Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups. Overcoming resistance, or how to ensure psychological comfort Women's team. Problems and difficulties of working in a women's team

We spend most of our time at work, and we see colleagues more often than relatives. It is very important that the work brings true pleasure, otherwise everything will come out in a bad mood and health problems.

What is necessary for psychological comfort at work?

1. Team!

It takes a real team to have a good mental attitude at work. If you wake up every morning with the thought that today you can get a stone in the back from a colleague, you are unlikely to have the incentive to work. It turns out that a person is under emotional stress all day long, and uses all his strength and energy to protect himself, and not to perform certain tasks.

It is very important to come to work and experience an optimistic environment.

Advice to managers: It is worth immediately stopping all possible occurrences of gossip, up to and including deprivation of bonuses, and also smoothing out rough edges between employees through negotiations.

2. Compatibility

For psychological comfort at work, there must be some compatibility between employees. For example, similarity in certain principles, way of life, characters and temperaments. Then it will be much easier to come to a common denominator when resolving professional issues.

Advice: An experienced manager should talk to a person once to understand whether he can join the established team or not. There are also special tests, by completing which you can accurately find out about a person’s character, his position in life, etc.

3. I am part of a team

It is very important for every person to feel their importance; only then does a feeling of psychological comfort come at work. When a person feels valuable, he wants to move mountains and jump above his head.

Advice: You can increase an employee’s self-esteem and his status in the eyes of colleagues with the help of a separate (small) task. In addition, with its help you can reveal the hidden reserves of a person.

The above criteria are very important for feeling psychological comfort at work. If they are followed, the employee will be more productive!


Everyone would like to find a job where they pay well, the team is pleasant, there is no overtime, and the entire social package is available. Such information is indicated in almost 99% of resumes on various job search resources. But employers offer fewer benefits, but many requirements with little pay. Of course, it is also important for them to find a suitable candidate, and also to achieve high productivity with minimal effort on their part.

Positive sentiment among employees always has a positive impact on the work process and productivity.

Large companies successfully apply the principle of working with employees not only to improve their skills, but also to normalize the psychological climate in the team. Unfortunately, many medium and small companies do not pay attention to this problem, which becomes the cause of many difficulties.

Psychological climate in the team. Basic Concepts

We will try to explain the concept of psychological climate in a team. Another name is socio-psychological climate or SPC. This is a general, somewhat stable, psychological mood of the team of one company, which manifests itself in various types of activities.

A normal atmosphere in a company always has a positive effect not only on the psychology of each employee, but also on other indicators of the company. If the climate is positive, then the following signs stand out:

trust between colleagues and in superiors;
feeling of stability, security;
general willingness to cope with difficulties;
pleasant interaction between employees;
sympathy and support between employees;
confidence, attention;
willingness to compromise;
acceptable free-thinking;
desire to develop.

In the opposite state of affairs, negative consequences arise, which may even be irreversible.

Factors influencing the psychological climate in a team

Certain factors are identified that influence the psychological climate in the team. They are able to make it negative and positive. It is important to include sanitary and hygienic conditions: lighting, room size, comfort level of the work place, temperature, etc.

Another factor is the leader himself. If a person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, is responsible for his work, and has positive qualities, then he will become an example for employees.

To create a normal climate in the team, it is important for the manager to select people with a certain type of temperament for work, so that they fit together. Compatibility in age and experience is also important.

Social tension in the organization. Strategies to reduce

Now there are many approaches and principles to reduce social tension in an organization, that is, to create a positive psychological climate among employees. These goals include the following actions:

When forming a team, it is important for a company to take into account the psychological compatibility of people. Depending on the goals, a combination of different types of temperament and character is required. In many situations, a group with people of the same type of character turns out to be almost unworkable. For example, if you gather only workers who are not capable of initiative and are waiting for constant instructions from above, or only those who are accustomed to giving commands;

If there are tensions among employees, it is important to understand their cause and find ways to solve and eliminate the problem.

it is important to observe the optimal selection, placement, certification and training of managers;
establish an acceptable limit on the number of employees who report to one boss (5-7);
monitor the absence of unnecessary vacancies and workers. Excessive and insufficient number of employees causes team instability. The ground is being created for the development of conflicts and tensions due to the desire of different candidates to occupy a position and receive promotions. Another reason is the unevenness of the workload, which occurs when there are extra workers;
It is important to rely in your work on the most active and, i.e. unofficial leaders who enjoy the trust of other employees;
control of the processes of organizing the substantive components of the climate (values, norms, rules, expectations, general mood and opinion);
prevent and find a way out of conflicts between individuals;

use social and psychological methods that contribute to the development of employees’ skills of effective understanding and interaction among themselves (involve employees by example, use training, business games, methods of persuasion, etc.).

