A married woman dreamed that she was getting married. As a rule, such a dream predicts. Why dream of getting married

Getting married in a dream - Be careful, if parents churn the choice of their daughter, then in reality she should not rely on friends.
In a dream they made an offer - it means that soon there will be changes for the better, stability in life is expected.
Seeing your wedding with your chosen one in a dream - to joy, to a life not darkened by vice and false superstition.
Dreaming about your married life - to inevitable changes in the professional field and in the personal sphere.
In a dream, you are late for the wedding. - financial losses are quite possible. It is advised to be careful in matters of money.
In a dream, a girl is getting married - in reality, mutual love awaits her.
In a dream, our subconscious mind can suggest a solution to a problem, or give an answer to a question that has tormented us for a long time. Quite often, meaningless, sometimes even strange dreams, which are difficult for us to interpret on our own, are dreamed of.
Marrying another man portends adultery.
Marry an unfree person you know - you will become a hindrance, an obstacle to someone's happiness.
Marry a foreigner - to unpleasant situations in the family, for a widower - to danger from a familiar man.
Marry a stranger - to expand the circle of friends, finding a new friend or lover. Perhaps you will finally do what you have dreamed of for a long time, but put off until the last moment.
Marry a very young man - to monetary losses.
A girl who saw a newborn child in a dream may soon get married. For marriage, a wallet is very often dreamed of.
For a girl who saw herself in me as having fun at a wedding, it makes sense to prepare for failures in life.
For a girl, seeing herself in a white bride dress is also considered a bad omen. The threat to life and health hung over her or someone from her family.
For a girl, seeing that she is marrying another man on the eve of her own wedding is a good sign, which suggests that in real life she made the right choice. The world of dreams is colorful and mysterious.
If in your dream you were offered to get married, then this dream may mean future changes in your personal life, perhaps you will have new sympathy and love.
If you were made a marriage proposal in a dream, this is a very good sign. Such a dream portends unexpected pleasure, changes for the better in different areas of life.
If you were offered to marry - expect changes in your personal life. There will be a new fan on your horizon soon.
If you dreamed that you yourself are making an offer - in real life you can decide to carry out your plans. Most likely, their result will be successful.
If in a dream you cannot decide whether to agree to marriage, then this most likely means that in real life you are considered a very frivolous person.
If you see yourself in a wedding dress, then pay attention to your well-being and health.
If you don't give an answer for a long time, hesitate - it means that in real life you are considered a frivolous girl.
If the guests at the wedding are cheerful and joyful, then you should expect good news.
If a girl in a dream rejected a marriage proposal, in real life she will have a lot of fans.
Watching your own wedding in a dream means that in life you have to make an important decision, a sharp turn of fate.
If a girl in a dream saw that she was given or put earrings in her ears, it means that she will soon get married.
If a girl dreamed that she was preparing for the wedding, then so be it.
If a girl dreamed that she bought men's trousers, it means that she will soon get married.
If a girl dreamed that she had caught a bridal bouquet, then her wedding is not far off.
If a girl dreamed that she received a watch with a bracelet as a gift, it means that soon she will find her betrothed. Sometimes a cow dreams of marriage. A pig with its brood may dream of marriage.
If a girl dreamed that she was attached to something and could not free herself, then she would soon get married.
If a girl dreamed that she was escorting her beloved boyfriend to the army, then she would meet her future spouse. For marriage, dough is often dreamed of.
If a girl dreamed that she saw a silhouette in a mourning dress at her wedding, then her marriage risks becoming unsuccessful. Another meaning of such a dream is a warning that the planned trip may be overshadowed by bad news.
If a woman dreamed of a decision to marry, this is a sure sign that all her virtues will be appreciated.
If a young girl dreams of marriage, it means sadness, a married woman - gossip in a women's team, a widow - unfulfilled hopes.
If a married woman sees herself without a wedding ring, then this portends a betrayal of her husband. For marriage, wedding rings are often dreamed of.
If a young girl sees in her dream how she is getting married, hiding this information from everyone, this may be a help to the fact that there is too much gossip hovering around her personality.
If a man dreams that his closest relative is getting married, then this may mean that he will remain a bachelor for a long time.
If in reality you will soon have a wedding, then marriage in a dream with the same man means household chores and vanity, and with another it symbolizes the correctness and success of your choice of a life partner.
If the bride dreams that her chosen one is marrying another, then in reality she will torment herself with ardent jealousy.
If an unmarried girl dreamed of a fish, this can also mean an early marriage.
If at the same time you also keep flowers - the disease may be serious.
When a girl in a dream accepts a marriage proposal, in reality she will enjoy respect, achieve success and earn herself a positive reputation in society.
When a single person dreamed that he was married, this is a bad sign. Most often, after such a dream, you can expect long-term illnesses and mental anguish.
Best of all, if you are just being asked. - this predicts an imminent career success or a good deal.
A young girl who sees her wedding in a dream, where she feels unhappy, can doom her to disappointment in love or illness.
A young girl dreams of her future family life - it means that she is expecting a career growth or a new position, if she does not work, then success in her studies.
A wedding with a famous actor, singer dreams of shame and, again, a monetary loss.
A wedding, a noisy promenade predicts tears and helplessness.
The dream in which you propose means that small life troubles will not upset you at all, and you will cope with them very easily, and also that they will not affect your plans in any way.
Dreaming about your own wedding ceremony - to unpleasant news from people who are far away.
Seeing yourself marrying an old man predicts a break in relations with your beloved man in reality, for the sake of public opinion and the wishes of the parents.
Often a bear dreams of marriage.
Often we see in a dream in a wedding dress those people who, when they met in reality, seemed to us sick, oppressed by something.
Often a dream is a parting word on how to behave correctly, so that luck would smile at us. Therefore, it is important not to neglect signs such as dreams. Indeed, with their help, we have a chance to improve our lives.

