French secrets, or notes of French sophistication. How to do a French manicure at home - step by step instructions How to do a French manicure at home - step by step

French approach to most clothing styles. Secrets for the perfect jacket Of course, special skills and rules are required for the correct modeling of a jacket. This article presents the main secrets for the perfect French manicure.

French details
French is modeled with both gel and acrylic. If the work is done by a real professional, then no one will determine the material used. What should you pay special attention to when modeling a jacket? Below are the criteria to consider when building gel and acrylic.

The French brush should be hard and elastic. Such characteristics are characteristic only of high-quality sable brushes. After all, if you use soft, fluffy, then when wet, it will not gather into a sharp point, which means it is unsuitable for the French creation technology. If there are cases when the brush is poorly cleaned after white and colored powder when using acrylic, then it is necessary to apply 2 tbsp. monomer.

A professional French manicure is called the process of modeling a French manicure on forms. Therefore, you can easily give beauty to natural nails that do not grow as you would like, set the optimal thickness to the free edge and make the right bend for an artificial nail.

The correct consistency of liquid powder plays a huge role in good acrylic modeling. After all, if the free edge is made into a very liquid ball, then there is the possibility of the appearance of "marble". But too dry consistency will make the extended nail extremely fragile.

smile line
Building beautiful, high-quality nails requires good experience and excellent knowledge of all the subtleties. An ideal jacket can be divided into a free edge, a smile line, and a nail shape.

The free edge is laid out in one ball. If this is not done, “marbling” and uneven C-bend will appear when the arch is clamped. That is why the powder-to-liquid ratio needs to be controlled so much.

Joint of white and camouflage materials. If the nail bed and the free edge are not mated correctly, the material of the nail tip can be chipped exactly at the smile line on the artificial nail.

What smile line is considered correct in a French manicure?
The word smile explains everything. The border of the pink material and white should not be a smooth solid line. But it should be noted that the modeling of a smile depends on the shape of the artificial nails that the client desires.

The main criteria for a perfect smile for French
First, you need to determine the central axis of the finger, from which you need to bend the smile to the sides. The smile line should look symmetrical.

A "side" of the same height must be present along the length of the extension, but at the same time be without depressions and sagging.

There is a rule of aesthetics for a jacket, which says that the length of the white part cannot exceed the length of the pink part.

There can be no gap between the natural nail and the mold, and their central axes must exactly match. If there is the slightest discrepancy, then the nail will turn out to be crooked, the C-bend will also look uneven. The article "Technology for shaping an extended nail" explains all the rules for shaping a nail.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the fact that the elongation, somewhere by a millimeter, should already be, rather than a natural nail plate. The master needs to clearly establish a place for the "mustache" so as not to accidentally cut it off. The shape of the nail models a smile, because a more rounded line is suitable for a square shape; more elongated, narrower characteristic of almond and stylet; round and elongated make a smile line for the Pipe shape; in the form of Edge, it repeats the shape of the free edge of the extended nail.

Smiles on all nails must be identical!

I really hope that this article will bring something useful to the masters of the nail service, if you read it carefully, then your work will become much better, and this will increase the price of services.

Many masters are still afraid to do French modeling, because they do not have special information in the basic courses or due to the fact that little time has been devoted to this. But, no matter how the work of a manicure master is now quite cost-effective, so you should learn how to do it yourself beautifully and efficiently.

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In the price list of any beauty salon, you can find such a service as a French manicure. It is relatively expensive, but what sacrifices will you not make for the sake of beauty on the handles? Of course, it seems that it is almost impossible to evenly draw a French manicure at home along the contour at home. But ProstoNail will dispel this myth, revealing all the secrets of how to create a jacket yourself, while spending a minimum of nerves and effort.


