Folk signs and beliefs for the New Year and Christmas

New Year's beliefs and signs will help you know about the coming change in your life. The article tells about the most interesting and "faithful" ways to attract good luck in the new year.

New Year - A holiday that has a number of superstitions important to humans and will accept. They can concern any part of the holiday: his offensive, the time of its holding, covered table, brought and much more. For example, champagne.

There is a sign, speaking what you need write your desire on a small piece of paper handle or pencil. After that, a piece of paper should be treated and the ashes throw in a glass of champagne. This drink is instantly drunk with ashes in order for the desire to be carried out.

IMPORTANT: Write a desire and drink a drink should be sure to fight the chimes, everything you need to have time for 12 hours of hours.

New Year's belief associated with champagne

Signs and superstition about the Christmas tree and toys for the new year

Christmas tree - symbol of the new year. In order for it to be generous and happy, the tree follows richly decorate with christmas toys and other popular decorations. The brighter and the bigger tree - the better the new year will be richer. There is also a sign: on the New Year tree follows hang not only toys, but also cash bills, coins and candy.

IMPORTANT: A similar decor will not only delight the eye, but also will attract success and well-being, financial independence, a generous table and "sweet" life next year.

Money on the Christmas tree

Meet the New Year with debts and debts: Sick

There is one important sign - N.we need to meet with full pockets! This belief can be perceived literally or symbolically. Some literally score pockets with money, The larger the bills - the better.

It is believed that direct connection with money will help a person observe well-being next year. Nothing terrible, if your pockets in the New Year's dress you do not have, but there is a good account in the bank. This is also considered. But if you are fully crushed to the New Year's table and gifts, your accounts and pockets are empty. Such a sign promises you a waste, a large number of debts and financial troubles in the new year.

Important: One of the most faithful and "strong" will adopt says: do not meet the new year with debts. It will contribute to the fact that next year you can not distribute them for a whole year. That is why most people seek to return all debts before the new year, even the smallest.

New Year's meeting without debts

Signs and superstitions in the New Year for money and wealth

What to pay attention to:

  • If on New Year's Eve warning hand combed. It is not necessary to scratch it, just squeeze into the fist and shove into your pocket, where it will open it. This is to money!
  • On New Year's Eve put under the rug at the threshold coin. This will pour money to your home next year.
  • So that the new year was successful and prosperous, before the holiday it follows not only clear house cleaningBut also throw out all things with negative energy: broken, glued or dirty things.
  • New Year's table must necessarily literally "Break from treats". This sign foreshadows the wealth of the family and all year round a generous table.
  • Before New Year Nobody let me in debt money - This sign foreshadows you financial collapse for the entire coming year.
  • If January 1 you had the opportunity to buy any product in a discount store, a year promises to be money and happy you!

Important: One of which suggests that on New Year's Eve you put a coin into a glass, pre-worn thoroughly, and drink the whole glass under the battle of the chimes. In addition, the coin should be stored in the wallet, as charm.

"Cash" signs for the new year

Signs and superstitions for love and marriage in the New Year

There is a belief that those who have not met their love must necessarily follow meet new year with some symbol This feeling: heart, valentine, photo of kissing silhouettes, desire written on paper - no matter. During the battle of the Kraist, follows press to yourself as stronger This object and make a desire.

Eastern belief reads: "Wishes, to meet his love in the new year, follows have cinnamon stick with" It is believed that cinnamon (cortical tree bark) has strong magical properties to attract a romantic relationship to man. Such a wand should not be thrown away, it must be worn with me all the time as a talisman or if you wish to get married (get married).

Another sign advises in the battle of the Kurats squeeze the hand of your loved one or spouse. This will allow for the next year to avoid a pair of quarrels and scandals, together "go under the arm" all year and not part. On the other hand, if you broke up and not to carry a gap in the new year, you need to symbolically burn last year's calendar and get rid of all gifts from a person.

"Love" belief in the New Year's Eve

Signs in the New Year for pregnancy and childbirth

New Year's Eve is not in vain considered magic. At this time, it is customary not only to burn, but also make a wish In order for them to be implemented next year. You can make anything anywhere, even the appearance in the family of such joy as a child.

