How to starch a summer beach hat (linen, crocheted, straw) with brim (hat edges) with starch and PVA glue at home? How to starch hats: easy ways for hats, caps and berets

How is a woman who knows how to wear hats different from her friend who does not possess such skill? It's simple - the first one is above the crowd, it is above it. She is confident in herself and her irresistibility, she is not afraid to be different from everyone else. And even such a person can hardly be called a woman. She is a lady. Madam. Mademoiselle. She is extraordinarily feminine and sweet, she is a goddess.

Lyrical digression

Wide-brimmed and completely borderless, cloche, pill, top-hat, straw, sombrero and gaucho, panama - from such a variety, the head is really spinning. The hat as an indispensable attribute of women's clothing, unfortunately, was consigned to oblivion for many years. Offensive and undeserved, stupid and meaningless. It happened, most likely, for one simple reason - it was considered unethical and even shameful to somehow differ from others. The rudiments of aristocracy, "bourgeois" - this is what the Soviet person saw in this exquisite headdress. A scarf, a kerchief - that's all our mothers and grandmothers dared to do. It's a pity.

Knitted fashion today

Choosing your own piece of clothing in such a variety will not be difficult. But what do designers and fashion designers say about this? Some will be surprised, but knitted small hats are in trend today, often made and decorated on their own. Well, this only plays into our hands. And we will save money, and we will show imagination, and we will connect exactly what we want. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Forward for threads, knitting needles, hooks!

But now our hat is ready. Now we are wondering how to starch the hat before putting it on. After all, a newly knitted hat is very soft in its texture. And the secrets of preserving and giving shape to things came to us from our great-grandfathers, or rather, great-grandmothers. Cleanliness, neatness, neatness - no housewife can do without this. And the goddess too.

How to starch a hat without too many problems

This process is not complicated at all. We lower the hat into a starch solution, take it out, straighten the edges and dry it on some suitable object. A regular jar or even a rolled towel is fine. The main thing here is that the hem of the hat is firmly pressed against any horizontal surface.

One of the solution options

Telling how to starch a hat, we are obliged to touch upon the question of how to cook something in which this very hat will starch. So, the first option - we dilute the starch with cold water, making sure that no lumps form. Pour the resulting cold solution into boiling water, not forgetting to stir constantly, bring everything to a boil. Let the resulting sticky mass cool, and then dip the hat into it.

Option two

Faster option. We dilute the starch in water, put the hat in it and add such an amount of liquid so that our hat is completely hidden in it. We place everything in the microwave for 5 minutes. Cool, squeeze, send there - to the bank.

Option three - starch without starch

The third option for how to starch the hat is not related to starch at all. We take a kilogram of sugar, dissolve it in hot water, bring to a boil, stirring constantly and watching the syrup. Otherwise, either lumps and burnt sugar, or dirty streaks and stains on a brand new product are waiting for you. Once the syrup is cooked and cooled down, dip the hat in it. Let it dry, then apply another layer of sweet liquid with a brush. Done!

Regarding the hat, my advice may not work, but crocheted vases can be lowered into a strong sugar solution pull it over the mold and dry, perfectly keep the shape and until it is again in the water. My mother-in-law has had such a vase for a good 10 years.

recipe 1: 8 tbsp sugar per 1000 ml of water, stir until a syrup is formed, immerse the product to be absorbed completely, for 10-15 minutes, squeeze out slightly and put to dry in the shade (stains may form in the sun), no problems with insects.

There are three types of starching: soft, medium and hard. For the first two types, starch (potato or corn or rice starch in a mixture) is stirred in cold water to make a gruel, and then boiling water is poured. For soft starching, one tablespoon of starch is taken per liter of water, for medium - one and a half tablespoons. A little linen blue is added to the starch solution. The solution is filtered through cheesecloth, otherwise lumps may remain.

