Business style rules for women: formal dress code. Men's business dress code

The business style of women obeys the rules stricter than any other direction: all outfits must be carefully checked, and even at evening events the level of "dressiness" must be proportionate to the theme of the event and not enter into open dissonance with the costumes of other participants in the reception. Remember, it is better to be a little "under" than too "over", in this case, minor flaws in the suit will not be so noticeable.

There are 15 rules for a business dress code for women on weekdays.

I. Thin stockings or tights of body shades are required. And all the insinuations of fashion stylists - about black thin stockings - leave aside, they are not about business etiquette! Only in the cold season are dark tight tights possible (at least 80 den), if this is required by the solution of the costume ensemble, and only to match! (It is ridiculous to combine black tights with light-colored shoes or with a beige skirt / coat at any time of the year.)

II. Closed shoes in the office are a must! This rule of style of a business woman is true for shoes for formal wear and formal events. (Closed toe of a shoe with an open fixed heel is possible only for a warm season in informal situations.)

All kinds of sandals, clogs, sneakers, ballet flats, sandals and trousers are everyday utilitarian shoes, they do not belong to business clothes! Equally unacceptable in a business suit is high-heeled shoes.

III. The official dress code for women assumes steady heels of shoes for the daytime, their height is no more than 5-7 cm. Stilettos and stilettos are not casual and not business options, they are for other situations!

IV. In the wardrobe, an office woman should have a business suit (perhaps more than one) with a skirt of not "extreme" length. Acceptable length of a skirt in a strict style for business women - palm above / below the knee! The protocol requirements have become softer, because the length of the skirt should be complimentary to the shape of the lady's leg line.

V. In the modern formal business style of clothing for women, trousers are acceptable provided that the upper part of the suit covers the buttocks, but these are absolutely not leather or denim trousers.

Vi. At the same time, there are old tough traditions that exclude trousers in the everyday business style of clothing for women, but then this condition is declared separately - in the official invitation or the charter of the company.

Vii. Etiquette permits the use of knitwear in business daywear, but it should be calm. Business-style jerseys for modern women should be without a neckline, cover the waist, opaque, without excessive embellishments, sequins, bugles, lurex and glitter. Knitwear should not overly tight a lady of any build! Thin jersey is used only as a "bottom layer" - under jackets or sheath dresses. These are things made of silk, viscose, cashmere fabrics, but not “linen” made of cotton.

As you can see in the photo of clothes for women in formal business style, the outer jersey should be dense, structured, rigid cut:

At the same time, outer jersey does not belong to formal wear!

VIII. In the summer, the suit can be light and bright colors, but it must have a sleeve.

IX. One of the rules of a woman's business attire is that independent blouses have a long sleeve (no more than 34 arm lengths).

X. In the cold season, it is preferable to choose shoes and bags of soft and calm shades, leather bags and briefcases - dark, matched to shoes and to the suit in general. (It is a sign of bad taste, and it is simply stupid to use white or red shoes in our climate in slushy weather outside!) In the warm season, shoes and bags are lighter and brighter.

XI. Hairstyle, makeup, manicure, as well as perfume - strictly speaking, not clothes - are very noticeable in the general ensemble of the look! Etiquette also regulates this.

  • There is a good tip for a woman: "In the morning, the head should be tidied up, in the evening - combed." However, modern young ladies have to "translate" this expression ... In the morning - to study or to the office - hair must be gathered, "loose" or bare-haired heads are bad manners, by their very definition (and they create a lot of problems during rush hour in transport - and the carrier, and other passengers!). And in the evening at Black Tie events, according to the rules of the business dress code, a beautiful hairstyle is required for women. (And often at this moment people ask - now it is fashionable to have long flowing hair ... yes, when it is appropriate - to the beach, on walks, to discos and parties - there are many options!)
  • Make-up is obligatory for women in everyday business style (the face must be "collected"), only natural colors are used - "makeup without makeup": a healthy person cannot have green eyelids and black nails, as well as vice versa - black shadows and green nails! Equally non-legacy are blue, red or gold eyelids, tattoos on prominent areas of the body, tunnels and piercings.
  • In the second half of the 20th century, bright red lips and nails 34 penetrated into business etiquette, they are now acceptable ... but, based on common sense, this aggressive, "cannibalistic" option is suitable only for leaders and bosses. If you are still at the start of your career, it is smarter to choose natural shades of varnish. And of course, hands and nails should be in order - this is the "second face" of a woman!
  • Perfume - like everything else in etiquette - has time and seasons. This ephemeral moment is the most difficult to explain to those who use heavy, thick aromas in the morning or summer ... a good tone - do not interfere with breathing for other people!

