Do-it-yourself dragon kite diagram. Do-it-yourself air raven - video. dragon in the shape of a triangle

The first kites were made in ancient China, and they were not just toys, but important elements of the holidays. Kites are pleasing to the eye even now. I propose to master the process of their creation and impress friends and relatives with the result.

Before you make a kite with your own hands, you need to decide on its type. If you've never made them before, start with flat models or make a monk snake. With a little practice, you can make a box kite at home too.

How to make a paper kite: monk kite

How to make the simplest paper kite, see this video.

It is done in a few minutes and does not require much effort. If this is the first kite you are going to make yourself, start with it.

First you need to make a small square out of paper, the side length should not exceed 20 cm. It must be bent along the lines, as indicated in the drawing. Each fold must be carefully ironed. If you followed the instructions on how to make a paper kite with your own hands, then the kite wings will be turned in different directions. Now you need to make holes in the wings (in the drawing they are indicated by points F and F ").

A string is threaded through these holes. And it is required to tie a spool of thread to it in the center (see the figure below). This thread will allow You to fly the kite and control it. It is best to choose threads No. 10 or No. 20.

To make the tail of a snake, you need to make a hole at the point, which is indicated by the letter C in the first drawing, the tail is threaded there. It can be a ribbon, a strip of fabric, etc. It needs to be threaded, bent and sewn up (see the figure below).

Monk Snake Features

If the monk is done right, he flies well. If he does not want to fly, the problems may be as follows:

  • The launch thread is not tied strictly in the center (then the kite leans);
  • Very light and short tail (then the kite will lean even if the launch thread is tied correctly);
  • The tail is too heavy (the kite does not gain height well).

How to make a kite with your own hands: a simple flat model from the package

Flat kites are one of the most popular. They are easy to make and easy to transport. You can make a kite of this type in the form of a triangle, square, rectangle, polygon. There are also more complex curly models. But we will start with the simplest - a triangle.

Drawings of a kite will help determine the size. The dimensions of the sides can be related to each other in different ways. They are indicated in the charts as a percentage. That is, you need to take some number for 100% and use the drawing to determine the dimensions of the other sides.

You can also take a scheme with ready-made values.

But the ideal size of a kite can only be determined through experimentation.

The shape of the lower part may be different. These are the most common options.

Guided by the dimensions in the diagram, you need to cut out the skin of the kite. A simple bag is perfect (even from a supermarket or for garbage), you can also take an oilcloth, the main thing is that the material is light.

Bamboo, willow vine, window glazing beads are suitable as slats. Also, slats can be made from pine, linden. First, the rails are attached to the sides, then the central one. You also need a cross rail (if you make it a little shorter, the kite will arch and balance better). You can attach the rails to the skin with almost any glue.

Often in such kites a keel is made, which dangles freely in the center of the sail. You can attach it to the base material with tape.

A hole must be made in the lower part of the skin so that it is possible to tie the tail.

How to make a bird kite at home

A distinctive feature of this kite is the presence of a bowstring, which stretches and straightens depending on the strength of the wind. The best result will be achieved if you choose the lightest materials for it (film or fabric). For the frame, wooden twigs with a diameter of up to 1 cm are suitable. The twigs are fastened together with threads and additionally glued. The ends of the wings need to be pulled together with fishing line.

Detailed instructions are shown in the figure.

Launching the kite correctly

To fly a kite, you need a wind of 3-6 m / s. You need to pick up an open area, in no case near the road, high-voltage wires or the airfield.

It's easier to do it together. One person must stand so that the wind blows at his back. He is holding a spool of thread to run. The second holds the snake and moves away a few meters. When he launches a kite, it is tedious to pull the thread over himself.

If the kite has not risen, the one who holds the thread needs to run a little more until the structure catches the wind.

In one evening, before the designs, the production of which can take quite a long time.

In order to make a kite of the simplest design, we need 3 wooden square slats with a cross section of 5-8 mm. The length of two rails should be within 700-800 mm, the third - 450-500 mm. We also need a large thin sheet, although it is better to use light polyethylene for the canvas, because it is more durable. You will also need threads and glue, such as PVA or Moment, and about 100 meters with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm.

