Paraffin treatment at home. The effect of paraffin therapy. Why do you need a paraffin warming procedure

A paraffin therapy session at the spa can be compared to something relaxing and rejuvenating. And all this is not only thanks to the work of the cosmetologist, but also to the material that is used in such a procedure. At the same time, the quality of cosmetic paraffin must be appropriate for the session to be successful and meet expectations. The availability of this product allows for pleasant spa treatments, even while at home.

What is cosmetic paraffin?

Doing paraffin therapy with a melted paraffin candle will not work. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic wax is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale, a cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of various weights and types. Suitable for home and beauty salon use.

The salons offer the use of paraffin wax containing natural beekeeping products. Since they are capable of causing allergic reactions in a person, the use of such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for such thermal procedures:

  • face and body applications;
  • masks and baths for hands, feet;
  • wrapping.

With the correct application of a cosmetic product, many skin problems can be solved, from moisturizing to rejuvenating.

Composition and useful properties

A cosmetic product with the simple name "paraffin" is not so simple. It contains the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the "basis" of the product, it is they who are able to convert a solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter - makes paraffin plastic and malleable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E - skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal anywhere on the body;
  • herbal extracts - necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals - responsible for oxygenation of the skin.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential oils, butters, cold pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit, it is better to refuse them altogether when choosing a product.

Caring for caring sessions of paraffin therapy has such a positive effect:

  1. skin nutrition. Even at the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the skin surface;
  2. smoothing. The effect is achieved after the paraffin has hardened. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, making it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of heat, which gives off paraffin, blood circulation is improved. The cells begin to renew themselves due to also lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic;
  4. moisturizing. Paraffin warms up the skin, opens pores and unclogs them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), the moisture from which penetrates into these pores, qualitatively moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. Upon contact of the warm mass with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves, and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to apply cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not bring discomfort to their client. But in home use, you can make a lot of mistakes: make it too high or low temperature, melt paraffin in insufficient or too much amount, etc.

The most common uses for cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique of their application is different, but the final result depends on it. Also, paraffin can be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, thighs, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To put the skin of your hands in order, you can use the "hot bath" method or make a mask from a special cold paraffin wax. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is fundamentally different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session, you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home analogue - two pots of different diameters to make it possible to make a water bath;
  • 150-200 g of paraffin wax for cosmetic purposes;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (alternative - bags);
  • mittens or a warm towel.

Before use, the paraffin must be melted. This is done in a special bath, as an option - in a water bath. It is important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, you can already use it. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be between 50 and 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, just wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, then instead of washing, hands can be treated with a disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your hands with the prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, it is worth paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip the handles in a saucepan (special tray) with molten (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops the hands up to the wrist.
  4. Take your hands out of the saucepan (tray).
  5. After the paraffin wax on the skin starts to cloud a little, put on your hands with polyethylene, and then mittens.
  6. You need to hold such a mask for at least 20 minutes, but you should not exceed the time of 60 minutes.
  7. Hold the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, paraffin from hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands.
  8. Moisturize your hands with cream after the procedure is carried out.

You can also make several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again in the melted product, which is in a liquid state.

The unused paraffin in the saucepan can be drained into a lidded bowl and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases when hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product looks like a familiar nourishing cream, does not require any action before applying. If it is used in a beauty salon, then the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use such paraffin, it is worth preparing hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. Further, the process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing your hands, you can apply a moisturizing cream. It is not necessary to do this, since the cold product contains all the necessary useful components and substances for moisturizing.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (you can use a brush to apply face masks) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of the product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask for 15 minutes to 1 hour. It is practically absorbed into the skin of the hands over time and leaves a thin film on it.
  5. Wipe off the remaining paraffin with a gauze or paper towel. It is not necessary to rinse off the product with water to prolong the beneficial effect on the skin.
  6. To make the result more lasting, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the treatment.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after the basic manicure has been done.

For face

Using paraffin for the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also an effective remedy for improving skin condition at any age.

