What to do if the legs are swollen in the evenings? Treatment of edema during pregnancy. Subjective feelings of a woman

In a woman, after conception, significant changes begin to occur. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms. Such a symptom cannot be ignored, because often it can speak of a developing disease.

In most cases, swelling during pregnancy is temporary.

It happens when the symptoms are a manifestation of severe complications.

Highly qualified gynecologists who lead patients during the prenatal period understand well how dangerous edema is and that there may be either concomitant diseases or a hereditary factor for varicose veins. In the middle and severe stage, they are referred to a specialist who can find out if there is any concomitant pathology of the veins of the lower extremities or lymphatic vessels.

From the middle of the second trimester, the uterus increases in size and a certain compression of the iliac veins in the small pelvis is obtained. Expansion leads to venous congestion. Intercellular lymphatic edema is formed, which leads to the so-called chronic lymphovenous insufficiency. This is what makes pregnant women feel heaviness, rapid fatigue when moving. Edema syndrome may not even allow you to fall asleep at night. In severe cases, a vascular surgeon should be consulted.

To find out why the legs swell during pregnancy, it is necessary to correctly determine the nature of the disease.

  • - The kidneys do not fully fulfill their excretory function.
  • - The enlarging uterus compresses the adjacent organs and veins in the pelvic region, causing disturbances in blood circulation due to which fluid stagnation occurs.

The mildest degree of swelling, when it manifests itself in an increase in the volume of only the lower leg. The next stage is when the legs swell in the ankles during pregnancy and in the feet. Sometimes passing into the thigh and lower abdomen. In the third, symptoms appear on the fingers and face. On the fourth, almost all parts of the body are swollen.

Edema reduction methods

  • - physiotherapy.

One of the effective solutions to the patient's problem, when a question arises, the question of how to get rid of edema, are special exercises.

The most prescribed posture by doctors is the knee-knee. Its prevalence is due to the fact that when it is performed, the entire weight of the body and abdomen falls down and, since the kidneys are in this position from above, they rest. This position is 15 minutes.

It should be remembered that the uterus compresses large vessels from below and if the whole day is spent standing, blood rushes to the lower extremities as to a working organ and edema occurs. After the women have walked, they can lie at home on a hard surface and raise their legs against the wall. The peculiarity of this exercise is that a small roller or pillow must be placed under the pelvis in order to raise it. If this is not done, there will be a sharp bend and outflow will not occur. In this position, venous congestion becomes less.

  • - Medical method.

To know how to relieve swelling, you need to correctly diagnose its cause. Therefore, the drugs are prescribed by the doctor. Most often, medications are prescribed that are prescribed for renal failure, for example, Canephron. Blood thinning therapy may be prescribed. For this, heparin and aspirin preparations are used. In other cases, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation between the mother and the fetus. This is Actovegin, petoxifylline.

  • - The use of diuretics in the form of herbal infusions, fruit drinks from berries and dried fruits.
  • - Relaxing baths.


Many people know about the possible occurrence of a problem and women have a question of preventing leg edema during pregnancy, what to do to prevent this process:

  • - you need to reduce salt intake and limit the amount of sugar,
  • - do fasting days with rapid weight gain,
  • - wear shoes without heels,
  • - avoid direct sunlight in hot weather,
  • - putting a pillow under your feet while sleeping,
  • - refuse carbonated drinks.
  • - try to reduce the time spent on your feet. If you are forced to sit often, you can try to hold them a little in an extended position, putting them on a chair.

Given that the kidneys and bladder begin to work more actively after lunch, you can take more fluids before lunch. After lunch, due to the activation of the kidneys and bladder, the fluid that has accumulated in the body will begin to be excreted.

You need to drink enough, 4 glasses a day. Reducing the amount will have the opposite effect. This will negatively affect the work of the brain, and the body will begin to "store" water in all organs, and as a result, swelling will occur.

Sometimes edematous syndrome is a symptom of a disease of histosis. How to determine edema with this diagnosis will help a gynecologist. In this case, it is better to be treated in a hospital, where they will do special therapy. This is drug therapy. At the initial stage, doctors prescribe diuretic herbs in order to find out whether it will be possible to remove the symptoms of puffiness in the easiest way or not.

Late terms of bearing a child

Usually, swelling on the legs appears in the last period before childbirth. This phenomenon cannot be considered natural.

Legs during late pregnancy begin to swell towards the end of the third trimester. This problem occurs because at this time the outflow of urine is disturbed due to the compression of the ureter by the uterus.

The onset of the problem at 33 weeks of gestation is often associated with a significantly increasing fetal size.

Week 34 is the time when it is best to remove the rings from the fingers, in order to avoid stagnation of blood due to the compression of the ring of swollen fingers. It's also worth starting to pay attention to weight control.

When bloating appears at 35 weeks of gestation, the first thing to do is to normalize the diet, and start monitoring the ratio of water taken and removed from the body. During this period, the symptoms may already begin to affect the further process of labor.

It is believed that from the 36th week of pregnancy, the problem arises from an excess of fluid. The amount of liquid should not exceed one and a half liters. At 37 weeks of gestation, swelling in the legs may also indicate an edematous state of the placenta, which will limit the supply of oxygen to the baby, which is very dangerous for his life.

At 38 weeks, this problem is considered the most common complaint with which an obstetrician - gynecologist is consulted. From this time on, pain begins to accompany swelling in the legs.

Flowing into the body at 38 weeks of gestation, when a woman has already gained a full weight gain, often occurs due to excess pounds. Normally, the increase should be 12 kilograms. If it is more than 1 kilogram, it is worth changing the diet of the food you eat. With an accelerated weight gain, a gynecologist can diagnose dropsy, characterized by edema due to a violation of water - salt metabolism in the body.

If your legs swell at 39 weeks, you should pay attention to which organs are still susceptible to edema. When symptoms also appear in the nasal cavity, this can lead to the fact that the fetus will experience a lack of oxygen. In this case, vasoconstrictor nasal drops can be used. When the legs swell in the last days before childbirth, it is important to lie in the correct position so that the uterus does not squeeze the blood vessels too much. This is best done on your side, with a pillow or roller under one leg.

