Tummy at 7 obstetric week of pregnancy. What's going on with the baby? Fetal development. Registration and necessary examinations

7 obstetric week corresponds to the third week of pregnancy, if you keep a record of the delay in menstruation and the fifth week from conception. At this time, the restructuring of the body of a pregnant woman continues, the hormonal background changes.

Many women do not feel very well, they develop toxicosis and fatigue.

What Happens at 7 Weeks of Pregnancy

This week, hormonal changes in the body continue, the signs of pregnancy are becoming more and more obvious.

In the seventh week, the uterus almost doubles. A few more weeks will pass and the belly of a pregnant woman will begin to grow rather quickly.

Increased production of hormones continues this week, so a woman may continue to feel symptoms such as breast tenderness, weakness, and increased fatigue.

The blood volume increases by about 10%, which leads to an increase in the uterus. This phenomenon may be accompanied by mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which do not pose a great threat. If the pain begins to intensify, this is a reason to see a doctor.

The formation of the uterine-placental complex continues, the level of hCG pregnancy hormone is still high in the body. The placenta becomes thicker and already begins to partially function, providing the fetus with oxygen and nutrition.

Signs of pregnancy in the seventh week

Pregnancy symptoms are becoming more pronounced. In the seventh week, a number of external and internal signs of pregnancy can already be identified. External signs include a possible weight gain, or vice versa, a slight decrease in body weight, which can be caused by toxicosis and stress.

In addition, the appearance of the facial skin may change in the seventh week. It can become oily and blemish. This is a side effect of hormonal changes in the body. Usually, after childbirth, the skin condition returns to normal, so you should not worry too much about this.

Internal signs in the seventh week of pregnancy include the appearance of heaviness and pain in the legs. Spider veins may appear on the thighs, which usually disappear after childbirth. There is a protrusion of veins in the abdomen and mammary glands. In women with a predisposition to varicose veins, its development may begin. In this case, if the veins do not return to their normal appearance after childbirth, you will need to consult a doctor for a surgical solution to this problem.

Fetal size in the seventh week of pregnancy

7 weeks
Your child is about the size of a blueberry

The size of the fetus in the seventh week is 7.5 mm, and its weight is 0.8 grams. The body of the embryo has the shape of an arc, half the size of the body is the head. The formation of the future neck is already beginning between it and the body. A small tail appears in the distal part of the body.

This week, the hands of the child begin to actively develop. The fingers are not yet formed, but there are already interdigital spaces on the hands. The legs become longer, digital plates begin to form on them. A tubercle appears between the legs, from which the genitals will begin to form very soon.

The fetal face continues to develop. The prototype of the nose appears - the nasal fossa, the lower and upper jaws are laid, the ears develop.

The trachea of \u200b\u200bthe embryo begins to expand and stretch, bronchi begin to form. The adrenal glands are bookmarked.

The brain is actively developing and can already send simple signals to the rudiments of future muscles. Thanks to this, the fetus begins to move.

The main event of the seventh week is the final formation of the umbilical cord, due to which the formation of uteroplacental blood flow occurs. Now the mother and the fetus have a single circulatory system through which the child will receive oxygen and nutrients directly from the mother's body.

Sensations at the 7th week of pregnancy

Many women don't feel very comfortable this week. They feel weak, they constantly want to sleep, there is a decrease in efficiency.

Toxicosis continues to gain strength. In the morning, a woman is nauseous, vomiting may begin (especially after eating or during oral hygiene procedures). If vomiting occurs more than five times a day, you should consult a doctor.

Such severe toxicosis negatively affects the general condition of a pregnant woman, prevents her from eating well, which leads to weight loss. Acetone accumulates in the body, which negatively affects both the condition of the expectant mother and her child. By week 14, toxicosis usually goes away on its own.

Due to the appearance of skin rashes and toxicosis, a woman may be bothered by severe itching. It can appear on any part of the body, but most often it is localized in the external genital organs. This aggravates the already not the best psycho-emotional background and leads to the development of increased irritability in a pregnant woman.

7 week of pregnancy is the second month or 1 trimester

When passing an ultrasound, the outlines of the child's face become visible, you can see small eyes, mouth, nose. The active development of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by the appearance of the small and large intestines. The size and activity of the brain increases. At this stage of pregnancy, the umbilical cord is formed, which connects the fetus and the wall of the uterus.

The disappearance of the right umbilical vein is noted, while the left is preserved. The child's height reaches about 8 mm, weight - 0.8 g. With the development of the fetus, a significant thickening of the placenta occurs.

The fetus and the wall of the uterus are connected, while the relaxed state of the uterine wall is noted. The protective layer of mucus produced by the uterus helps protect the fetus from external stimuli. Although the body undergoes significant changes, there is no deterioration in the condition. The color of the halo on the mammary glands changes, acquiring a darker shade.

What happens to the child

Despite being 7 weeks old, the baby's development is very fast. The work of the heart, consisting of the left and right atria, resembles the work of a small clock. At week 7, its further development takes place - it becomes four-chambered and stronger, actively pumping blood throughout the body. At the same time, large blood vessels are formed, and the development of the child's internal systems and organs occurs.