What are the beliefs:

  • Good sign - invite to celebrate a couple of house, which already expects the appearance of a baby in the family.
  • The right sign is to try a woman who wants to get pregnant, something from the hands of a woman already located in the position. A particularly effective way to feed something from the spoon.
  • It is believed that a pair that wants to get pregnant and give birth to a child in the new year, you should buy something for a child: a pacifier, boosters or a suit. This will attract the "child" in your home.
  • Good sign - buy and put in the house for the new year Ficus. Ficus will attract all the negative energy, which did not allow the pair until now to get a child.
  • Gifts from agate or pearls are considered "harbingers" ambulance.

Postage for pregnancy in the new year

Meet the New Year in one, alone: \u200b\u200bsign

One of the most unfavorable will take on the New Year - meet a holiday in "Gord Solitude". This will favorab the fact that next year you will be alone: \u200b\u200bdo not meet the "second half" or parted with your loved one, you will experience many difficulties in communicating with friends, relatives and colleagues.

IMPORTANT: To save yourself from the negative consequences of signs, it is necessary to invite guests to themselves, or agree to come to the one who has time to invite you. A rapid meeting of the New Year with a large number of people foreshadows a year filled with pleasant meetings, events, dates and the willingness of comrades to always come to your help in a difficult situation.

Do not meet the new year alone

Signs for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires

The most "faithful" signs:

  • Make a desire and hang on the Christmas tree toy with the image of the year symbol. It can be any drawing or pattern with a rooster (2017), for example, or a dog (2018). A tribute to the symbol of the year will contribute to the fact that in the next year your desires will definitely become real.
  • Speaking of decorations on the Christmas tree, it should be noted that All toys are very symbolic: A toy in the form of a house will help to acquire the desired property in the new year, the airplane is flying to the long-awaited journey or to the resort, the machine to buy the desired car, sweetie - to find a luxurious and "sweet" life.
  • If from the Christmas tree in any situation a toy fell and crashed about the floor - This is a good sign. It is necessary to immediately make a desire, collect and throw fragments into the street (not in the trash can).
  • If your desire concerns financial well-being, immediately after the battle of the Kurats in the first few minutes of the new year merrate large cash bills or overseas currency. This will help come true to your desires, always acquire the desired and not laughing in the means.
  • There is one good sign - for good luck and luck next year, as well as in order to come true all your mysterious desires should Be sure to meet the new year in new clothes. This will bring to you well-being and luck.

What to do for a happy new year?

New Year's signs and superstitions for good luck and happiness

Signs for good luck:

  • Before prepare meat dishes On the New Year's table. It contributes to ensuring that the whole year is "full", generous and in prosperity.
  • In addition, the year was lucky, throwing out food from the New Year's table in no case. If there are surgesome - twist their dog, but do not send to the trash bin!
  • In order for you in the next year, good luck to you, follows respect the symbol of the year and its color. If you choose the outfit in the color symbol to meet the holiday, you will be held all year round.
  • It is believed that poor to celebrate the New Year with old insults on the heart. Forgive all your offenders and be sure to apologize. This will allow you to easily meet the new year and spend it on a positive note.
  • So that your home is in sufficiency all year, in the New Year's Eve it follows "Back up the house". To do this in the kitchen, leave a glass of champagne and a plate of delicious treats.
  • Over the table necessarily only White tablecloth. It symbolizes a new page of your life, well-being and good, which should come to you next year.
  • If under the New Year's tablecloth on the table you put coins - It will attract wealth and money to your home in the new year.
  • Put on the festive table seven candles in a circle and burn them. It is believed that they will serve as a peculiar guard, which scares evil spirits from you and a symbol of a family hearth to protect in the new year.

How to make a new year happy?

Signals for health in the new year

  • It is believed that in order for you next year you had well-being, beauty and health, follows Take a bath or just a shower. This will wash with you the whole "last year's" negative and will allow you to "enter the New Year" without health problems.
  • Women are advised to do such a health ritual: Take a handkerchief on the shoulders Under the first beat of the chimes and before the last remove it. It should be done very quickly and promptly. Such a ritual will protect the beauty and health of the woman next year.
  • It is believed that in order to join the coming year without disease, it is necessary distribute all debts, ask everyone who occupied with you, return them. This will restore your energy field and attract health.