For hard starching, dilute the starch with cold water (two tablespoons of starch per liter of water). It is not necessary to boil the solution. Although others think differently. The paste should be transparent and if it becomes cloudy, it should be boiled for 5 minutes.
Mild starch is most suitable for blouses and dresses made of light fabrics, for handkerchiefs, medium - for bed and table linen, tulle curtains. And cuffs, collars and shirts for men starch hard (if you want and want to starch these products).
Tulle curtains can be made to shine by adding two teaspoons of talcum powder per liter of starch solution.
Synthetic fiber items do not starch.
As for underwear, it is generally not recommended to starch it. Starch seals the pores of the fabric, it loses its breathability and becomes less hygienic. And the air layer between the body and clothing must be clean.
If starchy laundry is left in a damp room, mold can develop on the fabric and damage the laundry.
The finished napkin is washed and starch, after which it is pricked onto thick white paper, on which a full-size drawing of the napkin is previously applied. In this case, the lashes are attached with pins to the corresponding places in the drawing, after which they are ironed with an iron from the wrong side. If the garment is damp, iron the right side through the fabric, running the iron from the middle to the edges.
Alternatively, you can not starch, but sugar: boil sugar syrup (not very cool, three tablespoons of sugar for half a glass of boiling water), and then pour starch diluted in cold water into this boiling solution, stirring constantly. Be aware that sugar can attract parasitic insects.
Sometimes PVA glue is used for starching. Proportion - one part of glue for 1-2 parts of water, depending on the thickness of the glue.
Some people think that if the model of the hat assumes a strict silhouette, then it is better to use a gelatin solution, since the starch crumbles and the hat can lose its shape. Soak 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a little cold water. When it swells, add water to make a glass, heat it until the gelatin is completely dissolved. And then - as with a starch solution.
Of course, you can starch with ready-made solutions sold in stores.
Gloss-starch. This type of starch is used to give linen, in addition to a certain durability, also a beautiful shine. Its composition is as follows: rice or wheat starch 5 parts, white talc 3 parts, borax (powder) 1 part. All components are thoroughly mixed. The powder is moistened with cold water and applied with a wet cloth to the laundry. When ironing with a hot iron, the starch gelatinizes and gives the linen shine and some density. Another composition of such starch: boric acid 2 parts, borax 10 parts, rice starch 8 parts. All this is mixed. (a source)
If the starch is clogged, has a grayish or yellowish tint, it must be cleaned before use. To do this, the starch is shaken with water, defended, the water is drained and the top contaminated layer is removed. This is done 2-3 times. If required, filter the starch through a sieve.
When starching white lace products, cold skim milk is used to dissolve the starch. After starching with milk paste, the product acquires a pleasant matte shade. Of the starches, rice is the best.
Products made of black threads do not starch, but are finished only by wetting with water, since starch on dark threads becomes very noticeable. (Dressing is one of the final finishing operations of materials.)
If after washing the fringes or brushes are stuck together, keep them for 2-3 minutes over steam, then comb them with a rare comb. The fringes and tassels are restored to their original appearance.

This piece of women's wardrobe has gone out of fashion for a fairly large number of years ago, but designers have never forgotten about it. very often appears in modern collections - of course, mostly as an accessory, and not as a piece of clothing, but still. And this year did not leave big hats and small hats unattended: a variety of styles and models of this exquisite and very feminine thing are presented to the attention of modern fashionistas in designer collections.

One of the most popular trends today is the wearing of the original hat in the form of a cylinder by women. Probably, the prim fashion of cold English gentlemen has never been so attractive and at the same time refined, perky and classically feminine. Modern, turned into a piece of women's wardrobe, cute can be decorated with a variety of accessories and decorative elements - from multi-colored ribbons to artificial flowers and large brooches.

But the most extraordinary and somewhat extravagant decision in the current fashion season will be a hat made with your own hands and starched to maintain its shape. Do you want to know how to starch a hat? It should be noted that such a method as starching linen has always been used by women who know a lot about cleanliness and grooming. And even in the modern world starched tablecloths and towels, sheets and aprons look very neat, get less dirty and practically do not wrinkle.

What is it for - starching the headdress? The fact is that the texture of a hand-knitted fabric itself is not similar to what we see on purchased hats, it is much softer, unstable to wear, therefore, in order to keep your work in the form in which it turned out after knitting, and starching is necessary. The process itself - how to starch a hat - is simple: if you wish, the field or the entire hat must be lowered into a starch solution, then removed, shaken a little and sent to dry, putting on some form (a jar, a small-diameter saucepan or usually a towel rolled into roll). It is important - the fields of the hat must be pressed against a dense horizontal surface, otherwise all the work will be in vain. After the starch solution has dried and evaporated, the item can be lightly steamed under a damp cloth.

How to prepare a solution for starching, whether starch must be present in it, and how to starch the hat correctly - such questions are very often asked by women who want to show off with their own hats.

There are several recipes for solutions that will help turn a newly knitted product into a stylish designer item that is very expensive to look at and pleasant to use. The first recipe is directly starch solution: starch (15 gr.) Must be diluted in cold water (300-350 ml.), Stir thoroughly and pour into boiling water. When it cools down, you can start the process - lower the cap in the solution, hold it for a couple of minutes, shake it - in general, perform the weight of the steps described above.

