Who Retires Early: A Memo for Future Retirees. What is the list of professions for a preferential pension in Russia

Discussions about raising the retirement age have not subsided. Representatives of different social groups argue and cannot come to a common opinion. Now the retirement age in Russia for men is 60 years, for women 55. Some citizens have the right to reduce this time limit and to early retirement. The list of professions, positions, specialties, whose representatives can take advantage of the privilege, is approved by the Government of the country.

Basic concepts

Let's start with what a preferential pension is. This is an early exit to a well-deserved rest, which is assigned before reaching the generally accepted retirement age:

The concepts of “preferential pension” and “preferential length of service” are commonly accepted. Correctly speaking - early retirement pension, early retirement.

The next concept is the total length of service

This is the total duration of activity (labor, socially useful). It is established on the basis of documentation, which is issued by enterprises in accordance with the established procedure.

Another definition is special experience

This is a period of work in special conditions, which is the basis for an early, well-deserved rest.

What it is

Based on the calculations of economists, every seventh pension in Russia is assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Early retirement is a fairly common phenomenon.

It has a number of general and specific parameters. So, generalizing characteristics are:

  • the frequency of payments that are made from the Pension Fund budget;
  • their legal basis.

Specific features include:

  • availability of special and insurance work experience;
  • its duration;
  • the life-long nature of the pension;
  • payments in addition to wages or instead of them.

The main reason for the appointment of an early retirement pension is work in special conditions.

Who is supposed to

  1. Performing work duties for a certain period.
  2. Special social status.

The first point will be considered in detail in the future, as for the second, this category includes:

  • mothers who have raised 5 or more children are expected to retire at 50;
  • citizens who have I group of visual disability;
  • persons who are guardians of persons with disabilities since childhood;
  • people who have become disabled as a result of military trauma.

As well as citizens who have worked for at least 20 years in remote areas or worked in the Far North for 15 years. If they have such experience, then they have the right to a well-deserved rest:

In addition to the noted positions, citizens of pre-retirement age who were dismissed due to the termination of an individual entrepreneur's activities or the liquidation of an enterprise have the right to an early pension.

List of preferential professions for early retirement

Based on the current article No. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, a preferential pension is assigned to citizens whose labor activity meets several conditions:

  1. Availability of funds that are required for the funded part of the pension.
  2. I have Russian citizenship.
  3. The person permanently resides in the country.
  4. The citizen is insured in the state pension system.

If these conditions are met, as well as the achievement of a certain age, the presence of insurance experience and experience in special working conditions, an early pension is assigned.

Representatives of 24 groups of professions have the right to retire earlier. It is worth considering the lists adopted by the Russian Government in detail.

The first broad group is citizens who are employed in production with harmful and difficult working conditions:

  • works underground (mines, mines, laying of metro, tunnels);
  • work in oil refining, production of ammunition, electrical devices, etc.;
  • work in "hot" shops (for example, glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy);
  • work in the nuclear power industry.

Citizens who worked in one of the following categories have the right to retire earlier than the generally accepted deadline:

Work experience in one of the marked industries must be:

Another list provides for early retirement pension for citizens. In one of the categories noted below, must be

This list includes:

  1. Works on one of the types of transport (sea, rail, aviation, city).
  2. Labor in the food or light industry, the production of pharmaceuticals.
  3. Open pit mining operations.
  4. Geological exploration work.

Also, a preferential pension has the right to receive:

  • medical staff;
  • pilots;
  • parachutists;
  • firefighters;
  • rescuers of emergency services;
  • theater, ballet and circus artists;
  • timber rafting and logging workers.

Separately, it is worth noting the list of positions of teaching staff for preferential pensions. They also have the right to retire early.

This is indicated in the law No. 173-ФЗ dated 17.12.2001. Applicants for a preferential pension are:

  1. Directors.
  2. Teachers.
  3. Teachers.
  4. Speech therapists.
  5. Defectologists.
  6. Music directors and psychologists.

Basic rules - work should be associated with increased psychophysiological stress, with the educational process. These are the features of receiving a preferential pension in education.

Another industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people is construction. Workers in this industry are also eligible for early retirement benefits.

