Chrysolite is the embodiment of earthly beauty and strength. Chrysolite (Peridot, Olivine) - a stone of knowledge and good luck

Peridot or chrysolite are two names for the same mineral, semi-precious stone, jewelry variety of iron and magnesium silicates, yellow-green, emerald green, olive green with a golden hue. The word "peridot" in Greek means peridona - giving abundance. Chrysolite is nothing more than a gold stone (chrysos lithos).

Physics and chemistry of peridot

Peridot is a mineral that forms small prismatic and short-columnar crystals ending in a pyramid. The color of the crystals consists of a wide range of green - brownish-green, olive-green, golden-green. The stone is also characterized by pleochroism - a color transition in one crystal from bright green to almost colorless. More valuable are stones of a rich green hue, light ones cost less.

Due to the ability to darken by candlelight, in the old days the stone was called "evening emerald".

Peridot is hard and brittle. Dissolves in sulfuric acid, with precipitation. Does not interact with hydrochloric acid.

There is a rare type of peridot that has the effect of cat's eyes - the star-shaped peridot. Glow is observed due to the diffusion of light on the smooth, polished surface of the mineral.


If olivine, a rock-forming mineral of this type, is quite widespread in nature, then peridot or chrysolite, which are of gem value, are not very common.

In Russia, it is found in the development of the Northern Urals, Yakutia, Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Rich deposits of peridot are found in Australia, Brazil, Zaire, Hawaii, the USA, Egypt, Sri Lanka. On the mines of Burma, there are quite large peridots, starting from 30 carats, but they are quickly bought up by the owners of private collections.

Peridot has been mined on the islands of the Red Sea for more than 3 thousand years, according to legend, chrysolite beads were worn by the Egyptians in ancient times.

At the moment, the United States is one of the largest suppliers of olivine to the market. Mineral is mined in the state of Arizona, on the territory of the reservation of the Apache Indians. The market is almost 90% filled with stones from their ancestral lands. Local Indians work at the mines of the state of Arizona, who have exclusive rights to develop subsoil and quarry stone. All work is carried out using hand tools.

The stones of this area are in the form of small, translucent grains. Of the entire mass of cellular basalt, which has to be broken down during mining, gem-quality peridot is no more than 1%. Crystals obtained with great difficulty are processed, cut, inserted into jewelry made of gold of the highest standard.


The Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, who lived in the first century AD, wrote in one of his books that the clothes of the high priests were decorated with chrysolite.

Chrysolite is also mentioned in the Bible, as one of the "Biblical stones".

The stone adorns the Heavenly Jerusalem in the "Apocalypse" written by John the Theologian.

Many chrysolites were brought to Europe by the crusaders from the Crusades from the East. At first, churches were decorated with stones, then interest in them dried up. The demand for the stone increased in the 19th century, when they began to attribute to it the property of curing impotence and awakening passion for love.

The Diamond Fund of Russia contains faceted chrysolite, which is considered one of the "seven historical stones". This mineral has an olive green color, and could be considered extremely pure, if not for small, barely noticeable cracks inside that do not reach its surface. The chrysolite is faceted with a step cut, has an oblong shape, and measures 5.2x3.5 with a height of 1.05 cm. Its weight is 192.75 carats.

The gold frame of the icon by Andrei Rublev "Trinity", which is now in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, is decorated with a peridot.

Where is it used?

Currently, chrysolite is used in the jewelry industry, after tabular or step cutting. Brilliant cut is often used. The best metal for setting a stone is gold.

For processing small crystals, the same type, serial cut is used; original shapes are created from large stones. Minerals with inclusions, as well as Eye and Star stones are cut in the form of rounded cabochons.

Chrysolite processing is not easy. Natural stones easily crumble and crack under the influence of internal pressure. Therefore, only skilful, experienced craftsmen are allowed to work, who are able to turn raw materials into high-quality jewelry stone.

It is allowed to process stones with wax, colorless oil, resins in a vacuum to seal small cracks. These measures help reduce waste and use raw materials more efficiently.

Healing stone

According to esotericists, chrysolite, or gold stone, has healing properties. Its effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system is especially beneficial. In ancient Egypt, he was credited with the ability to relieve insomnia, night fears, and anxiety.

Healers of medieval Europe used peridot to treat leprosy - it was pounded to a powdery state and sprinkled with ulcers.

Eastern Chinese and Vietnamese medicine recommends the use of a gold stone for the treatment of liver, stuttering in children, and nervous disorders.

