About consultations. (What positions are included in the teaching experience). Theory of everything How long does a junior teacher go

An early retirement pension in connection with pedagogical activity is established for persons who have been carrying out pedagogical activities for at least 25 years in state and municipal institutions for children, regardless of age.

For pension provision of this category, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of October 29, 2002 approved the List of positions and institutions in which work gives the right to an early labor pension and the Rules for calculating the length of service giving the right to an early labor pension.

The specified List contains an exhaustive list of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service in the relevant types of work, and the ideology of its application is based on the exact correspondence of the names of positions and institutions in which the work proceeded, the names of positions and institutions provided for in the List.

When working in an institution whose name is not provided for by the List, the period of work in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement old-age pension is not counted. For example, the List does not include such institutions as a children's combine, a complex, and, accordingly, work in such an institution is not counted in the length of service in the corresponding types of work.

The list includes positions: director (head, head), deputy head (provided that his activities are related to the educational process), head of the educational unit, teacher, incl. senior, educator, incl. senior, educator-methodologist, organizer of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work with children, master of industrial training, teacher, speech therapist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, head of physical education, music director, social teacher, teacher-psychologist, teacher, kindergarten teacher and other positions.

Periods of work in positions not provided for by the List or having any deviations in their names are not counted in the length of service in the relevant types of work. So, for example, work in the positions of a pioneer leader, a methodologist, a psychologist, a circle leader, a sister-educator, etc., is not counted for the appointment of an early labor old-age pension.

Work in certain positions in determining the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension is counted depending on the time of its implementation. So, work in the positions of an educator-methodologist, organizer of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work with children is counted only for periods up to 01.11.1999; in the positions of a teacher, teacher-educator, nurse of a nursery group - for periods up to 01/01/1992.

Heads of preschool institutions (kindergartens, nursery schools, nurseries, child development centers - kindergartens) and their deputies from 11/01/1999 do not have the right to appoint an early retirement old-age pension. Length of service in these institutions and positions is counted only until 01.11.1999.

Work in the positions of a social pedagogue, a psychologist, a labor instructor is counted in the length of service in the relevant types of work according to the List dated October 29, 2002, but not in all institutions provided for by the Lists, but only in institutions of a social and correctional orientation.

According to the general rule for calculating special length of service, periods of work performed before 09/01/2000 in positions in the institutions provided for in the list are counted in the length of service, regardless of the conditions for fulfilling the norm of working hours (pedagogical or teaching load) during these periods, and starting from 09/01/2000 - subject to the fulfillment (in total for the main and other places of work) of the norm of working hours (pedagogical or educational load) established for the wage rate (official salary), with the exception of the position of music director, whose work requires confirmation of the fulfillment of the established norm of working hours for the entire period of activity in this position.

An exception to the established rule is teachers of primary classes of general education institutions and teachers of general education schools located in rural areas. They don't need proof of working hours. Also, regardless of the fulfillment of the norm of working time and the conduct of teaching work, work in the position of deputy director for educational, educational, educational, educational and production work directly related to the educational (educational) process is counted in the length of service. On the contrary, for deputy heads for scientific, methodological work, additional confirmation of direct employment with the educational (educational) process is required.

Separate rules regarding the conduct of teaching work are established for the heads of individual institutions (for example, for directors of general education institutions, general education boarding schools, special (correctional) educational institutions, etc.). Starting from 01.09.2000, in order to be included in the length of service for the period of work as the head of an institution, it is required to perform the established amount of teaching work (from 240 hours to 360 hours per year). Teaching work can be carried out both in one and in several educational institutions.

In addition to educational, social and correctional institutions for children, the List contains institutions of additional education for children (out-of-school institutions), work in which also gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension. Such institutions include, for example, a children's art school, children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, a palace of pioneers and schoolchildren, a center for children's creativity, etc.

Additional conditions have been established for employees of these institutions. Periods of work in institutions of additional education from 01.01.2001 are counted in the length of service for the appointment of an early labor old-age pension if, as of 01.01. 11/01/1999 to 12/31/2000 in the relevant positions in institutions of additional education. In the absence of one of the above conditions, work in institutions of additional education for children from 01.01.2001 is not counted.

In connection with the adoption of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 No. 2-P, when determining the right to an early retirement pension, the norms of the previous legislation are applied: The list of professions and positions of educators, teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children gives the right to a pension for length of service, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of 09/06/1991 No. 463; List of positions and institutions in which work is counted as long service, giving the right to a pension for long service in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children, and the Rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a long service pension, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/22/1999 No. 1067.

The specified procedure for applying the legislation is limited by the time frame of the relevant regulations (until 11/01/1999, the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of 09/06/1991 No. 463 is applied, from 01/01/1999 to 11/12/2002 - the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/22/1999 No. 1067, from 12.11 .2002 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2002 No. 781).