Health in the new year

Sketches: Hurt on New Year's Eve

It is believed that hurt on New Year's Eve - one of the worst will accept. Believers suggests that the coming year will be not only difficult financially, but also will attract a mass of diseases: colds, infections, chronic diseases. If you feel the slightest disease, try to attach the maximum amount of effort in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Chip on New Year's Eve: Sick

Sneeze on New Year's Eve just like that (and not because the person is cut or sick) - this is a good sign. Moreover, such a sign promises a happy life not only to someone who sneezed, but also to all sitting at the table. If someone sneezed on your feast on your feast, congratulate it with a happy new year and be sure to drink for it!

Cry in New Year's Eve: Sick

Play on New Year's Eve - bad sign. She says that the whole coming year you will spend in sadness, sadness, separation or problems that will constantly spoil you mood and bring to tears. Try to protect yourself from this on a festive evening, even if there is a weighty reason.

Meet the New Year on the road, in the train: Sick

Celebrate New Year on the road - Not the best sign. It can only be an exception for the person who is very lonely. In another case, the belief warns that the next year literally "will not give rest" will not allow to be at home and will "take away from the family."

Sleep the new year, sleep on New Year's Eve: Signs

If you are not a small child, not a sick person, then sleep on New Year's Eve - bad sign. It is about the most magical time of the holiday - midnight. As the saying goes: "Sleep the new year - to sleep your happiness!". That is why attach the maximum amount of effort to be vigorous and active, having fun and drink champagne. To do everything so that the coming year was joyful for you and did not upretty you.

Sketches: I fell asleep on New Year's Eve

Monthly New Year's Eve: Sick

Such a sign has a dual value. For example, if a woman dreams to get pregnant and it starts in her New Year's Eve monthly - it tells her that "Get a child" next year she will not succeed. If you do not plan a child and you have started monthly - this is a good sign. The process itself is aimed at cleansing the body from "bad blood", which means clean up to You met and spent the new year healthy and clean.

Sketches with a new broom in the New Year

For happiness in the house in the coming year, it is necessary to buy a new broom! It is believed that the new broom will definitely begin revenge in a new way and deletes from the house "old" problems, troubles and quarrels. Tie a red ribbon to the broom and put a broom in a prominent place.

Meet New Year in red shorts, socks, new underwear: sign

It is believed that whatever year has come, red attracts prosperity and well-being in the house. That is why even if you do not wear a red dress, for example, or a shirt, you can wear red pants or socks. These little wardrobe items must "Return to you" good luck and money.

Signs, bringing good luck and luck in the new year

Meet the New Year in the new apartment: Sick

To celebrate the New Year in your new apartment, of course, fortunately, if this housing is legally yours and you do not have any money for him. Drop the house, "Give" the apartment symbol of the year, be sure to place the festive Christmas tree. This will attract good luck to the apartment and contributes to a peaceful happy life for the entire family.

Important: If you have the opportunity, be sure to invite to a new apartment for the celebration of native people and friends. It will ensure that people always come to you to help in difficult times and supported in any situation.

Video: "New Year signs for all occasions"

Once people pay great attention to the behavior of birds, animals, insects and various natural factors. So it was possible to identify patterns that foreshadow what winter will be, the weather and harvest in the coming year.

In significant and holidays, they often remembered something and noticed how events would develop: how was the wedding and the life of young, how to celebrate the New Year to be successful. Such knowledge was reflected in the signs.

Signs about how to celebrate 2017

By the end of the year, all debts should be given, fulfill these promises and ask for forgiveness from everyone who offended.

It is necessary to throw away all broken things from the house, clean the cleanliness and order, even in storerooms and cabinets.

To get rid of the problems of this year, throw something out of old clothes at the end of the year.

It is necessary to make cleaning before on New Year's Eve. On December 31, it is impossible to endure anything from the house except gifts - you will take happiness and wealth with garbage.

