How to diversify your sex life. Create romantic events. About the nuances of male physiology

"Sex is like a business, it needs to be constantly developed." This quote from American actress May West is very true. It is especially worth remembering for men and women who have been married for a long time. When you share a bed with a person for years, sex turns from euphoria into a habit or, even worse, into a duty. And this is a sure way to tension in relationships, constant quarrels and even divorce.

To prevent this from happening, regularly add new bright notes to your intimate life. Every woman strives to diversify sex with her husband, so a man does not need to sit around. Consider the tips below as inspiration or as a checklist - just take action!

Do you want to diversify sex with your wife? You don't have to come up with something sophisticated, there are simple, useful ways.

Sex with a girl began to acquire mechanical features, overgrown with numerous rituals? Does intercourse happen at the same time, in the same place? You can shake things up by adding surprise. Just pounce (in a good sense of the word) on your spouse right in the hallway or, for example, not in the usual evening time, but before going outside, when you are going for a walk. In addition, we advise you to take a closer look at your apartment - there probably remain places where you have never had sex. Go for it! Suddenness and surprise are the keywords to add a little storm to intimacy.

Without consulting your spouse, take a couple of photos that will surely turn you both on. Take your family to the beach or picnics in the summer, go to the country house and spend the long winter evenings by the fireplace. Change the place, duration, and posture often when having intercourse. Sexual life does not tolerate routine! Spouses need to experiment, and the more the better. You can live together enjoying every day! Be a real man, turning your wife on with just one look.

  • Watching an adult movie

Host a variety of adult films together at home. Women, as a rule, perceive watching erotic films as courtship, as an attempt to convey erotic signals to them. From watching a beautiful film of erotic content, psychological liberation appears. Just advice: if you and your wife have not previously watched "adult" films, then start with soft eroticism. If your first movie like this is too harsh, then most likely you both will be very embarrassed.

  • Home video

You can achieve variety by filming everything on video or by taking a couple of photos. This will excite any partner and add spice to the relationship. Alternate positions and capture everything on the camera. Use special "toys" and watch your partner's reaction. Surely you will be able to determine what she likes best.

Home photos and videos will help diversify sex after 50. Paired with experience, this method is simply irreplaceable. Remember the past, think about your partner and do exactly what she wants. After fifty, this will help you maintain potency. Even old age is not a hindrance for those who are smart about sexual fantasies.

  • Trying adult games

Nowadays many games for adults are sold in stores - various cards with tasks, cubes with poses depicted on the edges, etc. You can just take pieces of paper and write a variety of sexual desires with your spouse (anything - favorite or not yet known poses, fantasies, various places to have sex, clothes, role-playing games). Draw out a new piece of paper once a week and bring the task to life.

  • "Unusual snack"

Couples love experimenting with food. In Japan, there are whole rituals on this topic. The girl is "served", and the man with his lips, without hands, eats food from her body. A kind of foreplay is a lot of fun!

Strawberries with cream, ice or honey help to diversify oral sex. Everyone has their own preferences! Try something new, and you will certainly be able to not only diversify your relationship in bed, but also surprise your girlfriend or wife.

  • We go shopping

Sex shops offer a lot of interesting products for sexual partners who want to diversify their sex. Are you shy? There is nothing easier than ordering a product anonymously from an online store. Today, there are many things on sale that help diversify the intimate life of lovers, make their sex unusual, and improve the quality. Start small - for example, try a variety of lubricants, find the most suitable one for your couple (there are classic lubricants, cooling, warming, for oral sex, anal, etc.). Then try using different outfits and toys from the sex shop. In general, turn on your imagination, be bolder.

Explore new

A sure way to diversify sex is to try new positions, unexplored foreplay techniques, methods of performing oral sex, etc. Today there is no shortage of information, you can easily find the necessary article on the Internet. You can use the good old Kama Sutra. Just do not start with difficult experiments, evaluate your physical capabilities. And, of course, let your wife know that you want to try something new in sex. If your impulse for oral or other experiments is not to her liking, then this will not ignite the fire of the relationship, but, on the contrary, extinguish it.

A new environment also allows you to get variety in sex. Change your usual place and try to have sex:

  • On the balcony. Make sure that no one sees your couple, otherwise there are risks of becoming a famous person on YouTube. In cold weather, experimenting in this way is also not worth it.
  • In the shower. You can diversify sex by taking water procedures together. Even if you are not the happy owner of an expensive shower stall, this method works! In the bathroom, you will be amazed by the flexibility of your bodies and the discovery of many new positions that will be forced in a confined space.
  • In the kitchen. You can diversify your sex life while cooking dinner. Pleasure is not just about spontaneity. Anyway, nobody canceled the whipped cream and ice cubes.
  • In the stairwell. Let's go back to the very beginning of sexual adventures - in school years! Adrenaline sharpens the senses, you never know, suddenly a neighbor will take it into his head to go up not by an elevator, and he will see you ...
  • Not at home. On summer inviting evenings, it is better to leave the four walls and walk through the secluded corners of the city. You don't even know how many tempting places you can find to retreat! Just do not bother about various institutions and public places, because this is no longer a variety of personal life, but a real crime.