  1. We connect two slats in the middle with. We fasten a short rail to the ends of two long ones so that on one side we get an isosceles triangle. We carefully glue the threads with glue and let it dry.

  2. Next, in order to make a kite, we stretch a plastic film onto the resulting frame, which can also be fixed with threads and glue. The film should be well stretched and not sag.

  3. It is necessary to make and attach the bridle of the snake. To do this, we tie a fishing line to each vertex of the resulting triangle. We connect each thread of the fishing line with each other. The length of the two that are tied to the edges of the structure should be approximately equal to the long side of the triangle. The third thread, which is attached to the center of the kite, should be several and the lifting force of the kite will depend on its length. So it is better to adjust its length already at startup. A handrail will be attached to the junction of the threads, that is, a long fishing line wound on a reel or a special reel that can be made, for example, from a piece of plywood.

  4. Now you need to make the snake's tail. The tail is a flight stabilizer, so its manufacture must be taken responsibly. The easiest way is to make a tail from a fishing line or thread several meters long, to which ordinary sheets of paper folded like an accordion are tied. Such sheets should be tied at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other. You can come up with another version of the design of the tail. Perhaps the length and weight of the tail will have to be selected already at launch. Too heavy a tail will pull the kite down, too light will allow it to twist, causing the kite to fall.

That's it, our kite is ready for the first launch. It is best to fly a kite together, after unwinding the lifeline 20-30 meters and start running against the wind. As soon as the kite starts to break out of your hands, you need to let it go and control it with the help of a handrail. It may not work the first time, but that's normal, in any business you need to gain some experience and you will succeed.


  • Do you know how to make a kite with your own hands?

The kite can be of any shape. Rhombus, square box, bird, butterfly, dragon - there are many options. You may well come up with a snake yourself, and you can draw it with anything - with a pencil, watercolor, gouache, wax crayons, charcoal.

two straight lines

It always has a body and a tail. In addition, he is tied to a long rope, by which he is lowered to the ground. There were also snakes that were used for military purposes - for example, to transfer mail. They were boxy.

To make a flat kite, draw a line. Since your object can fly in any direction, the sheet can also lie vertically, horizontally, or obliquely. Draw a perpendicular to the center line. The basis of a flat kite is a cross, the cross of which divides the center line approximately in a ratio of 1/3. Make sure the ends of the crossbar are the same. Also mark the position of the tail - draw a curved line with a thin pencil.

The position of the tail can be any, because the thread with the load tied to it does not remain motionless during the flight.

Draw the contours

Connect the ends of the centerline to the ends of the crossbar. The base for the kite is ready. The crossbar can now be removed by drawing an arc instead, the convex part of which is directed towards the tail. But you can leave the transverse line, because there are such designs of kites. Draw the outlines with a softer pencil.

The cargo on the tail can also be different - bows, pieces of paper or just ribbons.

Tail, clouds and skein of thread

Outline the tail with a soft pencil. Draw a load - for example, several paper bows. It is needed in order for the kite to fly more or less steadily. Circle the center line with a soft pencil. To the arc that goes from one corner of the body to another, add a thread. Decorate your kite. You can draw a face on his body - schematically depict the eyes, nose and smiling mouth. The lines should be very clear so that the muzzle can be seen from the ground. You can draw a geometric or floral ornament, fantasy patterns, and in general, whatever you want. Draw the sky. To do this, it is enough to depict several clouds - closed curved lines of arbitrary shape. Your drawing is ready

Other types of kites

In the same technique, you can depict a box snake, draw a cube. First you need a square, then from the upper and lower corners located on the same side, draw 2 lines upward at about a 45 ° angle. Their length is approximately half the side of the square. Connect the ends of the lines. Perform the same construction on the other side of the square. You will get a cube in projection. Color it however you like and draw on the tail.

