When can I buy things for a newborn. If you are still afraid to buy large, expensive items in advance. What you need to do before going to the hospital


Modern women are less and less likely to follow this sign and strive to prepare for the birth of a baby to the maximum. Firstly, it is much calmer when children's clothes are washed, ironed and neatly arranged on the shelves. Secondly, the future dad will not need to run around the shops, armed with a list, while his family is in the hospital. And, finally, the likelihood of a conflict due to the fact that mom did not like the things dad bought is practically absent.

You should not buy a dowry for a baby immediately after you have seen the cherished two strips on the dough. Refrain from shopping until at least the middle of the term. The first trimester is the most dangerous period in the development of the fetus, it is better to survive it in a calm environment without unnecessary reasons for stress. If it is absolutely impossible to refrain from shopping, make a list of necessary things, decide on models and colors, read and plan the interior of the nursery.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, in most cases, parents already know the gender of the baby. It's time to take care of buying bulky items: strollers, cots, car seats, changing table, etc. Nobody forces you to buy all this in the early days of shopping. Visit several different stores, ask the price, compare options, test the stroller for maneuverability and ride comfort, study the crash test data when choosing a chair. If fears of superstition haunt you, know not to keep your crib and stroller empty. Put toys in them and be calm.

Starting from the third trimester, the development of the baby enters the final stage. Concerns about the child's health are replaced by worries about whether all things are included in the list of necessary purchases, whether there is enough time to arrange the nursery, etc. Purchase a mattress, bedding, and linens. From the very first days, you will need bathing accessories: a bath, a water thermometer, detergents, baby soap, a soft towel. Stock up on hygiene products: wet wipes, diapers (do not forget to buy a small pack at the hospital), oilcloths and diapers. For baby cosmetics, get diaper cream, body milk, cotton swabs and pads, as well as baby powder, dishwashing detergent, or baking soda. Collect a children's first-aid kit, let there be the essentials: antipyretic drugs, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, anti-colic drugs, pipettes, a thermometer, a nasal aspirator, herbs for bathing.

Buy bottles with anti-colic valves, a pair of birth pacifiers, rattles and a crib mobile. For the first months of clothes, 4-5 bodysuits, slips or vests, the same number of sliders, 2 caps, 2 pairs of socks, mittens, scratches will be enough for you. To go outside, buy a warm jumpsuit, booties and a hat. When choosing things, take sizes starting from 52-56. Don't take too much, children grow up very quickly. Plus, family and friends are likely to give you several sets.

Pleasant chores associated with the birth of a son or daughter is also the purchase of everything they need. A newborn's wardrobe is a sensitive issue. And not all mothers trust his relatives and husband. Of course, such shopping is a pleasure for the expectant mother. These are positive emotions, sometimes just delight. But when is it better to do it? What should be considered?

Shopping time

Usually, having learned about pregnancy, women are in no hurry to buy baby things. On the contrary, they try not to advertise the fact of the most interesting situation. You never know what! Most often, mothers do shopping for children a month or two before giving birth. Others prefer to do this little by little, after determining the sex of the future baby.

And there is a category of women who, in the old fashioned way, believe that it is not worth doing this before childbirth, believing that this is a bad omen. Well, no one forces you to do this. But do not delay buying essential items until the birth itself. After all, if they start, then you will have no time to run to the pharmacy and the store. What you need to take for the baby to the maternity hospital should be prepared in advance. It is better if, after 30 weeks of the deadline, all this is already ready. At the same time, you can go shopping to know the approximate prices, assortment of goods. Sometimes promotions in supermarkets allow you to buy diapers and other necessary things for babies cheaper.

Some women fundamentally do not engage in children's shopping, entrusting it to their husbands or delegating an important process to future grandparents, godfathers. And this is also an option. But in such cases, it is worth taking care that many identical children's things do not appear in the house. Today, 30 diapers are no longer needed, because children are immediately dressed in rompers and blouses. In order to correctly distribute purchases among loved ones, the expectant mother should make a list of things that would not be financially burdensome for loved ones. Such shopping instructions should be detailed.

What to buy and where

At the very beginning, you need to decide on the purchases themselves. You shouldn't buy many items of the same size. Children grow up quickly. And even (sliders, hats, blouses) quickly become small. A child sometimes does not have time to put on some of the purchased things of caring parents several times, as they are already small. Children grow up quickly from bodysuits and hats.

