If the boots are narrow what to do. Video: how not to stretch your shoes. How to stretch leather winter boots


Unfortunately, it often happens that when we come home with a new pair of shoes, we find, to our great chagrin, that they are too tight and almost impossible to wear without feeling uncomfortable. This can also happen if the pair was purchased via the Internet, since the indicated size is not always true. It also happens that the shoes have lain in the closet for several years without work, and when they finally remembered about them, they became small or too hard. There is also such a situation when, after childbirth and maternity leave, your favorite shoes with elegant stilettos do not want to fit on the already less elegant legs of their owner. Even in this situation, do not despair! There are many effective ways to increase and stretch.

Wearing neat beautiful shoes is a dream not only of Cinderella, but also of any modern fashionista!

Stretching shoes more than one size is unlikely to work. The success of the operation depends on the materials from which it is made. Genuine leather and suede are the most pliable, which cannot be said about a substitute or rubber. The type of skin also matters. Patent leather, after an unsuccessful attempt to increase the size, may crack or lose its luster. Leatherette can also behave not in the best way. Not only cracks, but also stains can appear on it.

Alas, not all methods are safe for shoes. After all sorts of attempts to stretch in width or length, the sole may move away, the seams may disperse, and the wardrobe part itself may be deformed, after which its appearance will be completely ruined. Do not forget that natural suede or velor is more delicate than smooth leather, you need to stretch them very carefully and carefully, using only proven methods!

Even textile shoes can be increased by one-half size, and for this it is not at all necessary to wear them in for weeks, walking around the apartment in thick terry socks.

In most cases, even perfectly sized shoes need stretching. The fact is that the new one needs to “get used to” the shape of your feet, take their shape. Most often it presses in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone of the thumb, little finger or back. The material can be stretched both in width and in length. It is possible to soften a too stiff heel counter and correct the rise. Of course, this will require effort, knowledge and a little time.

You can also contact a specialist for help. A skilled shoemaker knows exactly how and which shoes to stretch without damaging them.

Stretching at home

Unfortunately, in most cases, stretching shoes in 1-2 hours will not work. Stretch it with alcohol, boiling water, wet newspapers, castor oil, and even small grains such as barley, oatmeal or wheat. Shoes, sandals and other types are frozen, heated, worn wet, wearing thick socks, or walking in the rain in warm weather.

Attention! Do not use greasy cream, petroleum jelly, castor or vegetable oil when stretching or breaking in suede or velor shoes. Fat can leave permanent stains on the skin!

Naturally, everyone wants to know about the miracle method that will help to increase tight boots overnight and requires almost no effort. We hasten to please you: there is such a way. You will need regular plastic bags, one large bag (to wrap your shoes), water, and some free space in your freezer.

How to make shoes more comfortable with the freezer or how to increase the size overnight

The essence of the action of this method lies in the fact that when water freezes, it increases in volume, stretching the shoes in all directions.

This is probably the fastest and most painless method that suits most species and does not harm their owners. An exception may be patent leather, as the varnish may crack or lose its luster. It is also better not to use this method for sports shoes with white rubber soles - it may turn yellow.

  • The bag must be placed inside the shoe and spread well over the entire inner surface with your hand. The end result will depend on this!

    How to put water bags inside shoes

  • The package should not be too small, its edges should protrude freely outside.
  • After we put the bags into the shoes, we need to pour water into them.
  • After that, we tie the bags with a tight knot. Water must not spill out.
  • After the manipulations, the shoes are wrapped in a bag and sent to the freezer for the night.

    Before sending the shoes to the freezer, it should be wrapped in a bag!

  • The next day, they take it out and let it “thaw” a little, since the water, of course, turned into ice.
  • It is not necessary to wait for the complete transformation of ice into water, it must melt a little, so that it would be possible to get the ice "cast".

    Here is such an "ice" cast is good evidence that the boots have evenly increased in volume.

  • After the bags are taken out, shoes need to be tried on. If the result suits you, feel free to wear it. If the shoes are still a little tight, repeat the procedure.
  • In this way, you can stretch shoes for children. Unfortunately, a child's foot grows faster than their parents' wages, so it's wise to try stretching out shoes that have become a bit small. This method is effortless, painless and will not cause discomfort to your child.

    Video: how to stretch children's shoes with water bags

    For convenience, you can also use zip-packages. Thanks to a convenient clasp and high strength, the bag will not tear and the water will not spill out. Water can be immediately poured into the bag and then inserted into the shoes. But this method may be less effective, since in this case the liquid will not fully take shape. In addition, these bags have a clear rectangular shape.

    Zip bags don't spill out so your boots stay dry

    Similarly, you can use a plastic mineral water bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. We act in the same way: pour water into a bottle, put it in a shoe and send it to the freezer. This method, of course, cannot be called good, since shoes can take the shape of a bottle and stretch in height.

