The brightest things in the world. The most beautiful things in the world. Shoes and accessories

Almost in this life you can know the reason for all phenomena, the processes of the origin of all events and explanations to all things in the world. If you are not omniscient, of course. Even having received two or three education, a well-read person can not always say how the lightning is born (scientists do not know themselves). Especially pleased things, which at first glance work magical and inexplicable way. This kind of "surprises" will find a place in any house, will become an ideal gift and will always gather in the collection. If you have enough money, of course. Because for unusual things - such as fragments of meteorites or dinosaur bones - you have to lay out with tremendous money.

When you think about the bizarre natural phenomena, which can not be, usually seem of space of space: red square nebula, glass rain or magic island on the largest satellite Saturn Titan. But we do not need to go so far to the diva to hide. Our own world is full of fascinating natural phenomena. Most of you (and me too) did not even imagine that these miracles exist ... until today. Now we will change it.

Despite the fact that most of us live in apartment buildings, whose mailboxes are simple and uncomplicated, craftsmen around the world, who were lucky enough to live in their house, decorate their mailboxes very sophisticated. In the end, the mailbox is a kind of symbol, like the old Russian oven, from which the construction of the house began. No wonder distance between cities are measured from the post office to the post office. Please your eyes with these incredible embodiments of mailboxes.

It is no longer surprised by the molecular cuisine now, since the establishments of this topic are open not only in Europe, but also in large cities of Russia. For those who do not know what it is, I will explain: Molecular cuisine is a cooking created by scientists, which, when cooking, takes into account the physico-chemical mechanisms responsible for the transformation of ingredients during food processing. In other words, scientists turned the usual food for us into something completely incredible and unusual. Of course, lovers to taste the rice dishes found a lot, so the molecular cuisine is gradually gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly popular in the world.

Everything has already been invented before us - a statement that every time refute the creators of new products that sometimes have a strange not only appearance, but also a functional value. As a visual example, we offer an interesting selection - amazing things of the world.

Interior items

Annoy the sounds of alarm clock in the morning? Who interferes with replacing it on a comfortable pillow, which at the appointed hour just begins to vibrate slightly. The invention created by the Korean designer Seung Jun Jeong is intended to delicately wake up its owner, while not disturbing the dream of the rest of the family.

Among the unusual and amazing items for recreation of music connoisseurs may be interested in the cushion Imusic. It is built into the speakers through which the favorite compositions are reproduced, helping to dive into the kingdom of Morpheus.

In continuation of the topic another unusual and amazing thing - a blanket with sleeves for reading. Such an invention appreciated lovers to finish their day for reading a book in a warm bed. Are you one of those who like to enjoy reading outside the bed? You will certainly be interested in the chair with the lamp mounted above it.

And how do you like such an unusual piece of furniture - a table that allows you to get rid of the need to use plates? The table in the form of a plate of Table Set, created by Israeli designer Elad Kashi, allows you to eat dishes right from the table top.

In the rainy season, it can become relevant « live »Stand for the umbrella. The fixture in the form of a plastic shield is equipped with a pallet with the seeds of the lawn grass.

Water flowing from an umbrella is a lifeful moisture for an improvised live corner.

Useful gadgets

The phones have long been evaluated from the usual means of communication into multifunctional devices of the most unusual design solutions. Here are just a few examples of original models that rightfully can replenish the list of amazing things made by a person:

  • "Elfoid" is a conceptual model developed by Professor Hiroshi IShiguro, externally resembles a hybrid of human fetus and robot. It is able to transfer emotions, the expression of the face and the voice of a person with whom we carry a telephone conversation.
  • "Green" - the phone created by Daizi Zheng is capable of working on coca-coola or carbonated water. Instead of a lithium battery, a safe bio-battery is mounted in it.
  • « Chamelephone "- a device developed by the Hiroyuki Tabuchi designer has an unusual housing that can be masked for the surface on which it is located.

Among modern devices designed to facilitate life, strange and amazing items are also found. At the exhibition of amateur electronics, a brush for combing hair equipment equipped with sensors, which can detect damaged areas of the skin.

The HAIR COACH combing received information transmits a mobile device to the bundle.

Shoes and accessories

The modern and amazing objects of the world should also be attributed to modern models of shoes. Designers do not cease to strive, creating model shoes, which in just a couple of seconds are transformed into comfortable ballet shoes. The bright example of this is the invention of the French designer Tanya Heath - shoes with removable heels, easily turning into shoes on a flat sole. Complete to each pair, three versions of the heels: Sexy Stud, Square Stable Model and Elegant Ryumka.