For the first time, you will need several thin and flannel diapers. This is in the hospital. It is also worth buying a few undershirts, long-sleeved blouses. As for the sliders, the option with clasps on the hangers is not very convenient for changing a baby's diaper. There should be several caps. There are more thin ones, but you can buy two warm ones. When it comes to diapers, pay attention to the size. Buy two packs of "ones" - you won't go wrong. And then watch the baby's weight and buy the appropriate size.

There should also be two blankets: warm and thinner. For the first time, two warm suits will also be enough. We also need a warm travel envelope.

Important purchases are hygiene products. It is better to give preference to immediately hypoallergenic. Some manufacturers do not include this detail on their packaging. It is not recommended to bathe your baby in an adult bath on the very first day.

The choice of baby baths - light and beautiful - is huge today!

Baby cot. Stroller. These important things are best bought with a man. After all, women are not specialists in the mechanical part, they are struck by a beautiful view, and they choose such things visually. And the stroller should be reliable, strong and comfortable. Preference should be given to options with removable summer and winter baskets, multifunctional. A mosquito net, a thermowell on a stroller - additional conveniences for mom and baby.

Sometimes parents buy used strollers if they are satisfied with the quality and condition.

As for the place of purchase. Today, young mothers prefer to order things on the Internet. This is convenient because it is cheaper, and the delivery provided by the online store will not burden you with unnecessary hassle. You will receive your order within a short period of time. So, after sitting at the computer for a bit, you can make a profitable choice and purchase. But many mothers prefer to touch everything, see with their own eyes, ask the seller.

If the child is the second, then surely a lot of things remain from the first. Then the youngest can buy only the most necessary things. When exactly to do this - each family decides for itself separately!

Specially for - Elena TOLOCHIK

You are expecting a replenishment, but you are tormented by the question, is it possible to purchase a dowry for the baby in advance? Have you heard that it is a bad omen to collect the necessary things in advance for a child who has not yet been born? Now we have to consider this problem from different angles, to place the right accents. We will try to weigh all the pros and cons and tune in to a positive wave.

Where did the belief come from? Looking for reasons

First of all, let's try to find out what the popular belief about a child's dowry is connected with. Why are many people sure: to collect things for the baby in advance is a very bad omen and such actions can adversely affect the health of the child, cause difficulties during childbirth. It turns out that there are several reasons why the dowry was not prepared in advance.

  • Medically. Previously, moms prepared especially carefully for the first birth. The upcoming birth of the first child caused a storm of emotions, and the young mother tried to collect absolutely all things in advance. She sewed diapers on her own, cut, knitted, sewed undershirts with caps and much more. It took a lot of effort, a lot of time. When a woman was engaged in sewing, knitting all day long, trying to make more new things for the unborn baby, she could thereby cause negative processes in her body. A fixed posture, fatigue, and lack of regular walks had a negative impact on health. As a result, those pregnant women who prepared a dowry for future babies felt worse. That is why the problems at the birth of a child were associated with the preparation of a dowry. Although in fact they were caused by ordinary fatigue, incorrect posture during pregnancy;
  • Mystical aspect. Of course, not everyone believes in the other world, but we are unable to accurately deny its existence. You can try to listen to the opinions of people who believe in omens and legends, guided not only by superstitions, but also by specific life experiences. So, it has long been believed that new clothes are a kind of "empty house". If the future owner of the outfits has not yet been born, evil spirits will try to take the clothes. And they will begin to fight for her, displacing the baby from the life, not allowing him to be born or causing harm to his health. Fearing these evil spirits, people just refused to prepare the dowry in advance;
  • The practical aspect. There used to be many children in families. Things were not thrown away, but kept for other babies. Therefore, there was simply no need to prepare a dowry for the unborn child. This is unprofitable, impractical, because diapers, undershirts and other outfits for babies remained from other children. The purchase of the next items was not justified from an economic point of view: it is impossible for everyone to buy new sets. There are many children, so old things come in handy for newborns.

We see that there can be many reasons for the appearance of such a sign. But what should a modern mommy decide? And how to get rid of the unpleasant sensation if you still dare to violate this mystical "prohibition"? First, let's dwell on the psychological aspect.