    In the freezer, you can stretch genuine leather and suede, textiles and combined materials. With caution, this method should be applied to shoes made of artificial materials, such as leatherette and dermantin. At low temperatures, they may crack.

    Other ways to increase the size of shoes depending on the materials

    Each material behaves differently when interacting with different substances and temperatures. What is acceptable for genuine leather is not always acceptable for leatherette. Products that do not harm suede can be detrimental to patent leather. When stretching shoes or boots, you need to be sure that the chosen method and means will not spoil their appearance. The use of alcohol, including vodka and cologne, is not desirable when stretching leatherette or varnish shoes - stains may remain, and the color may fade. The “freezing” method described above should be used with caution for shoes made of leatherette, leatherette or patent leather, both artificial and natural.

    After any manipulations with increasing the size of shoes, be sure to apply a caring cream!

    How to stretch genuine leather and suede shoes with rubbing alcohol

    To do this, you need to moisten the shoes well with alcohol from the inside, then put them on a thick sock and walk like this for several hours around the apartment. If the shoes are too tight and cause pain, then it is better to carry out such a procedure for 5-10 minutes several times a day. You will have to stretch in this way until you achieve the desired result. After the end of the procedure, the shoes should be completely dry and weathered. Of course, this method cannot be called painless, but you can be sure: the shoes will not only increase in size, but also become sterile.

    You can stretch shoes that are too tight with cotton socks.

    How to stretch shoes with newspapers (leather, suede, leatherette, patent leather)

    A method known to our grandmothers. Shoes should be stuffed tightly with wet crumpled newspapers, wringing out the latter well. The newspapers will take the shape of your boot and stretch it out evenly during the drying process. Shoes should dry naturally, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. This must be done carefully so as not to deform the shoes or boots. When exposed to moisture, the leather will become softer and more pliable to stretch, so if you “stuff” your shoes too tightly, the look may deteriorate and the sole may fall behind the base.

    Wet newspapers are the old tried-and-true way to stretch any shoe!

    How to stretch shoes with boiling water (natural and artificial leather)

    Another "grandmother's" method. It consists in the fact that boiling water is poured directly into the shoes and poured out after a few seconds. This should be done in the bathroom, washbasin or in a large bowl. After the shoes have cooled down a little, they put them on a thick sock and, after looking like this for half an hour, they take them off. After the procedure, the shoes should dry completely. Under the influence of hot water, the skin becomes soft and elastic, so it easier to take the shape of the leg and increase in size. This method can be applied to artificial leather shoes, which are more susceptible to high temperatures.

    This method has a number of disadvantages. First, it is undesirable to wet shoes. If you are afraid to spoil it, put the bag in and pour boiling water directly there. Secondly, under the influence of very hot water, the insole can be deformed. If it is removed, then it is better to remove it first. Thirdly: there is a risk of scalding your hands, so this manipulation must be done with extreme caution!

    How to stretch shoes with grits (leather and suede)

    Any finely ground grain will do, such as barley, oatmeal, or wheat. Groats are poured into shoes, poured a little water and left overnight. During this time, the cereal will absorb moisture and swell. The size of the shoe should increase slightly due to the increase in the volume of the contents. After the grits have been poured out, the shoes should dry naturally.

    Calling this method good is difficult. Firstly, it is difficult to get rid of the obsessive thought that someone in the world is starving, and I just transport food like that. Secondly, it is not very easy to get groats in a wet state. You will have to wash the contents with water, the shoes will get wet again, and excessive moisture, as you know, will not bring much benefit.

    We break in pressing leatherette shoes with a hair dryer

    Suitable for shoes made of artificial materials. This method consists in the fact that shoes or boots are put on toes and heated with a hairdryer. Then you need to walk in the shoes until it cools completely, so that it takes the shape of the foot. Leatherette, like any other synthetic material, tends to melt, so under the influence of hot air it becomes softer, more elastic and easier to stretch.

    In order to enhance the effect of the hair dryer, put on wet socks. You can also apply a special shoe stretcher to the inside of your shoes and then walk around in them for at least half an hour.

    A hair dryer is a great help if you need to increase the size of leatherette shoes!

    How to stretch textile shoes

    Stretching shoes made of textile materials is quite difficult. Unlike leather, suede and leather substitutes, the fabric is not afraid of moisture and getting wet. You can try the “freeze” method or wet your shoes well, put them on a sock and walk like that until completely dry. If the fibers in the threads are quite elastic, then it is quite possible to stretch your moccasins half a size. If the shoes are made of natural textiles, the shoes can be moistened with vinegar on the inside. Do not leave shoes to "dry out" after trying to stretch, especially in the sun. It is better that it dries on your leg, taking its shape. To speed up this process, you can use a hair dryer.