Please note that this method is only effective for young people. In old age, few people will like this. Women are more circumspect than men, so if your partner is against this way of diversity, then don't insist.

We buy a new bed

Researchers from the Department of Family Sociology at the University of Cologne conducted an experiment: cameras were installed in the rooms of volunteers. As a result, it was found that couples with wider beds had sex more often, foreplay was more varied (including massage and oral sex), and the sex itself turned out to be longer. It was also found that couples who recently redecorated and refurbished furniture were more passionate and eager for sexual experimentation.

The conclusion is obvious: even such a simple thing as a new interior in the bedroom and the purchase of a king bed helps to diversify the sex life. If you have been living in an apartment for a long time and have not changed anything in the interior, then it's time to act!

We are looking for the cherished point

The G-spot looks like the Philosopher's Stone. Everyone knows about him, but few believe in his existence, because they have not encountered him in real life. However, the G-spot is very real, and it is easy to find it if you want to - there are a lot of diagrams and descriptions of the location of this cherished corner of the female body on the Internet. After the opening of the point takes place, we recommend that you do more global research and draw up a map of your girlfriend. More precisely, a map of her erogenous zones. Traditional sensitive areas are:

  • Lips.
  • Earlobes.
  • Chest.
  • The area from the navel to the pubis.
  • Clitoris, point G.
  • Feet.
  • Buttocks.
  • Popliteal dimple.

You can caress the listed intimate areas with your hands, tongue, use foreign objects (feather, piece of ice, warm wax). The main thing is to follow the reaction of your wife - she will tell you what she likes more and what does not seem pleasant. Once your spouse's body has been examined, you can ask your wife to map your body, which can be just as fun. The difference is that guys have less sensitivity of nerve endings.

Massage session

Arrange an erotic massage session. Its goal is to arouse a partner, create favorable conditions for sensual sex, and provide the most powerful orgasm. The most suitable areas for erotic massage for a man are the back, torso, buttocks, lower leg. Many men enjoy head massage.

With female erotic massage, it is worth focusing on the back, palms, chest, feet. The genitals can be used, however, this will no longer be a massage, but a foreplay. An erotic massage without affecting the genitals can be achieved if: the masseur is naked; touch of bodies against each other is used; light touches or oral caresses with the tongue are used. A variety of oils and incense can be used to help heighten the sensations.

Discussing feelings, desires and fantasies

Talk to each other more about sex. Try all the power of phrases about sexual desire: letting your partner know how much you want him, the response will not keep you waiting. Memories of favorite erotic moments from a shared past, stories about sexual fantasies and dreams help to tune in the right way. To bring them to life or not - decide for yourself, but just talking about them is an effective way to achieve bright excitement.

Blitz Tips:

  1. Don't neglect sex in your family life. Let carnal pleasures become an integral part of the relationship. Develop skill, gain experience and have fun.
  2. Improvise! It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to diversify your sex life. Do not give up toys and "family" photos.
  3. Study your partner's body. You will always find something new for yourself, even if you have lived together for many years! This will help you maintain harmony in your relationship and forget about jealousy.
  4. Marital sex with a loved one can be turned into an unforgettable pleasure. Do whatever you wanted before, but only after your partner's consent.
  5. There are many sex positions - try them all! Come up with something of your own.

We are sure that these tips are not a surprise to you. Everyone knows about them, but not everyone uses them. And in vain - they are very simple and effective. Move from theory to practice, experiment, get new impressions from sex, and for such nonsense as jealousy and quarrels, you simply will not have time!

Even after 10 years of marriage, your significant other is expecting small, cute gifts or surprises from you. Experiment and instead of a practical and useful gift, make breakfast in bed, invite for a romantic dinner in a cozy restaurant or wear erotic lingerie. Remember, at the beginning of your relationship, when they were full of passion, you did not give each other pots, vacuum cleaners or warm fleece underwear.

  • Have sex

    Don't just practice for the so-called marital duties, but experiment. If the passion has faded a little, it makes sense to look for ways to return it. There are many ways to do this: erotic lingerie, role-playing games, new places, positions, ways, sex toys. All this will make your sex life more interesting and richer. Just remember to talk to your partner about his wishes.

  • Don't give too much importance to everyday problems.

    To be honest, everyday life kills passion, so it should worry you as little or not at all. This doesn't mean it's time to turn into a hippie. Try to arrange your home in such a way that there is nothing superfluous in it. Make it as convenient as possible for your family. The same goes for the responsibilities of your family members. Discard stereotypes about typically male and female affairs. You will feel not burdened with everyday life only if you do what you love, and transfer the rest to specialists.

