Pictures flowers bouquets. The most beautiful bouquets of colors and not only

Flowers for design bouquets with names and photos will help to improve any place. Beautiful, gentle composition will be decorated in any house. In the garden you can grow flowers yourself, and then compose bouquets from them, and give native or friends. Florist skills are not required, it is enough to know several rules for drawing up a bouquet, and what flowers can be combined with each other.

Rules for creating bouquets

There are several principles that will help create a beautiful bouquet:

Flowers for compiling compositions

Popular flowers for bouquets can be grown in their own area, here are some of the colors for bouquets with pictures.


Perhaps the most popular flower. It is specially popular for a wedding. In fact, roses will fit almost any bouquets and will always look good. Roses for landing can be chosen any kind: from large to small bushes. It is best to plant roses in September. If you put out later, then before the onset of the first cold, they will not have time to grow, the early landing will end the kidney death. By the spring of roses, planted in September, will begin to bloom intensively.

For roses, great care is required, they are very sensitive and demand attention. Be sure to feed, with the first buds it is better to use Selitra. 2-3 times a month to feed the plant to complete flowering. Provide the right temperature, the overheating of the rose will die. Constantly water, pour shoots to create the right form. For the formation of a bush, trim extra shoots.

What to combine roses?

Roses are perfectly suitable lilies, alstromeria. The violets look very harmoniously with white roses.
Also, it is worth trying to combine roses with herbs, for example, with a lavender. Some believe that roses are independent flowers that should be given just like that. They pay a lot of attention, so other flowers in a bouquet must be more gentle and sophisticated.


Peonies are one of the most beautiful and gentle colors. In addition, now they are very popular. Get a bouquet of peonies will be nice to every woman. These flowers are often used to compile wedding bouquets. True, it is worth being careful by adding other flowers to a bouquet with peonies, as they are very quickly revealed. It is better to choose flowers that hold the shape well, or just a few twigs. Poni bloom is long, about a month.

It is not worth landing into a wet soil, they do not tolerate it. Also, the shadow is not tolerated, so they are better to plant them on the sunny side. You need to do it since August to September, it is possible and in the spring, but then peonies will bloom a little later, and it will be more difficult for them to care. In the first year, feeding is needed, it is necessary to grow them in advance dyed shallow pits.

What to combine peonies?

For peonies, daisies, hydrangea or forget-me-not fit are perfect. Also, you can make a bouquet of peonies of different shades, without using other flowers. It can be white peonies along with gentle pink and bright pink. Such a bouquet will not leave anyone indifferent.


Sunflower is a bright sunny flower capable of easy to raise the mood with its appearance. Often people grow decorative sunflowers in their garden. On the site it looks always very impressive, creating such a "fence" from its flowers.

Sunflower is unpretentious, easily tolerate both drought and frost. The plant is better grown in fertile soil, do not plant close to bean or tomatoes. It is better to put in place where grain crops grew. It is quite easy to care for sunflower, it is enough to water regularly and periodically feed, because the sunflower takes a lot of nutrients.

What to combine sunflowers?

Sunflower is a self-sufficient flower, however, with its help you can make beautiful bouquets. It is possible to combine it with gerberas, chrysanthemums, add to the bouquet. And even better dilute bouquet with twigs, herbs or greens. Such a bouquet is good for a birthday, to create a great mood to someone who you give it.


Chrysanthemums are constantly used in the preparation of compositions. Most often, chrysanthemums have a yellow color, but there are others. Beautiful bouquet flowers, late bloom, so you can assemble in the fall.

In the garden you can create a beautiful composition of these colors, chrysanthemum bushes look very beautiful, especially in large numbers from afar. Chrysanthemum racks to the cold, bloom long - from the end of July to winter. However, care for chrysanthemums. As soon as a small plus appears - the flowers germinate. For chrysanthemums it is worth ensuring shelter, and by the end of the spring it is to remove, as they start growing strongly in height.

Chrysanthemums love moisture, require constant irrigation. After watering, it is necessary to fertilize, ensure that the soil is wet and loose. Regularly give them food - minerals and.

