Three sewing secrets: hem, folds, dyeing. Processing folds and pintucks in garments

1. Convenient way to hem

How to achieve an even hem of products? Very simple!

You can make the blanks yourself, or you can use the sample for straight hem! You just have to print and use in sewing!

How to make uniform and even patch pockets using stencils

With their help, it is not a problem to open a flat pocket. And if you make such templates from not thick cardboard, then there will be no problems with ironing.

Curved Hem Stencil

You can print the template or redraw it onto cardboard and use

2. Folds in the fabric: a fork to the rescue!

This is how our grandmothers sewed! It will take very little time to work and a non-standard tool: the FORK.

This is done on "3 accounts":

1. We put the fork in the starting position: 1 prong on top of the fabric, the rest - under it.

2. The palm of the left hand lies on the fabric and holds it, now we turn the fork around the axis. The axis is a single tooth. Half-turn movement from bottom to top away from you. The photo shows what should happen.

3. Holding the warehouse with your left hand, pull the plug out of the fabric with your right hand. We straighten the resulting warehouse and fix it with a tailor's pin.

On my sample, the indent was measured from the INNER fold line of the previous warehouse and was equal to the width of the fork + 0.5 cm.

Photo 4: this is how it looks in finished form.

Depending on the model, the availability and properties of the fabric, you can place the folds denser or less often, and also "unfold" them in the other direction. Continue to fold in until you reach the desired width of the fabric.
Now you can sew!

Note # 1: This method is suitable: for fabrics that are smooth in texture, pile-free, non-bouclé for light and medium-heavy fabrics ideal for folk, stage, theatrical costumes, children's clothing, interior items

Note # 2: Which way the warehouses are directed depends on whether the left or right prongs of the fork are on top of the fabric in the starting position. And also on whether you will turn the fork towards yourself or away from you. The width of the warehouse can be changed using forks of different widths. You can replace the fork with a self-made template made of thick cardboard - a rectangle of the desired width with 3 slots and 4 "teeth".

3. Tissue staining with fucorcin

Fukortsin (Castellani paint). Liquid of bright crimson color. In combination with brilliant green it gives a black-blue color. If necessary, fucorcin can be discolored with a saturated solution of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Composition and form of release: The solution contains boric acid 0.8 hours, pure phenol 3.9 hours, resorcinol 7.8 hours, acetone 4.9 hours, basic fuchsin 0.4 hours, ethyl alcohol 95% 9 , 6 hours, distilled water up to 100 hours; in vials of 10 ml.

Fukortsin stains the fabric instantly. The longer the fabric is kept in the dye solution, the more saturated and darker the color becomes. When preparing a coloring solution, everything depends on the material to be painted and the desired color saturation. When I dyed a T-shirt (100% cotton) and a bag (contains acrylic), I used about 5 liters. water for 10 ml. fukortsin.

If the color of the solution is not saturated enough and you want to add more dye, then you need to remove the thing to be painted from the container with the dye and add the required amount of fucorcin. Without doing this, the thing can be stained (and not completely, but with spots) in a dark, even brown color, and then not a single chlorine-containing and aspirin-containing solution will wash off (it happened for me).

Harmoniously used folds they are able not only to emphasize the merits and disguise figure flaws, but also add sophistication and sophistication to a product with any cut. We will look at the most commonly used types of folds, and discuss options for their use in working with various products.

Divide types of folds into two main ones: classic folds with reinforcement stitches and simple narrow folds or pinches.

Master class 1.

Classic fold options are actively used in the design of free parts of skirts, jackets, blouse sleeves. In Figure 1.0, from left to right: bow, counter and one-sided folds.

It should be borne in mind that classic folds can be either ironed or loose. When working with free (not ironed) folds, steam the product, it is most convenient to do this on a mannequin. It is better to iron the folds through a loose fabric or paper.

The material for ironed folds should be chosen not too light, preferably not wrinkled, so that it can keep a given shape, while volatile, soft fabrics are more suitable for free folds. Do not fold any type of crease on thick, pile or heavy fabrics - the crease will not hold and you will not achieve the desired effect.