  • Remember, you were made to love, not nag

    Believe me, you don't want to have anything to do with a person who constantly nags. From such, perhaps to hide or run away. If you constantly point out things that do not suit you, you will soon lose not only family harmony, but also your partner. But this does not mean that you need to accumulate negative emotions in yourself, since in the end they will break out and blow up everything around. Talk to your loved ones, and if they cannot hear you, this is not their problem, you may need to change the approach. By the way, think about it, maybe you just exaggerated the importance of all these things. Is one unwashed plate worth a scandal?

  • Take the weekend

    It's not about work, it's about family. Sometimes you also need to rest from it. Children, parents, this is of course happiness, but against their background you can lose yourself. Try to give each other enough attention. Be alone, go out of town together, do not drag the children along with you every time, sometimes you can leave them with your grandmother or hire a nanny. Believe me, the children themselves will be better off from this, because happy parents are the key to healthy relationships in the family.

  • Look for the good in each other

    Unfortunately, the longer we live in marriage, the more often we begin to forget about the positive traits of a loved one and focus on the shortcomings. Let's face it, everyone has bad traits, but you fell in love with each other for the things that are cute and so important to you. By the way, maybe your significant other simply cannot show their best sides, since there is no reason for this? For example, if your husband is a great cook, give him the opportunity to do so. And if your wife laughs beautifully, give her more reasons to be happy.

  • Find a shared hobby

    To spend more time together, you can do something in common. It is advisable that this was not a general cleaning or a trip to the market for groceries. Find a common hobby, such as playing sports, dancing, cooking, or traveling together. This will unite your family as you will be passionate about something pleasant for both, at the same time learning something new and useful.

  • Show interest in each other's hobbies

    In addition to joint hobbies, it is worth paying due attention to personal ones. It's not important to share and admire them, but being interested can strengthen your relationship. Plus, if you understand your husband's love for paintball or philately, you will always have a topic for conversation. You will always feel like a part of his life and there will be no place for detachment in your relationship.

  • Develop family traditions

    This will not only benefit your couple, but it will also bring the whole family together. You can create a tradition by celebrating a specific date, such as New Years or Christmas, or create your own unique holiday. Pick a date, get your friends together and celebrate the day you thought of living your whole life together. You can think of a funny event, such as celebrating the day your husband gave you a mop. All this will be very funny and amusing.

  • Confess your love

    Some believe that after several years of married life, each family member is already aware that he is madly loved by others. We hasten to upset you, this is not at all the case. Such simple, at first glance, three words play a huge role: they add confidence, joy. Feelings must always be expressed, not only in words, but also in deeds. True, try to balance words and deeds.

  • Be attentive to each other, do not dwell on problems and strive for new sensations and knowledge. Here is the simple secret of a harmonious and happy relationship that will never depend on the number of years you live together.

    The relationship between a man and a woman is a fragile vessel. It can be easily broken down into everyday life and everyday life. It is very important that the relationship does not stagnate. The main role, for a change, is, as always, assigned to a woman, and it does not matter how they will be introduced into everyday life, honestly or dishonestly, the main thing is that they work, if a man takes part in them, success is guaranteed.

    1. Miss each other

    Undoubtedly, joint trips to theaters, cinemas, skating rinks and other events are extremely necessary. After all, all this is the main component of common interests. But the constant presence near, after a while, begins to pall. Yes, yes, it’s boring. Even newlyweds, after a certain time, begin to get tired of each other, which means that it is important to create moments in their lives when you can miss each other. It is important that the man and the woman have their own space. Meeting friends, fishing, shopping, hairdressing and other activities help to relax from each other and, of course, get a little bored.

    2. Diversify your sex

    Most newlyweds perceive sex as a serious process. Even after many years of living together, the pattern of behavior does not change. Many people perceive intimate relationships as fulfillment of duty.

    Marriage is not possible without sex. For a strong relationship, sex life must not only be regular, but also varied. With a loved one, you can change and improve everything. It is important to remember that problems in sex sooner or later lead to cheating. Feel free to watch videos, Kama Sutra, use sex toys, and role-play. Remember: diversity in your sex life is one of the most powerful arguments in a strong relationship!

    3. Surprise the guy with the culinary skills

    Many family psychologists argue that delicious food, like fulfilling sex, plays an important role in shaping family relationships. Of course, you can cook delicious and hearty borscht and fry meat cutlets every day. But this is not enough. Food should sometimes be with a twist. There are even scientific works: how to lure a man with a romantic meal.

    4. Give gifts and surprise

    Do not hesitate to make surprises for your loved one and. Although surprises and gifts are different things, the essence is the same. Since the touch receptors of a beloved man need to be periodically excited, it is recommended to come up with various surprises that you can smell, touch and even try. It's like touching erogenous zones. Don't be shy about indulging in delicious fruits and berries, it's so romantic.

    5. Don't be afraid of surprises

    Long and strong relationships are joy, sorrow, ups and downs. All this is experienced together with the beloved. In order to diversify your relationship with your boyfriend or husband, you don't have to be afraid of unexpected but permissible actions. For example, an unexpected kiss, or sex, a declaration of love. Unless, of course, the setting and environment allow it to be done.