The length of the intestine increases, the process of the formation of the large intestine and appendix ends. Insulin begins to be produced in the pancreas, and bile ducts are formed in the liver. At week 7, the lungs, kidneys, bronchi and endocrine gland are formed. At this stage of pregnancy, parents-to-be can already find out the sex of the child. Although the reliability of the ultrasound results is still not high enough, since this is only the initial stage of the formation of the fetal gonads into the future ovaries or testicles. From the formed tubercle between the small legs, the genitals will stand out in the future.

The weight of the fetus at a 7-week period does not exceed 1 gram. In achieving a straightened position in the mother's womb, the coccygeal crown, which has a size of 13 mm, is involved. The accelerated development of brain cells contributes to an increase in the size of the head. In the brain, consisting of two hemispheres, the formation of five sections begins, similar to those found in adults.

There is a continuous development of the face and head of the embryo. The design of the inner and outer ear, cilia, retinal pigment and iris is noted. At this time, a significant distance of the eyes is noticeable, which after a certain time will begin to approach. The formation of the nose, upper lip, jaws begins. Thanks to this process, milk teeth are laid. There is an active formation and improvement of the fetal nervous system.

The natural development of the baby's arms is faster than the development of the legs. An active bend is formed in the elbow joint and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist. At week 7, palms and finger buds are formed. The shoulders and forearm stand out, the epidermis and bone cells develop. At this time, the first movements of the fetus begin, but the mother does not yet feel them.

Photo of the tummy at 7 weeks

By the end of the 7th week of pregnancy, the final formation of the umbilical cord of the embryo occurs, which is directly facilitated by the established uteroplacental blood flow and placental compaction. The complete formation of a hardened placenta will occur by 12 weeks of gestation.

The active protection of the uterus from harmful effects, external factors during the entire period of pregnancy is facilitated by the formation of a mucous plug. Its main purpose is to protect and maintain the sterile state of the uterus. At the end of pregnancy, it will be through the mucous plug that it will be possible to determine the time of the onset of contractions.


The maternal organism is comprehensively adapting for bearing the fetus, to match its rapid growth and fruiting. The increase in the size of the uterus ensures the comfort of the embryo in it. This is due to the fact that the growing fetus has a vital need for a corresponding increase in space. At a gestation period of 7 weeks, the size of the mother's uterus doubles, resembling a large orange, with the usual size of the tummy.

Painful sensation

Sometimes, pregnant women at this time feel painful sensations of an unpleasant nature in the lateral parts of the abdomen. As noted by gynecologists, this is a normal condition due to the fact that the ligaments of the uterus are under constant tension. The danger can be painful sensations in the lower abdomen, especially if they have a cramping or pulling character. The appearance of pain in the lumbar region and back threatens the possibility of losing the child.

The threat of miscarriage requires a serious attitude to health. You should adhere to the recommendations of gynecologists - avoid wearing high-heeled shoes, taking baths with an elevated water temperature, lifting significant weights, worrying about trifles.

In case of bloody discharge, you should not sit at home. You need to call an ambulance or go to a medical institution on your own.

At week 7, a pregnant woman may experience characteristic discomfort in the chest area, in the form of unpleasant tingling sensations and some swelling.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by headaches. Their appearance is noted at different stages of pregnancy in different women. Doctors categorically prohibit the use of pills when headaches appear, due to the possibility of a negative impact on the development and health of the growing fetus.

If you feel any pain, you should seek advice from your doctor.


To determine the health of the fetus, transvaginal ultrasound is used. With the help of this modern device, you can get information about the fetal heartbeat, its activity. Now it is possible to undergo ultrasound at the initial stage of pregnancy. This vaginal procedure is completely harmless.

Ultrasound at 7 weeks


In case of pain in the lower abdomen, inpatient treatment is necessary to save the child's life. The most serious consideration is the release of blood clots. When tightening and waiting, the bleeding may gradually increase and reach its maximum value. At 7 weeks of gestation, the risk of miscarriage is very high, however, there are chances of maintaining the pregnancy.

Pregnant women should understand that at this time, you need to pay attention to even minimal bleeding. It can be not only a harbinger of miscarriage, but also a number of dangerous diseases.


Particular attention should be paid to undesirable highlights. You need to be wary if spotting spotting is red, beige, brown, yellow-green. Thick, frothy and curd discharge may be suspect.

If a pregnant woman feels constant itching, soreness, burning and irritation in the vagina, which are accompanied by unusual discharge, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist. A discharge of thin, profuse, slippery leucorrhoea caused by female hormones is normal for this gestational age.

Symptoms that are signs of pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, increased or decreased appetite, a change in taste preferences, the appearance of a mesh of veins on the chest, constant mood swings.

At week 7, a pregnant woman may develop new symptoms: increased urge to urinate, increased emotionality, unfounded fears, the appearance of various perversions, increased salivation, the appearance of digestive problems, constipation, the labia change color, a specific strip is formed in the abdomen, the color of the halo changes around the nipples. There is also no monthly cycle at this time.


A woman's well-being at 7 weeks can create a feeling of weakness, complexes and dissatisfaction with her condition appear. New symptoms do not contribute to a sense of fulfilling life. This period of pregnancy is characterized by the acquisition of a feeling of constant lack of air, constipation, the appearance of heartburn and bloating. Experiencing increased anxiety, unreasonable anxiety, regular insomnia, a woman cannot enjoy the joys of life. But sometimes, very rarely, some women do not experience any negative sensations other than weight gain.


Some women may have persistent nasal congestion, fever, and headaches. This so-called pregnancy rhinitis is a common condition that accompanies pregnancy.