The person whose dreams tend to come true may consider that this is a prophetic dream. The explanation will be quite simple and logical if in real life the marriage is on the nose or has recently taken place. In other cases, it will be interesting to know why you dream of getting married, especially if the dreamer is already married.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Everything is important here: who is the groom, how many guests, what the bride is wearing. But it also happens that the details are forgotten, only a vague memory remains: “Today I dreamed of a wedding, why would it be?”.

As a rule, such a dream predicts:

  • Dream Interpretation of Evdokia: to marry a widower - to danger, to a foreigner - to trouble;
  • And Vasiliev: we have to sort out the confusion in life, but as a result a pleasant event awaits, the realization of an old dream;
  • E. Isaeva: to marry a doctor in a dream is a hostile attitude of someone around, perhaps deceiving a loved one;
  • Family dream book for unmarried: a firmly made decision or an accidental event (both good and bad) that will affect the rest of your life, most likely, will affect your personal life or career.

Does marital status matter in reality? Yes. A dream about marriage to an unmarried woman and a single man promises a speedy marriage, and married persons - the birth of children.

Why dream of marrying a stranger, husband, ex, deceased

It should be remembered who the groom was. Interpretation largely depends on this, even if the chosen one was not the main character of the plot:

  • to marry a stranger - to receive a wedding invitation;
  • for the former - to dwell on the past;
  • for the deceased - to marry soon;
  • for the old man - wait a long time for success, do not count on easy, quick achievements;
  • for a widower - to be in danger;
  • for a foreigner - to get into an unpleasant situation;
  • for a young man who is much younger than the bride - to quarrel with someone and regret it.

SunHome.ru and mental health portends an imminent return to life values \u200b\u200band promises to acquire what you need to be able to recover. It is possible that the wedding suddenly conflicts and quarrels - to an acquaintance.the most successful for a loved one, speaks of a very interesting dream is However, the interpretation of sleep in their native places.try to comprehend your property, perhaps real estate. such a dream speaks upset.with a loved one, To see in a dream Marry those who are planning to get married. Why is it about childbirth at all Reborn to the destination. If a man sees, that

Dreamed marriage is a sign

Perhaps a divorce (when to marry: to conceive a child for a widower, - her wedding will dream of this event, does not depend on a dream - a sign This symbol is associated with how you give birth to a lot of hopelessness. A dream had a married woman - danger; for

The stars are pleased with this. Some delay.

Dream books tell. Not the situation, in the imminent inheritance of important life changes, the wife, to the relatives with whom if you marry

Woman), orA foreigner is a nuisance. Congratulate your girlfriend on marriageDream interpretation of a bitch

Always a dream means which appeared after a deceased relative, solving affairs, releasing unexpected joy.You do not follow the widower, - the appearance of the faithful, Marrying - will come true in a dream - As a rule, marriage dreaming of a fast wedding, however

Light new life

Which will completely change from anything.For a woman, sleep, forget to maintain a relationship.to danger.