Having appeared in the distant 1930s, French manicure still does not lose its relevance. We have already told the story of its appearance in a recent one, however, there are facts indicating that the “pioneer” of the jacket was still not JeffPink, but Max Factor, the master of mascara and eye shadow. The old man did not have time to patent his invention and the enterprising Jeff began to use it on a commercial basis in 1970. By the way, the first star who dared to French was Barbara Streisand, the then trendsetter and super-popular vocalist.

At first glance, it seems that the creation of such a design is not an easy task. And even more so, it is inaccessible to beginners. We hasten to "deceive" your expectations - everything is possible! The main thing is to choose the right tools and materials, on which the success of the whole action depends on 50%. ProstoNails has collected everything you need for a French jacket with your own hands in one table, which you can find below:

Tool or material Functionality
Nail polish remover or remover Dissolves the previous coating, leveling the pigment
metal pusher Minimally injures the plate during removal and pushes back the cuticle
Nail file, abrasive from 110 to 180 grit Removes excess length, corrects the desired shape of nails
orange stick and oil Necessary for unedged manicure to soften the epidermis
Cuticle cutters and cuticle fluid Softens overgrown skin, which then needs to be cut off with scissors
Polishing buff For grinding unevenness of the plate in order to better fit the coating
Base and top To prepare and, accordingly, consolidate the result
Nude nail polish Used as a base color, mimics the natural soft pink shade of the nail bed
White lacquer shade To draw a smile line. This can be done with both gel and regular varnish of medium density.
stencils Strips to help evenly paint over the free edges. Use your imagination, you can make the perfect line with scotch tape

The necessary list of attributes for your perfect jacket has been assembled! Add to it only a drop of diligence and a little diligence - then the result will definitely please you with the perfection of performance.

How to do a French manicure at home - step by step

People say that the work of the master is afraid. But what to do when you are up to the master as far as the moon, and trying on a franch on your hands is already unbearable? We have collected the most effective ways, describing them step by step. Read carefully, memorize and feel free to start experimenting.

With stripes

French manicure with stripes is perhaps the easiest of all of the above. It will appeal to recognized lazy people or beginners who have never been involved in complex designs. We covered the subtleties of hygienic manicure in this one, but we will describe the direct process of decorating with stripes below:

  • apply a primer sealing and protecting the plate or a colorless base;
  • take one strip from the set and attach it to the nail, simulating "trying on";
  • remove the protective film and attach the strip, retreating from the edge by no more than 5 mm;
  • paint over the empty part with a white or milky shade of varnish;
  • after waiting for it to dry completely, remove the strip and fix the result with a glossy top.

No stripes

French manicure without stripes differs only in the preparatory stage, then the process moves according to the plan outlined above. Still don't know how to make a French manicure stencil? Then all attention to our life hacks:

  • an alternative to strips can be ordinary or masking tape. Pre-cut short, miniature particles in the shape of a plate and glue them to the free edge;
  • peel-off liquid used to protect cuticles during ombre. Can be used as a stencil that prevents white paint from spreading;
  • cling film, which is always in the kitchen of housewives. It also adheres well to the nails and works on the principle of stripes;
  • medical plaster. By cutting off a small piece of medical patch from its adhesive side, you can use it as an alternative to a stencil.

By the way, the process of how to do a jacket correctly in stages is detailed in the training video:

with stencil

With a stencil, drawing a smile line becomes a mere trifle, which even a beginner can handle. Remember that stencils are not only ordinary paper ones, but also durable metal ones, we will tell you about the intricacies of using the latter in the master class:

  • after applying the base and the main beige or powdery pink color, wait for them to dry completely;
  • apply a small amount of white paint to a metal plate with a pattern;
  • apply the stamp with a corner and gently, progressively “press” along the free edge of the plate;
  • let the varnish dry and only then complete the manipulation with a layer of glossy or matte top.

