Playground decoration: the best ideas for do-it-yourself implementation. Photo report "Summer decoration of the playground

Do-it-yourself play equipment for the summer playground of the kindergarten

Summer is the favorite time for children. You can spend all day in the fresh air, which will strengthen the children's body. Teachers are thinking about how to organize work with children in the summer in order to satisfy the need of a growing organism for creative, cognitive and motor activities.
We've been getting ready for the summer. We thought over areas for children's play activities, made a lot of do-it-yourself play equipment. Parents were involved in this process, for which they are incredibly grateful.

Made path of health for the prevention of flat feet.
We used log cabins of tree branches of small diameter, the bottoms of plastic bottles, slats from the back of a crib, old abacus, capsules from kinder surprises. Walking barefoot in the summer will harden the child's body.

Created center for the development of fine motor skills of hands as play equipment.

We used the back of a crib, plastic balls from a dry pool, pyramid rings and cubes. We fixed the rings in such a way that they move freely and rotate.

They took an old table, fixed half an account on it. The bones were painted in bright colors. I made lacing game using small plywood, juice box rings and self-adhesive paper. The plywood was screwed to the table. The game required brightly colored shoelaces. You can lace up in different directions: from top to bottom and vice versa, similar to lacing on shoes.
For traffic jam games a cube was made of plywood, the necks of plastic bottles were inserted into the upper surface and fixed. We made overhead picture mats from universal napkins. You can select corks by color for each picture-composition. A hook was attached to the leg of the table, on which they hung a bucket with a set of corks and a set of picture rugs. The chairs were taken from the warehouse, painted in bright colors. The equipment was fixed on the table in such a way that a group of children could play at the same time, you can approach the table from different sides.

In the center for the development of fine motor skills, hands were fixed on the fence Sun. It's made from plywood. Switches serve as eyes. They can be closed and opened. The mouth is lacing. Also used are rings from juice boxes.
A rail with ribbons is fixed under the sun. At the ends of the ribbons are caps from felt-tip pens. Ribbons are used for twisting (folding).

Our center has locomotive.
Various devices are fixed on it, which can be closed, pressed, snapped, turned on, twisted, etc.

A ram is now placed next to the mini sandbox cow we made last year.

Baran is a table for drawing semolina.
The ram is made of plywood, wooden bars are used for the legs. Plexiglas is fixed on top. Sand can also be used for drawing.

This stand for creative works.

Used the back of a baby bed, wooden blocks, wire, stationery nails and clips. On the reverse side is attached plywood for drawing with chalk. A bucket for water is fixed on the leg. There is also a cloth that children can use to wipe off the drawings.

To train traffic rules on asphalt, they made markings, a traffic light made of plywood and self-adhesive film.

This table for games according to traffic rules.

The road is made in the form of a cape, it is sewn from fabric. An elastic band is used, which is inserted along the edges of the road. It allows you to freely put the road on the table. At home, traffic lights are made from waste material - cardboard boxes. Cars and attributes for the game are stored in a plastic container.
This FIZO - corner.

It is installed on the veranda. And it is made in the form of a machine from plastic boxes from under vegetables and fruits. The boxes are painted with paint and fixed on wooden log cabins, which are also covered with paint. The car stores attributes and equipment for FIZO - outdoor activities.
This lion - physical education equipment made of plywood for throwing at a target.

You need to throw in the mouth. For this purpose, a round hole was cut out, a bag in the form of a bag made of red fabric was sewn, which was fixed with a furniture stapler. For throwing, you can use small rubber balls, plastic balls, cones. They are easy to get and put back in the basin or basket.

On the veranda we decided to make girls room.
For this, the walls were painted accordingly. One wall is the kitchen, the other wall is the bedroom.

They laid carpets. They put in an old deck. A cradle was hung on a hook in the ceiling. They made it from an old stroller, which was sheathed with bright fabric, tulle and rope.

Playgrounds are important for the proper development of the child. After all, while playing, kids develop. Therefore, it is so important to make a good design of the children's area. It is difficult to do this with your own hands, but with a great desire, with diligence, everyone can make a real masterpiece out of a wasteland. Playgrounds must have some particularly important qualities. First, security. Nothing should threaten the health of the child, even the little things must be taken into account. Secondly, the playing space should be enticing. In general, you can create an interesting playground, you just have to try.

Design types

It is known that there are several types of site design. All of them have their own characteristic feature. What to choose? Here, as they say, the golden mean is better. After all, the presence of different types of "crafts" will decorate and diversify the site. So, in fact, the types of design. The first and probably the most common is the dynamic class.

Yes, it includes everything that affects the physical essence of the child, sets the baby in motion. All kinds of swings, slides, carousels and so on. They are fun and interesting to spend time with. Therefore, all playgrounds are simply required to have these designs. But where do you go without jewelry? They create a calm atmosphere, cause smiles. As you might have guessed, the second type of design is different decorations. Jewelry can be both overall and miniature. Some will interact with the children, others will stand on the sidelines. This is also worth considering. Well, the third type, which is not very different from the first, but still deserves special attention - sports complexes. They are more important than ever for a growing organism. Sports equipment will help to properly form a child, and from childhood to instill a love for sports.

Location selection

Before you start equipping the site, you should choose the right place. It should fit perfectly under the standard.

There should be no traumatic things around: wires, pins, fittings, dry trees and the roadway. It is desirable that the playground is in a shaded and secluded place.

Children's area in kindergarten: you can do a lot with your own hands

So, it’s worth starting with jewelry, because a lot depends on the appearance. The most common decorations are crafts made from worn tires. Yes, in the yard of every educational institution for preschoolers you can find such buildings. Why?

Rubber ornaments are durable, they have such good qualities as interactivity (they can be used as ladders, trampolines and other toys), and most importantly, used car tires are worth nothing. With the help of tires, you can cheaply equip a children's area in a kindergarten with your own hands, you just need to attract imagination.