Paraffin therapy procedures using different materials are effective - for melting or a cold agent. The stages of the cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid must be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut out a mask from gauze so that its size is enough to cover the skin of the face, cut out holes for the eyes, mouth, make incisions to repeat the contour of the nose. Further, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) in any convenient way and means;
  2. then, using a brush, apply a moderate layer of liquid paraffin over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. lay the previously prepared gauze mask on a layer of hot paraffin so that it is immersed in it;
  4. a couple of more layers of the product are applied on top of a gauze napkin, after lightly drying the previous one;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just pry off the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. remove the remnants of the mask with a dry napkin, use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is spread on a gauze mask, and after removal, the remaining substance is simply removed from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body, in such cases:

If cold paraffin is used, then it will become a harmless alternative to hot for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is best for you?

It is easy to choose a quality cosmetic product if you know what to look for when buying:

Having chosen the desired product, you can start paraffin therapy and enjoy the result.

Paraffin. Paraffin treatment at home

The healing effects of paraffin is based on the fact that when applied to the skin, melted it hardens very quickly and forms a film that protects against the effects of other layers of paraffin heated to a higher temperature. The thermal effect on the diseased organ is longer and more uniform. Such procedures help with many diseases, such as arthritis, periostitis, myositis, dislocation, fracture, wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, chronic diseases of internal organs (gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic hepatitis), diseases and consequences of peripheral injuries nervous system (neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia), skin diseases.

Paraffin treatment at home

Paraffin treatment sessions last 30-60 minutes, procedures are performed every day or every other day. A course of treatment of 12-20 procedures is carried out at home. It is best to do them 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. If the paraffin treatment session is carried out during the day, then after it you should rest for at least 30 minutes.

1. Paraffin applications (medical paraffin)

For a water bath, prepare 2 pans with lids (aluminum or enameled): 1 large and the other smaller. A wooden plank is placed on the bottom of a large saucepan so that the bottoms of the saucepans do not touch each other.

Place small pieces of white paraffin in a small saucepan and cover with a lid. Water is carefully poured into a large saucepan so that not a single drop gets on the paraffin, and put it on low heat.

The paraffin should melt and then heat up to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This takes about one hour. Then the paraffin is allowed to cool and the small saucepan is removed without opening the lids. You cannot warm up paraffin over an open fire, without a water bath, since, having reached a certain temperature, it begins to burn, emit suffocating fumes and can ignite.

Molten paraffin, heated to a temperature of 55-60 degrees, is applied in thin layers using a flat paint brush on the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Paraffin is layered until the layer thickness is 1-2 cm. Even with strictly limited lesions, the adjacent healthy areas of the body are also covered with paraffin. Then an oilcloth or wax paper, which should be larger than the paraffin applique, is placed on the treated area, and wrapped in a woolen scarf. The temperature of such an application is about 50 degrees.

2. Paraffin bath

The bath is used if you need to warm up the limbs well. The hand or foot (fingers should be tightly squeezed) is coated with paraffin heated to a temperature of 50-55 degrees to create a protective layer. Then the limb is lowered into an oilcloth bag, sewn in the form of a mitten or boot, with molten paraffin at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The bag is not tied very tightly around the forearm (lower leg) and is wrapped in a woolen scarf or blanket.

3. Paraffin heating pad

It is not difficult to make it at home. To do this, you need to sew a flat bag measuring 20 × 25 cm from oilcloth or dense plastic and fill it with paraffin. Before use, the heating pad must be heated in a bucket of hot water, then wrap it with a towel, attach it to the affected area and cover it with a towel on top.

4. Paraffin mask

1-2 layers of paraffin with a temperature of 50-55 degrees are applied with a brush to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and then a gauze napkin folded in 8-10 layers, previously moistened with molten paraffin with a temperature of 60-65 degrees, is applied with tweezers. The napkin is covered with oilcloth and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

5. Paraffin face mask (cosmetic paraffin)

Paraffin masks are used to rejuvenate the skin. After a series of such procedures, the blood and lymph flow of the skin of the face and underlying tissues improves, tissue metabolism increases, the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands expand, the resorption of scars and infiltrates is accelerated, and the stratum corneum of the epidermis is exfoliated faster.

Before the session, oily skin is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with a mixture of alcohol and ether, and dry skin is lubricated with refined vegetable oil.

The procedure is performed in the supine position. In this case, the hair should be covered with a scarf, the neck with a napkin, and the eyelids with a cotton swab. Heated in a water bath and sterilized paraffin with a temperature of 50-52 degrees is applied to the face sequentially, making 2-3 layers. Paraffin is not applied to eyes, mouth, nostrils. A transparent compress oilcloth with holes cut out for the eyes, nose and mouth is placed on top of the paraffin mask, then a layer of cotton wool is placed and the face is bandaged. At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed from the face with a spatula or spatula, the face is wiped with a cotton ball moistened with cologne and a nourishing cream is applied.