Main types classic folds (drawing 1.0):

1. One-sided folds (all facial folds are directed either to the right or to the left).

2. Bilateral counter fold (front folds are directed towards each other).

3. Bilateral bow fold (front folds are directed in different directions).

4. Multilayer (fan) fold.

1. Unilateral folds ... For a simple one-sided fold, set aside twice the fold depth on the fabric. For example, take a fold 3 cm deep (drawing 1.1), respectively, the required processing margin is 6 cm.

In the drawing: line 1 - a line that defines the location of the stitched section of the fold; line 2 - front fold line; line 3 - purl line.

Fold processing technology (drawing 1.2):

1) fold the part along line 3 with the front side inward;

2) we sweep the fold along the entire length;

3) we grind the fold with a vertical stitch along line 2 to the specified area (the place where the fold opens from the front side), (the sewing points are indicated in the drawing in red);

4) extend the line to line 3 of a straight or circular line;

5) remove the basting.

Figure 1.1 shows options for reinforcement stitches.

For stable fabrics, you can use a straight or diagonal bind line, while for unstable, moving fabrics, a round stitch that can withstand more stretch will work. It is not necessary to continue the fastening line with a vertical line, but it should be borne in mind that on the front side it will give you a vertical straight line, which will especially emphasize the silhouette on products made of monochromatic materials. An example is the trimming of a black women's jacket in Figure 1.4.

2. Counter folds.

A two-sided opposite fold is formed by two one-sided folds, the front folds of which are directed towards each other.

1) sweep, and then sew on the seamy side two folds along the lines of the front fold to the specified area;

2) Spread out the pleat allowances at equal distances from the stitching and secure each fold separately with a reinforcement stitch.

For better stability of the fabric, this fold can be fixed in the place of the greatest stretch with additional adhesive material (drawing 1.3).

Figure 1.5 shows the design of the cuff of a women's blouse using several opposite folds.

3. Bow folds.

Bilateral bow folds are formed by two unilateral folds, the front folds of which are directed away from each other.

1) sweep, and then sew on the front side two folds along the seamy fold lines to the specified area;

2) spread the allowances of the folds at equal distances from the stitch and stitch in the edge of each, as shown in drawing 1.4.

It is also possible to sew this fold as two one-sided seams separately to avoid knit seams, but it will be necessary to sew reinforcement stitches in this case.

4. Fan folds.

A fan fold is formed by several folds superimposed on each other. Such a fold can be performed both in the form of a bow and in the form of an opposite fold. Figure 1.2 shows an opposite fan fold, it is performed identically to a simple counter fold.

It is important to remember that such folds should only be made from thin fabrics due to their multi-layered nature. These folds look best on volatile fabrics such as silk, satin.

On the sample, a fan fold is made of only two folds superimposed on each other, pay attention to how tight the knot is at the place of the fabric divergence! (Figure 1.3) Such folds must be fixed with a stitch and preferably with an adhesive cloth. To reduce the density of the material in places above the divergence of the fabric, you can reduce its amount in steps, removing 1.5-2 cm with each fold (drawing 1.5)

Remember that all types of folds must be made before sewing the main parts of the product!

Like all great works of art, classic folds are always fashionable and always relevant.

Master class 2.

Simple narrow pleats or tucks are much easier to make than classic pleats, and often complement the product just as effectively. Defining a clear line, the tuft turns the most uncomplicated form into an exclusive piece.

Figure 2.0 shows a woman's blouse with a simple pattern. The cut is quite loose, but at the same time several vertical tucks are emphasized and visually elongate the figure.

Simple folds are made from almost any fabric, except very thick, fleecy and heavy. Such folds look great both on dense materials (linen, cotton) and on volatile materials (silk, satin).

Like classic folds, the pintucks are made of any width, depending on the author's intention (Figure 2.1 shows the different sizes of the pintucks: 12, 5 and 1mm), the distance between them also varies at your discretion.