The list., Includes both the positions of the management staff and representatives of working specialties.

Groups of construction workers can legally receive a preferential pension:

  • asphalt concrete paver operators;
  • brigade masons and stone cutters;
  • bitumen and roofers;
  • foremen and masters of assembly and construction works.

Who is eligible

Any citizen whose work is associated with special conditions has the right to apply for a preferential pension. First, you should check the presence of your specialty in the lists that are noted above.

The best option is to carefully study Articles 30 and 31 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions". These statutes contain detailed information on all specialties.

It is worth noting that the benefit is provided only in the case of full compliance with all the conditions (especially with regard to seniority).

Where to go

If all the data of a citizen are suitable for preferential pension benefits, then there is a direct road to the Pension Fund. It is this structure that makes a positive or negative decision.

Fund specialists are studying the citizen's work book.

If the document contains inaccuracies or errors in the records, then you will need to provide other documentation:

  • work sheet;
  • hR department record card;
  • employee, etc.

Taking into account such difficulties, it is better to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in advance, optimally 1.5-2 years before retirement. The specialists of the institution will qualitatively and promptly review the submitted documents, give detailed consultations.

The standard set of documentation includes:

  1. The passport.
  2. Employment history.
  3. SNILS.

They may also require:

  1. , which will be a confirmation of the harmfulness of production.
  2. about the presence of a disability, etc.

Important! A citizen must submit a package of documents in advance. In this case, the pension will be accrued to him from the moment he reaches a certain age.

If an individual provides documentation after the onset of retirement age, then the due payments will be credited only from the moment the corresponding application is submitted.

Video: what documents are needed to apply for a preferential pension

List of works that give the right to preferential exit

There are many categories of such works. All of them are marked in the corresponding lists, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Such work includes:

  • work in hot shops, with harmful or difficult conditions;
  • underground work;
  • labor of women as tractor drivers in the agricultural sector, etc.

You can view the full list in Articles 27 and 28 of Federal Law No. 173 "On Labor Pensions in Russia".

Frequently asked Questions

The most common question among citizens is related to the reasons for the refusal to grant a preferential pension.

There are several such reasons:

  1. The length of service cannot be verified.
  2. The position that is marked in the work book does not correspond to the name found in the legislative acts.
  3. It is impossible to establish the fact of work at a specific enterprise.

If the employee does not agree with the decision of the PF, then he has the right to appeal it.

Is the employee of the printing house (printer) entitled to exit?

Employees working in the printing industry can apply to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a preferential pension. Such a right is granted for both men and women working in this industry.

Is the profession of a radio installer preferential for a preferential pension?

Not. This specialty does not qualify for early retirement benefits. The woman retires at the age of 55.

Who is appointed in the oil industry?

Drilling, production of petroleum products, their processing are included in list 2, section No. 12. Therefore, drillers who carry out exploration and development of deposits have the right to retire early.

As well as the operators of the drilling rigs, the operators who carry out the production of oil. If certain requirements are met, benefits are also provided for the management team.

It is necessary to study the current legislation. In this case, workers and employees will know not only their responsibilities, but also the rights to use the provided benefits.

There are many nuances and peculiarities associated with registration and receipt of preferential (early) pension.

All information is owned by specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If you have any questions, you should contact this structure.

It is worth noting that every citizen has the right to receive information about his personal account. It is enough to write an application, which will be considered within 10 days.

After this period, the Pension Fund specialists will calculate the amount of the pension and notify about the decision. Now there is the possibility of submitting an application via e-mail.


For registration of this type of pension payments, carefully study all the available documents and consult with the employees of the employment center. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 "On Approval of the Procedure for Confirming Work Periods That Give the Right to Early Retirement Pension" for early retirement, a number of conditions must be strictly observed. First, a citizen who wants to leave early must reach a certain age. For women, this age is 53 years, provided that the insurance experience is at least 20 years, while this age is 58 years with an experience of 25 years. Secondly, he must be, moreover, local bodies of employment services cannot provide him with a job for a long time. Thirdly, he needs to have work experience specific to his profession. This opportunity is also available to citizens dismissed from work for reasons or.

