How to iron a long sleeve shirt - useful tips, instructions. Woolen and semi-woolen. Proper washing and proper drying is the key to proper and easy ironing.

Ironing men's shirts is one of the most difficult skills of a good housewife. While the technology behind the process is traditionally considered incredibly complex, this is actually not the case. Knowing the sequence of actions, mastering this lesson is not so difficult. And no matter what you need: to prove to the mother-in-law that you are a real gift for her son or (if you are a man) to look perfect without outside help - the mission is possible. Wrinkles on clothes will be a thing of the past. And after a while, it will take no more than five minutes to put the shirt in order.

Before you figure out how to iron a shirt properly, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, and the main thing here will, of course, be an iron. He must be good. Buying a cheap iron should be avoided. It does not heat up sufficiently, or due to poor-quality soles, it may heat up unevenly. With such a unit, a shirt can not only not be smoothed out, but also spoiled.
It is better to buy a powerful iron from a reputable manufacturer: some fabrics (for example, linen and cotton) require high temperature for ironing, and it depends on the power.

The next sign of a good iron is excellent steam supply. Steam removes even the most stubborn creases with minimal effort, and also revitalizes the fabric, making it more attractive. A cheap iron will splash and “spit out” water, forming small puddles and, as a result, stains. And in a good iron, there can be about three hundred holes for supplying hot moisture, resulting in a hot and dense fog. If you already have a good powerful iron that has served you faithfully for several years, then it may need.

Another important tool is the ironing board. It should be hard and with a comfortable surface for ironing. Make sure that the fabric with which it is covered is not dyed. If there is no factory-made ironing device in the house, you can make an ironing board yourself by placing a sheet folded several times on a hard surface.

It remains to make sure that the iron is filled with water, and you can proceed. By the way, after each ironing, the water must be poured out, and then the tank should be filled with fresh water.

First of all, you need to find out what kind of fabric it is and set the appropriate temperature:

  • cotton with the addition of polyester - 110 degrees;
  • "Crinkled" fabric - 110 degrees;
  • viscose - 120 degrees
  • cotton - 150 degrees, steam and strong iron pressure;
  • cotton and linen - 180-200 degrees, a lot of steam and strong pressure;
  • flax - 210-230 degrees, a lot of steam and strong pressure.
If you cannot determine the quality of the fabric, it is better to start with a colder iron and gradually increase the temperature so as not to spoil the fabric.

Shirts are ironed damp. If the shirt is dry, it should be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle and put in a plastic bag for a while. Or wrap for ten minutes in a wet towel.

We begin to iron the shirt from the collar, from its reverse side. Ironing should be from the corners to the middle. If wrinkles appear, they can be driven to the base of the collar, where they will not be visible. Then you need to turn the shirt over and iron the outside in the same way. In no case do not smooth the fold!

Then the cuffs are ironed in the same way - first from the wrong side, then from the front side. And we move on to the most difficult - the sleeves. Some argue that a smoothed pleat on the sleeve is acceptable. Or even more is the norm. Do not believe it, especially since it is very possible to iron a sleeve without a crease. To do this, put the sleeve on the board and iron it - from the center to the edges. Then fold the shirt so that the edge is in the center and gently iron again. That, in fact, is all - no folds.

Next, we move on to the shelves - the front of the shirt, which consists of two parts. It is better to iron them inside out, especially if the shirt is dark. One of them is easier to iron - there are no buttons, and the second is a little more difficult, you need to bypass the buttons with the nose of the iron and at the same time not create folds. In no case should you run the iron over the buttons, even if they are covered with a strip of fabric (there are such shirt models), as this can ruin the thing. You need to iron the shelves from top to bottom. If there is a pocket on the shirt, it is ironed vice versa from the bottom up, pressing the iron tightly to the surface.

The back is already quite easy. The iron glides with ease, there are no buttons and complex elements. The main thing here will be to iron everything, from seam to seam.

The ironed shirt should be hung on a coat hanger and let it hang down.

Knowing how to properly iron men's shirts, putting it into practice will not be difficult. Another little secret: it is better to iron several shirts at once, this saves time, because the process itself lasts less than the preparation for it.

A perfectly ironed shirt gives a man a special gloss, and his wife guarantees the reputation of a very economic lady. And mastering this art is not so difficult.

A neat appearance and clean clothes are a guarantee of success for any person. And a strict suit with a perfectly ironed shirt adds seriousness to a business image, showing everyone around them that they have a strong and purposeful personality in front of them! But how to iron a shirt quickly and easily, becoming a real master in this matter?