If the body temperature is significantly elevated, a stuffy nose, a cough begins, the body aches and sore throat, you need to take appropriate measures. First of all, you should visit a doctor. Most likely, the doctor's recommendation will be abstinence from taking pills, treatment with warm tea, wet compresses with the obligatory observance of bed rest.

Colds at 7 weeks of pregnancy

Colds should be avoided at 7 weeks of gestation. A severe transfer of any disease can have a negative impact on the development and formation of vital organs and systems of the child's body. Severe coughing fits can tone the uterus. With a nasal congestion of a pregnant woman, oxygen enters the blood of the embryo in insufficient quantities. A high mother's temperature has a negative effect on the baby.

The positive course of pregnancy is facilitated by the coordination of all actions taken by the pregnant woman with the attending physician. The use of traditional methods of treatment is strictly prohibited.


In the presence of a stable position of the uterus and the absence of a threat of miscarriage, there are no contraindications for having sex during this period of pregnancy. According to women themselves, at this stage of pregnancy, their sexuality and the amount of pleasure they receive flourishes.


The use of alcoholic beverages during this period of pregnancy is absolutely prohibited. Getting into the body of the embryo with the mother's blood during the first trimester of pregnancy, alcohol can cause significant harm to it.

The 7th week of pregnancy speaks of the active development of the brain, nervous system, many vital organs in the child. They can be damaged by drinking. As a result of their abuse by a pregnant woman, the child may develop fetal alcohol syndrome.

Testing (for hCG and progesterone) at 7 weeks of pregnancy

After confirming pregnancy with the help of ultrasound and setting its term, you should contact the clinic for medical registration. In a medical institution, you will be directed to undergo the necessary tests: general urine and blood tests, determination of sugar level, blood clotting, blood type, Rh factor, AIDS test. In the tuberculosis department, an analysis of feces for the content of eggs of worms in it, a vaginal smear to determine the presence of a genital infection is taken.

Having passed these tests, you should undergo a medical examination by all doctors indicated by the nurse, including a therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, and an ECG recording specialist. The child's father needs to undergo fluorography and donate blood for the determination of the Rh factor.

Pregnant women, at the time of registration in hospital, must pass the entire list of these tests. All tests are free and available to any pregnant woman.

In addition, as directed by doctors, additional tests may be required. These include detecting the amount of progesterone in the blood or detecting hCG in a blood test. Having received the results of these tests, doctors can be sure of the normal development of the pregnancy and the good condition of the embryo.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman at the 7th week of pregnancy

A pregnant woman for a 7-week period should definitely eat foods that have a large amount of calcium. This need is due to the fact that at this stage there is an active laying of the baby's milk teeth. However, calcium should not be overused, as it threatens to increase the tone of the uterus.

Suffering from manifestations of toxicosis, most women can completely lose their appetite. To alleviate this condition, doctors recommend that pregnant women take small snacks in the morning while lying in bed. It should be borne in mind that the consumption of cabbage and legumes increases gas production. It is undesirable for a pregnant woman to consume these products.

If a woman does not experience toxicosis and other types of painful symptoms: heartburn, flatulence, constipation, she can eat almost any food. It is desirable for these women to introduce into the diet daily the maximum amount of products containing nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The diet of the expectant mother must necessarily contain: fresh plant foods, foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fats, animal protein. It is advisable to consume harmful products in a minimum amount. You should take mostly healthy food, limit the intake of spicy foods, various smoked meats, sweet and salty foods. Foods containing healthy types of fat and carbohydrates will provide you with the necessary amount of energy and fill your baby with strength, with the help of which he will actively grow and develop. It is very important for a pregnant woman to make active movements, walks, do gymnastics, which is intended for pregnant women.

  • During this period, you should definitely visit a gynecologist for medical registration.
  • Despite the small size of the tummy, it is already possible to communicate with the child inside.
  • You should constantly monitor the amount and quality of food taken, especially with a good appetite.
  • Overeating is never beneficial.
  • Attend antenatal clinics regularly.
  • If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you should observe a gentle work regimen, rest as much as possible, consume vitamins, and exercise.
  • Try to avoid colds and infectious diseases.
  • Listen to pleasant calm music, communicate with the child, gently stroking the tummy.

Pregnancy with twins at 7 weeks

As a rule, expectant mothers of twins by the time of 7 weeks, which is the middle of the first trimester of pregnancy, have already paid a visit to the gynecologist and managed to register with the local antenatal clinic. By this time, the kids have not yet reached a centimeter in length each, but we can already see the arms and legs that are acquiring familiar features, although the fingers have not yet separated.

Incredibly, despite the fact that the neural tube is already closed and even the rudiment of the brain has appeared, the surface of the body is covered with skin, but has no sensitivity and only a small area near the lips feels the touch. Of course, the faces have not yet been formed, but it is clearly visible where the future eyes, nose, mouth and ears will be.

Until 12 weeks, the most dangerous, difficult and difficult stage in the development of pregnancy occurs. Malformations and the likelihood of miscarriage are possible. Babies are still called embryos. With a frozen pregnancy, not all twins may die. Then one baby who survives will continue its development.

What happens: the embryo straightens, the formation of the face continues, fingers stand out. In the seventh week of pregnancy, the heart is divided into four chambers, but so far it is not in its place. The brain has split into two hemispheres. A mucous plug is formed, which protects the child from the influence of external factors. Gender identification occurs.