Accurately follow all the points specified in this order, since an early retirement pension may be refused if at least one point is not observed. You will also hear a refusal if you have twice refused the job offered by the employment center. Persons who were dismissed not due to the closure of the organization or the reduction of the working staff, or if the application for a pension was submitted during the period when unemployment benefits were suspended or reduced, are not eligible. If the application was submitted during the period when the person retained the average, taking into account his severance pay from the last place of work, then the accrual may also be refused.

To start processing all the documents, contact the local employment center, since the registration of an early retirement pension is made only if it is impossible to find a job. For registration, you must have a passport; it is imperative to have the original work book, which will indicate the article of dismissal; a document certifying professional qualifications; certificate from the last place of work, about earnings for the last three months.
After that, an application (in duplicate) will be issued at the local employment center with a proposal for early retirement, as well as a certificate of the time that will be credited to work experience. With this package of documents, you must apply to the pension fund at your place of residence within a week.

Current legislation sets the retirement age for men at 60 years. At the same time, within the framework of numerous social programs aimed at protecting citizens of the Russian Federation, some categories of persons are entitled to early retirement. To use this privilege, you must meet a number of conditions, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

General requirements for retirement

As we have already mentioned, according to the general rules, men can go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 60. But this is not the only condition that must be met in order to receive pension payments. In addition, factors such as:

  • insurance experience, which, according to law 400-FZ, cannot be less than 6 years;
  • the individual coefficient, in 2017 equal to 6.6 points, but will gradually increase until 2024, until it reaches 30 points (2.4 points per year).

At the same time, a number of standards adopted at the federal level make it possible, subject to certain conditions, to retire before reaching the age of 60.

Who is eligible for early retirement

Articles 30-32 of Law 400-FZ stipulate the possibility of early retirement for those categories of persons who:

  • carried out labor activities in difficult territorial conditions (the Far North can be cited as a vivid example);
  • engaged in activities related to working conditions of increased complexity (in terms of harmfulness);
  • have a disability of the second group.

Another category that received the right from the state to go on a well-deserved rest earlier than it should be due to age is the unemployed, who cannot find suitable employment options for themselves. But in this case, retirement is possible only if the corresponding application is received not from the potential pensioner himself, but from the employment service.

Early retirement after layoffs

A man will be able to retire at 58 years of age even if the employee was fired from the enterprise due to staff reduction or in connection with the liquidation of the company. In this situation, all the conditions described below must be met without fail:

  • the employee was dismissed only for the reasons mentioned. If he writes a letter of resignation from work for health reasons (medical reasons) or of his own free will, early retirement is definitely excluded;
  • a man who wants to go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 58 has at least 25 years of insurance experience. The exception is made by persons who worked in difficult territorial conditions or in special industries;
  • a potential retiree immediately after being laid off for layoffs or in view of the liquidation of the enterprise must immediately register with the employment service, which recognizes him as unemployed.

Another important condition is the complete absence of employment options at the labor exchange that correspond to the specialty and qualifications of the newly unemployed.

Documents required for registration of early retirement

If you want to retire early when you reach the age of 58, and if all the conditions mentioned above are met, you must contact the regional (local) branch of the Pension Fund and submit the following documents:

  • the corresponding application filled out in accordance with the law 400-FZ;
  • employment history;
  • military ID;
  • general passport;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate for any period before 2002, which indicates the amount of average monthly earnings.

Persons dismissed due to the liquidation of an enterprise or due to layoffs and cannot find a new job also provide a recommendation from the employment service. It will be recalled that it is the main reason for early retirement under such conditions.

In addition, a representative of the PF may require additional documents, which include:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • birth certificates of children, as well as documents confirming that some family members are dependents or disabled;
  • a certificate of work experience in special conditions, giving the right to an early exit to a well-deserved rest;
  • documents confirming the assignment of the degree of disability.

Early retirement procedure

The pension is assigned immediately after contacting the regional branch of the Pension Fund. Before going there, we strongly recommend that you get all the necessary information about the required documents, since the absence of one certificate may well cause a delay in your exit to a well-deserved rest.

