Easter egg applique technology. We sew and knit Easter crafts. Decoupage and Decorating Easter Wooden Eggs

Easter is one of the oldest Christian holidays. Millions of people celebrate this day, set festive tables, where painted eggs are the main attribute and decoration. But not only painted eggs are a symbol of Easter, but everything that expresses Renewal, Light, Life - Easter fire, Easter streams, Easter cakes, eggs and hares becomes a symbol.
When preparing for Easter, do not forget to make Easter crafts, souvenirs and decorate or home with your child. When making children's crafts, tell your child a story about Jesus Christ and why eggs are painted on Easter.

Paper eggs.

Eggs made from paper together with the child can be interesting and colorful crafts for Easter. The very process of creating such eggs is quite simple and does not take much time.

Cut eggs from paper of different colors. It is desirable that the paper be thick.

We paint the eggs with paint with a thin brush. Drawings can be different - flowers, stripes, curls, wavy lines, etc. In this case, acrylic paint was used, you can replace it with gouache.

Here are some examples of how you can paint paper eggs.

Sheep with an Easter egg.

And these two funny sheep with an Easter egg are very well suited for home decoration for Easter. But these sheep can be not only a festive decoration at home, but also act as an Easter toy for a child.

Cut out all parts of the lamb according to the template. The body of a lamb can be cut out of white paper, because it will be completely covered with cotton wool. Choose heavier paper when choosing paper.

We draw hooves on the legs and glue the legs to the body. Bend the front legs at the top by 0.5 cm and glue along the fold.

Roll up small balls from cotton wool, grease the body with glue and glue cotton balls.

So we fill the whole body and do not forget about the head, where you also need to make a bang for the sheep.

We draw a muzzle, glue the nose.

You need a strip of paper to glue your head to your body. We bend it in half. On the back of the lamb's body, glue half of the strip, bend and glue the head to the strip in front.

It should look like this.

Cut an egg out of colored paper to size, decorate it if desired.

Insert a paper egg under the lamb's hooves and glue it.

It turned out to be a wonderful craft for Easter.

Easter chicken.

Continuing the Easter theme, I want to show you how to make a paper chicken for the holiday. The craft is quite interesting, despite the fact that it was made by hand.

We cut out all parts of the chicken according to the template.

We glue a comb, eyes, beak, beard to the head.

On the body from the bottom we make two small holes and insert a terry wire into them. We will make legs from this wire.

We bend the wire as shown in the photo.

We glue the head to the body.

Glue the wings behind the back.

We make holes in the wings, into which we insert a flagellum made of crepe paper. Stretch it so that the wings are slightly bent forward. We glue the ends of the flagellum on the outside of the wings.

Cut out colorful eggs from paper and glue them on the flagellum.

This Easter souvenir is ready to decorate an apartment, please a child, or just give it to friends or neighbors.

A chicken with a testicle box.

Let's not disregard the process of creating souvenir egg boxes. Having received such an Easter box with an egg as a gift, not only children, but also adults will be delighted. I propose, together with your child, to make a creative box in the form of a chicken with your own hands out of paper for Easter.

A 15x15 cm square is cut out of ordinary office paper. In the square we draw lines vertically and horizontally retreating 5 cm from each other. We select a beautiful napkin and glue it to the square.

Cut off the extra edges of the napkin, leaving 1 cm around the edges. Glue the edges to the square. We cut the square along the lines, as shown in the photo.

We glue the box.

Cut out parts for the chicken from yellow paper.

Glue the head to the strip.










Educator: Goronchuk T.V.



Abstract of GCD for Artistic and Aesthetic Development Application.

Theme: "Easter Egg"

Purpose: to tell children about the Orthodox holiday of Easter, to acquaint them with the traditions of the Russian people.

Tasks : foster interest in Russianseaster traditions;

create conditions for the formation in children of the ability to paint a volumetric egg, independently invent an ornament according to the idea or by design;

Developing: develop fine motor skills, creative thinking and imagination;

coordinate the movement of the hand and eye;

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development.

Methods: visual, practical, verbal, method of sensory saturation and aesthetic choice, method of co-creation, search, play and creative situations.


decorative basket with painted Easter eggs and Easter cakes;

visual aid "Easter eggs and dyes";

paper napkins of various colors;

hand napkin;

an Easter egg stand for each child;

a computer with a presentation about Easter;

tape recorder for playing audio recordings;

a kinder surprise egg for each child.