Fetal growth - 13 mm, weight - 1.1-1.3 g. At this time, you need to register if it has not already been done. The doctor should prescribe tests, determine the risk group and potential dangers of pregnancy.

Edema may join the already familiar symptoms; the uterus increases in size, this leads to mild pain in the abdomen and groin, and frequent urination; a dark line may form on the abdomen as a result of a pigmentation disorder.

The expectant mother is gradually getting used to the sensations that accompany her first weeks of pregnancy. To alleviate the condition, you should abandon hairpins, hot baths and saunas, minimize physical and emotional stress.

You need to monitor the discharge. If, in parallel with cramping pains in the abdomen, a bloody "daub" appears - there is a risk of "miscarriage".

An ultrasound photo of the baby will already make it possible to determine its size, and it is still very early to find out the sex.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the baby pleases us with its rapid development. The small heart has finally formed completely, and now it is possible to distinguish two atria and two ventricles in it, just like in an adult. However, it has not yet taken the place assigned to it by nature in the body. The first erythrocytes appeared in the peripheral blood.

Other systems keep up with the cardiovascular system. Active changes are also taking place in the digestive system: the baby's intestines grow in length, and the large intestine and appendix have already formed. The pancreas releases the first portion of the hormone insulin. And the first bile ducts are formed in the liver.

Briefly about the main thing

Gradually, the embryo straightens, the space between the head and the body becomes thinner and the prototype of the neck appears. The head is now much larger than the body, and this is no coincidence, because the brain is actively growing and developing. At week 7, it has already divided into two hemispheres and actively controls the processes occurring in the embryo, including it sends motor impulses to the muscles, and the embryo moves.

The respiratory and endocrine systems are also being improved, the kidneys and the reproductive system are developing. The sex glands begin to form into the ovaries or testes. However on Ultrasound it is now quite difficult to determine the sex of the child.

The limbs of the fetus develop. The arms are ahead of the legs in development. They lengthen, acquire the ability to bend elbow and wrist. The palm and the rudiments of the fingers are formed. The boundaries of the shoulders and forearms are determined. And the legs are still small fins.

Parts of the face are actively developing. The inner and outer ear are formed, the rudiments of the auricles are already visible. The eyes are still far apart, and the embryo looks like a small alien. However, the iris of the eyes, retinal pigments and cilia on the eyelids have already formed. The nose is also developing, you can already distinguish the small nostrils. The upper lip and jaw are formed. This gives an impetus to the laying of milk teeth.

By the 7th week, the umbilical cord was finally formed, if earlier it contained two veins, now the right one disappears, only the left one remains. And since the umbilical cord has formed, it means that the uteroplacental blood flow has also been established, the placenta becomes denser at this time, but its full development will occur only by 12 weeks.


At this time, the woman still has the same sensations, nausea and vomiting continues in the morning, frequent urination, which is associated with an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Headaches, drowsiness, increased fatigue, frequent mood swings, increased irritability, tearfulness can torment. The chest increases, the tingling continues, the nipples darken, their sensitivity increases. Constipation, bloating, heartburn may appear. Due to the changes that occur against the background of hormonal changes in the body, every tenth woman in the first months of pregnancy decreases blood pressure. Because of what dizziness and fainting may occur. But these side effects can be symptoms of anemia. Regular monitoring of a pregnant woman by a doctor, monitoring tests and timely prescription of drugs will prevent this complication.

A woman may note the appearance of edema, this is due to the fact that normal pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body, as well as an increase in the volume of circulating blood, changes in the functioning of the kidneys and heart. Most often, swelling is observed in the ankles, lower legs, fingers, and can worsen during hot weather.

Stomach ache

Many women at this time note pain on the sides of the abdomen, most often with tension of the ligaments of the uterus, due to its growth. But the pains in the lower abdomen should be alarming, especially if they are accompanied by bloody discharge and have a cramping, pulling character. If back pain is added to this, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor - there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Fetus and belly size

The fetus is actively growing and developing and by 7 weeks its growth is 13 mm, and its weight is 1.1-1.3 g. At this time, the baby begins to move, but the mother still cannot appreciate his efforts. The uteroplacental circulation has formed, which means that the child's body is almost completely dependent on the mother, which means she needs to quit smoking (if she has not already done this) and from alcohol, now she must more closely monitor her diet, because then, what she eats, is reflected in the condition of the baby. Well, ultrasound can be seen whether the pregnancy is intrauterine, the number of fetuses, how they are fixed in the uterus, their movements, and you can also hear their heartbeat. Also, with the help of ultrasound, you can identify inflammation of the uterus and bladder, as well as identify fibroids.

The uterus has already increased in size, but this is still not enough for the abdomen to enlarge, so everything is unchanged for now.