All papers for early retirement are delivered to the Pension Fund in two ways:

  • the first is a personal appeal. It has a significant advantage, as it allows you to immediately make sure that the documents are accepted in full and no additional certificates are required;
  • the second way is to send a package of papers by mail. In this case, the date indicated on the postmark will be considered the date of contacting the PF. It is from her that the pension should be assigned.

Within three months after the first appeal to the Pension Fund, a citizen has the right to receive clarifications about the missing papers. If during this period the necessary certificates are issued, then the date of the appointment of the pension will remain the day on which the application is submitted.

Denial of early retirement opportunities

According to the current legislation, the Pension Fund has every right to refuse a citizen an early appointment of payments if any of the following violations are detected:

  • an employee who was laid off or dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise was offered a position in the employment service that corresponded to his qualifications and the requirements of the legislation on wages;
  • documents were submitted to the Pension Fund during the period of either complete termination or temporary suspension of unemployment benefits;
  • a potential retiree receives income as an allowance from an enterprise that laid off him due to staff layoffs.

All these points must be taken into account in order not to violate the current legislation and not to face the refusal of early retirement.

How to calculate the amount of early retirement benefits

If a citizen retires early, the amount of payments is calculated on general terms. It depends on such factors as the average monthly wage (it is indicated in the corresponding certificate), as well as on the length of service at the time of paperwork. In addition, an early retirement pension, just like a regular one, is subject to all recalculations and indexations that are initiated by the state.

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The most important:

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Working all their lives, people hope to receive a decent allowance in old age. According to Russian law, all citizens are entitled to pension payments from the state. Since the working conditions are different for everyone, then the size of the pension will differ depending on the profession and length of service. Some specialties additionally provide an opportunity for early retirement, and you can take advantage of this opportunity for a number of reasons.

What is early retirement pension

Russians acquire the right to a well-deserved rest for various reasons, including of their own free will. Some categories of citizens, due to their professional activities and social factors, according to the law, have the right to go on vacation earlier than the statutory general terms:

  • at the age of 60 - for men;
  • upon reaching the 55th birthday - for women.

Preferential (early) pension is a monetary allowance that can be paid to a person who has not reached the generally established retirement age, but has a legally designated work experience in a specific specialty or a certain social status. To assign payments, certain requirements must be met:

  • Professional activity. A person has the right to early retirement if he works in dangerous or difficult conditions and his work may pose a particular danger to health and life.
  • Special territorial conditions. Citizens who work in the regions of the Far North or other territories that are traditionally equated with them, go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule.
  • Social. According to the law, the right to early retirement benefits is granted to people who have a certain social status. These include mothers with many children, residents of the Far North regions, leading a traditional lifestyle, disabled people, dwarfs.

Legal regulation

Russian pension legislation is constantly being transformed in order to become more perfect and, if possible, to take into account the needs of all groups of the population, regardless of gender and age. At the federal and regional levels, a variety of regulatory legal acts are adopted, the action of which is aimed at improving the life and increasing the satisfaction of people who have retired, the rules for indexing allowances. Of the main documents, it is worth highlighting:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ.
  • Federal Law No. 166-FZ.
  • Law 1032-1.
  • Federal Law No. 173-FZ.
  • Federal Law No. 167-FZ.

The above list is not exhaustive, since preferential retirement is associated with various kinds of circumstances that must be taken into account when granting a person the right to benefits. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations and instructions issued by ministries and departments, as well as regulatory legal acts granting privileges to pensioners of a certain constituent entity of Russia.

General requirements for the purpose of payment

Early retirement implies the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  • Age. Russian legislation, in contrast to the practice used in other countries, establishes a differentiated age of retirement for men (60 years) and women (55 years). Representatives of some professions and categories of citizens are entitled to receive pension benefits of previously specified values.
  • Insurance experience. A certain number of years established by law, during which the employer had to deduct insurance contributions from the employee's earnings. According to the latest changes, the value will increase in one-year increments until it reaches 15 by 2024. In 2018, the minimum length of service is 9 years.
  • Labor. The time during which a person worked under an employment or civil contract. This takes into account the time spent on military service, being on sick leave, the period of being registered with the Employment Service, parental leave until the child reaches one and a half years of age.
  • Special - for seniority in certain professions and positions, which is necessary for the appointment of an early retirement pension in 2018.
  • Individual pension coefficient. The amount that directly affects the amount of the payment received. When transferring contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the amount of money is converted into points according to a special formula, which are summed up when going on a tinned rest, and then multiplied by the cost of the PKI (the value is indexed annually).