Kite flying games are an exciting and fun activity for anyone to enjoy. Making it even more interesting will help create a flying structure with your own hands. In the article we will tell you how to make a snake yourself.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

This device is rightfully considered the first aircraft created by man. It appeared several thousand years ago in China. National holidays in China were not celebrated without flying colorful kites of various shapes. The most popular form was the dragon. This gave the name to the product "kite". Later, the product began to be used not only as entertainment, but also in scientific research, military affairs, construction (for building bridges) and for meteorological observations.

Currently, special kites are being created for some varieties of extreme sports. Flying a kite is a great pastime. Designing such an aircraft at home will help train observation, quick wit and unleash creativity.

Before you start creating a kite at home, decide on its type.

Consider the main varieties:

  • flat or single-plane - the simplest and most common type. The design of such a kite is in the same plane. It is easiest and fastest to make such a kite with your own hands, however, it is not characterized by high lifting power and a strong wind is contraindicated for it. The shape may be triangular or square, but diamond-shaped or rectangular is more common;
  • multiplanar - a more complex view than flat. There are box-shaped, stacked or with many cells. In the structure of such a kite, the tail is optional, because its distinctive feature is a high level of stability and stability;
  • the design in the form of a serpentine train consists of several elements combined into one. Damage to one of the components of the overall system will not prevent the structure from remaining in the air, but may reduce the flight altitude.

It is necessary to start making a kite with a drawing, it will help determine the size of the product.

Any aircraft in the form of a snake will contain such basic components as:

  • frame. This is the basis of the kite, consisting of rails, the location and number of which determines its type and model. The main function of the frame is to maintain the canvas in a taut form, ensuring the reliability, stability and strength of the finished product;
  • canvas or surface of the kite. This is the material that the frame is covered with. It provides the appearance of lift by creating a barrier to air;
  • connecting parts. They are needed if you want a flying kite to be mobile and easy to take apart easily. The choice of method for manufacturing these components depends on the model of the kite and the material from which it is made;
  • obligatory places for fastenings in the form of bridles and bindings. They differ in connection options (two or more). The most popular and simple bridle is with one junction. Its availability is that it does not need regulation and additional devices. Such designs are typical for more complex options. In this case, the control of the kite is carried out with the help of the tail. The bridle, which has two or more attachment points, allows you to adjust the angle of the kite. Instead of a bridle, a keel can be used - this is an inseparable element of the same material with the canvas. It provides a fixation of the angle of attack, and it can only be changed by means of several tails;
  • rail. This material is usually a thread or rope. It is important that the material is durable as it serves to hold the kite. The dimensions depend on the design of the aircraft;
  • winding coil. An indispensable piece of equipment that prevents tangling, speeds up and facilitates the unwinding and unwinding of the thread;
  • tail. This is not just a beautiful kite decoration, it is designed to stabilize the kite in the air.

There are models without a frame, in which case it takes the form of a kite from the wind. A common example of a frameless kite is a paraglider.

Let's go through step by step how to practice making a flat kite out of improvised materials:

  • take 2 wooden sticks: long and short. The size of the short one should be 4/5 of the long one (for example, 40 and 50 cm), we make small gaps at the ends with a knife. We fold the sticks perpendicularly so that the short one divides the long one in a ratio of 1: 4 (in our case, we measure 12.5 cm from the edge of the long stick). This will be the intersection point of our base. We wrap the joints with tape or a strong thread;
  • along the perimeter, through the prepared notches at the ends of the sticks, we thread a strong thread or fishing line, thereby forming the frame of our design;
  • we cut out the necessary shape from a plastic bag or light fabric around the frame, make an indent on each side (1.5-2 cm) to secure the edges. We fit the frame with the resulting canvas, tuck the edges, fixing them with adhesive tape or glue. From the inside, the design resembles an envelope of slightly irregular shape;
  • make a beautiful tail. You can use the remaining polyethylene, cut out several strips and twist them together. Also, a thread tied with ribbons in the form of bows can become a material for the tail. At the bottom of the long stick, secure the tail with tape, glue, or a pre-made hole;
  • in order to make a bridle, we tie threads to the short ends of the structure on the right and left, the length of each should reach, when tensioned, to the point where the rails intersect. We tie their ends together (our bridle is obtained), and attach a rail with a coil to it.