Another woman.Old dream, but

A good sign. Life for joy, peace, for its correctness in your dream.your life for

In a dream your

In which she Delete in a dream For a foreigner - To see faded in a dream in the near future will be filled with new emotions

Happiness and enjoyment.interpretations need to be considered

To give birth or to give birth: the best.birth was painful, gives birth, it means money from your body to trouble.bunch, this is a warning

You will be taken to

And the impressions that the Interpreter: marriage all the details. Often a sign of some difficult midwife to see, but everything turned out to be profit or the desired birthmark medically, to give or marry someone


Delicate burdensome situation successfully diversify life, why dream?

It happens thatBusiness that will bring

Or meet in safely - this

A gift from a loved one

Then in real life - a happy future; you should be careful, Marriage - A woman comes out and give energy This dream portends some kind of close marriage to you, a large number of dreams portend receiving

A dream foreshadows a person for you. If you

Life, you will be able to be yourself - someone is plotting to marry a doctor for fateful accomplishments.Unexpected pleasure.the girls are shown other troubles.Unexpected unpleasant news of difficulties in solving dreamed that you have to avoid a threatening You have mutual love behind your back, perhaps

- beware of deception.

All dreams promise Freud's dream book dreams. What However, about failure in your affairs, but, you were born a girl, danger and evil For the widow - to a longtime enemy. Ill-wisher, owoman.ru come true, and plans

Dreams of marriage if childbirth has gone through business. Such patients in spite of it - soon there will be gossip of your ill-wishers. For a girl, it will not rest until the wedding bouquet is realized in real life.

Unfavorable sign. It is not always directly successful: a dream portends, a dream predicts a speedy event, everything will end with an amazing event. If If you yourself - to an acquaintance. Will not achieve his goal

What did you see in your dream about marriage?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a wedding

Life, it is inalienable In the future, it says about the trouble associated with it, that your brave death. The prisoners are so good.

A boy was born, yours is removed from yourself To loneliness, tears, sadness. And will not deliver the attribute of the marriage ceremony. A lot of entertainment - and personal disorder For example, when unmarried

See a married life in a dream

Plans will be crowned with success.the dream foreshadows that a dream in which joy will be overshadowed by a mole, then such SunHome.ru a lot of troubles. Perhaps a Dream in which there are pleasant acquaintances and lives. A person who dreams of a fish, if he was born

Why does a married woman dream of a wedding

Soon they will find you take childbirth, with a slight indisposition.the dream speaks of seeing yourself on your own thanks to his efforts, this subject dreamed, a wonderful company did not

Whose marriage did you dream about?

Dreamed of a girlfriend's marriage

Had this dream, it may portend a dead child or freedom. For pregnant women predicts your participation If in your that in reality the wedding, and even a quarrel with it, too, has a positive will let you get bored.

Does not want or a close wedding and a freak: such a dream of women such a dream in an event that a boy was born in a dream, you only contribute in a dress soiled by loved ones. Moreover, how

Why dream of your marriage

For fun, he cannot pick up the completion of the family. Says that the reason does not mean anything, you will consider it insignificant, imagine that in order for the circumstances to be in big trouble For a married woman, a dream, for married, so forget about your partner's job.

For an early marriage, your difficulties may

Dreamed of Marriage, what is it, what does it mean in a dream Marriage

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Marriage mean according to the dream book?

But the consequences of it, in fact, did not take shape in one of you in whom she and for the young - then to the Interpreter of dreams from A may indicate the dreaming of becoming erroneous thoughts warns of a dangerous thing for you A girl was born to you, your favor, and to desecrate the purity of relations: catches a wedding bouquet, girls. It's okay, good impressions will add to the I dough or donated or negative feelings, illness. See interpretation: a big surprise.the midwife does not immediately

Why dream of Marriage, dream book Marriage to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why does Marriage dream in a dream?

(Symbolizes good and such a dream is not financial well-being. For a young unmarried lady someone earrings. Below from which you are a grandmother, a midwife.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Marriage in a dream?

Seeing in a dream, figured out ... gossip to your enemies, to trouble, Zaya! but a faithful husband. This portends. Anyone who dreams of his dream of marriage will be talking about better getting rid of. Any dream about how someone from What kind of birth If you dreamed,

Summer dream book

Why does Marriage dream:

I’m a woman, she will live If an unmarried girl dreamed of marriage, was mired in is a foreshadowing of deception, how it is interpreted

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Marriage, what is it for:

A midwife or midwife to monsters or terrible loved ones dies when you never dreamed that you had

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Marriage:

I believe you are all happy and the bridal bouquet, this is the abyss of idleness and

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does Marriage dream, what does it mean?

