The child makes good progress in. How to raise a child successful. In eighth, one of the qualities of a successful person - to appreciate the time

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Special children's menu for a week

+ Festive recipes

How to make a menu for a week yourself

To obtain is free Book training on making menu, electronic magazine "Menu of the week", forms for making a menu, templates for magnetic cards, freezing table of finished dishes, as well as recipes, tips on a rational domestic organization, menu options, etc. It is enough to subscribe to our newsletter.

From the personal experience of making a menu:

One of the most important and necessary habits, which greatly simplified and facilitated my life is to compile a menu for a week. Read more about whether you need to make a menu and what I wrote it. And today I want to tell and show how exactly I do it.

Immediately show some examples of how my menu looks for a week (cards are on the refrigerator door):

Example №1

Example number 2.

I did it in this form I do not immediately. The development convenient for me, the menu preparation scheme took almost a year. But now the process is brought almost to automatism and does not cause any difficulties.

The first stage preparatory.

For a start, I took a piece of paper and a handle, and wrote all the dishes that we can cook by category: Soups, second, salads and desserts. To my surprise, in reality, this list turned out to be much shorter than I imagined for myself (which was the future incentive to study new recipes).

Stage of the second - circuit of the week. With the help of a simple table of seven columns, the corresponding days of the week, I started making a menu for a week in paper, and then electronic versions. In mandatory, I am preparing every day breakfast, and on the other days the alternate: on even days I cook soup and dessert for two days, and on odd - second (also for two days) and salad. Such a simple alternation is very saving time and strength. And in the refrigerator always (!) There is a ready-made meal that very much in situations when "guests on the threshold" or "Something too lazy to cook today."

Approximately my menu for the week looked like this:

Note: "New" is what is being prepared on this day. "In the refrigerator" - these are ready-made dishes that were preparing in advance for several servings.


Breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes (new)

Lunch - Burrito (in the refrigerator)

Afternoon school - grapes

Dinner - Gaspacho (new) + berry poultry with blueberry (new)


Breakfast - Rice Porridge (new)

Lunch - Gaspacho (in the refrigerator)

Half date - Berry Blueberry Pie (in the refrigerator)

Dinner - Pancakes from zucchini and potatoes (new) + fresh cabbage salad with garlic refueling (new)


Breakfast - semolina porridge (new)

Lunch - Fritters from zucchini and potatoes (in the refrigerator)

Afternooner - jam cake (new)

Dinner - Eggplant puree soup with baked tomatoes (new)


Breakfast - Oatmeal Porridge (new)

Lunch - eggplant puree soup with baked tomatoes (in the refrigerator)

Humannik - jam cake (in the refrigerator)

Dinner - Crab Sticks Cutters (New) + Pepper Rings Stuffed with Cottage Cheese and Greens (New)


Breakfast - Corn Porridge on Water (New)

Lunch - Crab chopsticks (in the refrigerator) + pepper rings stuffed with cottage cheese and greens (in the refrigerator)

Afternooner - Apple Strudel (new)

Dinner - cauliflower soup (new)


Breakfast - buckwheat porridge (new)

Lunch - cauliflower soup (in the refrigerator)

Halfoon - Apple Strudel (in the refrigerator)

Dinner - pork in orange glaze (new) + Chinese salad with Beijing cabbage and chicken (new)

Preparation of Intection - Frozen Eggplants


Breakfast - Egg in Breadshop (New)

Lunch - soup soup from champignons (new)

Afternooner - lemon cupcake (new)

Dinner - Pork in orange glaze (in the refrigerator) + Chinese salad with Beijing cabbage and chicken (in the refrigerator)

However, this scheme had several flaws. For example, separately from the menu it was necessary to compile a list of products for a week - seek each recipe from those that were scheduled for a week, and write the desired ingredients. In addition, I visually, so for me to remember dishes only by their names are not very simple. Therefore, after a few months, I switched to the next stage:

All recipes that I can cook, I recorded in electronic form and supplied their photo (in the finished form). Then, in the Word program, the A4 sheet on the 5x9 rectangles (corresponds to the size of the usual business card). In each rectangle I entered the name of the dish, the ingredients from which it consists, and added a photo. Total on one sheet I got 12 cards. Separately, I made small rectangles with the names of the days of the week.

A4 sheet with cards

Next, it turned out with a telephone directory and found out where our city has a print service on magnetic sheets. It turned out that in the nearest computer center. There, all these cards were printed on the inkjet printer. For each sheet, I gave an amount equal to about $ 2. I cut the sheet on the card by conventional scissors.

Since the cards correspond to the size of the business card, I keep them in the usual business card, sorted by category: Soups, second dishes, salads and desserts.

Example number 3.

Example number 4.

Pros of such a system:

First, time drawing up the menu for a week takes at least nothing to write or draw.

Secondly, each card has a list of ingredients. Therefore, a separate list of products for a week I do not make up. Going to the store, I just take the cards with me, put them in a wallet and, turning to them, buy everything you need.

Thirdly, cards at cooking hang on the refrigerator. I can at any time see which ingredients and in what quantity I need.

