Clean the pores on the face. Video tips, how to clean and narrow the pores on the face. Factors affecting the formation of rigor

Every day of the pores on your face are clogged with fat, dead cells; Dirt and garbage gets on the skin every time you go out. If the clogged pores are not treated, they will turn into acne or acne, so they must be assigned to timely. Try one of the following tools: couples, exfoliation, face mask, remedy for pore blockage.


Cleaning ferry

    Wash your face. Start the process of cleansing with the fact that simply be easy. Do it gently, fully wipe your face, try not to cause irritation - because of it the pores become more:

    • Remove the makeup with the appropriate means and cotton disks - gentle, neat movements. Eliminate all traces of cosmetics around the eyes, wash down the tone cream and other products you use.
    • Rinse the face with warm water. Hot water will spare face, and then dried, so at this stage stick to warm or cold water. Sighty the face with water several times to remove the remnants of the makeup removal.
    • Use the face cleaner. If you have dry skin, there is no need. If you decide to use a cleaning agent, make sure that it is non-abrasive and does not contain chemicals that your face dries.
    • Wipe your face with a soft towel. Do not try and do not walk face. The skin on the face is thinner and more fragile than on the rest of the body, so it is important to handle her gently.
  1. Fill the pan with water and put on the stove. Turn on the fire above the average, cover the saucepan with a lid and give water to warm up. When water becomes hot enough and steam will go from it, remove the saucepan from the fire.

    • You can pour water into a large bowl for your steam procedures, and you can leave everything in a saucepan.
    • You can add green tea, mint or chamomile tea to water, any other herbs or extracts that will be useful for the skin of the face. Tea tree oil will help you cope with acne.
  2. Put the towel on the head and lean over the ferry. Make a canopy from a towel, sketching one edge on the shoulders, and the other is on the pan so that the steam is directed directly to the face. Spread your face for 10 minutes.

    Rinse the face with cold water. Wash all the parts of the particles with cold water - it is again pulling your skin. Apply a moisturizer to protect the skin from drying out.

Crashing pores - a problem with which every woman faces sooner or later. The consequences of the defect - a dim tint of the face, untidy-looking skin, the development of inflammatory processes.

For cleaning it is not necessary to go to the salon or acquire expensive cosmetic drugs - independently prepared means efficiently and carefully remove the contents of the pores. The results of regular use of simple masks at home - a clean face shining freshness.

Pores on the face

Pore \u200b\u200bcleansing is a mandatory procedure, without which it is not for the owners of oily skin. The increased activity of the sebaceous glands will result in the appearance of a fat layer on the face that prevents the enrichment of cells by oxygen. The consequences of the problem to predict is easy - no regeneration of tissues occurs, irritation and even strong peeling appears. The only way to prevent the development of defects is to apply masks that contribute to the purification of pores and provide free access to oxygen.

Often, at home, women use alcohol-containing agents and cleansing tonic, which is not entirely correct - to cleaning the face you need to approach more responsibly. The procedure consists of several stages, each of which needs to be carefully performed:

  1. Cleansing. Cleaning on the face of cosmetics residues, bold layer, dirt, dust is performed by special lotions or milk. You can prepare homemade straw-based lotion in advance, which has a property to narrow the pores and extract content from them. The recipe is simple - insist on alcohol (50 ml) several fruits. Store after filtering in the refrigerator.
  2. Sparking. This stage of the procedure will allow you to open the pores and soften the dermis, allowing the components of the mask to penetrate deep into the tissue of the skin, remove dirt and fat. For sprinkling, soak the towel with a warm floral decoction and put on a quarter of an hour on the face. For the preparation of means to boil boiling water (200 ml) and insist in continuation of a quarter of an hour crushed St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, (45 gr.). You can add 2-5 drops of essential oil, which will prevent the appearance of cooper sprocket.
  3. Deep cleansing. Scrubs are used or homemade masks. The regularity of manipulations is twice a week with greasy skin coverings and once every 7-9 days - women with a dry dermis.
  4. Narrowing pores. After cleaning, use the means covering the purified pores. You can cook them yourself - brew normal green tea, squeeze juice from aloe leaf or lemon slices.
  5. Moisturizing. Complete manipulation is recommended for applying a moisturizing nutritional cream. The only condition - the composition should not be overwhelmed by the fat components capable of scoring the pores.

Important! Before applying homemade compositions, no matter what purpose they are used, testing tolerability. For this, a few drops of the composition are applied on a distinguished sensitivity of the dermis (the fold of the elbow, the "crescent" behind the ear) and wait 2 hours. If unwanted organism signals (rash, discomfort on the skin, burning or extensive red) are not observed, you can safely begin to the procedures.