In addition to the dangers described in the earlier weeks of pregnancy, another one is added. Once at the 7th week of pregnancy, erythrocytes appear in the peripheral blood of the fetus, which means that its Rh factor is also determined. Rh factor is a protein on the surface of an erythrocyte, if present, Rh factor is positive, if absent, Rh factor is negative. In 85% of people, Rh factor is positive, in the remaining 15% it is negative. Why is it important to know this? The fact is that if the parents have different Rh factors, this can lead to an unpleasant situation during pregnancy - to Rh - conflict. If the child inherits the father's Rh factor, it means that an organism with a foreign Rh factor will develop in the mother's body, as a result of which her body will produce Rh antibodies, which are designed to attack the foreign organism. As a result of this attack, the erythrocytes of the fetus are destroyed, which leads to its anemia and hypoxia. The decay products of erythrocytes have a toxic effect on the body of both the mother and the child. Usually the first pregnancy with Rh-conflict proceeds normally, but the second is fraught with miscarriage, in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the Rh-conflict, it is necessary to take measures in advance - no later than 7-8 weeks to find out the Rh factor of your own and the child's father, if they differ, take an analysis for the presence Rh antibodies and donate them every href \u003d "/ devyatyj-mesyac-beremennosti /"\u003e 9 months. If antibodies are detected at any time, it is necessary to undergo examination in a clinic specializing in this problem, if antibodies are not detected, continue to be observed in the antenatal clinic.


Since at this time the uteroplacental blood circulation has been established, nutrition should be monitored even more carefully, to abandon artificial products in favor of natural products, eat fruits and vegetables, drink milk, refuse salty, smoked and spicy foods - such products contribute to even greater water retention in the body, which leads to edema.

If you suffer from dizziness and fainting, you need to drink regularly, if dizziness is associated with anemia, that is, iron deficiency in the body. Iron is needed to build the hemoglobin molecule, the main oxygen carrier. The existing deficit is difficult to eliminate with food, so doctors most often prescribe iron supplements and multivitamin complexes. But for the prevention of iron deficiency, nutrition is perfect. The daily intake of iron for an adult is 1-2 mg per day, and during pregnancy, an additional 2.5 mg of iron is required. Foods that are an excellent source of iron - meat, liver, fish, buckwheat, beans, peas and sprouted wheat... In order for iron to be absorbed better, you should eat foods rich in vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron, and also try to exclude coffee and tea, which interfere with the absorption of iron.

What to do

It is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic, if you have not already done so, to find out whether you and your family have genetic and chronic diseases. If you have myopia, you should visit an ophthalmologist, because during pregnancy there is an additional load on the vessels of the eyes.

It is also necessary to pass many tests: a clinical blood test, on the basis of which anemia and other blood diseases can be detected; biochemical blood test, which allows you to assess the metabolism and work of the main internal organs; an analysis to determine the blood group and Rh factor, with a Rh-negative mother's blood, the antibody titer is determined, thus, the risk of developing hemolytic disease of the child is determined. A coagulogram is performed at the first visit, then according to indications. According to it, the blood coagulation system of a pregnant woman is assessed. A blood test for markers of viral hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis - the presence or absence of these diseases is determined, as a rule, it is carried out three times per pregnancy.

And in general, the requirements for a pregnant woman are the same as before - to observe the regime of work and rest, to eat regularly, to give up hard physical work, to give up hairpins, not to take hot baths and especially baths, to get positive emotions, to do what you love.

Belly photo

If you calculate the timing of pregnancy on a monthly basis, then the seventh week falls at the very beginning of the second half of the second month. It is at this time that a serious restructuring of the body begins, the signs of an already onset pregnancy become more noticeable and obvious to others, the hormonal background of the female body also changes significantly. Many women cannot avoid toxicosis at the 7th week of pregnancy, resulting in weakness and general fatigue. Although the individual characteristics of the female body can be so different that some of the fairer sex at the 7th week do not even feel any symptoms. However, it is absolutely certain that a woman's body begins to change dramatically from the seventh week of obstetric pregnancy. A baby inside the womb at 7 weeks is similar in size to a grain of a white kidney bean. The weight of the fetus already reaches 0.8 g, and the growth of the baby varies between 5-13 mm.

Feelings of a woman in the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy

The main negative factor accompanying a woman in the 7th week of pregnancy is toxicosis. Severe nausea, especially in the morning, greatly spoils the pleasant emotions from the long-awaited and imminent motherhood. Actually, because of him, a pregnant woman has appetite disorders. He is either not at all, or he is present, but with strange gastronomic addictions. A characteristic condition for the 7th week is the lethargy and drowsiness of the woman. And his fault is hormones, the restructuring and ratio of which is constantly happening. But, despite such a wide range of different sensations, the external manifestations of pregnancy are still hardly noticeable to others.

A period of 7 weeks of pregnancy presents a woman with many new surprises. Some moms-to-be are discovering the taste of new dishes that they did not particularly like before pregnancy. Other pregnant women are suddenly attracted to travel, art and other life interests. In general, the 7th week will definitely show itself, and, often, from the best side.

Ultrasound at the 7th week of pregnancy

According to the obstetric plan, the first ultrasound is performed around the 12th week of pregnancy. The fact is that at this time all the vital organs and systems of the baby's body have already been formed, and the doctor can easily see the features of the development of the fetus and detect deviations in a timely manner. In some cases, ultrasound examination can be performed earlier, at the 7th week of pregnancy. Its main goal at this time is to track the state of the placenta, because for about 7 weeks the corpus luteum transfers all its functions to the placenta.

An ultrasound scan, carried out at the 7th week of pregnancy, allows the doctor to see that the baby already has visible outlines of a face, nose, ears, mouth, eyes. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's digestive system is actively formed, the small and large intestines are formed. The fetal brain also increases in size. At 7 weeks of gestation, the umbilical cord is already finally formed, it connects to the placenta. The size of the fruit does not exceed 20 mm.