    6. Our life is a game

    Each person lives life, playing the role assigned to him. Play is a completely normal state. If during the day we are a girl, mother, wife, colleague, friend and even enemy, then by evening it would be good to change the role. Choosing an image is not difficult: a sexy maid or nurse will add variety to a stagnant relationship. Change your image - this is so important.

    7. Psychological closeness with a partner

    In order to establish psychological closeness with a loved one, you can visit the skating rink, go to the cinema for a night show, cook a joint dinner, arrange a ride on sports bicycles ... There are many options. The main thing is to grasp what unites a man and a woman in order to get carried away with what you love in the future. And if there is the same hobby or hobby, then half the battle is done. Psychologists say that for a full-fledged family life, it is important that hobbies coincide.

    8. Flirt with your loved one anytime, anywhere

    Since all relationships begin with flirting, romance ends when this very flirting ends. You should always flirt with your beloved, no matter how many couples are in the relationship. Eyes, lips, gaze and intonation should be used.

    9. Write letters to your loved one

    Many have forgotten what role letters played in the destinies of great people. Now more and more emails are being written electronically. But in vain. Write letters, little notes. If you write a few tempting and mysterious letters in the morning, then by the evening the relationship will become heated. There is nothing more romantic than love and tender letters if you put them in unexpected places.

    10. Change your home environment

    Repair, moving - all this causes a storm of emotions, but it helps a lot in a relationship. It is not necessary to make major repairs, you can change the wallpaper and curtains in the apartment. If possible, then in the summer it is advisable to live in the country, outside the city. A change of environment greatly affects a comfortable and strong relationship. The main thing is to discuss everything so that this surprise does not become an unpleasant surprise.

    After several years of family life, couples notice that they are mired in a swamp of everyday life and family routine. Their relationship is not at all similar to those that were before the wedding, although the feelings have not gone anywhere, they have transformed into something more. Some put up with this state of affairs and are looking for a way out in a career, a hobby, or simply lead a boring life, while others are looking for ways to diversify their family life and revive an extinct passion. We offer you 7 ways to help make your family life brighter.

    1. Nice surprises for a loved one

    Your "half" is worthy to please her. So please! Do what she likes. It is not at all necessary to give your wife one hundred and one roses or to your husband - a set of new fishing rods, just do what he or she likes. Get up fifteen minutes early and prepare breakfast in bed. Bring something tasty in the evening, and emphasize that it was bought with the "soul mate" in mind. Make a nice little gift - just like that, for no reason. Only, I beg you, avoid gifts that are “household” or hinting at your spouse's shortcomings! No pots and vacuum cleaners, no gym membership - of course, if your spouse did not ask for it himself, and you are sure of this.

    2. Sex

    This belongs to the category of all known truths about which everyone forgets. Sex (ideally) is what distinguishes your friendship from love, it is he who is the concentration of passion and love. So do it more often! Of course, we can get bored with each other over time, but there are many ways to renew relationships in bed: from new places for him to updating the wardrobe. Beautiful erotic lingerie is, no matter how trite, a rather effective method of restoring lost attraction. Try new things: new places, new positions, new ways. There is a lot of literature on this topic, you can find out even more simply by talking frankly with each other. Take action! A husband who hurries home from work because his wife told him on the phone what she plans to do for him in the evening, or a wife who rolls her eyes admiringly when her friends ask, "How's the family?" Are some of the best guarantees for a lasting marriage.

    3. Set up your everyday life

    In general, everyday life should worry you as little as possible. An ideal home is also a home where there are no things that irritate the eyes. Fix anything that's broken, buy all the gadgets that can help you make things you don't like. Put aside stereotypes about "male" and "female" affairs, the presence of the Y chromosome does not at all bring a bonus of love for fixing plumbing or the ability to drill, and its absence does not at all guarantee that you will definitely enjoy cooking or fiddling with children. Do what you do best, leave the rest to the specialists. By the way, about shifting: it is quite possible to agree on the reassignment of responsibilities, because what you find unpleasant may seem quite acceptable to your partner. Make sure that you have as few reasons as possible to reproach and nag each other.

    4. Make claims, but don't cut

    One of the worst habits in family life that can turn you from a sweetheart or sweetheart into a bore you don't want to return home to is the nagging habit. Of course, you definitely need to tell your partner about what does not suit you, moreover, it is one of the guarantors of a calm life together and the fact that you will not explode one day from unspoken anger. But repeating over and over again, if you are not understood, is pointless. Think for yourself: you have told him or her so many times that you don’t need to do this (or, conversely, you need to do something), but he (or she) doesn’t seem to hear! Ask yourself: why repeat this again? If you are not heard, then you are acting incorrectly. Perhaps your spouse does not realize the importance of what you want from him, or for some reason it is easier for him to agree with you than to explain to you why you should not do this (a warning sign, by the way). Change tactics. Explain differently, act differently if it really matters to you. And in general, think about it: is it really that important to you? Does the inability to put the dishes in the sink really piss you off? Is an empty saucepan in the fridge really worth the scandal? If so, change your tactics and act so that you are finally heard and understood. Endless repetition and "sawing" will not lead to anything - to anything good, at least.