Be sure to cut flowers, after trimming the root to hide with foliage or protective film.

What to combine chrysanthemums?

A bouquet of chrysanthemum is suitable for any reason. The best combinations are roses, gerberas and dahlias. Such an autumn bouquet is perfect for the birthday or just will just decorate the windowsill with its beauty at the cottage.


One of the most popular colors for a bouquet that is used in floristry. From the ancienthelte name of this flower is translated as white. Lily is a very sophisticated, elegant flower with a stunning smell. Lilies raise quite easily.

They grow them, as a rule, from bulbs. It is necessary to plant in the fall, the bulbs check whether they are healthy enough. It is recommended to plant the lilies of different varieties nearby and leave for several years to grow. The plant loves the sun rays and regular watering.

What to combine lilies?

Lily also self-sufficient flower. Beautiful bouquet of lilies will delight any girl, these flowers are very elegant. But such flowers in a bouquet also look good, for the composition they can finely approach both peonies and chamomiles and. Bear combinances with Poppy, so Maki will die very quickly. Perfect to add decorative branches or "Christmas trees" to lilies.

Bouquet with their own hands, especially from gardening - this is a wonderful gift. Do not be afraid to experiment and try. Of course, floristics is a whole science that was still engaged in antiquity, but knowing the rules and secrets of compiling bouquets, you can create a very beautiful composition. In addition, a bouquet, compiled by their own hands, will help save a lot of money for gifts to friends or relatives.
No need to ride in flower shops or specially hire a florist to compile a bouquet. Flowers in a bouquet can be absolutely different: it may be not only roses, peonies or orchids, but also tulips, carnations, irises,

Holidays are a wonderful reason to have fun, relax from the bustle and gray days. Besides, holidays are almost always gifts! Undoubtedly, very nice to get surprises and various pleasant things from loved ones and relatives. A gift that will always be relevant and who will have to do with every girl and a woman - this is a huge bouquet of roses.

Rose - queen of flowers. It is popular at all times. Her beauty is inexhaustible, and a pleasant aroma is simply circling his head. You definitely do not lose, if you decide to give your girlfriend, wife, relative, friendly or colleague a huge bouquet of roses. You can be sure - your gift is impressed and will remember for a long time.

By drawing up a bouquet, it is important to consider the number of colors, their color, shape and type of buds. Perfectly look in the bouquet of roses with the same shape and size of buds.

From a long time, there is a so-called "color language", with which you can convey feelings and any messages. Roses has its own language and its designations.

White roses have always been considered a symbol of innocence and purity. They express sincere, clean, strong and loyal love. According to the myths of various nations, all roses in ancient times were white and over time they shook from the kiss and wrapped from the blood. A huge bouquet of white roses is a wonderful gift to the representative of the beautiful sex of any age. White roses are often given to the wedding. In addition, the bridal bouquet is quite often composed of white roses.

Symbolize love, loyalty and respect. Scarlet roses give people who are admired and who love. The fully opened red rose bud is nothing more than recognition in passionate, strong love that does not know the boundaries. Slightly revealed scarlet bud speaks of gentle, trembling feelings. A huge bouquet of red roses is very impressive and exquisite. You can present this as a gift to a person who loves very strongly and passionately, a person without which you can not imagine life.

Symbolizes sympathy, gratitude, feeling of admiration and tender emotions. Rose roses - sign of hidden love. They also symbolize sophistication and elegance. Buton also affects the value of hidden messages. Fully blurred pink buds prevent people from whom they want complete trust. Unpainted gentle pink buds express sympathy.

The number of roses in the bouquet also plays an important role in the value of the gift. One red rose for a long time denotes recognition in love. A huge bouquet of roses, undoubtedly, expresses special thanks. Twelve roses give a sign of respect, love and gratitude. Twenty-five is a great gift in honor of the holiday. Fifty roses symbolize eternal love.