    How to stretch rubber boots

    We figured out how to stretch shoes made of genuine and artificial leather. But what if rubber boots are tight? It is worth noting here that only shoes made of polyvinyl chloride or PVC for short can be stretched. This synthetic material, unlike rubber, has plastic properties.

    Your actions are as follows:

  • Prepare a bowl of cold water and boil water separately in a kettle
  • Pour boiling water into each boot and wait about half an hour
  • Pour out the water and let the boots cool down a bit for a few minutes.
  • Put on a warm sock, and preferably two, and put on your boots
  • Stand with both feet in a basin of water
  • While the boots are cooling, actively move your toes and step from foot to foot, stretching the shoes
  • Under the action of boiling water, PVC will become more plastic, and cold water will help it “harden” again. You can first walk around in boots, and then take them off and put them in a basin. A thick sock does two things: it prevents you from burning your feet when you put on your boots, and increases the thickness of your feet, thereby helping to stretch the PVC.

    Almost any PVC shoe can be stretched in this way, be it rubber ballet flats or beach flip flops.

    How to make it more comfortable with soap and paraffin (leather, suede, leatherette, patent leather)

    With soap or paraffin, you need to rub the shoes from the inside, and then wear them in until the desired result is achieved. You can use a regular paraffin candle. The fact is that in this way the inner surface of the shoe becomes “sliding”, it is easier to put on and wear in. Suitable for shoes made of suede, patent leather and artificial leather.

    How to stretch patent leather

    To increase the size of such shoes is the most difficult, because it is difficult to predict how the varnish will behave. The thickness of the skin and its origin play an important role. Natural thin leather is easier to stretch than hard leatherette.

    Patent leather shoes without serious consequences can only be stretched in width, as well as in the heel area.

  • Shoes can be held over the spout of a kettle of boiling water for several minutes. So the steam will get right inside, heating and softening the skin. This must be done carefully so as not to get burned! Then the shoes are put on a thick sock and "walk" around the apartment until it cools completely. Boiling water has a similar effect.
  • Also, shoes are smeared with cream from the inside, put on a toe and heated with a hairdryer.
  • If you are not afraid to take risks, you can try the "freeze" method. In this case, it is better to use two small bags for each boot. One will be tied, it is placed closer to the toe. The other is designed for the heel - it is placed with the edges turned away and water is poured into it. Then, carefully so as not to spill the contents of the bags, the shoes are placed in the freezer. Thus, ice without obstacles will be able to expand in height and take the form of a heel, only slightly stretching it in width.
  • For natural patent leather, you can apply the "newspaper" method.
  • The use of a warm, damp terry towel is quite applicable. Shoes are wrapped in a towel and placed in a bag for one night. Take out in the morning and walk around until completely dry.
  • Method using a special stretcher for patent leather.

    Stretching patent leather shoes is probably the hardest thing to do.

  • After any stretching procedure, do not forget to apply a care product!

    How to stretch the heel, instep, toe, bootleg at home

    Sometimes it is necessary to stretch not all the shoes, but only the part that causes us the greatest inconvenience. Most often it is a back or a sock. Often the discomfort causes the rise. This problem is also really fixable. It also happens that the boots you like have too narrow tops and squeeze the legs too much. How to eliminate such inconveniences, we will also consider.

    Too narrow or hard heel counter

    You can stretch using some of the methods described above. For example, the method of "freezing". It is necessary to fill the sock with dry crumpled newspapers, and place a bag of water in the heel area. When frozen, the toe will remain unchanged, and the heel will expand. Similarly, you can use the “newspaper” method, only we put dry newspapers in the sock, and we “stuff” the heel tightly with wet ones.

    You can also smear the heel with petroleum jelly, castor oil or sunflower oil and walk like this for several hours until the heel stretches in width.

    You can also use the old "grandfather" method. Put a wet cloth into the heel, let it soak in moisture, and then tap with a hammer on the heel from the inside through the same cloth - the heel will stretch a little.

    A regular solid deodorant-antiperspirant can help stretch the back. They need to rub the heel from the inside, and then put on shoes with a thin toe and walk around until the heel stops rubbing. For the best effect, the shoe box should be wrapped in a damp terry towel and left for 3-4 hours. How to do it right, you can see in the video below:

    Video: how to stretch the heel of shoes with a solid deodorant

    How to stretch a sock that is too narrow

    You can smear the shoe with cream or the same Vaseline in the front and put it on the toe. You need to walk like this for several hours (the longer the better) or 5-10 minutes every hour. It is permissible to use boiling water, newspapers, but only for the toes of shoes. You can put in a bag of water and freeze.