    5. Stay alone

    Children are the flowers of life, and the parents who raised us, undoubtedly, must be respected. But a married couple sometimes needs to be alone with each other - at least just in order to pay attention only to their partner, without being distracted by other people.

    Children: It's okay to ask someone to sit with your child or hire a nanny to spend one evening quietly. Since birth, your attention, once divided in two, is now divided into many more parts, and it is difficult to realize that your love is not divided in the same way (at least it should not). Stay alone, allow yourself to "go out" without children or the opportunity to spend an evening with just two.

    Parents and other relatives: if you have the opportunity to separate - do it! Not because they are bad, bad for your spouse, for you, or anything like that. It's just that each of us should have the opportunity to feel independent. It is up to you to decide how to build your life, what job to choose and what, finally, to cook for dinner - without other people's advice and opinions. There is a good saying: love for relatives is proportional to the distance to them. Of course, you shouldn't leave to the other end of the world, sometimes it is enough to settle in neighboring apartments - but your family should have their own, personal space, where only you are the owners. This will help you associate your partner only with himself, so that “mom, dad, grandmother and their dog” do not subconsciously add to the appendage.

    6. Find good traits

    Why did you fall in love with your spouse? Let it be even the most funny and stupid things like "she smiles sweetly" or "he is afraid of being ticklish." Remember them often. Make your spouse more likely to show the qualities that you like so much about him. Is your husband strong and caring? Let him show it over and over again, because you and he love it. Does your wife laugh very beautifully? Give her reasons to laugh with happiness! Many good sides of our "halves" are manifested in contact with us - so use it.

    7. Say "I love you" - over and over again

    Probably, many will disagree with me, but I believe that the words "I love you" are never too many. And the fact that a "real man" should show this only by deed, but remain silent, like a partisan, is stupidity, and a "real woman" to pretend that she loves less is even more stupid. Words are powerful. Words repeated often - have the power of suggestion and self-suggestion. Express your feelings with everything you can - both in deeds and in words. Think for yourself: wouldn't you be pleased if morning and evening were accompanied by a declaration of love? What if your partner convinced you of their love over and over again, as if they were still trying to win you over? As if you haven't lived together for so many years and are still running out on dates like you did for the first time? So try to start with yourself, and you will see how your "half" flourishes in response. Show your love - including with words.

    Many married couples, after years of living together, notice that they have grown cold to each other. In the modern world, this tendency, unfortunately, is becoming "younger" - it happens that even in the first year of family relations, the spouses do not feel mutual attraction. This does not always mean that partners are not suitable for each other, even more - in most cases, the situation can be corrected in a few simple steps. The main thing is not to be afraid to be frank with each other, as well as with yourself. How can spouses find mutual understanding and find the very button responsible for harmony and passion in the family? What are the most common causes of sexual cooling in marriage in a man? These and other important and frank questions are answered by our expert, IrinaVolkova, Vice President of the Association of Family Psychotherapists and Psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor, family psychotherapist, sexologist.

    Volkova Irina Vladimirovna, Vice President of the Association of Family Psychotherapists and Psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor, family psychotherapist, sexologist,

    On the sexual compatibility of spouses

    In our society, at least here in Almaty, there has recently been an incomprehensibly connected tendency, when spouses do not consider sexual compatibility as a priority component.

    I have a long experience of work, and it seems to me that earlier, in Soviet times, even when there was “no sex”, this component was considered very important when creating a family, it was even dominant, and the person understood that he wanted to create with this particular partner family. Now, in my opinion, society has become more material, and the factor of compatibility is being thrown away somewhere. Perhaps this is due to the fact that today everything can be bought or ordered on the Internet, due to which some desired result will be achieved in one way or another. And this mentality of our people is so deeply ingrained that it is often there are couples who can live in marriage for a year or even five years, and still have not gone through the defloration stage.

    Why? One does not pull, the second does not need. Others, perhaps, even gave birth to a child, and that was where it all ended, because, as it were, the “result” is already there, and then they are not drawn to each other, or one was drawn, and the second is not drawn, because they are like something balanced. And this point, of course, should be discussed by young people, and certainly not hidden. Unfortunately, there are no “buttons” in people where this or that emotion or this or that feeling is “turned on”.

    You need to look at whether there is a libido, whether these two partners have a physiological attractionwho are just approaching some more serious, long-term marital relationship. I think this is where we need to start.