How to remove swelling yourself

A woman in a position who regularly observes swelling of the lower extremities can try to reduce the pathology on her own before contacting a gynecologist. How to remove swelling without harm to your own health and the condition of the fetus, you can find out by visiting any Internet resource dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth. Emergency care in this case includes:

A diet that limits the intake of salt, as well as smoked meats, spices and fried foods. Gastronomic restrictions of this kind contribute to the formation of the body's salt balance, accelerate metabolism, reduce weight, which can significantly reduce blood pressure. It will not be too late to adjust nutrition at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.

Drinking enough fluids. Oddly enough, but the body of a woman suffering from edema of the lower extremities is often dehydrated. Even in the later stages of gestation, the expectant mother needs to consume 1-1.5 liters of water daily;

Light exercise. Physical education helps to get rid of congestion in the lower extremities, and also stimulates the motor activity of the fetus, as a result of which, changing the position of the baby can reduce the pressure on the vessels of the small pelvis. A woman should attend gymnastics classes for pregnant women, as this will help to obtain information on how to reduce swelling in the tissues of the body.

-effective rest. It consists in the need to take a horizontal position of the body as soon as possible. A woman needs to rest with her legs raised above the bed using a roller or pillow. It is impossible to lay a leg behind a leg, especially at a gestation period of more than 36 weeks - this is how blood circulation is disrupted more rapidly, which contributes to the occurrence of varicose veins and thrombosis. The fetus is already large enough and during this period the load on the vessels increases many times over.
-special massage. You can knead swollen legs with a cool stream of water from the shower and with your palms, rubbing special compounds into the skin. In both cases, the massage therapist needs to move from the feet to the thighs to restore restricted blood flow. All these measures in combination are good even in the early stages of pregnancy as a prevention of puffiness.


Diuretics for edema are the basis of therapy for this complication. Herbal medicine is best used when leg swelling is mild. The reason for this is isolated cases or the intake of an excess of food and water into the body. The decision to use such a method should be made only after consulting a gynecologist.

Leaves of lingonberry, white birch, bearberry, corn silk have effective diuretic properties. Dried fruit compotes also effectively remove liquid. Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks are also very effective. Meadowsweet grass, kidney tea, grass and roots of the field erythematosus, fruits of garden parsley. The infusion is brewed in a steam bath.


During treatment, an ointment for edema is often prescribed. Although this is one of the most common methods of dealing with the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the need for this therapy and dosages.

Ointments containing heparin and rutin work to strengthen the capillary system. These include the following drugs:

help to normalize blood circulation can "Esaven gel", heparin ointment. This drug also helps to eliminate microthrombi. Venitan will help to strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries. Lyoton and Troxevasin also have analgesic and cooling effects.


To date, a cream for edema of the legs during pregnancy is actively prescribed by doctors. There are many Chinese creams for varicose veins on the pharmacy market, which have a positive effect on blood vessels. The cream for edema of the legs, made on the basis of horse chestnut, helps well. It helps to eliminate the likelihood of blood clots.

Foot baths

For swelling of the legs during pregnancy, foot baths are one of the most effective methods. Cool water is great for relaxing and relieving symptoms. The average temperature should be 22-23 degrees. To enhance the effect, you can add a previously prepared herbal infusion to the water. After taking the bath, it is best to lie down on your side and rest.

If only situational edema occurs after a long walk, you can do salt baths. Pour water into a basin or a bathtub to the level of edema, pour sea salt into it. To determine if there is enough salt, you can taste the water, it should resemble sea water in salinity. The water temperature can go up to 37-38 degrees. Hold your feet in such water for a while. At this time, due to asthmatic pressure, fluid in the body will swell to where it comes into contact with salt water.

It should be understood that the occurrence of edema is always an alarming factor. In any case, it is worth monitoring the indicators of urine tests and constant consultation with a gynecologist, which will protect you from unnecessary problems associated with this pathological factor.

Unconventional ways to combat leg swelling

The doctor can also advise folk remedies, for example, the use of decoctions of herbs, applying cold cabbage leaves to the affected areas. Good results are obtained with acupuncture and manual therapy. It is important for a woman to understand that both conservative treatment and non-traditional methods of treating puffiness should be monitored by the attending physician. Self-medication or hope for feedback from patients with similar symptoms of the disease during pregnancy is unacceptable.

Edema is an excess accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of any part of the body. During pregnancy, the amount of fluid circulating in a woman's body almost doubles, since it is contained in the amniotic fluid, the placenta, and is also needed by the growing baby and his circulatory system. At the same time, water-salt metabolism changes (sodium accumulates in the vessels, which delays the excretion of fluid), and the growing uterus presses on the vessels and organs, which slows down blood circulation and promotes fluid retention. In addition to all this, the change in hormonal levels during this period causes a feeling of thirst, which also leads to edema.

Edema as a syndrome accompanies many diseases of various organs and systems of the body: endocrine, cardiovascular, renal and other inflammatory processes.

Swelling (especially large) is not just a symptom that looks unaesthetic and gives discomfort. They can be quite dangerous. Due to the severe swelling of the mother, the child may experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation), and the expectant mother herself may suffer from edema of internal organs and, as a result, disruption of their work. Edema can also be one of the symptoms of gestosis - a condition, with a severe degree of which the question of even premature birth can arise. Therefore, the appearance (and even their possible appearance) is important to track at the earliest stage.

However, sometimes even severe edema does not bother a pregnant woman, and her health remains satisfactory. Even in such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor, since in more than 90% of such cases, the condition worsens (protein appears in the urine, blood pressure rises) and turns into gestosis.

As a rule, edema begins to bother the expectant mother from about the 30th week (and with gestosis - from the 20th week) of pregnancy.

Severe edema can accompany pregnant women expecting twins or simply carrying a large fetus.

Hidden edema during pregnancy - what is it?

It seems that puffiness is always an obvious problem. However, this is not entirely true. In addition to obvious edema, there are so-called hidden (edema of internal organs and tissues). An obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing you can help you find them by performing several examinations:

  1. Weighing regularly. Very often, hidden edema is indicated by too much weight gain - more than 300 g per week.
  2. Regular measurement of leg circumference. Complicated latent edema is indicated by an increase in the circumference of the lower leg by 1 cm or more (measurements are taken once a week).
  3. Study of indicators of daily urine output. Diuresis is the volume of urine produced over a specific period of time. It compares the amount of liquid that was drunk with the volume of urine excreted. Normally, 3⁄4 of all liquid drunk is released per day (this includes water, and other drinks, and fruits, and soups).