In accordance with the current legislation, along with periods of work, periods of receiving state social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability, as well as periods of annual basic and additional paid holidays, are included in the special length of service. Maternity leave is not excluded from the duration of teaching experience.

The current legislation does not provide for the inclusion in the special length of service of the periods when a woman is on leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

The issue of offsetting the periods of a woman's stay on parental leave into the special length of service can be considered within the framework of the application of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2004 No. 2-P, i.e. taking into account the previous legislation, according to which the periods of a woman's stay on parental leave, provided in the period up to 10/06/1992, until the child is 1.5 years old, are counted in the experience of pedagogical activity.

It should be noted that the choice of the most favorable option for assessing pension rights is carried out individually when citizens apply for an early labor pension.

The experience of pedagogical work, not confirmed by entries in the work book, can be established on the basis of properly executed certificates signed by the heads of the relevant institutions, sealed, issued on the basis of documents confirming the length of service in the specialty (orders, service and pay lists, personnel records , time books, archival inventories, etc.). References must contain data on the name of the educational institution, on the position and time of work in this position, on the date of issue of the certificate, as well as information on the basis of which the certificate of work was issued.

In case of loss of documents on the experience of pedagogical work, the specified experience can be established on the basis of certificates from previous places of work or on the basis of written statements of two witnesses, whose signatures must be certified by a notary. Witnesses can confirm the experience only for the period of joint work.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to confirm the length of service by the testimony of witnesses who knew the worker for joint work and for the period of this work, the bodies subordinate to which educational institutions are located may accept the testimony of witnesses who knew the worker for joint work in one system.

Teaching experience includes:

Pedagogical, managerial and methodological work in educational and other institutions in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Recommendations;

Time of work in other institutions and organizations, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, training in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education - in the manner prescribed by Appendix 2 to these Recommendations.

Pedagogical activity, which is taken into account when applying clause 2 of Appendix 2 to these Recommendations, means work in educational and other institutions provided for in Appendix 1 to these Recommendations.

LIST of institutions, organizations and positions, the time of work in which is counted in the teaching experience of educators

Name of institutions and organizations Job titles
Educational institutions, except institutions of higher and additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists. Teachers, lecturers, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, speech therapists, teachers-organizers (the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training), leaders of physical education, senior masters, masters of industrial training (including training in driving vehicles, working on agricultural machines, work on typewriters and other organizational equipment), senior methodologists, methodologists, senior instructors-methodologists, instructors-methodologists (including physical culture and sports, tourism), concertmasters, music directors, senior educators, educators, class teachers, social educators, psychologists, teachers-organizers, teachers of additional education, senior trainers-teachers, trainers-teachers, senior counselors, physical education instructors, labor instructors, directors (chiefs, heads), deputy directors (chiefs, heads) for educational, teaching and educational, educational and pro production, educational, cultural and educational work, industrial training (work), foreign language, flight training, general education, regime, heads of the educational department, heads (heads) of practice, UKP, speech therapy centers, boarding schools, departments, departments, laboratories, offices, sections, branches, courses and other structural units whose activities are related to the educational (educational) process, methodological support, senior duty officers, duty officers, accompanists, cultural organizers, guides.
Health and social care institutions, orphanages, children's homes (sanatoriums, clinics, polyclinics, hospitals, etc.), as well as departments, wards for children in institutions for adults.
Educational institutions of higher professional education. Teaching staff, concertmasters, accompanists.
Higher and secondary military educational institutions Work (service) in teaching and teaching positions.
Educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists; methodological institutions of all types (regardless of departmental subordination). Teaching staff, senior methodologists, methodologists, directors (heads), rectors, deputy directors (heads), vice-rectors, heads of sectors, offices, laboratories, departments; researchers whose activities are related to the educational process, methodological support.
Educational authorities and bodies (structural divisions) managing educational institutions. Supervisory, inspector, methodical positions, instructor, as well as other positions of specialists (with the exception of work in positions related to economic, financial, business activities, construction, supply, office work).
Departments (bureaus) of technical training, personnel departments of enterprises, associations, organizations, subdivisions of ministries (departments) involved in the training and promotion of personnel in production. Full-time teachers, masters of industrial training of workers in production, managerial, inspector, engineering, methodological positions, whose activities are related to the issues of training and advanced training of personnel.
Educational institutions of ROSTO (DOSAAF) and civil aviation. Leading, command-flight, command-instructor, engineering-instructor, instructor and teaching staff, masters of industrial training, engineers-instructors-methodologists, engineers-pilots-methodologists.
Dormitories of institutions, enterprises and organizations, housing maintenance organizations, youth housing complexes, children's cinemas, theaters for young spectators, puppet theaters, cultural and educational institutions and departments of enterprises and organizations working with children and adolescents. Educators, organizing teachers, educational psychologists (psychologists), teachers, teachers of additional education (leaders of circles) for children and adolescents, instructors and instructors-methodologists, trainers-teachers and other specialists in working with children and adolescents, heads of children's departments , sectors.
Correctional colonies, educational colonies, prisons, medical correctional institutions and detention centers. Work (service) in the presence of pedagogical education in the positions of: deputy head for educational work, head of the detachment, senior inspector, inspector for general educational work (training), senior inspector-methodologist and inspector-methodologist, senior engineer and engineer for industrial and technical training, senior foreman and master of industrial training, senior inspector and inspector for security and regime, head of the educational and technical office, psychologist