A huge bouquet of roses is an exquisite, a chic gift that will highlight any woman. This is a universal present who will not look trite and never will lose its relevance. With the help of a bouquet of roses, you can express your feelings and add happiness, sparkle and

Who knows, when it was that the tradition arose to give flowers, and how many hundreds of years she, but today a luxurious bouquet is an integral attribute of any holiday. Whether we congratulate each other happy birthday, anniversary, anniversary, a wedding or christening - as a gift to the perpetrator of the celebration, it is customary to present a bouquet of roses, tulips or wild flowers. And if we consider men with a strong floor and not especially poisonous floral gifts, then a woman and beautiful flowers are simply created for each other.

However, when it comes to a beautiful half of humanity, it is not necessary to wait for the festive date to felt the lady with a flower arrangement. A bouquet of roses, presented without any reason, will tell the woman that it is attractive and welcome; Raise her mood and will allow you to doll all the shades of joy: after all, you know that you call admiration, madly nice!

It is not necessary to run to the florist and order a bouquet with delivery. Electronic pictures will help impress the lady.

Beautiful photos with cute inscriptions no worse than living colors. And after all how quickly a gift will receive a recipient! You just thought about how great it would be a cute girl (although why the girl? Mom or grandmother would be no less pleasant) a bouquet of field daisies, and she has already received a postcard. And no running shopping!

Very often today questions of ecology. In this light, pictures and photos of colors look much greater than the natural analogues. Flowers on a postcard are almost immortal, they do not need to watered, with sadness, watching the day by day they are fading. This is a memorable photo, which will forever remain with your mistress.

No flower shop will offer you such an assortment. You can choose classic luxury roses, noble lilies, gentle orchids, dreamy chrysanthemums. And all this magnificence is available in different shades!

What should be the perfect bouquet? In our photos you will find all possible options, large and miniature, riot of paints and conciseness on a strict background. Bright wrapping paper, colored ribbons, cute basket - any framing for beauties, whether roses or tulips.

Perhaps you prefer the natural charm of field flowers with a luxurious arrogance of greenhouse beauties? Then you will enjoy photos of gentle field daisies, modest violets, thoughtful bells, playful cornflowers. Once upon a time, such flowers were given to mothers, congratulating them on his birthday, or girls who were experiencing deep feelings.

Collect beautiful compositions - difficult lesson. This is an art, because every flower is individual, and not all representatives of the flora are well combined with each other. But our photos are a mustle for any florist. Here you can find examples of various design, with each bouquet looks so that I want to exclaim: "Great"! You will enjoy all sorts of combinations of roses, lilies, orchids and tulips with elements of the decor, because any, even the most noble flower, looks very different on the background of wild herbs, berries or fruits.

Give a magnificent flower composition - it is only half an eye. If you want to thus congratulate a person happy birthday or another significant event in his life, you will need beautiful words. Therefore, for you, we picked up pictures with inscriptions. Our photos will help you to originally congratulate your loved one with any holiday: happy birthday, anniversary or anniversary. Elegant pictures with touching inscriptions on a white background - a great way to surround the attention of a birthday room or just an expensive person.

For those who appreciate bright colors, you can choose an animated postcard. Flickering and warm words, stacked on a white background - Excellent happy birthday greetings, the holiday will only be fun. And if you want to give a postcard without a reason, this option will be all the more appropriate, because a drop of joy is able to completely paint a gray ordinary day into the warm tone of happiness.

Women are not in vain all the signs of attention prefer a bouquet of flowers. These wonderful plants that have enlightened the light of the Sun, midday heat and freshness of dew, simply cannot but cause positive emotions. And most importantly, there are so many of them! Everyone can choose a bunch for yourself. Unfortunately, some options are not always available (we are talking about wild flowers, which in the cold season is hard enough to find). But the wonderful pictures are always available. So, you can give joy all year round!

Each of us, at least once in his life, had to choose flowers for loved ones, mothers, and maybe just teachers or bosses. And every time you have to think about what flowers to give, what would you understand correctly. And we are not only about the price, but also that each flower has its meaning and symbolism.

Correctly chosen bouquet can well without words, to say what you would not risk say out loud. For example, red roses are a symbol of passion and attraction, as well as white jasmine.