Among the unusual models of transformable shoes, the options in which the open summer spanquarter is easily converted to convenient sports shoes are depened. The upper part of the tissue ked is simply fastened with a zipper, crawled around the perimeter of the sole.

In the top of the most unusual and amazing things you need to include such an accessory as « smart "cane. The invention from the company DRING is positioned as an assistant for older people. The accessory is able to read daily and analyze the activity of a person in order to recognize deviations from the usual rhythm in time and behavior.

The list of strange and unusual things in the world can be listed for a long time. And it does not matter that many they surprise, most importantly - that most of them benefit.

"Terribly interesting
All that is unknown. "

(Song speaking animals
From the cartoon "38 parrots")

"- Yesterday, in short, I read the internet ..."

(Talking on a bench in the yard)

White crow, camel girl, aquarium-toilet, cake in the form of a laptop, lady with a hairstyle in the form of frigate, and that's not all. Ticket tetris, ghost towns, on x-ray, abduction of a plug-in jaw and many more ideas for unusual gifts, events and travels - this is what kunstkamera.

The curious and odious, shocking and attractive things, phenomena and people are collected from a crazy world on a thread and sorted into more than 450 articles, each of whom gently bangs on its page. Most often we find when they are looking for something about, or .... The fear of death and love is still like two flocks of hounds, they pursue every person.

Heavy and high hairstyles in the form of ships were overthrown with the monarch of power in France in an incorruptible Robespierre and Languild Danon. It turned out that hairstyles and outfits are nothing in comparison with the highest way of human self-expression, revolutionary activities. Who is in the memorable history of our greatest revolutionary? True, this is a nice guy Che. In the treasury article, our eyes open the star and death of the forever young idol youth, which he himself did not live to 40. We learn about how Guevara drank from the army, and then became Major and subscribed to Stalin II. Or as the future Cuban Minister of Ernesto, by order of his detained police, trained and led to the victory in the Interdistrict Cup a rural football team.

Science, feeding progress, turns unusual in everyday. Creating a wide range of miracles, she changes the old life boredom to a new one, alone - on the second, third and hundredth. More precisely, cellular. Nowadays, to be a unique, if not smart, it is enough to buy an outstanding device, for example, a mobility with an ultrasonic mosquito repeller. Or on one sim card the phone in the form of a match box, and on the second - and la tutu cigarettes. Choosing a fateful gadget will help you the factory.

Another plane of human individuality is that our distant grandparents called "Strem", and our children's "bikini zone". Masterpieces of hidden unusualness, intimate hairstyles became popular in the past century, fashion on shaving and decoration of one place flourished in the late 1980s and does not fade to this day. On the most unusual intimate hairstyles, female and male, you can read in. We warn you about caution - there you are waiting for you ... Kosolapiy bear (b) and curly Frank Farian, looking out of the ladies' panties.

If the career is not beyond the scope of universal ideas about success, then you will most likely have to wear a cervical scarf, nameable in a tie or "cravboard" (the second name, oddly enough, was born from the word "Croat"). In order to stand out from the office crowd, the tie will need original. If the main thing is the main thing in your work - a lunch break, then boldly knit on the neck "Delivery" in the form of a hot dog with mustard. You need to hypnotize the client - there is a tie with crossword, there is no way to shove a small pink player - take the accessory with a special machine. A complete review of male cervical jewelry in the "Crazy" style is presented on the page.

Or maybe you endure the office and the soul do not have a tea in nature? Yes, many users of computers and the Internet are indifferent to nature. They will never go to hot Asia to see how, a warm ridge and fleeing from heat, floats elephant. But I will gladly look at the pictures. And about the elephant, and about deer, whose horns in the dark mixed with the shadows of bushes and trees. About two bears, of which one throat in water, the other - only by the ankle. About how the sands looks like when he comes, and something else is alive and more beautifully describes and is shown in the article.

It is impossible not to add to the unusual beauty of wildlife and sleeping stones (for the completeness of the bouquet of beauty) aesthetic power of death. Not mine, but what happens in the small world of insects. If you look at the relationship between the "predator - the victim" among the bugs through the macro lens, the charming paintings of the black fly meeting with a bright mantile, for example. Or dragonfly and bug caught by her. The article is called -. If these wonderful insects were the size of at least a third of the person, we would not have survived the land on the planet.