Psychological aspect. Don't get hung up on negative thoughts

The opinion that it is dangerous to prepare a dowry for a child in advance is widely known. If you want to do it your own way, you need to forget about it. Someone else's ideas about life, the universe, unfounded fears of some people should not bother you. Set a specific goal for yourself: don't be guided by someone else's opinion, realize the benefits of preparing a dowry for your baby. Think about the many positive aspects of caring for a baby that is about to be born so early.

Since the well-known "bad omen" about the advance preparation of a dowry for a baby clearly leads us into the sphere of mysticism and legends, we will focus on another belief. It is also very ancient, strong, so many people believe in it. There is an opinion that we are able by our actions to encode the future, to prepare a certain “base” that will attract to us exactly the events that we have envisioned. When the expectant mother constantly communicates with the baby while in the womb, acquires things for him, sews clothes, she programs the future, attracts positive things into her life. This is very important from a mystical point of view. Remember this. Good programming is essential! Only you must be sure that everything will be fine. Doubts, fears must be swept aside immediately.

Now read on for some helpful tips. You will learn how to behave so that no opinions, signs spoil your life, do not affect your mood and psychological state.

  1. Make your own decision. Of course, it is not so easy for a pregnant woman to go against the established tradition. However, you just need to think and be clear about it: if you decide to prepare the dowry in advance, you should not be bothered by gloomy thoughts. This is your life, your personal choice. One must be able to overcome prejudices. If you find it more convenient to approach the problem from a practical point of view, just forget about the omen. Remember better that thousands of women prepared dowries for babies in advance. And nothing bad happened, on the contrary - they were comfortable. If you still do not want to take risks, there is a strong mystical fear in you, then also accept your choice. Is it safer for you to play it safe? You are welcome. Things can be bought later, it's not scary.
  2. Ignore other people's opinions. Do you feel pressured? Are you being told about the omen? Just ignore it. Your task is to form a positive space around you, to tune in to a positive wave. Get away from the negative, because the health of the baby you carry under your heart also depends on your psycho-emotional state.
  3. Take it easy. Peace of mind, complete tranquility, poise is just what a pregnant woman needs. You should not pay too much attention to this issue of the omen associated with a child's dowry. Just listen to your intuition and take action.

In general, your intuition will give you the best advice! Listen exactly to your feelings. For example, at one time I was frightened for a very long time with various stories about all sorts of problems that may arise due to the preliminary purchase of a dowry. They said that there may be difficulties during childbirth, evil forces will not want to give the outfits to the baby. Acquaintances urged not to buy things in advance, referred to ancient beliefs and the experience of ancestors. I answered simply: "I want it so"... I liked to go shopping, choose cute little things and fill the dresser of the future princess with outfits little by little. I just physically felt how my girl was already beginning to rejoice at the choice of her mother, how pleased she was that so much had already been prepared for her! I was also very pleased to see how the number of Sonechka's personal belongings was growing.

Try it! You will see how great it is. By the way, I still believe in the programming of the future. So I'm not completely free from mystical views, I just look at this issue from a completely different perspective. Our thoughts are attracted to events. Think positively - you will be fine. Yes, my baby, when she was born, had a chest of drawers literally bursting with "outfits".

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Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth. Best Selection: 63 Myths -

10 fun facts about baby during pregnancy + myths -

Benefits of preparing a dowry

Now is the time to think about the specific benefits.

  • Freedom of choice. When mommy herself is preparing a dowry for the baby, she can take into account absolutely all the nuances. She will be sure that everything is chosen correctly, that exactly those things that she dreamed of are ready. Explaining to someone what to buy is much more difficult than choosing yourself. So much time and energy to find the necessary things after childbirth will no longer be. When mommy is in a hurry, she is busy taking care of the baby, usually a lot of unnecessary, unsuitable items are purchased. Then you have to iron all these, wash, disassemble (). That is why many advise to look for a dowry without haste. The most favorable period for this is the second trimester;
  • 100% comfort guaranteed! When you have time, you can find everything you need in a relaxed atmosphere, pick up the perfect things. You don't have to rush. After giving birth, it is inconvenient to buy things. The young mother has no strength, and there is already a baby in her arms, which also requires attention. It is better to do everything in advance, on your own, than to worry later in the hospital that something is not there. Of course, you can entrust everything to dad, but the choice of things for a baby is still a woman's business. Men with a dowry list usually become confused because they are poorly guided in such new clothes, quality of materials and sizes. Here is the purchase of a stroller or a crib, where certain technical skills are needed, is really up to a man. Here dad will figure everything out, even be able to surpass mom;
  • Positive emotions are guaranteed. I know from myself how pleasant it is to choose things for your future baby. These feelings cannot be compared to anything! I picked up nappies, undershirts, caps and already imagined how my future beauty would lie in them. And everything came true!