Let's make a simple fold 5mm wide using drawing 2.1. It is necessary to set aside double the fold size - 10mm.

lines 1, 3 - lines defining the location of the stitched section of the fold; line 2 - front fold line;

1) fold the fabric along line 2 with your face out;

2) Sweep the fold along the entire length along line 1 (3);

3) if you are working with a light, flying fabric, lay pencil paper or tracing paper along the entire length of the fold, and grind the fold;

4) remove the basting and paper.

Simple folds, just like the classic ones, do not have to be ironed out, even in cases when you use a series of pintucks, you can lay them on one side, or you can leave them free.

Master class 3.

The decorative use of folds is a very exciting process and, most importantly, leads to spectacular finds. We will try to perform several not the most difficult options for combining different folds - and you will surely get carried away and come up with much more complex and effective options!

1. Folds.

First, let's try to use a series of simple folds (tucks) 5mm wide, spaced 4mm apart (Figure 2.2). It is important to know: if you are making folds from dense fabrics (linen, teak), the main fabric will be knitted together, so for trial options it is better to take thin cotton, and for those who know how to work with it, silk.

1) make several marks on the main canvas with pins or a basting at a distance of about 5 cm - at these distances we will make bends, so it is important that they do not get too close to each other (otherwise the material will deform);

2) smooth the folds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mark in one direction, sweep;

4) repeat operation 2) and 3) until the end of the folds;

5) Re-stitch the sour cream patches and remove the basting.

Thus, we get a spectacular detail that can be used both as a decoration for clothing items, and as a piece of applied art (for example, for decorative pillows, furniture covers, potholders, etc.)

Figure 2.3 shows the options for using folds on folds of different widths and for different purposes.

From bottom to top: The first option duplicates the one described above using 3mm wide pleats.

In the second version, an even number of folds is used, for example, four. We mark several 10 cm segments, opposite the marks, smooth out two folds on one side, two on the other, and sweep them away.

We put new marks in the middle of each segment, then we connect two folds in the middle, sweep with one stitch and stitch in the same way. This option demonstrates the ability to obtain a geometric pattern using soft fabric.

The third option is made of three folds 12mm wide, spaced 5mm apart.

We smooth each fold in the place of the required bend 3-5mm, sweep it and cover it with one line. Large folds create a soft line on the garment, but they often require additional decoration. It is enough to make one or two of these folds along the entire length of the folds - and add zest to your product.

2. Combined folds.

Combining classic and simple folds of small width, complemented by folds, you can get very interesting options for decorative folds. Figure 2.4 shows the simplest option.

To complete it, it is necessary to make a bow fold, not using reinforcing stitches, but on the sides of it, at a distance of 2-3 cm, pints with a width of 1-2 mm. Along the entire length of the fold until (!) The material opens, mark with a gap of about 10 cm, unfold the fold, but do not iron it. Sweep across the markings, then sew a fold. Before the fabric is unraveled, the fold will be effectively formed, and the narrow pintucks will accentuate the vertical line defined by the fold.

In Figure 2.5, the opposite fold, only 1 cm wide, is framed on both sides by two 3mm wide pintuckles, and in Figure 2.6, there are two one-sided folds directed to one side, with the same pintucks. Such a simple technique will allow you to arrange a free bottom of a shirt, blouse, skirt, sleeves without a tangible loss of material.

3. Curly folds.

With such folds, you need to be especially careful, and use them only when working with thin materials, moreover, curly folds set an active pattern, so it is not recommended to use a colored fabric with a clear pattern.

Figure 2.7 shows the simplest combination of such folds. For its implementation, it is necessary to make several pints, one end of which is slightly wider than the other (for example, the width of the pint is 10mm at one end, and 1mm at the other).

By arranging such pintucks in a different order and at different distances, we, in fact, set the texture to the material ourselves.

The pintucks widening towards the middle of their length and then tapering again are shown in Figure 2.8. Having made a bend in the place of the widest segment, we get a spectacular design, which is essentially a dart.

Let's also try to make a regular fold with a single stitch. Figure 2.9 shows just such an option.

Remember that when performing this decor, a sufficiently large number of folds (at least five) are required, otherwise small folds will lead to deformation of the fabric.