How to iron a shirt?

In order for the shirt to retain its beautiful appearance for a long time, each housewife must follow a certain algorithm for ironing things and storing them in the closet:

How to iron shirts correctly - choosing the optimal temperature on the iron

It is very important to choose the right temperature

To prevent the shirt from spoiling during ironing, it is necessary to choose the right temperature for a certain type of fabric. Below are recommendations for different types of shirts:

  • Cotton shirt - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 150 ° using the wet steam function and with strong pressure of the iron on the item;
  • Cotton shirt with polyester content - recommended to be ironed at 110° with a little steam;
  • Linen shirt - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 210-230 ° using a large amount of steam and with a strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the item;
  • Shirt made of linen fabric with the addition of cotton - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 180 ° with a large steam function and with a strong pressure of the electrical appliance on the item;
  • Shirt made of "compressed" or "wrinkled" fabric - it is recommended to iron at a temperature of 110 ° without using the steam function;
  • Shirt in viscose fabric - it is recommended to iron at 120°, you can use the steam function. The thing must be dried well so that ugly traces of water do not remain.

How to iron men's shirts

Good advice is half the battle

If a caring woman or a neat man wants to know how to iron men's shirts correctly and quickly, then they should use the following recommendations:

  1. A men's shirt should be ironed in the following order: collar, cuffs, sleeves, placket, shelf, back. In this case, the following algorithm should be observed: first, small details and hard-to-reach areas of the fabric are ironed with an iron, and then large “area”.
  2. When ironing large parts on a shirt, the appliance needs to be moved only in the direction of the equity threads. You can’t leave the iron on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric for a long time and put too much pressure on it - this way you can irrevocably ruin the thing. Heed this advice so as not to "twist" or burn your clothes.
  3. All additional information about the temperature at which it is recommended to iron a men's shirt can be found on the product label - this will save you a lot of questions and allow you to maintain a high-quality look of the shirt for a long time. In addition, this item still needs to be washed correctly, following the instructions on the label.

Why is ironing shirts so simple and easy?

In fact, ironing a shirt is a simple and easy task, if you approach this matter with a soul. Below are the parts of the shirt and a detailed description of how they should be ironed and steamed:

How to iron a shirt collar

From frequent and improper ironing, the collar can quickly fray

A wet collar should be ironed from the wrong side: start from the corners and move gradually towards its middle. Then this sequence is repeated with the front side of the shirt. At the same time, you can’t “touch” the place of the fold and iron the rack at the shirt. Thus, the collar must be completely dry. It is considered perfectly ironed if there are no wrinkles left.

How to iron shirt cuffs

Cuffs are ironed from the inside

This information will help if the hostess is interested in how to properly iron a men's shirt with long or short sleeves. The cuffs on the sleeves are ironed first from the inside, and then the sleeves are turned inside out and ironed again. When there is a double cuff on the shirt, it must be unfolded and gently ironed on both sides, then folded in half, given the desired width and ironed so that the buttonholes lie on top of each other.

Shirt sleeves - how to iron quickly and easily

Arrows on shirts - mauvais ton

The sleeve of the shirt is folded in half and the seam is smoothed, then it is turned inside out and ironed from the wrong side. Do the same with the second sleeve. After that, the sleeves of the shirt are joined together and ironed from the seam to the edge of the product so that there are no “creases” left. But if there are sleeves on the ironing board, the process is much faster. And in no case is it recommended to iron the “arrows” - this is bad manners.

How to iron the front of a shirt

It is very important not to damage the buttons - they can melt

The front of the shirt is always ironed from the right shelf. It is necessary to put the shirt with the right side on a special ironing device to iron the yoke and the top of the product. Then the rest of the shelf and the space between the buttons are ironed. They do the same with the left side of the shelf - this process is faster because there are no buttons on this side.

How to iron the back of a shirt

The back is the lightest

The back of the shirt should be placed on an ironing board and carefully ironed, moving the iron along the side: from the left seam to the right. The blouse itself is turned and ironed according to the following scheme:

"Side seam - seam of the right sleeve - turn - ironing the right side of the yoke - ironing the middle of the shirt - turn - ironing the left side of the yoke - seam of the left sleeve - side seam."

Compliance with this simple algorithm will allow you to easily and quickly iron any shirt without damaging its presentation.

How to store a shirt in the closet

A well-packed shirt takes up very little closet space.