    Water bags will help to evenly stretch the shoes in socks

    Another original way. A small bottle is put into each sock, preferably a flat one. You can use personal care products (shampoo, tonic, lotion and others). Before this, shoes must be wetted (textiles or leather), warmed up (leatherette or PVC), smeared with soap or paraffin (lacquered shoes).

    How to stretch sandals wide with cosmetic bottles

    How to stretch the top of your boots

    It is absolutely not scary if the tops of the boots you like are too wide - in most cases they can be made already in a shoe workshop. But what if the problem is just the opposite: the boots are too narrow at the shins and you can’t zip up the zipper all the way. Fortunately, even in such a situation, a solution can be found. You can use wet newspapers, tightly stuffing them with tops. Theoretically, the “freezing” method will also help, but it is unlikely that you will find so much space in the freezer. You can use a shoe stretcher and break in shoes according to the principle of breaking in shoes or boots, only this time putting shoes on warm tights, and preferably two pairs at once.

    How to stretch in the rise

    Newspapers, ice and cereals will help solve the problem. It is necessary to stretch in the same way as we advised to stretch the sock. You can fill your socks and heels with cellophane (it is indifferent to moisture), and pour cereal between them and pour a little water. You can shove wet newspapers or a bag of water, sending problem shoes to the freezer.

    How to distribute a new

    In most cases, even shoes of the ideal size cause discomfort and have to be worn in before going out into the world until corns appear. The fact is that new shoes should adapt to the anatomical features of your foot. To make this task easier and avoid corns, you can use the following tips:

  • Apply shoe softener according to the type of material before wearing it for the first time.
  • Apply oily cream or petroleum jelly to your feet to reduce friction.
  • Put your shoes on with a wet toe and walk like this for several hours around the apartment, and preferably a day or two
  • You can use the "freeze" method, especially when it comes to children's shoes and you can not injure children's legs once again!
  • Use special shoe stretchers that should be applied before the first shoe
  • Shoe stretchers and how they are used

    There are special stretchers for shoes made of smooth leather, suede, nubuck and velor leather. Their huge advantage is that they do not leave streaks on the skin of shoes. Produced in cylinders and after spraying turn into a foam that is quickly absorbed. It is necessary to apply such a tool from the outside and from the inside, paying more attention to those places that are most pressing. It is not necessary to put on shoes immediately, but after waiting 3-5 minutes. With the help of stretchers, you can not only increase the volume of shoes, but also lengthen (if the length of the sole allows), make wider and even stretch the tops of the boots.

    Using a special shoe stretcher will greatly facilitate the stretching process.

    How to break in shoes

    In new shoes, as a rule, you have to break in the heel or toe. You can use the hot steam method. Hold the new pair over the spout of a boiling kettle so that the hot steam acts on the toe or heel. The toe can then be stuffed with newspaper to expand it, and the heel counter can be kneaded by hand or hammered with a smooth surface through a soft cloth. You can also put on uncomfortable shoes with a thin, damp cotton sock, smearing the legs with cream. The cream is needed so that the foot slides in the shoe, stretching it at the same time.

    What about sneakers or sneakers?

    Sports shoes should be comfortable and not cause discomfort when worn. But even high-quality sneakers have to be broken in. Wear-in methods are selected based on the materials used to make shoes. With leather, everything is simple - we fill it with wet newspapers or send it to the freezer, putting in bags of water. The same with textile or combined. If you are not sure how leatherette will behave, then try to warm it up well with a hairdryer and stuff it with dry crumpled paper.

    How to stretch in the workshops

    If you don’t want to experiment on shoes, trying to stretch it in width or length, then, of course, you should turn to professionals. The same applies to expensive shoes, as well as shoes made from reptile skin. Only a qualified specialist will be able to correctly assess the situation, determine the places that need to be stretched and, most importantly, dissuade you from stretching if it can irrevocably spoil the look of the shoe.

    To increase the size of the problem pair, the master will select special stretching agents in accordance with the material of the shoe. Unlike you, he will not stuff his shoes with wet newspapers and wait for them to dry, but uses special devices that will help stretch the shoes both in width and in volume. There are also devices for stretching the tops. In really good workshops, there are special metal blocks for different types of shoes: for children, men's, women's, low-speed shoes and heels. The pads can expand to the desired size. There are also special tabs to increase the volume of both women's and men's shoes, to stretch the instep and even too narrow socks. The selected block is attached to a special device, on which shoes are put on, and with the help of a screw, the master stretches it. There are also special devices for stretching the tops, thanks to which you can stretch the boots by several centimeters. Also, craftsmen use wooden screw blocks.

    How specialists stretch shoes in workshops Special pads to increase the volume of shoes with heels

    Do you like boots, but they are too narrow in the bootleg? You lack a couple of centimeters for a perfect fit and they do not fasten?

