The story of a fat old grandfather and granddaughters read. Old grandfather and granddaughter - fatty's fable

My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth flowed back. The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove.

They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began scolding the old man for ruining everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub. The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something. The father asked: "What are you doing this, Misha?" And Misha says: "This is me, father, I'm doing the pelvis. When you and my mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis."

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to put him at the table and look after him.

Moral of the fable "Old grandfather and granddaughters"

The story about an elderly man living in a large family turned out to be incredibly instructive and sad.

There is a lot of wisdom in the moral of the Old Grandfather and Granddaughters fable, many lessons can be learned by reading these few lines.

Firstly, the fact that time is running the same for everyone, and we will all one day be old people, weak and in need of someone else's care. Secondly, each generation draws the most important lessons and examples from the family. Whatever examples or lessons life gives later, the most important thing is that the foundation of values \u200b\u200bis laid in the family. The third takeaway is how important it is for parents not to forget the example they set for their children. What they put into the child's mind determines what kind of person he will become and how he will relate to himself.

And, lastly, do not be ashamed of old age or weakness - this can happen to anyone. To overcome these feelings, we need to remember how much grandparents did for us when they were younger. They fed, and bathed, and clothed us, and now it's our turn to thank them.

My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth flowed back. The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove.

They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began scolding the old man for ruining everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub. The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something. The father asked: "What are you doing this, Misha?" And Misha says: "This is me, father, I'm doing the pelvis. When you and my mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis."

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to put him at the table and look after him.

Moral of the fable "Old grandfather and granddaughters"

The story about an elderly man living in a large family turned out to be incredibly instructive and sad.

There is a lot of wisdom in the moral of the Old Grandfather and Granddaughters fable, many lessons can be learned by reading these few lines.

Firstly, the fact that time is running the same for everyone, and we will all one day be old people, weak and in need of someone else's care. Secondly, each generation draws the most important lessons and examples from the family. Whatever examples or lessons life gives later, the most important thing is that the foundation of values \u200b\u200bis laid in the family. The third takeaway is how important it is for parents not to forget the example they set for their children. What they put into the child's mind determines what kind of person he will become and how he will relate to himself.

And, lastly, do not be ashamed of old age or weakness - this can happen to anyone. To overcome these feelings, we need to remember how much grandparents did for us when they were younger. They fed, and bathed, and clothed us, and now it's our turn to thank them.

Once upon a time there was an old, old grandfather: his eyes were blind, his ears were deaf, and his knees were trembling. When he was sitting at the table, he barely held a spoon in his hands and spilled the soup on the tablecloth, and even the soup dripped from his mouth onto the table.

The son and daughter-in-law got tired of looking at this, and so they put the old grandfather in a corner behind the stove and began to serve him food in an earthen bowl, and sometimes they fed him from hand to mouth. And the grandfather looked sadly at the table, and tears appeared in his eyes.

Once he did not hold the bowl in his trembling hands, it fell to the ground and shattered. The young daughter-in-law began to scold him, but he said nothing, only sighed heavily. His daughter-in-law bought him a wooden bowl for two gellers, and now he had to eat from it. Here they sit once, and brings a little granddaughter - he was four years old - small boards and begins to fold them.

What are you doing over there? the father asks.

I make a trough, - the child answers, - I will feed my father and mother from it when I become big.

The husband and wife looked at each other - and wept. They immediately brought the old grandfather to the table and allowed him from that time to eat always with them and did not reproach him if he spilled a little on the table.

According to Leo Tolstoy's fable Old grandfather and granddaughters

An old man moved to live with his son, daughter-in-law and four-year-old grandson. His hands were trembling, his eyes were hard to see, his gait was waddling. The family ate together at the same table, but grandfather's old, shaking hands and poor eyesight made the process difficult. Peas poured from the spoon onto the floor as he clutched the glass in his hands, milk spilled onto the tablecloth.

The son and daughter-in-law became more and more irritated because of this.

We have to do something, - said the son. “I've had enough of how he eats noisily, the milk he spills, and the scattered food on the floor.
The husband and wife decided to put a separate small table in the corner of the room. There, the grandfather began to eat alone, while the rest of the family enjoyed lunch. After the grandfather broke the plates twice, he was served food in a wooden bowl. When someone from the family glanced at grandfather, sometimes he had tears in his eyes, because he was all alone. Since then, the only words he heard addressed to him were sharp remarks when he dropped a fork or spilled food.