As a rule, the doctor can find out whether a woman is prone to edema in the first weeks of pregnancy. He receives information about this from the examination of the patient, the study of her constitution, heredity, medical history, as well as from a blood test for biochemistry. The sooner it is known whether you may have edema, the sooner you can take measures to prevent it.

Physiology and pathology of edema during pregnancy

Edema can be physiological and pathological. Physiological edema usually does not cause complications and only gives the pregnant woman a feeling of dissatisfaction with her appearance. Their origin is due to the fact that the growing uterus compresses the vessels - this prevents the normal outflow of blood. The uterus also presses on the ureters, which causes fluid retention during pregnancy and, as a result, swelling. Edema of a physiological type can also be associated with the constitution of the pregnant woman herself - in women of short stature and with increased body weight, they occur more often.

Pathological edema, as a rule, accompanies preeclampsia (late toxicosis) - a complication of pregnancy that can occur in the third trimester. Its symptoms are high blood pressure, urinary excretion of protein (normally absent), nausea, vomiting, headaches, convulsions (eclampsia), fever, drowsiness, or, conversely, severe agitation, plus severe edema. However, gestosis may not be accompanied by edema, and such a "dry" gestosis is considered a more severe case. Also, gestosis is not necessarily accompanied by all of the above symptoms. The most dangerous thing is the presence of seizures. In any case, gestosis almost always requires the help of a doctor and the presence of a pregnant woman in a hospital. The sooner you start treating it, the less likely it is that it will become severe.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is the most common type of edema. They are especially troubling for those who spend a lot of time on their feet, or just after a long walk. Swelling is usually visible on the feet and legs. At the same time, your favorite shoes become small or press hard. It is important to choose one that will not cause discomfort, made of well-stretched materials, so that it is comfortable to wear in the afternoon. It is also worth abandoning high heels, preferring short and stable ones. If you are concerned about leg swelling during pregnancy, try to avoid long walks, stay on your feet for long periods of time, lie down at home and lift your legs up, and massage your feet regularly.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy, as a rule, appears in those women who work at a computer, do handicrafts and any other monotonous work - fluid stagnation is formed due to monotonous movements. In this case, it is necessary to regularly do gymnastics for the fingers. Also, starting from the second half of pregnancy, doctors advise not to wear rings on your hands. If you do not remove them in time, you can wait for such a degree of puffiness, in which it will be very difficult or impossible to remove them.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

Swelling of the face during pregnancy is easy to notice - the face becomes round and puffy. Puffiness of the eyelids causes particular discomfort, bags appear under the eyes. This is due to the specific anatomical features of the eyelids - in this area there is loose tissue, which strongly absorbs liquid. It is possible to reduce swelling on the face by observing the general rules for the prevention of body swelling.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy

The nose can swell as a result of general swelling of the face, as well as due to possible allergic reactions, which are greatly exacerbated during the waiting period for the child. It is advisable to avoid nasal congestion and swelling, because breathing problems make it difficult for oxygen to reach the baby. It is possible to eliminate edema with the help of drops, but do not forget that pregnant women are prohibited from using a number of the usual drugs, so it is better if the medicine is prescribed to you by a doctor who knows exactly what drugs are allowed.

Prevention and treatment of edema during pregnancy

Pregnant women with edema are given increased attention at the stage of management in the antenatal clinic. The expectant mother is regularly weighed, blood pressure is measured and kidney function is monitored using urine tests. Everything is aimed at the prevention (prophylaxis) of complications. Tips from doctors:

  1. Set up food.Eliminate fried and smoked (food prepared in this way has a bad effect on vessels), boil meat and vegetables, steam, bake. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein (to avoid its deficiency, which can occur with gestosis). It is also better not to eat fatty, spicy, pickled, sweet foods, baked goods. But low-fat broths, cereals, fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly. For the prevention of puffiness, it is useful to carry out fasting days, but without getting carried away, no more than once a week and always after consultation with a doctor.
  2. Limit salt intake (ideally 1–1.5 g per day). It contains sodium, thanks to which it retains fluid in the body. It is important not only to undersalt (or not to salt at all) food during cooking, but also to remove pickles, sauerkraut, herring, chips, crackers, sausages and sausages, and canned food from the diet.
  3. Drink more.Adequate amount of fluid will speed up the water-salt metabolism in your body. If you drink a little, you can bring the body to dehydration, which is no less dangerous. It is worth drinking up to 1.5 liters of water per day (not counting soups, compotes), and drink most of the liquid before lunch, leaving less for the evening. It is better to drink not in large glasses, but in small sips, often, but little by little. However, you should not abuse the liquid either - this is fraught with the appearance of even greater puffiness. You can drink not only water, but also juices (preferably unsweetened and freshly squeezed), fruit drinks, tea with milk. At the same time, it is better not to get carried away with black tea and coffee, they can affect blood vessels and pressure. Green tea is also not as healthy as many believe: it contains a large amount of caffeine and can also affect the health of blood vessels. You can drink no more than two cups per day. Forget about soda, all the more sweet. In addition to fluid retention, it also provokes heartburn. If you are going to start drinking so-called diuretic teas, be sure to consult your doctor - not all such drinks can be beneficial, and you need to take them very carefully.
  4. Move and do gymnastics as you can.With active movements, the risk of edema is reduced by half. Do special gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, visit the pool. The main thing is not to overdo it and do as much as you can. The load should be uniform and dosed.
  5. Let's rest our legs. Try not to stand still or walk for too long. If you are sitting, place your feet on a stand or stool. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to sit with one leg over the other. When sitting for a long time, about once an hour, do gymnastics of the feet - twist them in different directions. Get up alternately on your heels and half-toes. Do not sit in one position for a long time. Lying down, place a roller under your feet. Do cool foot baths and massage.
  6. Try not to stay in the heat or in stuffy rooms for a long time.
  7. Wear special compression garments as recommended by your doctor. Swelling of the legs can be accompanied by varicose veins. A phlebologist should deal with the treatment of this problem, he will also appoint you underwear of the required degree of compression. The main thing is to choose it by size, it should not press.

Edema is a symptom that accompanies almost every pregnancy. Small swelling is almost inevitable, but there is nothing dangerous about it. Therefore, there is no need to worry. The main thing is to show responsibility in time and not forget about the rules of their prevention, so as not to bring it to a severe degree. At the same time, after childbirth, the edema disappears quickly enough, because the woman's body leaves about 8 liters of excess fluid. And you will quickly forget about this problem.