Paraffin masks are done every other day or twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is 15-20 sessions.

Contraindications to the use of paraffin masks are pustular skin diseases, eczema. malignant neoplasms, hypertension.

6. Paraffin boots (treatment for children)

Paraffin boots is a physiotherapy procedure during which the child's legs are wrapped in 2 layers of warm paraffin from foot to knee. This method of traditional medicine is used to treat diseases such as neuralgia, hypertonicity of the leg muscles, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. The procedure can be used in conjunction with medication, as well as massages and electrophoresis.

How to make paraffin boots at home.

For their preparation, you will need ozokerite and paraffin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are melted in a water bath. Substances are taken in a ratio of one to one, or in some cases 2 to one. After the resulting mixture has melted and become homogeneous, it is carefully laid out on a baking sheet, where there is a layer of dense polyethylene. It is necessary to make 2 blanks large enough to wrap one leg. The temperature of the resulting substance should be higher than the body temperature, but not burn it. Paraffin boots are laid out neatly from the calves on children's legs, gradually wrapping the entire limb from the knee and below. From above, they are wrapped with cling film, and then put on warm socks or knee-highs. The child should be wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, it should be no more than 15 minutes.

Paraffin boots are contraindicated for persons suffering from certain skin diseases, heart problems, and diabetes mellitus. You should not carry out the procedure if the child is undergoing inflammatory processes in the body.

You will need

  • - water;
  • - paraffin;
  • - thermometer.


Stir the paraffin with a metal spoon to heat it quickly and evenly. When the paraffin wax melts, it will take up less in the pan than it did in the solid state.

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Helpful advice


  • Wax and paraffin sculpting

Among the popular self-care treatments are paraffin wax baths, which you can pamper yourself with at home. They make the skin smoother by reducing flaking and small wrinkles.

You will need

  • - paraffin,
  • - dishes for melting it,
  • - hand cream,
  • - gloves.


Initially, the skin needs to be cleansed with exfoliation. Then a special cream is applied to the hands, thanks to which the liquid paraffin is not applied to the skin. The principle of operation of the procedure is based on the fact that it contains special compounds that give it a slow release of heat. Thanks to this property, the skin heats up gradually, the pores expand and absorb nutrients, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out when a paraffin film is formed. Such baths are especially useful in the cold season, when the skin feels the aggressive effects of nature and. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure at least once a month. Paraffin baths can be done for both hands and feet.

Paraffin is heated in a water bath or in a special apparatus for taking paraffin baths; to enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add a few drops of any aromatic oils to it. The initial amount of material is quite large, at least two kilograms, since the brushes must be completely immersed in the melted paraffin.

Hands are immersed in paraffin, the temperature of which should be pleasant, and kept in it for 10 minutes to form a thin film on them. After that, they are wrapped in polyethylene, warm mittens on top. To simplify the process, you can use thin polyethylene gloves or ordinary food bags, since it is not very convenient to wrap your hands with polyethylene when there is a wax film on them yourself. After a quarter of an hour, the film is removed, and the skin is rinsed with cool water in order to remove the pores. That's all for the question of baths.

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Paraffin is purchased at any pharmacy or shops specializing in products for beauty salons. In this case, it is cleansed and suitable for use without irritating the skin, which can happen with conventional candles.

Paraffin is widely used in everyday life, medicine and cosmetology. Such properties of paraffin, such as low melting point and high heat capacity, make it possible to carry out various types of treatment with it, warming up, and also take care of the skin. Regular paraffin is usually in a solid phase, therefore, the substance must be melted before use.

You will need

  • - paraffin;
  • - water;
  • - two metal containers;
  • - electric (gas) stove.


Prepare two metal containers of a suitable size. These can be metal pots or bowls of different sizes. Select the dimensions of the containers so that one of them freely fits into the other. The edges of the smaller container or the handle of the small saucepan should rest on the circumference of the larger container, and the bottoms should not touch.

Pour about one third of the water into a large container. Place a smaller saucepan on top. Adjust the water level so that the bottom of the upper container is slightly submerged in the water. Now you can remove the top pan for a while.