The four-year-old boy watched everything in silence. One evening, before dinner, his father noticed him playing with a piece of wood on the floor. He affectionately asked the kid:
- What do you do?
Just as trustingly, the boy replied:
- I am making a small bowl for you and mom, from which you will eat when I grow up.
The boy smiled and continued to work. The parents were so stunned by these words that they were speechless. Then tears streamed down their faces. Although not a single word was spoken, both knew what to do.

That evening, the husband approached grandfather, took his hand and gently led him back to the family table. All the remaining days he ate with his family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife was worried anymore when a fork fell, milk spilled, or the tablecloth got dirty.

Children are incredibly discerning. Their eyes are always noticing, their ears are always listening, and their minds are always carefully processing the information they absorb. If they see us as patient, maintaining an atmosphere of love in the home, they will copy this behavior for the rest of their lives. A wise parent realizes that every day he is laying the foundation stone for his child's future. Let's be smart builders and a worthy role model.

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the biography of L.N. Tolstoy, his story "Old Grandfather and Granddaughter"; learn to find the main idea in the text, confirm your judgments with quotes from the text; to cultivate respect and compassion for old people, parents. To create conditions for the realization of children that the family is the most precious and closest thing a person has, and family cohesion is the foundation of well-being.

Planned results

Subject:students should be able to perceive fiction by ear; characterize the heroes of the story based on the analysis of their actions; author's attitude to them.

Regulatory: develop the ability to build a response plan, separate the particular from the whole, organize independent activities; develop the ability to lead a discussion, plan, control and evaluate educational activities, lead a discussion of different opinions, assumptions.

Cognitive:develop the ability to extract information; draw conclusions, generalize; navigate the spread of the textbook; find answers to the questions posed.

Communicative:the ability to listen and understand others; build a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks; formalize your thoughts orally.

Personal:formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity; evaluate simple situations from the standpoint of norms of behavior; to educate a system of relationships in the team; teach to work in a team; to bring up responsibility for the assigned work.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson equipment:presentation; projector; selection of books.

During the classes

Ι. Motivation for learning activities.

1. Greetings.

The bell rang.

Our lesson begins.

In today's lesson

We will think, reflect,

2. Checking the readiness for the lesson.

Check the readiness for the lesson, the location of the subjects on the desk.

ΙΙ. Knowledge update.

    The game "Fold the name".

On the blackboard the words: Swan. Dragonfly Cancer Pike Ant.

What do all these animals have in common? (heroes of fables)

What is a fable?

At home, you prepared an expressive reading of the fable and the recitation by heart by those who learned it. Let's listen to the reading of the fable "The Ant and the Dragonfly".

What do Krylov's fables teach?

ΙΙΙ. Leading up to the formulation of the topic.

    Statement of the educational problem.

Music "Parents' House" is playing

What is this song about? Who did you remember when you listened to the song? (parents, family).

What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson?

2. Lead to the formulation of the topic.

Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy and his work "Old Grandfather and Granddaughter". And most importantly, we will talk about family and family values, about older people, about family attitudes towards old people. The title of the work is "Old Grandfather and Granddaughters." And if we speak deeper, we will talk about such a complex concept as old age.

ΙV. Discovery of new knowledge.

And what do you think old age is, try to give your own definition.

Now let's check our assumptions using the dictionary. The family plays a big role in the life of each of us. The Russian people have put down many proverbs about the family, about family life. We will now work in pairs. Each pair of the proposed proverbs will choose only those that relate to the topic "Family".

It's warm in the sun…. ... children and grief
There is no better friend…. ... and the soul is in place
The whole family together…. ... that century does not die
Who honors parents ... ... with a good mother
Children are joy… ..…. than my own mother

What is the treasure ... .. .... If there is a way in the family

(The last proverb "What is the treasure if the family is okay").

Vocabulary work:

Do you understand all the words in this proverb? (Lad - consent)

Explain the meaning of these words.

1. Work in pairs.

Before you are the proverbs. Choose those that fit the Family theme.