Signs of edema: when to see a doctor

The easiest way to tell if you have swelling or not is to press your finger on your skin. If there is no edema, not a trace will remain on the skin; if there is, you will see a fossa that will flatten out rather slowly, and the skin itself becomes pale and tense with edema.

A slight swelling will not harm the pregnant woman, however, there are signs that, having noticed, it is better not to hesitate to see a doctor:

  • Sharp weight gain. If you gain more than 300 g per week, this indicates severe edema and a large amount of excess fluid in the body.
  • Manifestation of edema in the morning. As a rule, puffiness is temporary and worsens in the evening, and in the morning there are no traces of it. If she bothers you already in the morning, then she can go to a dangerous degree.
  • Burning, tingling, and numbness of the toes and hands. This is due to the compression of the nerves. With severe edema, difficulties in bending the fingers may also appear, and it becomes painful to step on the legs.
  • Shoes press and become tight, rings can hardly be removed from the fingers or do not come off at all.
  • Great rounding of the face, swelling of the nose and lips.
  • Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure.

During pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to the changed condition. This process is considered natural.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

As a result of changes in the body of the expectant mother, a lot of fluid accumulates. Its volume at 8 weeks can reach 6-8 liters. It is necessary for:

  • an increase in the volume of blood in the mother's body;
  • filling the placenta;
  • ensuring the growth of the mammary glands and uterus;
  • creating amniotic fluid.

However, often the amount of fluid created by the body exceeds the required volume. In this case, edema may appear. They are especially unpleasant in late pregnancy and can lead to health problems for the mother and baby.

Swelling of the legs can also appear as a result of a number of other reasons, the list of which includes:

  1. Having bowel problems. If a girl encounters frequent diarrhea during pregnancy, this can lead to disturbances in the digestive system and cause swelling in the legs.
  2. Varicose veins. During pregnancy, the uterus develops rapidly. The enlarged organ exerts a squeezing effect on the vessels. This can lead to the formation of varicose veins. Veins overflowing with blood cause edema.
  3. Gestosis. The problem is considered to be very dangerous. She is characterized not only by swelling of the legs, but also of internal organs. A similar phenomenon can occur with the placenta, which is a direct threat to the child's life.
  4. Impaired kidney function. Pregnancy significantly increases the burden on this organ. Excess fluid accumulating in the body is not always fully excreted. This causes the appearance of edema. If they have arisen due to a disturbance in the activity of the kidneys, the girl may observe the formation of bruises under her eyes and a decrease in the frequency of urination.
  5. Acute thrombophlebitis. Doctors include the disease in the list of extremely dangerous. Swelling of the legs is considered one of the signs of its presence. In addition to them, the temperature may rise, there may be reddening of the legs and painful sensations appear.
  6. The girl wears uncomfortable shoes and clothes. The crushing effect of clothing can also lead to leg swelling during pregnancy. This is due to impaired circulation. Experts strongly recommend that you avoid wearing high-heeled shoes and tight-fitting clothing.
  7. Viral diseases that the expectant mother suffered recently. The infection can complicate the kidney. The functioning of the organs will deteriorate, leading to inadequate excretion of fluid from the body. This can cause leg swelling during pregnancy.
  8. Disruptions in the functioning or work of the heart. If there are problems, not only the legs, but also the tongue can swell. Additionally, the girl may observe increased drowsiness, fatigue and constipation.

The reasons leading to edema are individual in each case. The problem may appear due to a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of joint diseases or prolonged sitting with crossed legs. To pinpoint the cause of the swelling, experts advise to visit a doctor without fail.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

If the swelling is caused by pathological changes in the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. Gradually, the problem will become noticeable not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body. Experts distinguish four stages of edema:

  1. The problem appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet and legs.
  2. Gradually, the edema spreads to the thighs, lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  3. Then the presence of the problem becomes noticeable and higher. Hands and face may be affected.
  4. General body edema occurs.

If a girl is carrying a child, a lot of sodium salts accumulate in the body. They tend to attract water. Under their influence, edema is formed, which is classified as physiological. The factors leading to the occurrence of the problem may be:

  • the girl is eating too much salty food;
  • a pregnant woman gives herself excessive physical exertion;
  • the air temperature is too high.

Physiological edema is considered normal. If such a phenomenon occurs during pregnancy, it should not cause concern. If you get rid of the provoking factors, the problem will disappear instantly.

Pathological edema differs from physiological. They appear due to the presence of diseases. Usually the problem is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the girl is rapidly gaining excess weight;
  • edema gradually spreads to other parts of the body;
  • the girl is weak;
  • there are difficulties with movement;
  • hypertension is observed;
  • the temperature rises.

It is much more difficult to get rid of such edema. Only a doctor can determine the type of problem and develop a scheme for dealing with it. If a girl observes increased puffiness in herself, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist. Self-treatment is fraught with additional health problems.

Why are edema dangerous during pregnancy?

The danger that edema carries in itself directly depends on the cause that caused their appearance. A problem arising from physiological factors should not be a cause for concern. It is easily eliminated if you remove the cause of its appearance and, as a result, no longer bother you.

The greatest concern during pregnancy should be caused by edema, which appeared due to gestosis. In the initial stage, the disease leads to the formation of dropsy. Over time, the problem can cause the appearance of nephropathy - damage to the renal apparatus, and in the future - to. This disease is almost incurable. It is characterized by frequent seizures. Sometimes they can be so strong that the girl runs the risk of falling into a coma.

Gestosis often causes a strong violation of the blood supply to the internal organs. The problem can also affect the placenta. As a result of the impact of the disease, the child ceases to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients. This will affect the development of the internal organs and systems of the fetus. The condition in the future can lead to the emergence of chronic diseases in the child. Due to gestosis, premature birth or even fetal death is possible. Experts advise to seek immediate medical attention in the following situations:

  • swelling in the girl appeared not only on the legs, but also on the lower back, abdomen or arms;
  • swelling and a feeling of heaviness do not go away for a long time;
  • prolonged rest or sleep will not fix the problem;
  • the general condition of the expectant mother is deteriorating;
  • the appearance of protein is observed in the urine;
  • pressure increases.

A girl should be able to distinguish edema from other problems. If the legs are swollen, this does not mean that swelling is taking place. Often this phenomenon is observed due to an increase in the total body weight during the carrying of a child.

The appearance of edema can be seen by the increase in the foot. The expectant mother will no longer fit into the shoes that she previously wore all the time.