XII. From jewelry for the dress code of a business style, women in the daytime can use products of the level of costume jewelry. For the day, a small number of details and their restrained style are chosen, which make up an ensemble with a costume and appearance as a whole.

Of course, this means only high quality things - from different materials, gold-silver, other alloys, glass and even plastic. They should be dignified and elegant, but categorically they are not "beach" or "disco" options.

Earrings in the form of large rings, horseshoes or long pendants (even made of precious metals) are not used in the daytime and in the office / classroom - this is a purely romantic, ethnic style - in a daytime working female look it is bad manners. Likewise, other ethnic style jewelry.

Look at the photo of jewelry for a woman in a business style - here are traditional products with pearls, medium-sized natural stones, with rhinestones (or without inclusions):

It can be gold and silver items of small volumes and large editions, which are usually presented in jewelry stores. If a large piece of jewelry is chosen (for example, the famous brooches of Margaret Thatcher or Madeleine Albright), then it is considered sufficient for official events.

XIII. In the daytime, they do not wear real jewelry - designer jewelry with large gems.

At the same time, good high quality jewelry (our diamonds less than 0.1 carats in size belong to jewelry!) Are quoted all over the world.

Factory gold and silver jewelry (chains-rings) familiar to Russians also belong to jewelry and are recommended in the daytime, because we are talking about limiting only noticeable, author's or deliberate options, for products with large precious stones - their time is evening!

XIV. Business office wear never includes:

  • clothing made from denim, leather, shiny or transparent fabric;
  • clothes made of thin "underwear" jersey or pajamas;
  • skirts - folklore, with flounces, with large patterns, with deep cuts;
  • beach trousers, harem pants, as well as leggings or too-tight trousers;
  • costumes with obvious ethnic or subcultural elements;
  • straw hats, canvas panamas, etc.

XV. Not only clothes for women are important in a business office style, but also footwear. Outdoor shoes (boots, ankle boots, street shoes with thick micropores) are not suitable for the office - parquet shoes with a thin leather sole are accepted.

It is equally illogical to use parquet shoes with leather soles to move around the streets - rain and our domestic sidewalks are contraindicated for it!

I draw your attention, dear ladies: the rules governing your costume are sensible, like all the rules of etiquette. By adhering to these frameworks, you can create and look fashionable - there are enough opportunities for individuality!

However, any manifestations that emphasize sexuality relate to the romantic style and smart clothes - they are not used in the daytime and in the space of business communication, including educational processes.

On the other hand, there are more and more fellow citizens (usually not from the capital) who have too rigid ideas - stricter than the protocol - and in combination with a specific provincial taste, such restrictions sometimes lead to sad consequences. People get used to discuss - both each other and public figures, and make publications and make comments!

Common clothes for women in a classic business style (with photo)

Not all official daytime events are held at a high formal level (such as inaugurations, solemn and anniversary meetings, opening of conferences, forums, etc.). Therefore, for such events, it is imperative to mark dress-code in invitations.

In the business style of women's clothing for the daytime, there can be three of them:

  • Black Tie (Formal, Official)
  • Bb - Business Best
  • Btr - Business Traditional

The Black Tie business casual style for women adheres to the following rules:

  • Events with Black Tie options are tricky for women - suits for day and night events will be opposite in style!
  • Daytime events from the world of business and politics are "sexless", in any case, educated people "agreed" about this ... In the design of the appearance, ladies should adhere to the classical direction.
  • For such formal events, women use the classic style of clothing: elegant high-class dresses and suits (thin blouses) and spectacular accessories of the same restrained style.
  • In the generally accepted business style of clothing for women, flesh-colored stockings (tights) and parquet shoes are required - closed shoes with a thin leather sole, bright colors of shoes and graceful heels are permissible.

The rules of the classic business dress code for women and the etiquette requirements for attending formal daytime events remain the same as indicated above - on working days. Only the class of costumes changes: instead of "workhorses" they use "high-class".

Here you can see photos of business style clothes for women for daytime events:

Casual business style for women: clothes for formal events

Transition time: 17: 00-20: 00. During this time interval, events of a medium formal level, of a non-strict nature, are held, as a rule, on light solemn occasions: openings, presentations, premieres. The organizers expect guests to respect the framework of a decent costume and a certain degree of elegance in appearance.

Dress-code marks of a business free business style of women, typical for a non-strict format:

  • Black Tie Invited (tie welcome)
  • Black Tie Optional
  • A5 (After Five - after five)
  • Semi-formal

1. In the absence of dress-codes in the invitation (written or verbal), women can choose whether to stay in a daytime "work" suit or slightly embellish themselves.

However, the rules of decency remain! Clothing for formal events can only be with adequate length skirts or dress pants (not leggings!). For example, wireframe jersey, unacceptable - neckline and other exposed areas of the body: legs, arms, abdomens - it is indecent to accentuate sexuality in the performance of a professional function.