Together - we are force.

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it

It's heavy apart, but friendly together.

It is better to do well than speak well.

Your family is the most loyal friends.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

The bird is strong with its wings, and the human is friendship.

Harmony is stronger than stone walls.

One bee doesn’t bring much honey.

Strong friendship and water cannot be spilled

There is safety in numbers.

A kind person teaches kindness.

Amicably - not overweight, but apart - at least give it up.

2. Work on the textbook on p. 108.

Open page 108.

Read who came to visit us today? (Leo Tolstoy)

Read the text on page 108.

3. Control of reading comprehension.

Remove unnecessary words.

Friends can be (classmates, parents, books)

L.N. Tolstoy (loved children, hurt children, understood children)

The writer was afraid (of wolves, children, his own conscience)

Today we have an unusual lesson. Probably every lesson in literary reading is an event. Sitting in the classroom, we travel to different eras, meet different people. Surprisingly, at all times mankind was interested in the questions: what is good and what is evil, where is the truth, and where is the lie? Why do not all people live in peace and harmony? And how to make everyone live in harmony?

And today, together with L.N. Tolstoy will try to answer these questions when studying the work "Father and Sons".

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of L.N. Tolstoy.

What do you already know about him?

The guys prepared us a message about the life of L.N. Tolstoy.

4. The message from the guys about the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich was born on September 9, 1828 on the estate of his father Yasnaya Polyana, not far from Tula. This is a corner of the Russian land, which is known to the whole world. He spent his childhood there. Now there is a museum in Yasnaya Polyana.

A person whose name is well known not only in our country, but throughout the world, whose works have been translated into different languages. And this is no coincidence: in 2008 we celebrated the 180th anniversary of the birth of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, and in 2010 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the death of the writer.

The Tolstoy family was friendly, and it seemed to the children that everyone in the world lived in the same way that all the people around them are very good. Their favorite game was ant brothers. It was invented by the eldest - Nikolenka.

Once he announced that he had a secret, when it was revealed, all people will become happy, will love each other and become ant brothers. Nikolenka said that he wrote the secret of the ant brothers on a green stick, which he buried in the forest, at the edge of the ravine.

Lev Nikolaevich's parents belonged to an old noble family. But when the boy was three years old, his mother died, and at nine he lost his father. Auntie took over the upbringing of the future writer.

The young man studied at the Tula gymnasium, then at the university in the city of Kazan. Without graduating from the university, he entered the military service. For three years he served in the Caucasus, then in Sevastopol, in the Crimea: at that time there was a war going on there.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived a long, amazing life. Much he experienced in his life, he participated in the Caucasian and Crimean wars with the Turks, where he was exposed to mortal danger; was a traveler and farmer, educator and writer.

He began to write at the age of twenty-two and after the success of the first story he felt that his real vocation is literature.

Lev Nikolaevich returned to Yasnaya Polyana already famous writer. Here he created almost everything their works.

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy loved peasant labor himself worked hard. Whole in the summer months for days he disappeared in the barn and the threshing floor, on the mow with the peasants, on apiary, and every day in various places of Yasnaya Polyana he did numerous sketches of faces and landscapes in notebooks and drafts.

5. Initial hearing of the story.

Did you like the work? Than? Children, you yourself said that the text is sad. And how can you like something sad? Why? What are your impressions? How did you feel?

Did you like this family?

Would you like to be a member of such a family?

What do you need to think about?

What rule of life does the work teach you?

What genre does this work belong to? (Fable )

- What fable? We have already got acquainted with this concept.

(A fable is a short story in verse or prose in which animals or birds exist. They usually know how to speak. The fable contains a lesson or morality, advice.)

There is another genre in literature that has the same characteristics as a fable. This genre is called a parable.

There is a card on the board with the definition:

PARABLE is a lesson by example. (V.I.Dal).

PARABLE - this is the name of a short story close to a fable containing a lesson in an allegorical form. (Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Critic.)

Guys, what is the difference between a fable and a parable?

2. Vocabulary - lexical work.

Lohan - round or oblong dishes for washing clothes, washing dishes, draining liquid.

A daughter-in-law is the wife of a brother or the wife of a son, as well as a married woman in relation to her husband's brothers and sisters (and their wives and husbands).