And finally, it is quick and convenient. Very pleased.

To get free templates for magnetic cards, a book training book, an electronic menu "Menu of the Week", forms for making a menu, a table freezing of finished dishes, as well as recipes, tips on a rational home-based organization, menu options, etc. It is enough to subscribe to our newsletter.

Friday for many - the day of compiling plans for the next week, and we do not violate this tradition. We planned for you than such delicious, useful and interesting you can surprise your hungry in the evenings, and have replenished the baggage of our heading "7 dinners" by regular recipes for the entire week.

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You can at your own discretion change, adjust and supplement the recipes offered by us, depending on the taste preferences of your family. We are sure, your evenings behind the family table will only benefit.

We have prepared a menu for you for a week. Successful and tasty week!


  • Pumpkin porridge

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Even the most ordinary pumpkin porridge can be prepared original and in a new way if you approach creatively to this process. We offer you a pumpkin porridge, in which two ways to prepare this useful fetus are combined. Try - these are two different tastes in one!

  • 400 g pumpkins,
  • 200 g milf,
  • 300 ml of milk,
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon,
  • 50 g of butter,
  • salt to taste
  • 200 ml of water.

Pumpkin porridge - Cooking:

  1. Pumpkin Passion, Clean from the peel and seeds. Cut pumpkin with small cubes.
  2. Half pieces of pumpkin lay out on a lubricated oil bastard, sprinkle with sugar and send to heated to 180 ° C overt. Bake the pumpkin approximately 20 minutes to a soft state.
  3. The remaining pumpkin put in boiling salted water and proveries 10 minutes. Then add washed millet, sugar and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Boil milk, puffed it into the pumpkin porridge, mix and cook 20 minutes before readiness.
  5. Take off the saucepan from the fire, seek a blanket and leave for 15 minutes to pumpkin porridge.
  6. After that, the finished pumpkin porridge is made by oil, put on the plates, sprinkle with baked pumpkin pieces on top and give.


  • Chicken pilaf and dried fruits

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Such a poverty recipe with chicken will like fans of unusual oriental cuisine, because rice acquires the original sweet taste and spicy flavor. And if the chicken in front of frying is to cut into flour, it turns out much more gentle and does not lose its juiciness.

Ingredients for cooking

  • Rice is long-grained - 1.5-2 glasses
  • Chicken fillet - 650 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Kuraga, prunes, raisins - if desired in any quantity
  • Vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons
  • Walnuts crushed - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Dried herbs (basil, kinza), black pepper
  • Unwind curry - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

  • It is best for the pilame a cast-iron pan or a bowler (you can use a scourgeon).
  • So, put the container on the middle fire, bearing vegetable oil.
  • Promoy chicken fillet, cut into small cubes and put into the oil. Roast to light golden color.
  • Cut carrots thin straw, and onion - small cubes. Add to meat and some more fried (so that the bow acquired a golden color).
  • Promoy rice, dried fruits. Calculate by any parts and throw everything into a saucepan with meat. Floors all 1.5 glasses of warm water.
  • Space, add spices and garlic (important, clean the teeth do not need, after cooking they are simply cleaned). All alive and close a tight lid. Masca on slow fire 15-25 minutes until all the water evaporates.
  • After cooking off the fire and give a pilaf to stand for 5-10 minutes.

All, your dish is ready. Such a prescription Plov with chicken will like fans of unusual oriental cuisine, since rice acquires the original sweet taste and spicy flavor. And if the chicken in front of the roasting is cut into flour, it turns out much more gentle and does not lose its juiciness. Important! In the process of cooking, the pilaf can not be interfered, otherwise the rice will not be crumbly and everything will turn into porridge.


  • Pickup with Perlovka

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The brideller is a very tasty, nutritious and useful soup, which gives a charge of cheerfulness, and an extraordinary, capable of please almost any person. That is why many hostesses are proud to know how to prepare a brideller with a barley.

How to prepare a brideller. Ingredients:

  • Water - 2500 milliliters,
  • Pork ribs - 400 grams,
  • Pearl cereals - 100 grams,
  • Onions - 1 head,
  • Carrot - 1 piece,
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • Salted cucumbers - 3 pieces,

Cooking process

The brideller is a very tasty, nutritious and useful soup, giving a charge of cheerfulness, and an extraordinary, capable of please almost any person. That is why many hostesses are proud to know how to prepare a brideller with a barley.