How to clean the pores on the nose

It often happens that only clogged pores on the nose are disturbed, in such cases it is better to use a simple scrub to remove contamination.

Prepare it simple:

  1. At room temperature for half an hour, leave fat cream (20 ml).
  2. In the dairy product add 15 gr. Coffee grounds, salt.
  3. Stir the composition, use immediately.

The tips of the fingers to distribute the cooked tool on the nose, spend a light massage for 1-3 minutes. The force does not apply - salt crystals or particles of coffee can injure skin fabrics or cause irritation. Remove in a minute using a cotton disk and water. It is forbidden to use the tool if inflammatory processes occur on the nose - the use of scrub may contribute to the spread of infection.

Closed pores on the nose can be cleaned by oat flakes mask. Such a composition is recommended for women with a depleted derma - simultaneously with the removal of the epidermis tissue contaminants will receive the necessary portion of nutrients.


  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder (20 gr.).
  2. Pour warm water oat powder for swelling (enough quarter). For dry skin, it is better to take cream or kefir.
  3. Stir the tool to a homogeneous state.

Massaging movements to apply the composition on the nose, distribute the smooth layer. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove the disk from the wool, wash the water or herbal infusion (20 gr. Chamomile or linden colors brew 230 ml boiling water). In case of sensitive skin, it is better to use a vegetable agent - it perfectly tones and relieves irritation.

Mask, Cleansing Pores

Before you begin cleaning with masks, you need to figure out why the pores are clogged - it often happens that the cause is hidden in improper care or poor-quality cosmetics. It is sufficient to strictly fulfill all the recommendations of the cosmetologists for cleaning the face or replace cosmetics to forget about the problem.

One of the requirements of specialists is the regular use of cleansing masks. There are many recipes for making compositions, you can alternate them - this will determine which composition is ideal individually.

Milk, gelatin

Excellent mask for all skin types - does not cause irritation, quickly removing the contents from the pores. Before opening the blockage, it is recommended to conduct a steam procedure - to hold the face for a minute over a ferry of herbal beam (brew 30 gr. Chamomile or plantain liter of boiling water). After such manipulations, even the most persistent pollution is completely removed.


  1. Mix in a small container gelatin (25 gr.) And skimmed milk (20 ml).
  2. Put a mixture into a microwave to maximize mode to dissolve gelatin granules for 10 seconds.
  3. Get the composition, put cool down.
  4. In a slightly warm liquid add a broken egg protein.

Warm mix with a wide brush in the skin, special attention is paid to the chin, nose, forehead zones. Near the eye or the lips, the tool is better not to apply - on the gentle skin, the gelatin mass can provoke the appearance of small wrinkles. After a quarter of an hour, the composition will turn into a dense film, which, when removing black dots, contamination, flax spots will remain.

Yeast, peroxide, milk

The blockage is not always fed by gentle households, especially if fat and dirt are deeply. In such cases, cleaning with the use of yeast-based mask is recommended - the means will remove severe contaminants that are not amenable to other masks.


  1. In warm milk (15 ml), dissolve pressed yeast (15 gr.).
  2. Add peroxide (10 ml) in the mixture.
  3. Leave a quarter of an hour.

The mixture is rather liquid, so it is better to distribute it a better voice disc or a special tassel. Leave half an hour. Remove herbal infusion or water. Be sure to apply the nutrient cream - the yeast mixture dry the skin and can trigger peeling, especially on a dry dermis.

Corn flour, cucumbers

With extended pores clogged with fat and mud, it is recommended to use a corn-cucumber mask. The tool will not only remove the contents, but also with regular use, the pores narrows, improve the shade of the skin, will lead to the normal gland to work.


  1. Grind one small cucumber, squeeze juice.
  2. Add to cucumber juice Corn flour, the mixture must resemble a semi-liquid dough (like on pancakes).
  3. Use immediately, you do not need to insist.

Before revealing the pore composition and delete content, it is recommended to break up. Apply a cucumber tool by massaging light movements, leave for 20-22 minutes. Flush with warm water.

Scored pores on the face

Often in the network you can see how scored pores look like, the photo is rather unattractive, so it is better to prevent such a condition of the skin and regularly use the cleansing masks. Not all women follow these recommendations and get unpleasant surprises on the dermis in the form of dense traffic jams.

When the pions on the face will have to be resorted to aggressive compositions capable of disclosing the blockage and remove the contents - dirt and particles of fat. The ladies with a sensitive derma are definitely advised to consult with a beautician and find out whether such masks or rash will not provoke such masks.

Soda, Sugar.

Soda solutions perfectly cope with their pores, but often the means are not recommended to be applied - in addition to irritation, you can provoke the peeling of the dermis.