Coordinates - it is good to arrange, arrange; cope, bring someone to an agreement, obedience.

V. Primary anchoring.

1. Reading a work by children.

2. Work on the text.

Why wasn't grandfather seated at the table?

What and why did Misha make wood?

Why did his parents cry?

What do you think, was it good, was it comfortable for grandfather in such a family? Why?

And what should be done to make old people feel good?

3. Role transformation of the student and his assumptions.

To do this, we will carry out a small transformation. (One student goes to the blackboard)

Imagine that the story told by L.N. Tolstoy, happened in your family. Imagine that many, many years have passed and you are now an old grandfather. How would you like to be treated? What do you want the most?

How would you behave in this situation?

The board opens: (solution of the main question-problem of the lesson)

Respect, love, care, help, obedience, a kind word, sensitivity, attention, support, compassion and most importantly - FAMILY)

Musical exercise.

VΙ. Independent work with verification against a standard.

    Work on proverbs.

    Find a proverb for this story. Justify.

Game "Collect Proverbs"

The sun is warm ... and the soul is in place.

The whole family together ... he never dies.

Who honors parents ... with a mother good.

VΙΙ. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

1. Conversation on the issues "Consider what we have read"
- What is the moral of the fable? What sentences does it contain? Read it.

“What does it take to be happy? - L. Tolstoy asked and answered himself. - Family, close people, the opportunity to do good to people. Warmth and comfort emanates from this, such a familiar and kind word "family". Behind this word is peace, harmony, love.

2. Acquaintance with essays about your family.

Each of you has written essays about your family. Come to the blackboard and decorate our family tree with your composition. After all, the sun is a symbol of eternity, warmth and kindness. May your families always be warmed only by the warm rays of the sun, may there always be harmony and love in them. (Individual students read their essays.)

VΙΙΙ. Lesson summary. Reflection.

What work did you get acquainted with?

What have you learned in the lesson?

Do you think that we did not spend these minutes together in vain?

Why did we need this lesson?

We must try so that the light in your house does not go out, so that you are proud of your family, cherish its honor, write down your genealogy, looking at photographs of your relatives and friends. And then the family tree of your family will be eternally green, with powerful roots and a lush crown. Then you will be constantly drawn to your home.

Show with the help of colored leaves of a tree, what do you think the lesson turned out to be? (Green - I really liked the lesson. I was pleased with the lesson and my work on it. Blue - I liked the lesson, but I would like to learn more. Red - I did not like the lesson.)

Program:"School of Russia"

Lesson:Literary reading

The purpose of the lesson:Formation of ideas about the content and meaning of the read work, as a means of spiritual and moral development of the personality of younger students; to acquaint students with the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy; teach kindness, empathy, compassion.


  • Educational: to acquaint children with the work and biography of L.N. Tolstoy and his work "The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters." Improving reading skills.
  • Educational: to form a respectful attitude towards older people, compassion and the ability to provide assistance in different life situations.
  • Developing: development of children's speech, vocabulary, creativity, conscious and correct reading. Development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

I. Organizational moment

Hello dear readers!

Today we have an unusual lesson - many guests. But, do not worry, my dears, because we are one family! I will smile at you, and you will smile at me.

II. Homework check.

At the last lesson, we read AI Krylov's fable "The dragonfly and the ant." Now we will listen to our actors, who have prepared to expressly recite this fable in dialogue.

III. Knowledge update.

Collect the proverb.

You have cards on your table. Your task is to correlate the beginning and the end of the proverb.

  • What are these proverbs about?
  • Find a proverb that is different from others?
  • Explain why you think so?

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of L. N. Tolstoy.

  • Can someone tell us about the life of this writer?
  • What works written by him do you know?

Listen carefully to the story of his life and be ready to answer my questions:

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province. Leo Tolstoy is known not only as the author of serious works. He also wrote "ABC" and "Reading book" for children. Tolstoy studied history, music, painting, medicine. Lev Nikolaevich was very fond of children. At that time, there were very few schools and the children of poor children could not study at all. In Yasnaya Polyana L.N. Tolstoy opens a forest school for poor children and he himself began to teach them from his textbooks. Leo Tolstoy was very fond of children. He had 13 of his own, but only 10 survived. In his short stories for children, he writes about compassion, help, real friendship and courage.