  • The first thing in a saucepan with water must be placed pork ribs, distorted on the portion pieces. The saucepan needs to put on the middle fire so that the broth is preparing not too quickly and turned out to be more appropriate.
  • At this time, it is necessary to prepare cereals to cooking. The fact is that without preprocessing soup will have an unpleasant color: the barrier contains natural coloring substances. They should be washed out in cold water. To do this, it is necessary to pour water into a container with a cereal, merging when it changes the color. After 6-7, the blunders will stop painting water and will be ready for use in the soup. However, so that the soup does not get clouded, from the broth it is necessary to remove the foam excreted during cooking meat.
  • By losing gas to a minimum, add a barrier to the broth, and leave under the cover for an hour and a half. During this time, the croup boils well. If you proceed to the next step immediately, then in the soup, other ingredients are digested in porridge, which will be less pleasant.
  • Next you need to add potatoes into broth, having previously twisting it, wash and cutting medium sized by cubes. At this time, it is necessary to make it ready to prepare for a roaster - first start to pass the chick-made bow, then add carrots in a large grater to it.
  • Next, the broth will go very finely chopped cucumbers - when the potato will be soft enough. After cucumbers immediately need to add roasted. Add to the resulting soup salt, spices, greens and leave to boil on very weak heat for half an hour.
  • The receptionist perfectly goes with sour cream: it is a little knocking cucumber sourness and makes it even more dense and fragrant. If you are sitting on a diet, and fat dishes are contraindicated to you - add a glass of cucumber brine together with cucumbers into the broth. He will make it less fat and even more rich in taste.


  • Baked pike with potatoes

How to cook pike tasty? The pike baked is impregnated with onions and mayonnaise, remaining soft, tender and spicy. Potato does not give a fish to burn, and it is an excellent garnish to the pike.

How to cook pike. Ingredients:

  • Pike - 1 pcs,
  • Potatoes - 500 grams,
  • Mayonnaise - 270 grams,
  • Onions - 3 heads,
  • Salt, spices, seasonings, greens - to taste.

Simple recipe

Many cooks know perfectly well and remember how and with the help of which ingredients can be cooked very complex, but tasty dishes. However, this path is not suitable for everyone. Someone sorry for free time, and readiness to spend a few hours in the kitchen is simply not. Some sort of money for expensive ingredients used in extremely considerable quantities. Therefore, ordinary people are preferred to kill two hare in one shot: cook quickly and inexpensively, so that at the same time it turned out also tasty.

Any river fish contains a huge number of bones, which creates significant inconvenience when eating (especially if the fish of such sizes, which, when cooking bones, do not pull out of it, and when eating they are tangible). Pike is not an exception, but in this plan it is much more pleasant to the smaller river fish. Bones in it such sizes that it is not difficult to remove them before preparation. After heat treatment, the meat is easily lagging behind the bones, and they are very easy to reach.

However, in order to learn how to cook pike tasty, you will need to remove the maximum possible number of bones from it. By itself, this fish is very tasty, but a dish with bones to serve somehow uncomfortable.

  • Pike fillet is best baked in the oven. To do this, it needs to be cleaned of scales, stamping, cut off the head, fins, tail (they are then perfectly suitable for the welded ear) and remove the bones. It is important to rinse fillet before cooking: if this is not done, the fish can have some taste of stagnant water.
  • Potatoes need to be washed, clean and cut into rings by posting it on the bottom of the oil-lubricated oil. Next to lay the pike, after which the sustaining it and sprinkle with spices for fish (coriander, basil, black pepper). After - the neck of the pike rings and pour on the mayonnaise. It is important not to reduce the dish, because mayonnaise will add enough solonism to the dish. If you wish, you can add some amount of water to the bottom of the form (then it is not required to lubricate it with oil), and on the mayonnaise to squeeze half of the lemon.

It is baked this dish in the oven for 40-60 minutes (depending on how much fishes turned out and how large it was cut). The pike is impregnated with onions and mayonnaise, remaining soft, tender and spicy. The potatoes do not give the fish to burn, and it is an excellent garnish for the pike.


  • Carrot salad with garlic

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Carrots are rightfully considered a constant component of many salads due to the high content of carotene in it, such a useful for our body. In dishes, in particular in salads, carrots are well combined with garlic. And if you are not an opponent of the sharp, then the recipe for carrots with garlic is just for you. Today we offer your attention to the recipe for carrots with garlic in the raw form, because it is in raw, and not boiled vegetables remain the most vitamins. Place such a salad by mayonnaise, sour cream or oil, as the carotine is fat-soluble vitamin, so it is better absorbed by our organism. Perhaps this is the optimal recipe for carrots with garlic according to the criterion of speed and ease of preparation, benefit and taste.

Raw salad: Cleaning recipe with garlic - Ingredients:

400 g of carrots,
3-5 garlic teeth,
100 g of walnuts,
2 tbsp. a spoon of mayonnaise,
Salt to taste.
Raw Salad: Carrot Recipe With Garlic - Cooking:

Walnuts are slightly dry in a pan and grinding in a blender. Carrot Pass, clean and Clean on a large or medium grater.

Garlic Cleanie on a shallow grater or missed across garlic. Connect carrots with garlic and nuts, sustained, pemer, leaving mayonnaise and mix.

Salad ready! Put it in a salad bowl and serve with a side dish or meat.


  • Lavana from Lavasha

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If you love Lazagna, but there is no desire to mess with the dough, prepare this dish on a simplified version, using a thin pitaash. You will get a wonderful alternative to the Italian treat for dinner. Universal thin dietary lavash is successfully used in many dishes, making them more satisfying and tasty.