The properties of the stone are useful for healing the eyes, if you look at it for 2-3 hours a day - the ancient healers of the Caucasus believed. However, modern official medicine does not confirm the healing properties of chrysolite, although it is possible that it can really be used in ophthalmology, since green is good for the eyes.

In addition, each crystal has a clear structure, in fact, it is a system of ions and atoms, located in space in a strictly defined order. Stones, as creatures with such a high organization, have the right to claim special properties and the ability to influence the human body.

Scientists admire the ability of crystals to fold their atoms into complex and regular forms, they call it mysterious, but they do not recognize their right to manifest these exceptional features in another sphere of being.

Magic and mysticism of stone

Magical properties are attributed to all precious or semi-precious natural stones, chrysolite also has them. Ancient mystics and healers believed that chrysolite strengthens friendship, makes love relationships pure, protects against envious people and the evil eye, especially if worn in a ring or a ring on the left hand.

In addition, the mineral tends to protect its owner from ill-considered actions, strengthen his mental and physical strength, helps to develop clairvoyance and the ability to look into the future.

In the Middle Ages, chrysolite was used to decorate church utensils, endowed with the ability to protect from evil spirits, destroy witchcraft, and attract angels into your life, helping in solving everyday problems. It was believed that chrysolite protects the house and property of its owner from fire and thieves.

For a long time, the peridot was considered a stone of merchants and bankers, and they were ordered to wear gold rings with it.

Modern astrologers call peridot the stone of intelligence, because they believe that it contributes to mental development, helps to make important discoveries in the field of science, to achieve success in the field of invention.

Chrysolite and horoscope

What signs of the zodiac can count on the help and patronage of chrysolite? Astrologers consider chrysolite to be a talisman stone for Aries, Cancers, Lions, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini. But most of all it suits the "fire" signs - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

In the book of the medieval mystic Eliafas Levi "Stones as a living thing", it is said that chrysolite is the stone of the Sun, therefore it brings good luck to the signs of the Zodiac, the element of which is fire.

Lions will receive calmness from him, bringing stormy energy into a creative channel. Chrysolite will make Leo more prudent, prudent and attentive to the problems of others. Remind Leo, constantly busy making money, of the existence of feelings such as love and friendship, and make his interests more versatile.

Aries who bought or received jewelry with chrysolite as a gift will learn to restrain their emotions, will be able to fully reveal their creative potential, and improve their physical health.

Sagittarius with the help of chrysolite will become more balanced, will be able to avoid depression, get rid of negative thoughts, harmonize family relationships, and get help in litigation.

Peridot is a beautiful and beloved stone by the peoples of all countries. And at the same time it is very useful! Even Paracelsus noted that observing the play of green shades is good for the eyes of both a sick and a completely healthy person. His recommendations for daily eye contact with the glittering peridots touched everyone.

Having been popular for at least six thousand years, peridot is a stone whose properties were either recognized as divine or devilish. Beautiful peridots were used to decorate the interior of the Cologne Cathedral - and right there, in the era of censure of earthly joys, their splendor was declared a hellish temptation ...

Nevertheless, the peridot mines on the Red Sea island near the Egyptian Alexandria, founded four thousand years before the onset of our era, were regularly exploited until the last days. The ancient Egyptians preferred to choose precious stones from rock placers at dawn: on a sunny day, a bright crystal, in their opinion, shone like a sunbeam, and remained unnoticed.

Zebargad Island, which gave its name to peridot in Arabic, can still present a persistent tourist with a green stone. However, the island field was officially recognized as depleted.

Peridot is a mineral

Peridot is a mineral well known to scientists. This is a complete analogue of olivine. In jewelry practice, it is often called chrysolite. , and peridot are different words for the same type of stone. Anhydrous iron-magnesium silicate with the formula (Mg, Fe) 2 is what peridot is from the point of view of a mineralogist.

The physical properties of peridot differ little from those of quartz. However, the relatively high price of peridot does not allow the use of this expensive mineral as widely as ordinary quartz. Peridot is traditionally used for decoration, while quartz is a sought-after industrial material.

Mineralogical museums around the world are full of interesting peridot specimens. However, the best of the best stones are kept in state treasuries. The Diamond Fund of Russia is proud of its excellent color and quality chrysolite. A large - almost 200 carats - faceted gem used to be part of the property of the imperial family.

One and a half hundred carats weighs a green peridot from the Geological Museum of London. The American collections of chrysolites and peridots are also rich.