2. If a business woman received an invitation with marks of this level as a person-function (due to her professional activity), she should adhere to very restrained elegant decisions. Suitable business wear for modern women: cocktail dresses, with original skirts (trousers), beautifully knotted scarf or other spectacular jewelry and accessories.

3. If a woman is invited as a person (or as a "second person", a companion), more creative style options and design solutions are possible in her appearance. Equally, accessories and fragrances can be quite bold and provocative - to the best of your taste.

4. Dress-codes of the strict Black Tie level (Formal, Official, Bb, Btr), typical for highly formal events, are not used in the transitional time - at least until 19:00, since events of such a strict format are extremely rare in this time interval.

5. If a woman receives an invitation to an event with a mark from the Black Tie versions, the beginning of which falls earlier than 19:00, then she should adhere to the daily Black Tie level. That is, the formal style of dress for women at this time of day should be strict and elegant.

Pay attention to the photo of clothes for women in a classic style for formal events:

Women's Evening Dress Code: Formal Wear

In invitations to evening events in European countries, there may not be marks - traditionally, the time itself indicates a high level of the event, and people know about it. According to the evening dress code for women, in many European homes it is still customary to go out to the common dining table (and they have dinner after 20 o'clock) in evening dress.

The Black Tie level has the celebration of the evening time - historically, however, the democratic trends of the last period allow using any version with the mention of this "magic" English phrase.

There is one subtle delicate moment in the evening formal theme for women that many do not know about! Now women have achieved equality (practically) and can receive independent invitations to evening events.

When choosing an outfit for an official event, you should take into account that in a beautiful, but not fluffy, floor-length dress, a lady is free in the rules: she can come and go alone, or with a gentleman, or change it during the event. But an evening long dress for a gala event implies the obligatory presence of a companion - you must admit that there is something helpless in a woman dressed in an open long dress, which also deprives the usual freedom of movement (and also thin high heels ...). In this case, guardianship by a man is simply physically necessary.

Clothing for special occasions: dresses and accessories (with photo)

Rules of the "evening" Black Tie for women:

  • The basic rule: the level of perfection is commensurate with the event and the costumes of the participants and does not overshadow the outfit of the hostess or the first lady of the event (if any).

The business world dictates its own rules of conduct for business people. Success often depends not only on professionalism, but also on the ability to create a favorable impression of yourself. Knowledge of corporate etiquette, men's business dress code is one of the conditions for forming the image of a business person.

For a man in business, it is important how he presents himself. Competent speech, a benevolent smile, good manners create a reputation for being a person you can trust. Particular attention in office etiquette is paid to the appearance of a business man, because the entire corporation is judged by the appearance of an employee.

For work, attendance of events, clothes of a certain style are required. Strict etiquette applies when choosing a suit for formal and informal occasions. For a man's business dress code, conservatism is characteristic.

Business dress code in accordance with the rules of etiquette is divided into formal, semi-formal and informal... It is important to understand what is appropriate to wear during the day and what in the evening, what colors are preferable in a man's suit.

Formal dress code

It is a misconception that any classic black suit and tie matches formal business attire.

A formal dress code represents office etiquette in a style appropriate for attending special occasions. It also has titles Formal, Full formal, Full dress or Formal attire ... This dress code came to Russia from the UK, where formal dress code is adopted for events of extreme importance:

  • at official meetings in diplomatic circles;
  • at royal receptions or a reception with the prime minister;
  • at especially solemn ceremonies associated with the award, for example, the presentation of the Nobel Prize;
  • at a charity ball.

The choice of formal wear depends on the time of day at which the event is held and is subject to strict regulations. For daytime intake in accordance with etiquette, select Morning dress , and for the evening - White-Tie ... It is easier for a man to choose an outfit than for a woman. Strict regulations have been spelled out.

Men's formal attire for until 5:00 pm includes a tailcoat, light vest, and a starched white shirt. Dark patent leather shoes complete the look. The socks are matched to the trousers.

The formal evening dress code is the strictest of all. For a man's outfit, a black double-breasted tailcoat is chosen, which is never buttoned. Mandatory etiquette is a white bow tie instead of a classic tie. The evening suit is complemented by a strictly buttoned vest, which should also be white. A dark vest is not acceptable. White gloves and a walking stick are also desirable. You cannot wear a wristwatch with a tailcoat; according to etiquette, you need a pocket watch on a chain. In modern Russia, there are no events that require White-Tie.

Semi-formal dress code

Semi-formal business dress code is for going to the theater. Of course, these are not casual wear. Such an outfit is appropriate etiquette at a wedding or prom. This style of dress is also called Semi-formal, Smoking, Smoking Le ... There are two types of semi-formal men's suit - Black tie and .