    Solving this problem is real. You can use the services of a shoe workshop, where the master will stretch the bootleg to the desired volume.

    But you can stretch the shaft yourself. There are many ways to bring the volume of boots to the ideal at home. Here are the most common ones:

    1. Manufacturers of shoe care cosmetics Twist, Salton, Salamander, Kiwi and others offer to solve our “close” problem using special stretching tools. They are aimed at softening the skin in tight places.

    Apply foam on the outside of the boot shaft. After that, putting on a thick terry sock on your leg, put on shoes and wear until completely dry. Repeat the procedure for several days in a row until the result is achieved. If you want to stretch shoes with a patent or suede surface, then the product must be applied inside.

    2. You can use diluted 3% vinegar- lubricate the inside of the boots with it, and on the outside apply the same special purchased product, which we wrote about in paragraph 1. But this option is not suitable for winter shoes with fur lining.

    3. Leather shoes can be stretched by warming them up.: pour boiling water over the top of the boot and put on the leg. The high temperature will soften the boots, and they will take the desired shape.

    4. Castor oil not only cares for leather products, but also softens them. The application algorithm is the same as that of the product purchased in the store.

    5.If the boots are not made of very thin leather, varnish or husky, then try stretching them with an iron and a flannel napkin. Unbutton your boots, straighten the tops and place on the ironing board. Steam thoroughly through a damp cloth. When the skin is steamed and moistened, gently, without jerking, stretch the skin to the sides to the desired size. After that, stuff it tightly with paper and fasten *. After this procedure, let them stand for 2-3 days.

    6. Put on high socks soaked in the right place on your feet, followed by boots. Walk around for half an hour and take it off. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

    7. Stuff the boots tightly with damp, pre-moistened paper* and leave them to dry completely in the room. You can not put shoes on the battery - the skin is deformed, bumps appear.

    8. The soccer ball tube and pump can help you stretch your tight shoes. Moisten the shaft with water, place the camera inside the boot and pump it up. This method does not claim to be the most effective and fastest - rather an alternative to the usual wearing of a wet boot on the leg.

    It should be remembered that not all shoes can be "painlessly" stretched. First of all, it depends on the material, elasticity, the presence of decorations and seams, and other details. It is very difficult and dangerous to stretch shoes made of artificial materials - the fibers are severely damaged, which leads to rapid wear and deformation. Approach this issue carefully and thoughtfully.
    Is the bootleg of seasonal shoes “shrunken” again?

    Improper storage of shoes can backfire again in a year with tight tops. To prevent, follow these guidelines:

    • - put dry, clean shoes in the closet;
    • Stuff your socks and bootlegs tightly with paper.

    These simple tips will help you forget about the discomfort in your favorite boots once and for all.
    Let your shoes bring you only pleasant sensations!

    * for light boots, use plain paper - printing ink can be transferred to the skin.

    Often after purchase, shoes begin to rub heavily. This material rubs against the skin or the size is really inappropriate. It remains to either take the shoes back to the store, or try to stretch them. The process of work depends on the type of material. Leather will stretch a little differently than a leather substitute or a combination. Craftsmen have come up with many ways to warm up shoes

    How to stretch leather boots with hot water

    In order to stretch leather boots, you should unlace them or open the zipper to the end. The principle of operation is as follows: water is heated to a hot state and poured onto the sock. Next, the shoes are pulled on a long stick, you can take the leg of a wooden mop. The shoe sock is gradually put on this stick. The movements should not be strong so that the material is not injured. This option is only suitable for real leather boots with a stitched sole, which will probably not melt from hot water. You also need to take note that the process at high temperatures is not suitable for boots with soles glued to hot glue. This type of attachment does not allow the use of shoes near fires, hot springs, etc.

    How to stretch leather boots with thick socks

    To do this, you need a pair of warm socks, better knitted, they are more voluminous and softer for the legs. Multiple socks may be used if convenient. Tight shoes are worn all day around the house, work or street. Stretch for an hour and rest for 15 minutes. At night, a tightly crumpled damp newspaper and paper are placed in the worn-in shoes so that the boots do not lose their shape. The duration of wearing is determined by the comfort of wearing.

    How to stretch boots with castor oil

    This stretching option is only suitable for skin, in the absence of insulation from the inside of the boots. Castor oil is applied to the inside and outside of the shoe. The process of breaking in is the same as when using warm socks: wear it during the day, and stuff it with damp paper in the evening. After oil, darkening of the material is possible.

    How to stretch patent leather boots

    Patent leather shoes are difficult to stretch. Such material is very easily spoiled by home experiments. So in this case, it is better to use sprays and foams that are purchased in shoe stores.
    If possible, you can try using Vaseline. It gently acts on the inner surface of the boot and does not injure shoes, such as boiling water, which is used for genuine leather. After applying petroleum jelly, the boots are worn in until the end of the day on a warm toe. Patent shoes stretch more easily than leather, you need to be careful with stretching so as not to increase the size too much.