But today we will talk about another flower, about the symbol of the pristine cleanliness and innocence, the symbol of the mystery and silence, the symbol of gentle and inviolable love, it is love - not passion, because it is a bouquet of these flowers to be presented to the bride before going to the crown and mother with a baby. We are talking about a white bouquet of roses.

White roses have long been a symbol of purity and innocence, as well as the sacraments. So if you think that the mother of your newborn baby give, present a certain bouquet of blossomed white roses. It is such a bouquet that will mean gratitude, admiration. These flowers emphasize that she is still clean and innocent for you, like a baby in her hands.

Who to give a bouquet of white roses?

If you want to show your girl his attachment and love You should give white bouquet of roses from barely blurred buds and sprigs of pink jasmine- He will emphasize and will tell you how important the girl is important for you, which huge role is it playing in your life. The buds will emphasize her youth and eternity of your relationship, and the pink jasmine twig will emphasize not only the spiritual part of your relationship, but also your gentle attitude.

But never give white bouquet of roses On the first date or if you do not have serious intentions to the girl, it can be perceived as an overwhelming hasty and cause distrust of your feelings. In addition, your "move" can give hope, although in fact the true feelings cannot be speech.

There is another interesting combination, it Two roses are closely related to one ribbon, Contrary to all superstitions, two roses are not a symbol of mourning, but a symbol of loyalty and hope, most often such a bouquet give a girl when engaging, in the hope of long and inseparable relationships. For such a bouquet, the blossomed red rose is suitable, as a symbol of a passionate and strong man and barely blossomed white rose - a symbol of a gentle and divine girl. And if your chosen is in the position, do not forget in this bouquet also a small pink bud or a twig with small buton.

And, of course, it turns out very wonderful bouquets of white roses with painted edges - This means a slight adherence to your feelings ... For example, the pink edges at roses, mean tenderness, and a little greenish - hope for the durability of your relationship, etc.

Now let's talk about colors and superstitions

For example, it is believed that in Asian countries, the white color is a symbol of mourning. That is, presented to the girl from this part of the world, white bouquet of rosesYou hurt her and even insult.

Do not give girls white big chrysanthemums or white lotus flowers, These are really those flowers that help your soul to get into the best world and are the symbol of innocence and the rebirth of the soul.

There is also a belief that even the number of colorsit is so presented only in the case of mourning, it is also wrong. If your event has an even digital value, for example, two years of relationships or your sister turns twenty-two years, do not be afraid to buy a bouquet of the desired amount of roses. Just when forming a bouquet, do not forget to add a twig out of small flowers or just shorten the leg of one of the roses to a couple of centimeters.

There are still some rules related to any bouquet.You can never give a told bouquet - this is a sign of disrespect and loss of treason and interest in a beloved person. Always make sure that all the heads on colors are present in your bouquet, it usually concerns bouquets of medium-sized colors, for example - chrysanthemums, the presence of the leg without a head is the wish of trouble to man. And always before giving a bouquet asked how a person belongs to cut colors (there are such people who do not like flowers or love only seasonal flowers) and he has allergies.

And most importantly, do not forget to give flowers just like that. After all, in order to confess to love and appreciation, you do not need to wait for the holiday, right?

Live flowers are an integral part of any celebration. Beautiful bouquets and original floral compositions can be like an independent gift and a wonderful decoration of any festive interior. Roses, lilies, peonies, tulips, orchids - all of them are beautiful in their own, unique and unique, and with the right combination of them you can create an amazing product of floral art. Further, the article presents the options for beautiful bouquets of living colors.

From rose

Rosa is rightfully considered the queen among flowers, so it is roses that are most often choosing to create festive and wedding bouquets. These flowers are so universal, which are combined with absolutely with any plants and fit women, and men. Of these, you can create compositions of any size and format.

An independent bouquet of 100 red roses will conquer the heart of any woman.

Wedding options will be interested in future brides.

From lilies

Lilies occupy the second place after roses. Quite often, they are chosen as the basis for a wedding bouquet, as white lilies are a symbol of purity and indispensability. However, modern fashion dictates its rules and more and more often the bride choose pink, yellow, red and even blue shades of these beautiful colors.