Stroller is chosen for daytime. The men's suit consists of a gray or black tuxedo (jacket with lapels and satin collar), a gray tie and a gray-blue vest.

Black Tie is intended for evening time. A classic black tuxedo is a must-have for this dress code. For a semi-formal business style, a butterfly in black or navy blue is suitable. A bow tie must be tied and not pinned to the collar. A white shirt and black shoes with thin soles will complement the look. If there is no tuxedo in the wardrobe, but it is indicated in the invitation, then you can wear an evening suit. An important note, with a suit on etiquette, a bow tie is inappropriate, therefore, a classic tie is chosen.

Business dress code

Business style called and Business Attire , represents an informal men's dress code. This style is welcome when you need to be present in negotiations or interviews. A prerequisite for such situations is a business suit.

The color of the men's suit ranges from black to light striped. The shade is chosen depending on the time of day. The main thing is that the outfit matches the formal setting and does not distract attention from the business process.

The business dress code also includes light colored shirts and a tie. - real art. The wider the shoulders of a man's jacket, the narrower the tie. The tie is chosen a tone darker than the shirt. In business, plain ties with a discreet pattern are preferred. Unacceptable prints or a large strip.

Business Attire menswear stands out for its neatness, status and prestige.

Corporate dress code

Corporate Casual - a corporate dress code that reflects the style of the organization. Every successful company in business requires its employees to observe etiquette when choosing office clothes.

In the legal and banking sector, Corporate Casual is particularly strict. An expensive suit for the employees of these companies is a symbol of the firm's stability and reliability. A separate clause of the employment contract may stipulate the features of the corporate style. For example, the obligatory branded ties with the company logo. Failure to comply with the contract leads to fines and penalties.

A cocktail party is a home reception of guests or a meeting in a restaurant, gallery. The duration of the event is about three hours. A buffet is held for guests, where drinks are served, accompanied by snacks. The cocktail party setting requires a man's suit to match the classic business style.

Business meetings, exhibitions or presentations are often held under the guise of a cocktail event. For meetings in an office format, there is a certain dress code for which a black or dark blue suit of a classic style is important. A shirt according to etiquette must be long-sleeved and with cuffs for cufflinks.

If it is a social event, then wearing a jacket of light colors and loose cut is allowed. A classic tie can be replaced with a neckerchief. To look stylish, you can complement the look with expensive watches and cufflinks. If there is no tie, then the top button must be unfastened.

The level of formality of the event can be determined by invitation. High-level events are invited by sending a letter or postcard. The format of the clothes must be indicated. You can get an invitation to a cocktail party in an informal home setting by phone. Strict adherence to etiquette when choosing a suit is not required.

- the most democratic style of business attire for every day. In the office, in negotiations, at a conference or at a meeting of friends, things that correspond to this dress code will be appropriate.

Men are allowed to freely combine the details of their office suit. You can combine things of different colors and patterns. For example, a sports jacket with classic trousers, a shirt with a knitted sleeveless jacket.

Business etiquette in Business Casual permits fitted shirts with a stiff collar in classic shades and patterns. The color range is from white to light blue. Bright multicolor shirts do not fit this style by etiquette.

Slightly tapered chinos or khakis with a loose fit or classic trousers will complement the image of a business person. Most companies do not allow jeans to be worn as office wear.

In this style, according to etiquette, a jacket is not an obligatory element of a men's business suit. If necessary, a sporty English jacket or a dark-colored blazer is worn for negotiations.

Style Very young. It appeared about ten years ago. There are enough companies in the world that do not attach much importance to a strict business suit. The appearance of employees may not be too formal, but there are certain rules of etiquette when choosing an outfit for everyday work.

Each country has its own smart-casual dress code. Smart Casual combines classic style with trendy pieces. Particular attention is paid to the combination of colors in clothes. Distinguish by etiquette formal and informal versions of Smart Casual.

A formal, more strict option is associated with a business dress code. It includes chinos or corduroy trousers, a dress shirt with a collar, a jacket or tweed jacket. The outfit is complemented by comfortable shoes. Jeans, T-shirts, sneakers or sandals are not allowed. Office wear in this trendy direction can be stylish.


Casual wear in format Casual differs in comfort and practicality. This casual style is not a dress code.


The image of a business person is formed by accessories, which, according to the rules of business etiquette, must be distinguished by rigor, elegance and high quality. They are able to emphasize style and place the necessary accents in a man's image. The main accessories that a successful businessman needs are glasses, a hat, cufflinks, gloves, a handkerchief and an umbrella cane. You need to know how to correctly combine these things with a business suit and with each other according to etiquette.