If on the night of December 31, a bright dream is dreaming - he is proper, and talks about the main thing in the whole coming year.

So that in the coming year there were a lot of new things and good news, it is necessary to meet it in what else was not worn.

For the rich year, meet it in rich outfits. Petukhu will like bright colors, sequins. And be sure to put your most expensive jewelry.

To attract good luck and live in wealth in the year of the rooster, serve germinated grains, porridge or sprout with the guests of each other with a cereal, grain.

Wood legs should be wrapped with a rope. This symbolizes the strength of family bonds. Such a ritual will help preserve the well-being and good relations of all relatives.

Do not play New Year's Eve in gambling, especially for money - lose luck.

Before going to bed after the festival, extinguish all the light of the house, and turn on at dawn - it will help to back up the houses, ensure order, comfort and purity.

It is impossible to meet a year with empty pockets or trifle in them, it's to poverty. Put any bill or coin of precious metal.

Signals for the wedding in 2017

The dress of the bride should wear over his head, otherwise happiness is migrated.

Pearl decorations will bring tears.

Girlfriend, who is happy in marriage, putting an eye earrings will bring her the same happiness.

The bride needs to swim on the wedding day - for the subsequent family life.

Mom of the bride in the morning on the day of the wedding should hand it some family value. Store her, the wife will save happiness in the family.

Green dress will bring the bride to a sad life.

To live sweetly, the newlyweds should eat chocolate before the registry office.

The dress of his chosen of the groom should first see only in the registry office.

Taking the bride from the parental house, a man should not look back.

On the wedding day there should be only a wedding ring.

Rain on wedding day - good sign.

For a smooth family life, wedding rings need to be selected without stones and patterns.

To the outfits of the young you need to pinch in the English pin - from the evil eye.

Touching idle friends and girlfriends to the rings of newlyweds - to the rapid marriage.

The girl who takes a box of the rings will soon marry.

You can not give the cutlery of a young family.

Any black clothes on a visit brings misfortune pairs.

For the rich life of newlyweds sitting on a fur coat.

Signs about what winter will be 2017

Which side is the wind in the cover (October 14), there will be more often with the same winter. If there is no snow yet - bad sign, winter will be heavy, warm - all winter will be warm.

In the Winter Yuriev Day (December 9), it is customary to gather at the reservoirs and water to watch what winter will be. If there is ripples - blizzards and storms will often, if quiet water is the same and the weather will be.

If the feathered different types simultaneously in the warm edges flew, winter will be very cold.

Bees are tightly moved and honeycomb flashes - winter protracted and harsh will be.

Mosquitoes in late autumn appear - there will be a warm winter.

Birchs from the top begin to turn yellow, and the aspen leaves of the earth will be rested with a smooth side up - to a loud frost, and vice versa.

The later the leaves from the birch tremendously, the longer the snow cover will not be installed.

All trees are friendly in the autumn color changed and sprinkled sprouts - frosts close.

While the foliage from the cherry trees did not appear, the fallen snow will melt.

On rowan a lot of berries - ahead of the harsh, frosty days.

Signals for the New Year 2017

Since the beginning of the year old style, you need to memorize or record the weather for 12 days. Window, whether there are precipitation, warmer or cold weather than usual this month. Each of the days will predict the weather for the month of the year. January 14 - January, January 15 - February, etc.

Weather for baptism (January 19), says a lot. Clean sky, quiet and warm day - in summer there will be little rain, the year will bring a lot of berries, but a meager harvest of vegetables. Cloudy, foggy and snowy day or thaw - to an excellent crop of vegetables and cereals. The blizzard will rise - she will be on the carnival.

Many folk beliefs can be attributed to the category of empty superstitions.

Separates should be considered, they are formed on the basis of repeatedly marked patterns and experiences of generations. It should be navigated today.

Useful articles:

They say that there are such signs that will definitely tell you what awaits you. Folk signs on the threshold of shift years are especially important. Look, what interesting signs for the new 2017 year we have gathered to laugh or think about it ... What if you read today, will you affect your destiny? It will take a lot, it is especially important to remember those that have been copied for centuries - they always come true.