You can also distinguish swelling from other problems by the reaction of the foot to pressure. To do this, experts advise to conduct a simple experiment. Press lightly with your finger on the skin in the area where the swelling is observed, and then release. If the cover immediately leveled off, there is no edema. If a small dent appears after exposure, there is a problem.

Symptoms usually become more noticeable in the evening. This is due to the fact that a lot of fluid accumulates in the legs during the day due to stress. In the morning, the problem usually recedes. Such edema is caused by physiological reasons. The problem is not painful and should not be a cause for concern. In a different situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do? First steps

A girl can independently get rid of swelling of the legs during pregnancy if the problem is caused by physiological reasons. In this situation, she does not require special treatment. To help in the fight against it can be:

  1. Herbal teas with a diuretic effect. They allow you to remove excess fluid from the girl's body. Such properties are possessed by tea made from dried apricots, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, wild rose, horsetail and cranberry. In order for the positive effect to become noticeable, you need to drink decoctions for at least a month. Chemical diuretics are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. They can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.
  2. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet. The product prevents the elimination of fluid from the body. If there is swelling of the legs during pregnancy, it is better to undersalt the dishes. Smoked, spicy and spicy must be removed from the everyday menu. It is best to steam food.
  3. Carrying out a foot massage. The impact helps to reduce puffiness. The effect of the massage can be enhanced by using grape seed, jojoba or peach oil.
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. Particular attention should be paid to the volume of drinking c. Do not take more than one and a half liters of water per day. The volume should include not only drinks, but also soups, as well as juicy fruits or vegetables.
  5. Using homeopathic remedies. So, sodium chloride restores fluid exchange in the body. Manual therapy, osteopathy or acupuncture normalize blood circulation and improve urinary function. However, all types of influences should be carried out only after preliminary consultation with a doctor.
  6. Reception of vaso-strengthening vitamin complexes. By acting on the body, they prevent the penetration of excess fluid into the tissues and minimize the likelihood of edema.

If the presence of pathology led to the appearance of a problem, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. So, gestosis is treated only in a hospital setting. Correctly selected drug therapy will reduce the negative impact of the disease on the body of the expectant mother and child. Self-use of drugs increases the risk of problems with

  1. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. You can not give preference to too tight dresses or trousers. Shoes with heels should be excluded from the wardrobe during pregnancy.
  2. Get enough physical activity. You cannot sit still during pregnancy. A girl should walk a lot, do daily exercises and perform special exercises. The following effect can help remove stagnation: you need to lie on a bed or on the floor, raise your legs, rest them against the wall and lie there for 10-15 minutes. The exercise is best done in the evening. At the same time, the blood will begin to flow down, and the swelling will decrease.
  3. Avoid overheating. If a girl is expecting a child, it is better to refuse sunbathing, visiting saunas and steam rooms.
  4. Follow a special diet. It is better to exclude carbonated, sugary drinks from the diet. The consumption of coffee and tea should also be minimized. It is better to undersalt the dishes. If you are very thirsty, it is better to eat a juicy vegetable or fruit or give preference to mineral water.
  5. Include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet that have a beneficial effect on urinary function. The list includes celery, orange, garlic, onion, lemon and tangerines.
  6. When resting and sleeping, you should put a pillow under your feet. This will allow them to be slightly above their heads.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a common problem faced by many expectant mothers. Puffiness is especially evident in the later months of bearing a baby. Swelling is observed on the face, hands, but the lower extremities are most susceptible to swelling. The pregnant woman feels heaviness, pain in her legs, it becomes more and more difficult for her to move, to stand in one place for a long time. Many women do not take this problem seriously, considering leg swelling during pregnancy to be the norm. However, the occurrence of severe edema can be a signal from the body about a disease or complication that is dangerous to the life of the mother and fetus. Why legs swell during pregnancy, what to do and how to avoid swelling, read on.

Swelling in pregnant women is not uncommon and is a physiological phenomenon against the background of changes that occur in a woman's body. In pregnant women, the body's need for fluid increases several times, and sodium, which retains water in the vessels and tissues and prevents its excretion. Water retention in tissues is the main cause of edema. Swelling manifests itself as swelling and can occur anywhere on the body. Pregnant women have swelling of the hands, face, but most often the legs. The reason lies in the fact that the actively growing uterus exerts strong pressure on the vessels of the pelvic veins located in the lower extremities. Blood stagnates in the veins and, as a result, the appearance of puffiness in the legs and feet. In pregnant women, only the left leg or the right leg may swell. This happens if the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the pelvic vein from the right or left side, thereby causing blood to stagnate in the leg of the corresponding side.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy - causes

  1. Swelling of the lower extremities is a physiological phenomenon characteristic of late pregnancy. The growing fetus, uterus, amniotic fluid put additional pressure on the legs, spine, which makes the expectant mother feel heaviness, discomfort, fatigue, swelling in the legs and feet.
  2. If the expectant mother suffers from varicose veins, the growing fetus aggravates the disease and puts additional stress on the veins.
  3. Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys. Pregnancy is a period of intensive work of all its systems and internal organs, including the kidneys, which work in an intensive mode.
  4. Uncomfortable shoes and tight clothing. Oversized clothing and footwear that squeezes the body can lead to impaired blood flow in the lower extremities. High-heeled shoes, which are strongly discouraged for expectant mothers, can be especially harmful. Tight shoes lead to swelling of the feet, swelling of the legs in the ankles during pregnancy. In addition to the severity and discomfort when walking, a pregnant woman may experience rapid fatigue, drowsiness, and digestive disorders are possible.
  5. Diseases associated with the intestines. Sometimes the legs swell during pregnancy due to a malfunction of the intestines, for example, frequent diarrhea.
  6. Gestosis (late toxicosis). Serious pathology requiring constant medical supervision. It poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. With gestosis, edema occurs throughout the body. The course of the disease is complicated if the pregnant woman's pressure exceeds the norm, and tests show that protein is present in the urine.

Causes of leg edema in pregnant women caused by external factors:

  1. With prolonged movement, especially in uncomfortable shoes or when the expectant mother stands or sits for a long time, especially with crossed legs, she develops swelling of the lower extremities, especially the feet.
  2. Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, the habit of sitting cross-legged - can provoke swelling of the legs.
  3. Puffiness in pregnant women appears when they are in a stuffy and hot room, in the hot season.
  4. Consumption of large amounts of water, salty, fried, smoked food can cause fluid retention in the organs.
  5. Smoking can provoke tissue edema, since nicotine has a detrimental effect on blood vessels.