Peridot jewelry

Peridot is a gem with a rich history and excellent prospects. Green jewelry inserts are gaining popularity from year to year. Gold pendants with peridot, found among the jewels of the antique period, could well adorn our contemporary.

When purchasing natural peridot, there is no need to be afraid of the seller's recognition of the ennobled stone. This is by no means a fake! Refining is akin to grinding and cutting: it makes it possible to multiply the expressive properties of the peridot stone, increase the wear resistance of the insert, and eliminate minor defects.

It is a great success to buy a large-sized peridot, but small (two or three carats) crystals are sometimes no less beautiful than a stone of large weight. A ring with small peridots framing a large insert of a similar or contrasting tone always looks advantageous.

Peridot looks great in silver too. Light silver rings with peridot often become the first gift for a young girl. Graceful silver earrings with peridot are a hit of all times and peoples!

Floral fantasy motifs in green stone jewelry design help create a bright and non-trivial look. The multiplicity of varieties of semi-precious stone helps in the successful formation of a unique look.

The healing properties of peridot

It has been noticed that broncho-pulmonary diseases pass faster in people wearing peridot jewelry. The effect is achieved due to the special abilities of the stone: the healing properties of peridot are aimed at activating nervous activity. Increases the gem and the susceptibility of organs and body systems to neuroregulation.

Optimizing the connections in the human body, initiated by the natural power of green crystals, even helps to cope with asthma attacks!

Contemplation of the stone normalizes the emotional state of a person. Irritability and anger can be corrected especially well. However, if the CNS excitability is due to powerful organic causes, the lithotherapeutic effect of peridot may not be enough. Nevertheless, any drug or psychotherapeutic treatment is faster and more complete if the doctor's staff consists of a beautiful green peridot!

The magical properties of peridot

The fact that the magical properties of peridot increase when the stone is set in gold or when the crystal is placed on a gold stand was known back in the Middle Ages. Mages and sorcerers seeking to use the stone's assistance in reaching contact with the spirit world received substantial support from the peridot.

However, the stone has not helped dark wizards, Satanists and champions of evil for about three hundred years. Affects the huge experience of spiritual communication of the mineral with humanity. The thoughts, aspirations and prayers of billions of people have influenced the power inherent in peridot, and initially did not distinguish between good and evil. Only the experience of interacting with a person - in all human forms, both heroic and valiant, and tragic, and frankly mean - “taught” the stone to understanding.

Moreover! Peridot Talisman, a protective amulet made of peridot and gold rims, is able to interfere with witchcraft. The mere presence of the mineral attracts the power of light and repels the forces of darkness. A properly executed interior decoration made of peridot can protect both the house and its inhabitants from many troubles, including natural disasters.

Pisces women and Leo men can count on the gem's most effective help in solving pressing problems. The effect of using precious stone amulets in personal life is especially sensitive. Astrologers recommend that a married couple exchange gifts from the peridot in the first year of marriage.

In this article:

One of the most interesting green colors is the peridot. The history of this stone goes back millennia, and the mineral itself can boast of being used as a royal decoration. Its properties often allow it to be confused with other, more valuable stones. What is actually a peridot stone?

Peridot stone

Mineral properties

Peridot is a gem of green, closer to olive, color. This stone is not too expensive, but it looks beautiful. Its green varieties are easily confused with chrysoberyl and even emerald. Another name for the stone is fajazolite.

A special feature of the gem is birefringence. This effect is pronounced, it can be seen even with the naked eye. There are crystals with effect and asterism. Jewelry items of this kind are rare, therefore their cost is high.

Average - 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, but enough to be cut. It is transparent and has a glassy luster.

The origin of the stone is iron and magnesium silicate. It belongs to the quartz family and is part of volcanic rocks.

One of the interesting varieties of the mineral is the Mesa peridot, which is mined in Gila, on the San Carlos Apache reservation. Until now, the extraction of this mineral is carried out manually. The Indians have the exclusive right to develop these deposits and are engaged in mining themselves. Usually mined stones are 5-13 mm in size and look like grains.

It is believed that the richer the color of the stone, the higher its price. In nature, there are some types of stone of light shades, which are not very appreciated as jewelry.

Stone history

The name of the mineral has Greek roots and in translation means "golden stone", which means that it has been used for a long time. Now it is classified as a semi-precious stone, and at one time it served to decorate the clothes of wealthy nobility and even kings. In particular, he is represented in the Russian royal crown.