Experts have developed many psychological and social ways to create a positive climate in a team. Among them it is important to highlight:

Body psychotherapy. It is based on an understanding of the close relationships between phenomena in physiology and psyche. Especially on the fact that personality traits are noticeable in gestures and movements. Such psychotherapy is manifested in the creation in the company of rooms for unloading the psyche, booths with mannequins of managers (to release negative feelings, etc.);
Art therapy. This technology is based on the fact that the inner “I” of people manifests itself in visible images when a person creates paintings, sculptures, draws, without thinking about his own work, in other words, spontaneously. The materials obtained in the process of dealing with the group provide a chance to identify levels of aggression and other negative feelings, contribute to resolving conflicts and establishing connections between employees. Art therapy is used in the field of occupational therapy and community rehabilitation;
Skills training group. This group is classified as a behaviorist branch of psychology. The approach to work is based on a training model, setting goals, defining and assessing behavior. The example is “confidence training” groups. This teaches career planning skills, decision making, developing skills to cope with stress and improving social interaction skills.

Managers select the most suitable methods for building relationships for their own team.

Many other methods and trainings have been invented that are aimed at creating a positive climate among employees. Today, some companies employ psychologists. They organize psychological games, tests, and conduct classes with employees. Some companies invite such specialists from outside. This, of course, has a positive effect on the psychological and social climate.

How to improve the psychological climate in a team

In order to understand how to improve the psychological climate in a team, it is important to follow some schemes:

Remember that it is easier for people to focus on work if they have the ability to control their environment. Let them set up their own workspaces. This way a person becomes freer, and the number of internal conflicts in the team decreases;
It’s nice for employees to understand that something depends on them too. Even if it’s choosing a calendar for your desk at work. The main thing is that it puts people in a positive mood and gives additional incentives to work. You will notice that the returns will be much greater. Workers should not be placed into too strict a framework, although some dress code is still required to maintain discipline;

That employees need to communicate with each other. A ban on this will cause a decrease in labor efficiency, suppress people, and cause a split in society. Such an environment will not help to unite and develop mutual understanding at work. Therefore, it is important to create a friendly atmosphere;
In addition, you can create something like a canteen, where employees can have lunch together and communicate on abstract topics. In addition, arrange tables at work places so that everyone feels in the center. No one should be singled out, otherwise there is a chance of conflicts;

To normalize the climate, it is important to let employees participate in the organization of the work process and feel involved in the main mechanisms of the company.

It is also important to let employees feel that the office is not only a workplace. It is worth organizing informal events here: team building, corporate events, etc. Conducting collective training seminars also promotes team cohesion. And if you allow people to celebrate birthdays in the office, the atmosphere at work will be filled with ease and ease, and performance will certainly rise.

Thus, to achieve the norms of a positive psychological climate, special training is required, the use of suitable methods and schemes for organizing the labor process.

January 20, 2014, 11:38

We create psychological comfort in the office

The team is the most important component of any company. The efficiency and, consequently, the well-being of the company often depends on the efficiency and cohesion of employees. But in order for a person to work effectively, it is necessary to create conditions for this. A high salary does not guarantee a good return if the employee cannot get ready for work. In this regard, the issue of psychological comfort in the office becomes particularly relevant. It depends on many factors, including the interior of the office space, its color, the light in it and other issues related to the arrangement of the workplace. Our article will tell you how to provide employees with psychologically comfortable conditions for working in the office.

Smart color - a helper from troubles

The design of an office can be different - it depends on the specialist who designs it, on the architectural features of the premises, and on the scope of the company’s activities. For example, advertising agencies often have creative, unusual interiors; for a bank they often choose discreet, confidence-inspiring classics; and for companies specializing in children's products, an office designed in the style of a cozy apartment is quite suitable. But whatever design you choose, pay special attention to the color scheme. In skillful hands, it can become a fairly powerful tool for influencing a person’s psychological state. In particular, it is realistic to correct some shortcomings that reduce the performance of employees.

So, for example, if the office is constantly hot and stuffy, for the interior you need to use shades of cool colors - blue, cyan, violet, gray. This will create a feeling of coolness. If the sun rarely peeks into the workroom, it makes sense to opt for warm colors - orange, yellow, pink, beige... Such colors will add light and warmth.
Please note that some colors are quite aggressive irritants; you need to be very careful with them. Intense yellow, for example, can be unsettling. At the same time, its moderate use in the interior increases creative activity.
Violet is also dangerous - its effect on the psyche is manifested in a decrease in physical activity and performance, and it contributes to the manifestation of a depressed state.

