,
What is spectacular than in the movie!
But today - only happiness!
Eat sweets, drink wine !!!


If a woman is a lawyer,
The combination is angry
All who are unclean on hand.
Let she and not a shoulder,
And elegant and slim -
But the thunderstorm for them she!
And today it can be a calm
Become, and affectionate and cute ...
Congratulations on the day of a lawyer!
Rest and have fun!


Deal about divorce
Work about work
Percentage case
The case of debts ...

Business business - business -
You are all skillfully
Unreavit just
Quickly in fluff and dust.

Business you too
My dear buddy,
Well, and what a lawyer
It is necessary to be so.

Do not forget, buddy,
About affairs and personal
About friends and beer ...
We go, sit down? ..


On any scandalist
Idiot and Shuta
Should be three lawyers,
If not, at least two!
So that the people in place to put
Confusion mess
Rectify lawlessness
Offended help.

Congratulations in Prose

If you were invited to a solemn concert or dinner in honor of the professional holiday of civic well-being Guardians - prepare a small eloquent congratulation, which can be pronounced or read from the postcard.

You can choose one of the options, while adding it to several rows "from yourself".


"Dear lawyers! Congratulations on your professional holiday. We want to wish your things to go successful and that you come out winners from any situation. "


"Dear lawyers of Ukraine! Congratulations on the holiday of your profession! I wish the Constitution to be a guide to work, and the Bible and the laws of the Universe - indicated the right path in life. Take care of health and vitality, let the world and tranquility give the most native people. All earthly goods! "


"On this day, we wish everyone just, incorruptible and most honest people, lawyers, so that sorrow passed by, calm and prosperity in the service and in the life of the family. Let all affairs go uphill. You hope and the stronghold of the whole Ukraine, our national pride! "


"Multivated lawyers, accept our congratulations on your professional holiday. We wish your eyes and heart to be just as blind, like the goddess of justice of the femids, because you operate with laws, not feelings. Let your faithful satellites be objectivity, sequence, logicality and good luck. "


"I sincerely congratulate you on the day of the lawyer of Ukraine. I want to wish invincible health, enthusiasm, optimism, cheerfulness and strength. I wish not to know errors and failures, fatigue and hopelessness. Let all affairs successfully finish, and in his personal life, let the happiness, peace and love. "

Official greetings for lawyers, lawyers, judges

Such congratulations are best suited for the heads or directors of firms, companies, etc., which are preparing an official greeting speech for their employees. There will be no place for jokes or poems - everything is very clear, concise and in the case. Here is one of the examples. It can be used as a template or source for ideas.

Dear lawyers, veterans of the legal community!

We sincerely congratulate you on the professional holiday of people of one of the most respected, honorary and prestigious professions in our society - lawyers!

Your professional activity is aimed at strengthening the foundations of the legal state, the creation of a stable mechanism for the implementation of the norms of law, ensuring legality and social justice. We wish you success in hard work, new achievements, good health and well-being.

Photos on the requests of Google

Today is not an artist holiday,
Not chess player, but a lawyer!
I congratulate you with this
Good luck to the guests send,
Let her bring progress
And eliminate all-all interference
That on the road to happiness was
So that everyone around you loved,
Your income cleaned,
Problems with the wind flew away
Denechka would go smoothly
And you would become in the office main!

Happy lawyer in all involved! Work honestly, protect the interests of customers, keep the "letter of the law". With all this, let your career move steadily up, the company flourishes, personal and social merit are taken into account and are valued high.

Official congratulations on the day of lawyers in prose

The lawyer is often the only person who helps out of trouble. Let gratitude for his help be immense! Let his responsiveness and professionalism of the storm returns good and well-being from all sides! And even if close people will always be near - and in the sorrows, and in joy!

I want to congratulate you on the day of a lawyer, wish light pleasant things and always be in excellent professional form. Work should deliver at least some kind of pleasure, so I wish you more often to rest from it and think about good. The most important thing is that success!