According to the reform of the pension legislation in 2018, the age of retirement will not change - the previously adopted norms will remain unchanged. Other indicators that affect the amount of allowance will undergo changes:

Insurance experience requirement

Minimum IPK amount

Maximum annual score

When forming an insurance pension

When forming insurance and funded pensions

Who is eligible for early retirement

Back in 1932, the age was determined according to which a person had the right to leave work, having gone on a well-deserved rest. Since that time, nothing has changed, if you do not take into account the methodology for calculating payments to the elderly. At the same time, special attention is paid to people who perform work in difficult conditions or are exposed to excessive physical exertion. Some work in contact with harmful or hazardous substances. In addition to the additional payment for harmfulness to the salary, they have the right to go on vacation earlier.

Social categories of citizens

Today, there are legislatively defined groups of the population who are entitled to retire early in 2018, and in this case, not their work experience is taken into account, but the social status in society:

  • mothers with many children;
  • guardians or one of the parents of children with disabilities or invalids from childhood;
  • some categories of the unemployed;
  • representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North, engaged in subsistence farming;
  • midgets;
  • disproportionate dwarfs;
  • visually impaired people with assigned group 1;
  • persons who have become disabled after receiving a military injury;
  • mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the High North.

In case of staff reduction or liquidation of an enterprise

Citizens of pre-retirement age who have been laid off have the right to apply for the accrual of allowances earlier. The age of the citizen is considered an important aspect. He must remain less than 2 years old before the date of the right to retire. Women are allowed to retire at 53, while men are allowed to retire at 58.

In addition to age restrictions, other requirements must be met:

  • The reason for the dismissal should be a reduction in the number of personnel at the enterprise or its complete liquidation.
  • Availability of 20 years of service for women and 25 years of service for men (for some categories of citizens there may be other, preferential conditions).
  • A person who has been laid off must be unemployed, registered with the Employment Service, and the exchange itself must not have vacancies that would suit a person in accordance with his specialty or qualifications.

You can lose the right to assign an early payment if the employee:

  • Twice he refused employment in specialties suitable for him.
  • Has offenses that have caused the termination or reduction of payments.

Employees of preferential professions

The list of preferential specialties is an approved list of professions that are entitled to certain preferences. The basis for their compilation is the level of exposure to the body of harmful factors that arise during the production process. Allocate List No. 1 and List No. 2. They were approved in 1991 by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 to determine the professions of people who have the right to go on vacation ahead of schedule.

The procedure for using the Lists at the present stage is established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 (07.16.2014), in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens whose labor activity falls under these conditions are entitled to additional leave, shorter working hours and other privileges. For an ordinary citizen, it is difficult to understand what the difference is between them, since the professions are repeated in them. The difference lies in the degree of harmful influence of production factors on the human body:

  • List # 1 - especially dangerous and difficult conditions;
  • List No. 2 - harmful and difficult conditions (less hazard to health compared to List No. 1).

In short, both lists give a citizen the right to preferential social and pension benefits. Among the professions and positions should be highlighted:

  • nuclear power workers;
  • workers of the chemical industry;
  • geological prospectors, search engines;
  • miners;
  • persons working in underground structures;
  • flight crew and civil aviation workers;
  • persons employed in road transport;
  • military personnel;
  • workers with radioactive substances;
  • women who worked with high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
  • persons who worked in workshops with high temperatures;
  • doctors and other medical staff;
  • workers of metallurgical production;
  • railway workers;
  • teachers;
  • persons with especially difficult working conditions;
  • workers in the aviation industry;
  • public transport drivers;
  • workers of sea and river vessels;
  • employees of the service of execution of punishments
  • reindeer herders;
  • emergency workers;
  • creative and theatrical figures.