The experience of pedagogical work includes the time of work in the positions of a teacher-defectologist, speech therapist, educator in health care and social security institutions, methodologists of the organizational and methodological department of a republican, regional, regional hospital.


1. Pedagogical workers in the experience of pedagogical work are counted without any conditions and restrictions:

1.1 The time spent in military service under the contract at the rate of one day of military service for one day of work, and the time spent in military service by conscription (including officers called up for military service in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation) - one day of military service for two days of work;

1.2. Working time as the head of the film library and methodologist of the film library.

2. The following periods of time are counted for teaching staff in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that these periods, taken both individually and in the aggregate, were immediately preceded and immediately followed by pedagogical activity:

2.1. Time of service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in the positions of officers, sergeants, senior officers, warrant officers and midshipmen (including in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the troops and security agencies), except for the periods provided for in paragraph 1.1 .;

2.2. Time spent in leadership, inspector, instructor and other positions of specialists in the apparatus of territorial organizations (committees, councils) of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation (education, higher education and scientific institutions), in elected positions in trade union bodies, in instructor and methodological positions in pedagogical societies and the boards of the children's fund, in the position of director (manager) of the house of a teacher (employee of public education, vocational education), commissions for minors and the protection of their rights or in departments for the social and legal protection of minors, in units for the prevention of offenses (inspectorates for cases minors, children's rooms of militia) bodies of internal affairs;

2.3. Time of study (full-time) in graduate school, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education with state accreditation.

3. In addition to the periods provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this procedure, the experience of pedagogical work of certain categories of pedagogical workers includes the time of work in organizations and the time of service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the specialty (profession) corresponding to the profile of work in an educational institution or profile the taught subject (course, discipline, circle):

Teachers-organizers (basics of life safety, pre-conscription training);

Teachers and teachers of physical education, heads of physical education, instructors in physical education, instructors-methodologists (senior instructors-methodologists), trainers-teachers, (senior trainers-teachers);

Teachers, teachers of labor (professional) training, technology, drawing, fine arts, computer science, special disciplines, including special disciplines of general educational institutions (classes) with in-depth study of individual subjects;

Teachers of additional education;

Pedagogical workers of experimental educational institutions;

Psychologist teachers;


Pedagogical workers of institutions of secondary vocational education (departments) of culture and art, musical and pedagogical, artistic and graphic, musical;

Teachers of institutions of additional education for children (culture and art, including music and art), teachers of special disciplines of music and art general education institutions, teachers of music disciplines of pedagogical schools (pedagogical colleges), music teachers, music directors, accompanists.

4. For educators (senior educators) of preschool educational institutions, orphanages, the teaching experience includes the time of work as a nurse in a nursery group of preschool educational institutions, a postal nurse in orphanages, and for educators of nursery groups - the time of work in medical positions.

5. The right to resolve specific issues on the compliance of work in institutions, organizations and service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation with the profile of work, the subject taught (course, discipline, circle) is granted to the head of the educational institution in agreement with the trade union body.

6. The time of work in the positions of an assistant educator and junior educator is counted in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that during the period of work in these positions the employee had a pedagogical education or studied at an institution of higher or secondary vocational (pedagogical) education.

7. For employees of institutions and organizations, the time of pedagogical work in educational institutions, performed in addition to the main work on an hourly basis, is included in the teaching experience if its volume (in one or more educational institutions) is at least 180 hours per academic year

At the same time, only those months during which pedagogical work was performed are counted in the teaching experience.

8 In cases of a decrease in the length of service of pedagogical work calculated in accordance with this procedure compared with the length of service calculated according to previously valid instructions (see clause 1.2 of section 1), the previously established length of service of pedagogical work is retained for employees.

In addition, if the teaching staff during the period of application of the instructions (see clause 1.2 of section 1 of these recommendations) could be included in the teaching experience of certain periods of activity, but for some reason they were not taken into account, then the workers retain the right to their inclusion in the teaching experience in the previously established order.

Russian legislation allows teachers and other educational workers to retire earlier than the main period, only on the basis of 25 years of teaching experience.

In fact, this is the same labor, only the employee whose work activity falls under certain conditions has the right to receive it.