Everything! Our kite is ready!

A paper kite is the best option for beginners. It is easy to manufacture, does not require special materials and time-consuming.

To make the simplest version of a paper kite, the so-called monk kite, with your own hands, you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • glue;
  • rope or strong thread;
  • reel for winding (you can use a small piece of cardboard as a reel);
  • ribbon;
  • felt-tip pens (if you want to decorate the resulting product).

The main steps for preparing a flying monk kite are:

  • First you need to cut a square out of paper. It is better to use A4 sheet, since the optimal length of the side of the square is about 25 cm;
  • fold the square diagonally, in the resulting triangle, fold the sides to the diagonal. The result is a well-known paper airplane. Fold the edges of the bent sides (airplane wings) again to the diagonal of the square. Thus, you will get an accordion. We carefully iron the fold points;
  • expand the resulting structure. In the corners of the accordion, located in the center, we make small holes where the bridle will be attached;
  • to make a bridle, we take a thread about 30 cm long. We thread the thread into the hole, tie it into a knot (for strength, you can glue these places with tape). To check the correct length of the bridle, double the thread attached to the paper, it should reach the middle of the nose line of the kite. Exactly in the center of the finished bridle we make a loop for attaching the handrail;
  • in order to make a tail, we take a tape about 1.5-2 cm wide. We calculate the length of the diagonal of the square or the line of the snake's nose (it must be at least 50 cm). To attach the tail to the bottom corner of the structure, make a hole, thread the tail through and secure it with tape or glue. For the tail, you can also use thin paper or several pieces of thread connected into one;
  • we tie a handrail with a coil for winding to the loop on the bridle. The coil can be made from cardboard. To do this, you need to cut a small rectangle, make a hole for the hand and for winding the thread;
  • in the last step, decorate the resulting kite. With the help of your imagination, give the finished product a unique look.

It should also be remembered about such a feature of kites as fragility. It is not recommended to run them in strong gusty winds. Also, they cannot be taken apart.

Having studied the main points necessary to create your own product, you can easily make a unique kite that will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Making colorful kites has always been one of the best ways to spend your free time outdoors with your family. Below is an easy way to make a kite. Building kites of this type is a childish task, so this method is recommended above all for the little ones as well as for their parents.

Materials you need:

♦ 2 simple, wooden sticks (preferably bamboo, if not - light slats);
♦ kapron thread (fishing line, 2 mm in diameter);
♦ tape, superglue, spray glue;
♦ a large sheet of thin paper (or cellophane);
♦ hacksaw, scissors, marker and paint.

Step 1

Cut the strips to the desired length. Make a mark on each rail. At the end of the rail we make cuts of a few millimeters for deepening. They serve to pull a nylon thread through them.

Step 2

Indicate the exact center of each of the planks and tie them with a fishing line to form a cross (90 degree angle). The horizontal rail should be at a height of approximately 2/3 of the vertical one. Remember that the exact 90 degree angle must be maintained - otherwise the balance will not be maintained.

Step 3

Pull the nylon thread around the frame, falling into the incision made. The tension should not be strong (too much tension can bend the frame). The design of the kite frame is ready.

Step 4

Then, we put the kite frame on our paper. We draw a contour with a red felt-tip pen, at a distance of about 3 cm along the line of the cord. Cut out the sketch from paper along the red lines.

Step 5

Apply a few drops of glue to the ends of the slats (highlighted by a rectangle) This glue will help keep the paper on the slats in the correct position. We are waiting for it to dry.
We bend the borders of the edge of the paper (3 cm) and glue it with adhesive tape, but it is better to use spray glue because of its lightness.

Step 6

Cut out a piece of cord 30 cm long. At the intersection of the rail, make small holes in the paper and thread the nylon thread. Fasten it securely, you can fix the knot with tape. The cord should hang freely.