The second recipe is a sugar solution, which must not be prepared in advance, but immediately before starching the cap. For this, sugar (900 gr.) Is stirred in warmed water (500 ml) put on fire, after which it is brought to a boil for a long time, stirring thoroughly so that no sediment remains. The sugar syrup can be removed from the heat when it is boiled down, thickened and slightly reduced in volume. Then it can be applied to the thing while still hot - by dipping it into the solution or using a brush for application. In both cases, you will have to wait until the syrup dries, then cover the cap with several layers of melted sugar until it acquires the required shape and stiffness.

All summer dresses always look full if worn with hats. However, any hat needs grooming. It is necessary to monitor the condition of this headdress so that it does not lose its shape. This is what starch is for. If the headdress is made of lightweight fabric, has a cap or wide brim, then they definitely need to keep their shape. Before starching the knitted hat, you can buy a starch spray for this process. To carry out this procedure for caring for hats, you need to purchase starch (or starch spray), a basin, a blank, a stove, dishes, PVA glue, gelatin, a glass and a spoon. Of course, you need to know how to starch your hat before embarking on such a responsible process. All hats can be starched hard or medium, it all depends on the concentration of the paste of the product.

Any hat can be starchy with potato, rice, or cornstarch. Hat starching begins with the process of pouring cold water into a glass, where 1.5-2 tablespoons of the selected type of starch are poured. After that, the ingredients are gently mixed until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The bottom line is that the paste should turn out without lumps. Next, you need to put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil, after which the resulting mixture is poured into boiling water and the mixing process begins for a few seconds. The paste is removed from the fire and cooled. If it is light and or transparent, then it was removed from the fire on time. The cloudy paste should be put on the stove again to heat it up for 4-5 minutes.

You can take a saucepan or bowl the size of your hat and dip it there, adding paste in advance. The headgear should be in the mixture in such a way that it is completely immersed. The dressing remains in starch for about 5 minutes. If the hat gets wrinkled, you can iron it later. In the same way, a hat with brims is starch, it just needs to be given a horizontal position. Headwear is more comfortable and dries best on blanks. Jars of appropriate size, enamel pots can come to the rescue, and the most intricate housewives and owners once decided to use a balloon. It all depends on the shape of the headdress. For example, starching a knitted hat can be done in the same saucepan and later dried on a disc.

After drying, moisture remains in the hat, which does not harm the material of the hat. It is the moisture that will allow the hat to be smoothed out with a hot iron, giving it the desired shape (although some hats do not require ironing). The most important thing is to iron your favorite piece of clothing in such a way as not to deform it. Crown and other folds require special attention. When the ironing has been completed, the hat is returned to the right place in order to dry out. Starching is best used for light-colored hats, because stains and marks may remain on dark fabrics. It is for such hats that there are starch sprays that will not spoil dark products. Rarely, but gelatin is used on the farm instead of starch. It is soaked in water, left there to swell. Water is poured to the very end of the glass, and the mixture is heated until the gelatin dissolves. It is in such a solution that you can also lower the hat to give it freshness and the desired shape. You can dry the hat on a disc, after which it must be smoothed.

One can argue with the French, but they wisely believe that a woman's head is without a hat, that the Eiffel Tower is devoid of a tip. Depending on the model you are wearing, you can turn into a mysterious stranger or a frivolous beauty, instantly changing your image. Unfortunately, knitted garments wrinkle over time and lose their shape. Therefore, knowing how to properly starch will help you improve its appearance. We offer our readers some tips that can make the product more beautiful and durable.

How to Starch a Knitted Hat?

Various starch, gelatin and even PVA glue are used for this business. The prepared solution is made thick or medium consistency. Depending on how, you can get a rough, almost straw hat or softer material. For ladies' beach panama hats, the first method is suitable, but for children's hats it will be unnecessary. A child will find such a tough and pungent hat uncomfortable.

Ways to Starch a Hat:

After soaking, the product is shaken and dried. You can't just spread it out on some flat surface or hang it on a string. It is good to stretch the garment over a ball, jar or saucepan of a suitable size, which will help to maintain its shape. Many people wonder how to starch a hat with a large brim. It will not be enough to put the product on the blank for drying. It is advisable to press its fields tightly to the surface so that they retain their shape, otherwise all the work will be wasted.