Legislative framework and recent changes

Educational workers have the opportunity to take a legal vacation in old age much earlier than other categories of citizens.

This right is indicated by the current Russian legislation. For those who applied for a pension before 2001, the basis was:

The total teaching experience of the employee is 25 years and age has nothing to do with it.

The first changes in the legal documents relating to the work and pension provision of teachers were adopted in 2001. Then for the first time accruals for length of service were abolished - they were replaced by preferential pension payments by age. The state retained the right of the teacher to retire early for a well-deserved rest.

In 2015, changes again affected education employees. The salary that was accrued to the teacher is not taken into account when calculating the entire pension content. Like other categories of the country's population, teachers' pensions can be influenced by only pension funds- the more of them, the higher the payments by age.

In February 2016, amendments were made to the previous legislation, according to which only those years that the teacher spent on his education, that is, the period of his studies in higher educational institutions of Russia, will be included in 25 years of experience. At the same time, pedagogical work should be carried out both before the start of studies and after its completion.

If the seniority allowance is already being paid, the person claiming benefits is obliged to stop working, and in the future his right to educational work is lost. Directly the principle of calculating pensions has not changed.

Categories of teaching staff

Oddly enough, not all categories of workers in the pedagogical field may have the right to a preferential pension. The list of professions is prescribed in Law No. 173.

It includes the following categories of workers:

In addition to the list of professions, the law provides for list of educational institutions:

  • schools and lyceums;
  • gymnasiums with in-depth study of subjects;
  • cadet corps;
  • naval schools (Suvorov and Nakhimov);
  • orphanages;
  • boarding schools for children under the age of majority;
  • sanatorium-type schools;
  • kindergartens and nurseries;
  • music and ballet schools;
  • institutions of additional education.

Thus, before you start applying for a preferential pension, you should pay attention to the place of work. By profession, you can fit into the category of beneficiaries, but by the name of the institution - no. Only a thorough check of the entries in the work book and their comparison with the legislative list can protect against such a situation.

Almost every year, amendments and changes are made to the Law acting on a permanent basis. The names of institutions and positions are changed and supplemented, for example:

  • the preferential category of educators includes all varieties of this position: a school educator, an aftercare teacher, a kindergarten, a nursery, a boarding school, and the like;
  • the position of a music worker may have the modern name of a music teacher or head of a music class;
  • the name gymnasium includes such names as school-lyceum and school-gymnasium;
  • Since 2007, the boarding school for mentally retarded children has also had a second name - the Children's Psychoneurological Boarding House.

Since 2001, not only teachers, but also pedagogical workers of additional education, which simultaneously have the following conditions:

  • work experience as of 01.01.01 must be at least 16 years and 8 months. Moreover, all years of work should have been held in the appropriate position and institution prescribed by law;
  • the fact of work in the additional field of education must be confirmed in the period from 01.11.99 to 31.12.2000.

Exit Conditions

A pedagogical worker will be able to issue a preferential pension only if during his work the conditions agreed by law were met:

  1. Firstly, work experience in the field of education should not be less than 25 years.
  2. Secondly, all these years, a person had to work full time, and the employer had to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of Russia. The payment of insurance premiums applies to both periods of temporary work capacity.
  3. Thirdly, for women it is not included in the experience of more than one and a half years. But if the teaching practice was started before September 2000, all this will be included in the experience.

Hours of work

Until 09/01/2000, when registering a preferential pension, the development of the prescribed working hours was not taken into account.

Accounting for the study load went after this date. According to labor law, an employee applying for a preferential old-age pension had to work 6 hours a week, 240 a year.

Those teachers who work in secondary vocational institutions must work 360 hours a year. However, for elementary teachers and those who work in, such an amount of work does not apply and in no way affects the calculation of pensions.

Periods taken into account when taking early retirement

One of the conditions for obtaining a preferential pension is the total length of teaching experience. He must be at least 25 years old.

According to current legislation experience includes the following periods of work:

  • time of activity equivalent to a full working day and confirmed by insurance deductions;
  • temporary unemployed period;
  • time allotted for annual rest;
  • the time of study in educational institutions, if the teacher, before and after the training, worked in the field of education, and his position is prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation.

Calculation procedure

The calculation of the preferential pension of the teacher takes place on the basis of the submitted certificate, which reflects the person's salary.

In recent years, the calculation is based on the size of the funded part and the insurance part. This is due to the transition to a new pension system.

In each case, the pension is calculated individually, however, payments cannot be less than 40% of the teacher's average salary.

The procedure for obtaining and the list of required documents

In order to start the procedure for obtaining a preferential pension, a teacher needs to visit regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation either where he is registered, or where he really lives, and submit the relevant documents in this case. Moreover, this can be done either by contacting the fund personally or by sending a representative there, the status of which will be confirmed by a legally certified power of attorney. Recently, you can not visit the organization at all, but use public services via the Internet on the portal of the same name.