Applied products from old tires

If fantasy cannot help in any way in inventing crafts from tires, then you can use the old and proven options. For example, small trampolines. You will need five tires to make a trampoline. They should be dug into the ground as close to each other as possible, so that a flat plane is obtained. A couple of design touches (paint, drawings, stickers) - and an impromptu trampoline is ready. Perhaps the most famous use of an old tire is a homemade swing. Absolutely nothing complicated. To make a swing you will need: a small tree with a horizontal and very strong branch, several meters of strong rope and, in fact, a tire. You can guess how to connect these parts correctly and in what sequence. The rope should be tied to the wheel, and already this design - to the branch. The only correction: it is advisable to paint the old rubber wheel so that the children's clothes do not get dirty. However, such a swing can be dangerous (as, in general, any other)! Therefore, the teacher should always be in the yard if children play there.

Tire decorations

With the help of tires, you can decorate the children's area in the kindergarten with your own hands. Neat fences can please the eye. Moreover, you can not bother with their construction. After all, to make a fence of tires, a lot of effort is not required. Initially, the wheels should be painted in the colors of the rainbow (this will look spectacular). And then dig them around the perimeter of the site. It is only important to remember the sequence.

From rubber tires you can make figurines of fabulous animals. For example, a bear or a fox. Implementing this plan is pretty easy. Two wheels connected by bolts will symbolize the torso. Tire holes should be sealed with cardboard, draw the faces of the characters on it. A little imagination - and a basket with berries and a stump will appear nearby.

DIY crafts for the children's area

Naturally, visual beauty means a lot. Therefore, if the playground does not attract attention, it will not fulfill its intended purpose - it will not be able to entertain the children. In this regard, the question arises: "How to decorate a site in a kindergarten?". There are many different toys, crafts and dolls that can help with decoration. The main thing is not to be afraid to involve fantasy. After all, the brighter, the more expressive this or that figure will look, the more interesting it will be for children to play. Actually, toys and crafts. The children's area is free for any kind of creativity. These can be applications that should be hung on trees, voluminous toys, in general, anything. It’s worth starting with an easier one - applied art. Applications are best done with children. So the children will be able to feel their participation in the creation of something unusual and interesting.

Applied works should be made of durable material, for example, pebbles or shells can be used. Some word, laid out from the "ingredients" listed above, will look much better than an empty tree trunk. Also, do not forget about plastic bottles. They will also help to beautifully and originally design a children's area in a kindergarten. With your own hands, you can cut plastic animals, paint them, give some kind of role. This is not difficult. An example is a pig made from a five-liter bottle. Everything is very simple. Ears and legs are cut out. Together, these parts are glued and painted. And the cute pig is ready.

Still, you can beautifully arrange a children's area in a kindergarten with your own hands. One has only to try to attract imagination.

Marina Suzdaleva

In this article you will find ideas DIY playgrounds from loving moms and dads. Many of them are simple and original. And many playgrounds thought out to the smallest detail and can be recognized as a "street developmental complex" for conducting complex classes with children.

What is the statement "We wanted to make sure that the children just live on the street." It sounds dumbfounding, but when you see the playground and the happy faces of the kids, you want the same for your child.

Each work has its own interesting ideas and unusual solutions. We really hope that these works will inspire other mothers, fathers, grandparents to create a playground in their yard or in the country!

All works are presented in the Club of Enthusiastic Moms as part of the most summer competition -! We want to thank everyone who took part, shared their ideas for creating outdoor play areas!

Do-it-yourself playground No. 1 from Maria, Pyt-Yakh

My name is Maria. I am 27 years old, I am from the city of Pyt-yakh, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. I have two children: a 7 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I understand perfectly well that my children's creation at the dacha is not very similar to the playground, this is just one of the components. I'm just proud that I made this sandbox with my own hands, without anyone's help, without any experience as a carpenter, from what was lying around at hand, and with all this I am a young girl. Just one day I wanted to make a place for the children to dig in the sand, otherwise they got tired of digging holes all over the country house)))

Do-it-yourself playground No. 2 from Svetlana, Donetsk region

My name is Svetlana, my daughter is 4 years old. When she was a year old, I decided to make a playground in front of the yard. We live in the Donetsk region, in the village. Now all the kids from the street are gathering near our yard.

Do-it-yourself playground No. 3 from Svetlana Yakovenko

Playground for my beloved daughter

In bright summer light
In the park, in the flower garden,
Small children
Ride in the sand...


Hello! My name is Svetlana, I am the mother of 2.7-year-old Veronica. I want to show you our small playground (size 6 by 3 meters), in the future I plan to expand it by another 3 meters, as far as the space of the front garden will allow.

First there was an idea. I wanted to create such a safe place where you can spend comfortable time with your little mischievous, and great-grandmothers could calmly babysit my daughter. Last summer, I got excited about the idea of ​​​​a playground, the most important thing for my child is “tinkering in the sand”, so the first thing I did was look for a sandbox, found a box 0.5 by 0.5 m, painted it, and placed it in the front garden, but this size for a grown child turned out to be too small. Then the idea arose to sow lawn grass in part of the front garden and arrange the site.

How it was? Autumn 2013. I dug up the ground several times, removed weeds, prepared the ground. At the beginning of March, I sowed the grass, it did not sprout for a long time, and then sprouted in pieces, although I poured the seeds sooo plentifully and tamped. Then I asked my grandfather for boards for the sandbox, painted it white and ... decided that I was a jack of all trades, began to knock down the sandbox with nails - it turned out that I was still not a master: the sandbox was warped, it crumbled, so I followed the advice of the wise and used self-tapping screws.

The swing was cooked for us by my grandfather in the winter, so I painted it with joy. I dug the pins from the sandbox into the ground, laid black non-woven material inside so that the sand did not mix with the ground, removed part of the lawn and repaired the bald spots on the main part of the site. They set up a swing. I planted flowers around the perimeter of the lawn: bindweed, daisies, lilies, put geraniums and petunia in pots in the corners. I sewed a cover for the sandbox from waterproof fabric, and a small “blooming” canopy was made from bindweed.

Why white color? It's simple - white is a universal color, goes with everyone, easily transforms the space! And yet - white paint at the time of creation was available at home.

As a result, the playground consists of the following elements:

  • sandbox standard
  • Jung's sandbox (for sand therapy, also did it myself)
  • swing
  • bench
  • tent
  • swimming pool (inflatable)
  • white large bucket with a blue lid for small toys.