The first impression of both the person and the company in which he works depends on the appearance. A competent choice of business clothes will give you confidence and will not allow you to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

The office dress code for women is selected by the head of the enterprise, taking into account generally accepted standards. What is recommended to wear at work, at corporate parties and business meetings, experts said. Learn 5 basic rules to apply the dress code correctly.

From the article you will learn:

Basic rules of office dress code for women

The dress code for women in the office is a set of rules and regulations that apply not only to clothes, but also hairstyle, makeup, and perfume. In most organizations, contrasting colors and prints, acid tones are prohibited. Clothes should match the given office style.

5 basic dress code rules for women:

Rule 1 - skirt.

The current style of office skirts is a pencil with a narrowed or straight cut below the knee or 5 centimeters above it. Choose blue, black, beige for everyday wear, red or white for the holidays.

Rule 2 - shirt.

The classic version of the top is a cotton shirt. If the organization does not have strict rules and has a smart casual dress code for women, allow chiffon or silk blouses with an ascot collar, flashlight sleeves or other trimmings. The color of the products should be in harmony with the skirt or trousers. White top and black bottom are considered win-win.

Rule 3 - jacket.

A jacket is not always considered an obligatory element of a business bow. During the summer months, executives make the rules less stringent by allowing people to go without a jacket. If it is customary to wear a jacket, write down in the rules what standards it must comply with. It is recommended to wear single-breasted garments with button closure, narrow lapels and a turn-down collar.

Rule 4 - dress.

The requirements for an office dress are the same as for skirts. From the models, a case or other strictly cut options are suitable. If a casual dress code for women is adopted, do not limit the choice of employees. The main thing is that there are no deep cuts on the chest, bright decor.

Rule 5 - pantsuit.

The style of a trouser suit is selected depending on the event. For everyday wear, trousers without arrows, with a narrowed cut, with a high waist, and shortened legs are suitable. If you are planning a business meeting, a classic jacket, trousers with arrows in combination with a light shirt are optimal. It is not forbidden to wear a tie.

Important! The norms should apply to all employees of the organization. Otherwise, conflicts will break out, which can lead to an aggressive confrontation. Be careful to introduce new rules so as not to spoil the relationship with the team.

Pay special attention to employees' shoes. Closed models are considered a classic option: pumps, heeled ankle boots, oxfords, derby shoes. In the summer season - closed-toe sandals, ballet flats. For business meetings, important negotiations, shoes are selected depending on the established dress code.

The business dress code for women dictates other rules. Excessively bright makeup, loose hair, careless hairstyles are prohibited. Do not recommend using eau de toilette or perfume with a pungent odor wearing a large number of jewelry and accessories. Bright manicure, long nails are taboo.

Before events, warn the team about the style of dress, if the invitation does not include the recommended dress code. This will avoid embarrassing situations, present the organization from its best side, and challenge competitors.

To enter the dress code in the organization, certain rules must be followed. Experts from the "Systems of Personnel" will tell about them.

Types of business dress code for women at events

  1. Business Attire

Business Attire is a casual dress code for women. It is adhered to by bank employees, law firms and other organizations that work with clients. Employees dress in a business style: formal dresses, trouser suits, skirts with blouses. They establish basic requirements - strict but stylish clothes.

  1. Black Thai Dress Code for Women

Black Tie is an austere style that hits the red carpet at awards. Women wear a long dress or a model below the knee. Deep neckline, open back or shoulders are acceptable. Cheap jewelry is inappropriate. The shoes are pumps with heels.

  1. Cocktail Dress Code for Women

Events in which this style is established are not distinguished by formality. Strict suits and dresses are inappropriate for them. The choice of a woman is not limited by anything - you can wear a bright short or little black dress, models with a print, with sleeves, free-cut options, etc. High-quality jewelry, stiletto heels, clutch bags are welcome. The cocktail dress code for women is a chance to show their attractiveness, which remains hidden in the office.

reference: Cocktail Attire dress code for women is suitable for parties, dinner parties, banquets and other events. It is not always appropriate for corporate events that are held within the walls of an organization.

  1. Dress code A5

The dress code is similar to Smart Casual, but with freedom of choice. It is allowed to wear dresses, suits, jeans, breeches and even shorts. The main thing is no formality! Shoes and accessories are selected based on the style of the main outfit. A5 is suitable for parties and other informal events.

  1. WhiteTie

This is the strictest kind of dress code. Recently, it is less and less common, but if an important reception with the ambassador, large-scale aristocratic events is planned, women should carefully consider the choice of clothes. A closed evening dress to the floor, gloves, jewelry will do. Hands and feet should be completely covered, hair tied in a bun.

If you want to regulate the rules in clothing, focus on the scope of the company. In most cases, the dress code is Smart Casual for Women, Casual or its variant, Business Attire. Tell employees in detail what you can wear. If the company had no dress code requirements before, provide financial assistance so that the staff can update their wardrobe at the same time.