In order for the issue of granting a pension on preferential terms to be resolved, the future pensioner is obliged to provide to the Pension Fund next package of documents:

  • Russian passport confirming identity;
  • the work book of a pedagogical worker, which reflects the entries in accordance with the legislation in force in the country;
  • military ID (for men applying for a pension, a mandatory document);
  • birth registration certificate;
  • application for early retirement benefits.

This package is standard for all territorial districts of Russia. However, one must be prepared for the fact that the Fund's employees may be asked to bring documents and certificates clarifying the nature of labor activity.

The submitted application and the attached package of documents, on the basis of the current legislation, are considered within 10 days.

So, every teacher or employee of additional education has the opportunity to retire much earlier if he meets the conditions prescribed by law. For the majority, the right given by the state is important. Most often, teachers retire at the age of 40-45, but not all of them are ready to quit their favorite job.

Frequently asked Questions

Women teachers are often concerned about the question whether maternity leave, as well as leave to care for a child, is included in the teaching experience, which is necessary to determine the period of pedagogical activity.

In this case, there is paragraph 21 of the Clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1996 “On the procedure for applying the Lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators, giving in accordance with Articles 12, 78 and 78.1 of the RSFSR Law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” the right to an old-age pension in connection with special working conditions and a pension for long service”, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1996 (ed.) No. 29, in accordance with which a special seniority, giving the right to a pension due to special working conditions, the period of women being on leave to care for a child is included, if this leave took place until October 06, 1992 , i.e. until the entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1992 No. 3543-1 "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation." The period of a woman's stay on such a vacation after 06.10.1992 no longer included in teaching experience.

In addition, according to the Explanation of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2005 No. 25 “On some issues that arose with the courts when considering cases related to the exercise by citizens of the right to labor pensions” when resolving disputes that arose in connection with the non-inclusion of women in the experience work in the specialty of the period of being on parental leave in case of early appointment of an old-age pension, it was established that if the specified period took place before 06.10.1992, then it is subject to inclusion in the length of service in the specialty, regardless of the time the woman applied for a pension entitlement to early retirement pensions.

The second question that concerns citizens is whether the period of study in educational institutions of higher and secondary education is included in the experience of pedagogical activity. In this matter, too, everything is not so clear.

There is a Regulation on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions for long service to workers in education and health care, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 No. 1397. According to paragraph 2 of this Regulation, the length of service of teachers and other workers in education time of study in pedagogical educational institutions and universities is included in the special seniority , giving the right to a pension in connection with special working conditions, if it was immediately preceded and immediately followed by pedagogical activity. This resolution has not been applied on the territory of the Russian Federation since October 01, 1993 in connection with the adoption of the same Law of the Russian Federation No. 3543-1 on September 25, 1992, subsequently this procedure for calculating the length of service was canceled. From 01.10.1993, the period of study is not included in the teaching experience.

Male educators are concerned about Will military service be included in preferential service?, and here the answer is as follows. Until 1991, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 No. 1397, approved by the Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions for length of service to workers in education and health, was in force, paragraph 1 of which provided that teachers, doctors and other workers in education and health in the length of service work in the specialty, in addition to work in institutions, organizations and positions, work in which gives the right to a pension for length of service, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR is counted. This rule has not been applied since the beginning of 1991.

What is the order in 2019?

In connection with the large-scale pension reform in the country, starting from 2019, the requirements for the length of service of teachers will not change, but after the end of the transition period (2019-2023), a teacher will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after working out 25 years of experience.

The new condition will be introduced gradually. If a teacher has completed 25 years of service in 2019, then the right to a preferential pension is deferred for 6 months from the date when the experience became exactly 25 years. In 2020, the right to pension will be deferred for 18 months, in 2021 on 3 years, in 2022 - on 4 years and starting from 2023 is postponed for 5 years.

For example, on May 20, 2019, a school teacher turns exactly 25 years old since his teaching career began, the right to a pension arises only on November 20, 2019 (+6 months).

Another example, a kindergarten teacher develops a teaching experience of 25 years - on January 10, 2020, in connection with this, the right to a preferential pension arises on July 10, 2021 (+18 months).

Some features of calculating a preferential pension for teachers are described in the following video:

Answer to the question:

First of all, we note that the positions of a junior educator and an assistant educator do not belong to pedagogical positions, but to positions of educational support personnel (see Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. "Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.08.2013 No. 678 On approval of the nomenclature of positions of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations).

If by teaching experience we mean the experience necessary for early retirement, then the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781, the positions of junior educator and assistant educator are not indicated.

Consequently, work in these positions in the teaching experience, giving the right to early retirement benefits, is not included.