A to avoid beautiful death to live a variety of skills, tricks and mechanisms. Like a person, in the fauna, the protection mechanisms are determined by hormonally - if adrenaline falls into the nerve, it goes to anger if Noranedrenaline is to fear. Therefore, some possums at the time of danger are immersed in the reversible to whom, the larva of the Colorado Beetle is covered with a poisonous hemolymph, and the bombarder will give a counter boiling water from its own setting. About how different animals are protected, written and naphthoto in the article.

Fake sea virgin is a piece of goods, a relic, but the place of mermaids is not only on the regiments of museums, but also in private collections. Remember the gun millionaire from the movies, which collects parts of the body of stars and celebrities? Such eccentrics exist in reality. Demand on wonderful chimer gives rise to a wonderful sentence. In a series of articles, an unusual site introduces Russian-speaking consumers and lovers with the achievements of North American taxidermia. The art of the manufacture of stuffed and dusty prevents us with a huge number of outstanding gifts and souvenirs. Want to use as an ashtray "just as a real" skull of Soviet socialist chikatilo? There you are! Need a chopped hands of those flying coarse, what was fluffy in poker? In a bank with a warning inscription? Let's do! After all, everything is terrible - for someone charming. And vice versa…

The same one who does not risk in the New Year to give themselves or comrade / horses unnatural tits from artificial materials, but so much fame, we will recommend a digest. He tells about who and what eats for a holiday from the Kremlin feeder, why Santa Claus and his deer poke sweets, and how much now the inflatable Christmas tree and what happens to the man's psyche, who is given on December 31, a corpse of a hare drove down.

Let them hope that, to familiarize yourself with an unusual site with your psyche, no dramatic changes will happen, the mood will improve, erudition will deepen, creativity. Stay Tuned!

In the world, we surrounds a lot of beautiful things, various decorations, cars, household items, clothing, nature and natural phenomena, and much more. Consider more the most interesting of them.

Car Bugatti Veyron 16.4

This is not only a beautiful, but also a very fast sports car. It is able to develop the maximum speed of 404 km / h. Inside the salon is decorated with high-quality materials and leather and chrome inserts. The chairs have a wonderful side support, and the seats are equipped with an electrically regulating. The price of the car exceeds a million dollars.

It is released by the London company with the same name. Its approximate cost is about a million dollars. The main advantage is the possibility of using anywhere through the presence of a built-in battery battery. The switching button manufacturer encrusted with diamonds and made a gold spray. Depending on the buyer's desires, the hull is decorated with valuable wood, leather or precious metals. Such a personal computer was originally intended for the most demanding customers.

This is a real masterpiece of jewelry art that has no analogues today. The material from which it is made-white gold. The object is encrusted with 840 precious stones, which are fixed on the secret technology. It is called "invisible frame." There are only three varieties of similar handles-with emeralds, sapphires and rubies. The manufacture of one copy takes a whole year. The estimated price of such a thing is 700,000 dollars.

The product was created by Cartier. The panther body is made of diamonds and onyx, and eyes ─ from emeralds. The heir to the British throne Edward presented him as a gift to his beloved Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson. That was a big amateur rare jewelry. In 2010, the bracelet was exposed at Sotheby's auction, where it was bought for $ 12 million. There is no reliable information about the buyer's personality. There are versions that it was Madonna pop singer. However, she herself refutes these gossip.

The watch of the French House Chanel from the Collection Privee collection is distinguished by extraordinary tenderness and femininity. They are made of white gold, decorated with pearls and diamonds. The cost of the jewelry is approaching two million dollars.

Black diamond iPhone

The phone is the most expensive in the world. He was created by Stewart Hughes. He spent nine months to create this iPhone. The gold case is decorated with numerous diamonds (about five hundred), and a 26-carat black diamond is performed. The company's branded logo is also inlaid by gems, and the smartphone screen covers the sapphire glass.

Diamond Earrings in the Form Of Drops

They were created by the American Jeweler Harry Winston. They are distinguished by stunning beauty due to large stones with exquisite cut. The weight of the jewelry is 60.1 carats, and the price is about eight million dollars. Despite the high cost, the earrings are characterized by simplicity and noble grace.