Lavasya Lavash - Ingredients:

  • 400 g of meat minced
  • 1 Lavash Armenian,
  • 3 tomatoes,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 2 garlic teeth,
  • greens,
  • 100 g of solid cheese,
  • 2 cups of milk,
  • 1 tbsp. flour spoon
  • black ground pepper to taste
  • salt to taste.

Lavaca from Lavash - Cooking:

  1. Meat minced fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil, stirring, 3 minutes and take off the fire.
  2. Onions finely cut. Tomatoes cut in small pieces. Grinding greenery. Garlic skip through garlic. Cheese Purity on a coarse grater.
  3. On the same frying pan of the Spasoreui bow 5 minutes, then add tomatoes, greens and garlic and fried vegetables, stirring, another 3 minutes.
  4. Cook milk sauce. For this embankment in milk flour, salt and pepper, mix, bring to a boil, proveri on a slow fire for a couple of minutes so that the sauce began to be thick, and take off the fire.
  5. In the oil-lubricated oil, laying out a layer of a slim Armenian lava, on it - meat minced meat, the neck of the pita, then a vegetable mixture, again Lavash, etc.
  6. Lavanu's boils from the pita lava with milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to heated to 180 ° C overtake until shutting. Lavagna from Lavash will be ready in about 30-40 minutes.
  7. Serve Lazagne hot with vegetables and greens.


  • Pasta casserole with mushrooms

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The recipe for pasta casserole is convenient because all the components are prepared almost simultaneously and not long, and the result is an appetizing hot satisfying dish with a ruddy crust and mushroom taste.

Recipe for pasta casserole - Ingredients:

  • 300 g Macaron,
  • 300 g of mushrooms,
  • 200 g cheese
  • 200 ml of milk,
  • 1 bulb,
  • greens,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 50 g of butter,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • black ground pepper to taste
  • salt to taste.

Recipe for pasta casserole:

In the salted water, boiling pasta until 5-7 minutes ready. Cancel pasta on colander, rinse with cold water, add butter and mix so that they do not stick.

While cooking pasta, prepare a mushroom roaster.

Onions finely cut and spasorei on vegetable oil. Grinding mushrooms and add them to Luka. Fucking onions with mushrooms until liquid evaporates, 10 minutes, sustain and pemer.

Cook the milk fill.

Shabby eggs, puffed to them milk, sustain and across the mixture. A pretty bembling of an egg-milk mixture by blender.

Cheese Purity on the grater. Grinding greenery.

In a lubricated vegetable oil, a sovereign to take half of boiled pasta and evenly distributed over the bottom. Then lay out mushroom roasted, sprinkle with greens. From above, the neck is another layer of macaroni.

Bills all milky-egg fill, sprinkle with grated cheese top.

Send a saucepan into the oven preheated to 200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Pasta casserole with mushrooms is ready. Shoot it on the portion pieces and serve hot with a salad or fresh vegetables.

Pleasant FFKUSA!

A cup of coffee or tea, perhaps even a sandwich or the top of perfection - scrambled eggs. Such breakfast every morning is waiting for more than half of the adult population. And someone at all just smokes a cigarette and runs to work. But think about how bad it is for the body - so start a work day!

The fact that the first meal is extremely important, we were told from the small years. But over the years we forget about this capital truth. And we find a lot of excuses. And in vain.

Why the breakfast is so useful

Scientific research proves that breakfast disregard can entail many negative health effects. Such as a reduction in memory, the weakening of creative thinking ability, irritability and anxiety, a decrease in stress resistance, slowing down logical thinking, a drop in view and even fainting. Lack of energy provokes fatigue and apathy. It is only from the side of the nervous system. But also suffers from endocrine, digestive, blood system. The mechanics of the process is extremely simple. Waking up, the body gradually includes all the processes "slower". Blood begins to grow more actively on the vessels, prepare the stomach to prepare for receiving and processing food (after all, the night break in food is about 10-12 hours), enzymes are being developed, the body is preparing to replenish the energy reserves, such a necessary for active and vigorous state.

At night, in the blood of a rather low level of glucose and, accordingly, insulin, as a result of glucose, gradually ceases to flow into the cells, and we feel hunger. If the food intake is not full, and so is a snack by a bun or sweet, then the insulin level increases sharply and remains in the body with fatty sediments, instead of becoming a source of energy for cells. Yes, and hunger will come back very quickly.

A cup of coffee launches and accelerates metabolic processes in the body, just what to exchange, if you have not breakfast? But worse there is a stomach and pancreas. Gastric juice begins to be produced independently of whether you plan or do not plan breakfast. And pancreatic enzymes generally have their own schedule and mood. Especially severe the digestive system is necessary if you prepared a breakfast to a schoolboy child or fed the spouse - the smell of food causes emissions of enzymes, gastric juice, bile and gives the team to the gastrointestinal tract: "We will be now!" And there is no meal, then your unfortunate body will slowly breakfast with its own cells. Gradually, over the years, it leads to ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder and duodenal and pancreatitis. Not to mention the fact that in order to give you the strength to work, create and generally stay on the legs, the body will draw energy at all of the fat deposits on the pope, but will produce vitamins and minerals from personal stocks. That is, hair will suffer, nails, teeth, blood composition and each cell in particular.