    About the nuances of male physiology

    The physiology of a man and a woman is completely different. One cannot discount such a nuance of male psychology, sexual physiology as spermatogenesis. In a man, spermatogenesis occurs every 2-3 days, and by its nature it is capable of fertilizing a mass of women.Some of our deputies are based on this when they advocate the adoption of a law on polygamy. Therefore, a man, in principle, once - is able to easily and with pleasure impregnate anyone. But for the second or third time he may not approach this partner, due to the fact that she will cease to be interesting to him. Therefore, a couple who views each other not as a one-time partner, but as a person with whom they are going to start a family, should listen and hear each other.

    How easy it is to ignite the "fire of passion" in a husband

    Any man seeks understanding and kindness in a woman. Therefore, an angry girl who communicates with a man in a rude manner and allows swear words in her speech will not please anyone. Of course, there are couples who allow such "unprintable" words in sex that excite, but these are rather exceptions, and they are not so common. In sex it excites, but in everyday life, for example, when a man came home from work, and a woman meets him with abuse: "Where have you been ?!" and so on - this is definitely repulsive. No matter how sexy a woman looks, any man expects an adequate relationship. So that she can speak in an even voice, so that she is wise, does not nag, and behaves with dignity.

    How else to support the passion? You can write to each other during the week erotic Internet messages containing some scripts about the next joint vacation with game moments, descriptions of role-playing games, costumes. Another option is to purchase newsexy outfit. Any lingerie store has a hanger with costumes for role play - it's not just that, so they try it, and it works.

    There are couples in which a woman complains that nothing affects her husband, no sexy outfits, and so on. And the man says: "Well, at least I could buy some erotic costume!" It is important to understand that men and women have completely different concepts of erotic costumes!For example, a woman buys delicate lingerie with lace - from her point of view, it is beautiful. And he is not interested in "these little circles", he presents specialized outfits with a more frank, maybe even "flashy" design.

    Couples need to talk more, ask each other, but not like: "What would turn you on?" - there will be no effect from such a question, because it is difficult for a loved one to open up. You can show some specialized sites and ask your husband: "But how do you think that men are more excited?" Of course, he will talk about men by example. It is necessary to speak on indirect examples about someone, or by showing pictures, and not "hit" directly in the forehead.

    What should I say and not tell my husband?

    If this is a conflict situation, the intensity of passions, then you need to be able to realize your anger, in no case should you suppress it in yourself. You can express your dissatisfaction, but you just need to do it with humor, for example: "You know, I imagine how I would take a frying pan and ... (say some actions without performing them), and wow!" The couple will laugh together and the atmosphere will be defused. But the man will understand her claims, what feelings he aroused at that moment, if this woman is interesting to him, and he wants to hear her. We are talking about couples where there are feelings, there is a place for love, and they got married not because this is a profitable party, but because they have sincere feelings, physical attraction, attraction of the mind and soul with coinciding life values \u200b\u200bfor each other. Of course, throughout life there may be a weakening of feelings, somewhere a change in relations, but this situation can be solved.

    Any emotions are dulled and transformed. Some admit that when they saw their beloved for the first time, or felt his touch, they felt a real thrill. And now this, alas, is not. But on the other hand, this is your loved one, and with him there is empathy, a desire to take care, to celebrate the holidays, to spend time with interest. It is important to remember that women and men do more than just play the role of parents and friends. Sometimes you need to send the children somewhere to stay and consciously think about how you can revive the relationship, go somewhere for the weekend.

    How to set up your husband to experiment in bed

    Some women admit that they are not satisfied with their sex life. They recall that they tried to buy erotic costumes, were in different looks, and Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella, and a flight attendant. Their husbands, in turn, admit the opposite: “I don't need a stewardess, I need you! I'm tired of it all, I miss you, the way you are. "

    For mutual understanding, it is very important to ask what the husband wants. There are men who are completely uninterested in such an entourage. For such a husband, the woman herself is much more important, for him it is more interesting and pleasant to fulfill any of her wishes, to find out what excites her, what he can do for her. For example, blindfold - it gives a completely different feeling. Also, a wife can try to explain her wishes to her husband using indirect examples: “You know, I recently read about something, there are such enchanting emotions, I wonder if this is true? Let's try".

    About "films for adults"

    Any woman at least once in her life went to the sites with "films for adults" and watched them. Some married couples even watch such a "movie" together, with the aim of arousing, or wanting to conduct a kind of educational program, to take note of some new elements.

    But how should the wife behave when she “caught” the faithful watching “adult films”? First, in no case should you swear or make a fuss. A woman is not a mother, not an educator, to teach an adult man and tell him what to watch and what not is the prerogative of every adult.

    Of course, there are more critical cases. If a man does not get enough sleep because of watching such films, he is late for work, and this type of leisure leads to damage to the entire life of the family and sexual life. If, instead of having sex with his wife, he prefers to watch such films, despite the fact that the wife is nearby, is always beautiful and well-groomed, then this is definitely a reason to contact a sexologist, because every woman has the right to a healthy sex life.