    How to stretch summer boots

    Shoes that are made of thin leather or leather substitute are stretched with a hair dryer. To do this, boots are put on thick socks and a jet of hot air is supplied to the places that need to be carried. Heating must be regulated. If the feet become hot, the hair dryer treatment ends. Further, the process continues until the complete posting.

    How to stretch boots with alcohol

    The pharmacy buys 70% alcohol. A stronger percentage of alcohol may damage the surface. Since alcohol quickly disappears, the action must be quite active. Part of the alcohol should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the boots. After applying alcohol to problem areas, you need to immediately put them on. At night, paper is placed in shoes, and the next day it is broken in again with alcohol.

    How to stretch boots with grits

    A garbage bag without holes is placed in the shoes and rice cereal is poured. Rice is poured overnight with ordinary water. The principle of operation is as follows: the croup swells from moisture and stretches the boots, especially the thinner part of the lower leg. Action time 10 hours.

    The simplest option for stretching boots is a shoe atelier, where specialists professionally deal with shoe problems. But resorting to outside help is not at all necessary, because at home it is very easy to stretch the boots with your own hands. It is not recommended to walk in unworn boots, such a sock can lead to painful blisters. If one method does not work for boots, then you can try another until it works. Different types of material wear differently.


    Mass-produced shoes are sewn according to certain patterns with standard proportions. But the structure of each person is individual, and the width (volume) of the pair of shoes you like does not always correspond to the actual size of the bootleg. If the boots do not “sit down” on the leg right away, this is not a reason to refuse them. It will be difficult to sew in a shaft that is too wide, but if, on the contrary, it is slightly narrow, it can be increased. How to stretch the top of a genuine leather boot at home?

    There are several effective methods for increasing the girth of the shaft. You can also take shoes to the atelier, but at home you can do it faster and, importantly, cheaper. We will give the most effective ways, but it is important to remember that only shoes made from natural materials can be stretched: leather, suede, fur shoes (ugg boots, high boots). Rubber shoes also lend themselves to slight deformation, and products made of leatherette or lacquer can lose their aesthetic appeal from such procedures - crack and even tear.

    Stretching with socks and… hair dryer

    How to stretch the tops of boots at home with a regular hair dryer? First you need to put on 2-3 pairs of thin socks and put on boots. At first they will press, but the longer you hold on like this, the more the bootleg will stretch. You can put on 2 pairs of socks first, and when the leg becomes comfortable in them, put on the third pair and repeat the procedure. For a faster result, problem areas (where the foot does not pass well or the strongest pressure is felt) are heated with a hair dryer turned on at maximum power and blowing warm or hot air for 30-45 seconds. It is important to keep the hair dryer at some distance from the shoes, since too close contact can burn the product.

    Warm jets of air will make the skin more pliable, and therefore it will become easier to pull the shaft

    The heated skin is first kneaded with hands, then its position is fixed on the leg - for this, they remain in the boots until they cool completely. If you hurry up and take off your shoes earlier, the product will take its original shape. After cooling, they remove excess socks and put on boots again - the procedure can help not from the first, but from the second or third time.

    This method is suitable for increasing the shaft and for stretching any other areas of leather shoes.

    Second life for newspapers

    This method requires more time, but takes much less effort. Previously, when people wondered if it was possible to stretch the top of a leather boot, and the choice of improvised means was small, this method was especially popular. It will be possible to stretch the upper part of the boots if you first moisten them with slightly hot water (about 50 ° C), then fill them with dense material - newspapers, tamping it well, and leave it in this state for several days.

    This time is enough for the shoes not only to stretch, but also to fix with new parameters.

    Tip: Instead of newspapers, it is better to use plain white paper, as it will definitely not leave marks on the shoes.

    shoe freeze

    A very original, but really working method is to place boots in an ordinary household freezer. First, boots should be prepared: about half the volume of water is taken into a plastic zip bag, the remaining air is squeezed out of it and closed. Special freezer bags are best suited for this procedure - they are more durable, therefore they will definitely not burst in the freezer.

    If you need to stretch the shaft, you will need a 3-4 liter bag, and to stretch the toe part, a liter bag is enough. The filled bag is put into the boots, then the shoes are placed in the freezer to completely freeze the liquid. It is important to place the shoes in such a way that the water is evenly distributed in it - then the stretching of the boot will occur symmetrically.

    The freezing method effectively affects almost any material.

    After the water turns into ice, the shoes are taken out of the freezer and allowed to melt, the bag is taken out, the boots are dried and tried on. If you try to immediately remove the ice from the boots, this can damage them - when water freezes, it expands and increases in volume.