Beautiful, gentle, well-groomed and clean skin is worth attaching a little effort. Most often, women are unhappy with the tone of the face, advanced pores and rashes. They spoil the condition of the skin. How to clean the pores on the face? To maintain healthy and beautiful skin, you need to care for it. Cosmetologists advise 1 time or three months to make facial cleaning. So you can easily get rid of rashes and black dots. This can be done not only in the cabin, but also at home. How to clean the pores on the face at home? Everything is simple. Here are some tips and recipes that will help you preserve youth and fresh skin!


Pick the cream that matches your skin type. If you have dry and sensitive, look for special gentle creams (hypoallergenic). If the skin is fat, pick up such a cream that will help cope with excess fat.


How to clean the pores using a mask? You need to take such ingredients: one tablet aspirin, a teaspoon of filtered water and a bit of olive (can be grape or almond) oil. Everyone thoroughly mix and intend a face with a mixture, paying special attention to the problem areas. Before cleaning the pores in this way, be sure to raise the face. Leave the mask for a few minutes and smash. After that, moisten the skin with cream. Your pores will be clean, and the face is beautiful!


Do not forget about lotions. Every morning, wipe your face. If you are a supporter of natural funds, dare 1 tablespoon of the chamomile medical and linden in a floor-liter of water, cool, freeze and wipe the face with ice cubes. The effect will be stunning. If you prefer the store tools, it is better to consult with your beautician. It will help correctly choose a means that will benefit from the pores of the face.


Mix iodined salt (tablespoon) with food soda (half of the tablespoon) and add water to form Cashier. Take a mixture of a cotton swab with a mixture of problem areas with circular soft movements, wash in 5 minutes. Make cleaning once a week, and you are awaiting a stunning result! After such a scraper, you will disappear about how to clean the pores.

Night cream

Be sure to use the night cream that matches your skin type. Night action cream will help regenerate cells. In the morning you will look fresh and young.

Another recipe from natural products

In the summer season, soda on a shallow grater to half the cucumber. Mix it with olive (grape) oil and a tablespoon of filtered water. Before cleaning the pores using such a mask, make a steam bath and wipe the skin with lotion. Apply Cashitz on your face and wait about 15 minutes. Remove with cool water and use the cream.

With the help of such simple recipes you can make the face well-groomed. You will forgive about skin problems forever! Do not forget to regularly care for the face and correctly select cosmetics. Remember the correct diet and healthy lifestyle!

Closed pores are one of the most common skin problems, which leads to a deterioration in the color and formation of rash. You can solve it by contacting the beauty salon. Specialists will select certain procedures for you that effectively clean the epidermis without damaging it. However, it is possible to carry a deep purification of pores at home. One of the most effective means in this case will be masks.

General information about the procedure of purification

Efficiency of application

Regular conducting cleansing procedures gives the following results:

  1. Deep purification of pores from pollution.
  2. Narrowing pores. It will impede their re-pollution and improve the appearance of the epidermis.
  3. Cleansing from slags and toxins of deep layers of epidermis.
  4. Oxygen saturation.
  5. Also, depending on the components, the mask can feed the skin with the useful substances, moisten it, smooth wrinkles, improve color, make a clear contour.

Note that such an effect you can achieve subject to some rules.

Rules for the cleaning of the port at home

Any procedure requires compliance with certain recommendations. In this case, these will be the following points.

  1. The first thing to do is to break the face. This will help to make a bath. It is just necessary to boil a little water, to pour it into a small pelvis bent over it and hide with a towel head. It is enough to sit so much for 10 minutes.
  2. No need to use scrub.
  3. Before using the mask, you need to perform a test for the presence of allergies.
  4. Holding a mask should not be more than 15 minutes. The increase in time can adversely affect the skin, up to the formation of burns in some cases.
  5. A mask from the face should be watered with water with the addition of lemon juice, but only if its juice is not part of the composition.
  6. For the preparation of the mask you need to use only fresh products included in the recipe.
  7. The frequency of the procedure is at least 1 time per week.
  8. After you made a mask, you do not need to use any cosmetic tools for nutrition and skin moisturizing. Such manipulations will lead to the blockage of the pores, and the procedure will be useless.

Deep purification of pores at home, made according to the rules, will give a quick effect that will hold a long time.

Deep purification of pores:you can produce at home, using masks with oat flakes, milk, cottage cheese, crushed egg shell, raw egg protein, food gelatin, natural olive oil, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, oils, lemon juice and sauerkraut

Recipes Masks for Pore Pore

Oatmeal mask


  1. Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 0.5 glasses.

If you have dry skin, then the milk needs to be replaced with water. The selected product should be warm and pouring into oatmeal. Place well and place a mask on your face, while massaging it. Such a recipe will deeply clean the epidermis and emphasizes the skin.