Beautiful greetings on the day of a lawyer in verse

With a professional holiday, lawyers are respected!
Let the goals achieve the desired
And the doors will be all open for you,
The law and the truth will become favorites!
Health to you, good luck and patience,
Win always any debate!

Happy boyfriend! Having studied laws
Thoroughly along and across
Books shifting smart tons
After reaching one lesson:
There is one on all law in nature,
And it is fraught violate -
Be happy with any weather
Do what the soul lies.
To, going on the prohibitions,
Sukharym, I do not even become
Fantasy be a little bit by poet
More often allow yourself to dream!

Cool congratulations on the day of the lawyer's colleague in prose

Happy Lawyer Congratulations! I wish that the client's interests most often coincide with the interests of the firm's lawyers, and the cash reward for the prosperous outcome of the case was significantly. Look for new loopholes in legislation, the use of which will necessarily lead to success, and the law will not be broken. Health, good luck, adequate "assessors and judges."

Multivatted workers of the law,
We wish to grow steadily in a quarry.
In everyday life you wish you love and wealth.
We believe in you and fate you can safely hand it!

Good day! The day of the lawyer in the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on December 3. It is impossible to submit our lives without lawyers. Who, how not they will help to understand the most complicated nuances and the intricacies of the law. Now without lawyers do not cost anywhere, whether it is a large enterprise with a thousandth or a small firm, which has a dozen people. Even if the post is a freelance, lawyer will necessarily come, or at least the consulting services in remote access.

In order to become a lawyer to not suck all laws by heart, it is necessary to be able to work with legal norms, vary and analyze the laws. Rather, on the contrary, a good lawyer is not the one who will retell civil and criminal codes without knocking, and who will defectly take advantage of them. The one who knows exactly which law is approaching a concrete case. Good legal advocacy will never impress its lightning response and speaking solutions.

To begin with, he carefully listens to the client, and then asked to think so much time as it would consider it necessary. And after that, be sure he will give you exhaustive answers to all questions. By the way, about the date December 3, nothing is unknown. It is believed that it coincides with the adoption of the judicial reform of 1864, which has become the legal basis of the Russian Empire. Congratulations on the day of lawyer of Russia - December 3.

Congratulations on the day of lawyer of Russia in verse

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer
And wish - long years!
To with each new thing
You are wise for 100 years!
Wish you happiness
And good luck wish
To make it more
Managed to fly!

Lawyer will help everyone:
Someone can not return the debt,
Who is divorced, dismissed
Each consultation is relying!
All day lawyer in affairs,
Runs, decides
The law knows on the teeth,
I dedicate congratulations!
So that customers did not bother
And work was found,
To appeal again
About your concerns!

Day of lawyer you celebrate today
Make a holiday, long-awaited.
We gathered everything here is not by chance,
Our lawyer, loved, dear!
Everyone is respected here hard - firmly,
Everyone wants to wish you health,
And so that all difficult tasks
You just managed to resolve!

Let luck become a friend to you,
Let Success gets imperceptibly!
And things are going all without attends,
So easily and very gradually.
Lawyer's Day - a very important holiday!
The day of a lawyer - love everything, of course!
Each on this day, always - pitching,
Let this holiday last infinitely!

We are legally today
We have the right to congratulate you.
And outlining wishes
Not easy work in verse glorify.
We wish you a premium forces
In the affairs of simple, and even in grave.
And let the process be beautiful
In court ordinary il jury.

It is difficult how the work of a lawyer,
Always on the nerves, always unclean,
But we need to forget about it,
And remember the uncle of the poet,
Which everyone wants to congratulate
And wish you very, very
Smaller things, more nights ...
Well, now we take glasses,
What would be better sang on the vocal!

Funny poems happy lawyer

I have serious lawyers
There are no cases of simple,
Need to be neat
Do nothing
After all, the responsibility is big,
And in the hands of the fate of someone else,
Be responsible and strict
Punctual, scrupulous -
Everything is useful for business,
The case of brave is afraid
Smart and persistent
To sustainable difficulties
Accordingly, lawyers -
Courage of cavalurism
Pirate adventure
Acrobat flexibility
Accuracy as if hours
Justice scales.