    This tool expands leather shoes. Alcohol 70% is especially suitable - in such a concentration it will not harm even when it is necessary to stretch the tops of suede boots. First, the problem area is treated with alcohol from a spray bottle, then boots are put on and remain in them for 5-7 minutes: during this time, the alcohol is absorbed into the shoes, and its excess evaporates. The longer you stay in the shoe after applying alcohol to it, the more effective the result will be.

    Recommendations for the use of various methods

    Castor oil

    It is often used to soften rough skin. Castor oil is heated in a water bath, best of all - in an enameled or glass container, then a sponge is moistened in it and the top of the boot is wiped with it. After that, it is recommended to put on socks, stockings or thick tights and walk in shoes for at least 3 hours. Then the oil is reheated, the shoes are treated with it and left in the boots for another 30 minutes - until dry. This is usually enough time to break in boots that are too tight around the leg.

    wedge-shaped stretch

    This is professional cobbler's equipment and is rarely found at home, but if somehow it ended up in the bins, it is definitely worth using. The shoe stretcher is a wedge-shaped mechanism with a scrolling handle. It is inserted into the top of the boot, opens and remains in this state for several minutes - this contributes to the stretching of the shoe.

    It is better to entrust this method of stretching to specialists, since it is not so easy to work with the leather of boots.

    Stretching sprays

    Sold in the same departments as other shoe care products: sponges, sprays, brushes. There is always an instruction on the packaging that tells how to properly stretch shoes using this chemical agent, and there is also a list of materials for which the agent can be used. Usually it is genuine leather and rubber. And if you are interested in how to stretch suede boots in the bootleg, the instructions should be read very carefully - some products can be used on such material, and some are categorically not recommended.

    Before using the spray, it is worth conducting a test control: apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area and leave for a quarter of an hour - if there are no visible changes on the boot (darkening, brightening, cracking), the spray can be used without the risk of damaging the product.

    Professional products are used not only for stretching the tops, but also for narrow socks or small volume in the foot area.

    How to stretch rubber shoes

    Genuine leather stretches well, unlike rubber. But this does not mean that rubber boots cannot be enlarged in the bootleg: it is possible, only this should be done very delicately - with sharp scissors or a scalpel, neat small cuts are made around the perimeter of the bootleg. First, two symmetrical cuts are applied, if they are not enough, two more are added. Then it is necessary to walk in boots for 10-15 minutes, if after that they continue to press, the number of incisions is increased.

    Simple recommendations will help facilitate the process of stretching shoes. If immediately upon trying on it becomes obvious that the shaft is small, you should ask the store - perhaps their service involves a service for stretching shoes. Sometimes it's even free.

    The top of winter shoes, made of genuine leather or suede, can be expanded by 2-3 centimeters. If this is not enough, it is better to refuse such shoes: further expansion may damage them. Easier to expand the shaft, which is sewn with rubber inserts - they create a supply of elasticity and provide a more comfortable fit.

    How to stretch the tops of women's boots with the help of professional blocks

    It is also worth remembering that:

    • if the shaft is subject to stretching, this must be done in the area of ​​​​the locks - if the shaft is too narrow, each fastening of the locks provokes mechanical damage, which leads to their rapid breakage;
    • when freezing shoes, it is important to ensure that water does not get on it - this can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the product;
    • when stretching shoes under the influence of high temperatures, it is necessary to periodically lubricate it with cream or glycerin - this allows you to maintain a normal level of humidity, avoid cracks and drying out;
    • the iron is also able to warm up the skin, but it is not recommended to use it for home stretching of the shaft;
    • shoes made of artificial leather cannot be stretched - there is a high risk of tearing or deforming it.

    As you can see, there are many ways to stretch the tops of boots made of genuine leather at home. If one option does not fit, you can try others. In extreme cases, you can always contact the workshop, where professionals can make the boots really fit.


    Shoes are a painful topic for most people. Even if we leave aside its unthinkable high cost, another depressing number of patterns on which it is sewn remains unchanged. There are very few people whose legs fully meet the average standards. And it is especially problematic to buy suitable high-top boots. Even if they fit the size of the foot and in the lower third of the top, it is not a fact that they will fasten to the end. You can try on dozens of pairs - and never find it on your leg. It is not surprising that the search for ways to stretch the bootleg at home is so popular: you need to walk in something! And men like full calves, but not shoemakers. So the ladies have to look for a way out so as not to stay barefoot in winter - very few people like felt boots.

    When to take a risk

    When asked whether it is possible to stretch the top of the boots, we immediately answer: yes! However, you should not count on the fact that you can make a real bell out of a pencil shaft. The material used to make shoes is not very elastic. The desire to stretch more will only lead to a divergence of the seam. Estimating the chances of success, you need to be guided by two considerations.