What we do in the playground:

  • invite friends;
  • arrange theatrical performances;

  • blow bubbles;
  • draw with chalk on a concrete path;
  • we will swim in the pool as soon as the weather improves;
  • enjoy communication with each other and life in general.

I got a transformer site, since we spend most of the summer outside.

What else do I want? I really want ladders and a trapeze.

Evening game!
The sky hung shadows
Let's make fun,
It's time for us to run! (V.Ya. Bryusov)

Thank you for your attention, have a good day and inspiration, and it's time for Nikulya and me to run!

Do-it-yourself playground No. 4 from Irina Efimova, Moscow

Probably, every parent who spends the summer with a child in the country is thinking about creating their own playground. And so it happened with us. This idea was born when we arrived at the dacha for the first time - at the age of 3 months. Collected ideas, thought through to the smallest detail. And a year later, that is, when the baby was 1 year 3 months old, we began to implement our project!

They did everything from materials left over from the construction of a house, a bathhouse and other outbuildings. The main builder was my husband (by the way, a beginner in this field), and everyone else (me, my mom and dad) connected as far as possible. And of course, the son was the most important assistant!

So far, on our site there is only a slide and a fence (multi-level stumps), but in the plans ..! This year, a sandbox and a swing will appear exactly on the site, and the lower part of the slide will turn into a cozy house.

And next .. I want a car (or a train / plane), and even my husband during the creative process had a dream to build a second such tower with ropes / stairs and other activities ... In general, we won’t stop there! Everything for the baby to actively develop in the summer :)

Do-it-yourself playground No. 5 from Natalia Kiseleva, Perm

Vovushka woke up very early today. The bright sun was shining, through the open window one could hear the singing of birds, and, despite the early hour, the neighboring boys were already riding bicycles.

Waking up, Vovushka stretched sweetly. A new day begins, full of adventure and discovery. The boy hastily washed his face, ate his porridge (daddy's porridge is the best breakfast in the world!) and got ready for a walk. He paid special attention to the latter, because he had an exciting walk on his favorite platform.

Vovushka lives in his house. The house is a fortress. Large, with many windows and a spacious veranda. In front of the house - a garden: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, berries. The dog Arma lives nearby. Arma guards the house and barks at crows and cats all day long.

In addition to a garden with various vegetables and fruits, there is a playground in front of the house. Vovushka loves to play here very much. Especially with dad. Especially to roll a big, big tractor.

This tractor has been everywhere! He rode around the swing made by Vovin's grandfather, around the sandbox, around the pirate ship, which had swum in there no one knew how. The tractor even swam in the pool (in the very heat, the pool is filled with warm water, and if it's cool outside, you can “swim” in balls). And the tractor works at a construction site:

In the middle of the yard - a mountain

There is a game on the mountain.

Run for a while

Get on the sand

Clean, yellow and raw

If you want - swarm, And if you want - build,

If you want - bake dolls

Golden pies.

Come join us guys

Don't forget to take shovels

excavators, shovels,

Buckets and trucks.

Here and screams, here and laughter

And everyone has a job. (A. Barto)

A real mountain: sand, stones of different sizes. You can transport sand or build a road for a tractor and cars, you can arrange an avalanche and carry out rescue operations, you can dig canals and launch ships, you can ...

It's great when the playground is made by grandfather's and father's hands. It is wonderful that there is a lot of space and there is room for imagination and creativity. This is the playground of your dreams!

Do-it-yourself playground No. 6 from Maria Tragaryuk, Kurgan

Good day to all!
To make it interesting for a child on the street in the summer, he should make an interesting developmental environment. I will show what we have done for our girls (Yaroslava, 2 years old and Radmila, 4.5 years old).
At the dacha, we have done a lot of interesting things for our daughters, of course, everything is done with our own hands.

play gazebo

Initially, we wanted to build a tree house, then just some kind of climbing frame. We went through a bunch of options and eventually came up with the idea of ​​​​making just such a structure.

They made a two-story gazebo with an observation deck at the top. On the one hand, there is a climbing wall and a slide for skiing, successfully tested back in that year by one-year-old Yaroslava. On the other hand, just crossed climbing bars for now, later we plan to hang a climbing net here.

From the front there are stairs to the second floor. This year, the top of the stairs is covered with fabric. As a result, two-year-old Yasya does not climb up without supervision, and almost five-year-old Rada climbs back and forth calmly. Even in front, we constantly hang a swing or a trapezoid (at the request of the daughters). On the back side, there are just bars on which the girls climb.

Inside the gazebo, on the ground floor, there is a comfortable bench, which, at the request of the girls, turns into a table for playing with sand. This year we put a low wooden table inside. I also made a kitchenette for the girls from an old bedside table: I attached disks - burners on top, gas switches on the front of the lids from cans, hooks for towels and ladle spoons on the side, an oven door and a fire are drawn on the outer door, inside a shelf on which young hostesses put to bake pies made in the sandbox.

Inside the gazebo we hang a large hammock in which daughters love to swing.

This year we plan to finalize the gazebo and finish the second floor (put doors for security purposes).


The sandbox is the most common, with a roof. A wicker wall was installed on the side of the sandbox so that it would not blow out from the side of the gate. We often put a homemade table inside the sandbox.

Other playground elements

Even at the dacha there is a control panel, a portable slide, in hot weather we lay out a pool near the gazebo. Wheels are dug around the playground, from which it is simply wonderful to jump into the sand poured around the playground. Another swing is hung on the adult veranda. There is also a table for games and a rug to make it comfortable to sit and play. There is also a large plastic box with a lid in which toys are stored. At the dacha, the girls have brooms, shovels, rakes and watering cans for their own. Everything little helpers need.

We plan to make this year: a board for drawing with crayons, a small bench with a steering wheel, a ring for throwing balls.

A lot was done with their own hands on the playground in the kindergarten near the Rada. We made this playground with other parents completely from scratch. I will show some elements: a car and bees, pigs and a ring toss, as well as butterflies and a doll made of wheels.

Do-it-yourself playground No. 7 from Natalia Kushnareva, Riga (Latvia)

Natalia, mother of five wonderful children (8 and 6 years old, 4, 2 years old and the youngest 3 months old).