With a brush

French manicure with a brush is a task for experienced users. It makes no sense to describe in detail the instructions for drawing the cherished white lines, but here are a couple of tips that will definitely help make your jacket neat and elegant:

  • choose a brush with the longest bristles, elastic and loosely stuffed;
  • when modeling, move your finger smoothly, but not with a brush, so the smile line will be clearer;
  • remember that the curve of the line must accurately reflect the curve of the cuticle for the most natural look of the design;
  • first outline the contour of the smile line and only then paint over the drawing itself;
  • seal the end of the nail plate with the flat side of the brush to avoid chips and cracks;
  • use only tools with synthetic bristles.

French manicure with gel polish

Shellac manicure fell in love with many beauties for its strength and durability. Agree, the average girl does not always have an hour or even two free time to correct nail design. And walking with a chipped, peeling varnish is not only sloppy, but also not aesthetically pleasing.

Before you start painstaking work, read our tips and then the result will definitely please you and delight your colleagues and girlfriends:

  • try to apply an acid-free primer and spread the base evenly thinly, without concentrating it at the edges;
  • we complete each stage of manicure with polymerization in a UF or LED lamp;
  • to prevent the smile line from spreading, remove the sticky layer over the entire surface of the camouflage coating with a lint-free cloth;
  • choose only a high-quality self-leveling top, which will not only consolidate the result of efforts, but also smooth out the “step” in front of the decorative element;
  • if an even coating does not work out, use a grinding buff, gently polishing the transition;
  • mix gel polish and gel paint in equal proportions to avoid spreading;
  • choose paints and varnishes of medium density and moderately thick consistency, they are much easier to work with.

Step-by-step visual instructions will help you easily translate all your ideas into reality:

How to do a french manicure with regular polish

A manicure made with ordinary varnish has both a number of disadvantages due to its fragility and a number of advantages. For example, such a design can be easily adjusted with a minimum of materials and effort. On short nails, the process is more difficult, since the limited capabilities of the plate always force the newly minted master to jewelry accuracy. But with our advice, everything will go like clockwork:

  • put the nails in order, acting according to the established scheme: cut the length, correct the shape, remove the cuticle and polish the surface with a buff;
  • apply a thin layer of the base, waiting for it to dry;
  • apply the main camouflage coating, preferring a pale pink or beige varnish, dry it;
  • if the intended design is with stickers, then simply place the stencil and paint over the space with white paint;
  • if you have chosen the manual method of drawing with a brush, then do not take the border too far from the edge, this visually "eats" the length;
  • Finish off with a clear coat of top coat and oil to hydrate and slow cuticle growth.

We think that we have already proved that it is more than possible to draw the perfect smile line without stickers and without a stencil. Well, if at the same time we arm ourselves with a good mood and our life hacks, then the result will amaze even skeptics. It's time to check it out, right?

  • in order to protect your skin from excessive dryness when removing varnish, spread it in advance with a fat cream that seals the lipid barrier;
  • to make a gentle nude look neat, prepare your nails by pre-whitening them with regular toothpaste. This will reduce the intensity of the yellow pigment;
  • if you want to extend the durability of your manicure, then use a degreaser before applying the top and finish;
  • let each layer dry. Patience and only patience;
  • in order to create a funny pattern that complements the jacket, it is not at all necessary to buy dots. It can be easily replaced by an ordinary ballpoint pen;
  • how to draw a smooth smile line without a stencil? Elementary, take the usual clerical gum instead;
  • you can mask the irregularities of the jacket with a thin line of glitter or sparkles, visually hiding the errors;
  • You can reduce the time gap between drying by dipping your nails in ice water.

We hope our tips and life hacks will help you achieve the perfect result with a minimum of effort. Smooth smile line and always flawless manicure!

Manicure is an important part of the female image. Beautiful well-groomed hands always look spectacular

There are many options for modeling nails. The most popular are nail extensions. French manicure, or as it is called French, is performed in pastel or transparent colors with white coloring of the free part of the nail. This is the most famous version of the French manicure, although more and more often the white color of the gel began to be replaced by brighter and more expressive shades.