Health-saving technologies : dynamic pause - physical education minute.

Preliminary work: preparation of paper balls for decoration, gluing double-sided tape on the egg, making a stand for the "Easter egg"

GCD move

Organizing time

Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

All the children gathered in a circle - I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other so that you and I will have a good mood all day. (Children sit on chairs)

    Introductory word of the teacher.

The teacher brings out a basket of Easter cakes for the children.

Educator : Guys, what did they bring us and what holiday is coming soon? (children's answers)That's right guys! Easter is coming soon.

Slide 1

Educator :

Easter is the most important Christian holiday in Russia. Both young and old are carefully preparing for this holiday. Easter and Easter cakes are baked, and most importantly they are painted and painted, but try to guess what ...

Small, round, white,

If it breaks, no carpenter will glue it together.

White sheepskin coat, sewn without a rib.

There is food in the house and the door is locked.

His grandfather beat, beat, did not break

Baba beat, beat, did not break,

But the mouse was running

She waved her tail.

It fell and shattered.

That's right guys, of course, egg!

Slide 2

II. Teacher conversation. Introduction to the topic.

The phonogram "bell ringing" sounds the teacher puts on the table a decorative basket with painted and painted Easter eggs.


- How joyfully the bird play sounds to us again,

They conceal warmth in themselves, playful spring ringing.

And the domes shine again, and the sun sparkles.

The outfit of magic cakes, heralds Easter!

Slide 3

Guys, I suggest you remember the elements of the rites and traditions of Easter, which have been handed down from time immemorial and have survived to this day.

On Easter it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ. Christ to Christ. And who knows what it means to take Christ? (children's answers: kiss, hug).

Slide 4


Correctly. And at the same time, greet each other and treat those around them with "Easter eggs" or "dyes". It just so happened to paint eggs on Easter, and then present each other with them. The egg is considered a symbol of life and the sun. And what do you think, how could people express deep respect for the egg (children's answers).

Decorate, of course. This is how "Dyes" and later Easter eggs.

Krashenki - these are eggs painted in one color.

Slide 5

Easter eggs - eggs with a symbolic pattern applied to them.


And now guys, I suggest you play.

There are two types of eggs in our basket, I suggest sorting them into two baskets: one - "Easter eggs", and the other - "Krashenki". Well done! (Children sit on chairs)

Physical education

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together,

We stomped our feet.

They patted their hands.

Spun, spun

And they sat back on the chairs

Close the eyes tightly.

Together we count to five.

We open, blink

And we begin to work.

III. The practical part.


We had a little rest, played, and now it's time to prepare gifts for our loved ones "Easter Egg". Guys who have red emblems, we sit down at the table with a red flag, who have green emblemswe sit down at the table with a green flag. Let's start making the Easter Egg.


I show finished products, samples of eggs and examine them. We have everything ready for work, I invite you to show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter holiday.

Demonstration of ways and techniques of decorating eggs with egg napkins:

    decoration of the whole egg in one color;

    the simplest pattern is crosses;

    complex pattern - flowers and petals;

IV. Independent work of children.


Guys everyone who needs my help, I will definitely help. You can start completing the creative assignment.

V. Reflection.

Educator :

Guys, take a look at your work.

Do you like your souvenirs?(children's answers)

With what feelings did you paint Easter eggs?(children's answers)

I really like your"Easter eggs" and"Krashenki" , they are just wonderfully decorated.

Well done guys, you worked very well, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you will present to your closest people - moms and dads on Easter.

(Easter bells ringing)

Slide 9.10

- Here are the painted eggs

Difficult, golden

Who gives an egg to each other

Happy, it happens a whole year!

I wish you joy and peace.

In our article, you will learn how you can make an Easter egg with your own hands.

In our country, Easter is loved as well as New Year and Christmas. That is why most people start preparing for this bright day prematurely. And the first thing they do is start to prepare pleasant surprises for the nearest and dearest.

Most people just go to the nearest mall and buy the right amount of Easter souvenirs there. Of course, you can do the same. But if you want your family to really like your present, then try to make it yourself.