We live in a private house near Riga. Children do not go to kindergarten, only the eldest has moved to the 2nd grade. We spend a lot of time in the yard and, of course, we try to make sure that the children have something to play with. We have purchased swings, a house, a sandbox. There is a table where we draw, sculpt, etc.
But it was not without homemade products.


From a construction pallet, we made a raft for the children. They attached a blue bath mat with screws, I sewed a sail, but we found the helm and anchor in the attic. It turned out great, and the guys regularly go on a “big voyage”.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

Football goal

The World Cup captured our family too. Therefore, the husband and son built real football goals from boards and oilcloth. Work for one evening, and joy ...

We develop accuracy

I decided to make another sports "shell" from a plywood board, a former part of some kind of furniture. My husband sawed out a few mugs, I dyed it, sewed sandbags in three colors (for the older ones - to each their own color). And now the kids are now developing an eye and throwing bags into holes. They really like)))

Mind games

And in addition to sports, I also want to))) For this, I chose a circle made of chipboard, which my husband brought for firewood. I painted it green on one side and divided it into 9 parts, and black on the other. The edge was closed with a rope. And now we are playing on such a table in “Cones-pebbles”, or “What is missing in an empty cage”, we solve problems with 9 screens (system, subsystem, supersystem, etc.), and on the black side you can write words, problems with chalk or just draw. Or you can lay out something from leaves, pebbles or shells, draw with sand.

There are also tires buried in the ground - this is both a “motorcycle” and a “horse”, or you can just jump from them.
We draw a lot and play on asphalt, we arrange obstacle courses from improvised materials. As you can see, everything is simple, but made with imagination and love for children)))

Do-it-yourself playground No. 8 from Maria Fedorova, Miass

Daisy Garden

In October 2011 we moved to a new old apartment building. New for our family. Old - for me personally. This is my childhood home. In this yard I drew classics, made pickles from acacia, peeled off my knees, jumped into a rubber band with my girlfriends, hid secrets under glass ... And I also watched how flowers grew in the flowerbeds under the windows of my grandparents' apartment.

All their lives in this house they grew flowers on the street. Grandfather showed me: these are cosmos, and these are cornflowers. Learned how to collect seeds. I glued "containers" for seeds from matchboxes ... Returning to this house, to this courtyard, I simply could not do otherwise: as soon as the snow melted, I picked up a rake and went out into the front garden. And I was unstoppable.

Just planting flowers was not enough for me. Near the picturesque, but very old lamppost, under the coniferous, planted again by the hands of the ancestors, I broke a flower bed with a children's corner.

From the junk material I got a small composition:

In general, our clothes dryer is hidden behind this larch and Christmas tree. Yes, yes, in the 21st century, some people still prefer to dry their laundry in a fresh breeze. For Rita, I also pulled a rope at a height accessible to her, where she hangs her socks and handkerchiefs and attaches them with clothespins, just like her mother! (In the photo you can barely see the rope right behind the girl)

I planted daisies next to this composition. With what tenderness my Margarita cares for them!

The main plus of our mini-town is that it is located right under the windows (our apartment is on the 1st floor). I can let the child go outside with my grandmother (who is already in her thirties) and watch from the kitchen window how great-grandmother and great-granddaughter get along. On the other hand, in my free 10 minutes I can go out and paint some plank, weed a flower bed. Slowly but surely, things are moving along. This project has spanned more than one year, it grows and changes with my little girl.

In one year, we did a mini-path of health. I collected old bricks in the vicinity, laid them out in a row, Rita whitewashed herself. Then I laid 3 trimmings from tires (the tires themselves became flower beds) and poured various fillers: sand, pebbles and just grass.

(The first photo below is a test of a freshly painted object)

All this was located on the border between the clearing under the common dryer and the central flower bed. I cut the meadow, I try to portray the lawn))). Of course, my flower girl helps me to take care of the flowers in the “central” flower bed, and just do all the flowers. Previously, they carried watering cans, but now they have connected a hose that is pulled straight out of the window.

Our children's area is also distinguished by its mobility. There are small benches, knocked together by the hands of my grandfather for his various handicrafts. The baby will easily take such a bench and put it where he likes.

For adults there are simple stools. Some grandmother passing through our yard from a neighboring yard sometimes sits down on a stool for a couple of minutes, and goes on. (Pictured below are great-granddaughter and great-grandmother)

Unlike garden plots, we have asphalt here where you can draw with crayons. If you are tired of drawing on the pavement, you can take out an easel and draw portraits of sunbeams.

We take out a trampoline on the lawn, which, by the way, is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a chair, and as a table, and as a sunbed)))

In hot weather, a mandatory attribute of our corner is a basin of water.

On our site you can find a reason for interesting activities all year round. In autumn, to see how the larch has turned yellow, or to discover the first ice in a forgotten bucket. In winter, clean the path, make a snowman on the site of the lawn, decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, hang bird feeders. In the spring, watch how the snow melts and arrange a community work day.

In the summer - draw with paints at the table, not being afraid to pour everything around or even celebrate your birthday!

Of course, there is also a weak point in our corner - we live in the city center, and even if the courtyard is not the most passable, there are still a lot of crooks here. This year, the corner with the house is no longer alive, we have yet to reincarnate it. The destruction of the vandals makes us very sad, but does not stop us.

We are planning to make a water bowl for birds, add some equipment for outdoor activities, and something else. This is a great place to host guests in the summer. So we are going to do this next Saturday - for the second time we will have a children's birthday party here, in the fresh air in the bosom of nature and at the same time 2 steps from home.

Do-it-yourself playground No. 9 from Marina Sigaeva

My name is Marina. My son's name is Igorek, on August 2 he will be 2 years old. In addition, my nephew and goddaughter Tanya (4.5 years old) was entrusted to me for the summer. These are our lucky players

And the playground, the photos of which I willingly share, appeared only 2 months ago. All photos are “live”, I didn’t embellish anything on purpose, I didn’t clean it up, everything is as it is.
We call it none other than "A Million Children's Pleasures"!!!

Judge for yourself. We were limited in funds and space, but we wanted everything for the children at once. In addition, the age of children coming to the country is from one to 7 years. And everyone should be addicted! And the task was ambitious - "Make it so that children just live on the street!"