    1. If the zipper on the boot came together, albeit with difficulty and on a stretched leg, you may well take the pair you like: it will stretch to the desired fullness. A little more doubt if the lightning did not reach the top by a centimeter and a half. But if it is only buttoned halfway, put it aside. Your experiments will fail.
    2. Refuse immediately to think about leatherette shoes, since it is unrealistic to stretch the bootleg at home from it. Rather, the material will crack or deform than agree to change slightly.

    And get ready for rather long shoe procedures: the process is not going to be quick.

    Iron to help

    This is the easiest method on how to stretch the top of your boot at home. However, it is only applicable to a limited range of shoes. The leather on the boots should not be thin - this is the time. The material should not be varnished - these are two. The method is not suitable for likes - that's three. If all conditions are met, we act according to such an algorithm.

    1. The boot is unzipped and placed on the ironing board as evenly as possible.
    2. The flannel is well wetted and squeezed out so that the water does not drip, but the rag was just wet, not damp.
    3. The iron is heated to medium temperature, and the boots are steamed through the fabric.
    4. When the skin becomes soft and moist, in the right place, the top stretches to the sides. The desired dimensions are measured in advance. You can even just make marks on the board to which you need to reach the boot.

    No jerks, only uniformity and perseverance! If the shaft begins to dry out and tan ahead of time, steaming is repeated. When the goal is reached, the zipper is closed, paper is stuffed inside the densest way (to prevent shrinkage), and the shoes are left away from the batteries until completely dry.

    We freeze shoes

    For more delicate materials, another way has been devised on how to stretch winter boots in the shaft. It is not suitable for leatherette and rubber. The bottom of the boot, which will not stretch, is stuffed with newspapers so that it does not deform. A bag of dense polyethylene is placed at the top, into which water is poured. Its volume should correspond to the current thickness of the shaft. Air is released from the bag, but it is tied so that there is free space inside. The boot hides overnight in the freezer. The water will expand and stretch the shaft. If it turns out that the volume is still insufficient, the process is repeated. The technique is especially good if you want to stretch suede boots: no external influence, which usually stains the material. Just make sure your freezer is clean. And better, for a guarantee, cover it with a clean, dry cloth.

    Gentle heating

    The exact opposite of how to stretch the bootleg at home: now we will use elevated temperature. The method can be called a softened version of the very first one. Suitable for any natural materials, but more difficult for the hostess of the boots. Stubborn shoes with difficulty and with a creak are pulled over the feet. And under it you need to wear thick socks, which a little later will restrain shrinkage. In places where the bootleg does not sit well, it is diligently, for at least half an hour, warmed up with a hair dryer turned on to the maximum. After that, the owner of the shoe should walk in it until the boots cool down. It is advisable to actively move at the same time, this will help the bootleg to take the form as close as possible to your leg. If your leather or suede boots are not fastened to the top the first time, after cooling, the zipper is brought to a stop, and the manipulations are repeated.

    Applying primitive chemistry

    The following technique can also help in the case of stretching shoes made of artificial leather. You will need vodka (pure, without any additives like birch buds or quail eggs) or medical alcohol. The latter will need to be diluted to 70 percent strength. In a more concentrated form, alcohol can damage natural materials. Some masters use vinegar essence. However, in addition to a sharp and persistent odor, it can discolor the surface. Suede is especially vulnerable in this regard - even its structure can be broken. The desired zones are generously sprayed or liberally smeared with a solution. It is desirable that it does not fall on non-stretchable areas. Alcohol evaporates very quickly, so it is best to carry out the procedure with boots already on, with the participation of a sympathetic family member. And, again, thick socks should be worn under them. It takes half an hour to walk in shoes to consolidate the effect (more is better, but not necessary, since the alcohol will have time to evaporate during this time). If necessary, the next day you can repeat the process.

    professional tools

    We left them for last for several reasons. First, they will draw more funds from the budget. Secondly, their composition should be taken extremely seriously and carefully read the instructions: they can be of a narrowly focused action and not fit your shoe material. Thirdly, most of them are toxic, and you can only use them on the balcony (which is not good for you or for boots). And finally, they need to be tested in an inconspicuous area first, as they can cause discoloration and deformation. If you decide to resort to this method of how to stretch the tops of leather boots, it will be enough to buy a suitable spray and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

    If nothing worked

    It's one thing if you only buy boots - you can refuse to purchase even before going to the checkout if you can't fasten it. However, what if your calves have recovered (for example, due to pregnancy), and the boots are new, expensive and beloved? If none of the proposed recipes for how to stretch the bootleg at home did not help, go to the shoemaker. Long shafts can be trimmed, an elastic wedge can be inserted, lapels can be designed. Choose a more suitable option for tastes and money and do not refuse comfortable boots!