Often, at the 7th week of pregnancy, with an ultrasound examination, you can see the process of dividing the baby's heart into 4 chambers, after which the heartbeat process starts. Starting from the 7th week, the baby's skeleton gradually ossifies inside the womb. Also, the skin begins to form, represented by two layers of cells. The outer layer is subsequently transformed into the epidermis. Interestingly, sometimes at the 7th week of pregnancy, ultrasound diagnostics can already determine the gender of the baby. In addition, the doctor will be able to tell the expectant mother how many children she will have.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother in the 7th week of pregnancy?

The 7th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of many signs of the onset of pregnancy. A woman already fully feels all the delights of pregnancy. Mood swings associated with strong hormonal surges, loss of appetite due to severe nausea, which is especially pronounced in the morning - are negative feelings that the expectant mother experiences during this difficult period of time. However, along with them, a pregnant woman literally transforms her appearance, a mysterious and kind look appears in her eyes.

A lot of nutritional components, vitamins and mineral components are spent on the nutrition of the baby inside the womb, and therefore a woman in the 7th week of pregnancy may experience a deterioration in the condition of her skin, hair, nails. Hormonal surges can trigger the development of pigmentation on the skin. During this period of time, it is important for a pregnant woman to pay attention to the correct intake of mineral and vitamin complexes and her own nutrition. Folic acid has a special effect on the female body, which is highly necessary for the correct formation of the nervous system of the child's body.

What symptoms occur in the 7th week of pregnancy?

Despite the fact that each woman's pregnancy proceeds individually, there are many symptoms that many expectant mothers experience in the 7th week. In addition to the absence of menstruation, there is a strong breast enlargement. Even if a woman's breasts used to be small, now its large size is simply impossible not to notice. Some women are very upset by the painful sensations in the chest that occur in the 7th week of pregnancy. The figure is already becoming more rounded, and this is due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

By the 7th week of obstetric pregnancy, the renewal of the epithelial layer of the vagina is more active, and the blood rushes to it more intensively. Because of this, the discharge at the indicated time becomes slightly yellowish, has an unexpressed odor. The alarm should be beaten only when pain periodically occurs in the lower abdomen, and the discharge becomes bloody, mucous. In such cases, you should definitely contact your attending gynecologist. Such manifestations may well indicate uterine hypertonicity.

Belly in the 7th week of pregnancy

The tummy of the expectant mother in the 7th week of pregnancy is still small, and those around him do not notice. But if a woman, left alone with herself, stands in front of a mirror and looks closely at the tummy, then she will probably be able to see its slight increase associated with an increase in the uterus. At the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is about twice as large as before conception.

How does the fetus feel in the 7th week of obstetric pregnancy?

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by the transition from the embryonic development of the infant to the embryo-fetal one. Actually, from this time on, the child can already be called a fetus. The embryo is already becoming like a full-fledged little man, in which almost all organs and organ systems are formed. True, he does not yet have the endocrine and nervous systems, this period of time is marked by the active development of the baby's brain. At the end of the 7th week of obstetric pregnancy, the fetus forms a genital tubercle, from which the genitals will subsequently develop. There is a slight straightening of the embryo, and according to the results of the ultrasound, you can already distinguish where the baby's neck will be located. At this stage of development, the limbs of the fetus are already clearly visible, but the baby's fingers are not yet separated. The growth of the pens is a little more active than the development of the baby's pens.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the baby's face is formed. The mouth in the ultrasound photo is already clearly visible, the nostrils are slightly visible, but the jaws are still forming. At the end of the 7th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 7-13 mm. In most cases, it is still impossible to determine the sex by ultrasound examination during this period.

What examinations should be done during this period?

As a rule, at the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman first contacts an antenatal clinic, where she is offered to undergo an initial medical examination. In its course, the volume of the pelvis of the future mother is necessarily measured, smears are taken to detect infections, the weight of a pregnant woman is calculated. A gynecologist usually gives a pregnant woman directions for urine, blood tests, hepatitis of various types, HIV infection, syphilis at this time. A pregnant woman must necessarily undergo examination by a therapist and dentist at the 7th week. Gynecologists rarely issue a referral for an ultrasound scan at the 7th week of obstetric pregnancy. Basically, this procedure is necessary to confirm the assumptions about multiple pregnancies.

Warnings and Recommendations for Women in the 7th Week of Pregnancy

There is still a high risk of miscarriage in the 7th week of pregnancy. The emerging and increasing toxicosis greatly complicates the life of a woman. The future mother should understand that the baby inside her womb at such an early stage is very vulnerable, it is during this period of time that the risks of developing the most severe developmental pathologies are great. To avoid the occurrence of such difficult situations, a pregnant woman should carefully follow all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor.

Do not forget that during the entire period of pregnancy (and after childbirth too) you must not smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, drugs and medicines. All this can negatively affect the health of your baby. Do not self-medicate during pregnancy, avoid infections.

Finally, we note that the seventh week of pregnancy is exactly the period of time when a woman should register with an antenatal clinic and carefully follow medical recommendations.

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The seventh week of pregnancy is possibly one of the most difficult for pregnant women. This is the second month from conception and during this period the signs of pregnancy become more pronounced. For the first time, some unpleasant symptoms and notorious mood swings may appear. Also, young mothers can both gain a few kilograms, and, pursued by toxicosis and anxiety, lose.