Each detail was selected with torment, they even went to the factory in Dmitrov. And that's what we got! Swings, trampoline, slide, hammock, giant construction set, climbing frame, basketball, sandbox, water area with pool and Montessori water games, sandbox, shaded benches for adults, playhouses and even a "green" puppet theater!

On the site we carry out:

  1. / sports stories (with ropes, hoops, balls, net, punching bag, etc.)
  2. (sand, buckets of water, pebbles and other country joy)
  3. We develop thinking and imagination (we build from the designer either a house, or a car, or a table-chairs - whatever your heart desires)
  4. We stage fairy tales + finger theater on the stage (see photo), and just play!

I’ll make a reservation right away that we spent about 45 thousand rubles. This is a lot. But when you compare what manufacturers of ready-made solutions offer for this money and what we have done for our children, the difference will be obvious. Completely with our own hands (it took about a week) we made a sandbox, hemp chairs, a bench. They leveled, concreted the site and laid out a puzzle floor, delivered and assembled a slide, a trampoline, a climbing frame, varnished all the wooden elements.

There are a lot of details I would like to tell you, but I will not delay. The main find - do not buy a ready-made house! The house that children build themselves from the designer, they will never get bored!!! Don't take it as an advertisement. I'm just a fan and I advise everyone.

Many more ideas will be implemented later. There are many options with old tires and logs. Functionally, the site turned out to be much more advanced than visually. But it will not rust behind us, we will decorate!

And we have already achieved our main goal. Children even eat on the table they built and sleep in a hammock =) So from morning to evening we get healthy and enjoy life on the street!
Here is such a "Million Pleasures"!

Do-it-yourself playground No. 10 from Albina, Yaroslavl

My name is Albina, my daughter is Katerinka, she is 1 year 7 months old. We are from Yaroslavl, a small playground was “created” at our dacha this summer, so we decided to participate in the competition. They decided to place the site behind the bathhouse, because the bathhouse closes from the wind and in the afternoon, just when the sun is at its peak, a shade is formed there.

So the first participant in the creation of the site was designated - our grandfather, who built the bath :). Behind the bath, the beds begin, it’s very convenient: I’m in the beds, Katerinka plays on the playground - we see each other, both are calm :). The next participant in the creation of the site is our grandmother. She made the biggest sacrifice - she had to move as many as two of her flower beds from this place :) In addition to grandparents, our dad put his hands and head into the creation of the site, and so did I, of course :)

Now seriously ;)

What we have on the site: there is a sandbox, there is a swing and rings, there are hemp walkers. There is also a climbing house and a slide, but this is no longer the work of our hands :)


This is a huge wheel from some kind of truck (I’m even afraid to imagine its size, looking only at the wheel). Grandpa got him somewhere. Our dad diligently carried sand into the sandbox, and my mother (that is, me :)) painted it.

Swings and rings

Swings and rings hang on a piece of iron, which was once a stand for some spare parts in my grandfather's store. Grandfather prudently did not throw her away, and now she has found a second life. Dad dug it securely, hung a swing and rings, and I painted it with small flowers to make it look more fun.


Stumps: "walkers - climbing frames - jumping ropes - climbing ropes" picked up, treated with some kind of disinfectant and dug in by dad, painted, as I usually do. They lay in our old woodpile, we inherited from the previous owners. The stumps are dug in at different heights, but the difference between neighboring stumps is not very large, they made Katya a discount for her age :) Another impromptu table and two chairs were made from stumps.

In total, our construction team:

  • grandfather is a supplier;
  • grandmother, a landscape designer who was forced to make room;
  • dad is a builder, designer, the main driving force;
  • mom, that is, I am a painter - a decorator, an ideological inspirer, and so, command;)
  • Katerinka is a happy owner.

What Katya does on the site:

  • : we bake Easter cakes, we stand castles, we cook shortbread porridge.
  • Swings and rings - also for their intended purpose, I like them very much.
  • Stumps are walkers: we walk on them, jump, climb over, sit. Toys are sitting on them, they are here.
  • Sandbox cakes, we sweep the stumps with pleasure, pour water over them, roll balls and cars over them.
  • Katya does not perceive the table and chairs as furniture, she jumps on them with all her might, as on the rest of the stumps.

In addition to Katya, moles have chosen the playground, they create mini-sandboxes for us. Katya loves to dig in their mounds of earth, the earth there is so crumbly, abruptly sand. Well done moles, they are trying :)

Here is our playground. I still have a lot of ideas, I hope to implement something else this summer, so long as the supply and labor force do not fail :)

Do-it-yourself playground No. 11 from Natalia Mylnikova

The real decoration of our dacha is my mother. She brings beauty there.

Dad made two swings for the kids himself. I assembled one tritely from sticks and boards and Soviet scores, and others I sawed out horses and made a swing-scale. The horses in the photo turned out to be whitish. In fact, they are more brightly colored.

The only thing we do not have in the country is sandboxes. It is not needed there, because our soil is sandy and you can play with sand anywhere.

The workbench actually stands a little to the side, under a canopy, but for beauty I photographed it here.
The boy loves to call the work phone, buzz with a drill, twist, score ...
There are also crayons, paints and (attention, I share a secret!) An album with wallpaper samples.
We were given these outdated last year's catalogs in December at a local hardware store.
Their sheets are made of durable non-woven fabric, and the theme is children's.
For half a year we have been making crafts, drawing on them, and there is no end in sight to the album!

Do-it-yourself playground No. 13 from Olga Kazunetkina, St. Petersburg

Our "platform" is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Street: , rocking horse and slide.
  2. Attic: swing, gymnastic rings, hanging shuttlecock (hit it with a racket) and a toy rocket house with balls.

This, in my opinion, is the best solution - to divide the site into a "street-house", because the weather in St. Petersburg does not particularly please us. We spend a lot of time in the attic.

On the one hand, of course, I would like to do something on a larger scale with my own hands (I saw good examples), but, on the other hand, we already have enough, and then there is a reason to run around the neighboring dachas, look at their sites and get to know each other with children, and our dacha is located in a village where there are several municipal playgrounds. So Dimka has an incentive to walk there.