But it is important not just to eat, but to pay close attention to the qualitative composition of breakfast. It is necessary to observe the balance according to the formula, respectively: 50% of carbohydrates, 30% of proteins and 20% fat from the daily norm should be obtained from the first meal. Therefore, in the pedestal of honor among the morning menu, complex carbohydrates. They will be split for a long time and, respectively, supply energy longer. This is a coarse bread and porridge from whole cereals, grain cookies or flakes. In second place there will be low-fat dairy products, fish, meat and eggs, and vegetables and fruits closed the top three. Best Morning Drink - Tea or Fresh. Coffee drink closer to dinner, but a bottle of kefir, retain on the side, until the evening.


Oatmeal with "filler"


Green tea

Most likely, at the weekend you visited, allowed themselves to alcohol, a piece of cake and various namianese salads. Or lying on the couch with her beloved husband, beer and chips. Therefore, today is the time to adjust the body on the right and rational nutrition.

Oatmeal, cooked on water, will help bring fresh fat deposits, and its enveloping properties will help the stomach to come to themselves after the mother's Sunday dinner. You can add some milk, salt, butter and sugar to taste. But ideally, pour nuts with nuts (fats and proteins), pieces of fruit or raisins.


Omelet of two eggs

Slice of low-fat boiled meat

A piece of coarse bread

Vegetable salad

Orange fresh

In the morning, as a rule, there is very little time to prepare breakfast, so so that it does not eat and hops, do some blanks in advance. For example, dare to buckhenin (a piece of pork boil in salted water with the addition of a mixture of peppers, carrots and onions, when the pork is ready, put meat in a bowl, and it is still hot, put it with a pressure of the garlic, put it with spices, cover, and wrapped in a towel, leave It is usually a piece of 0.5 kg for two or three breakfasts for the whole family.

Cabbage and carrots lie down and sprinkle from the evening, slightly press and put in the refrigerator. In the morning there will be only to add tomato cucumber and seasoned with vegetable oil. Many also add an apple to such a salad - experiment on health!


Cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream


Tea with honey

Cheesers in general themselves are the embodiment of the right breakfast - and tasty, and useful. But you can make cheesens not only sweet. Try to add chopped greens finely chopped in salted cottage cheese, and grate the cheese on top of the cheese - home will be difficult because of the table to work or to school.


Buckwheat in any performance



Tea or juice

The fact that buckwheat is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements has been proven for a long time. Yes, and after oatmeal, she is the best morning porridge. It can be prepared with milk and slightly sweeten with honey, you can use as a side dish to scrambled eggs or a fish-meat dish, or try to make the Greens! Add a little mashed potatoes into boiled buckwheat, egg, salt and mix this mass. And then blind small cutlets, cut break in flour and send to the hot frying pan.

And the bananas have their own secret, he is calorieen and, therefore, will give the body a lot of energy, but if you know that energy and high performance will need it in 3-4 hours, and you will not be able to eat - eat a greenish banana in the morning. It will turn longer to digest, respectively and energy you will get later. In addition, bananas supply the organism with serotonin, which helps to relax and raises the mood.


Hot toast with cheese

Boiled egg

Vegetable salad

Fruit Fresh.

Variations on vegetable salads are endless. One of the simple and most useful in the morning, a beet salad is considered to be a beet salad, which not only replenishes the body with vitamins, but also improves the peristaltics, launches metabolic processes. No wonder this salad is an integral part of diets and school canteens. Boiled beets Stit on the grater, add some prunes and walnuts, salt and mix with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.


Domestic scrambled eggs

Embosed with pumpkin honey


Green tea

Big plus scrambled eggs is that it easily transfers the neighborhood with a lot of variety of products. Add a piece of bacon slices, sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes and bell peppers, slices of cheese and sprinkle with parsley - delicious and aesthetic. A piece of white bread will become a pleasant accompaniment of such breakfast.

The utility of pumpkins is now talking about, therefore, turn it on at least as a dessert. In a small saucepan, put slices of pumpkin, sliced \u200b\u200bapple, a little lemon zest, a spoonful of honey and pour all 0.5 glasses of water. After 15 minutes of extinguishing you, there is a great and useful delicacy.


On this day, most of us remain at home, they are harvesting, help children do lessons, then go for a walk, visit or seek a variety of adventures. For this, you also need a lot of energy. Yes, and Sunday family breakfasts should differ from everyday life. They pass in a more relaxed atmosphere, unlike daily offshore gallop.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit and sour cream

Piece of boiled meat and solid cheeses

Vegetable mix


There is nothing easier than casserole. 0.5 kg of cottage cheese in the fork, add 3-4 tbsp. Spoons sour cream, 1-2 eggs, 0.5 cups of mankey, any fruit sliced, salt-sugar-vanillin in taste. All thoroughly mix and send it in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

In the parent online chat is a stir. Children in the class of the son of Irina began to play "Buy-sell": buy, sell and resell everything in pockets, from the bracelets "from rubberry" to candies and cookies. Trading Big, big discounts like on the "black Friday" - after all, time to make a deal you need to change. Parents immediately dubbed the entertainment of children's "Bazas" and decided that the bazaar in the school walls is not a place, as not the time, they also agreed.