For the first time, the field was discovered near the Red Sea. Due to its color change to a rich green by nightfall, it is often called an evening emerald.

Some historians believe that the stone was known to mankind four thousand years ago. He is even mentioned in the writings of the Roman writer Pliny. In addition, references to the stone can be found in the Bible.

The stone, which is also called chrysolite, was presented to wives by warriors during the Crusades. But he gained the greatest popularity in the 19th century, as he was popular with men who believed that he was able to cure impotence.

Talismans and healing

Most often, chrysolite is used as a magic talisman, similar properties were attributed to it even by ancient magicians and sorcerers. It was believed that he is able to influence the human aura.

Most psychics and witches perceive it as a stone that destroys evil spells and protects from evil eyes and damage. It has such an effect not only on the person who wears it, but also on the surrounding objects.

The owners of the stone gradually become more patient over time, gaining success in family and personal affairs. Wearing it helps to strengthen the will and develop intuition.

He is credited with the ability to protect against fires and thefts, to defeat the enemy in court, to prevent the loss of property. It promotes the development of sympathy among others and making the right decisions in difficult situations.

Earrings with peridot

As a talisman, it personifies courage, intelligence, development in many directions, the desire to learn and teach others. Most suitable for people who have the qualities of an inventor and innovator.

To protect the home, it must be hung on the front door, and then the attack of the thief can be avoided.

Many countries use chrysolite for treatment. In Vietnam, for example, it is popular for the treatment of liver pathologies. In Armenia, a stone is used to combat vision pathologies. It is believed that if you apply it often, then it will relieve scabies of the eyes.

The gem has a beneficial effect on well-being, improving it. In addition, it also affects the mental state. It is advised to use it for problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Peridot helps the body to cope with such a difficult task as childbirth. It reduces pain during labor and stimulates it, thereby shortening the duration of the first phase of labor. If a person has metabolic problems, then it is necessary to buy jewelry with this stone. He not only stabilizes him, but will also be a reliable assistant if a wound has formed and does not heal for a long time.

Things like impotence and loss of energy due to a problem like old age are a direct indication of the use of this stone. It affects the flow of passion between spouses, even if it has long faded away.

Newborn babies were given an amulet with a peridot around their necks. He helped them to strengthen the immature immune system and protect themselves from various ailments.

It also helps with headaches, hysteria and insomnia.

The influence of the mineral on the signs of the zodiac

According to astrologers, a stone such as peridot is suitable for the following signs of the zodiac:

  • Pisces. Representatives of this female sign should wear earrings if they lack happiness and harmony in the family. Wearing a ring will help maintain love and respect. Pisces men use the gem to advance their careers. This is achieved, including by improving such qualities as mental activity and self-esteem.
  • Lions. For people who were born under the constellation Leo, peridot will help to feel confident in their abilities. Such representatives of the sign will become more moral.
  • Virgo. Mineral will open up new ways for them to achieve cherished goals, help them become more open to the people around them.

The magical properties of the gem will also be most accessible to representatives of all signs of the zodiac, born on the 3rd, 12th and 21st. The peak of his magic is in October.

The most famous peridot that has been cut is at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The other, which is in the Russian diamond fund, is considered the second largest. It weighs just over 190 carats and is yellowish green in color. The interior decoration of some European cathedrals contains this mineral.

Some types of peridot look like lime and are less valuable. If someone wants to have a gem that looks like an emerald, but does not have the funds to purchase it, he can opt for a peridot with a dim olive color.

Like other stones, when cutting, it becomes possible to make its properties more pronounced. When buying, pay attention to how well the cut is made. In addition, it is important to examine how the stone looks in daylight and artificial light, since some specimens have the ability to change color, which also greatly affects the quality of the stone.

Peridot stone is often processed. If it is carried out correctly, then such "interference" is not noticeable and only makes the stone harder. This factor is also worth paying attention to.

The mineral is unusually beautiful and has its own flavor. With the right clothes and the setting of the stone itself, it looks expensive and elegant. Copies of high quality and deep color can go up to a decent amount in value.

Giving abundance - this is how the name of this extraordinarily beautiful stone sounds in translation. Charming, isn't it? By the way, earlier the peridot stone was often mistaken for an emerald, and all thanks to its intense bright green color. In addition to being widely used in jewelry, it also has a number of well-known healing and magical properties, which are distinctive for each sign of the zodiac. No less interesting is the fact that it was peridot that became the only semiprecious mineral that scientists were able to find in meteorites that fell to Earth. Therefore, our ancestors boldly used its cosmic origin for the manufacture of various amulets.