Swelling during pregnancy - symptoms

Pregnancy is characterized by rapid weight gain, against which it is easy to miss the swelling. First, swelling occurs on the ankles, feet, then it can be observed on the calves and knees. There are signs due to which a pregnant woman can detect puffiness in time and recognize the problem:

  1. The shoes that the woman wore before and during pregnancy suddenly became tight and narrow. Many believe that excess weight is to blame. However, it is extremely rare for the feet to accumulate fat. Tight shoes are the result of the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues and the appearance of edema.
  2. To detect swelling of the legs, a pregnant woman can do a small test: press a finger on the lower leg. If, with pressure, a dent appears that does not dissolve for a long time, this is a sign of edema. In a normal state, the pressure pit disappears in a second. Another clear sign of puffiness is the appearance of marks on the ankles from the elastic of the sock, especially if the mark does not go away for a long time.
  3. With edema, the skin color changes. Under the influence of the accumulated fluid, the skin has a pale, unhealthy tint, looks taut and shiny.
  4. A pregnant woman quickly gains extra pounds with a normal diet.
  5. If the amount of fluid excreted from the body is much less than that consumed, this indicates that the fluid does not leave, but is retained in the body.

The symptoms of leg edema are most pronounced at the end of the day, with a prolonged stay of the pregnant woman on her legs, since a large amount of fluid accumulates in the tissues. In the morning, when the pregnant woman is well rested, the puffiness is significantly reduced.

Why legs swell in early pregnancy

The longer the gestation period, the more pronounced the swelling and visible to the naked eye. However, a woman may not notice puffiness, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Among the main causes of puffiness in the first half of pregnancy are:

  • The mass of the uterus increases, which presses on the vessels and pelvic veins, as a result of which the circulation of fluid in the tissues becomes difficult, causing their swelling.
  • A change in a woman's diet, her taste preferences, when a pregnant woman is “drawn to salty,” can cause excessive fluid intake. Excess water provokes tissue edema.

Swelling of the legs at an early stage cannot be considered the norm, as in recent months. This can signal a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs, especially the kidneys. Swelling can be obvious or latent. The greatest danger is precisely the latent edema, which can be identified by comparing the volume of fluid consumed and released. When excreted from the body, less than 75% of the fluid indicates its accumulation in the tissues.

The therapist can determine the cause of the edema on the basis of tests and promptly refer the pregnant woman for additional examination to narrow specialists: endocrinologist, urologist, phlebologist.

Legs swell during pregnancy - what is the danger

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy, in which a woman has normal pressure and no protein in the urine is detected, is considered a norm that does not require treatment, and does not threaten either her or the baby.
If the cause of the swelling of the legs is a dysfunction of the internal organs and is a symptom of pathological processes, this can threaten the life of the baby. The threat of premature birth or miscarriage is likely. A great danger to the life of the baby and the mother is the edema of the tissues of the placenta and the fetus.

What to do if legs swell during pregnancy?

To relieve physiological swelling in the last weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Light physical activity, walking help to activate blood flow in the legs and the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues. However, you should not abuse it with physical activity, which can provoke the onset of edema.
  2. To remove swelling of the legs, daily rest for an hour with raised legs above body level helps. You can place a roller or pillow under your feet.
  3. Gently massaging your feet and ankles will normalize blood flow and help drain excess fluid from your tissues.
  4. Perfectly relieves heaviness from tired legs and removes the puffiness of the sea salt bath.
  5. It is recommended to drink more pure water and not limit its consumption.
  6. Eliminate salty foods (canned foods, pickles, smoked meats, olives) from the diet. These foods are high in salt, and it retains moisture in the body. You should also remove sweet foods from the diet, which also retain liquid.
  7. Pregnant women should avoid stuffy rooms and stay less in the heat during the warmer months.

How to remove leg swelling during pregnancy - treatment

Before relieving puffiness on her own, a pregnant woman must undergo an examination to identify the cause of water retention in the body. After establishing the cause of the puffiness, medication, diet, and alternative methods are prescribed.

Treatment of puffiness during pregnancy with medicines

Treatment of edema in pregnant women is complex, based on the cause of their occurrence. As a rule, with swelling of the legs, the doctor prescribes the wearing of compression hosiery for the pregnant woman, especially if the woman has problems with the blood vessels. Regular wearing of such underwear allows you to reduce pressure on blood vessels and relieve swelling of the lower extremities.

For external use, gels, ointments are used that activate blood circulation, increase the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, thereby eliminating puffiness. Among the special medicinal ointments, the following are most often prescribed:

  • Heparin ointment.
  • Varicobuster.
  • Troxevasin ointment.

With gestosis, antiseptic diuretics are prescribed, which contribute to the rapid elimination of water from the body, as well as having an anti-inflammatory effect. Such as the:

  • Kanephron.
  • Euphyllin.
  • Lipoic acid and vitamin E. It helps to improve the general condition of the pregnant woman, restore the violation of placental blood flow, and prevent latent edema.

In case of more serious deviations in the work of internal organs, the therapist prescribes specialized treatment with hospitalization in a hospital using intravenous drugs under the supervision of doctors.

Diet for edema during pregnancy

The first condition that a pregnant woman should observe with puffiness is to reduce the intake of salt in the diet. It is the salt that retains water in the tissues, disrupting the water-salt balance of the body and causing them to swell. When thirsty, drink only clean water in any quantity. You should drink a little and often. You should limit the consumption of carbonated and sugary drinks, tea, coffee. Juicy fruits, which contain a large amount of water, are useful. Preference should be given to such products as: parsley, celery, onions, all types of citrus fruits. These foods promote fluid removal.

Traditional methods of dealing with leg edema during pregnancy

To eliminate edema, folk methods are used:

  • Broth from oats. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grains and pour them with a liter of water. Bring the oats to a boil, then strain. Drink the cooled broth three times a day.
  • Cranberry. It is necessary to grind fresh cranberries with honey, take 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • The sap of birch, pumpkin, carrots helps to remove excess water from the body.
  • Dried apricot compote. To prepare compote, it is necessary to pour boiling water over dried apricots at night. In the morning, drink the resulting compote half an hour before meals.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

To avoid swelling during pregnancy, a woman should rest more, not forgetting to pay attention to light physical activity. Remember that swelling is easier to prevent than to combat its manifestation.