The office dress code for women disciplines, has a positive effect on all the processes taking place in the organization. Be careful when introducing rules to avoid negativity and ruin relationships with employees.

Not every job involves compliance with the dress code, and not for any position, without taking into account the often unspoken requirements for appearance, you are able to get a job. The desire to dynamically climb the career ladder is in fact directly related to the presentation of your appearance. It is the outer shell that can tell a lot about the individual who entered the office for negotiations. Hence the flip side: top management is just as counting on you as a future person representing a trading company, or even a cashier, a secretary, regarding the type that gives rise to the impression of the status of a collective organization.

We have already noted that corporate ethics in clothes often remains unspoken, however, if you crave respect for yourself and a decent perception of you as a specialist, it is still advisable to observe business style. Remember - there is no second chance to produce the first thing excellent, and by neglecting the rules of the dress code, you lose your own chance to.

What is the concept of dress code

It was from Great Britain that this frightening phrase came to us, meaning in a literal sense - "clothing code". The clothing code, of course, depending on the well-established norms and rules in the environment of various offices, must be observed unquestioningly.

At first glance, a similar rule and the style of a business woman itself may seem dry and too businesslike, characterized only by a boring black or grayish suit and a white blouse. This is by no means the case, as modern retail offerings allow women to create an image easily and inexpensively. Maybe earlier they were so burdensome for a business cut, but now such clothes do not cause discomfort during an active day when moving, and the fabrics make it possible for the body to cool and breathe even in the summer heat.

When dressing is typical, there are a number of specific governing rules. It is worth knowing that the dress code does not imply a uniform, and the general requirements are subject to the laws individually established in the company regarding corporate interests.

  • Absolutely forbidden regarding general rules:

Wear shorts, especially short;

Mini-length skirts and high slits on them;

Deep cutouts in the neckline;

Any sets of garments made of transparent fabrics;

Tops, blouses and other clothes that expose the belly;

Pants with a low rise waist;


Open shoes, more specifically, flip-flops and sandals with an open heel.

In the business direction, a woman's set can be somewhat extravagant if, for example, a creative profession allows it (marketer, designer, journalist, and so on).

Sufficiently respectable companies, under general concepts that prohibit certain manifestations in appearance, additionally mean and. So, in the wardrobe of suits there may be only two or three, but they must be created from a noble material, all the more it is not acceptable to visit the workplace in one set in a row for a couple of days. And this is not a problem at all, because from previous publications we know the subtleties of selection, which can reform the overall appearance of the kit beyond recognition. In addition, the main thing is to acquire several blouses of suitable colors, and the issue is resolved.

The code of the vestments of the employees of the enterprise is often called upon to show their own consistency. Typical clothing style rules are now more common in banking and restaurant applications.

Unspoken rules for choosing the right clothes

Choosing the right attire, we will be guided by three principles: annoying brightness is not permissible in a business set, the suit should be comfortable enough and look stylish.

We often ask ourselves what to wear in the office during the winter periods and then in the summer, because not everyone can bear so many costs for a wardrobe at a time. Choose more restrained, so that it could be combined with a turtleneck in winter, and supplemented with a light blouse in summer.

The dress pick up a solid color with a sleeve to the brush, two-thirds or three-quarters long and not shorter. It is better to put on turtlenecks or blouses under dresses with short sleeves. A classic cut black dress is ideal for a variety of looks. Grab it with a colored strap and put on a slightly fitted jacket. Length dresses, skirts it is preferable to keep it at the level of the knee, it is permissible and slightly higher (no more than 5 cm), in addition to not too tight the contour of the figure as a whole. A pencil skirt is the most versatile cut of an office skirt, a sundress made of tweed, wool or knitwear is a simple solution for a discreet look.

Pants preferable in a loose fit, without excessive tightening. Loose trousers for men look great with loose fit and the finest knitted blouses. And, of course, we don't deepen the neckline.

Learning to shape the whole image

The dress code should be traced even at the first stage (interview). The appearance will tell about the thoroughness of your intentions, and how high the interest in getting a position is, and most importantly, about your respect for the company where you want to go to work. In order to leave a favorable impression, in many variants it is only necessary to have a well-groomed, neat look. A neat look as a whole is formed from a combination of details and little things.

Hairstyle, haircut, hair color. Your hair should, firstly, of course, be in harmony with the dress. In all options, stick to a bright accent in the overall look, but not flashy. From long hair, form a laconic and clear hairstyle (bun, ponytail, spikelet of hair), if the suit is of any rich color. It is permissible to do a bold styling with a monochromatic and rather strict suit. If yours, but decorated with a bright accessory, for example, expressive on the lapel of a jacket, then style your hair more restrained.