    There is a milder version of the impact. If watching XXX films infringes on the wife, then she can say to her husband without reproach: “Darling, I miss you, I want you too, I get turned on too. These films excite you, and me - you yourself. What do i do? I didn’t get married so that you and I would spend the night in different rooms. You must understand me, I am not saying this because I forbid you to do anything ”.

    Intimacy and conceiving a child are not synonyms.

    Each person in a relationship, in a marriage, has not only reproductive, but also sexual rights. Even if there are at least 10 children in the family, there are much more moments of sexual intimacy. After all, sex is pursued and another goal - emotional satisfaction, physiological, if you like. This affects both livelihoods and success.

    I am deeply convinced that there is a correlation between being in demand in the sexual sphere and a person's success in life as such. All this is interconnected. Our women do not need to be ashamed of telling men how they feel, are attracted to them as sexual partners.

    Some men believe that if they do not cheat and always want their wives, then this is an indicator of women's "constant readiness." However, it is not. After all, there is a special mechanism for a woman's arousal, there are different types of orgasms, and this is a certain art - to be a good lover. Many educated men do not know and do not understand this, they are sincerely surprised at such seemingly common truths. And all because from time immemorial a woman was the host and was always in the shadows: her husband came up - well, no - well, what can I do, it means, next time, I will tolerate.

    What Causes Sexual Coolness in Marriage in a Man

    There are reasons for a man's sexual chill in marriage. Most often, a woman begins to cultivate a parental position in herself: “You did not do that, you don’t know how, you cannot,” she tries to re-educate her husband. And this function is non-sexual. No one has sexual feelings for parents.

    Or the wife begins to overly care for her husband: “Have you put on a hat, have eaten / not eaten, bring / serve?” - this is all, of course, good, but a measure is needed everywhere. In such a family, the spouse ceases to be a woman for her husband who respects herself, who expects signs of attention from him, who maintains the "take-give" balance, turning into the image of a mother: she scolds, scolds.

    With such a woman, a man becomes uninteresting. Why do men, having been married for 20-30 years, go to the young? Not only because a young wife is sexy and attractive, but more often because such girls, first of all, see a successful man in their spouse. They do not run after them with pills: “You cannot fried / spicy / salty, drink the tincture on time” and so on. Young girls see in such husbands an equal, with whom you can go to a disco. And let the husband in the depths of his soul admit that he can "die" there on the dance floor, but he feels like a man. Therefore, you do not need to enter the role of mom or sister.

    About sex after the birth of children

    Children are not born every year. Therefore, by the time the child appears in the family, you need to prepare. For example, in everyday life we \u200b\u200bprepare like this: we buy a bed, renovate an apartment. Also, psychologically you need to be savvy to the upcoming changes. It will be useful to enroll in a childbirth school, which you can attend with your husbands, and ask questions about how to maintain a vibrant sex life after the birth of children. Clarify all the risks associated with childbirth and childbirth. You can also always come to an appointment with a sexologist and ask all questions to him. Everything is easily solvable.

    It happens that after the appearance of a child, nurses from the side of the wife run into the house, who throw comments at her husband: "Oh, you didn't wash your hands, you don't hold him like that, you drop him, feed him incorrectly, suffocate / choke," etc. One. -two times like this, they "beat on the hands", for the third time the man will simply stop approaching the baby, because he was removed from raising the child. And since he was dismissed, he goes somewhere further, and, naturally, already pays less attention to his wife.

    Nature is not stupid. It is very well thought out. Many couples in harmonious relationships feel each other's sexual rhythms and desires. Even when the wife is pregnant, the husband is ready to communicate with her in an intimate way, and when she has toxicosis, he understands everything and does not approach her, feeling her mood thanks to highly developed empathy. And when the wife gave birth, the husband at that moment wants her less physiologically, but when he sees his child, his protective paternal instinct turns on. It even occurs in animals.

    In many European countries, according to the law, parents take turns on maternity leave. Men should be given the opportunity to realize their fatherhood. He is also a parent, he is a father. There is no need to look at traditions that do not fit into modern reality. It is important to allow a man to fulfill his fatherhood from the very first days of the child's birth.

    Can flirting be considered cheating?

    Flirting is, of course, not cheating.

    It is important to understand what is the mentality of the relationship in a couple. There are couples who, from the first day of their life together, "prescribe" a certain family charter, something like: "You and I only look at each other, a step to the right and left is" shooting. "

    In such a family, flirting is viewed as treason, foreign men / women are not admired, they do not talk to them, they do not flirt. As a result, it turns out that people seem to have gone to prison, in a cell for two. This is unnatural to human nature.

    Human life consists of communication with men and women, so one way or another we receive a certain recharge from the outside world. If a girl on the way home receives a compliment from her colleague: “How does your new fur coat / styling / makeup suit you?” She comes home inspired. And he realizes all the received energy later with her husband! Therefore, emotional support is very important.