In New Year's fuss, even the house is not an accident - to stumble about the threshold. What foot hurt him? If the left, oh, like a pity - to failure, and the right - everything will be fine! To get a bad to throw out, scroll three times around the place around yourself only counterclockwise. Caution, otherwise, in fuss and fall!

All together dressing up the Christmas tree, children and parents gathered. And here, a Christmas tree fell out of her hands - so it's for profits! The more fragments, the greater the profit, if they crumbled at very smits, it means there will be a lot of small income, large pieces - to great profits. Do not forget to make a desire when you throw a fragment. It will surely come true!

New Venik

To the signs on New Year's Eve 2017 it is worth attributed to this: buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and put into the angle with a handle down - next year you will live in prosperity. The broom is still useful to you, and the red ribbon on it, besides, in the year of the fiery rooster - to financial profit. You can purchase and decorative brooms from herbs, but note that the ribbon should still be red.

It is better not to give money to debt and be sure to pay off your debts. There is no possibility to give all debts - just take exactly for a day, return to your lender with a request to get along with the return, and good luck will you definitely smile! And yet, on the eve of the new year, you should not bother with money and debts, pay for everything - it will be better.

During the meeting of the new year 2017, there are signs: Go outside, look around, there is no three or even more cats. It is a pity, if this night, all the cats of your district decided to go for a walk, it promises you trouble, you will be the culprit all year because of your sharp tongue. So maybe you should not go to look for cats? Let them quietly sit at home in warm with a complete bowl of goodies.

Be sure to put a large bill in one of the pockets and try not to swap it for a year. This is the undequensed bill, which brings good luck and financial well-being. Try to keep it all the time with you - good signs always come true.

When meeting a new 2017, there are actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably "yellow" color, and while the chimes are beaten, tightly compress it in a cam. Monetary will be a year, profitable. And another nuance to this take it: the smaller the money in your hands, the larger there will be a profit next year.

Do you want your chosen one for all year with you, dream to keep it next to me? If you put in your pocket closer to the heart of your chosen one, so you firmly attract his attention to yourself.

Food on the New Year's Table

For the New Year's signs of 2017, it is necessary to add this: it is impossible to throw out from the New Year's table. As the signs say, you thus throw away happiness from the house. All the same food is a lot, all the refrigerators are filled to failure, just put everything together, the New Year holidays lasts for a long time, you will have time to eat all, and domestic lovers will help you too.

Want to spend all next year in joy, so arrange a real celebration. To sound music, so that the house is decorated both from the inside and outside, so that there is an abundance of food on the table - at least twelve different dishes. They say how to meet the New Year, you will spend. May the joy always reign in your house, let him be a complete bowl!

Funny prediction: if you sneeze on December 31, then the year will be happy for you, you will have everybody.

Long ago, it was customary for the celebration of the New Year to wear a new suit. This is not a random sign, as you meet the new year, it will be in the future. All year in new clothes - is it not wonderful?

A lot of guests gathered at the table, full of burning bar, and in the kitchen - abundance of snacks. Pay attention to such an admission: to whom the bottle is poured the last drip droplets, and it will take all year all year. And since the bottles are cruxing a lot, then only you depends on who to pour the remains of a black potion. You can, of course, drain the last droplets only yourself, but if you share with your own or other, it's even better.

If on the New Year's Eve to you get the guests, then you will be all year with guests. Want to spend the new year fun and joyfully, but in character you are still loner, then you should go to the celebration of the New Year to someone, and not to invite friends to yourself, otherwise all year will go to visit you.

To the attention of merchants
Notice this adoption for the new year 2017 - the first buyer the goods need to pay very cheaply, only then you will smile a financial luck on all year round. It is better to make a discount to one buyer than miss the benefit throughout the year.

It is impossible to work hard for the first day of the new year, so the head hurts. It is better to relax from the celebration, because if you decide to work, then all year you have to work hard.

Meeting the new year of the fiery rooster, you need to put a lot of dishes with vegetable food on the table. And do not forget about the fish - this food rooster respects and will appreciate your desire to please him. For a whole year, the patronage of the rooster will be guaranteed to you, so let your table break on the focus - the most correct sign for the meeting of the New Year.