Mask with cottage cheese


  1. Cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Boiled chicken egg shell - 1 pc.

To begin with grinding the shell. Then mix it with cottage cheese and fill with milk. Such a recipe will not only clean the pores from pollution, but also moisturizes the skin.

Mask with gelatin

You need:

  1. Gelatin - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Chicken protein - 1 pc.

Mix gelatin with milk and place on a water bath. Wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Next, the composition needs to be cooled. After that, add protein and beat. Apply a mask on your face, leave for 15 minutes, after which you will be able to. Such a mask helps to get rid of black dots and deeply cleans the epidermis. You can make girls with any skin type.

Mask with butter


  1. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Kefir - 1 tablespoon.

Cucumber is free from the skin and soda on a shallow grater. Wrap the resulting cleaner in the cutout of gauze and squeeze juice. Mix it with the rest of the components. Put the mask on the face for 20 minutes. When the time to expires, beware of cool water. This mask will cleanse the skin and moisturizes it.

Mask with yeast


  1. Yeast - 1 tablespoon.
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide - 1 tablespoon.

Fill the yeast of hydrogen peroxide to the casczyce mass. If it turned out very thick, the number of peroxide can be increased. Apply a mask on the face. This procedure will clean the skin, pull it out and improve the color.

Mask with protein

You need:

  1. Protein - 1 pc.
  2. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Tea tree oil - 3-4 drops.

Protein sweat into a thick foam and mix with the rest of the components. Put the mask on the skin for 15 minutes. After the expiration of the specified period, smear cool water. Such a procedure will improve the complexion and moisturize the skin.

Mask with cabbage


  1. Sauer cabbage - 1 handy.

Take cabbage and chop it finely. Place it on the face. Such a mask will help clean the skin, lines the color and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Deep purification of pores at home, carried out according to the recommendations described above, can replace the salon procedures to you. Change the procedure regularly and you mark the positive effect.

Each girl dreams of perfect skin, but everything overshadows pore clogs. The unarmed look can be noticed that appear again and again. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them, but you can reduce their frequency of appearance by deep skin cleaning. In the article, tell me how to clean the pores at home and take care of your skin.

Puzzle cleaning rules

With the blockage of the pores most often found the owners of oily or combined skin. The active work of the sebaceous glands leads to the problem of the appearance of acne and greens. To get rid of unpleasant rash, it is necessary to clean the skin.

  • Before the main procedures, it is necessary to remove makeup. If you do not wash off decorative cosmetics, then you can aggravate the situation by rubbing it. So you get the opposite effect.
  • It is necessary to remove damaged skin. Use scrub. But do not overdo it with cleansing.
  • Must be disclosed. This effect can be achieved to sit above the saucepan with boiling water. 5 minutes to add nothing to the water.
  • Before applying a facial cleaning agent, test it on the elbow bend or behind the ear. Look no allergic reaction.
  • All tools used must be sterilized. Agree, you do not want to make an infection.

Observing these simple rules, you can always shine, and your skin will tell you "Thank you!".

Deep cleaning of pores in conditions of the house

Each mistress has such a product that is suitable for deep purification.

It may be:

  • cereals;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • crushed coffee;
  • eggs.

The set of products may be different, as there is an indispensable number

The most popular tool is the use of food soda. To begin with, mix the water with soda to receiving homogeneous casis. Massifying movements apply the prepared mixture on the face. Do not overdo it with cleaning, the skin should not suffer.

After you have prepared the skin and removed the fatty film, you can proceed to more serious events. A good tool is a scrub of coffee and honey.

If you prefer coffee from grains, then it is wonderful. After you weld this drink, do not throw away the delicate. Leave it and mix with honey. Apply on your face and clean the problem areas. Believe me, the skin will become perfect smooth and silky.

You can also use a scrub of sea salt, oatmeal or millet. All products must be shredded.

Remember one important rule: only one type of scrub can be applied for one procedure.

After deep cleaning otherwise, dirt or microbes can get through open channels.

To do this, use eggs with honey. Just sweep these two ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave until complete drying. Remove the mask correctly - from Niza to the top.

How often can you make deep cleaning

The frequency of the pore cleaning procedure depends on the type of skin. If you are the owner of dry epidermis, then use the scrub is not more often once every 2 weeks.

Ladies with fat or combined skin can use the tool once a week. Since over this period of pores are clogged with various dust, decorative cosmetics, etc.

But if you notice that your skin begins to peel, then at a time it is worth postpone all the procedures. This means that the epidermis in deep and upper layers is thirsty and needs additional moisture.

Another important rule: all actions should be held in the evening or before bedtime. The skin should recover and relax from cosmetics.

Do not be afraid to experiment. The main thing is without harm to health.