Irina was in the emotional conversation of the parents in a kind of opposition: she timidly reported that in general, he does not consider bad that children would try themselves in business. The main thing is that without crime.

"In the life of an adult money play a very important role. It would be strange to expect that the child does not notice it. And when will it be allowed to pass these simple steps to play with money? In 16 or 18? I expect that the son will already have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow and how much he wants to make money, "she argues.

Irina is an amateur to read the biographies of famous creator people. For example, about the founder of "IKEA", which earned his children's capital on the resale of matches, an adventurist Warren Buffett or the founder of Tony Shey. The latter started an entrepreneurial path at 9 years old, so much now the son of Irina. Parents were calculated that Tony will be an excellent student and a clever, and always supported his entrepreneurial gusts outside the school. On the birthday of his first business (rainwater breeding for sale) Parents Tony Shey invested $ 33. True, the worms did not reproduce the worms on an industrial scale. But the second business is the manufacture of icons, began to bring a hundred dollars to a schoolboy every month throughout the middle and older school. Moreover, a lucky businessman was able to sell it by going to study at the university. But between these two experiments, a schoolboy had a few more trials and mistakes that merciful parents were stolen.

Whether such an approach will work in the upbringing of her son, Irina does not know why it is not in a hurry to actively prove his position in the parent chat. And the dispute, meanwhile, turned a serious. Basically, he concerned the question of pocket expenses and monitor spending.

Arguments "Against" sounded:
  • too much attention, money issues will grow "with dollars in the eyes";
  • if you regularly supply money, the child will become a capricious, spoiled, will not learn how to restrain his desires;
  • the child does not earn money and does not know the price;
  • wear money with me dangerous, you will buy everything!
  • The arguments "for" was less. They sounded like this:
  • let it best spend money under our supervision, it is doing now - it will not be thoughtlessly risks, becoming an adult;
  • the lack of their own money provokes envy to other children. And envy, as is known, leads to poor consequences, up to the theft;
  • the child has the right to money, his parents have the right to them.
  • The spread of opinions in the parent chat reflects the picture of the parental attitude towards the "Children and Money" issue in society as a whole. Market relations in Russia from the force of 25 years, and it is unlikely that one of us has received university education on how to make money, how to contact them how to smoke and invest. Lucky if the parents did not consider that money was dirty and all rich - thieves. In world practice, many studies and experiments have accumulated, which show, from what children and with what education are growing successful people. On the one hand, the attitude towards money and success in finance is only an indicator of the overall development of the person. But through the proper handling of money, this mature personality is formed.

    Let it be spent on nonsense

    Despite the fact that among psychologists and parents, many issues of financial literacy of children have not yet been resolved, there is agreement on the most fundamental issue: children must have their money from a fairly early age - from about six years. Open questions about the amount, periodicity, with which you need to give pocket money. A small child will fully cope with the planning of expenses for a week, the child is older - for a month. Parents can specify a list of purchases that you can spend pocket money (dangerous, harmful). But this list should be minimal, one of Mikhail Labkovsky psychologists today believes. The presence of pocket money allows the child to understand the price of money and things he wants to buy. He can spend everything and immediately on trifles and nonsense, and can sweep a few weeks and buy a big expensive toy (garment, gadget). Parents' right - suggest this path, but do not dictate it.

    The most common opinion among specialists that child assessments, his behavior and other similar factors should not affect pocket money. This is an inviolable reserve of a child who gives him peace of mind and confidence in tomorrow. Parents have other educational levers to response to serious misconduct. In addition, it is impossible to require a report on spent money, as the head may not require a report on where the subordinate spent its salary. By the way, the size of pocket money each family determines independently. Do the experiment - ask the child how much he needs money for a week. This will be another lesson of financial planning.

    Partnership on parity principles

    Overalling with pocket expenditures, children easily disassemble with investment azami. Czech psychologist Hend Mateychek offers parents with children to create a kind of piggy bank, in which the money makes adults and children "on the parity principle." The child has the right to spend money for his needs as a full-fledged participant in accumulations, having previously notified the parents. There is also the next step - a long-term investment to which the family is learning, creating a "fund" for half a year or even a year. The funds of this Foundation are targeted, their family collects on a large thing, which, after the expiration of accumulation, adults and children go to buy together.

    You can go even further and create a kind of foundation for a more adult child (teenager) in the form of an account in the bank. It can be jointly replenished for some big and bright goal - payment of training, travel or even shopping housing during the university study.

    At the following issues in different psychologists, there are different points of view:
    Will it pay for the estimates?
    Will you pay homework?
    Do you pay for reading books? Etc.