I will not deceive:
We do not know the group of persons
Who wrote the laws mana
And twelve tables.
Maybe it were face -
We look, stick, stamp and laughter!
Only on the day of the lawyer still
Congratulations to all and everyone!
And spectable, and stuck,
With breast or without breast!
Thank God, you, lawyers,

Being a lawyer - very cool!
Divaled them to darkness around them.
Can be defended in a word
And not a strong fist!
We congratulate all lawyers.
Their path is complicated without a doubt.
We wish for prosperity
Cold hearts we congratulate!
If there is a life obstacle,
Only a lawyer is ready to help
Bypass laws
So that the problems will overcome.

You were considered in the university choir:
Hene will be a prosecutor
Ben will be a lawyer!
Fuck judge, of course, will
Write "Your Honor".
Well, Crybla? Cryble, people,
Cryblah will, was and there! "
All of you now happy lawyer,
Our pride and beauty:
Hena, ben, Crybla, Quista,
Codex, Shmodex, sausage!

Let all adventurers be trembled,
"Not to violate the law" - there will be fun
Today, all countries are native, lawyers
We dedicate this congratulation!
The criminal element! You are in vain
Gambling with our female.
Not to defeat the law by lawlessness
After all, "experts" are always guarded.
We wish you only peaceful everydays,
To go in the struggle is always ahead.
And if it is still very difficult,
Always help you native people!

Wishes to a friend with a lawyer's day

Everyone must know his rights,
With those who do not know the law, the trouble happens,
For advice on a lawyer, please contact you
They calmly allow all your controversial affairs.
Friend! I congratulate you on your professional holiday
The health of a strong, treasurely will, I wish,
Let you always always take
Good luck, joy, comfort and good.

Be a lawyer - it means to know the laws and rights,
People help, if they need help,
All questions give a convincing answer,
E if you need to give advice.
Today is your holiday, buddy, I congratulate you,
I wish a lawyer who knows
Credibility of customers so that you have always used
Health of strong, family heat.

Lawyer laws know everything from A to Z,
People help he is always ready,
Ignorance of the law is sometimes sometimes
The effects of bad leads,
Lawyer help here is important.
I celebrate a lawyer today
I, my friend, I cordially congratulate
Let the days of happy be a lot of you,
Let the Lord from the troubles always keep you.

In December there is a nice holiday - a lawyer's day,
Congratulations all send professionals and specialists,
A lawyer has a consultation to get not difficult,
And when the laws are to know,
The contract is properly possible.
Happy Day of Lawyer, Buddy, Congratulations,
I wish you to conquer among customers
Health strong, happiness and good,
Outblow, well-being, spiritual heat.

My friend a lawyer works for a long time
The laws study constantly anyway,
To be always, as they say on horseback,
To make an excellent opinion about yourself.
With the feast of a lawyer, I congratulate you,
Successes, happiness and luck from the soul, I wish
So that you have received inspiration,
And so that you always have been friends with the wonderful attitude.

Congratulations to a friend with a lawyer's day

Girlfriend, sweet, today is your holiday,
I have a hurry to congratulate, and I wish
Let go go for you,
And everything will come true about what you dream.
I wish you the sea I love,
And joy and light and luck,
Let every day bears warm to you,
Beautiful smile, mood.

Girlfriend, sweet, today is only yours,
Your holiday, I congratulate my heart,
Let customers will always be grateful
Good luck, I wish achievements.
Let life bears only light,
And heats the heating soul,
Love to be full let every your dawn,
And your life let happiness fills.

My girlfriend - you are super lawyer,
Today holiday for you is native,
Let the inspiration bring you
Life is joy and light filling.
Let everything in the robot succeed
Love your fate,
And life let the success bears
Heat and sun sincerely giving.