(questions appear on the slide before reading begins)

1. In what year was L.N. Tolstoy?

2. Where did his life go?

3. How did he help poor children?

4. How many children did he have?

5. What did he write about in his stories?

Well done, you were attentive and answered all the questions correctly!

Today we will read a very interesting fable-story. And who is the main character, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Who worked all his life
Surrounded by care
Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Respected ordinary people?
Retired for many years
Ageless for ... (grandfather)

  • Guys, what is your relationship to your grandfather?
  • Do you have anything to do with him?

Look at the blackboard. There is a rebus on the board. Guess it. What word is encrypted?

  • How do you understand the word "family"?
  • Why do people start families?

Working with illustration:

Who do you see in this photo?

Where do they live?

Do you think this family lives in our time?

Why do you think so?

IV. Primary perception of the text.

Now we will get acquainted with an instructive story. Sit comfortably, straighten your back. I will read the story, and you listen carefully, carefully and try to understand what the story is about and what it teaches us.

(Possible titles of the title of the text appear on the slide after reading)

  • "Grandfather"
  • "Old grandfather and granddaughter"
  • "Wicked daughter-in-law"
    • Which heading do you think most clearly reveals the content of the text and why?
    • How did you feel when I read this text to you?

V. Working with the textbook.

We open the textbooks and check if the title matches the content of the text.

  • Who can read the first part of the text?
  • Have you come across incomprehensible words?
  • Who do we call daughter-in-law?
  • How do you think grandfather felt when he had to dine alone at the stove?
  • Find an excerpt from what happened at your grandfather's during lunch?
  • Why did grandfather break the cup?
  • How would you rate your daughter-in-law's act?
  • What does scolding mean?
  • What is a pelvis? (item demonstration)
  • Find a sentence that talks about how your grandfather behaved?
  • Do you think grandfather was always so weak and helpless?
  • What was Misha doing?
  • What does the word "smooth" mean? Find a synonym for this word.
  • What did Misha put together from the boards?

Reading by roles.

  • Find the dialogue between the son and the father in the text.

Vi. Text analysis

  • How do you think the parents felt when they heard their son's answer?
  • Why did the parents cry?
  • How did your grandfather's life change after this incident?
  • Do you think grandfathers lived happily in this family all this time? Why?
  • Let's make a description of this family. Who were the members of this family?

A family diagram appears on the chalkboard

How does your grandfather feel about yourself? Daughter-in-law? A son? Grandson?

You have a task card on your desks. Connect the frame with a number that matches the sequence of events in the text. Several students work on a Macbook where the assignment is suggested in the HotPotatoes program. One student works on the board (behind the spread).

  • What should be done to make the elderly feel good?
  • At the beginning of the lesson, we called this story a fable. How is the fable different from other works?
  • What is morality?
  • What is the moral of this fable?
  • Why do you think many years have passed, and we - the new generation, re-read this story over and over again?
  • Are there elderly people in your family? How do you feel about them, with what feelings?

Vii. Lesson summary.

Here we have finished our acquaintance with the story-fable “Old grandfather and granddaughters”.

Select a sentence and continue (on the board):

I learned that...

I liked the lesson ...

I want to...

After the lesson, I wanted ...

Assessment of student performance in the classroom: the way of reading and the ability to provide evidence.

VIII. Homework.

Thanks for the work in the lesson!

Once upon a time there was an old, old grandfather: his eyes were blind, his ears were deaf, and his knees were trembling. When he was sitting at the table, he barely held a spoon in his hands and spilled the soup on the tablecloth, and even the soup dripped from his mouth onto the table.

The son and daughter-in-law got tired of looking at this, and so they put the old grandfather in a corner behind the stove and began to serve him food in an earthen bowl, and sometimes they fed him from hand to mouth. And the grandfather looked sadly at the table, and tears appeared in his eyes.

Once he did not hold the bowl in his trembling hands, it fell to the ground and shattered. The young daughter-in-law began to scold him, but he said nothing, only sighed heavily. His daughter-in-law bought him a wooden bowl for two gellers, and now he had to eat from it. Here they sit once, and brings a little granddaughter - he was four years old - small boards and begins to fold them.