    It is also important to be able to say the correct compliments yourself, to raise the mood of another person in this way, and, of course, you need to be able to accept compliments beautifully. The couple who knows how to admire people from the outside is stronger. After all, the aesthetic perception should not be dulled from the moment of marriage. Is it indecent to see the beautiful? Such a couple, who is not afraid to talk about another person (it does not matter whether a man or a woman), to evaluate his beauty, the mind, as a rule, does not go further than flirting and does not create dangers for family harmony.

    Flirting is like a good "vitamin pill" that nourishes and gives positive emotions. It cheers up and makes the sense of self easy and pleasant - why not? Of course, this does not apply, for example, to the claims of the boss, where a woman feels uncomfortable - this is a completely different "song".

    Not all husbands know how to give their wives the necessary charge of emotions. For example, a wife comes home and easily tells her husband: "Oh, I was very pleased when they said such and such a compliment." Smart husbands, hearing such phrases, also learn this art over time.

    Ask questions - yourself and others

    If a woman realizes that she is too carried away by flirting, it means that something does not suit her at home. We urgently need to change something, work on marital relations.

    The family system is not static, it is a dynamically developing scheme that changes every day. The weather has changed, the mood has changed, and relationships are changing. People, whether you want or not, also change. Therefore, it is very important to set the vector of these changes ourselves, but for those couples who let everything that happens at home on their own, how lucky they are where they go.

    Generally, do not hesitate to contact specialists in time. When we need to carry out an action, for example, something large to buy and sell, we turn to lawyers, economists, ask for help in drawing up papers. It's the same with psychologists and sexologists. There are many simple solutions that can radically change the situation.

    What if you suspect cheating?

    If the wife suspects her husband of treason, then there is no need to make a scandal. She should turn to a specialist herself and try to analyze what prompted him to cheat in the relationship. Usually men cheat when they are not satisfied with something in life, when they do not satisfy their sexuality, and the wife turns on the “mommy”, “boss”, trying to lead him, or constantly “nags”, expressing her dissatisfaction with her husband. In such a situation, it is important to understand what moment may cause him dissatisfaction, and why he is cheating. Maybe the wife has stopped speaking affectionate words? Or is the problem something else?

    There are many pretty women who admit themselves that they are not affectionate. Despite the fact that they love to receive affection from men, they themselves do not express love either physically or verbally. They do not say kind words, because they are constantly in the "vamp woman" style. But it is hard for a man next to such a woman, he is also a living person, and sometimes he also needs support. The balance of “friendly-loving-mature” should always be present.

    How to teach children about sex education

    It is necessary to learn to talk with the child on this topic from the moment when he begins to ask questions himself, for example, a boy is interested in why some of his body parts are different from the girl next door. This can be between 2 years of age and older. Many of our compatriots are afraid to raise this issue, and this is wrong. From the moment of pregnancy, you can buy special literature - there is a sexual encyclopedia for the little ones on sale, in which all such nuances are described in accessible language.

    There are a lot of sex education cartoons on the Internet. And this sensitive topic “where do children come from” is presented in the most understandable and “cartoonish” way. Parents should be prepared for this discussion.

    The most important thing is not to evoke a “forbidden” feeling in the child, almost slapping on the lips, saying: “Horror, how did you know this!”, “When you grow up, you will find out!”, “It's too early for you to know about it,” and so on. Such an attitude will develop in the child a desire to turn to strangers, on the street, for answers, and never ask such questions to relatives again.

    For a child with such upbringing, it will be deposited in the subconscious for many years that questions on sexual topics are equal to something dirty, bad, forbidden. Having met his man in adulthood, he begins to have difficulties: after all, before the wedding he was good and free, sexy, and when the companion became a wife, the program "with close people, the topic of sex is something dirty, bad, abnormal" ...

    If a child asked where children come from at about the age of three, parents need to start telling the story with interest: “Oh, you know, this is such an interesting story, well done, that you asked! Uncle Yerzhan and aunt Saule studied together at school, then at the institute, and so they were friends together ... ". When you talk with pleasure, somewhere around the 5th minute, the child himself will leave the conversation, because at this age he still does not understand a lot. The main thing is to show that you do not mind answering different questions, and you have nothing to hide. You are happy to share information!

    The most important thing is to instill in the child the knowledge that feelings, friendship, mutual understanding and care for each other are important between people, they are interested in spending time with each other. And then it is pleasant for them to touch each other, they want to hug and kiss their man, and after all this they think about children. At the age of three, the child does not listen to the full until this moment. Maybe he will listen to the end at the age of seven and ask: "And then what?" In this case, you continue the dialogue and tell that each person in the process of maturation develops a certain cell, which, connecting with the female cell, creates a baby and further in the text. And then you can watch the cartoon to consolidate the information.

    I wish your readers to be sexy, loved, interesting personalities! Do not tilt to one side of your development, try to be self-sufficient and independent, but at the same time loving! And remember that we cannot be completely independent, therefore, what you can - decide for yourself, what you cannot - delegate. Don't be afraid to ask without asking - this is a very important point. Love to all!