Stone history

Peridot is mentioned in the most ancient books and manuscripts. For example, its description can be seen in the writings of the ancient Roman writer Pliny, as well as in the main sacred book - the Bible. In ancient Egypt, the stone was endowed with magical abilities, first of all, the ability to resist evil forces. In the Middle Ages, alchemists specially decorated their clothes with small peridot beads so that other people's thoughts would not have power over them. Knights who took part in the crusades presented him as a talisman to their beloved.

The birthplace of Peridot is Egyptian Alexandria. The largest quarries for the extraction of this mineral were located on the Zebargad Island. Today it can be found in the USA, Norway, Germany, Italy and various islands. The largest peridot stone is mined in Burma, and the highest quality in Pakistan. It is presented in the expositions of the world's most famous collections: the Smithsonian Institute, the Russian Diamond Fund and the London Geological Museum.

Useful characteristics of the stone

Jewelers also call peridot stone olivine and chrysolite - these are all names for the same rock. By its properties, peridot is very similar to the equally well-known, but less expensive quartz, which is used in various types of industry. Regardless of who you are according to your zodiac sign, keep in mind that peridot has a number of beneficial qualities. So mineralogists distinguish two main areas.

  1. Medicinal properties. Lithotherapists believe that peridot helps in the treatment of various diseases. nervous system, in the fight against nightmares and insomnia, restores vision. Improves performance gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, treats various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, optimizes the work of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, wearing peridot jewelry will protect against cold season and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Magical properties. The peridot stone has extraordinary strong magical properties. Our ancestors considered him a strong amulet, capable of warding off any evil spirits. Also a mineral: it protects its owner from enemies and danger, makes it prudent, patient and balanced. Strengthens the strength of the spirit, promotes the development of intuition, helps to make fateful decisions. The light green mineral among the Indians is a symbol of luck: it brings happiness in personal life, good luck in business and harmonizes relations with the outside world. Serves as a talisman for the house, maintains the aura of the home, cleanses from bad energy.

Peridot and the signs of the zodiac

Every person has his own talisman stone. The value of this mineral in astrology is invaluable. Since peridot is a sun stone, it is best suited for Leo, Pisces and Virgo.

  1. Lions. It is especially helpful for this zodiac sign to wear this jewel on a daily basis. The stone will help Leo to become softer, will have a positive effect on their sometimes very hot-tempered character. The stone increases self-confidence in a person born under this sign, liberates and increases communication skills. Thanks to him, Lions will feel able to move mountains and complete any seemingly even daunting task.
  2. Fish. To find harmony and improve family relationships, astrologers advise women of this sign to wear earrings with peridot. But Pisces men, who want to build a fast and successful career, should give preference to a ring with a peridot. In addition, the mineral will help Pisces suffering from low self-esteem.
  3. Virgo. A person born under this sign is characterized by a constant desire to learn something new. Virgos work a lot on personal growth and the development of their best qualities. Therefore, peridot will be a wonderful helper for them. The intellectual abilities of Virgo will improve, and the perception and memorization of information will increase significantly. Also, the stone will help you find contact with people around you. Virgos will be open to new acquaintances. Jewelry made from this mineral will add a special charm, which, of course, will improve relationships with the opposite sex.

Peridot is a little less suitable for other signs of the zodiac, but it also affects only positively. The mineral helps Taurus become more compliant, patient and accommodating. Wearing jewelry made of this stone, they will become more successful in conducting business negotiations, easily finding a common language with their partners. For a person born under the constellation Gemini, the mineral will be the first assistant in improving mood. People of this sign suffer from the changeability of their temper, so the peridot will affect them in the most beneficial way, help them focus on solving important problems.

Who else is suitable for a green decoration is Aries! The stone will add peace to the representatives of this sign. They will become more caring and judicious, they will begin to pay special attention to the little things both in work and in family life. But Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio should not wear jewelry made from this stone. The mineral will negatively affect their character and reduce vitality. Representatives of these signs will become withdrawn, unfriendly and even dull.

Jewelry with mineral

The stone is cabochon cut. Since it is very fragile, it is difficult to cut. The mineral has an intense green color that ranges from pale whitish to olive green. Dark stones are most appreciated, but light green peridots are preferred by jewelers who create wonderful jewelry from it, earrings and rings in silver are especially appreciated. By the way, they can be purchased very easily both in a jewelry store and via the Internet. Peridot in the photo looks insanely beautiful, so you can easily appreciate the sophistication of these products.