DIY Easter egg made of beads: schemes

Beaded Easter egg

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Some novice needlewomen think that it is impossible to decorate an egg with beads without special skills. In fact, beads are exactly the kind of decorative material that even a small child can handle. If you, at all, have no idea what beading is, then use the simplest method of decorating an Easter egg with beads.

To begin with, mix beads of different colors in a small bowl, and then take a plaster egg pre-greased with glue and roll it as carefully as possible in bright beads. After they completely cover the entire surface, gently put it to dry. After 6 hours, the Easter egg can be beautifully wrapped and presented to your sister or close friend.

Master class on pasting eggs with a bead thread:

  • First, take a natural or artificial egg (it can be made of wood or plaster), degrease it as thoroughly as possible and let it dry.
  • While this is happening, start making a thread from beads. Take an ordinary fishing line or thin wire and start stringing bright beads on it. Since later you will wrap the egg with this blank, you can immediately gain a great length.
  • Next, we take the egg in our hands, grease its widest part with glue and carefully form the first circle of beads. We wait until it grabs a little, grease the surface of the Easter egg again with glue and wrap another row on it.
  • We continue such actions until the entire surface of our presentation is closed with a thread of beads. After that, we leave it alone for at least 10 hours and only after this time we attach a thread to it, for which it can be hung.

If you wish, you can replace a simple beaded thread with some beautiful pattern. Above, we have offered you some interesting schemes that will make your gift truly original.

DIY Easter egg made of paper from origami modules: instructions

Figure # 1 Figure # 2

Figure №3

To make an Easter egg using the modular origami technique, you only need colored paper, scissors and a little patience. If you wish, you can also additionally coat the fastening parts with PVA glue, in this case the finished product will turn out to be stronger.


  • First of all, take colored paper and fold it as shown in picture # 1. Do not be lazy and immediately make the required number of blanks. If you want to create an interesting pattern, then make blanks in 2 or 3 different colors.
  • At the next stage, you can start connecting ready-made modules with each other. How to do it correctly is shown in figure 2. Try to do everything as correctly as possible, because if at least one model stands up incorrectly, the holiday craft may not work.
  • After several full-fledged circles are formed from the models, proceed directly to creating an Easter egg. Recommendations for collecting origami models can be found in picture # 3. In order for your craft to take on the desired shape, gradually reduce the number of models that you use to create the next row.

DIY Easter egg made of paper using applique technique

Easter egg applique

Template # 1 Template # 2 Template # 3

Since the application technique does not require any special skills, you can make such an Easter egg even with a small child.

To create it you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Satin ribbons
  • Scissors
  • The simplest template


  • Take cardboard of a suitable color, attach a template to it and circle it with a simple pencil
  • Next, take scissors and carefully cut the drawing along the resulting contour.
  • Put it aside for a while and start making decor.
  • Cut a few flowers, green leaves, willow twigs, or a small chicken out of colored paper
  • Glue the resulting blanks on a cardboard egg so that in the end you get an interesting plot
  • If you wish, decorate the Easter applique with small satin bows

Crochet Easter egg: diagram, description

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Of course, you can't eat a knitted Easter egg, but such a souvenir will definitely be a wonderful gift. And if you still try to make it exclusively from threads and cotton or synthetic winterizer filler, then in the end you will get a pretty cute toy for a child.

Also, such knitted gifts can be used to decorate the house. Since they turn out to be practically weightless, you can decorate the window with them by simply hanging them randomly on wooden branches.

Process description:

  • So, type in the required number of air loops and connect them in a circle. This will be the wider part of the egg.
  • At the next stage, we begin to knit two
  • Next, we knit a row with simple air columns
  • Then we knit a row, making an addition through one loop
  • After that, we knit a row again with ordinary viscous
  • Next, we again make an addition on every second loop
  • After that we knit 4-6 rows with an ordinary column
  • If you did everything right, then you will have half an egg.
  • Next, start alternating simple rows with rows in which a decrease will be made in every second loop
  • Continue knitting in this way until the hole of the workpiece closes.

Easter egg from pasta and balloon

Easter egg from pasta: recommendations for making

Easter eggs made from pasta always turn out to be very beautiful. Such a decorative material can be painted with any coloring agents available to you, it can be either ordinary paint for painting or aerosol paints. Also, in this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the size of the future Easter presentation.