Early appointment of a pension in 2018

Some categories of citizens who do not belong to the Lists with hazardous and harmful working conditions can also issue early payments for old age in 2018. It is important to distinguish between early retirement and the opportunity to receive social benefits. If for the first it is mandatory to have a certain insurance and work experience, then social benefits can be assigned even when a person has never worked. At the same time, social benefits have a size approved by the government, while the amount of payments depends on the experience gained.

For mothers with many children

For those women who have raised five or more children under the age of 8, the state offers the opportunity to go on a well-deserved rest ahead of time. To do this, you must be at least 50 years old and have 15 years of work experience in an official place of work. For those women who do not meet the above criteria, only social benefits are accrued.

The only exceptions are made up of the fair sex, who gave birth to two or more children, but worked in the North. To go on a well-deserved rest, they must reach the 50th anniversary. Their total length of service under an employment contract must be at least 20 years, and 12 of them they had to work in the regions of the Far North or 17 in areas equated to such territories.

Disabled people and their caregivers

The state is trying in every possible way to help people with disabilities, but it does not forget about those citizens who inspect them. If a family has a disabled child or a disabled child from childhood, one of the parents is entitled to an early retirement pension in 2018, but subject to two conditions:

  • reaching 55 years of age and having 20 years of service for men;
  • reaching the 50th anniversary and 15 years of experience in women.

Citizens who are guardians of a disabled child under 8 years old also have preferences on an equal basis with legal parents. Every 18 months of examination of an incapacitated child gives them the right to go on vacation one year ahead of schedule. There are restrictions, so guardians cannot leave earlier than five years before the due date. An additional condition is that they must be officially employed, and the minimum insurance experience for men is limited to 20 years, and for women 15.

To the unemployed after being laid off

During the first two months after dismissal, a person receives an average monthly salary according to the last place of employment. If he has not found a job, then he has the right to register at the employment center and receive unemployment benefits. When a man has reached the age of 58, and a woman is 53, representatives of the labor exchange can send an offer to issue an old-age allowance, if the person has the necessary work experience. An early pension in 2018 is issued only with the consent of the unemployed and is compensated from budget money.

For health

Upon assignment of 1, 2 or 3 groups of disability or health problems, a person has the right to receive pension payments. When registering allowance, the time of the onset of incapacity for work and its causes are not taken into account. It does not take into account whether the disabled person is currently working or not. The only condition that is necessary for the appointment of a retirement pension is the existence of an insurance experience, and its duration does not matter. This means that even one working day will be enough for a person with disabilities if a deduction was made from the salary in the FIU.

In addition to early disability pension in 2018, a monthly fixed allowance is due, the amount of which depends on the category of disability and the regional coefficient (the indicator is determined in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation separately). When submitting an application for registration of allowance, it is imperative to provide a conclusion of a medical and social examination, and the next re-examination should be carried out annually for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 and once every 2 years for disabled people with the first category.

Benefits tables

Provided that a person's work activity is associated with hazardous, harmful or difficult working conditions that belong to Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, he can apply for early retirement. He needs to work at least half of the time required to retire on these lists. In order to take advantage of this prerogative, you must additionally have the required amount of pension points and a certain length of service. The generally established retirement age is reduced in proportion to the length of service available.

Retirement age of persons working in hazardous conditions

Payments in 2018 according to List No. 1 can be assigned earlier than the age required by law. Reduction of the retirement age for men working in especially dangerous conditions is determined by the table below:

For women:

Calculation for employees on Schedule 2

According to the official information provided on the PFR website, people working with harmful and difficult working conditions, which are included in List No. 2, also have the right to retire early. Early pension in 2018 for men will be accrued according to Schedule 2:

For women:

Reduction of the retirement age for workers of the Far North and equivalent regions

In 2018, citizens who worked in the Far North or areas that are legally equated to them have the right to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. The duration of the required working period depends on the natural and climatic conditions. For those who worked in the most extreme regions of the north, fewer years of employment are required than for citizens who worked in an area equated to the RCC.