If we mean teaching experience used for other purposes (for example, to establish allowances), then there is no single legally established procedure for calculating it.

Such a procedure may be established by regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Decree of the Head of the Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory of November 27, 2008 No. 1218 On the introduction of a sectoral system of remuneration for employees of state educational organizations and state educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory (as amended on July 7, 2017) approved the Regulations on the sectoral system of remuneration of employees of state educational organizations and state educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter - the Regulation).

According to clause 2.10 of the Regulations, the list of institutions, organizations and positions, the time of work in which is counted in the teaching experience of educational workers, is reflected in Appendix No. 5 to this Regulation.

This Appendix also does not indicate the positions of junior educator and assistant educator.

However, Appendix 6 to this Resolution states that the time spent in the positions of an assistant educator and junior educator is counted in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that during the period of work in these positions the employee had a pedagogical education or studied at an institution of higher or secondary vocational (pedagogical) education .

If you are located in another subject of the Russian Federation, then you need to look at the legislation of this subject.

You can also apply the Letter of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10.26.2004 No. AF-947 On the size and conditions of remuneration of employees of educational institutions in 2005, which has not lost force at the present time.

This Letter contains Recommendations on the conditions of remuneration of employees of educational institutions, the annex to which is the List of institutions, organizations and positions, the time of work in which is counted in the teaching experience of educational workers.

The Recommendations (clause 6 of Appendix 2) also indicate the possibility of including the time of work in the positions of an assistant educator and junior educator in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that during the period of work in these positions the employee had a pedagogical education or studied at an institution of higher or secondary vocational ( pedagogical) education.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Legal basis: Letter of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 26, 2004 No. AF-947
On the size and conditions of remuneration of employees of educational institutions in 2005

IX. The procedure for determining the experience of pedagogical work

9.1. The main document for determining the experience of pedagogical work is a work book.

The experience of pedagogical work, not confirmed by entries in the work book, can be established on the basis of properly executed certificates signed by the heads of the relevant institutions, sealed, issued on the basis of documents confirming the length of service in the specialty (orders, service and pay lists, personnel records , time books, archival inventories, etc.). References must contain data on the name of the educational institution, on the position and time of work in this position, on the date of issue of the certificate, as well as information on the basis of which the certificate of work was issued.

In case of loss of documents on the experience of pedagogical work, the specified experience can be established on the basis of certificates from previous places of work or on the basis of written statements of two witnesses, whose signatures must be certified by a notary. Witnesses can confirm the experience only for the period of joint work.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to confirm the length of service by the testimony of witnesses who knew the worker for joint work, and for the period of this work, the bodies subordinate to which educational institutions are located may accept the testimony of witnesses who knew the worker for joint work in one system.

9.2. Teaching experience includes:

Pedagogical, managerial and methodological work in educational and other institutions in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Recommendations;

Time of work in other institutions and organizations, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, training in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education - in the manner prescribed by Appendix 2 to these Recommendations.

Pedagogical activity, which is taken into account when applying paragraph 2 of Appendix 2 to these Recommendations, means work in educational and other institutions provided for in Appendix 1 to these Recommendations.

List of institutions, organizations and positions, the time of work in which is counted in the teaching experience of educators

Name of institutions and organizations Job titles
1 2

Educational institutions (including educational institutions of higher professional education, higher and secondary military educational institutions, educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training of specialists); health care and social welfare institutions: orphanages, children's sanatoriums, clinics, polyclinics, hospitals, etc. , as well as departments, wards for children in institutions for adults

Teachers, lecturers, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, speech therapists, teachers-organizers (the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training), leaders of physical education, senior masters, masters of industrial training (including training in driving vehicles, working on agricultural machines, work on typewriters and other organizational equipment), senior methodologists, methodologists, senior instructors-methodologists, instructors-methodologists (including physical culture and sports, tourism), accompanists, music directors, senior educators, educators, class teachers, social educators, psychologists, teachers-organizers, additional education teachers, senior trainers-teachers, trainers-teachers, senior counselors (pioneer leaders), physical education instructors, labor instructors, directors (chiefs, managers), deputy directors (chiefs, heads) for educational, educational and upbringing field, educational and industrial, educational, cultural and educational work, on industrial training (work), on a foreign language, on flight training, on general educational training, on the regime, heads of the educational department, heads (heads) of practice, educational and consulting points, speech therapy points, boarding schools, departments, departments, laboratories, offices, sections, branches, courses and other structural units whose activities are related to the educational (educational) process, methodological support; senior duty officers, duty officers, accompanists, cultural organizers, guides; faculty (work, service)

Methodical (educational-methodical) institutions of all types (regardless of departmental subordination)

Heads, their deputies, heads of sectors, offices, laboratories, departments; researchers whose activities are related to methodological support; Senior Methodists, Methodists