Dear diamond necklace worth 55 million dollars is made of white medium-sized diamonds. Weight product - 230 carat. The main role here is played by the perfect purity yellow diamond. Yellow diamond has its own legend. The story states that he was discovered in the Congo in the eighties. The stone accidentally found a local girl when she walked near the river. It is difficult to speak about the reliability of this story. Specialists studied Diamond for long four years.

Designer Ronald Winston invented and created ruby \u200b\u200bshoes specially on the occasion of the jubilee of the musical "Wizard of the Oz Wizard". A long and painstaking work has been led over them for two months. An innumerable amount of ruby \u200b\u200bcrystals took to the decoration of the boats.

In 2000, shoes were put up for auction. They were acquired by Davil Elkobi by the shop selling antiques.

The dress made of a thin marquise is called Happy Birthday. It created one of the best designers of the 1930s, Jean Louis especially for Mellin to go to him on the birthday of President John Kennedy. Her request was to sew a "historical outfit". Then the legendary diva really produced a furyor on the evening. The dress is unusual by creating a nude effect. Diamond flickering sparkles in large quantities are engaged in it in a large amount of six thousand pieces.

They are encrusted with hundreds of diamonds, like the board. Macvin-talented jeweler and artist participated in the development and manufacture of the kit. The total weight of the precious stones, which went to the creation of work, about 186 carats. Of course, similar chess can only be purchased very secured people. Total made seven luxurious sets.

This is a unique creation made in an electric era of ancient art glass. According to expert assumptions, the old subject was created in Rome in the interval of 5 and 20 years. One of the versions says that Vaza was found in the tomb of Alexander North. The decorative vessel is made of white and dark blue opaque glass. The thread on it depicts 7 figures of the gods and mortals.

Later, the master was trying to recreate something similar many times, but no attempt was not crowned with success. The work is very laborious, which indicates an outstanding gift of glass cutters of that time.

In 1810, Portland Vase was transferred to the British Museum, where in 1845 she accidentally broke some William Lloyd. For several years, well-tired work on gluing the art of art of fragments. After their completion, Vaza returned to the museum.

Christmas tree of gold

It is created by the Japanese jeweler Ginza Tanaki. In the manufacture of wood, 24-carat gold was used and two hundred precious stones, including pearls and diamonds. The weight of the product is 21 kg. The top decorates the star from the purest gold.

It is a beautiful bright-scarlet stone with a purple tide that overflows into the light. It is very durable and has the ability to maintain its properties even with strong heating. Its mining is conducted only in Utah in America. The weight of the largest instance found is ten carats. Red Beryl Rare and Dear Mineral. It is able to afford only the most famous and secured collectors of the world.

This flower causes delight and admiration. No wonder he is considered sacred and symbolizes harmony and purity. Lotus grows on shallow water in swamps and turbid water. Cold temperature plant does not withstand, he needs the sun and heat. Flowers are white and red, exuded a pleasant aroma. Despite contaminated reservoirs, always remain clean.


On the island of Madagascar, Baobabs grow, the age of which has 800 years. They form a fourth-kilometer long alley. This is a local attraction and a desired place to visit tourists.


She grows in Japan and fascinates with its beauty. This variety of cherry wood is distinguished by lush flowering and a charming aroma. The flowering period falls on the spring months (March and April). It is at this time in Japan a lot of sports competitions and festivals are held. Tourists actively go to the country to catch the natural phenomenon.

Rainbow Eucalyptus

An unusual tree grows in Hawaii and is the most unusual thing on earth. The age of an adult copy has multi-colored color. Here you can see yellow, purple, orange, brown and lightweight shades. What is interesting, the tree becomes such a color only with age, for young plants is not characterized by a similar color scheme.

Rainbow Eucalyptus inspired a lot of directorists, shooting fantasy films. They took advantage of this miracle of nature in their paintings.

For the first time he was lowered in 2004 and very quickly gained popularity among travelers. It fills the atmosphere of Victorian England. The ship was even honored to receive the honorary title "The ship of the Royal Mail". On the liner it is necessary to follow the dress code. Swimwear and shorts can be worn exclusively by the pool. All other places will have to stick to the strictest rules regarding clothing. It is allowed to take on board your pets.

Designer bed

She was developed by a talented designer Stewart Hujuzhens. In the manufacture of beds used the best varieties of wood. As part of the structure, more than a hundred kilograms of gold, which shares numerous carved bends. Also, hundreds of precious gums are present in the product.