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages to making early preparations.

Decided not to prepare in advance? It is also good!

By the way, if you are calmer not to break the omen, you may well not prepare a dowry for the baby in advance. This is your personal choice. And it also has its advantages.

  • Trust in your family. Your loved ones will appreciate the degree of your trust if you entrust all the preparation to them while you are in the hospital. At the same time, you do not have to spend time and energy on this at all;
  • You can remember an old tradition. Things for the baby are purchased in advance, but are kept by someone close to them;
  • A good option is to choose and order everything in. It will be much easier for mommy this way, and then the father will only have to agree with the courier, check, pick up and wash things.

Necessary things

Do you still believe in omen? Have you decided not to collect the dowry for the child in advance? Then you need to stock up on some basic items. These are the things that must be prepared in advance.

  1. A cot with bed linen. When mom returns from the hospital, there is no time to pick up the bed. The baby must be immediately put into it. At the same time, the choice of a crib is a responsible matter that should not be delegated to someone. It is advisable to find a reliable, durable, transforming bed, from which you can raise the fence, lower the front wall for comfortable swaddling ().
  2. Stroller. It should also be chosen very carefully, in advance. In it, you will then immediately take the baby home. It is better to purchase a quality branded stroller with the possibility of transformation. There are folding models, strollers with a cross-over handle, a removable top. For the baby, it is necessary to provide comfort, safety ().

    It is unlikely that grandmother's prejudices are now very common that a child's dowry is bought only when the child is born. Nevertheless, this point of view remains very popular in some families, especially under the influence of the older generation. Try to approach the solution of this problem as rationally as possible, asking yourself, and then others, a simple question: who and when will buy the necessary things, when the baby is born? After all, the mother will be in the hospital, and having arrived home with the child, she will be faced with the fact that there will be very little time for deliberate and balanced purchases, if at all; it means that she will have to buy the first one she finds in the nearest store. And when overly superstitious relatives promise to make all purchases for mom, mom should imagine how much they will realize her wishes or how seriously they will correct them. If the mother is sure that she can entrust the purchase of the children's dowry to someone (giving up such a pleasure!), Then she should do some serious preparatory work: think over and make a shopping list in advance, look at the things she likes in the store and leave detailed recommendations with wishes about the color, shape, model, brand, material and options - what can be replaced if the desired option is not on sale.

    Consider another scenario of the development of events - parents and, above all, the expectant mother herself are engaged in buying a dowry. How to approach the issue of shopping rationally and not buy up the entire assortment of the children's store, which will obviously be superfluous?

    First of all, you need to clearly understand what and in what quantities the child will need. A pre-compiled list needs to be systematized, which can be based on the following principle: furniture, textiles, hygiene products, and so on. Below is a list of things, according to the experience of parents and the opinion of doctors, that most fully reflects the needs of the baby and parents. If desired, it can be divided into necessary and desirable, the lists of which are adjusted already in the shopping process.

    Sleeping accessories:

    • crib
    • mattress
    • tent and bed cover
    • blankets (warm and light)
    • duvet covers
    • sheets

    Baby clothes:

    • diapers are thin
    • flip-flops
    • disposable diapers
    • sleeping bag
    • overalls thin
    • warm jumpsuit (woolen)
    • jumpsuit for street
    • thin blouses or undershirts
    • sliders
    • warm blouse
    • warm socks
    • thin socks
    • thin beanies
    • cap for street

    Walking accessories:

    • stroller
    • stroller raincoat
    • envelope for the stroller (padding polyester or fur)
    • kangaroo backpack or sling
    • car seat

    Hygiene products and bathing supplies:

    • changing board or table
    • bath (slide into the bath)
    • bath stand
    • bath foam
    • baby soap
    • sponge
    • baby cream
    • wet wipes
    • cotton or gauze swabs
    • baby washing powder
    • diaper gauze or disposable diapers
    • oilcloth
    • terry towels
    • brush and comb
    • rounded scissors