The most aggressive color is red. It increases irritability and can cause fatigue. In addition, the predominance of red in the design visually makes the room smaller, which also adversely affects the overall perception of the office.
White, black and gray are considered neutral; it is important that their combination is harmonious and not very colorful.

The main thing is to sit comfortably

The workplace for an employee means no less than the interior as a whole. A modern person spends most of the day in the office, and there, in turn, is mostly at the workplace. Therefore, it is very important that it is comfortable: without being distracted by small things and without feeling discomfort, it is easier to get into a working mood.

First of all, pay attention to the location of workstations in the office. Too small a distance between them (less than 40 centimeters) will have a bad effect on performance, because the so-called personal space will be affected - a place that a person on a subconscious level perceives as “his own” and has a negative attitude towards those who invade it. However, a distance of more than 3 meters is also undesirable: this will create an atmosphere of irresponsibility, because employees will be able to freely engage in extraneous matters. And if team work is required, it will not be possible to achieve sufficient cohesion among team members. The optimal “step” between workstations is 1.5 meters, the so-called friendly distance (its minimum size is arm’s length).
Next is the workplace itself. Here we again encounter the concept of “personal space”. A person needs it to feel safe, concentrate on work, and abstract from distracting noises. Therefore, it is advisable to isolate each workplace from the general office. This is often done with the help of furniture: cabinets and shelving are placed on both sides of the table. The solution is not always successful, because in this way you can deprive the employee of the opportunity to contact colleagues. Meanwhile, it is important that, if desired, a person can easily exchange a few words with a neighbor or turn to those working in the same room for advice. So there needs to be a balance. According to many experts involved in the design of work premises, one of the successful solutions to this problem is office partitions.

If you want to create a completely enclosed space, it is better to use stationary office partitions (they act as solid walls). If you just need to separate the desks of employees, you can opt for mobile office partitions: they allow you to limit visual contact between employees, but do not prevent them from communicating with each other if necessary. The advantage of these structures is that, if desired, the partitions can be made to any height.

If partitions are placed between workplaces, it is advisable to make them from the floor (so as not to see the neighbor’s feet) and to the height of human growth, says Anna Gurevich, psychologist, general director of the training company “Knowledge and Skills”. – In this case, a balance is maintained between “personal” and “public.”

There is another option for delineating workspaces – desktop screens,” notes Yuri Nikitin, head of the sales department of the studio of office systems and technologies “Astarta Prestige”. “They can be made of solid glass, which allows not only to create an individual space for an employee, but also to emphasize the aesthetics of the interior and give it lightness.
But it’s not enough to give each employee a personal place, you need to make it comfortable. It is important to arrange furniture, office equipment and reference materials so that it is convenient for a person to work. There is an unspoken rule: everything that may be needed should be at arm's length - this will avoid unnecessary movements and fuss.

Let there be light!

Lighting is of paramount importance for both employee health and psychological well-being. Natural light, of course, is healthier and is perceived much better, so it should be used to the maximum. It’s good if the office has large windows facing the sunny side. However, often there is not enough light, but it is possible to optimize the use of natural light using, for example, office partitions.

If you use frame partitions with glass panels or all-glass systems, you can do without artificial lighting for a longer time,” explains Yuri Nikitin, Astarta Prestige company. “Transparent material allows the sun’s rays to pass through without preventing them from penetrating even the most remote corners of the office.

But these tricks, of course, are not enough to ensure the required level of comfort, so an office cannot do without lamps. And in order to ensure that the vision and psyche of office employees are not in danger, it is necessary to follow several simple rules.
Firstly, artificial lighting should be two-level: general and local. Each employee needs an autonomous light source. This will avoid shadows and glare (which are distracting and have a bad effect on vision), and will also help create psychological comfort: with the help of a light field, you can seem to separate yourself from other people, which allows you to better concentrate your attention. The “personal” lighting concept is now quite popular, which has given rise to new products in this area. Thus, a number of companies producing office furniture offer special designs in which lamps are already built-in. For example, there are tables with two light bulbs of different directions in the housing. They are also convenient because they allow you to achieve unity in design and improve the aesthetic perception of the workplace.

Secondly, artificial light should be uniform and soft. To do this, you can use either indirect lighting (lamps are directed upward, the rays are reflected from the ceiling) or direct light installations (mounted in the ceiling, using fluorescent or halogen lamps).