A carefully ironed shirt must be hung on a hanger and after it has cooled from the iron, it is hung on other shirts. You can perform certain actions so that the thing retains its appearance for a long time.

A long-sleeved shirt (for both men and women) is one of the most difficult items to iron in your wardrobe. It is quite difficult to achieve perfect evenness and smoothness of the sleeves. But with due diligence and knowledge of a couple of secrets, even a novice hostess can handle this trick. How to iron shirt sleeves? Let's figure it out.

Ironing modes for different fabrics

The first rule of successful ironing is the selection of a suitable iron setting. So, for a cotton shirt, set the temperature to 150°C. And be sure to turn on the steamer at full power. For cotton with the addition of linen, a temperature of about 180-200 ° C and powerful steaming are suitable. For cotton with polyester, the optimum temperature is 110 ° C and light steam.

Viscose shirts should be ironed with an iron heated to 120°C. The amount of steam must be kept to a minimum. Wrinkled fabrics can be ironed at 110°C without a steamer.

Algorithm for ironing sleeves and cuffs

Ironing the sleeves of a shirt begins with its cuffs. Unfold the cuffs and carefully iron them on both sides - first from the wrong side, then from the front. Then proceed to ironing the sleeves directly. Fold it in half so that the seam is exactly in the middle. Gently smooth the seam on both sides. Next, fold the sleeve along the seam and iron the sleeve, going from the seam to the edge, from the shoulder to the cuff. After stroking the sleeve on one side, wait until it cools down a bit, and carefully turn it inside out. Repeat the entire ironing procedure on this side. If the shirt is heavily wrinkled and if the material allows it, feel free to use the steam mode or a spray bottle.

If you have to iron shirts almost every day, you will need a special last for ironing sleeves. Usually it is sold complete with an ironing board. With such an assistant, ironing sleeves will not take you much time and effort. It will be enough just to pull the sleeve over the block and carefully iron the fabric from all sides. In the absence of a special pad, you can use a large towel rolled up into a tight tube.

A matter of etiquette

According to the modern rules of etiquette, arrows on shirt sleeves are bad form. They are allowed only if a jacket is worn over the shirt, which will not be removed during the entire time spent in public. So try to iron your shirts so that the sleeves are without arrows - then you will pass for a well-mannered and cultured person.

The first ironing of a shirt is a real challenge for many. However, over time, you will learn how to easily turn a crumpled piece of fabric with many details into a beautiful shirt without arrows and wrinkles. A properly ironed shirt is the key to a productive working day or a successful formal evening.

First, look at the hanging or sewn-in label on the shirt. Special care marks will help you keep the product in its original form for a long time.

Wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees in a regular powder

Without the use of bleach

It is better not to wring out and dry the shirt in the washing machine - then
it will be easier to smooth it out

If you wash by hand, do not twist the item.

Dry the shirt in a straightened form on a hanger

Collars and cuffs usually get very dirty from constant contact with the skin of the neck and hands. Use special detergents for washing shirt collars. But in no case do not rub the collar with brushes or hands, because. this leads to the destruction of the fabric and the loss of the shape of the collar.

How to iron a shirt

Iron - must have a good stainless steel surface that does not damage the material when ironing. Steam irons can be used, but best results are achieved when ironing shirts that are still damp from washing. But if they are already dry, you can moisten them with a home spray bottle, and then place the shirts in a plastic bag for a while so that the moisture becomes uniform.

Ironing modes

The ironing mode depends on what fabric the shirt is made of:

It is easiest to iron shirts made of mixed fabrics, i.e. cotton with polyester . Sufficient temperature - 110 degrees. It requires a small amount of steam and a slight pressure of the iron on the surface of the fabric.

shirt from viscose also fairly easy to iron. Ironing mode: temperature 120 degrees, with steam and a slight pressure of the iron on the surface of the fabric (water stains can remain, so use only steam).

shirt from pure cotton requires already stronger iron pressure, a temperature of 150 degrees and wet steam.

Textile cotton with linen - temperature 180-200 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure.

linen fabric - 210-230 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure.

Fabric shirt with shrink effect – temperature 110 degrees, no steam.

On the dark fabrics when ironing on the front side, lasses (shiny stripes) may remain, so it is better to iron from the inside out, if ironing on the front side is necessary - use steam, lightly touching the product with an iron.

Ironing technique

The basic rule is to first iron the small details, and then the large ones.