To perform a jacket neatly and beautifully, perhaps only a nail service master can do it. After all, the technique of applying the gel is not entirely simple.

There are two ways to become the owner of a jacket: using acrylic or gel nail extensions.

What to choose?

There is no difference what material the specialist uses, acrylic or gel. It is important that the extension is done with high quality. Then even the most capricious client will not notice the difference. Meanwhile, the most common is gel nail extension. An important role is played by the choice of a brush for modeling the gel on the nails. The best option would be a brush with stiff hairs, such as sable. When wet, its villi are collected together, which is very convenient when laying the material on the nail plate.

Another secret of the perfect extension is a well-chosen nail shape. After all, the extended nail is a continuation of its plate.

With the right and skillful actions of the master, even the most ordinary-looking nails can turn into a work of art.

What materials are needed for nail extension?

Gel or acrylic (depending on the extension option).
- Special brushes with stiff bristles.
- Forms for modeling.
- Glasses with monomer and powder for acrylic building.
- Finishing coat.

Like all procedures, nail extension is a very long process. Therefore, you should be patient for at least 3 hours, or even longer. The speed of building up depends on the professionalism of the master. However, excessive haste during nail extension can lead to negative results. In no case should you save time on the process of nail polymerization, i.e. drying.

French modifications

In addition to the well-known classic french nail extension technique with a white edge and a pastel finish, there are several more types of French manicure.

1. The classic option is to cover the nail in pastel color with white coloring of the free edge of the nail.

2. Modern - a variation of a French manicure using colored shades and various sparkles.

Modern color. One of the subspecies of the jacket in the Art Nouveau style. The nail plate can be painted with any color coating, as well as the free edge of the nail.

Modern Millennium. Also an unusual French manicure. It is also called lunar. A small crescent is applied to the color coating at the base of the nail. To perform a manicure in this technique, you need good practice. A special film will help to carefully apply the crescent moon on the nail.

Modern twist. A fairly new version of the jacket, which uses several color shades. Makes manicure more elegant or playful.

How to model the edge of the nail and a neat smile?

It is rather difficult for a non-professional to draw a smile on his own, and you will have to practice. First you need to put the nail plates in order. Do a regular manicure and file your nails to the same length. Apply beige gel on the nail. Next, we proceed to applying a smile to the nail. This is done using a white gel if the classic coating option is selected. Visually on the nail make a markup of three points, one in the middle and two on the sides. By connecting these points, you get a curved line, this will be the blank for applying a smile. You can use a gel pen and carefully draw a smile line, and then camouflage it with gel.

Another application option can be the use of French strips that are glued to the nails. This method is suitable for gel coating without building up the nail plate, most often gel polish is used as the material. Strips are used when coating with ordinary varnish, but if things are really bad, you should try this method as well. The downside to using strips is that after removing them, a trace of glue remains on the nail. This may adversely affect the subsequent stages of coating.

How to make French gel nail extension?

The extension procedure, as previously mentioned, is lengthy and consists of 12 main stages.

1. Disinfection of manicure instruments, hands of a specialist and a client.

2. Nail preparation. It is necessary to move the cuticle without cutting it, file the nails with a special buff.

3. Degreasing nails and applying a product to remove moisture from them. Then the nails are covered with a very thin layer of primer.

4. A special mold is attached to the nail to model the nail plate. A base gel is applied to your own nail, gradually it moves to the form. Drying in an ultraviolet lamp for about 2 minutes.

5. Application of pastel camouflage gel and curing for about 2 minutes.

6. Re-applying the gel on the nail plates and drying.

7. Removing the sticky layer and forms from the nails.

8. Elimination of defects with the help of files and buffs. The irregularities of the edge of the nail are filed with a nail file, and the surface of the nail is polished with a buff.

9. Formation of a smile on the nail.

10. Additional coverage of a smile with gels with certain effects (sparkles, rhinestones, mother-of-pearl).

11. Coating with finishing gel and polymerization for about 2 minutes in time.

12. Removing the sticky layer and treating the cuticle with essential oil.

After completing these seemingly simple steps, you will become the owner of a beautiful French manicure for a few weeks.