    For feeding:

    • breast pump
    • nipple bottles
    • bottle sterilizer
    • milk freezer bags
    • baby food warmer
    • bottle thermos bag
    • bottle brush
    • the spoon
    • bib


    • "Baby monitor"
    • thermometer
    • dummy
    • toys

    Now you need to see all this with your own eyes, touch it with your hands and find out what the varieties are. To do this, you can go to children's stores, specialized markets, read magazines for future parents and look at information on the Internet. Only then will the mother imagine what happens and what exactly she wants to see her child. These sources often contain analytical information - indications of the merits and demerits of children's products, visible either to specialists or to parents who, in practice, were able to evaluate a particular subject. In the process of empirical knowledge of the market for children's goods, replacements may well occur on your list - for example, you decide that you want for your baby not the stroller you read about, but a completely different one - in your opinion, more functional and cheaper. Do not forget to write down the prices of the goods you are considering in different stores in a burst of creative inspiration.

    Finally, the mother owns all the information, and this information needs material support - the amount of money allocated for the child's dowry. Most likely, when the initial counting occurs, there will be a state of shock - the amount will be so large. This is a completely normal step in the dowry buying process. Now you can look at the list more sensibly, remembering the principle of combining the necessary and the desired. And cut it down at the expense of the second part. In addition, you can conduct marketing research yourself - calling stores, comparing prices in search of the most economical option. Do not be discouraged by the reduction - be sure to leave the essentials, getting rid of the excess.

    The principle of the seasonality of purchased items is also important. Based on what time of the year the baby will be born, it can be fully assumed which things will be needed more - light or warm. And what is the approximate size of the clothes bought for growth, so that it does not turn out that the warm overalls, prudently bought by the parents, turned out to be small in winter for a child born in the summer. By the way, this is a very common mistake, so it's best not to buy clothes with a long time to spare when you might need them. This is especially true of shoes, which, looking with emotion at the adorable tiny shoes, are bought by parents.

    After the list has been verified and finally approved, get down to the technical side of the matter: think over who you will go shopping with and, most importantly, what. To save time, guided by the map, you can draw up the most convenient travel route. And remember: in this action, a fellow traveler decides a lot - he can spoil the pleasure, being annoyed by endless shopping trips, or he can enhance it, being your ally. So, knowing your friends and relatives from this side, do not neglect this important circumstance. If your husband hates shopping, then be sure: he is unlikely to be moved by shopping for an unborn child, dragging around for several hours in children's stores. On the other hand, you need masculine strength to carry things, so it may be advisable to go with your husband for baby furniture and a stroller, and with your mother for clothes. When buying goods, especially equipment - a stroller, crib, baby monitor, scales, etc. - do not forget to check the warranty card and the correctness of its filling, so that in which case there are no problems with the exchange or return. But it is advisable to approach the purchase process more carefully, so that later you do not waste your nerves on an explanation with sellers who are not interested in returning.

    Do not forget to also get all the accompanying pleasures from the shopping process - sit in a cafe, have a cup of tea, take a break on the bench while admiring the shopping, and buy something for yourself - for the soul or for the body (except for a breast pump and pads) so that the pleasure is complete.

    According to Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the purchased item can be exchanged within 14 days from the date of purchase without giving any reason. The Law says that "the exchange of a non-food product is made if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, as well as a sales receipt or cashier's receipt issued to the consumer along with the specified product were preserved." But the absence of a receipt cannot be a reason for refusing to return - in this case, the goods can be returned if there are two witnesses to the purchase. If a product similar to that purchased is not available for sale, the buyer has the right to receive the money paid for it or to exchange the product when the product goes on sale.

    There is a list of goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 that cannot be returned or exchanged. It includes products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (including items for childcare); personal hygiene items; perfumery and cosmetic products; fabrics and other goods sold per meter; underwear and hosiery; products and materials in contact with food; household chemical goods; furniture sets; books and some other goods.

    When returning a purchase, do not forget to take your passport with you, as in some stores this is a prerequisite for completing the relevant documentation.