On large parts, move the iron in the direction of the grain thread to avoid stretching and skewing the fabric. No need to press the iron hard against the surface of the fabric and hold it in one place for a long time.

It is best to dry the shirt on a hanger. And while it is still damp, it can be stroked with a minimum of effort. If the shirt is already dry, then moisten it with a spray bottle an hour and a half before ironing, roll it up and put it in a piece of linen, a towel or a clean plastic bag. Moisture will be distributed evenly over the fabric, which will greatly facilitate ironing. Start with the parts where the material is double stitched.


Smooth the collar from the corners to the middle so that no folds remain in the material on the outside. First from the wrong side, and then from the front side. Continue ironing until the collar is completely dry. On a well-ironed shirt, not the slightest fold is allowed. This is especially important with padded collars. There is no need to iron the collar fold.


Flatten the sleeve and start ironing from the middle. From the center to the edges, otherwise slight folds will be imprinted into the material. If you are using an ironing board for the sleeves, slide the sleeve over it and iron it without wrinkling.

Attention! Arrows on the sleeves, no matter if the sleeve is long
have a shirt or short, do not iron down! This is bad tone.

Only if you are absolutely sure that you will not take off your jacket and there is no time for ironing "to cut", you can afford to iron out the arrows on the long sleeves of the shirt. But it's best to never do this.


The cuffs are ironed first from the inside, then from the front. Double cuff first unfold and iron without folds. Then fold it, giving the desired width, and smooth the fold. Fold the cuff in the middle again and iron the fold so that the buttonholes lie flat on top of each other.


Lay the back of the shirt on the ironing board, inside out. Stretch the fabric and iron it. As you do this, pay attention to the center crease. It should be ironed symmetrically. Place the pleat on the edge of the ironing board so that it runs parallel to the side seam. Hold the shirt tightly as you iron the crease. Repeat the whole procedure on the other side.


Leftover shirts.
First, lay one half on the ironing board face up and iron.
If this is the right shelf, with buttons, iron gently between the buttons.
Repeat the process with the other half.

Shirts are best kept on hangers. Ironed shirts, after they have cooled down, can be hung on top of each other in the order in which you will then remove them from the hanger and put them on.

It is best to dry the shirt on a hanger and iron it when damp. If the fabric is dry, wet it with a spray bottle. And to make the moisture uniform, place the shirt for a while in a plastic bag.

In order not to burn or damage the shirt, select the ironing mode according to the type of fabric.

  • Shirt in cotton with polyester blend ironed at 110 degrees. A small amount of steam is acceptable.
  • Shirt in crinkle effect fabric should be ironed without steam, adhering to a temperature of 110 degrees.
  • Viscose shirt easily smoothed at a temperature of 120 degrees. It is not recommended to wet it, water stains may remain, but the use of steam is acceptable.
  • Pure cotton shirt requires already stronger iron pressure, a temperature of 150 degrees and wet steam.
  • Cotton fabric with linen- temperature 180-200 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure
  • linen fabric- 210-230 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure.

On dark fabrics, when ironing on the front side, lasses (shiny stripes) may remain, therefore it is better to iron from the inside out, if ironing on the front side is necessary, use steam, lightly touching the product with an iron. Ironing order:

1. Collar

Iron the wrong side, starting from the corners to the middle. Turn over to the front side and iron by analogy. Do not fold the collar over the collar and do not iron the fold - the result will be terrible, and it will not be corrected by any tie.

2. Sleeves

We start ironing the long sleeve from the cuff. Like the collar, first iron from the inside, then from the front. The double cuff is ironed differently. We unfold the cuffs and iron without folds on both sides. Then fold, giving the desired width, and iron along the fold, the buttonholes should lie flat one on top of the other.

Fold the sleeve in half so that the seam is in the middle, smooth the seam, turn over and iron on the other side. Then we fold the sleeve along the seam and iron it from the seam to the edge, making sure that the bends are not printed on the material. If you are using a sleeve ironing board, pull the sleeve over it and iron in the round. Repeat with the second sleeve.

3. The main part of the shirt

Start with the right shelf (the one with the buttons). We lay out the shirt with the upper part on the narrow part of the board - at an angle, iron the part of the coquette, and the top. We move - and iron the rest of the shelf, not forgetting the buttons. By analogy, the left shelf is ironed. We iron the back from the right side seam to the left, gradually turning the shirt. Order: side seam, up along the seam of the sleeve, unfolded - yoke, moved - middle, unfolded - left side of the yoke, to the seam of the left sleeve, down to the side seam.