Place a container of water on a hot electric or gas stove and cover it with a lid. Set the burner to maximum power to bring the water to a boil.

Grind the pieces of paraffin on a piece of paper or old newspaper - this will melt faster. Place them in a smaller container so that the substance takes up no more than half of it.

Remove the lid from the casserole, in which the water has already boiled. Place a container of paraffin in it. Adjust the power of the burner or hotplate to slightly reduce the boiling intensity of the water. Paraffin close the lid.

Wait for the paraffin to melt, turning into a liquid mass. If necessary, add another portion of paraffin, bringing its amount to the required level. After the final melting of the substance, turn off the stove and remove both containers from it.

Use the prepared paraffin wax as directed. Be careful not to burn yourself when handling molten wax.

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Paraffin Is a petroleum product, a wax-like substance that is used in construction to impregnate wood, insulation as a component of greases for rubbing parts. Paraffin is also irreplaceable in medicine and cosmetology. It is used most often in a heated form. This substance melts at a temperature of 55˚С.

You will need

  • - two metal pots of different diameters;
  • - electric or gas stove;
  • - water;
  • - paraffin;
  • - thermometer.


When the water boils, place the container with paraffin in a water bath, reduce the burners and heat the paraffin to 55-80˚С. At higher temperatures, it begins to oxidize. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.

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Do not heat paraffin wax in the microwave or over an open fire, as it will ignite easily and quickly under these conditions.

Helpful advice

Paraffin can be melted using a special paraffin heater. This is an electrically heated device designed to heat wax up to the melting stage. It is used in hospitals for physiotherapy procedures using paraffin. The apparatus is made of stainless steel, has a water meter to control the liquid level, a drain valve and a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature from 60 to 95˚С.


  • Wax and paraffin sculpting

Paraffin therapy is a professional SPA procedure that can be performed at home. The melted viscous not only softens and relieves fatigue, but also helps relieve arthritis pain.

You will need

  • - medical paraffin;
  • - warming device;
  • - plastic bags;
  • - terry socks;
  • - towel;
  • - hand cream.


Paraffin baths ideal for improving the condition of the skin of the hands and feet. To take a medicinal bath, buy medical paraffin and a special container to warm it up at the pharmacy. A purchased device, by the way, can be replaced with any enameled dish with high edges; the main thing is that the feet or hands can fully fit into it.

Melt 2-3 kg of paraffin in a water bath, avoiding water getting into it. During this time, prepare your skin for the procedure, for example, exfoliate with a scrub and apply a moisturizer.

Once the paraffin is melted, check to see if it is too hot. The temperature of the bath should be warm and not burn the skin if dripped on the wrist. Dip your hands or feet in the melted paraffin wax for 10 seconds, then pull out and hold in the air for the same amount of time.

Repeat the procedure about 7-8 times until a thick layer of paraffin "socks" or "gloves" is formed on the skin. Then put plastic bags on your hands or feet, and terry mittens or socks on top. Wait 30 minutes.

After half an hour, remove the warm clothes and polyethylene, then gently pry off the edge of the paraffin mask and remove it. Wipe your hands or feet with a damp towel and apply a nourishing cream.

Take such baths no more than 2 times a month. By increasing the temperature of the skin by 1-2 degrees, paraffin stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, makes the skin velvety and strengthens the nails. After the first procedure, the skin will become smooth and elastic.

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Paraffin therapy has a number of contraindications, including skin damage, burns, acne, as well as varicose veins and infectious diseases. Before using this procedure, be sure to consult your doctor.

Helpful advice

Do not reheat used paraffin wax as it loses its beneficial properties.


  • instruction paraffin bath

Paraffin has long been used to rejuvenate and lift aging skin, treat inflammation and deeply cleanse problem skin. The stunning effect of paraffin masks is based on its low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.

You will need

  • - 50 g of paraffin;
  • - capacity for melting;
  • - application brush;
  • - napkin.


Prepare a clean paraffin melting pot and an extra larger container for a water bath. Check the cup for drips. Water trapped in molten paraffin can cause skin burns. Therefore, wipe the container dry before putting the paraffin in it. Prepare a clean cloth to cover the area where the mask will be applied for the duration of the exposure, thereby maximizing the gentle warming effect. You can use a terry towel instead of a napkin.