The playground has everything you need for children's games, but the veranda has not been updated for a very long time. I love to draw and, in my opinion, I can do it a little, so I suggested not just painting the veranda, but drawing something. Remembering what the children studied during the school year, I decided to draw. It turned out two in one: bright pictures and a manual for consolidating the material covered.

And finally The Tale of the Sad Veranda.

In one kindergarten, there was one small playground and it had a nondescript sad veranda. She was so sad that the children playing nearby also began to feel sad. And there was a sad veranda, because a long time ago a sorceress bewitched it into green.

She decided that all the verandas in her garden would be only green. And then one day, when the summer holidays came, not indifferent parents came to the playground. They waved the magic brush once, winter appeared, waved the second time - spring, the third time - summer, the fourth time autumn appeared. Thus arose, on the playground, a veranda with seasons, bright, light and cheerful.

Now our veranda decorates the playground, and gives children smiles and a good mood. And everyone who passes by is sure to stop to look at our veranda. And the sorceress ordered the other verandas to be disenchanted too.

Do-it-yourself playground No. 15 from Svetlana Bardina, Saransk

Hello! My name is Svetlana. My husband Oleg and I decided to participate in the competition of homemade playgrounds. After all, when the competition was announced, the construction of our site was in full swing.
We have three wonderful children: Roman, 14 years old, Leo, 5 years old, and Maria, she recently turned one year old. We live in Saransk. Our site is located in a small suburban village.

My idea of ​​organizing a playground for my daughter's birthday was happily supported by my husband and sons. Initially, we wanted to purchase a ready-made mini-platform, but then our dad decided to do everything with his own hands. “What is done with love and warmth is always better,” he said. “Moreover, I have such wonderful helpers,” he added, referring to Roma and Lyova.

And the work was not long in coming. The husband designed the structure, bought boards, timber, and our men set about building. They worked every evening: sawing, grinding, assembling, painting. And besides, it was necessary to prepare the site in advance: level, dig up, sow grass, and then also weed from weeds.

We managed in a month, just in time for July 5 - Mashenka's birthday. There were a lot of children, the older guys took a fancy to the big slide and the basketball hoop, the kids were busy in the sandbox, rode on the swing, splashed in the pool, and then fell asleep in the hammock.

Around the children's area there is a lot of greenery, apple trees, birches, lindens. All this creates a useful shadow, and you can not be afraid that the children will “burn out” in the sun.
Now, every day, kids from all over the village come running to play with us. We are very happy about this.
Of course, there is still a lot to be done on our playground: paint the house inside, decorate the outside, make a small hill for the kids, make a table with a bench for the kids, and much more, as far as fantasy allows. But most importantly, a start has already been made, and there is a great desire to continue this magnificent undertaking.
The most beautiful thing is that this great cause unites our family, makes it stronger, friendlier and stronger.

Voting results summed up , and we managed to choose the most handicraft and creative parents who spare no time and effort to create a miracle with their own hands for their kids. At first I was going to determine the first place on my own, but when I saw the results of the voting, I was pleasantly surprised - this time my opinion coincided with the opinion of the majority. Therefore, I am glad to present you the winners of the do-it-yourself playground competition:

1st place. Competitive work №3. Svetlana Yakovenko and Veronica
2nd place. Competitive work No. 6. Maria Tragaryuk and two daughters - Yaroslava and Radmila
3rd place. Competition work No. 8. Fedorova Maria and daughter Margarita

Congratulations to the winners! Prize information will be sent to you within 48 hours.

I once again thank all the other participants and admire your ideas and their creative implementation! You are great fellows! Thank you for the great example and inspiration!

While adults are engaged in weeding beds in the country or mastering the intricacies of landscape design, children need to fill their free time with something. Do-it-yourself playground is an opportunity to captivate kids with an exciting game while adults are working. Arranging a play area from improvised materials is an exciting creative process, to which you can involve those for whom the "glade of fairy tales" is being built. There are a lot of ideas for arranging such a site from improvised materials, you just have to want to.

Playground in the house video

The organization of space for children to play has many nuances.

  1. Children should not be in the sun all day, so the best solution is to find a place in the shade of tall trees, behind a high fence or a solid wall of the house. But sometimes it is advisable to stretch an awning over the chosen place.
  2. The priority is a well-visible area so that parents can watch children play and not worry about their health or location.
  3. The play area should be organized around one object - a sandbox or a house. It is desirable that everything else be subordinated to one idea.

    Children's large playground

  4. It is not recommended to allocate fertile land for these purposes, and the lowland, where a lot of water comes after a downpour, is not suitable.
  5. It is good when there is an opportunity to watch children not only from an open garden plot, but also from the windows of a country house or a cooking place.
  6. A blown area is not suitable for children to play, drafts can cause colds in babies.
  7. Equip a sandbox and other play facilities far from the parking lot of private vehicles so that the child, having played too much, does not get under the wheels.

  8. Children's play area with swings and slides

    What objects are used to equip the playground

    Children love to play and compete, overcoming all sorts of obstacles. Game objects are built according to the age characteristics of the requests of children.

    kids playground idea

    A treehouse with a rope ladder and a slide is preferred by children of middle school age. They do not need a sandbox, except perhaps as a landing place from a hill for young "pirates", adjacent to the house or the upper level of the game labyrinth in the form of a ship.

    All children love the trampoline. The design does not need to be done with your own hands, for security reasons, but it is worth purchasing and putting it on the site, even the simplest one.

    Playground with slide and swings

    A children's pool in the yard is a great idea, because children love to splash in the water during the summer heat. For kids, they use an inflatable container, for schoolchildren they equip a large tank or buy a ready-made one.

    A homemade rope labyrinth for those who like to overcome obstacles can be built together with the guys by stretching the net and ladders between closely spaced trees.

    Swings are an indispensable attribute of the children's town. They can also be built with your own hands from improvised means, for example, based on tires and metal chains.

    Children's playground with a slide with a wall

    To build a shady house, leftover boards, siding, logs, wooden shields, plywood scraps and plastic bottles will do. The main thing is to make it aesthetic, safe and visible to parents at least on one side.

    Playground for children with wall and slide

    A tent city is another version of the house that children love to “fence” so much. It is enough to stretch the rope base or wrap the hoop with unnecessary fabric, hanging it under a tree. Offer the children old bedspreads or curtains to make their own tents with clothespins.