Getting a large mineral is a great success, but a few small stones will look even better on your jewelry, and what is especially nice is that the price of peridot is reasonable. By the way, wealthy persons and top officials prefer the golden-green stone. It is also actively used for inlaying world famous palaces and cathedrals.

Gems and minerals Chrysolite Peridot Olivine (Peridot, Olivine)

Olivine Stone Properties

Peridot: Gem of the Sun

Believe it or not in how peridot affects the various signs of the zodiac, you decide for yourself. But at the same time, why not succumb to the magic of this stone? And suddenly it is he who will help you change your life for the better, help you solve problems and give you a meeting with your soul mate.

Peridot is a semi-precious mineral widely used by jewelers around the world. The name of the stone comes from the Greek peridona and translates as a stone "giving abundance." It gained its popularity for its rich color, which ranges from olive green to sandy green. The most valuable is the sparkling lime green. The stone has healing properties due to the content of iron and magnesium ions. The magical sides of peridot, a stone known in ancient times, are known.

The origin of the stone

The first mineral deposits found in Egypt, on Zebargad Island, which is located off the coast in the Red Sea. An unusual mineral that emits green in artificial light was also called the "evening emerald".

The first mentions of the mineral appeared in the Bible and narrated about the adornment of the high priest's robes with a peridot. Modern historians are sure that the history of the stone begins long before the Bible, and is more than 4 thousand years old.

According to historical data, the popularity of peridot began in the XIV-XV centuries, the inhabitants of Egypt used it in various necklaces and amulets. And also the mineral was used as one and the decoration of the Russian royal crown, and was very popular among the rulers and nobility.

The greatest fame came in the 15th century, thanks to numerous legends about solving problems associated with male impotence. It was believed that stone heals a man and gives him strength in sexual relations.

The main deposits of stone are located in different parts of the earth: Arizona, Germany, Norway, Pakistan, Brazil, Congo. The largest and most valuable minerals are mined in Burma. There is evidence of the discovery of the mineral in meteorites.

Healing properties

Traditional healers use peridot extensively as their helper. It is very popular among physicians and is used for the treatment of many diseases and ailments.

  • Spine diseases;
  • Vision problems;
  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • Respiratory tract diseases;
  • Liver disease;

Lithotherapists suggest wearing an amulet with peridot for women in labor, it is believed that it protects against various gynecological problems and helps with contractions. And healers also claim that peridot earrings help with sleep disorders and have a calming effect.

Mineral use

Peridot is actively used in the jewelry industry, it is relatively inexpensive mineral, with incredible brilliance used throughout. It has a clean base and is fairly easy to cut. Almost all types of jewelry can be found using the mineral.

But peridot is also widely used as a decoration for souvenirs, cut paintings and even in interior details.

The largest known "nugget" is in the gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. This famous mineral has a weight of 310 carats. The second largest stone is half the size and weighs 146 carats and is kept in the Geological Museum of London.

In ancient times, the magical qualities of the peridot were especially appreciated, using it as a talisman and amulet. The main properties of the amulet were in exorcism, cleansing the spiritual aura of its owner, the evil eye, and protecting the home from fires and thefts.

In the modern world, the magical abilities of the stone have been replenished with protecting the family from conflicts, quarrels, getting rid of disorders associated with sexual desire in men and awakening passion in women.

A person wearing a peridot becomes smarter and more successful, helps to make a quick and correct decision in a difficult situation, therefore it is often advised to wear it for people who are engaged in business.

To summarize all of the above, then you can recommend it to people:

  • Squeezed and insecure;
  • Having difficulty communicating with strangers;
  • Working in areas where you need to make quick decisions, helping the owner to achieve their goals.

Separately, it is worth noting the jealousy of the stone, it does not tolerate proximity to other minerals. Therefore, it must be worn and stored separately from others. And he also loves cleanliness, it is necessary to monitor him and periodically clean him in ordinary water, without using cleaning agents.

Each person has his own stone, which will favorably influence the person's condition. Which one is determined according to the date of birth. According to astrological information, peridot matches the following signs:

And also it can be worn by people who were born, regardless of the month, 3, 12, 21 numbers... And the maximum magical power of the stone comes in October.

Believing in these properties of the stone is a personal matter, but in any case, the mineral does not carry anything bad in itself. And jewelry with this stone is incredibly beautiful and attractive.