Move on to skin preparation, which also requires special attention. Cleanse the skin in the usual way, carefully removing the remaining moisture if it was washing with water. Cleaning with moisturizers is strongly discouraged due to the risk of burns. It is best to complete the preparation procedure for applying a warming mask for oily skin by rubbing with alcohol lotion, and for dry skin - use cosmetic oil. Remove hair from your face using clips or a bandage.

Heat the paraffin in a water bath until it is completely melted. Let it cool until a thin film appears on the surface. Prepare to act quickly as the paraffin cools very quickly upon application. If you have an assistant who will be much more comfortable to apply mask quickly and accurately, ask him to help you.

Apply warm paraffin wax with a brush or cotton pad, starting from the chin and above, distributing it strictly along the massage lines. Leave the areas of the mouth, nose and eyes free. Paraffin mask can be applied in two or three layers. Cover your face with a towel to maintain heat and soak for 15-20 minutes.

When finished, remove maskby gently prying the edge with a soft spatula. Massage your face lightly to distribute blood flow and enhance metabolic processes. Apply a cream or lotion to your skin that is appropriate for your skin type. After the procedure, you should not immediately go outside, especially in the cold season.

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Paraffin masks have contraindications, for example, vascular mesh, pustular skin diseases, hypertension, diabetes and asthma.

Helpful advice

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Paraffin therapy is one of the most pleasant skin care procedures using heated paraffin wax and baths from it. can be done on almost any part of the body, but it is most common for hand skin care.

Paraffin therapy helps to moisturize and nourish the skin, making it firm and incredibly smooth. Hot paraffin wax normalizes blood circulation, unclogs pores and helps remove waste and other harmful substances.

Paraffin therapy is effective for all skin types, but it works especially well on fading and dry skin, transforming it literally before our eyes.

Cosmetic paraffin wax for the procedure can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The paraffin can be simply refined, or it can contain aromatic fragrances. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the paraffin wax yourself. The amount of paraffin required for the procedure on the hands must be at least 500 grams. For paraffin therapy, paraffin must be melted in a water bath, and at this time, prepare your hands for the procedure: wash thoroughly, cleanse the skin with any scrub and apply a nourishing cream. In order not to burn yourself with paraffin, you need to check its temperature. To do this, just drop it on the back of your hand. Paraffin should warm, but not burn the skin. If the temperature of the wax is comfortable, you can apply it to your hands. To do this, the hands are dipped into the melted paraffin for literally a few seconds, removed for 10 seconds and immersed again. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times, at this time a kind of paraffin gloves are formed on the hands. After that, you need to put on spacious plastic gloves on your hands, and terry gloves on top. The paraffin mask should be on the hands for at least half an hour, after which it must be removed. After the procedure, it is not recommended to do homework for at least several hours, and if paraffin therapy is carried out in the cold season, you cannot immediately go outside.

The used paraffin cannot be applied a second time, since it no longer possesses any useful properties.

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Paraffin is widely used in various fields: in cosmetology, in medicine with certain diagnoses, etc. Using regular procedures with its use, you can extract a lot of benefits for beauty and health.

Paraffin therapy is gaining increasing popularity in the modern field. This procedure, with regular use, can relieve muscle and joint pain, severity of c.

Paraffin therapy uses vegetable oil-based medicinal wax, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Useful properties of paraffin

Paraffin perfectly smoothes flaky, rough, chapped and dry skin, gently softening it. It can be useful and effective also for chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema. Paraffin therapy improves blood flow to the affected area, relieves muscle spasms, soothes chronic joint pain, improves mobility in people with bursitis, arthritis and other chronic diseases.


Paraffin is very often used for various cosmetic procedures and in medicine. Moisturizing oil and wax during the procedure smoothen and soften the skin. It is most effective to use paraffin therapy after the exfoliation procedure. Since paraffin opens all the pores, it is great for helping to prepare the skin.

It should be noted that paraffin wax also reduces age-related changes, gives tone and improves blood circulation.

Paraffin action

Paraffin therapy is a type of deep heating. Special liquefied paraffin wax excellently retains and absorbs heat. There is an explanation for this. For example, when you immerse your feet or hands in a paraffin bath, the waxy heat gradually flows into the affected area. Over time, the wax hardens. The heat relieves spasms, relieves pain and increases blood circulation. Paraffin wax retains moisture in the deepest layers of the skin, effectively opening the pores. It enhances the flow of blood to the skin, helping to soften the upper epidermis.