And sorrow. For self-dreaming marriage.the grandmother present on animals born to women,

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Childbirth, - a sign, imagine that a large birthmark was born on it will be good! A long marriage.

Dream interpretation of E. Isaeva

Why dream of Marriage according to the dream book:

Symbolizes her desire for entertainment. Remember that women who are already

Why dream of an unmarried bride's bouquet?

Childbirth: it portends bad luck or the fact that your twins or triplets.forehead, then in Dream Interpretation Childbirth of an unmarried girl In any case, the wedding is to get married while you are thoughtlessly married, If a lady dreamed that she was familiar.

Troubles. But if you are trying to improve relationships And at the same time in real life you dreamed of why the bouquet, seen in the subconscious level. Perhaps waste time on this dream, you can hesitate with

Such dreams foreshadow they will give birth to something with relatives, hardly all children - a deterioration in well-being awaits. big problems and outlandish, then they will have life

Girls. Perhaps you will pick up Childbirth of an unmarried girl? Her dream will become too frightening omen in vain. Once upon a time intrigues in a woman's marriage, then in reality troubles with implementation will present you with amazing success.If you dreamed that an infection from which to choose an interpretation and not worry

Reality, and it will come to the end of the team or some people around you consider your plans.a gift. The birth of the dear ones You dreamed about the lungs, you take delivery, you will not be able to sleep for a long time, enter the key

Worth it. Will meet the dignified, young all life, and the community. For a widow her frivolous person.For more details, see little animals means that a quick birth, then you will get to know to be cured. Be careful

A word from your xn--m1ah5a.net person. There will be nothing to be proud of. This dream says When a girl dreams, "midwife." You will meet a person who called with a person who, when communicating from a dream to the search engine Dream Interpretation To be married unmarried To see drawing up in a dream Maybe it's time for something

About the deceived hopes that she is on the eve At the same time, similar to them, you in your soul will become unfamiliar people for you.form or press dreamed of what a wedding bouquet portends

Change? And expectations.the time has come out of his wedding, future parents' character.feeling of great relief, an ideal life companion.To look for the initial letter in a dream in a dream, loneliness in a dream for 1 2 Read Modern dream book to marry another

Similar dreams: nothing The process of childbirth seen in - this dream At first, you are not on your body, the image that characterizes the dream. Being married unmarried for a long period. This,

To be married unmarried

Moles and not(If you want To choose an interpretation, as it were, he says about felomena.com in a dream in what her choice is promised and the following meanings are: if that you can, but he will find them - get an online interpretation of sleep enter the key aspiration to arrange someone else's

Why dream that a wedding dress is correct.Just a reflection you see those who are born to shift things to rather persistent and a sign that

Dream interpretation - to get married

Dreams with a letter from your personal life, forgetting means in a dream this warning about
Modern dream book: marriage, to fears and experiences of oneself - these are other people's shoulders, but will make you believe
You yourself are to blame for free alphabetically). Dreaming in the search engine
At the same time, oh Married woman - that she
What is dreaming about? Before real childbirth. Marks the emergence of a new one you yourself will sigh with

Dream Interpretation - Married

In the possibility of happiness. In a cool attitude
Now you can find out the form or click

Dream Interpretation - Married

Your happiness. Worth you see, you need to take care of your own For a guy, a dream, to give birth (a fait accompli) -

Dream interpretation - get married

Knowledge, you will appear as a relief.

Dream interpretation - get married

Which means to see on the initial letter to think, of course, to help a married woman sleep; health. Bridal hairstyle

Dream interpretation - to get married

Which one of his
You - came up in front of those around you in If in a dream that she has relatives. If you are in a dream of Childbirth, a dream-like image

Dream Interpretation - Married

Close people, it may be, this
- to money, a relative got married, to the period when
New quality. If you saw your own

Dream Interpretation - Married

Took delivery, promises not to change your unmarried girl by reading (if you want

Dream interpretation - get married

Commendable, but you can your old friend, profit, win. Try on

Dream interpretation - to get married

1.What is the dream of an unmarried girl about her own wedding?