During this period, not only internal, but also external changes occur, which doctors explain by hormonal changes in the female body. External changes are mainly manifested in the skin: it can become greasy and covered with pimples, but it can also look healthier.

Note: after childbirth, all these transformations take place, so there is no reason to worry about this.

In the seventh week, you can already register. But for this you need to pass tests such as:

  • Checking feces for the presence of worm eggs;
  • Measure blood pressure;
  • Make a seeding of the nose;
  • Pass a comprehensive blood test;
  • Make a coagulogram;
  • Vaginal smear
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Measure the weight, height and size of the pelvis.

The most important thing at this stage is to take care of your health and lay the foundation for the birth of a strong and healthy child. It is worth being careful and avoiding various stressful situations. You need to listen to yourself, your body, and also walk more and not lift weights. Then this week will be calm and favorable for the expectant mother and child.

Forewarned - armed. What symptoms appear at week 7?

The first and most powerful thing that manifests itself in the seventh week is toxicosis. Many young mothers have to worry about it, but for some women the seventh week in this regard is calm. What is toxicosis expressed? Frequent bouts of vomiting, especially in the morning. Strong sensitivity to odors that cause gagging.

Unexplained love and craving for a certain product may appear, and previously favorite dishes will begin to cause disgust. This is all due to the fact that the child lacks certain vitamins, and he can only take them from his mother.

Dizziness appears. The condition of the skin and hair may deteriorate. Acne, age spots, itching are possible, which become common and cause irritability. The state of health worsens, weakness appears, and frequent mood swings are observed.

Advice: since this period, doctors do not advise walking on a hairpin, using cosmetics, lifting weights, taking very warm baths and getting nervous.

Do not be afraid of this period, as for some women, the skin structure, on the contrary, improves: it becomes more elastic, clean and healthy in appearance. But if you still have problems with your skin and well-being, of course, there is a way out! And it consists in a healthy diet and the use of vitamins. Often it is the observing doctor who prescribes vitamins, since it is very important for a young mother to give all the nutritional components to both her child and herself.

Grated cucumbers will help you to weaken toxicosis or completely remove its symptoms. And to get rid of nausea, you need to eat lemon and ginger. But sometimes it's enough and good breakfast.

Note: Vomiting is not a normal process. A complicated situation is when vomits plus or minus 15 times a day. In this case, you urgently need to consult a supervising doctor.

The need for frequent urination increases. The reason is the acceleration of blood circulation and the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. The amount of blood in the mother's body is increasing by 10% this week. And by the end of pregnancy, in order to maintain the baby and yourself in a normal state, it increases to 40-45%.

Blood discharge may appear and in this case an urgent need to go to the hospital. Because this symptom may indicate the danger of miscarriage.

You should also be wary and consult a doctor with discharge of gray, yellowish-green, brown and beige colors. The discharge of a curdled, frothy and thick consistency should be suspicious. Burning, itching, irritation in the groin area should also be reported to the doctor.

During this period, the size of the uterus constantly increases - this can cause discomfort, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, and the sides can pull and hurt. Some women already in the seventh month feel the contractions of the uterus. There is no need to be afraid and this is quite normal - such contractions occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Chest pains may occur. Headaches are common in young mothers. But, if earlier it was possible to save yourself with painkillers, now doctors categorically forbid pregnant women to drink such pills. The only and best advisor, in case of pain, will be the observing doctor.

Time for change. How you and your baby are changing.

At this stage, the body adapts to the fetus. There is a danger of miscarriages, because the function of hormone production gradually passes from the corpus luteum to the placenta. If you have not had problems with the placenta, then the fetus will be safe and the transition will take place normally. But in the event that there were any violations, then it will be difficult for the placenta to function normally under such a weight of responsibilities and this can lead to a miscarriage.

Changes also occur in the cervix. To protect the baby from external intrusions and infections, mucus from the mucous membrane thickens and forms a mucous plug. This plug separates the vagina and uterus and exits just before the birth itself.

Gradually, a young mother will begin to realize that her clothes are getting tight. The tummy is gradually rounded, and the chest grows.

Advice: when the breast has increased in size, it is worth buying a special bodice for pregnant women - it supports the breast around the entire perimeter, stretches well and, due to its structure, eliminates excess pressure.

The so-called stretch marks and veins on the abdomen and chest may begin to appear. Also, those who are predisposed to varicose veins may begin to progress and show signs of this disease, such as:

  • Consolidation and enlargement of the veins in the legs;
  • Consolidation and expansion of veins in the groin area;
  • The appearance of heaviness in the legs.

If you notice such symptoms, then at the stage of pregnancy, you should not resort to surgery and treatment of this disease. It is better to do this after childbirth, if the signs of the disease do not disappear on their own. However, it can be prevented from occurring. To do this, you should monitor your diet and weight, do not lift weights, avoid sitting or standing for a long time, choose comfortable clothes and shoes.

Advice: when this disease is detected, doctors advise using special tights: they prevent swelling of the legs and, in general, have a beneficial effect on their condition.

The fetus is already more than a month old and it is also changing. From this period, its development accelerated noticeably. The child's body becomes somewhat arcuate, somewhat like a bean, and half of the entire height is taken up by the head.