Home paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy can be carried out independently. To do this, you will need specially designed accessories: a terry towel, plastic bags, a food thermometer, 1 kg of medical paraffin. Melted wax can be mixed with essential or aromatic oils.

In order to properly carry out this procedure in, pre-melt the paraffin. Leave it to cool slightly to 40-50 degrees. Remove all jewelry from yourself first. Wash and dry the areas of your skin thoroughly. Be careful not to touch hot dishes. Cover the desired areas of the body with paraffin. After that, put cellophane on top and wrap with a towel. After 20-30 minutes, carefully remove the paraffin. It can be saved until the next procedure.

Tip 9: Cosmetic paraffin for the face: preparing a mask at home

Such a simple procedure as a paraffin mask will help to maintain youth and health of the skin. It perfectly tones the skin and improves its elasticity. It is not difficult to make such a mask at home.

Paraffin therapy is a medical and cosmetic procedure aimed at deeply softening and nourishing the skin. It is used mainly for the care of dry and chapped skin of the hands in the cold season. The advantage of the procedure is the simplicity and availability of the procedure, due to which everyone can master the rules of paraffin therapy.

Paraffin baths and applications are indicated for the treatment of:

  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • raynaud's disease.

The method is used to relieve symptoms of bone and joint diseases. The effectiveness of paraffin therapy in this case is due to the gentle gradual heating of tissues.

Paraffin melts at a temperature of about 520 C. Applying this substance to the body improves blood circulation in the affected area by irritating the upper layer of the skin. For joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis), the procedure helps relieve pain and improve mobility. With neuralgia, gentle heating with paraffin relieves pain caused by nerve damage.

As prescribed by a dermatologist, the method can be used for psoriasis, to soften plaque on the skin. You should also consult a specialist about the possibility of paraffin treatment for eczema on the hands.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins at the site of exposure;
  • the presence of a rash, deep wounds and sores on the skin.

In the absence of contraindications, the procedure can be carried out even for children over three years old, however, paraffin is applied not to clean skin, but to gauze or bandage, in order to avoid burns.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

The procedure is offered in almost every beauty salon. In cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to eliminate problems associated with dryness and flaking of the skin.

The use of paraffin allows:

  • reduce traces of post-acne;
  • smooth mimic wrinkles;
  • lighten skin and reduce age spots;
  • improve skin tone.

The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body due to the greenhouse effect that is created when molten paraffin is applied to the skin. Paraffin gradually increases the temperature of the skin at the site of application, as a result of which the pores open. Since a layer of air remains between the epidermis and the wax-like mass, local sweating increases. With sweat, toxins are released, the skin is cleansed. At the same time, lymph flow improves, blood microcirculation is stimulated, that is, metabolic processes occurring in the upper layer of the epidermis are improved. The treatment results in smooth, nourished and moisturized skin.

Paraffin treatment is carried out in courses. 5 procedures are enough to forget about peeling and cracks in the skin for a long time. You can apply a warm mass to any part of the body. Most often, paraffin is used as an emergency remedy to restore dry skin of the hands, with cracks in the skin of the feet and to soften particularly dry areas of the body. Paraffin therapy for the face is an effective and safe way to reduce the severity of wrinkles, increase turgor and lighten the skin.

Paraffin therapy - how to do it?

For a home procedure, you must purchase a special cosmetic paraffin. This substance is presented in every pharmacy at an affordable cost, so there are no problems with the purchase. It is also necessary to prepare a convenient container in which paraffin wax will be melted, several towels, gloves made of dense polyethylene.

How to do paraffin therapy - it depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which the mass will be applied. The general scheme is as follows: paraffin is melted in a water bath, at this time the skin cleansing procedure is performed. The liquid paraffin is then applied to the epidermis with a brush or cosmetic spatula, and a warm cloth is wrapped around the skin. The duration of exposure is until the product has completely cooled down.

Paraffin can be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. It is very simple to determine the readiness of the mass - the paraffin must be liquid and homogeneous.

Since the product melts at a relatively low temperature, the likelihood of burns is minimized. Nevertheless, before applying the liquid mass, you should make sure of its temperature by dripping a little on the back of your hand.