    With your own hands

    Another traditional entertainment for expectant mothers is to sew, knit or embroider something with their own hands. Even those women who have never held a thread with a needle or knitting needles in their hands are susceptible to this hobby during pregnancy. This is a good time to expand your range of skills. Pick up one of the many handicraft books, choose the copy that touches you the most and start creating. For those with primary skills, detailed explanations are given in such books; for those craftswomen, whose level is determined by the beautiful Latin concept of tabularasa, have their own alphabets - how to learn to sew, embroider, knit. Just remember that knitted socks or booties for a child require a certain knitting skill on 5 knitting needles, so the simplicity of their manufacture is seeming. It is better to start with something simpler: at least sew a cap with your own hands and decorate it with sewing or embroidery, make a diaper or undershirt with a personalized monogram: your baby will be simply irresistible in them! I wish you creative success combined with rationality!

    The period of pregnancy and the postpartum stage is associated with special signs. For example, pregnant women do not cut their hair, do not report pregnancy until the situation becomes obvious to others, do not buy baby clothes before delivery. What are the roots of this superstition and when to buy things for a newborn?

    Why in the old days they didn't prepare a dowry before giving birth

    Signs and superstitions are a tribute to distant ancestors. Our great-grandmothers did not sew or knit clothes for the child in advance, fearing that such actions would provoke an umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus. They did not buy diapers and shirts for an unborn baby in advance, so as not to attract evil spirits.

    It is quite easy to justify this behavior of our ancestors: infant mortality was incredibly high until the 20th century. However, times have changed, and it is high time to say goodbye to the naive signs of the past.

    Buy or entrust to relatives

    If the expectant mother is interested in whether it is possible to buy a wardrobe for the unborn baby, one can answer that there are no contraindications for visiting stores, except for the poor health of the pregnant woman.

    A blanket, blouses and pants purchased in advance will help save time, because after giving birth there will be no time to buy clothes in a hurry.

    If a woman is too nervous about a bad omen, she may not take things herself, but entrust the purchase to relatives.

    A woman usually stays in a maternity hospital for 4–5 days. This time will be enough for the father of the newborn to buy everything he needs: diapers, diapers, nipples, soap, napkins, a mobile for a crib, rattles. Close relatives can buy things and save the dowry until discharge from the maternity ward.

    What purchases are better not to postpone

    You need to purchase large items in advance: a stroller, a crib, a changing table, a baby chest of drawers, a highchair, a bath, a baby monitor. Firstly, there may not be money for a big purchase at the right time. Secondly, a stroller or a crib will need to be assembled and checked for defects, to find a suitable place for such a thing in the apartment.

    In advance, you can purchase a first-aid kit with medicines of a long shelf life (iodine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide), as well as with cotton wool, pipettes, a thermometer, and a rubber bulb. You can buy a baby antipyretic, but do not open the bottle. For baths, you should stock up on herbs with a calming effect: string, chamomile. It is better to buy the rest of the medicines as needed.

    When to go shopping

    Mothers who are interested in whether it is possible to buy things in advance are advised not to buy up the entire children's department immediately after confirming pregnancy. In the first trimester, fetal tissues and organs are formed, therefore, excessive excitement and overexcitation are contraindicated for the expectant mother.

    Archaic fears live tightly in the subconscious, but if the future woman in labor has firmly decided to stock up on baby things before childbirth, such a decision can in no way affect either the course of pregnancy or delivery.

    Pros of early purchases

    Buying children's things gradually, you can take your time, choose a really practical and suitable thing.

    1. All baby products need to be washed and ironed, including baby bedspreads and blankets.
    2. Having bought things in advance, you can tidy up the dowry, sort the knitwear on the shelves, wash toys with soap.
    3. Buying children's products is also an emotional pleasure.
    4. The expectant mother herself can control the choice of things and not experience disappointment, having received tasteless caps and overalls as a gift from relatives.

    If superstition fails to chase away

    Particularly suspicious and superstitious women who doubt whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance can be advised to be inspired by the example of their friends. Many women, discarding prejudices, buy an inheritance for a baby ahead of time and rejoice, they can spend all the postnatal time with a newborn, without being distracted by buying diapers.

    Before the baby is born, you can furnish the room with baby furniture. If a woman is too nervous about dark superstitions, you can arrange a nursery without putting together a crib.

    If the pregnant woman believes that the baby's crib should not be empty, the purchased cradle can be collected by the father on the heir's birthday.

    If the parents-to-be are so afraid of new things, they can accept as a gift the clothes from which the children of relatives grew up, and after the birth, buy everything new.