    Some psychologists, as mentioned above Labkovsky, express a categorical "no". The rationale is quite simple - the desire to earn money on good estimates and domestic duties replaces the natural motivation - cognitive interest, awareness that there are common interests and needs of the family. Another opinion is not so categorically, but psychologists who hold it are negotiated - a monetary promotion is possible, but only in families with healthy relationships. In such families, monetary motivation will be perceived as a gambling and no more. If there are no close relationships in the family, if the relationship is replaced with money, the "game" will be only with the deposit of parents from children and children from parents.

    But it's amazing, paying for good studies - a useless thing. It was shown large-scale experiments in Chicago, Dallas and New York, where the teachers paid students for read books, dredged tests and so on. An experiment was attended by 27 thousand students from 203 schools. For two years, they were paid a reward of 9.4 million dollars. As a result, it turned out that the results of such students are no better than the guys from the control group that did not receive money for their studies.

    Conversation on souls without hysterical

    Without waiting for six years, - the moment when the child gets his own money in his hands, you need to talk about money with him. To say that money does not appear from the air, an ATM is not a magic box, money is a result of labor, you can not buy everything. All this can be explained even to the very small child. However, as a rule, parents prefer to bypass the topic of money by the party or, on the contrary, sharpen it to emotional: "Do you even know how much it's worth it?!"

    In the matter of money, much more uncomfortable for conversations in what seems to be: why there are poor, whether the luxury is allowed if it is necessary to strive to satisfy all your needs, why someone has more money than with us. Positive and suspended reasoning on these issues give the child confidence that money is not good or bad that this is a need. From such conversations, the child learns that the money may end, is not the end of the world, because a person always has the opportunity to cope with this situation. And flirting with the theme of money or hysterical bursts forcing the child to experience fear for their future and associate the future with the presence or absence of money in principle.

    Economists are also "for" education of a successful child

    Economists and financiers are not indifferent to the issue of financial literacy of children. They agree with psychologists that it is necessary to start learning elementary economic concepts from early childhood. Today it looks awkward when an adult does not distinguish profits from revenue. And for our children, ignorance of such terms will be altogether a sign of uneducation - they still grew in a completely different economic space. Exchange Mackers Kenneth Davis and Tom Taylor - the authors of the book "Children and Money", say that it should be started with several particularly important terms:

    "Consumption" - to understand what money sometimes may not be enough and have to choose between alternatives
    "Budget" - for the ability to plan and see the perspective
    "Saving" - for understanding how important it is to get money to get benefits in the future
    "Income" - N for understanding that you need to be able to reasonably risk and take into account competition.

    Moreover, these concepts can be studied in practice. Simple options are games: from "Monopoly" to Freshbiz. More complex options are a workout in reality, for example, the practice of this entrepreneurship. Believe me, every teenager, thought well, calls with a dozen options, how can earn a child of his age.

    A teenager who received a passport can be opened in a bank account and make a debit card for him to enroll his pocket money. To use your own card, planning costs and income (if interest will be accrued to the residue), is a huge pride for a child! In addition, this practice opens a completely new big financial world to the child, in which people truly earn, save and invest money. A teenager begins to understand how this world is arranged, from what risks, and, the main thing, it consists.

    This article we open a series of financial literacy lessons for children who hope will be useful for adults.

    Lesson 1. Personal Financial Balance of the Child

    If you started giving pocket money to children, provide them with a small instruction on their spending. Little children are easier to use a special tablet for a week, and more adults - for a month.

    Hey! These lessons are designed specifically for such as you, young, but already adult children who understand what money from which are full of ideas, how to earn them and, of course, spend! Learn, and you will do it as the best adult financiers and even better!

    Perhaps you see how your parents come to a special application on the phone, where they look at how much they spent this month and what. They say it is needed to keep money "under control". Now you also have money, and you too can "control" them!

    Fill in a notebook or ask parents to print a sign (like that below), fill it out every time you give pocket money when you give them a birthday when you earn them (and suddenly!). And, most importantly, write all your purchases there! Those money that give you is called "income." Those you spend yourself - "Consumption".

    Why do you like such a sign? To know what needs you have. Accuming several such tablets for 2, 3 or 4 months, you can figure out what the budget you have and what are the expenses in it. Knowing what your money goes to, you can manage them - refuse unnecessary spending and accumulate money for the necessary. For example, on the prefix or class photo. How to save faster, consider with you in the next lesson!


    1. Never start a conversation about money early with children. For example, as soon as the child calmed down after the next presentation in the store with the exclamations "Buy !!!". Start standing with the fact that money is the result of labor.
    2. The child must have their money - this is an axiom with which all psychologists agree. The best age for the start - six years. We define how much money and when the child gets, to which he cannot spend them and ... all. Pocket money is an inviolable stock of the child, in which he trains to be independent, increasing self-confidence and acquires spending skills, loss of money and their savings.
    3. Interest in the world of finance for the child is natural, because his parents live in this world. There is nothing terrible that the child is trying to make money - he does the same as you. Help to ensure the safety of this activity is the task of the parent.
    4. The issue of money is much more important in the life of an adult and child than it seems. For our attitude to money - predier prejudice and personal problems. Successful people characterize a calm attitude towards money. But, in turn, the correct handling of finances helps in raising a healthy personality. Here is a small library that can help adults and children in this matter: "Children and Money", Evgeny Breakvka; Blog on, Leonid Berkhid; "How to teach a child to handle money", Jolain Godfrey; "People and money", Anna Fenko; "Make your children successful", Dmitzh Rogers.