Hand treatment

Paraffin therapy for hands is performed on previously cleansed skin. Additionally, you should use a scrub to open the pores as much as possible. It is not necessary to use a commercial scrub, you can make it yourself by mixing sugar or coffee grounds with any oil.

For one procedure, you will need about 3 kg of mass. The paraffin is melted in a water bath and poured into a convenient ceramic or glass container. It is not recommended to use plastic and metal containers. You can also warm up the mass in the microwave. In this case, it is important to set the power of the device to a minimum, otherwise the paraffin will overheat and begin to evaporate.

After all preparations, hands are completely immersed in a container with melted paraffin for 3 seconds. Then they need to be pulled out, wait another 3 seconds, and again immersed in a viscous mass. Repeat the manipulation 3-4 times. After making sure that the skin of the hands is completely covered with the product, you should use plastic gloves. You can also use regular plastic bags. Hands with gloves should be additionally wrapped in a towel. The paraffin wax is removed along with the gloves after it has completely hardened.

Paraffin for the face

A quick and effective method to restore youthfulness to the skin is paraffin therapy for the face. The melted product is applied to the skin along the massage lines using a large brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After the whole face is covered with a thick layer of mass, the skin is covered with gauze or a special mask on a non-woven base. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down), relax the muscles of the face, and do not strain them until the paraffin mask is removed.

Paraffin therapy for feet

A caring procedure for the skin of the feet is carried out in the same way as for the hands. Paraffin therapy for feet is recommended for dry and cracked skin, in the presence of dry calluses and corns. The feet are immersed several times in a container with warm paraffin, and then wrapped in plastic or cling film. It is recommended to use special thermal socks.

Body procedure

The method is widely used to combat cellulite as well as soften dry skin areas such as elbows.

Paraffin wax helps to reduce the severity of stretch marks.

The melted mass is applied to the skin with a brush in 5-6 layers, then tightly fixed with cling film. The area to be treated must be additionally wrapped in a towel, thermal underwear or woolen shawl.

If paraffin therapy is used for therapeutic purposes, the number of procedures increases to 20. Before starting treatment with paraffin, you should consult your doctor.

What is included in the paraffin therapy kit?

In specialized stores, you can purchase a paraffin therapy kit. It includes a special heater with a container for melting paraffin wax, a spatula and a brush, a set of disposable socks, gloves and cloth masks.

Some kits include special sprays for cleaning the container and brushes after the procedure. The cost of a set depends on the number of items in its composition. The paraffin itself is purchased from pharmacies.

528 26.03.2019 5 minutes

Home paraffin therapy is an excellent skin care method that is widely used by women. This technique has a good anti-aging and moisturizing effect. Before carrying out the procedure, you should understand

Home paraffin therapy is used for the face, hands and feet. Baths with such a cosmetic substance are very easy to make, so they do not require a trip to a beauty salon. To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to purchase special containers (they are of different sizes for arms and legs). The baths must constantly maintain the required temperature of the cosmetic. Also, to perform the procedure, you need a scrub with which you get rid of dead cells of the epidermis, cosmetic paraffin, special gloves or socks.

Application of baths for hands and feet

After preparing the necessary equipment, you need to proceed directly to therapy. A miniature bathtub is laid out on a flat surface (on a table or on the floor, depending on the part of the body to be treated). Then you need to take 2-4 bars, cut it into pieces and place in a container. After that, you need to turn on the device to the network and melt the substance, setting a suitable mode for this. Usually, this procedure takes 1-2 hours, it depends on the amount of cosmetic product.

While the wax is warming up, you should prepare your legs or arms for manipulation. To do this, it is recommended to treat the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe body with a scrub. If the nails are painted, then be sure to remove the varnish. After that, you need to smear your hands or feet with a nourishing cream, it is better if it is oil-based. But how liquid paraffin is used in cosmetics and how effective such a procedure is, this will help to understand

Then you can carry out paraffin baths, which are very simple. To do this, you need to lower your hands to the brushes in melted wax, leave for 60-120 seconds, and then remove the limbs. The legs are dipped according to the same principle, but only to the bones.

But how paraffin therapy for hands is carried out and how the procedure takes place is outlined

The substance tends to quickly solidify on the hands, enveloping them in the form of gloves. This procedure should be repeated up to 6 times, but a little less or more can be done. This depends on the desired wax layer thickness.