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In terms of aesthetics french suits almost any style of clothing. Also, when modeling a jacket, the master can easily hide the imperfections of the nail plate and visually correct the shape of the natural nail. Of course, like any other technique, french modeling requires knowledge of special rules, development and acquisition of certain skills. This article reveals the secrets of modeling a clear, beautiful and correct French manicure.


French can be modeled with both gel and acrylic. Moreover, if the work is done professionally, then you will not be able to determine what kind of material. What are the main aspects when modeling a french coat that the master needs to pay attention to? The criteria described below apply to both gel and acrylic extensions.

The pile of a brush for modeling a jacket must be hard and elastic at the same time. These properties are only high quality sable brushes. If the brush is soft, fluffy, and when wet it does not gather at one point (forming a point at the same time), the brush is considered unsuitable for French modeling technology. If you have problems cleaning the brush when modeling with acrylics after using white or colored powder, you can use 2 monomer cups.

And, of course, professional French manicure is a modeling of French manicure on forms. Thanks to them, you can correct the appearance of natural nails that grow up or down; achieve the optimal thickness of the free edge and form the correct C-curve of the artificial nail.

Also, with acrylic modeling, it is very important to observe the correct consistency of the liquid - powder. But when laying out the free edge with a too liquid ball, “marble” may appear. Also, the extended nail will be very fragile, as with acrylic extensions that are too dry.


In order to grow beautiful and high-quality nails, you need to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat to strive for. At the same time, the ideal jacket can be conditionally decomposed into several main components: the free edge, the smile line, the shape of the nail.

free edge laid out in one ball. If this rule is not observed, “marbling” and an uneven C-bend may appear when the arch is clamped. Therefore, when working on French modeling with acrylic, it is very important to observe the correct ratio of liquid - powder when collecting balls of different sizes.

Joint of camouflage and white materials. If the free edge and the nail bed do not fit properly, the material of the nail tip can chip right along the smile line of the artificial nail.

What should be the smile line on the jacket? The name "smile" speaks for itself. Therefore, it is unacceptable for the border of the white and pink material to look like a solid, even line. Also, when modeling the correct smile line, it must be remembered that it depends on the shape of artificial nails ordered by the client.

Side view View from above


1. The central axis of the finger is determined, from which the curvature of the smile is displayed to the side ridges. With respect to the central axis, the smile line should be symmetrical.

2. The end point of the “whiskers” is located, while the left and right sides of the smile should be symmetrical, located on the same level.

Z. If you want to achieve a clear smile line, then there must be a “side” of the same height along the entire length of the extension, without depressions and sagging.

4. An aesthetically correct jacket is to follow the rule: the length of the white part should not exceed the length of the pink.

5. When setting the forms, there should be no gap between the natural nail and the form, and the central axis of the natural nail and the form must match. If the shape is skewed, then the nail will also be crooked as a result, and its C-bend will be uneven.

6. When laying out the extension, pay attention to the fact that it should be about a millimeter narrower than the natural nail plate (it is necessary to leave room for laying out the "whiskers" so as not to cut them off when filing). Depending on the shape of the artificial nail, we model the smile as follows: we lay out a more rounded smile on the square shape; on almonds and stylet - a more elongated and narrowed smile line; on the Pipe shape, the smile line should be laid out rounded and more elongated; the smile line of the Edge shape should follow the shape of the free edge of the extended nail. And most importantly: smiles on all nails should be the same!


I hope this article will be useful for nail service masters: by paying attention to the points described in it, you will significantly improve the quality of work and, consequently, increase the cost of your services.

Unfortunately, many masters are afraid to do French modeling due to the lack of special knowledge in basic courses or due to the fact that they paid little attention to laying out French in training. However, for masters this work is cost-effective, so it makes sense to learn how to make a jacket professionally and beautifully.