It belongs to the famous billionaire Roman Abramovich and is considered the most expensive and better yacht in the world. The vessel of a 22-meter width is equipped with four engines, a cinema, two helicopter venues, pools, a sauna, a dance floor, a gaming playground. Sleeping rooms are armored, and the windows are made of bulletproof glasses.

The majestic Indian structure is located on the banks of the Jamna River. This is a unique tombstone, erected by the orders of Sultan in honor of his beloved wife. For all works, about 20 years have passed. For construction, only the best materials were used. Among them ─ white marble and precious stones.

Sagrada Familia

The main Spanish attraction was erected by the architect Antonio Gaudi project. Cathedral built four decades to this day there are construction work. Approximately, the project will be fully completed by 2026.

This is the highest hotel not only in the Emirates, but also on the entire planet. He was erected on the beach of Jumeira, which is located on a specially created artificial island. During construction, the most modern technologies were used. The seven-star handsome man is made in the form of a sailboat and has 60 floors. The building is amazing the imagination with its design. Luxury apartments with gold-plated decoration, huge aquariums and dancer fountains.

All this is only a part of a beautiful and amazing world that surrounds us. Sometimes enough to look around and discover the things of the most extraordinary beauty.

The most beautiful things in the world

4.3 (85%) 4 voted

10. The Corum Classical Billionaire Tourbillion watch

Branded watches have always been an indicator of social status of their owner. The Corum Classical Billionaire Tourbillion watch is produced extremely small circulation. The clock is encrusted with 850 diamonds. The mechanism of the manual plant provides a reserve of the course of 90 hours. These watches are in different modifications from $ 325,000 to $ 998,000.

9. Mystery Masterpiece - a unique handle

White gold handle, encrusted 840 precious stones, will be sold only to 9 owners. Its cost will be $ 730,000, so writing her owner to her, I think it is unlikely.

8. Planetarium-Tellurium planetarium

The clock master Richard Mille offers a fairly accurate model of the solar system. The model is so accurate that the maximum error is 1 degree in 7.7 years of operation. All planets besides Mercury rotate around the Sun and their own axis, reflecting the real position of them in the solar system. Planetarium-Tellurium costs more than 1 million US dollars. With its production, titanium, steel, brass, gold, silver and rubies are used.

7. Acoustic system Grand Enigma

We present Grand Enigma - the most expensive speaker system in the world. The system was developed by the Dutch firm Kharma. The cost of such a system is 1 million US dollars.

6. Phone Goldvish

This phone combines style, elegance, luxury and manufacturer's skill. The keys of this phone are decorated with 120 carats of diamonds of the category VVS-1. The phone, also called Device Le Million De La Nuit, was developed by the Swiss watch designer Emmanuel Gueit. Technical characteristics of the phone are the following - camera with 8-fold zoom, Bluetooth, USB, 2 GB memory card, MP3 player and TFT-screen protected by sapphire glass. More than 140 grams of gold went to the manufacture of the phone. This phone is also a million US dollars.

5. Laptop per million dollars

This is a laptop from Luvaglio. It is equipped with a 17-inch screen, a 128-gigabyte SSD hard disk and Blu-ray drive. The power button is encrusted with diamonds. At the request of the buyer, the corps can be decorated with precious metals, leather or valuable wood. It is worth this laptop 1 million US dollars.

4. Computer Baroque

Recently, various firms represent exclusive models of computers, which are distinguished by stylish and expensive appearance. But this computer is highlighted even from their number. The case of this computer is covered with 18 carat white and yellow gold, and also decorated with sapphires and diamonds. Design developed a jewelry designer Lee Charles. This is the first personal computer worth a million dollars.

3. Bugatti Veyron 16.4

This car is not only the fastest, but also very beautiful. With a maximum speed of 404 km / h, this car still remains the most expensive in the world. Its cost is 1.25 million US dollars. Until hundreds, this projectile is accelerated in 2.5 seconds due to 1001 strong motor.

2. Platinum diamond handbag

The handbag is made of platinum and is decorated with sowing of diamonds. Invented this miracle accessory Designer Ginza Tanaka. This joy is 1.63 million dollars. Even more than Bugatti Veyron, hmm ...

Developed by Australian designer Peter Aloisson, this phone is considered the most expensive mobile phone in the world. The body of the phone is made entirely of platinum and decorated with 50 diamonds, 10 of which is rare blue. A distinctive feature of this phone is the presence of a reliable encryption system to enhance security. The phone is running Windows CE operating system. And cost $ 1.3 million dollars.