A single line does not have to be round. Figure 2.10 shows a decorative option using a straight seam. Two simple, non-ironed pleats are laid out at an equal distance from the seam. The line runs along the edge of one of them, then passes at a right angle to the edge of the other, etc.

Thus, on the one hand, the fold is fixed, on the other, it is movable (Figure 2.11). Performed with preliminary marking of the length of the segments and a basting.

The decorative stitches are varied and the choice is almost endless - so be creative and creative!

Master class 4.

Neck finishing blouses with decorative stitching.

Let's see how, using a very simple technique, you can quickly and in an original way turn a simple blouse into a luxurious thing.

Figure 3.1 shows a large jabot neckline of a blouse. There are not so many secrets for the execution of such a detail.

1) the simple cut of the blouse itself is excused by the spectacular fabric, this is natural silk with a bright pattern (the vertical strip remarkably slims and emphasizes the female figure);

2) using horizontal simple folds, we "knock down" the strip at the throat, in fact, getting a cage and emphasis on the upper body;

3) for a competent result, it is necessary to monitor the coincidence of the pattern during the manufacture of a part with folds;

In drawing 3.1, the process of work is shown in stages.

Stage 1. On the finished shelf pattern, mark the location of the intended part. Be careful: you do not need to cut this piece on the fabric!

Stage 2. Transfer the outline of the part to tracing paper. Then we mark the location of future folds - we draw horizontal lines with a step of 2 cm. We cut the pattern along the lines drawn.

Stage 3. Move the parts vertically by a distance equal to the double width of the fold - 2cm, draw around the outer contour of the part, then connect it with straight lines at the breaks.

The pattern of the part is ready.

Now, having cut out a piece of fabric, we make simple folds or tucks using the lines we have outlined.

When working with silk, you need to be especially careful: carefully select the thread and needle for the machine, it is advisable to grind the details through pencil paper or tracing paper, use additional adhesive material in places of the greatest tension of the fabric.

After all the folds have been completed, remove the basting and paper, press the folds down and, if desired, sew with several vertical stitches.

Baste the part along the contour marked on the shelf. With paper underneath, stitch, remove paper and basting.

Make an incision about 11 cm in the middle of the shelf and complete its design (similar to the design of the incision on the sleeve or slot), without forgetting to sew the buttonhole.

Here is a shelf ready for further connection with the rest of the blouse.

Pleats can be done on a variety of items: children's clothes, blouses, shirts, skirts, and even chic wedding dresses. On skirts, stitched folds are formed strictly vertically along the lobar thread. On other products, decorative folds are laid in any direction. The distance between the folds and their width depends on the desired effect and the thickness of the fabric. Sew-on pleats give the same snug effect as darts, un-ironed soft pleats - as much freedom as gathering.

Forms folds outward and inward. To obtain beautiful and even folds, they need to be very scrupulously marked and all lines must be carefully laid. The folds keep a rigid shape, thanks to which the skirt or dress looks stricter and more elegant.

A very narrow form of folds is called tucks. Their width usually does not exceed 3 mm. A decorative effect can be achieved with small changes in width and different spacing between the pintucks.

Cross folds (tucks)

Lines of neat vertical folds (tucks) crossed by horizontal ones are called cross lines. A lattice effect is obtained on the fabric. At the points of intersection, they have double density, and excessive thickness is created. Such pintucks are made on light fabrics.

MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh

Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

Lesson outline. 7th grade.

Lesson topic: Types of folds. Wrinkle processing.

The purpose of the lesson: Learn to process folds, observing the technological sequence of processing, draw up a project.

Lesson objectives:

educational: to repeat the ability to model different styles of skirts; to teach students sequential processing of folds; training in the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; the formation of the ability to set a goal, draw conclusions, evaluate work according to criteria, bring the work started to the end;

developing : develop general skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, sewing machine; graphic thinking, independence, self-confidence; the formation of students' spatial, logical thinking, creative imagination, cognitive interest;

educating: to educate students in the need for knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the work begun, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form the accuracy and accuracy of the work.

Location of the lesson: technology cabinet.

Duration of the lesson: 90 minutes.

Material and technical support of the lesson: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, cotton cloth, needle, thread, tailor's chalk, scissors, sewing machine, ironing board, iron, skirt patterns, instructional technological card.