The embryo is now somewhere between 7 and 18 millimeters in size and weighing between 0.8 and 1 gram. A narrowing is formed between the body and the head - the future neck of the child. Arms and legs are already growing, and feet and hands are forming on them. The gaps between the fingers become distinguishable, but the fingers themselves are not yet formed. During this period, the face is also formed: the base of the nose and even the barely distinguishable nostrils, auricles, the jaws become noticeable and the skin layers form the eyelid. From the embryo, there is still a "tail", which is a continuation of the tailbone. But it will disappear in the next few weeks.

Bone cells begin to develop and strengthen, the skeleton begins to ossify. From now until the 25th year of life, your child will continuously continue this process.

In a child, both hemispheres of the brain begin to develop, from this moment he begins to "grow wiser". And most importantly, the umbilical cord is formed, thanks to which the circulatory system is established, and the fetus receives nutrients from the mother. A four-chambered heart is already beating in the chest, blood vessels are forming and endocrine glands are developing. The rudiments of the bronchi and respiratory tract are formed, the kidney is laid. The digestive system develops immediately, and the anus is formed and the intestines are lengthened.

In the seventh week, testicles begin to develop in boys, and ovaries in girls, although it will take a little longer to find out the sex of the child. The first attempts to move in the mother's abdomen appear.

There is a healthy child in a healthy body. Why is it so important to monitor your diet and how to do it?

In fact, keeping track of your health is important not only during pregnancy, but throughout your life. However, during this period, such a need increases many times, since you are responsible not only for your own life, but also for the life of your baby.

It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol, so as not to harm the child. And also it is imperative to monitor your diet and ensure that it is healthy. This is important, because with food, the fetus receives the energy it needs to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Here is a list of components that a young mother needs to pay attention to in order to draw up a normal diet for the child and herself:

  • Animal proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Complex carbohydrates;
  • Vitamins;
  • Microelements.

Tip: Your supervising physician will be able to help you with your diet and personalized diet.

It is important that the diet is healthy, as the growth of the fetus, uterus, placenta and breast depends on proteins. During pregnancy, the daily protein intake should be at least 170 grams.

As mentioned earlier, the baby's skeleton begins to form in the seventh week, which is why a young mother needs to eat foods high in calcium. But abuse will tone the uterus, which will badly affect the child.

It is also important to exclude from the diet or consume at a minimum those foods that can harm the child. And this:

  • Smoking in any form;
  • Pickles and salted foods;
  • Sharp;
  • Sweet;
  • Raw or semi-raw meat, fish;
  • Alcohol;
  • Colorants, preservatives, flavorings;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • Sweet sparkling water, kvass;
  • Cabbage and legumes.

Foods that are good for pregnant women are neutral and prohibited. (Fig. 6)

Often there is such a situation when the expectant mother, due to toxicosis, completely loses her appetite. But, despite this, the body still needs to eat and provide nutrients. In this case, doctors advise taking small, light morning snacks.

The first and most important thing is not to get nervous and not worry. If you carefully study the literature and follow your doctor's instructions, then everything will be fine with you and with your child.

In addition to nutrition, it will be useful to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, according to which it will also be possible to consult with the doctor with whom you are under observation. He will be able to recommend the vitamins you need and the correct dosage. During this period, it is worth drinking more fluids.

It is important not to forget about personal hygiene. During pregnancy, doctors forbid taking hot baths and advise taking a shower. It is important to wash regularly, as we breathe not only with the lungs, but also with the skin, and dirty and clogged pores are another "breath of air" for the child. Plus, it will make it difficult to excrete harmful substances that leave the body through sweat discharge. Cleansed skin, among other things, makes it easier for the kidneys, which are heavily stressed during pregnancy.

Advice: if the skin condition has deteriorated significantly, it is worth contacting a dermatologist.

Good rest is very important for pregnant women. It must be remembered that normal and healthy sleep should last at least 8-10 hours a day. Fresh air is equally important. It is in the second month of pregnancy that you need to start going out for a walk. The minimum walk should be 2-3 hours, but if you manage to devote more time to this, it will only benefit. It is unsafe for a mother and her child to be in a stuffy and unventilated room, so the rooms must be ventilated.

It is worth carefully monitoring your health, as colds and illnesses can negatively affect the baby. The high temperature of the mother, due to the strong changes, will harm the baby. A cough can stimulate the uterus to contract, and a runny nose can cause insufficient oxygen to reach the baby.

In no case should you self-medicate if you are still sick. Many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and can only harm the fetus. That is why the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

You can listen to soothing music. This will only benefit.

Photos in the seventh week

And, of course, it is worth recalling that the condition of the mother is very important. A child, even while in the womb, is very sensitive and his condition largely depends on the condition of the mother. That is why doctors recommend not to be nervous. Indeed, thanks to the connected circulatory system, the child understands how the mother feels: if she is happy, then the blood produces endorphins (hormones of joy), and if she is sad or worried, catecholamines (stress hormones: adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine). And the child understands all this and takes over from the mother.

That is why enjoy your baby and your pregnancy. And even if stressful situations arise, try to get away from them in every possible way and remain calm. You can even talk to your baby at this stage. The child will certainly feel that he is expected and loved. Subsequently, this will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system and general attitude towards the world. After all, if a person knows that he is loved, then he is much more confident in himself. And the foundations are laid already in the womb.

Therefore, love your child, take care of him and watch your health - this will be the best help and support at this stage. Then your baby will be born healthy and strong.

Video - 7 week of pregnancy: sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, discharge, pulls in the lower abdomen, cramps