Second, remember to keep your face free of hair. For a short haircut, a well-washed head and neat styling are enough, preferably without wax. No shocking colors. The hair should be as close as possible to its natural natural tone, typical natural hair colors.

Makeup and manicure. Of course, the office style of a business lady does not imply war paint. Healthy, well-groomed freshness should emanate from the skin of the face. daytime makeup implies actual invisibility.

A manicure in the style of a vamp woman with extended nails or false nails, despite the global prevalence, has never been fashionable. It is better to file your own nails to a medium or minimum length. It is better to cover the nails with flowers in pastel shades, similar to the general color scheme of the attire. By the way, juicy colors of varnish on the nails are also permissible, if there are no special bright spots in the whole image. Choose varnish of bright colors from classic: burgundy, noble red. And of course, neatly crafted hands, without cracks, cuts or other damage.

Business lady shoes... closed type is preferred, even in summer heat. Perhaps some admission in the form of a slightly noticeable pedicure, that is, the toe on the pair is not completely open, but slightly cropped. The heel is preferable of medium height (6 cm), permissible above the average, but not stiletto heels and platform in the toe. The skin of the legs outside the season is covered with tights in natural shades or black, in harmony with the color scheme of the outfit.

The business style prevailing in many offices of women's attire does not at all promote the transformation into an inconspicuous and monochromatic mouse. The assortment offers, both office clothes, shoes, and accessories, are so wide that there are virtually no extremes for recreating your own image.

What associations do you have when you hear the phrase “ corporate dress code»?

Do you imagine a system of dull restrictions that cross out your personality, or, conversely, a powerful and effective resource that can help you achieve your goals?

As my many years of experience as a business stylist show, most girls and women are not thrilled when faced with the need to maintain a business style at work. And the reason for this attitude is obvious.

Business dress code

If you type in the search engine the word “ dress code”, You will see thousands of photos. They will depict women and men in black or gray suits and white shirts, with black-framed glasses, with black briefcases in their hands. They are all alike, dull and monotonous.

This is a reflection of the social stereotype, the well-established perception of a person in a business suit. But this stereotype has a small but important component for the image of every business woman.

Features of a wardrobe for a business woman

Have you ever thought about how the requirements and standards for the appearance of a business person arose? For what purpose are we being asked to comply with the dress code?

The answer is simple: our clothes are able to " talk»!

Take a look at these pictures. Now think about what you could tell about these girls before they started communicating with you? Which of them seems to you more self-confident, and which - more balanced and calm? Who has the highest salary? Which of them is in charge of a large department, and who is a secretary? Whose career ambitions are greater, whose character is agreeable?

Each reader of the blog www .. Because each of us, being a member of modern society, is able to subconsciously decipher the information encoded in clothes. We acquire this skill throughout life and actively use it, establishing new contacts and communicating with the current environment.

The principle of a business suit is simple: “ Don't talk too much»!

Any ill-considered, random, unnecessary information can damage the case. Your clothes can “speak” ahead of you, creating a false impression. The modern rhythm of life gives no room for error. A good deal can go wrong only because your negotiating partner considers you insufficiently competent, guided by just your appearance.

Because there is also a stereotype in his head - a specific image of a reliable partner. And for the good of business and business, you must comply with it. You must be able to play a game called “ Managing your experience with clothing».

Business attire masks your personal characteristics that are not business-related. At the same time, it emphasizes your professional qualities. This is exactly the information that your partner, client or colleague should receive in order for business communication to be successful and effective.

We don't go on a third date with a man we like in a black knee-length skirt and a white blouse buttoned up.

Because these clothes are not sending the signal that we would like to send them. All the same rules apply to careers and business wardrobe. Our work clothes should convey our professionalism.

Every woman, regardless of her own ambitions and business qualities, always remains a woman. We want to look stylish and unique, we want to feel confident and irresistible. It is the women's wardrobe, in contrast to the men's, that allows you to create dozens of different sets based on a small number of things and accessories. We follow fashion and the dictates of the heart, emotions and mood. Including in the morning, getting ready for a business meeting. Each of us looks in the mirror and asks him a question: “ Do I look good?»

As we already know, each of us unconsciously knows how to read " language of clothing". But, unfortunately, in pursuit of our own style, beauty and fashion, many of us do not set the necessary vector for our business image, do not program useful and necessary messages in our work wardrobe, limiting ourselves to caring for our personal attractiveness. As a result, the employer is forced to insure himself with a unified office dress code against possible distortions of business communication between his employees and Clients. Regulations appear in the company that impose personal facelessness and call for erasing all the signs of your unique personality.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that few companies turn to experts, professional business stylists in order to develop a dress code adapted to the specifics of the business. Typically, an HR manager prints out the shortest and strictest version of the corporate dress code from the Internet, and then asks employees to read the text. In most cases, the requirements for the appearance of employees turn out to be outdated and overestimated-strict, cause outrage and rejection from the staff. And this is logical, why observe the classic dress code if you are not working as a diplomat or a high-ranking official?