Methodical and didactic support of the lesson:textbook " Grade 7 technology "(option for girls) edited by V.D. Symonenko, instructional and technological cards "Processing of folds".

Visual material: samples of step-by-step processing of one-sided, counter, bow folds.

Occupation type: combined lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.1 lesson. The purpose of the lesson, which should be achieved: to learn how to handle folds (one-sided), observing the technological sequence of processing, to draw up a project.


  • Checking the readiness of students for the lesson, communicating the work plan.
  • Interviewing students on the material given at home (test).
  • New material. We formulate the topic of the lesson.
  • Practical work.
  • Securing the studied material using the interactive whiteboard.
  • Summing up the results of the lesson.

Work organization method: theoretical part, practical part.

II ... A survey of students on the material assigned to the home.Communication of the purpose of this stage: control of the level of assimilation of the material on the topic "Skirt Modeling". Task: complete an assignment on the topic "Skirt Modeling". The organization method is a test.

Evaluation criteria:

  • "3" - there are two errors in the test answers.

Lead time: 8 minutes. Test address:

TEST "Modeling a skirt"

1. Skirts by design are ...

  • straight, wedge, diagonal
  • tapered, widened, narrowed
  • straight, wedge, tapered

2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken?

  • on the left
  • on the right
  • for any

3. The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined ...

  • hip girth
  • by waist
  • by height

4. Modeling is ...

  • pattern change
  • the process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model
  • fashion creation

5. The increase is ...

  • the value required when processing a product with machine seams, taken into account when cutting
  • the value added to the size of the free-fitting measurement
  • salary increase

Self-test. Handing over the work to the teacher. Checking the operation at the interactive whiteboard.

III. We formulate the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the lesson.

Purpose: independently formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Look at the skirt that the girls modeled in the last lesson. Try to formulate the lesson topic yourself.

The teacher gives a hint:


  • ... the Shar Pei has
  • ... there are bends in the layers and rocks that make up the earth's crust.
  • .... We will study a series of fabric folds located in one or opposite directions.

A photo of the skirts is presented to your attention.

Students think about and name the lesson topic.

The teacher informs the topic of the lesson: Topic of the lesson: “Types of folds. Wrinkle processing ".

Here is a table of goals (there is a table on the board). Complete 2 columns. Time: 2 minutes.

Goal table

I know on the topic of the lesson

I want to know

Thus, the objectives of the lesson:

educational goal (teaching the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; evaluate work by criteria);

developing goal (developing skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, on a sewing machine; graphic thinking when working with diagrams and technological maps);

educational goal (a sense of responsibility for the work started, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form the accuracy and accuracy of the work).

IV. Learning new teaching material.

Purpose: to find out what folds are, what folds are, the technological sequence of fold processing.

The teacher explains the new material.

Folds are one of the types of darts. They are designed on the main parts of the product for freedom of movement and at the same time to fit the product along the waist line, as well as as finishing seams. Folds are one-sided, counter, bow, stitched along the entire length, straight (tucks) and complex.

Search physics minute. We got up. Students are divided into three groups, each group taking a PHOTO of the skirt. And looking for a title and description for it. Be ready to present the result of your work on the board.

Unilateral folds... Unilateral folds are foldslaid in one direction through a certain distance between them.These are folds in which all the folds from the front side are directed to one side, and from the inside to the other. Each fold is marked from the inside out with three lines - the middle line (inside fold line), side (outside fold line) and a line that defines the end of sewing.

Counter folds... These are folds in which the folds on the front side are directed against each other, and from the inside out - in opposite directions. The opposite fold is marked from the inside out with three lines - the middle line, the side (the line of the outer folds) and the line defining the end of sewing.

Bow folds... Bow folds are the seamy side of the opposite fold or two one-sided folds, in which the folds on the front side are directed in opposite directions and form a "bow". Bow folds are marked and processed in the same way as counter folds from one part, but only from the front side of the part.

Teacher: GOOD MEN! And we had a rest and learned new material.