Human factor

But no effort to organize a convenient office will be of any use if employees cannot find contact with each other and work well together. Of course, intragroup connections largely depend only on the people themselves, but certain steps can be taken to optimize this process.
Proper distribution of jobs will smooth out potential conflicts. Observe your employees, determine who is more sociable and who is reserved. You should not put a talker and a silent person next to each other - the presence of an antipode will only cause dull discontent. This will be especially critical if collaboration is required.

Joint celebrations of holidays, birthdays, corporate parties, outings - all this helps to better get to know the people with whom you work in the office. It is at such informal meetings that personal relationships are most often established. Having received pleasant impressions from communicating with a colleague, a person strives to transfer the positive to business contacts. This will facilitate team interaction, eliminate possible conflicts and lead to the group of employees truly becoming a team. -

We have looked at the most important points that you should pay attention to when creating a favorable psychological environment in the office. By taking these nuances into account, you will increase the level of comfort in the work space, which in turn will lead to an increase in the productivity of employees. And as a result, the company’s income will increase.

Alexander Mayorov
based on materials from the press service of the company "Astarta Prestige"

During the interview you are asked how important a friendly team is to you. What is the best answer to such a question from a recruiter? Experts comment on your possible answers.

“Yes, this allows you not to be distracted by trifles and work more productively”

1. A person says that he is a workaholic, ready to always work for results. A good option, because in addition to a direct answer to the question about the importance of psychological comfort in a team, the applicant also mentioned his interest in the work. However, it may seem that he is too eager to please the recruiter.

2. One can argue with such a statement. As a rule, more often the opposite happens: the closer the relationship between colleagues, the more distracted they become. Here it is better to say that a normal psychological climate creates comfortable conditions for work.

“Of course, it’s impossible to work without this”

1. The answer is good because of its frankness: the applicant says what he thinks. He mentions his emotions, mood and expectations from the future team.

2. The phrase “It’s impossible to work without this” raises certain doubts: such a statement is too categorical. Such harsh assessments speak of the character of a person who perceives the world around him according to the principle “either good or bad.”

3. It would be nice to explain why the climate in the team is so important from the applicant’s point of view. After all, the HR manager wants to hear a fairly detailed answer in order to assess what exactly the candidate considers important for himself and whether the company can provide him with such conditions.

“I am able to get along with any team”

1. The recruiter will have to ask new questions to understand the applicant. What is behind such a self-confident answer? Perhaps the person is lying or it seems to him that he gets along well with others simply because he himself does not notice conflicts. Or maybe he really is able to get along with any team thanks to his ability to get around sharp corners.

2. The situation is quite probable: there are employees who have the necessary communication experience. Such a person can find the key to any employee and even over time become an informal leader of the team. To understand the applicant, the recruiter needs to compare this answer with the candidate's answers to other questions.

3. This is not entirely true. There are very few such people. The candidate overestimates himself to some extent. Not the greatest answer.

“I don’t care who surrounds me, the main thing is that they don’t interfere with my work”

1. This answer immediately tells us who we are in front of: this is a single person, an employee focused only on results, who does not care about relationships with colleagues at all. Therefore, if a recruiter is looking for a team person for a company, such an applicant will not suit him.

2. The candidate shows his isolation from the team and his focus on individual results and work. This is not suitable for all companies or all positions.

“What, do you have an unfriendly team in your company?”

1. The applicant uses a defense question. This answer indicates that the person is thinking through the situation and is inclined to defend himself. This position may indicate either a greatly low self-esteem of the candidate, or his past problems: perhaps he has already experienced conflicts, and now he is afraid to face new ones.

2. This is a kind of “hitting”. In fact, such a question is logical, but the wording should be changed: first give an answer about your attitude to the psychological climate in the team, and at the end of the statement ask what prompted the recruiter’s question. It would be nice to justify your interest: to say that awareness of the team will help the candidate prepare in advance, adapt faster to a new place and avoid mistakes.

3. Answering a question with a question is not the best way. It is better to demonstrate your own sound position and show the importance of climate and relationships in the unit.

“No, it’s not important, I leave my emotions at home”

1. This is an absolute lie, the person is clearly disingenuous. Each of us has emotions, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to constantly restrain them. For the applicant, such an answer is undesirable, and the recruiter should make attempts to help the candidate open up, win him over and get more truthful explanations.

2. It is impossible to leave emotions at home; they will still be present, and underestimating such a factor can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Based on materials from Trud