Step 7

O cut a very long piece of fishing line. It will be needed to release the kite. Tie one end of it to a 30 cm cord, wind the other on a spool.
Everything is ready! Now you can paint the paper in variegated colors (to your liking) and run in good weather

To make a kite tail, use pieces of a plastic bag. The ribbon will be light, so it will not have a significant effect on the control of the kite. Its length should be about 5 times longer than one bamboo stick. That's it, now go to nature - fly a kite!!!

Should you make your own kite?

    I do everything with my own hands

    Yes, do it yourself

    No, it's easier to buy

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Marina Suzdaleva

Summer time has come. Children are spending more and more time outdoors. While there are many interesting ideas, what to do with kids in summer, creating with your own hands and then flying a kite can be the brightest and most memorable event for the whole family. The participants of "" were convinced of this from their own experience and share their ideas and impressions with us. A large gallery of kites of various shapes and colors will surely inspire you to create your own conqueror of the air spaces!

We decided to make a kite. We found a simple instruction on the Internet and began to tinker.
We acted like this:

In the process, my daughter actively participated and helped: she fastened the sticks together, glued the packaging with adhesive tape, and made bows. As it turns out, it's quite easy. And how much delight, squealing and laughter was when flying a kite! Such emotions of the child are definitely worth the effort and time spent.

Gudimova Olga and daughter Varvara, 5 years old.

Kite "Monk"

I suggested to my husband to make a kite with my daughter. As a result, he got carried away and began to work independently, so in the meantime my daughter and I decided to make our own kite. This occupation was new for me, so the choice fell on the simplest model "Monk".

Materials and tools: thread, A3 sheet of thick paper, scissors, PVA glue.

Manufacturing process:

  • Cut out a square from a sheet of paper.
  • Carefully bend the edges along the axis as shown in the diagram. We bend the corners of the paper. The angle can be a little less than in the diagrams - as it will be more convenient for you.
  • We bend the edge of the bent corner again so that we get something like an accordion or spring.
  • We make a “bridle” - cut off a piece of thread about 30 cm long and paste it into the resulting paper pockets.

Here my daughter decided to color our kite :)

While the kite dries, prepare the tail for it. This is important, the kite will not fly without a balancer. For the tail, I used several pieces of woolen threads about 50 cm long. Put them together and tie them into a brush near the end of the tail. Cut out a triangle from the waste paper and glue the tail. We tie a skein with a regular thread to the bridle. The snake is ready.

The launch of our "first-born" was successful. The kite did not fly high, but confidently!

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Anya, 4.7 years old, St. Petersburg.

red kite

Vladik made a kite with his dad. For the base of the kite, 2 sticks from balloons were taken. They were fastened perpendicular to each other. Then a nylon thread was pulled around the perimeter.

Next, a rectangle was cut out of paper with additives for the hem. The edges were bent and glued to the thread around the perimeter. A nylon thread was stretched from the three upper corners of the kite to the center and fastened.

To control the kite, one end of the thread was tied to the resulting center, its other end was wound on a homemade spool from a toilet paper roll.

Finishing touches: the snake was dyed and a tail was made from a thread with strips of wrapping paper tied to it. The snake is ready!

Lydia Maloletkova and son Vlad, 6 years old.

They began to make a kite as soon as they received a task in the Ecological Expedition. And it turned out two snakes, because. There are two children and one common option has not yet passed. I took a diagram of the simplest kite from the Internet, it turned out to be the “Monk” kite.

I took thick paper, folded it according to the scheme, the children began to color. Vanya depicted with blown felt-tip pens (we had a stencil), Nastya tried to blow it out, but it seemed to her too long a process, and then she simply painted over the stencil, and I circled the outline.

After the design work, I glued the ends of the thread into the wings of the snake with Moment glue. I took a strong thread. And woolen threads went to the tail.

They launched at the dacha, but by that time the second kite had disappeared somewhere, so only one flew ... So much delight! Thanks for the idea!

Ekaterina Adnodvortseva and children Vanya 4 years old. 8 months and Nastya 3 years old. 3 months, Moscow.