1. Educational authorities and bodies (structural divisions) managing educational institutions

2. Departments (bureaus) of technical training, personnel departments of organizations, departments of ministries (departments) involved in the training and advanced training of personnel in production

1. Supervisory, supervisory, methodical positions, instructor, as well as other positions of specialists (with the exception of work in positions related to economic, financial, business activities, construction, supply, office work)

2. Full-time teachers, masters of industrial training of workers in production, managerial, inspection, engineering, methodological positions, whose activities are related to the issues of training and advanced training of personnel

Educational institutions of ROSTO (DOSAAF) and civil aviation

Leading, command-flight, command-instructor, engineering-instructor, instructor and teaching staff, masters of industrial training, engineers-instructors-methodologists, engineers-pilot-methodologists

Dormitories of institutions, enterprises and organizations, housing maintenance organizations, youth housing complexes, children's cinemas, theaters for young spectators, puppet theaters, cultural and educational institutions and divisions of enterprises and organizations working with children and adolescents

Educators, organizing teachers, educational psychologists (psychologists), teachers, teachers of additional education (leaders of circles) for children and adolescents, instructors and instructors-methodologists, trainers-teachers and other specialists in working with children and adolescents, heads of children's departments, sectors

VI Correctional colonies, educational colonies, detention centers and prisons, medical correctional institutions VI Work (service) in the presence of pedagogical education in the positions: deputy head for educational work, head of the detachment, senior inspector, inspector for general educational work (training), senior inspector-methodologist and inspector-methodologist, senior engineer and engineer for industrial and technical training , senior foreman and master of industrial training, senior inspector and inspector for security and regime, head of the educational and technical office, psychologist


The experience of pedagogical work includes the time of work as teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, educators in health care and social welfare institutions for adults, methodologists of the organizational methodological department of the republican, regional, regional hospital.

The procedure for crediting to the teaching experience the time of work in individual institutions (organizations), as well as the time of study in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and service in the armed forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation

1. For pedagogical workers, the experience of pedagogical work is counted without any conditions and restrictions:

1.1. The time spent in military service under a contract at the rate of one day of military service for one day of work, and the time spent in military service by conscription - one day of military service for two days of work;

1.2. Working time as the head of the film library and methodologist of the film library.

2. The following periods of time are counted for teaching staff in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that these periods, taken both individually and in the aggregate, were immediately preceded and immediately followed by pedagogical activity:

2.1. Service time in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in the positions of officers, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen (including in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the troops and security agencies), except for the periods provided for in paragraph 1.1;

2.2. Time of work in managerial, inspector, instructor and other positions of specialists in the apparatus of territorial organizations (committees, councils) of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation (enlightenment, higher education and scientific institutions); in elected positions in trade union bodies; in instructor and methodological positions in pedagogical societies and boards of the Children's Fund; in the position of director (head) of the House of Teacher (employee of public education, vocational education); in the commissions for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights or in the departments of social and legal protection of minors, in the units for the prevention of offenses (inspectorates for minors, children's rooms of the police) of the internal affairs bodies;

2.3. Time of study (full-time) in graduate school, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education with state accreditation.

3. In addition to the periods provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Procedure, the experience of pedagogical work of certain categories of pedagogical workers includes the time of work in organizations and the time of service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the specialty (profession) corresponding to the profile of work in an educational institution or profile the taught subject (course, discipline, circle):

Teachers-organizers (basics of life safety, pre-conscription training);

Teachers and teachers of physical education, heads of physical education, physical education instructors, instructors-methodists (senior instructors-methodologists), trainers-teachers (senior trainers-teachers);

Teachers, teachers of labor (professional) training, technology, drawing, fine arts, computer science, special disciplines, including special disciplines of general educational institutions (classes) with in-depth study of individual subjects;

Masters of industrial training;

Teachers of additional education;

Pedagogical workers of experimental educational institutions;

Psychologist teachers;


Teaching staff of institutions of secondary vocational education (departments): culture and art, musical and pedagogical, artistic and graphic, musical;

Teachers of institutions of additional education for children (culture and art, including music and art), teachers of special disciplines of music and art general education institutions, teachers of music disciplines of pedagogical schools (pedagogical colleges), music teachers, music directors, accompanists.

4. For educators (senior educators) of preschool educational institutions, orphanages, the teaching experience includes the time of work as a nurse in a nursery group of preschool educational institutions, a postal nurse in orphanages, and for educators of nursery groups - the time of work in medical positions.

5. The right to resolve specific issues on the compliance of work in institutions, organizations and service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation with the profile of work, the subject taught (course, discipline, circle) is granted to the head of the educational institution in agreement with the trade union body.

6. The time of work in the positions of an assistant educator and junior educator is counted in the length of service of pedagogical work, provided that during the period of work in these positions the employee had a pedagogical education or studied at an institution of higher or secondary vocational (pedagogical) education.