If you want, you can make it as large as possible. Yes, and if you want to end up with a very beautiful thing, then use pasta in the form of butterflies, feathers, circles, shells and flowers to create it.

  • First of all, think about how large you want to get the egg, and then inflate the ball to the desired size (preferably oval).
  • Place it in a china bowl to make it more stable. If you will be making an Easter egg in which you can put sweets or cookies, then mark the place of the proposed slot with a felt-tip pen.
  • Next, we moisten the brush with glue and coat a small area of \u200b\u200bthe balloon with it. Gently lay this part with pasta and let it grab a little.
  • Continue these steps until the entire space of the ball is filled with pasta. At this stage, the workpiece is simply set aside until it dries completely.
  • Once you see that the glue is completely dry, you can pop the ball and gently pull it out of the resulting shell.
  • Basically, if you like what you get, you can simply paint the egg in the desired color and attach a loop to it.
  • If you want something more original, you can try decorating the Easter egg with an additional pattern of pasta, ribbons and large beads.

DIY Easter eggs from threads

Manufacturing recommendations

Ideas for needlewomen

An Easter egg made of threads is made according to the same principle as the previous craft. In this case, you will also need to inflate the balloon to the desired size, and then wrap it as tightly as possible with threads of the selected color. If you want your egg to look more colorful, then you can try adding strands of a different color from time to time.

When you see that the entire surface of the ball is covered with threads, take a brush and use it to liberally grease the workpiece with glue. Do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the smallest section. When this process is over, place the bead in a bowl and wait until the glue is completely dry. As soon as this happens, you will need to burst the balloon and carefully remove it through some hole.

But still remember that in this case there are also nuances of making an Easter egg. If you want it to be as light and delicate as possible, then wrap the ball in such a way that its color is clearly visible through the gaps between the threads. If in the end you want to get a product that looks as close as possible to an egg, then try to wrap the ball without the slightest gaps.

DIY papier-mâché Easter eggs

Bright Easter eggs

Papier-mâché eggs

Using the papier-mâché technique, you can also create a custom Easter egg, if you wish, you can cut a circle in the desired size in it and your product will turn out to be hollow. This will make it possible to additionally decorate the Easter craft from the inside as well. As for the form that will be pasted over with paper, then in this case you will have a choice.

Depending on what you want to get in the end, you can use the same balloon or plaster blank. The latter can be bought at a handicraft store or you can make it yourself, just pouring plaster solution into a mold from a kinder.


  • Chop bright napkins and white paper into small pieces in advance.
  • Lubricate the balloon with a thick layer of glue and begin to lay out the first layer of napkins.
  • When finished, grease it with glue again and repeat the procedure.
  • Next, we lay the napkins with ordinary white paper, coat it with glue, and then put 2-3 layers of napkins again.
  • If you will be making a non-hollow egg, then using white paper is optional.
  • In order for the Easter craft to withstand the additional decor, you must have at least 8 layers of paper on the balloon.
  • Next, we wait until all the layers are dry, take a ball out of the resulting egg and decorate it with ribbons, beads and sequins.

Easter eggs from newspaper tubes

Eggs from newspaper tubes

Weaving pattern # 1

Weaving pattern # 2

Weaving pattern # 3

Weaving pattern # 4

If you really want to surprise your household, then try making an Easter egg from newspaper tubes. Such a product is woven quite easily, so if you wish, you can quickly make a large number of holiday presents of different sizes. If you do not plan to paint over them with paint in the future, then take newspapers with colored drawings for the manufacture of tubes.

Yes, and remember, in order for the egg to weave well, the tubes must be the same size and in no case should they be very thick. For those who will be making such a craft for the first time, we present to your attention an interesting master class.

DIY Easter eggs from salted dough

Easter egg made in the first way

Easter eggs made in the second way

You need to start making such an Easter craft from making dough. In order for it to turn out right, you will need to take equal parts of salt and flour, mix it all with a small amount of ordinary water and knead a tough dough.

To make it more pliable, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of PVA glue to it. Once the dough is ready, you can start forming the eggs. They can be done in two ways.

