Interesting facts about the female body. Interesting facts about the female body

Despite the fact that the woman is a mystery, the scientific facts about the female body can clarify a lot in attempts to unravel her.

1. The diameter of a woman's hair is half that of a man's.

2. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

3 Women blink twice as often as men.

4. Female affection for a man is stronger than male affection for a woman. Therefore, women tend to be more eager to start a family. This is due to an increased level of oxytocin, as well as the fact that women have better developed those parts of the brain (ventral shell, pallid nucleus and the frontal part of the brain) where long-term attachment is concentrated.

5. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

6. Women have stronger immunity.

7. The corpus callosum in a woman's brain is thicker than in men, and has 30% more connections. This is why women are better at multitasking.

8. There are more taste buds on the woman's tongue.

9. Women have more pain receptors, but because of the estrogen, which blocks inflammation, women generally tolerate pain better.

10. Women distinguish colors better than men, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

11. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

12. Women's breasts do not contain muscle tissue.

13. In the muscles and ligaments of women there is more elastin than collagen, so women are more flexible.

14. Women are much better than men to distinguish high-frequency sounds.

15. The electrical activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so the female sleep is more sensitive.

16. Women are better than men are distinguished by shades of sweet taste.

17. Women are worse than men who are oriented in space. Parallel parking is successful in 82% of men, in 71% - on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, 2/3 of them will not do it on the first try.

18. Two brain centers are responsible for speech in women, so a woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same indicators for men are two times lower.

19. Women have a better sense of smell from birth than men.

20. 80% of women have one breast (usually the left) is larger than the other.

21. Women have well developed peripheral vision. For men - tunnel.

22. Women's breasts react to temperature. The heat makes it softer, and the nipples increase.

23. The time of the onset of a female orgasm is from 10 to 20 minutes. On average, four minutes are enough for men.

24. A woman's neck is more mobile, so when she is called, she usually turns her head. A man usually turns his whole body.

25. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.

26. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases.

27. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, men only 6-17 times.

28.30% of women have a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

29. Elevated levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol, especially during ovulation, increase anxiety and danger in women. Therefore, a woman intuitively feels a threat better than a man.

30. Each kilogram a woman gains increases her breast weight by 20 grams. There is also an inverse relationship

Incredible facts

Do women know the exact date of conception of their child? Is there a G-spot? What hygiene products did ancient women use during the critical days?

You will find answers to these and other questions below. Learn something new about the life of a woman and the female body!

10. Leonardo da Vinci knew almost nothing about the internal structure of a woman

Leonardo da Vinci was a real genius. In addition to frescoes, sculptures and other works, he left behind a huge number of anatomical drawings. Most of them are striking in exceptional accuracy, however, judging by the drawings of the Great Leonardo, the scientist had little idea of ​​the female reproductive system. According to clinical anatomist Peter Abrahams of Warwick University, Leonardo da Vinci misrepresented the womb completely. The female uterus in his drawings looks more like the uterus of animals. The scientist suggests that Leonardo da Vinci did not have the opportunity to investigate the female body, and therefore, he used the knowledge that he received by dissecting animals.

9. The uterus is incredibly elastic

The uterus of a healthy, non-pregnant woman is a small organ that is approximately 7.5 cm long and 5 cm wide. However, during pregnancy, this organ undergoes significant changes. By mid-pregnancy (20 weeks), the uterus reaches the level of the navel. By 36 weeks gestation, the apex of the uterus reaches the bottom of the rib cage.

8. There is an acidic environment in the vagina.

A healthy woman has an acidic environment in her vagina - about 4.5 ph. The acidity level of the vagina can be compared to the acidity level of beer or tomatoes. The acidic environment in the vagina is created by special microorganisms, such as lactobacilli. Lactobacilli belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria that prevail in the female vagina. These bacteria are classified as "good" or "beneficial" bacteria. The acidic environment created by these bacteria prevents the growth of pathogenic microbes.

7. The value of the hymen is greatly exaggerated.

There is a lot of fuss and talk around the female hymen, although, in fact, this cult-like part of the female body is just a small piece of elastic tissue that covers the opening of the vagina. It can rupture both during the first intercourse and during another penetration. In addition, it may simply overstrain slightly or remain completely unharmed. In other words, the presence of a hymen does not mean that a woman has never had sex, and, conversely, the absence of a hymen does not mean that a woman has already had sex. Incidentally, in rare cases (about one in 2,000 newborns), girls are born with a solid hymen, without a single opening through which menstrual blood could flow in the future. In such cases, surgery is necessary.