7. For employees of institutions and organizations, the time of pedagogical work in educational institutions, performed in addition to the main work on an hourly basis, is included in the teaching experience if its volume (in one or more educational institutions) is at least 180 hours per academic year.

At the same time, only those months during which pedagogical work was performed are counted in the teaching experience.

8. In cases of reduction of the experience of pedagogical work, calculated in accordance with this procedure, in comparison with the experience calculated according to the previously valid instructions (see paragraph 1.2 of section 1 of these Recommendations), the employees retain the previously established experience of pedagogical work.

In addition, if the teaching staff during the period of application of the instructions (see clause 1.2 of section 1 of these Recommendations) could be included in the teaching experience of certain periods of activity, but for some reason they were not taken into account, then the workers retain the right to their inclusion in the teaching experience in the previously established order.

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Natalya Nikonova,

Expert Systems Personnel

By law, teachers have the right to retire earlier than other citizens. This is established by para. 19 p. 1 art. 30 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions", which entered into force in 2015. In accordance with this norm, a preferential pension for teachers is assigned on the condition that they have been teaching for 25 years or more. This does not take into account the age of the person at the time of granting the pension. However, in connection with the new pension reform, some changes in the early retirement "by seniority" in 2019 are still expected for teachers.

According to Government Decree No. 665 of July 16, 2014, the rules for calculating periods of work and the list of positions and institutions approved by Government Decree No. 781 of 2002 will continue to apply to teaching staff.

teaching positions

In accordance with the above list, teachers who have worked in the positions of directors and their deputies, heads of education, teachers, educators, teachers, etc. have the right to early retirement. Also in the specified list, institutions are indicated in detail, work in which gives the right to early appointment of a pension to pedagogical workers.

Therefore, it is important that the position and place of work recorded in the work book clearly correspond to the positions and institutions indicated in the list, otherwise the Pension Fund may refuse to assign a preferential pension.

For credit in the experience of heads of educational institutions periods of pedagogical work carried out before September 1, 2000, it does not matter whether the standard of working time for teaching work was developed during these periods. The specified norm, which is defined as the teaching or teaching load for the wage rate, began to be taken into account only after September 1, 2000. According to the established rules for calculating periods of work, early retirement can be assigned to heads of educational institutions, subject to teaching at least 6 hours a week or 240 hours a year. For heads of secondary professional institutions, the minimum amount of teaching load is set at 360 hours per year.

As for the teaching staff of institutions intended for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, as well as social service institutions, the periods of their work are counted in the length of service only if the established norm of working time is met. It does not matter whether this work was carried out before September 1, 2000 or after. The same applies to music directors.

Work in institutions of additional education

Positions and institutions of additional education are provided for in the second section of the list approved by Government Decree No. 781.

In order for a preferential pension to be granted to teachers of additional education, since 2001, several conditions must be present simultaneously:

  1. as of January 1, 2001, they must have at least 16 years and 8 months of work experience in relevant positions and institutions;
  2. in the period from November 1, 1999 to December 31, 2000, there must be a fact of work in positions in institutions of additional education.

Periods included in work experience

The length of service that gives the right to early retirement includes:

  • periods of work for which insurance premiums were paid;
  • periods of temporary disability;
  • periods of annual leave;
  • periods of maternity leave.

Work periods are calculated in calendar order.

According to the new rules, the length of service, on the basis of which a preferential pension for teachers in 2019 can be assigned, will also include periods of study in educational institutions. The only condition for the inclusion of this period in the length of service is the fact of the implementation of pedagogical activities before and after training.

In addition, periods of work that were carried out before 2019 may be included in the length of service giving the right to early retirement, subject to the legislation in force during the period of such activity.

Although the 25-year experience has remained unchanged, the concept of a delay has appeared in the legislation - from one and a half to 5 years. This means that even if there is "length of service", the teacher will not be able to immediately go on a well-deserved rest.

The terms for assigning an insurance pension for teachers under the new law are presented in the table:

Year of production 25 years of experience The term of the pension Year of retirement under the new law
2019 2019+0.5 years 2020
2020 2020+1.5 years 2022
2021 2021+3 years 2024
2022 2022+4 years 2026
2023 and beyond 2023 and beyond+5 years 2028 and beyond

You can find more information about the periods of validity and the legislation in force at that time below.

List of current legislation

If you still have questions and a desire to independently understand the appointment of an early pension for teaching staff, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the legislative acts relevant in 2019:

  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On Insurance Pensions", Article 30
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665 "On the lists of works, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which the old-age insurance pension is assigned ahead of schedule, and the rules for calculating periods of work (activity), giving the right to early pension provision"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 (as amended on May 26, 2009) "On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is early assigned in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", and on the approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".