Secrets of the perfect jacket

In terms of aesthetics french suits almost any style of clothing. Also, when modeling a jacket, the master can easily hide the imperfections of the nail plate and visually correct the shape of the natural nail. Of course, like any other technique, french modeling requires knowledge of special rules, development and acquisition of certain skills. This article reveals the secrets of modeling a clear, beautiful and correct French manicure.


French can be modeled with both gel and acrylic . Moreover, if the work is done professionally, then you will not be able to determine what kind of material. What are the main aspects when modeling a french coat that the master needs to pay attention to? The criteria described below apply to both gel and acrylic extensions.

The pile of a brush for modeling a jacket must be hard and elastic at the same time. These properties are only high quality sable brushes. If the brush is soft, fluffy, and when wet it does not gather at one point (forming a point at the same time), the brush is considered unsuitable for French modeling technology. If you have problems cleaning the brush when modeling with acrylics after using white or colored powder, you can use 2 monomer cups.

And, of course, professional French manicure is a modeling of French manicure on forms. Thanks to them, you can correct the appearance of natural nails that grow up or down; achieve the optimal thickness of the free edge and form the correct C-curve of the artificial nail.

Also, with acrylic modeling, it is very important to observe the correct consistency of the liquid - powder. But when laying out the free edge with a too liquid ball, “marble” may appear. Also, the extended nail will be very fragile, as with acrylic extensions that are too dry.


In order to grow beautiful and high-quality nails, you need to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat to strive for. At the same time, the ideal jacket can be conditionally decomposed into several main components: the free edge, the smile line, the shape of the nail.

free edgelaid out in one ball. If this rule is not observed, “marbling” and an uneven C-bend may appear when the arch is clamped. Therefore, when working on French modeling with acrylic, it is very important to observe the correct ratio of liquid - powder when collecting balls of different sizes.

Joint of camouflage and white materials. If the free edge and the nail bed do not fit properly, the material of the nail tip can chip right along the smile line of the artificial nail.

What should be the smile line on the jacket? I think that its name - "smile" - speaks for itself. Therefore, it is unacceptable for the border of the white and pink material to look like a solid, even line. Also, when modeling the correct smile line, it must be remembered that it depends on the shape of artificial nails ordered by the client.

Side view

View from above







1. The central axis of the finger is determined, from which the curvature of the smile is displayed to the side ridges. With respect to the central axis, the smile line should be symmetrical.

2. The end point of the "whiskers" is found, while the left and right sides of the smile should be symmetrical, located on the same level.

Z.If you want to achieve a clear smile line, then you must have "side" of one height along the entire length of the extension, without depressions and sags.

4. An aesthetically correct jacket is to follow the rule: the length of the white part should not exceed the length of the pink.

5. When setting up forms, there should be no gap between the natural nail and the form, and the central axis of the natural nail and the form must match. If the shape is skewed, then the nail as a result will also be crooked, and its C-bend will be uneven.

6. When laying out the lengthening, pay attention to the fact that it should be about a millimeter narrower than the natural nail plate (you must leave room for laying out the "whiskers" so as not to cut them off when filing). Depending on the shape of the artificial nail, we model a smile as follows: we lay out a more rounded smile on the square shape; on almonds and stylet - a more elongated and narrowed smile line; on the shape of Pipe, the smile line should be laid out round and more elongated; the smile line of the Edge shape should follow the shape of the free edge of the extended nail. And most importantly: smiles on all nails should be the same!


I hope this article will be useful for nail service masters: by paying attention to the points described in it, you will significantly improve the quality of work and, consequently, increase the cost of your services.

Unfortunately, many masters are afraid to do French modeling due to the lack of special knowledge in basic courses or due to the fact that they paid little attention to laying out French in training. However, for masters, this work is cost-effective, so it makes sense to learn how to make a jacket professionally and beautifully.