6. Does the G-spot exist?

It seems that the G-spot - the area in the vagina that is especially sensitive to sexual stimulation - is the most mysterious part of the female body. Many women claim that they experience a particularly intense orgasm when this point is stimulated, however, at the same time, scientists are still not sure of the existence of this phenomenon. More recently, a Florida surgeon named Adam Ostrzenski reported that he found the very G-spot, which consists of erectile tissue, during an autopsy on an 83-year-old woman. However, other scientists believe that the find could well turn out to be something else - both an internal continuation of the clitoris, and some kind of gland. In addition, it is not known if this woman ever had a vaginal orgasm. In general, until now, scientists have not been able to find solid evidence of the existence of this very point. However, its absence has also not been proven.

5. Two uterus in one woman - this also happens!

This is very rare, but still occurs! Some women are born with not one, but two wombs! Bifurcation occurs when the embryo's reproductive system forms. In girls, the uterus is formed from two tubes that connect and then become a single organ. However, it sometimes happens that the tubes do not connect and each of them turns into a separate uterus. Interestingly, not only the uterus can split in two. There are cases when a girl is born with two vaginas. Usually this condition is not accompanied by any special symptoms, however, sometimes unusual menstrual bleeding or problems with conception can make you think that there is a problem.

4. Setting the date of conception is not easy.

It sounds pretty strange, but it's a fact: a woman is considered pregnant even before conception. How can this be? The fact is that doctors count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual period. Naturally, the woman could not be pregnant on the first day of her period prior to pregnancy, why is such a strange starting point used? The fact is that in most cases, a woman cannot accurately name the day of conception. However, a woman can remember the date of her last period. The moment of conception cannot be fixed, and it is impossible to confirm pregnancy until the embryo is implanted into the uterus. This must be taken into account when using home pregnancy tests - do not try to use the test earlier than two weeks after the intended conception.

3. Whatever women used on critical days!

Modern women can choose what to use during their period. A woman can use pads, tampons, special "mouth guards" of industrial production. If desired, she can use all of these tools at the same time. However, in the past, when there was not such an abundance of hygiene products, women had to be creative during their menstruation. According to Elissa Stain's Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, during the critical days, ancient Egyptians used softened papyrus, and Greek women used a piece of wood wrapped in cloth. Japanese women used paper. Later, various types of absorbent material were used. fabrics and special bandages.

2. Talking about critical days brings women closer

A recent study found that when women talk and share their experiences about menstruation, they begin to feel a stronger bond with each other. This is especially true for those women who were brought up in cultures where menstruation is considered something "dirty" and even "shameful". Women with such upbringing are ashamed of their condition during critical days, therefore, when sharing their experience with another woman, they feel that they are sharing something very intimate.

1 Disney cartoons taught schoolchildren anatomy

Do you know in which film company the word "vagina" was first heard? For the first time this word sounded in the Walt Disney cartoon in 1946. The cartoon told about menstruation in women and was intended for school lessons. The cartoon told what menstruation is, why it occurs. Thanks to this manual, schoolgirls learned how to behave during menstruation, up to "how to avoid constipation" and "not feel sorry for yourself" during critical days.

Despite the fact that the woman is a mystery, the scientific facts about the female body can clarify a lot in attempts to unravel her.

1. The diameter of a woman's hair is half that of a man's.

2. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

3 Women blink twice as often as men.

4. Female affection for a man is stronger than male affection for a woman. Therefore, women tend to be more eager to start a family. This is due to an increased level of oxytocin, as well as the fact that women have better developed those parts of the brain (ventral shell, pallid nucleus and the frontal part of the brain) where long-term attachment is concentrated.

5. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

6. Women have stronger immunity.

7. The corpus callosum in a woman's brain is thicker than in men, and has 30% more connections. This is why women are better at multitasking.

8. There are more taste buds on the woman's tongue.

9. Women have more pain receptors, but because of the estrogen, which blocks inflammation, women generally tolerate pain better.

10. Women distinguish colors better than men, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

11. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

12. Women's breasts do not contain muscle tissue.

13. In the muscles and ligaments of women there is more elastin than collagen, so women are more flexible.

14. Women are much better than men to distinguish high-frequency sounds.

15. The electrical activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so the female sleep is more sensitive.

16. Women are better than men are distinguished by shades of sweet taste.

17. Women are worse than men who are oriented in space. Parallel parking is successful in 82% of men, in 71% - on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, 2/3 of them will not do it on the first try.

18. Two brain centers are responsible for speech in women, so a woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same indicators for men are two times lower.

19. Women have a better sense of smell from birth than men.

20. 80% of women have one breast (usually the left) is larger than the other.

21. Women have well developed peripheral vision. For men - tunnel.

22. Women's breasts react to temperature. The heat makes it softer, and the nipples increase.

23. The time of the onset of a female orgasm is from 10 to 20 minutes. On average, four minutes are enough for men.

24. A woman's neck is more mobile, so when she is called, she usually turns her head. A man usually turns his whole body.

25. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.

26. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases.

27. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, men only 6-17 times.

28.30% of women have a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

29. Elevated levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol, especially during ovulation, increase anxiety and danger in women. Therefore, a woman intuitively feels a threat better than a man.

30. Each kilogram a woman gains increases her breast weight by 20 grams. There is also an inverse relationship.

Even if the female remains a puzzle for men, scientists' studies on the female body may provide some clues to this puzzle.

1. Women's hair, in comparison with men's hair, has a diameter 2 times smaller.

2. A man's heart beats more slowly than a woman's.

3. Men blink half as often as women.

4. A woman is more attached to a man than he is to her. Hence follows the frequent feminine intention to have her own home and family. This is because women have increased levels of oxytocin, and the parts of the brain system where long-term attachment is concentrated develop much better.

5. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

6. Women have stronger immunity.

7. The corpus callosum in a woman's brain is thicker than in men, and has 30% more connections. This is why women are better at multitasking.

8. There are more taste buds on the woman's tongue.

9. Women have more pain receptors, but because of the estrogen, which blocks inflammation, women generally tolerate pain better.

10. Women distinguish colors better than men, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

11. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

12. Women's breasts do not contain muscle tissue.

13. In the muscles and ligaments of women there is more elastin than collagen, so women are more flexible.

14. Women are much better than men to distinguish high-frequency sounds.

15. The electrical activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so the female sleep is more sensitive.

16. Women are better than men are distinguished by shades of sweet taste.

17. Women are worse than men who are oriented in space. Parallel parking is successful in 82% of men, in 71% - on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, 2/3 of them will not do it on the first try.

18. Two brain centers are responsible for speech in women, so a woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same indicators for men are two times lower.

19. Women have a better sense of smell from birth than men.

20. 80% of women have one breast (usually the left) is larger than the other.

21. Women have well developed peripheral vision. For men - tunnel.

22. Women's breasts react to temperature. The heat makes it softer, and the nipples increase.

23. The time of the onset of a female orgasm is from 10 to 20 minutes. On average, four minutes are enough for men.

24. A woman's neck is more mobile, so when she is called, she usually turns her head. A man usually turns his whole body.

25. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.

26. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases.

27. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, men only 6-17 times.

28.30% of women have a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

29. Elevated levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol, especially during ovulation, increase anxiety and danger in women. Therefore, a woman intuitively feels a threat better than a man.

30. Each kilogram a woman gains increases her breast weight by 20 grams. There is also an inverse relationship.

Be interesting with I and the world!

Despite the fact that the woman is a mystery, the scientific facts about the female body can clarify a lot in attempts to unravel her.

1. The diameter of a woman's hair is half that of a man's.

2. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

3. Women blink twice as often as men.

4. A woman's attachment to a man is stronger than a man's to a woman. Therefore, women tend to be more eager to start a family. This is due to an increased level of oxytocin, as well as the fact that women have better developed those parts of the brain (ventral shell, pallid nucleus and the frontal part of the brain) where long-term attachment is concentrated.

5. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

6. Women have stronger immunity.

7. The corpus callosum in a woman's brain is thicker than in men and has 30% more connections. This is why women are better at multitasking.

8. There are more taste buds on a woman's tongue.

9. Women have more pain receptors, but because of the inflammation-blocking estrogen, women generally tolerate pain better.

10. Women are better at distinguishing colors than men, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

11. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

12. The female breast does not contain muscle tissue.

13. Women have more elastin than collagen in their muscles and ligaments, so women are more flexible.

14. Women are much better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds than men.

15. The electrical activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so the female sleep is more sensitive.

16. Women are better than men are distinguished by shades of sweet taste.

17. Women are worse than men in space. Parallel parking is successful in 82% of men, 71% - on the first try. In women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, 2/3 of them will not do it on the first try.

18. Two brain centers are responsible for speech in women, so a woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same indicators for men are two times lower.

19. From birth, women have a better sense of smell than men.

20. 80% of women have one breast (usually the left) larger than the other.

21. Peripheral vision is well developed in women. For men - tunnel.

22. Women's breasts react to temperature. The heat makes it softer, and the nipples increase.

23. The onset of a female orgasm is 10 to 20 minutes. On average, four minutes are enough for men.

24. A woman's neck is more mobile, so when she is called, she usually turns her head. A man usually turns his whole body.

25. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.

26. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, women are less likely to develop complications and chronic diseases.

27. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, men only 6-17 times.

28. 30% of women have a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

29. Elevated levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol, especially during ovulation, increase anxiety and danger in women. Therefore, a woman intuitively feels a threat better than a man.

30. Each kilogram a woman gains increases her breast weight by 20 grams. There is also an inverse relationship.