  • Daily exercise, yoga, walking promotes better blood circulation and prevents the accumulation of fluid in tissues and organs. Particular attention should be paid to comfortable clothing and footwear.
  • Pay attention to your diet and drinking regime. Foods containing salt should be excluded from the diet, and a large amount of greens, vegetables and fruits should be included. Drink water in any quantity, at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Pregnant women should monitor their weight gain. Extra pounds cause swelling in the tissues and can provoke cardiovascular diseases or gestosis.

It is worth remembering that all methods of removing edema are effective only for physiological edema in late pregnancy. If the swelling of the legs is a consequence of a pathology or is caused by a complication of the ongoing pregnancy, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor and not self-medicate.

27 weeks of pregnancy means that you and your baby are already in the third trimester, which means that there is very little time left for your meeting. This deadline means that 6.5 months of your position are already behind. Your belly has already achieved a lot, and also managed to give you a lot of trouble and bring a lot of positive emotions and moments.


By the 27th week of pregnancy, your baby has already learned a lot - he is already able to react to many factors, he has already developed one of the most important reflexes (sucking his tiny fingers), he already hears and distinguishes your voice from someone else's. And in addition to all this, in his small, but already formed body, there are many changes.

External development

The tiny future person inside you has already reached a good size - he has already grown to 34 cm and gained weight up to 900 grams. Your belly is already quite independent - he knows how to open his eyes. In addition, he has established a sleep mode - the baby sleeps and is awake at a certain and the same time. Sucking on your tiny toes is the toddler's main occupation. Moreover, the fingers can be used both on the handles and on the legs.

A couple of weeks ago, your little one developed the rudiments of eyes, which at the 27th week of your interesting position turn into a pair of shallow grooves. After that, the grooves become sacs, which have another name - optical bubbles. Now the lens of the eye is actively and rapidly developing from the ectoderm.

The eyelids of the little one, which appeared at about 11-12 weeks of your pregnancy, are already formed enough for the baby to lift them.

Internal development

Light babies are not yet sufficiently developed, but they are actively striving for development. If the pregnancy ends at this time, then with the help of modern specialized medical equipment, the baby can be helped to breathe, which will allow him to survive and fully develop in the future. For the lungs, the most important and crucial period is now going on - alveolar passages are formed in them. These are very thin air tubes. The alveoli (very tiny bubbles), which are responsible for the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen, are also being improved. It is the alveoli that are responsible for the first cry of the baby after his appearance in this world - they straighten, fill with air and allow a person to breathe and talk.

In parallel with the development of alveoli and alveolar passages, surfactant continues to be produced and secreted. This is such a special substance that allows the alveoli to fully open after the birth of the baby. At the 27th week of your perfect position, the baby is actively producing this substance. Insufficient concentration of surfactant in the baby's body will not allow him to fully grow and this threatens with various troubles and negative consequences. Therefore, the body of the future crumbs is already actively preparing to be independent, fully producing all vital substances.

The brain tissue of the toddler is now in the stage of active development. As the development of brain tissue increases, your baby's brain starts to work better and faster. I would like to know what the tiny future person is thinking about now? "Ugh, mom ate this cucumber with ice cream again," and this is where toxicosis began. “I woke up, it's dark, I need to wake my mom up urgently,” and in the middle of the night you wake up from strong kicks.

Now, on the eyeball (on the inner surface) of the toddler, the retina of the eyes is forming, which, from this week of pregnancy, allows the future man to feel the brightness of light and color. By this time, the layers of the retina are already sufficiently formed for the baby to see and distinguish objects well.

The baby can already react to bright lighting, for example, if you bring a flashlight to your tummy, then in response to the light, the baby can simply kick you with his foot and turn away.

Sensations at the 27th week of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, your body begins to actively prepare for the final spurt, which can affect your well-being and the appearance of new sensations. Many new phenomena, symptoms and sensations can cause discomfort and anxiety in the remainder of pregnancy.

Pain and swelling in the hands

Swelling in pregnant women appears in two cases:

  • Or they drink too much
  • Or the kidneys cannot cope with the increased load on their own.

Swelling can be quite uncomfortable both during the day and at night.

Swelling in the hands, which you have already noticed, can put pressure on the canal of the wrist, which can cause pain in this place. If the swelling is severe, it will put even more pressure, which can even cause burning, tingling and numbness. Pain syndrome can spread not only to the first three fingers - you can feel discomfort on the wrist and even on the shoulders.
If the swelling causes discomfort on all limbs (arms and legs), then you can temporarily relieve your condition:

  • During nighttime or daytime sleep, try to adopt a position that will allow your limbs to not be under pressure.
  • If your legs or arms are swollen, raise them to a higher level to reduce the swelling and ease the condition.
  • Eat foods that contain vitamin B6.

Night cramps in the legs

In most cases, this unpleasant sensation is caused by a lack of calcium in the body of pregnant women. To avoid seizures, you need to do the following:

  • You need to take medications prescribed by your doctor that contain calcium and do not contain phosphorus
  • Instead of meat, you can periodically eat other food that contains protein (cottage cheese, cheese, milk)
  • Remember that leg cramps can still be triggered by fatigue. Work moderately and take more time to rest.
  • Pressure from the uterus on certain nerve endings can also trigger seizures. You can wear a special bandage and lift your legs up while resting, but not too much.
  • You can ask your husband and relatives to give you a massage on your feet or warming up.

Seizures are quite common in pregnant women, so don't worry if they start to bother you too. But this problem should not be ignored - the doctor must be aware of it without fail.

Change in your body

Due to the gradual but abundant growth of your rounded tummy, you may increasingly feel painful syndromes in the back. Do not overload it, because this will affect not only your condition, but also the state of health of the crumbs.

If you feel and notice that you are gaining weight too rapidly, and your doctor makes comments to you, try to eat more light food - fruits, dairy products, cereals, fresh juices, etc. Excessive weight gain can result in complicated childbirth and difficult pregnancy ...

Weight gain

You are now becoming more and more attractive, because your growing tummy, along with your swollen breasts, only causes tenderness in those around you. You continue to gradually and moderately gain weight, which is very important for your little one, because he feeds all the minerals, elements and vitamins necessary for him from your body. Do not worry about the weight gained, because immediately after childbirth, the bulk of the gained weight will immediately go away. A baby will be born about 3 kg, 1 liter of amniotic fluid, the uterus itself weighs about 1 kg and during the birth itself you will have to work hard, which will also lead to additional weight loss.