Daniel and dad made a kite. The process was simple. Found a description online. We sawed off two sticks of the right size. We fastened them perpendicularly with electrical tape and pulled a fishing line around the perimeter.

We had a very large ball, dad cut out a suitable piece from it. We connected the sticks and this piece, also with the help of electrical tape. A fishing line was attached to the three upper corners and connected everything together. A fishing line on a reel was tied to the resulting center. The tail was made from strips of fabric. There was a lot of joy. Tomorrow dad is at home, they will launch.

Lyudmila Shatalova and grandson Daniel 5 years 2 months with dad, Israel.

Did a friendly group of three girlfriends. It is so joyful for my daughter when we not only work with her together, but also with her girlfriends. She herself says to me: “Mom, let's make a snake when Polina comes to us!” It is very important for children to do things together, to be able to negotiate in the process of work, to give in somewhere ...

Then they merrily launched kites on the stadium field: squealing, delight, running around! And other children looked at us with interest!

It is very interesting for us to participate in the Ecological Expedition. That's just the process sometimes remains behind the scenes. We were so busy making kites that I forgot to take a picture. Yana is at the table after a walk, and on the table is her kite and the remains of a tail (she later made a cat toy out of them).

Larisa Fedotova and daughter Yana, 6.6 years old, Barnaul, Altai Territory.

We made a kite out of cardboard paper and ordinary threads. Ilya often makes something himself, some boxes with secrets, recently he made a multi-colored cocked hat. I am always happy with such children's creativity. The most interesting thing is that I did not tell Ilyusha that I wanted to make a kite with him. I come home from work, and he started making a kite. Our desires coincided in an amazing way.

Tired of boring walks?

I made a kite with my son Ilyusha yesterday, he did not fly fully, but it was still fun to run with him. And in the evening I bought a ready-made kite, let's try to run it.

Ksenia Gladilina and son Ilya, 7 years old, Dolgoprudny

Kite "Penguin"

Creation and launch process:

Batalov Roman, 8 years old, Kirov

We made a kite from improvised means: to make a frame, we used a bamboo mat on which we pulled a piece of a plastic bag cut in the shape of a diamond. The tail is also made from the package.

Our kite was able to fly only to a small height (there was no suitable wind), but the children had fun - they ran after him like kittens after a bow! We will also try to fly a kite in windy weather.

Anastasia Zotova and sons Grisha 4 years old and Andrey 1 year old. 3 months, Vladivostok.

This is a very simple model, but it is important for us that the son assembled it himself inside and out.

Timofey: “An amazing kite made of paper for drawing and mother's threads. It flies well in windy weather, but in zigzags. So I named him Zig Zigus."

Timofey Vernyaev, 7.5 years old, Meget village, Irkutsk region.

On the Internet I found the easiest way to make a kite. For several days I asked our dad to find us a couple of rails. As a result, after a couple of days, dad planed 5 slats for us))) The whole family participated in the process of creating the snake! Everyone was so interested...

It took only two slats to create the kite, but good things would not be wasted, and dad sat down to make another kite, and from the remaining slats, the eldest daughter decided to “cook” another one.

If you describe the creation process itself, then:

  1. They cut off the sticks - long 60 cm, short - 35 cm, folded them perpendicularly and fixed the cross with tape.
  2. The ends of the sticks were wrapped with adhesive tape and cuts a centimeter deep were made in them.
  3. A fishing line was pulled through these cuts, creating the outlines of a kite.
  4. They put the frame of the future kite on polyethylene (I took a regular bag and cut it, my husband took transparent polyethylene). We circled the snake with a marker, adding 1.5 cm on each side to the collar, and cut it out along the contour, wrapped the edges of the film inward around the fishing line and secured them with tape. The "body" of the snake is ready.
  5. Then they made a bridle and tied it to a long fishing line. Made a tail.

On this, the process of work of parents with children ended and the creative process of children began. They drew flowers, some patterns and put a clown and a bear on a kite so that they would fly (stick stickers).