To receive the so-called "northern pension", certain conditions must be met:

An early payment can be made out with a decrease in the retirement age in proportion to the length of service, but this requires a minimum of 7 and a half years of work in the Far North. For every 12 months of employment in the RCC, the retirement age is reduced by 4 months:

Experience, years

Age, number of years and months

15 and more

How to retire early

In 2018, an increase in the age of retirement is not planned, although talk about this periodically arises. This should be expected in the near future, especially since the increase in the age for retirement has already affected civil servants and every year they are added six more months. An additional catalyst is the economic crisis, the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated.

An early pension in 2018 is assigned only in rubles to any person, regardless of gender, age and period of employment. In this way, the state provides support to citizens who, for whatever reason, cannot continue to work. To receive the same insurance pension allowance, you need to fulfill a lot of conditions, which have already been mentioned above.

When and where to go

In order for the allowance in 2018 to be appointed on time, the procedure should be taken up in advance, especially since the initiative must come from the citizen himself. To do this, you need to contact one of the authorities:

  • local branch of the FIU;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • hR department at the last place of work.

At the initial stage, you should contact a specialist of the selected body for advice. He will tell you what documents need to be prepared. It is recommended to do this six months before going on vacation in order to avoid delays in the appointment of pension payments. The application itself must be submitted at least one month before the moment of the onset of the right to receive allowance.


Russian legislation has established an official application form for the appointment of a pension allowance. It can be downloaded from the official website of the PFR or obtained from the very branch of the PFR or the MFC. Only the future pensioner himself has the right to fill out the application. A legal representative can also do this, but he must have a valid notarized power of attorney. If you wish, you can submit an application through the user's personal account on the Pension Fund's Internet portal.

It is not allowed when filling in corrections and strikethroughs - this may become a reason for refusing to accept documents. Since the application form has an established form, you will need to indicate:

  • The name of the territorial branch of the PFR.
  • Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the person who applies for allowance.
  • SNILS.
  • Citizenship. If a person is a citizen of another state, it is necessary to indicate "Foreign Citizen".
  • Place of residence, registration and contact phone number.
  • The name of the identity document, its number, series, by whom and when it was issued.
  • If the application is submitted by a legal representative, indicate all similar information about him.
  • Note whether the person is currently employed or not.
  • If there are dependents on the maintenance, indicate their number.
  • Indicate the type of pension allowance that the citizen is counting on.
  • If a person has previously received pension payments, this fact must be indicated.
  • List the documents that are attached to the application.
  • Date, sign and decipher it.

List of common documents

In addition to a correctly completed application, in order to consider the possibility of receiving pension payments, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the right. The main ones will be required:

  • passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • Residence permit (for foreigners);
  • SNILS;
  • documents confirming the availability of the required experience;
  • a statement of monthly wages for any 60 consecutive months prior to January 1, 2002. Data on average monthly wages for 2000-2001 that were provided by former employers or from the FIU information systems may be considered.

This list is not exhaustive, as each application is considered individually. For this reason, it may be necessary to provide confirmation of additional circumstances that have arisen. A citizen can submit the collected package of documents in several ways:

  • In person, when visiting a branch of the FIU by region or the MFC.
  • Via postal service. To do this, papers are sent by registered mail with a list of existing attachments.
  • Through a legal representative. In this case, a notarized power of attorney is required.

List of documents for confirmation of benefits

An early pension in 2018 is assigned only upon presentation of documents confirming the right to receive it:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of the presence of dependents;
  • address information;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • confirmation of guardianship (adoption);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documentary evidence of work on Schedule 1 or 2 or labor activity in the RCC or equivalent territories (work book, certificates, personal cards from the personnel department, extracts, etc.).

Terms of consideration and appointment of early payment

The legislation gives 10 days for consideration of the petition and making a decision. The countdown is carried out from the moment of submission of documents. In case of refusal, the PFR employees are obliged to notify the citizen about this within five days. If, for some reason, a person could not provide all the necessary papers, he is given three months to correct this situation. Provided that during this period the documentation was submitted, the appointment of the pension allowance is counted from the date of submission of the documents or according to the postmark on the envelope if the papers were sent by mail.