The next task will be to disassemble the instructional and technological cards for making folds. Students work in pairs. Assignment: find which instruction card corresponds to which sample, find a fold diagram. Be able to explain the sequence of making each type of fold.

Technological sequence of processing folds

p / p

Name of technological operations

Type of work





Mark the location of the fold

Chalk, ruler

For one-sided purl sides of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 3 cm from one another.

For the oncoming folds: draw 3 parallel lines withpurl

For bantova folds: draw 3 parallel lines withfacial sides of the fabric, in the center of the sample, at a distance of 5 cm from one another.

Sweep the fold

Needle, thimble

Sew a fold by sewing backtacks at the beginning and end of the stitching

Universal sewing machine

Remove basting threads at seam level

Scissors, peg

Iron the fold allowances


For counter and bow folds folds allowances necessaryspread out on both sides, symmetrically, and then perform wet heat treatment (WTO) - iron out

Remove the sewing thread

Scissors, peg

WTO folds: iron on (remove the thickness of the fold)


Result: Explain the sequence of making each type of folds.

Students' activities

Teacher activity


Search physics minute. We got up, work in groups. Each group takes a PHOTO of the skirt. And looking for a title and description for it. Time: 3 min. Present the result of your work on the board. Completing the next task. Students work in pairs. Assignment: find which instruction card corresponds to which sample, find a fold diagram. Explain the sequence of making each type of fold.

Explains new material: slide 4.5. Informs the first task of this stage: search minute. Explains the following task: to disassemble the instructions and technological maps of making folds.

Stage execution time:

23 minutes.

V. Practical work. 2 lesson.

Objective: To learn how to handle one-sided folds, observing the technological sequence of processing and safety precautions. Make a project (sample) of one-sided folds.

Safety briefing when working on a sewing machine, with sharp objects, when working with an iron.

Safety precautions when working with an iron:

Switch on and off only by the plug, with dry hands.

Make sure that the wire is not twisted.

We inform the teacher about faults.

TB when working on a sewing machine:

The distance from the machine to the worker is 10 cm, the needle is opposite the eyes.

Correct position of arms and legs.

Do not lean close to moving parts of the machine.

Be careful not to twist the wire.

Switch off the machine after finishing work.

Technological sequence of fold processing.

Performing fold markings according to the instruction card.

Students mark the one-sided fold as instructed.

Sweep the fold. See instruction sheet. Students perform folding of the fold as instructed.

Demonstration by the teacher of the sequential execution of work on the sewing machine.

Students perform fold sewing on the sewing machine.

Targeted bypass of the teacher. In the process of performing practical work, the teacher monitors the performance of the sw. machines, compliance with safety, monitoring compliance with the sequence of processing folds.

The teacher shows the process of ironing the fold.

Students perform a wet-heat treatment of the fold, draw up a project in the album, and hand it over to the teacher for assessment. In case the student did not manage to finish the sample, it is proposed to finish the work at home.

Criteria for evaluating practical work.

Evaluation criteria


The marking is done exactly according to the ITC.

The seam is straight, the bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch are 7-10 mm long.

Basting has been removed completely.

The WTO has been carried out efficiently.

Organization of the workplace, safety precautions are observed, work clothes are available.


10 points - score "5", 8-9 points - "4", 6-7 points - "3"

Physical education

Gymnastics for the eyes

Starting position (I. p.) - sitting on a chair; slowly look from the floor to the ceiling and back (the head is motionless), 8-10 times.

I. p. - sitting on a chair; slowly look from right to left and back, 8-10 times.

I. p. - sitting on a chair; circular movements of the eyes in one direction and then in the other direction, 4-6 times.

I. p. - sitting on a chair; perform frequent blinking for 15-30 sec.

Gymnastics for arms and legs

I. p. - standing legs apart, hands in front of the chest. 1 - take the elbows back, connect the shoulder blades; 2-3 - turn the body to the side, straighten your arms and take them back twice; 4 - return to starting position. Do not turn your head sharply. 3-4 times in each direction.

I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. Into the account 1, 2, 3 - spring squats; on the count of “four” - to return to the starting position, 8-10 times. Time - 2 minutes.