    A net stretched between two trees is used by the children as a football goal, but it should be placed further away from the house so that the ball does not hit the windows.

    Children's playground from improvised materials

    A car on a wooden frame from plywood scraps can be built as an independent object - with a bench or seats in the shade of the cabin. As an option - a "train" made of barrels or a "yacht" made of painted boards with a helm and a bell.

    There are many other ideas, but parents choose what is interesting for children and corresponds to their inclinations and age characteristics. For example, not every child will appreciate a home-made "climbing wall", but if the shields are installed obliquely, it will be easier for younger students to climb the wall.

    Children's playground in the form of a house

    Materials for arranging a playground

    Advice. Inside the walls of plastic containers, fragments of a Christmas tree garland on diodes can be placed. Only an electrician can do such a delightful luminous object, but the result is worth the effort.

    Playground with slide

    Many interesting structures are easy to make from:

  • cardboard boxes;
  • plywood boxes;
  • plastic bottles;
  • car tires (bald rubber);
  • awning and mattress fabric, pieces of tarpaulin;
  • old car seats;
  • unnecessary furniture.

Children's playground with a slide

For people with imagination and skillful hands, nothing is impossible. The advantage of home-made objects for a playground is the ability to attach everything that has been littering the site and outbuildings for years.

Crafts from car tires

Tires or old bald tires are a practical material for building playground objects with your own hands.

The easiest way is to build a small sandbox for one child from unnecessary rubber from a “heavy truck”. It is better to put it in the shade, since there is nowhere to place a “fungus” or a canopy. You can replace it with a fabric awning or an old beach umbrella, changing the location depending on the shade.

Playground with a house and a slide

Step by step instructions for creating a sandbox:

  • prepare a site for a sandbox (preferably on a prepared basis - paving slabs or lawn grass);
  • mark the circumference according to the size of the tire and remove the turf layer;
  • fasten the tire to the ground with stakes or slate nails;
  • cover the bottom of the formed tank with a tarpaulin and fill it with sifted sand;
  • paint the outer surface of the sandbox in a bright color with a harmless quick-drying paint;
  • organize a lid for the sandbox to cover the sand from the shower or the ingress of cat and bird excrement (you can get by with oilcloth with weights at the ends).

Tire art objects are an original decoration for a playground. In combination with plywood shields, this is the most affordable material to put recognizable figures in the form of:

  • animals and birds;
  • fairy tale characters;
  • favorite toys;
  • cartoon characters.

The most popular are tumblers made of two tires of different sizes, which are mounted one above the other. The voids are filled with plywood. With the help of paints, a sundress and a face of a toy are drawn.

Playground with swings

Like a tumbler, it is easy to make and decorate a nesting doll or a teddy bear, and put a barrel with the inscription "Honey" next to it. There can be several objects and different sizes. For example, three different bear figurines, as in the fairy tale "Three Bears". Masha and the Bear is a good story for tire crafts, but other ideas will do.

No less popular are white swans, which can be cut from inverted tires and covered with white paint. On the edges in the center you need to make wings (or leave it without cuts), and on the wrapped end draw a bird's muzzle, as in the photo.

Construction of a children's playground with swings

From tires, you can easily build a turtle by covering it with green and brown paint. One tire is needed for the base of the sculpture, the other is cut into 4 parts to make legs. It is better to cut the head out of plywood and fix it near the base.

Bald rubber is an excellent material for fencing a playground or building all kinds of labyrinths and galleries. If you cover a covered tire gallery with a camouflage net, you will get a good training ground for little scouts.

Children playground

Where to put plastic containers?

This is a fertile material for exciting games, competitions and structures on the playground, built by oneself. A direct wooden bridge will certainly be appreciated by young bowling fans. To do this, you need a dozen white plastic bottles filled with water or sand. It is not necessary to shoot them down with special heavy balls, football or basketball is quite suitable.

Children's playground with a house

Another idea for the development of coordination of movements and accuracy is cut to half capacity. They can be hung on a wire and a thin rope, or nailed to a wooden fence. The essence of the game is to get a small ball into these containers. Not only plastic bottles are suitable, but also old mugs and tin cans.

Ideas for a swing

It is not known why children like swaying, but it calms them and trains the vestibular apparatus. It is known that those people who had a swing in childhood are less likely to get sick on the road.

Children's playground with awning

There are different design options, but structurally they are all similar:

  • a reliable stable crossbar where the swing is hung;
  • seat (various shapes);
  • cables (chains, ropes).

For a small child, a chair without legs is suitable, from which a comfortable seat will turn out. It can be hung from a small horizontal branch of a large tree in the garden. But it is better to make a support out of wood and metal to get a full-fledged swing. A simple board, an old tire is suitable for the seat, the main thing is to securely fasten it with cables.

By the same principle, a sofa swing is made in which the child will like to doze in the fresh air after dinner.

Do-it-yourself playground construction

Do-it-yourself playground fences

Colorful fences and stumps along the perimeter of the children's playground are another way to cheer up. Most often for these purposes use:

  • cutting boards;
  • logs sawn into "stumps";
  • colored plastic bottles strung on a rope.

Large playground for children

Plastic bottles do not require painting, the main thing in choosing these parts is the color combination. Wooden fence slats can be painted with rainbow colors. It's a good idea to let the kids show their creativity and paint the picket fence on their own. Funny little men, animals or anything else - let them draw what they want.

As an add-on, let the teens draw some real graffiti on the wall of an old barn or fence adjacent to the property. Just let them and their parents agree on a sketch of a drawing or inscription.

Construction of a children's playground

Original objects made of logs and wooden chocks

Play areas, sandboxes and areas of the children's town can be delimited by different elements, including wood. For example, to fix and decorate small logs dug in according to the markup. Colored chocks of different heights are a great idea for running on "stumps", the distance between which should be calculated for children's steps. They can be dug in one line or under the left and right legs alternately. It doesn’t matter to children how such a barrier is made, as long as it is comfortable and beautiful.

Children's playground with a large slide

Toddlers have strong possessive instincts, so they often quarrel over the right to own a toy or play area. For these purposes, colored stumps delimit the sandbox into several separate sections - according to the number of children. Low columns are used by children to lay out “paskas” from molds.