Interesting New Year's sign 2017 for the year of the rooster: if you raise a new beautiful dress at the time of celebration and dances, do not be mistaken. This year is waiting for you a fast passionate novel, when love comes in the heart - as it is great, even if it comes only for a year. And if your beautiful New Year's dress drank, it can lead to monetary benefits, but you will not be wrapped.

It is assumed that the New Year is the wonderful holiday, when all the dreams and secret cherished desires can come. For this, a person needs only to attract good luck. But how to make everything that many of us dreamed about so long ago, finally embodied in reality? For this you only need to tell the most effective signs for the new year 2017. This will help you to make harmony, peace and real happiness in your life in your life.

How to accomplish the old year?

It turns out to fall into one's coming year,
it is necessary to correctly say goodbye to the old. To this end, from December 29 to December 31, there must be something delicious on the table. The Russians have long left the same year, as they met a new one: they made a bunch with cream, baked karavai and pancakes with meat and did everything so that the pre-holiday table was generous. Only in this case, all the next year promised to be the same rich.

Be sure to deal with your debts before the onset of December 31, otherwise they will chase you further 12 months. Moreover - will increase and multiply. On January 1, the last year's debt is not in any case, otherwise it will be possible to pay because of it throughout 2017.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness from those who you accidentally offended and now regret it.

In the new year it is better to enter a clean house, so the "brew" general cleaning and throw away everything that has long been without need.

New Year's customs and signs

Anyone is worth remembering a number of uncomplicated adoption that will help to understand exactly how it will be the coming 12 months.

1. remember the dream, which dreamed of New Year's Eve - it will be the personification of just 2017. Perhaps it is worth writing it.

2. Do not take stake from home on New Year's Eve, otherwise lose family well-being.

3. Be sure to invite your parents on December 31 or 1 or otherwise, visit them yourself at this time.

4. All chairs at the festive table should be associated with one rope. It was previously believed that with the help of such a tradition, you can fill the house of luck and happiness. At the same time, the family associated in such a way will never visit the mountain.

5. The no more New Year's feast at the meeting of 2017, the brighter and the closest future should be unusual.

6. Do not tempt your fate for the new year with gambling.

7. In order for throughout the year you could delight yourself with new things, it is worth putting on New Year's Eve only a new outfit.

8. Fill your pockets with large bills and then all year you will have wealth.

9. Also to drive poverty from your home, it is worth putting on the celebration of the New Year all the best. This applies to expensive outfits, gold jewelry with natural stones and bright shoes. But from old things it is necessary to get rid of without regret. Especially so step, you will free the place in the closet for new!

10. On the table this evening there must be dishes from wheat, rice, nuts and fruits. All of them symbolize wealth.

New Year's meeting

There are special signs and customs that concern exactly the arrival time of the new 2017. By remembering several of them, you can learn a lot of things about your own life.

1. As soon as the chimes start their battle when changing 2016, 2017, sample shawl or handkerchief on the shoulders, and when 12 punch sounds, quickly throw off this robe. Similarly, a person protects itself from any adversity, seigns and diseases next year.

2. Be sure to make a desire for the battle hours. It should soon be carried out.

3. All that happened to a man on New Year's Eve will be repeated throughout the year in different variations. Be ready for it.

4. As soon as the clock starts its battle, take a coin into your left hand and make a wealth throughout 2017. After that, you need to throw a coin into a glass with champagne and drink it to the bottom. Next, a hole is done in the coin, in which the ribbon is inhabited - you will have to carry it all year with you as a charm.

5. The afternoon on the eve of the new year is considered the most significant. Therefore, if at this time to meet a woman - you will hurt all year, and if a man - health fill your home.

6. Exactly in 60 seconds before the New Year, it is worth cleaning ordinary mandarin from the peel and put it under the tree. This simple action will make your life in 2017 very happy.

7. On New Year's Eve, be sure to shook all the guests at the table grain. First, it will attract wealth, and secondly, such an action will very much like the symbol of the upcoming 2017 fiery rooster.