Students' activities

Teacher activity


One-sided folds are marked taking into account safety precautions, folds are processed on a sewing machine, wet-heat treatment. Registration of the project in the album. Delivery to the teacher for assessment. Physical education.

Instructs students on safety when working with a sewing machine, with sharp objects, when working with an iron.Shows the sequential performance of work on the sewing machine.Monitors the performance of the sw. machines, compliance with safety, monitoring compliance with the sequence of processing folds.Showing the process of ironing the fold. Assessment of work.

Stage execution time:

28 minutes.

Vi. Consolidation of the studied material

Purpose: control of the level of assimilation of new educational material on the topic: “Types of folds. Wrinkle processing ".

Task: complete an assignment on the topic: “Types of folds. Wrinkle processing ".

The organization method is an interactive task.

Securing the studied material using the interactive whiteboard. A student is called to the board: F.I. Test address:

Using the interactive whiteboard, questions are asked:

  • What are folds used for?
  • List the types of folds?
  • In what places are the bartacks when sewing the folds?

Evaluation criteria:

  • score "5" - there are no errors in the test answers,
  • "4" - there is one error in the test answers,
  • "3" - there are two errors in the test answers,
  • "2" - test failed.

If some of the students have not mastered the new educational material, additional homework is offered.

Vii. Summarizing.Criteria for evaluating the work.

Purpose: analyze the lesson and take stock.

Tasks: check the work done, give marks. Analyze what worked and what did not work, determine the degree of student satisfaction with the work performed.

Teacher: Back to the table: Lesson objectives. Have you achieved the planned result?

Students continue the phrase:

  1. I found out…
  2. I learned…
  3. It was interesting to me….

D / z. written by students in a diary. 1. Review: what are the types of folds.

2. Find techniques for modeling flared and wedge skirts (pictures, description).

3. Bring the pattern to M1: 1. Cutting fabric.


  1. Markutskaya S.E. Technology: Service Labor. Tests. 5-7 cl. / Markutskaya S.E. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2006. - 128p.

    To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it:

    Slide captions:

    Lesson presentation Topic: Types of folds. Wrinkle processing. For students in grade 7

    SKIRT MODELING TEST 1. Skirts by design are ... straight, wedge, diagonal tapered, widened, tapered straight, wedge, tapered 2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? on the left to the right on any 3. The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined ... by the girth of the hips by the girth of the waist by height 4. Modeling is ... changing the pattern the process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model creating fashion 5. Increase - this is ... the value required when processing a product with machine seams, taken into account when cutting, the value added to the size of the measurement for free-fitting clothing increase in salary Address:\u003dzcz93yy5