From orchids

Orchids Eternal rivals lilies for a place at the heart of a wedding bouquet. These unique flowers symbolize the refinement, tenderness, natural beauty and luxury. A bouquet of white orchids will say about the wisdom and cleanliness of their owners, pink flowers will tell about tenderness and mischievous character, the red will become a symbol of passionate love, and blue - emphasized loyalty and nobility.

From the frelet

Freedy - spring flowers that have a huge amount of shades. You can meet white, yellow, orange, red, blue, purple and purple copies. Bouquets made of freresses are considered a symbol of complete trust and serious intentions, so such floral compositions are usually given on the engagement or wedding.

From Call

There is a legend that if the birthday of the bridegroom will give his beloved bouquet of Call, then their marriage will be happy and prosperous, and the flowers will become a kind of faucet.

Callas are so beautiful and stylish flowers that when creating a bouquet absolutely do not need additional decorations and accessories. They are enough to bandage a satin ribbon and a luxury bouquet ready.

From Gerber

These bright sunflowers come in the top five most sought after creating bouquets. They look great in any combination and are suitable for any celebration. Especially since in cut form they store freshness more than a week.

From peonies

In the period from May to July, you can pamper the favorite and delicate mini bouquets of their fluffy peonies. These wonderful flowers, both in an independent embodiment, and in combination with other flowers can become an excellent addition to the image of the bride. They look very original, long stored freshness, and it is inexpensive.

From tulipov

Beautiful spring flowers that tell us about the arrival of heat and give a sunny mood. Tulips are an indispensable option for March 8, as well as a wonderful choice for both a romantic date and a spring wedding, and for an official event.

From chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums are considered the most common colors on the Eurasian continent. Only species numbered about 10,000. Therefore, florists skillfully combine these bright flowers in bouquets with roses, gerberas, alstromeries and other plants. Chrysanthemums are very relevant when creating compositions for decorating the interior, as freshness retains for quite a long time.

From alstromerium

Alstromeria is magnificent flowers that have a huge amount of shades and almost do not make a smell. White flowers indicate the uniqueness of their recipient, but yellow, pink, orange and purple alstromeries are usually given in a sign of strong friendship.

With proper care, the bouquet of these colors can stand about two weeks.

From Irisov

Noble irises Some of the few colors that are appropriate to prevent men. These purple handsome men are a symbol of courage and a harbinger of good news. And even in combination with other flowers, they will never be ignored.

From Romaisa

A long chamomile is considered to be a symbol of love, because it was on them that the girls were guessing to find out loved or not. Today, these romantic flowers, as a symbol of loyalty and family happiness, is customary to give parents and close people, sometimes teachers, but as a gift to business partners a chamomile is good.

From Sunflower

These bright yellow flowers, as if small copies of the sun, give heat and charge positive energy. Usually the sunflowers are used when serving a table, decorating the interior, as well as as festive and wedding bouquets.

From Anthurium

These amazing flowers most often act as accents in team compositions, but sometimes can be the basis of the bouquet. Anthuriums often give men, especially politicians and businessmen, as they foreshadow success in affairs and prosperity in the family. Also Anthurium loves modern brides, as this flower looks great on the contrast of a snow-white dress.

From gladiolus

His luxurious gladiolus is already talking to what they are intended. These flowers will decorate any event, they wonderfully fit into the interior and become a good gift for both men and women of any age.

From wildflowers

Similar bouquets are the most touching, they bribe them with simplicity, naturalness and grace. Bouquets of wildflowers will be suitable for young girls and elderly women.

Creative compositions

Such compositions do not fit into the standard concept of "flower bouquet", they look like works of art.

Mourning bouquets

Alas, life is filled not only by joyful events and, in the event of a loss of a close man, you can express our condolences to the words, but also with the help of a mourning bouquet. As a basis for such compositions, depending on the situation, red or white roses, lilies, carnations, chrysanthemums, which complement the branches of evergreen plants and mourning ribbons are most often taken. By tradition, the bouquet should be an even number of elements.