- What are you doing over there? The father asks.

“I’m making a trough,” the child replies, “I’ll feed my mother and father from it when I’m big.”

The husband and wife looked at each other - and wept. They immediately brought the old grandfather to the table and allowed him from that time to eat always with them and did not reproach him if he spilled a little on the table.

According to Leo Tolstoy's fable Old grandfather and granddaughters

An old man moved to live with his son, daughter-in-law and four-year-old grandson. His hands were trembling, his eyes were hard to see, his gait was waddling. The family ate together at the same table, but grandfather's old, shaking hands and poor eyesight made the process difficult. Peas poured from the spoon onto the floor as he clutched the glass in his hands, milk spilled onto the tablecloth.

The son and daughter-in-law became more and more irritated because of this.

“We have to do something,” said the son. “I've had enough of how he eats noisily, the milk he has spilled, and the food scattered on the floor.
The husband and wife decided to put a separate small table in the corner of the room. There, the grandfather began to eat alone, while the rest of the family enjoyed lunch. After the grandfather broke the plates twice, he was served food in a wooden bowl. When someone from the family glanced at grandfather, sometimes he had tears in his eyes, because he was all alone. Since then, the only words he heard addressed to him were sharp remarks when he dropped a fork or spilled food.

The four-year-old boy watched everything in silence. One evening, before dinner, his father noticed him playing with a piece of wood on the floor. He affectionately asked the kid:
- What do you do?
Just as trustingly, the boy replied:
- I am making a small bowl for you and mom, from which you will eat when I grow up.
The boy smiled and continued to work. The parents were so stunned by these words that they were speechless. Then tears streamed down their faces. Although not a single word was spoken, both knew what to do.

That evening, the husband approached grandfather, took his hand and gently led him back to the family table. All the remaining days he ate with his family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife was worried anymore when a fork fell, milk spilled, or the tablecloth got dirty.

Children are incredibly discerning. Their eyes are always noticing, their ears are always listening, and their minds are always carefully processing the information they absorb. If they see us as patient, maintaining an atmosphere of love in the home, they will copy this behavior for the rest of their lives. A wise parent realizes that every day he is laying the foundation stone for his child's future. Let's be smart builders and a worthy role model.

Tolstoy's fable "The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters" - the story of which spread throughout society in the form of instructive stories of "real" people. This is a tale about respect for elders, the value of parental care, which has managed to find a response in the heart of every child. This is a story about the struggle of old age with the desire for a fulfilling life, the required patience and indulgence of loved ones.

Fable "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth flowed back. The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove.

They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began scolding the old man for ruining everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub. The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something. The father asked: "What are you doing this, Misha?" And Misha says: “This is me, father, making a pelvis. When you and your mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis. "

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to put him at the table and look after him.

Moral of Tolstoy's fable "Old grandfather and granddaughters"

The moral of the fable "The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters" sounds very reverent and heartbreaking: in moments of parental powerlessness, it is necessary to appreciate them, help and love them with even greater strength, just as they treated us from the period of our growing up and determination in life.

Analysis of the fable "Old grandfather and granddaughters"

In the fable "Old Grandfather and Granddaughters" the author tells us about a seemingly ordinary family life, in which three generations live side by side: father, son and wife and grandson. The father is helpless and old, which is why the son and his wife are indisputably irritated and angry. The grandson, reading what is happening from the position of a pure and not tired of adult problems and oppression of the heart, opens his parents' eyes, just calling things by their proper names. Seeing how disdainful the grandfather is, the boy concludes that this is the norm, and prepares for a similar position in relation to his parents in the future. And only by projecting the current situation onto themselves, the parents understand how wrong they were.

With his story, Tolstoy wanted to visually show the true reflection of the reality that overtakes many families - the old age of parents, unfortunately, comes along with the impatience and irritation of their children. This is the very cruel side of the family coin. However, the decision to abandon such a merciless injustice will not be too heavy for you, you should only imagine for a moment that your children will treat you in the same period of merciless aging. Arranges? Not? So you are on the right track.

Treat your old people with due respect and care, so as not to reproach yourself for the opposite for the rest of your life.