Girlfriend, today your holiday is native,
You are a cool lawyer, I know exactly because
I want fate to you smile,
And the happiness of your soul was filled.
You, I wish the dawns of the beautiful,
And the sea of \u200b\u200blove and light, heat,
And forces to you, inspiration a lot,
And in the heart of hope and faith, good.

Not known artist
(Although she would be able to be),
You, girlfriend, - lawyer -
It is cooler than a star!
You set up passion,
What is spectacular than in the movie!
But today - only happiness!
Eat sweets, drink wine !!!

SMS greetings for a lawyer

The lawyer is, however, it sounds very proudly -
It is guarding the law and debt,
When you do not know how to do -
Always comes to your aid a lawyer comes.

Knife adults and children
Who is the judge and prosecutor
And they have a holiday today!
Ranked looking for a corkscrew.

With lawyers now such trouble:
We are deprived of money and tear, and famously.
I never want to congratulate you!
I'd better hang on a tie quietly.

When the legality is broken
And the celebration copes meanness -
The lawyer comes with them to the fight -
And all the okay, and everything is in order.

Lawyers are now glory and honor.
They are guarding our interests
In the glory of social progress
His lawyer gives the whole soul!

Today is a holiday for such people
Which everyone read the laws.
And knows every rich,
That they have a special dispute.

Happy holiday, Russian lawyers!
Happy holiday, our court, prosecutor's office!
Let your noncases work,
But in your hands you hold the structure!

Beautiful prose with a lawyer's day

Any enterprise, any factory, any firm does not do without a lawyer's services. All conflict situations, all the problems at the enterprise lawyer decides fair and honestly. For the law from firmly knows how the alphabet is from A to J. Today, the professional holiday of such wonderful and necessary people. Let the work brings you inspiration and success. Be sought after and use authority. We wish you good health, great human happiness, long life. Let the confidence always present. Quick career growth, well-being and family coziness to you!

The lawyer is a vocation profession. This is a person who with the law on "you", a person who will rightfully decide your problem will advise how to do better and more profitable. Today we celebrate a professional holiday. Let me sincerely congratulate you. Let your professionalism, your understanding and your concern will appreciate people. God forbid you good health, big mutual love, longevity. Let you meet grateful customers. Let luck, always accompany you. Welfare, good, family comfort and prosperity.

Today we celebrate the professional holiday of all lawyers. We can not do without the services of such smart, honest, who know the law of people. Each of us, at least once in life I had to seek help from a lawyer. Take the words of gratitude, dear our admirers of the law. Let you always shine a peaceful, gentle sun, let the bosses appreciate you, increasing the salary. God forbid you want to enjoy your work, we always use great authority from customers. Let your service brings joy to people. We wish good health, patience, happiness and comfort. Let your cherished dream come true, and the guardian angel protects from the troubles.

Historically, the profession of legal expert is honorable. And at the same time, it is associated with great responsibility. The day of the lawyer is a serious professional holiday, he unites lawyers of a wide range of activities defending the rights and interests of citizens. But even in the most responsible activity there are breaks and even you, lawyers, there is a formal holiday day - a lawyer's day! Happy holiday to you, employees of the law!

On this day, many years ago, Russia appeared found the first lawyer. He was impassable, but great and affairs. It is for him that we are owned by our laws, as faithful it was noticed: "The most humane in the world!" Do not focusing the hands work these people "silent feat" and the result of their work mighty, like Mount Elbrus. So congratulate with the professional holiday of these modest, but necessary climbers to the society of jurisprudence, and wish them new heights and accomplishments on the Niva lawmaking!

Official greeting for lawyers, lawyers, judges

Dear lawyers, veterans of the legal community!

We sincerely congratulate you on the professional holiday of people of one of the most respected, honorary and prestigious professions in our society - lawyers!

Your professional activity is aimed at strengthening the foundations of the legal state, the creation of a stable mechanism for the implementation of the norms of law, ensuring legality and social justice. We wish you success in hard work, new achievements, good health and well-being.

In contact with