    What traits are needed for a happy life, how to educate a successful child - parents often ask for psychologists.

    Of course, sociability, determination, responsibility, initiative, dedication, the power of the will will help to become a child successful. But is it possible to immediately bring up all the listed features? Will the result be the same as in the Basna I. Krylova "Swan, Cancer and Pike"?

    What features of the character need to bring up first of all, and they already use, tighten the rest?

    Maybe special attention to pay curiosity, try to diversify your favorite child? After all, they say that you need to have time to seven years old in the child as much as possible, then he will grow successful. Therefore, moms and dads begin intensively in a voluntarily compulsory order, that is, thanks to every promises, tempting stories, from the small years to drive a child on various circles, sports sections, record music and art schools. And he is obliged to be the first to show the best results. And how otherwise, this is your child!

    And all this is done by parents, naturally, from the best motives. This is now the time of education. In two years - to read, in three freely operate with mathematical actions. How is your child for four years already, and he does not study mental mathematics? And in English (German, French) does not say? Are you behind the time you think about? And parents under pressure from public educational psychosis take off the unfortunate child from interesting games and record everywhere - just in case, to do not miss something, in something not retard from the neighboring Vani, Tanya, Petit.

    As a result, the child is so redennounced by various information, requirements, orders, which does not want to do anything, not to play, cannot focus on one thing, has not learned to bring it to a logical completion.

    Maybe pay special attention to the development of the ability to learn, independently find the necessary information, assimilate it and apply it? Yes, the child will be smart, even, perhaps, superal, but will it be able to find applying his outstanding knowledge, skills, skills? The books concluded all the wisdom of mankind, but knowledge, if they are not used in any way, do not have much importance for a prosperous future child.

    Maybe a paramount task to raise initiative? But no responsibility, mind, the ability to communicate and other important character traits such a quality can lead to completely unpredictable results.

    And sociability? Skills Easily find a common language with others are very valuable, but you can talk about trifles for hours.

    Life shows that, most likely, the most important for becoming a strong, intelligent, holistic, successful personality is the ability to set goals and achieve them. Therefore, first of all, you need to raise the dedication and power of will in the child.

    To teach an effective, effective, working for the benefit of the goal is not easy. If only because the tasks that were outlined should be meaningful for the child himself. Otherwise, it will be performed only under the moral pressure of adults, without understanding the meaning of the requirements for it. Why should he do it? A similar question is a favorite child can deliver at any time, quite unexpectedly for adults who naively believed that everything is clear, transparent.

    Such a child's reaction is completely natural. For example, parents are convinced that it is necessary to learn. And why in a hurry, if the same parents argue that it is necessary to learn all (!) Life, especially at school, what to learn is never late, and you can, let's get out of school after the ninth grade, get a vocational education, work, and then If you understand what you want to know and be able to be more, you can enter the university. It is necessary to clearly explain to the child that school learning is the necessary step for a prosperous future, short starting overclocking for a successful result. And the ability to completely concentrate only on studies, the development of their talents will never introduce him again.

    In addition, the goal should be concrete not only in the wording, desired by results, but also determined in time. It is necessary to accustom to count and appreciate your time. For example, a non-disabilities for any person - to learn in school for ten years a foreign language, and as a result, do not associate two words in the right sentence. At the same time, for hours to sit on household tasks in a foreign language. The child has a feeling of infinity and the uselessness of this process. Suggest to put a goal: over the year to pass through the level and as an objective verification to take a serious international exam. Then let him independently consider the path of execution of the intended purpose qualitatively and on time: what will help him - courses, tutors, independent lessons, how long and what days he can do, how to improve the surveyed skills (listening to discs, watch movies in a foreign language, rewrite by email with a native speaker and communicate with him on Skype, etc.)

    What will it give? The child learns to put the goal, develop a plan for its achievement, mobilizes the power of will, doing. He sees the result and feels himself. If you take the same example with the study of a foreign language, it can freely communicate at the studied language, in a foreign language lessons always correctly and quickly responds and homework performs in a few minutes - and therefore, to all other things, and time has been released for other occupations, rest .

    The goal of not five in a quarter / year in mathematics, as the estimates are often very subjective to the teacher, and the thorough understanding of the essence of the material being studied. And then it is not so important, the Four is set or a triple, valuablely indescribably sweet feeling of freedom, the lack of a humiliating fear that you will not cope with an example, the task.

    If the child knows how to put effective goals and he has enough will to achieve them, then such features as sociability, initiative, responsibility are also developing in parallel. Including and mercy, the ability to empathize, understand another person - after all, we learn to set goals that in no case should not bring harm to anyone. Without all these qualities it is impossible to quickly reach the heights.

    If you have a different point of view and it is confirmed by real examples from life, write.