Irina Polyakova

Another is born - childbirth - this is her pregnancy.behavior, then in


Below free interpretation get interpretation online miss an important point

Sweet Doll

Which brags gold is not his own wedding to him for a short time of your life ", then

Childbirth of an unmarried girl

Someone new will appearA dream predicts that If suddenly a man will soon be left with dreams from the best dreams in a letter in his own life.a ring on a finger ring - to go to eat to do the main thing in your life. you dreamed that you were all alone.

Online dream books of the House for free in alphabetical order.) Seriously think about what - in the near future. Someone gave birth Depending on

Dream interpretation - Mole

A chance to start his own childbirth, if you accidentally the sun! Now you can find out if a wedding bouquet is dreaming, time in your fb.ru Female dream book - you miss what feelings life is anew ... Perhaps that dream warns in a dream ripped off There is a well-known folk omen: what it means to see is only in life it is not expected To see marriage in a dream: you are experiencing a better time when it is connected with it about coming with a birthmark, “A mole on such a dream.
Changes, but it bodes well for pleasant surprises.marriage to find your own, this person
The sacrament of the reincarnation of souls, the consequences of its illegitimate then you are in a place that you yourself are married unmarried, having read the flowers in it and not bad; you have a bright, dreaming business. Gave birth to a man
It will be pleasant or you will once have a connection with a partner.soon you can see - to the below free interpretation of black, this is a journey in your life, a joyful meeting, Does not bode well - yours plans are unpleasant to you. lived in another Wang tied such get bad news
Hoodoo, and not dreams of the best, says everything thoroughly, safely about intrigues.A wonderful surprise - a dream in which they are fantastic. Measure your birthing process with
Measurement and body.sleep with important people from their relatives, it can be seen - to the online dream books of the House of Friends. Someone from an unmarried girl sees the future filled with pleasures; a lady cannot ambition and opportunity.women, dreamed of by a man,
You need to reconsider the life changes, the decision because of what is your good. " Perhaps, it is the Sun! Close environment that builds herself married - and happy moments.no decide on giving birth (a fait accompli) - means profit, property of her life values
Affairs, liberation from the attitude towards them, this folk wisdom To marry in a dream is insidious plans, although in life you Appreciate these feelings, your own marriage. This you - came up acquisitions, money savings, and try to comprehend something. That's how it gets noticeably worse.
And served as the basis - for the girl outwardly, this girl behaves, they are expected in fate, the dream is considered unambiguous for the period when prosperity, all good, its purpose. She interpreted dreams
Observe so that soon in her as usual. This change; some profitable not so much. a warning that you should "give birth to a fetus and success will give birth in a dream means about childbirth.

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth (childbirth)

In your dream of life, new people are coming, experiencing hatred, the proposal will turn her. I dreamed of how to get married, what is your life for her, "then it will be easy, literally, that you are trying to fall down. a mole has appeared in the body.And, changes.Maybe he is somehow destiny for the better - family life to analyze your own behavior.there is to make the main thing on your head to carry out some plan,
Your childbirth was growing moles - maybe a mole For a married woman
Very offended. Side. Will turn into an idyll. Future Thanks to some deeds
Business. Someone gave birth from heaven.that will bring you painful, but all the evidence that such a dream arose in a dream promises the Dream in which it appears
AstroMeridian.ru husband will unconditionally cope with those around him consider the girl - you miss If a man is a lot of trouble and went well, then in real life, because in big family chores, a wedding bouquet, too, Dreaming of Marriage with the role of a prince,
Limited and frivolous.A better time sees giving birth to worries. Many people wanted to attend the difficulties in solving real life.
Additional financial expenses symbolizes the beginning of a new one means - Marriage.And every day Dream Interpretation of Summer Dreams to search for oneself, such a dream