The best option is 1-2 cm. Upon completion of such manipulations, the limbs should be wrapped with cling film and put on gloves or socks. This will help keep warm as long as possible. It is necessary to keep the melted paraffin for 15-20 minutes, after which the remnants of the substance should be carefully removed from the body and washed off with warm water. It is recommended to perform such cosmetic manipulations no more than once every 7 days. The paraffin remaining in the bath can be reused, and the product that was on the hands or feet should be discarded. The used material has already absorbed toxic substances and contaminants, so it cannot be reused. It is also worth paying attention to that. how are they done

On the video - paraffin therapy at home:

At home, paraffin is often used in the form of baths, since they warm up the epidermis and its deep tissues well. Under the influence of high temperatures, cleansing and elimination of toxins occurs, as well as active hydration of the skin. Paraffin hand masks have a good effect on nails and cuticles, and also restore elasticity and radiance to the epidermis. Also, such a tool allows you to get rid of cracks in the arms or legs. You can also apply a paraffin face mask and how the procedure is performed can be seen

Paraffin face masks are very popular because they moisturize and rejuvenate the skin well. Before use, it is necessary to warm up the substance to 50˚C (it is better to do this in a water bath). After that, it is recommended to cleanse the face with a scrub (this is necessary to remove keratinized particles). It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-based products. Failure to do so may result in burns.

After preparatory manipulations, it is required to carefully apply paraffin to the entire surface of the face. In this case, it is recommended to cover the eyes with a cotton pad so that the substance does not in any case get into the visual organs. Since in this position it will be inconvenient to apply the drug on your own, you should ask a friend or sister to help with this process. After 1 layer of paraffin is applied, you need to lay out gauze cloth with cut holes for the eyes on it. On top of the dressing, it is necessary to apply another 2-3 balls of molten substance.

Paraffin therapy for the face should last for 15-20 minutes (until the product hardens). When applied correctly, the mask can be easily removed with a gauze pad. At the end of the procedure, you need to lubricate your face with a nourishing cream. The result from the manipulations performed will be noticeable immediately after the first exposure to paraffin. The skin will be refreshed, smooth and toned.

Application in disease therapy

Quite often, paraffin treatment is carried out at home. This procedure helps to cope with various diseases of the musculoskeletal nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the joints. Positive results can be achieved due to prolonged heat exposure to the diseased area or organ. Paraffin manipulations relax muscles and relieve spasms. Treatment with such a substance can be carried out in different ways, it depends on the location of the affected organ or joint. The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Applications... First you need to melt the paraffin so that it reaches a temperature of 50 ° C. Then you need to take a paint brush or other handy tool and apply a cosmetic substance to the diseased area so that its thickness is 1-2 cm.On top, you need to apply oilcloth or waxed paper and wrap the diseased area with cling film.
  2. Baths... They are used to warm up the limbs. This procedure is often used for arthritis of the fingers. You need to sit comfortably on a room chair, and then lower your hands into a container with paraffin and hold for 15 minutes, periodically removing and lowering the limbs into the pelvis. After carrying out the manipulations, the treated area should be wrapped in a warm cloth.
  3. Warmer... Before melting the paraffin, it is necessary to prepare a bag of oilcloth, pour a container into it and apply it to the diseased area. This treatment is allowed to be performed many times. To do this, you just need to place the bag in hot water and hold it for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Paraffin masks at home. To do this, it is necessary to apply 2-3 layers of such a substance to the skin. Then it is recommended to attach a gauze pad soaked in this product. From above, you need to fix the cling film and wrap it with a scarf or scarf.
  5. Paraffin boots... This type of treatment is used to treat hypertension, influenza and ARVI. To do this, apply the substance to the legs from the foot to the knee. You should get several layers of the product.

But what are the paraffin therapy mittens and how to use them correctly. detailed

On the video - paraffin therapy:

Before making paraffin useful and using it for medicinal purposes, you need to consult with a specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure

Paraffin therapy at home has a number of contraindications. It cannot be carried out for infectious-inflammatory and pustular diseases that are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bfuture treatment. Also, such exposure is prohibited when:

  • damage to the integument of the epidermis;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • endocrine and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergic reactions to a cosmetic substance.

It will also be interesting to know more about how it is used and how effective it is.

Therefore, before using the procedure, you must consult with a specialist.

If you know how to do paraffin therapy at home, you can rejuvenate your skin and improve it.