First way:

  • Roll out the dough into a thin layer and use the molds to cut out the required number of eggs
  • Take a pencil or stick and pierce holes in the resulting blanks
  • Dry the blanks in the oven, let them cool, and then paint as you please

Second way:

  • Make an oval blank out of cling foil
  • Put it in a pre-rolled dough and dry it a little at room temperature
  • After that, send it to the oven for 3-4 hours, and then take it out and start decorating

Craft: Easter egg from ribbons using the kanzashi technique: instructions, photo

Easter egg from ribbons using the kanzashi technique

Egg rainbow

The kanzashi technique involves the use of satin ribbons for decorating. And since you will not be able to glue them together, you will be sewing them together with sewing pins. For this reason, it will be better if you buy or make the desired shape from foam. Since this material has a soft structure, you can easily stick the required number of pins into it.

To make Easter crafts using the kanzanshi technique, you will need:

  • Quality Satin Ribbon
  • Sharp scissors
  • Sewing pins
  • Styrofoam mold
  • Lighter


  • First, cut the satin ribbon into pieces and singe the edges with a lighter (you can replace the lighter with a candle if you like).
  • Next, fold each square so that it forms a triangle, and then bend its edges to the middle, burn them with a flame and press well together.
  • As a result, you should have blanks that visually resemble small flower petals.
  • The petals prepared in this way must be taken one at a time, applied to the foam form and fixed with a pin.
  • It is best to start forming an Easter egg from the narrowest part of the craft. It is necessary to lay the petals in rows, carefully securing them with pins.

Craft: ribbon Easter egg using artichoke technique: instructions, photo

Easter egg from ribbons using artichoke technique

Easter egg made from ribbons

Artichoke egg

The artichoke technique is somewhat similar to the kanzanshi technique. In this case, you will also need to use satin ribbons, although they will be cut into longer pieces. They will need to be folded in a special way, directly on the foam blank and secured with sewing pins.


Figure # 1
  • First, take a satin ribbon and cut it into pieces. Depending on the size of the finished product, their length can range from 8 to 15 centimeters. After that, take a piece of satin ribbon, put it on the foam mold, bend it as shown in picture # 1 and fix it with a pin.
Figure # 2
  • Having formed the first petal and securing it, start making the next one. To do this, place the tape as close as possible to the first petal and fix it with pins. How this is done correctly is shown in Figure 2.
Figure №3
  • Form such petals, lay them in rows until you completely cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe workpiece. When you get to the top, make a buttonhole from pieces of satin ribbon and sew it to the top petal with ordinary threads (picture # 3).

Craft: quilling ribbon Easter egg

Easter quilling idea

Figure # 2

There are several ways to make an Easter egg using the quilling technique. The first is suitable even for those people who have never done needlework in their lives. In this case, you will need to make a circle from multi-colored ribbons of the required diameter, and then carefully form one half of an egg from the resulting blank. To do this, you will need to press your finger on the center of the circle and gently bend it outward.

After that, in the same way, you will need to make the second half of the holiday product, and then use glue to glue them together. The second method is more complicated, but the result will be more interesting. In this case, you will first need to make a plaster blank, prepare a volumetric decor from paper, and then fix it with glue.

Decoupage and Decorating Easter Wooden Eggs

Pink easter egg

Easter egg in vintage style

Rustic Ornamnet on Easter Egg

The decoupage technique is more suitable than others for decorating wooden Easter eggs. Due to the fact that the paper is almost instantly glued to the wood, you can quickly create a real masterpiece. But remember, before proceeding directly to decorating, the wooden blank must be sanded with the finest sandpaper, and then degreased.

Only in this case will you be able to place the drawing on the surface as evenly and correctly as possible. As for the decoration of such festive products, then you will definitely not be limited in your choice. If you wish, you can decorate the finished egg with beads, rhinestones, sequins, colorful ribbons, bright feathers and even dried flowers

Video: Easter eggs made of plastic

Do you like to do applications with your child? Easter options are easy to make from paper in combination with other simple and affordable materials. Even younger preschoolers will make simple products.

Easter paper applique

The easiest option is to cut out blanks from multi-colored sheets and glue the parts to the base. You can use a ready-made template or make a beautiful composition of eggs, Easter cake, basket, chicken, bunny, willow in any combination.

The applique can be made both from homogeneous and from different materials. make it both whole and consisting of separate elements. They can be cut from paper of different color and texture with a satin ribbon decoration.