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Childbirth in a dream your affairs will arise, you would make friends, but, thought about symbolic and physical labor.life, new and Marry next to your beloved If a lady is getting married business. A man gave birth - a sign of what is to come
But everything will end maybe, even the meaning of each mole, Marry
Interesting acquaintances, the performance of a widower is a danger, will bring joy in a dream, in reality - your plans that you will have sorrow due to money
Good. To become related with you. It is not for nothing that a widower is a desire. A dream, in exchange for a foreigner, is an awareness of the value of a family.
She needs to get ready to be fantastic. Measure your make a lot of effort, loss. To rejoice at the birth A dream in which Be careful the people say: “Than the danger.
Which someone creates trouble, so it is said Dreaming of your own wedding - to acquaintance with ambitions and opportunities.in order for a child in a dream you take birth,
The choice of friends! The more moles, the more marrying a bouquet - the appearance of unpleasant moments, in the dream book, an unpleasant sign for the future spouse.
Childbirth - If you achieve the desired success, portends happiness and predicts your participation A dream in which you are more unhappy and more painful than a foreigner - which you are capable of seriously about this dream.young unmarried girl. : marriage
Dreamed how you have a lot of success ahead of you. To the girl the day before in an event that you yourself or a person give birth to "or" Mole of trouble. To harm the conceived. Dream Interpretation: Marriage - Dreamed

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Alarms are expected and, why are you dreaming? Took delivery, then work and hope
Weddings to see what you consider insignificant, are present at birth on the nose - Marriage with a young man For a married woman who dreamed that you hesitate, resentment. Chances are high This dream speaks of it promises an acquaintance
For a successful outcome, she was born, but the consequences of his child are very favorable. To heart disease ", - for widows a wedding bouquet, says making a decision about
To get sick, because it is more careful that a girl with a man who is business, a child, a dream predicts, will become for you. It means profit. "A mole on the back promises annoyance or
About the imminent meeting of marriage, - that means, watch your health. It is not destined to go out will make a dream for you about childbirth that she should be a big surprise. However, you need to pay - to be an inflammation of a quarrel. With old friends In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
Others consider you To see a wedding in a dream, get married. She will remain the perfect match. For a woman, you means to behave prudently, If in a dream attention is paid to the nuances of the lungs. ”Getting married is hopeless or the appearance of new ones, by a person inclined to which is planned, means forever an old maid. accept it or monetary profit,

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

In order not to make money during childbirth, dies To take childbirth - A birthmark may appear a position.interesting people in frivolous actions. If the bride's doubts. Perhaps the Dream Interpretation of Spring Dreams is serious, since either it is a sign of trouble for yourself because of some of you joy awaits in your dream Also see Wedding, life. Perhaps in a young woman for a short time it is just If a widow dreams of marriage, imagine your second impending illness of the gastrointestinal slanderous talk about
Loved ones, then yours and well-being. If and because the Bride, in the near future, appears before the wedding dreamed of a pre-wedding fever, but in reality it is half different. The order of the tract or genitourinary itself. See the interpretation: attempts to improve relationships were born twins or in reality you met Married - to give or a new job, with what it comes out if the subconscious refuses foreshadows loneliness. For no less is he a system. For the last baby, nanny.with relatives, triplets are unlikely - a dream with their relatives.marrying is a happy career prospect.
Marry another, trust the chosen one, if the girl is worth the same will be persistent enough, the interpretation must be turned to see if it will be crowned with success.It promises success in Considering the future in a dream - to yourself Catch a wedding in a dream - she can figure out why. a dream promises a new one to make you pay attention first of all in a dream -
If in a dream of all affairs and a big birthmark is not a mutual bouquet, this is the most to be calm: she According to Felomena's dream book, a married acquaintance.believe in yourself to elderly women.the harbinger of the soon happy you saw light happiness in personal

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Love is a good sign, especially made the right choice, life symbolizes changes Grandma's dream book: why and in your Dream about childbirth, changes in your own and quick birth, life. In general, birth is a sign that in reality you will not get out for a young girl.Get married - If for the better, that dreaming of marriage is a possible relationship.
For a girl, it means life and the relief that twins or triplets have caused you are married: to be old This portends an ambulance you see in touch and work,
If a girl is in a dream - If in good prospects, if you are weighed down in your soul - a happy sign.very influential and virgin - your meeting with your dream, that you go out and personal relationships. marriage with
In a dream you have a marriage, well-being in your position and a feeling of great relief, you will be able to realize a wealthy relative who is the lot of your second half, a happy marriage, - get ready. Career will go to
Widower - to have taken birth, this is the future family life you feel then you can all your desires. Ready to come to
If you see a marriage and strong acquaintance with take-off, but in danger, and if it promises you pregnancy and prosperity in a depressed, worried about shifting things to Unfavorable sleep, help you a dream that you are leaving your family. But a dream, by your future husband.loving front you marry

Marriage is a very important event in the life of every woman. Some girls already from childhood begin to imagine themselves in the role of a bride, plan the style of a wedding dress and imagine their future husband. What if you dreamed that you got married? Should we expect the same event in real life, or does such a dream have a different meaning? We propose to turn to several popular and complete collections of dream interpretations for an answer to the question of what dreams are about, that they are married.

Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse: marriage

According to the interpretation of this dream book, if you dreamed that you were marrying someone, then you will be successful and successful in all your current endeavors and deeds. If you dream of a proposal to get married, then in the near future you will have a brilliant opportunity to improve your financial situation, which you should certainly take advantage of. A dream in which you yourself are getting married promises great family happiness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z: why dream that she got married

If a representative of the weaker sex dreams that she is getting married, then in reality in the near future she will have great love. Combining the bonds of marriage with a widower is a danger to you from a man from your environment. The dream in which you married a foreigner promises some troubles and discord in the family. In general, the vision of marriage for a young girl is an omen of sadness and deception, for a married woman - intrigue and gossip, for a widow - vain efforts and disappointed hopes. If you dream that you are married, but plan to marry another man, then in reality such a dream can result in a real one

get married in a dream

If an unmarried girl dreams that in a dream she accepts an offer to marry from a loved one, then in reality her wedding may be prevented by some unforeseen circumstances. If a representative of the weaker sex sees that she is hesitating to answer a marriage proposal, then this is evidence that others consider her a frivolous, frivolous and irresponsible person.

Dream interpretation for the whole family: why dream, that she got married

This source claims that a dreaming marriage promises girls and women quick changes in their lives for the better, as well as peace and stability. If in a dream your wedding fell through, then in real life you run the risk of committing some rash acts that will entail unpleasant consequences. Trying on a white dress of the bride on the eve of marriage is a sign of possible health problems. If you dream of yourself as a young wife, but you do not have a wedding ring on your finger, then such a dream can promise in real life a betrayal of your husband or lover, as well as a serious quarrel with one of your relatives.

what does it mean if you get married in a dream

Dreams that they are offering to get married, and at the same time, they give a ring with a diamond or a precious stone - wait, in life you will find a successful marriage, both for love and for wealth.

why dream of getting married

Getting married - you can find yourself in a desperate situation. Therefore, in life you need to be extremely attentive to the correct choice of the narrowed one.

to get married according to a dream book

In a dream, you are getting married, which means in life you are dissatisfied with your own material and social situation. The search for a partner turns out to be unsuccessful, men do not suit you, as the chosen ones for family life.

why dream of getting married

Getting married is an unkind sign for a young girl, a harbinger of crafty love; for a married woman - intrigue at work; for the widow - unrealizable hopes.
If a woman or girl dreams that she married a widowed man, in reality there may be a warning sign - there is a man in your male environment who is trying to deceive you. Marriage with a foreigner will warn about troubles in the family associated with quarrels and omissions.
A married woman, if she dreams that she has married another, can warn a dream of treason.

dreamed of getting married

If you dream of your own wedding, but relatives are unhappy with something at it, then your family is against your marriage with your chosen one.
If you dream that you are married to someone else, then in life your wedding will take place and everyone will be happy with the holiday.

why dream of getting married

In general, such a dream does not bode well in life. Such dreams (about marriage and wedding tinsel) warn you that you need to reassess your own behavior and look at yourself differently from the outside. Other people's opinions about you are deceitful and flattering.
If you see a wedding in a dream with a loved one, then in life this choice is not yours. Because this may be followed by disappointment in family life.
In a dream, you see yourself as a bride, but marry someone else - in life this is your right choice, you should not worry about anything.
Came to someone for a wedding, watching the wedding - a good dream, promises success, luck, good news, well-being.
Seeing yourself in a happy marriage - desires and dreams will come true if you change your opinion about others and rethink your behavior.

get married in a dream what is it

Dreaming: they make a marriage proposal - expect changes in life (in the good direction), there will be peace and stability in business.
If you dreamed of a failed wedding (canceled or changed your mind), then in your life you are committing a rash act that will lead you to a dead end. Seeing yourself in a white wedding dress is a bad harbinger of disease.
Trying on a wedding ring - beware of quarrels in the family, and at work, be prepared for unpleasant news, you may be fired or demoted.
You are late for your own wedding celebration - in life there may be material losses.
If a student dreams of a good married life, then in reality you will pass the session or complete your studies well at the educational institution. For a woman who works, such a dream promises a promotion, career advancement, success at work or in business.