Signs and symptoms of 27 weeks pregnant

Old signs and symptoms that were observed at the beginning of your pregnancy may begin to come back - often urination, the surge of strength and energy may gradually decrease. Now is the time for the appearance of Braxton Hicks contractions (false contractions), which will train the uterus and the body for the near-term birth. But they should not be confused with real contractions, which can be companions of premature birth. False contractions should not bother you on a regular basis. They, of course, can get stronger, but the discomfort should be moderate and bearable.

Don't be ashamed if you occasionally experience stress urinary incontinence when laughing or sneezing. It's just that the growth of the uterus with your little one can put a lot of pressure on your urinary tract, which will lead to such situations. You can use panty liners for these occasions.


This week in a wonderful position, the uterus must be examined by a doctor to exclude its tone. Its location, size, WDM (height of the fundus of the uterus), thickness of the fundus, as well as the state of the myometrium are very important. Now the BMD is 5-7 cm higher from your navel.

From this week on, the weight of the uterus begins to increase dramatically, which you should definitely notice, because it will be more and more difficult for you to fall asleep or to take your favorite position. The enlargement of the uterine muscles can cause them to press on nerves and blood vessels, making you feel dizzy and weak. Try to avoid sleeping on your back - it is better to find a comfortable position on your side.

What happens to the belly and how does it change at 27 weeks of gestation

Your rounded tummy is already clearly visible to others, so you can proudly walk along the street, proud of your position. A bulging tummy can become the center of attention for all the people around you - be prepared for the gazes of passers-by. You should not be angry if people are staring at your position - a pregnant woman has been considered the most beautiful at all times and times, so people can simply be moved and admire you.

The skin on your tummy may now start to itch due to stretching. You can already start using various creams and lotions for stretch marks that can appear during pregnancy. Ordinary vitamin E can help you best of all, because it is responsible for good skin elasticity and is used to make even the most expensive creams.


In no case should this factor be overlooked, because it can be used to assess the state of your situation and other phenomena. Discharge at the beginning of the third trimester should be free of the following impurities:

  • No blood
  • No clots
  • No pus
  • No mucus.

Such discharge indicates many negative factors that can be expressed by various diseases and infections.

Normally, discharge at the beginning of the third trimester should be light and of normal consistency. If you are concerned about the color, amount, or consistency of your discharge, be sure to see a doctor, because different discharge is considered the norm for each pregnant woman.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

There should not be any special scheduled examinations at week 27 of your interesting position. In the presence of special indications, tests for amniocentesis and cordocentesis (these are invasive studies of genetic material) can be performed. Such studies will be needed to find out if the crumbs have chromosomal abnormalities.


During the normal course of pregnancy, sex may never be contraindicated. The same applies to week 27. But, if you have the following contraindications, then it is better to postpone intimacy for later:

  • Uterine tone
  • Polyhydramnios
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Threats of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy, etc.

Remember that intimacy during pregnancy should be with the same man as before. Otherwise, you simply run the risk of provoking the appearance of various infections and bacteria.


You need to continue to eat in the same way as before, that is, do not abuse flour products, fatty foods and other "heavy" food. Maintain a balance of vitamins (do not eat a lot of the same food), let your menu be as varied as possible. Pamper yourself with all sorts of sweets and exotic fruits, because after the birth of your little one, you will not be able to eat everything right away.

What's new?

You are probably very surprised or even worried that your little one inside of you constantly flinches after a certain short amount of time? This process is considered completely normal, because your belly is just hiccupping. Hiccups do not bring any inconvenience to the baby, it is only you who can feel unusual sensations.

What to do this week

You may already be starting to wonder about breastfeeding and upcoming childbirth courses. If you are expecting your first child, these courses can be very helpful during and after childbirth. Breastfeeding can be established with early training and the assistance of medical personnel.

You can start to find out what documents you need to get maternity leave and parental leave. For working and non-working pregnant women, the procedure for obtaining a vacation is significantly different.

You can start counting the number of kicks your little one has. This indicator can be very important for your observing doctor, because by their number, you can determine the activity of the crumbs. Tremors can tell you about your baby's health, especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure.

The number of crumbs kicks may depend not only on the state of his health - the temperament of the baby can play an important role. The child can be completely and absolutely healthy even with a small number of tremors. But, if your little one has kicked yours quite often before, and recently its activity has significantly decreased, then be sure to tell the doctor about such changes. You may be referred for unscheduled additional examinations and tests to make sure your baby is doing well and is developing fully.

  • Pick a time for counting when your baby is most active. Most pregnant women feel the high activity of their little ones in the evening, after eating, or just before going to bed.
  • Next, count only the most felt kicks of the baby. We counted to ten and checked how long it takes the little one for ten jerks.
  • If your doctor's kick counts are in doubt, ask him which method will work best for you.

It is worth worrying if at the usual time you do not feel the movements of your crumbs for an hour or several hours. In this case, contacting your doctor should be immediate.

Dangers and complications

If you have hormonal disorders, then the 27th week of pregnancy can be the most dangerous. This suggests that hormonal imbalance can provoke the appearance of cervical pathology or the appearance of ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency). The appearance of these complications can cause premature birth or even termination of pregnancy. Hormonal examination is usually carried out from the 17th week of pregnancy, so if you had any disorders, your doctor would certainly notify you of this and would prescribe appropriate medications and treatment.

Relax and rest at any and every opportunity, because pregnancy is a temporary condition, after the completion of which you will no longer have time to go to the salon, get a manicure or just get a good night's sleep. No matter how strange it may seem to you, in the future you will still miss this wonderful, calm period very much.

  • If your body urgently requires vitamin C, add bell pepper to your diet, because it contains up to 5 times more of this vitamin than an orange.
  • If you are planning a vacation abroad and a flight by plane, be sure to get a doctor's note in advance. Most airlines may require a certificate confirming that you have no contraindications to flying.
  • If you are tormented by shortness of breath, try to use transport instead of walking, do not wash windows on a hill, and sleep on several pillows.
  • You can start thinking about the name of your belly-resident, because the opinion of both yours and your relatives and your spouse will change more than a dozen times.
  • If you already know what gender your little one will be born with, then you can start buying the first clothes for him. There is a superstition that it is not worth buying things for an unborn baby on your own. If you believe in such signs, then you can ask your spouse, girlfriend, or just a friend to buy for your and your baby to buy this or that thing.