Verba is easy to make from a combination of corrugated paper (for twisting twigs) and cotton swab heads. Cotton wool can also be used to form the top of the cake (white frosting or icing sugar).

Crumpled paper chicken

Easter applications can be simple thematic panels consisting of one object, for example, a decorated egg or chicken. Even kids will definitely do this. Complex compositions of Easter cake, colored eggs and willow twigs are best done for older children or toddlers together with adults.

A simple, accessible and interesting technique of application from thin paper, from which balls roll, used to lay out the image. It turns out a kind of mosaic.

The work is done like this:

  1. Prepare crepe or crepe paper in suitable shades. If these materials are not available, use regular napkins. Even white ones will do. Slice large quantities of squares. They will produce neater and more uniform balls than simply tearing off pieces of paper by hand. It makes sense for young children to just pinch off the particles. It is unlikely that 3-4-year-old children will succeed and have the patience to spin the balls.
  2. Fold the corners of the square towards the middle and gently roll the ball.
  3. If you are using white napkins, prepare a light gouache of the desired shades. Lower the completed workpieces sequentially into the appropriate jar. Lay the painted parts to dry.
  4. Prepare colored or white cardboard for the base. Easter applications can be made on any blank. Trim the edges (if available) or cut out an egg-shaped blank.
  5. Draw the outline of the chicken on the base.
  6. Apply glue to the surface of the base and press the rolled paper ball with a seam to the cardboard so that a neat blank appears on the front side of the applique.
  7. Lay out the entire drawing like this.
  8. Glue the beak cut out of brown paper, plastic eyes purchased or made from cardboard yourself.

If you wish, you can make the weed by taking a strip of green paper and cutting the fringe on one side.

Very simple application "Easter egg"

If it is difficult for a child to cope with curling neat balls, just as in the version with a chicken, you can make an embossed applique from rectangles (squares) or pieces of corrugated paper. It is done like this:

Quilling egg

An interesting Easter applique will turn out if you use elements twisted from strips of colored paper to create it.

To make a decor like the one in the photo above, work like this:

  1. Cut the strips of paper to match the colors.
  2. Using a toothpick or a special tool, twist dense blanks from white strips.
  3. Carefully remove them from the rod and glue the tip of the strip to the previous layer.
  4. The blank for the middle of the flower is done in the same way, only first the orange strip is wound, and then the yellow one is glued, and the winding continues, and is fixed when the desired diameter is obtained.
  5. The rest of the parts are formed by untwisting the made workpiece, making bends until the required configuration of the part is obtained.
  6. Glue all the elements to the cardboard base according to the diagram.

As you can see, interesting Easter applications are easy to make out of paper. Children will be happy to make a postcard or do it themselves.

Application "Easter egg" using quilling technique. Step-by-step instructions with a photo

Easter egg made from paper ribbons. Master - class with step by step photos.

Kotova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Cherlak kindergarten number 2"

Description: the material is designed for schoolchildren, parents and teachers.
Purpose: for the decoration of the children's reception room, for the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.
Purpose: making an applique for decorating a children's reception room for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.
Form: skills of working with paper, fine motor skills of hands.
Develop: ability to be creative, interest in applications.
To cultivate accuracy in work
Equipment: rainbow paper, PVA glue, colored cardboard, scissors, a ruler, a simple pencil, drawing is a template.
Cut out the egg template, glue it to the cardboard.

Next, we make closed turns, which we will stick to the template in the future. On a colored sheet of paper along the edges we measure with a ruler of 5 millimeters, draw lines, cut into ribbons.

We place the strip on the thumb so that it can be easily twisted. We wrap the tip of the strip, in order to get better, you need to wet your fingers. Then we twist the strip.

Glue the end of the loop to the place opposite which it involuntarily turned out to be. Do not press the end of the coil too hard. Closed loops can be of different shapes, and we give the shape by squeezing with our fingers.

For my Easter Egg, I chose the shape of a flattened oval.

Grass served as the base, and then the color of the curls changed according to the pattern of the egg template. Then we apply PVA glue to the template and glue the finished turns.

The finished work can be framed.

See what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
Gold painted,
Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Many little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.
What are all these colors for?
Like a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave everyone the answers:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!
And the egg, I know,
A symbol of life on earth!
E. Shalamonova