Video: DIY playground

50 photos of ideas for children's playground designs for children:

If the family has small children, it is simply necessary for them to equip a playground in the country. Here they will play in the fresh air, giving their parents a break or doing their own thing. And when you are free, you can always join them. The play corner in the garden will become much more positive, brighter and more interesting if you use crafts for the playground. There are many ways to make them yourself, which we will discuss in this article.

To decorate a playground, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive garden decor. DIY crafts will allow the site to look very original. It will be a unique children's corner that only you and your children have.

Making crafts on your own is pleasant in every way - materials for such creativity are abundant, and completely free, it is enough to use your imagination, creative imagination, and soon you will be able to please your kids. Work must begin with the choice of a place where the site will be located. A spacious place not far from the house, where there is both sun and shade, is suitable.

A good cover for the site where the crafts will be placed is a sand embankment or lawn. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the lawn so that among the grass there are no glasses, sharp stones and sticks, so that children can play barefoot, as well as inedible berries. As you know, in childhood we want to taste everything, especially what looks bright and attractive.

What can be used as a raw material?

First of all, these are old tires. Currently, used tires literally take on a new life - they are used to make flowerbeds, swings and a wide variety of crafts for the playground.

Tires are good because they can be used to create sports equipment. For example, such a tunnel, make a swing, dig into the ground at a distance so that you can jump and walk along it

Today, not only boys, but also girls are delighted with cars. Such a chic car can be made from tires and a plastic chair. A simpler option is to dig 4 tires into the ground and make a wooden seat

You can create amazing crafts from tires - funny bears (tires of different sizes, cardboard, an old basin are used), bright tropical parrots. When coloring, they seem to come to life and turn the playground into a corner of joy and positive

The tire must be washed and dried before starting the creative process. You can walk and jump on dug-in standing tires, you can attach planks from above, paint them, and make such climbing frames even more interesting. You can make a sandbox out of a large tire, but the options for creating various figures simply cannot be counted.

More ideas for arranging a playground in the country:

Bottle palm trees and a plastic zoo

Plastic bottles are also a very common craft material. The variety of their shapes and sizes allows you to create very interesting things - palm trees, flowers, figures of insects and animals.

Exotic palm trees will brighten up any landscape, and making them is not at all difficult. Material such as bottles is everywhere enough. It is not necessary to follow strict instructions, experiment by creating a tropical corner for yourself

Making such a piglet is very simple - use a five-liter bottle for the body, two-liter bottles for the legs. Ears from the tail are also cut out of plastic

Such a flower garden will not wither throughout the summer. Flowers - the necks of bottles, carved in the form of lilies and bells, leaves - bottles without a base, cut into 4-6 parts. Paint them with paint from the remote control and install in the right place

Such crafts are practical - they are not afraid of either rain or the scorching sun. To make a palm tree, cut the bottom of the bottles and string them on top of each other, insert a metal rod inside - this is the base of the palm tree. To create a "crown", use one or more bottles and cut them from the base to the neck into several strips - these will be the leaves. Then cut the cut parts obliquely so that they resemble hard palm leaves in shape. Insert the neck of this bottle into the "barrel". To create a classic palm tree, brown bottles (trunk) and green (crown) are used, but it is not at all necessary to adhere to classical norms.

Useful: how to make garden figures for a summer residence with your own hands:

Parade of plywood figurines

Plywood is an excellent material for making flat, brightly colored figurines that will cheer up anyone. You can depict anything on plywood - your favorite cartoon characters, movie and book characters, and then cut out the figures and arrange them in the garden. The composition can be, it can be used as a demarcation fence for garden areas.

Figures in the form of characters from your favorite cartoons are always a delight. To create Winnie the Pooh, a five-liter bottle is also used.

Plywood cat and mouse surrounded by flowerpots, located on a soft lawn - a great place for relaxation and outdoor games for kids

Foam figurines

Mounting foam is not too familiar, but an interesting material for creating crafts. The figurines from it look like toys, look great and are very popular with children.

Figures made of polyurethane foam look like ready-made. The site has a master class on their manufacture, if you are interested, you can master the technique of their manufacture

Hedgehogs and ladybugs from pebbles and boulders

Large pebbles are also a suitable material. If you paint rounded stones with bright colors, you will get funny bugs, hedgehogs or other animals, depending on what your fantasy tells you. It is better to paint them with acrylic paints, and then cover them with a colorless varnish. Drawings with a clear outline look good. First, it is drawn with a pencil, then with black or white paint. Colored paints are applied between the contour lines.

Such a family of ladybugs will add positive to the children's corner. It is easiest to paint stones under bugs - a simple contour drawing is applied, and then bright contrasting paints and varnish are used

Combinations of materials - room for creativity

You can create interesting log crafts by combining pieces of wood of different sizes and different lengths. Combinations of various materials - tires and logs, tires and plastic bottles will not let you get bored at all, you can make such a playground that those who purchased it ready for their garden will envy.

You can create interesting lawns or flower beds in the shape of animals and insects using bottles as a fence. Work together with children, they usually come up with completely non-standard interesting ideas.

Funny crocodile flowerbed - a suitable decor for a playground, made of plastic bottles (contour), eyes - plywood and plastic

If there was an old tree on the site that you cut down, do not rush to get rid of the stump. From it you can make such a great house with a door, a roof and windows. It will not only delight children, but will also be a great decor for the site.

Zebras are made of logs and tires, the mane is made of plastic. These are both sports equipment and homemade garden decor at the same time.

To create the sun, plastic bottles and an old tire were used. The composition is very bright, positive, and easy to make. Bottle caps are nailed to the tire, then screwed to the bottle - the beams are ready

If you have materials left unused after building a house or arranging a garden, do not rush to throw them away. For example, with pieces of bright ceramic tiles, you can lay out paths, the space around the figures, or use pieces of broken tiles to lay out mosaics, images of various characters. Draw the outline of the figure on the path, and then tile it. If laid out on the ground or on sand, such a mosaic will be short-lived, but laying out on a cement mixture will create an image for years. Rub the seams after drying, and the result will please you.