    Determination of the topic of the lesson. Hint:… there is a Shar Pei… there are bends in the layers and rocks that make up the earth's crust. .... We will study a series of fabric folds located in one or opposite directions. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Topic: Types of folds. Wrinkle processing. Purpose: To learn how to process folds (one-sided, counter, bow), observing the technological sequence of processing. Tasks: educational: to repeat the ability to model various styles of skirts; teach students sequential processing of folds; training in the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; the formation of the ability to set a goal, draw conclusions, evaluate work according to criteria; developing: develop general skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, on a sewing machine; graphic thinking, independence, self-confidence; the formation of students' spatial, logical thinking, creative imagination, cognitive interest; upbringing: to educate students in the need for knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the work begun, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form the accuracy and accuracy of the work. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Folds are one of the types of darts. They are designed on the main parts of the product for freedom of movement and at the same time to fit the product along the waist line, as well as as finishing seams. Folds are one-sided, counter, bow, stitched along the entire length, straight (tucks) and complex. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    One-sided folds are folds laid in one direction at a certain distance between them. Folds in which all the folds on the front side are directed to one side, and from the wrong side to the other. Each fold is marked from the inside out with three lines - the middle line (inside fold line), side (outside fold line) and a line that defines the end of sewing. Counter folds. These are folds in which the folds on the front side are directed against each other, and from the inside out - in opposite directions. The opposite fold is marked from the inside out with three lines - the middle line, the side (the line of the outer folds) and the line defining the end of sewing. Bow folds. They represent the seamy side of the opposite fold or two one-sided folds, in which the folds on the front side are directed in opposite directions and form a "bow". Bow folds are marked and processed in the same way as counter folds from one part, but only from the front side of the part. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Safety briefing. Safety precautions when working with the iron: Switch on and off only with the plug, with dry hands. Make sure that the wire is not twisted. We inform the teacher about faults. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Safety briefing. Safety when working on a sewing machine: The distance from the machine to the worker is 10 cm, the needle is opposite the eyes. Correct position of arms and legs. Do not lean close to moving parts of the machine. Be careful not to twist the wire. Switch off the machine after finishing work. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Technological sequence of processing folds 1. Outline the location of the fold: - for one-sided fold: draw 3 parallel lines from the wrong side of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 3 cm from one another. - for the opposite fold: draw 3 parallel lines from the wrong side of the fabric, in the center of the sample, at a distance of 5 cm from one another. - for the bow fold: draw 3 parallel lines from the front side of the fabric, in the center of the sample, at a distance of 5 cm from one another. 2. Baste the fold 3. Stitch the fold, performing bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch 4. Remove the basting threads at the seam level 5. Iron the fold allowances - for the counter and bow fold, fold the fold allowances on both sides, symmetrically, and then iron them out. 6. Remove the threads of the basting folds. 7. WTO folds. MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Assessment Criteria # Assessment Criteria Points 1 The marking is done exactly according to the ITC. 1 2 The seam is straight, bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch are 7-10 mm long. 2 3 Basting completely removed. 2 4 WTO is done with high quality. 2 5 Organization of the workplace, safety precautions are observed, work clothes are available. 3 TOTAL 10 10 points - score "5", 8-9 points - "4", 6-7 points - "3" MBOU "SOSH" Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Reinforcement of the past Questions: What are folds used for? List the types of folds? In what places are the bartacks when sewing the folds? Address::\u003daza4w0nv MBOU "SOSH" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Links: TEST "Modeling a skirt" -\u003dzcz93yy5 TEST to consolidate the passed:\u003daza4w0nv Literature: Markutskaya S.E. Technology: Service Labor. Tests. 5-7 cl. / Markutskaya S.E. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2006. - 128p. Simonenko V.D., Krupskaya Yu.V., Kozhina O.A., Sinitsa N.V., Lebedeva N.I., Litikova L.V. Technology: Textbook for 6th grade students of educational institutions (option for girls) / Edited by V.D. Symonenko. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2006.- 208s .: ill. MBOU "SOSH" Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

    Hello my dear blog readers! Now we will figure it out with you what are folds in clothes.

    Generally the concept FOLDING Is a three-layer piece of clothing, formed by two folds of fabric, and a type of decoration that provides a three-dimensional shape of clothing items.

    Depending on the type of fabric or style, the folds may be soft or tough (have a clearly ironed shape).

    It is better to make non-ironed (soft) folds in products made of light, thin, flowing fabrics: silk, cotton, thin flax, wool.

    Pleats are successfully used in modeling various skirts.

    Watch a step-by-step master class on building a pattern and sewing a tulip skirt.

    And now we will clearly understand the types of folds.

    Types of folds

    Single or located at a certain distance from each other.

    Circular (one-sided), which are laid in one direction or in groups at some distance from each other.

    Counter (or double-sided) - single or paired. The folds of the paired folds are located with the right side butt to each other.

    Handling of oncoming warehouse in clothes

    Bow folds are formed by two one-sided folds. The difference is that in the opposite fold, the outer folds of the one-sided folds are directed towards each other, and in the bow fold - in opposite directions.

    Pleated folds - small parallel folds, which are obtained by special heat treatment of the fabric.

    Corrugation - small fabric folds placed on the edge, obtained by special heat treatment. In the corrugation, the folds are not parallel, as in pleated pleats, but at an angle, creating an accordion effect.

    Fan-shaped folds - superimposed small folds.

    Hope this article helped clarify the variety of folds in clothes! Look for interesting patterns, create them in your imagination and sew with me! Until! And see you soon on the pages of the "site" blog!