8. In order for your face to be clean and beautiful, it is worthwhile before moving the new year by the water in which gold lay, silver or copper.

9. If in the new year the girl accidentally cuts the finger, then this year it will marry.

11. The more people you have time to congratulate with the upcoming holiday, the more it will be in 2017 it.

12. According to folk wisdom, you will meet the New Year, so you will spend it. Therefore, try to be as joyful and happier at this moment and let it always be so.

New Year's fortune telling

New Year is the time when not only customs and signs help you program the subsequent time on a good way. In the marked period, it is customary to guess. According to our ancestors, at the time of the transition of one year to another, you can try to find out from the higher forces something about the future.

1. Listen to the sounds outside the window on New Year's Eve:

  • meow Cat - a new neighbor will appear;
  • lai dog - on the horizon can be seen;
  • singing birds - pleasant news;
  • the ringing of bells is important events for your family.

2. Take into a spoonful of water and take a balcony. January 1 should look at the ice frozen in a spoon. If there are pits there, it is possible to fear diseases, and when the tubercles are waiting for you longevity and good health.

This is only a small list of all those important points that must be remembered if the events of the coming 2017 are important for you. From a good point of view. Therefore, remember the most interesting of them, especially cash, and be fully armed before the New Year's Eve.

In the United States, there was a sign on which a banknote of 2 dollars with the image of Thomas Jefferson was considered unfortunate. Americans tried not to take these bills in their hands or as quickly as possible got rid of them. After almost 50 years it was decided to stop her release.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you soon.

What signs for 2017

There are such New Year signs and superstitions 2017, which can accurately predict the near future. Most people trust predictions on the eve of the change of years. Some over the signs can laugh, and some people they will give food for reflection. The signs of fate, for which humanity watched for many centuries, always come true.

Most Popular Folk Signals for 2017

Signs and rituals for the new year 2017 may concern anything. No wonder there is a belief, how to spend a holiday, so there will be the entire next period. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the meeting of the New Year is not overshadowed by trouble. To begin with, talk about the festive table.

I can not throw out from the festive table. All that was cooked, must be eaten, otherwise, together with missing products from the house, happiness is emitted. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare on the table so much so that all this was really to eat in a few days of the holidays. Do not forget about pets, they also need to feed the worn.

If you wish to spend 2017 joyful and fun, ensure good music on holiday, decorate the apartment as much as possible, do not forget about the good presentation of the dishes on the table (there must be at least 12). Try to observe all the conditions, and then your home will be a complete bowl!

What signs for the new 2017 are the most famous?

  • It is customary to meet New Year's Eve, then throughout the year new outfits will appear.
  • In whose glass, the remains of the bottle are falling, the luck has been awaiting all the year. So try each subsequent bottle to finish on winery and fecents of different guests, because I want to be lucky to everyone.
  • Meet friends in your home on the holiday, be prepared for the fact that the entire year of the door of your home will be open. If a person does not like to take noisy companies in his house, then he should go to visit the New Year.
  • Stumble in New Year's fuss is quite simple. If the right leg clocked - wait good luck, but it is not desirable to stumble on the left leg.
  • If, during the decoration of the Christmas tree, the toy fell to the floor and crashed - it means that they are waiting for profit. The larger the fragments, the more solid cash receipts. Many small fragments are small, but regular income.

Brooms, coins, animals

Before the New Year, it is recommended to buy a broom, decorate it with a bright red ribbon and install in the corner brush up, and the handle is down, such a foresight will provide the house. The broom will need in any case, but a bright tape is a symbol of fire rooster, which will host the whole 2017 year.

  • Before the new year should not be given a debt, but your debts need to be treated completely, otherwise it will have to do in need all year.
  • Prepare a yellow coin of yellow and at the moment when the chimes will begin to beat, tightly squeeze it into the palm. Profit is provided to you, and the less the advantage of the coin, the more profit will be.
  • Put in the pocket of your New Year costume a large bill. After the holiday, hide it and do not explicate the whole year. She will definitely bring good luck.
  • If you go out on the New Year's Eve and discover a few cats nearby, you should expect trouble that can be navigated by your Long Language. Beware of sharp statements in someone else.

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