Business style rules for women

As a result, the requirements of a business style cause a wry smile and dislike. And this is fundamentally wrong! Contrary to " horror films»Posted on the World Wide Web and your office mailing list, the average dress code required is not that strict. It allows a lot, and the list of its prohibitions and restrictions is very short.

Rule # 1

Your clothing should speak of your business qualities, demonstrate respect for Clients and loyalty to the employer.

If you come to the office in fishnets and mini-skirts, then your clothes definitely do not speak of your managerial qualities. She talks about your desire to arrange a personal life, as well as a certain upbringing and manners. This " information", For the most part, will not help you make a dizzying career or demonstrate your intellectual abilities.

And beautiful legs can be shown without damaging the business reputation. A pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes are the best helpers in this task.

Rule # 2

Your business image should reflect your personality just enough to facilitate work communication.

We live among a mix of European and Asian mentality. Business culture came to us from Europe. Business style is a necessary attribute of effective interaction. Business attire gives your partners the information they need for the business. This clothes " is talking»That you are: professional, purposeful, reliable, accurate, responsible, modern or conservative, consistent or unpredictable, etc. She helps " to tell"What you need and" keep silent»That has nothing to do with business and can inadvertently harm communications.

As for “ boring business wardrobe", Then you need to keep in mind that" correct"and monotonous business wardrobes are in no way suitable for our national business reality! Therefore, you shouldn't even try to reproduce them in your wardrobe.

If for the majority of Europeans, office clothes play the role of a uniform, which must correspond to the dress code adopted in the company and existing in the national mentality, symbolizing another reliable " screw"In a well-functioning mechanism, then we have the image of a reliable and professional" gray mouse»Is not accepted and does not work!

Domestic office dress code is a complex cocktail of existing norms of the business environment and the distinctive features of an employee or business owner. The formula for success lies in the virtuoso combination of things that match the requirements of the business environment and emphasize your individuality. Merge " with background"Absolutely not! You will simply not be noticed. You need to look good, stylish, well-groomed and purely professional.

That is why there is no need to frown upon hearing the words “ business style" and " dress code».

A well-designed business wardrobe is a beautiful and devastating weapon in the hands of every successful woman.

If you know how " tell"With the help of your clothes and image what the interlocutor wants to" hear ", then you absolutely do not have to follow a boring dress code!

Program the messages you want into your clothes:

- I am a professional, an expert in my field

- I deserve a promotion and salary

- I am an irreplaceable and reliable employee

- I am ambitious, purposeful, responsible, career-minded

And don't forget to highlight your own uniqueness, femininity and style!

Creating a harmonious business wardrobe that is capable of performing two tasks simultaneously, without contradicting either of them, is a difficult task. But the result and benefit of owning such a set of things and accessories, the benefits and benefits that it will bring to your professional and personal life, are invaluable.

Professional business stylist, experience management specialist takes into account dozens of nuances ( field of activity, position, ambitions, features of the appearance of each woman, preferences and wishes, budget, etc..), after which he offers a unique style solution that will contribute to the achievement of goals and objectives, while emphasizing female attractiveness, highlighting the advantages and veiling possible disadvantages of appearance.

Examples of business bows for different professions


Women's business wardrobe allows the wearing of a jacket and skirt / trousers of different colors. Even the strictest suit will become more interesting as soon as there are more than two shades in it.


During the warmer months, the palette of our wardrobe may become lighter.

And fashion trends of the season, for example, a tuxedo jacket or a top in linen style, will help to add a zest to your image and emphasize individuality.

* However, remember that this option will not be appropriate for every profession, kind of business and position!


Blazers with ruffles, pleats and draperies, sewn from silk, complemented by a belt and silk top, look more feminine and graceful than their usual wool versions.


The laconic cut of things will help to look restrained and professional, but the details and exquisite jewelry will emphasize your exceptional femininity.


Fridays can be comfortable with knitwear and stylish with unusual and harmonious color combinations in your business wardrobe.


If you don't like blazers, pay attention to comfortable cardigans. The main thing is to choose those that have no texture. The right cardigan for a business wardrobe - sleek, straight or semi-fitted, in fine wool or silk jersey.

And if your position is a management one, then it is better to use jackets. Just find comfortable and modern options for this wardrobe item!


If bright and multi-colored clothes are not welcome in your office, then use the method of combining shades according to the principle of "monochrome". Use one color and several of its tones in a costume ensemble.


Emphasize your personality by creating a bright accent with a contrasting color!