What is loved by. What does "favorite" mean? The most important word in the lips of the right person. What does love mean

When the guy and the girl begin to meet, a gentle and trembling feeling arises between them, called love. It is difficult to confuse, for example, with friendship, but it is easy to confuse with passion, or for example, Platonic Love. What does it mean to be loved - the question is not unambiguous, but you can try to answer him.

I love if

  • I'm not alone, I have a person with whom we live together, because we are good, nice and interesting to each other;
  • I am talking every morning about what I am loved and what good morning today;
  • Every evening, I wish you good night and gently kissing before bedtime;
  • I prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners, bake the most delicious pies and brew tea;
  • When I feel bad and I will be capricious, they will always be comfortable and listened;
  • When I have a bad mood and want to be alone - on the contrary, do not peremimate in question;
  • First of all, I ask me that we will do today and what I would like;
  • For the holidays and just so I make small pleasant gifts;
  • When we are not together, they call me and ask how I am doing, they say that they are bored;
  • When meeting, I want to hug and kiss;
  • If I do not answer in contact for a long time - they are offended, because they are waiting for my attention;
  • When I leave somewhere, I will definitely wait for SMS that I looked and I'm fine;
  • Near me, it is easy and calmly located, even if we are not talking about anything, the awkward silence does not arise;
  • Looking at me, a loved one will always smile.
  • If the sense of love is mutual, then I want to do everything the same for my loved one. I am sad when he is sad and I am fun when he has a good mood. Favorite people together it is interesting to do anything if only is in each other's society.

About what love is written hundreds of books and lifted hundreds of films, but still, what love is, I love if I love, and what it means to be loved - finally everyone can answer yourself only himself. Even the heroes of love romance every time they answer this question.

Psychologists say this: love is an active interest in the growth and development of the object of love. If I am interested in someone, and he wants to spend most of his time with me - almost for almost exactly what I love.

There are such philosophical issues that are trying to solve people over the years. Love problems are one of the most common to reflections. Today we will try to solve one question. What is more important: love or be loved? Which of these concepts is better for a person?

Let's start with the concept of love. Love is an integral human feeling that expresses deep attachment to another person. It makes it happy or unhappy. Love moves people, can manage them. Thanks to her, man goes to the most unusual acts, creates, changes the worldview. Just one feeling, but how it changes the person. Love is mutual or unrequited. When the feelings of people coincide in relation to each other, it is beautiful. But there is also a reverse side. What if only one loves? Some can do without reciprocity due to their nature, while others simply do not find the place at the idea that their feelings may not appreciate, not so understand. All people are different and each of us perceives, or other in its own way. In my opinion, "to be loved" looks more selfish and lifeless than "love." You live calmly, and there can be a person who cannot live without you, the souls do not have the soul. Think, well, he loves you. He is not all as well, and you may not be at all interesting to his experiences. Being loved is not so difficult, because you just need to take care and stay in attention. Egoistically? And how!

Another thing, if you love. Under the influence of feelings and emotions, a person perceives the world in a different way, his love inspires him. Many people just love a person, and nothing else needs. How many stunning songs were spitting with singers, how many unrelated paintings were created by artists, how many unique works of literature is written by Belletrists. Agree, much of it appeared under the influence of a sense of love. I think a person is important to realize what he loves. Love - it means to live. When you love - you feel this world, you look at it in a new way, let the will of everything beautiful that you have.

The problem of the question under discussion is that not all people are ready to love, and not be loved. Not everyone will decide to open the soul and give will with emotions, if he has already had an unsuccessful experience. Here and wakes up selfishness. A person does not want to show his attitude towards another and roughly saying to "strain" if there is one who will constantly turn around and in every way to have attention.

Arguing over the questioned, we realized how relevant it is. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded - it is more important to love than to be loved. Because if you love - you live. When you love you - you just exist. It is important that a person lives and what he sees beauty in the outside world. And when a person is not amenable to a feeling of love, but simply exists like an object of adoration, then this is not life. Such existence without feelings does not make sense.

Let the year replace each other, and the morals become more free, but the word "love" does not lose its importance. Of course, it all depends on the mood and invested in this word meaning, but recognition in love from a modern person waiting more difficult to wait. So what does "beloved" mean in the mouths of a man? Does he understand how his half of this appeal awaits? You should not equate all representatives of the strong floor under one comb, and it is better to highlight the categories of men who should believe in this aspect.

From the point of view of the rules of the language

If you find the word "favorite" in the Ozhegov dictionary, then you can familiarize yourself with the next interpretation. Favorite is a man, dear to the heart, or the one to which love is addressed. Otherwise we can say that this is the person who likes the most.

The interpretation of the term in relation to books, food, colors is not excluded. What does favorite food mean? These are the kushans that are most likely to taste. It is unlikely that a person can declare that the favorite dish is more important for him?! So, the word "beloved" suggests some degrees of feelings. It is easier for us to confess in love for an inanimate subject, food, season of year or even to animals. And why? Yes, because at the same time we stay free in our behavior.

Favorite cat will not be offended if we hurt the ear of street fluffy. And your favorite pasta with cheese will not leave the house, if we eat the appetite with borsch. With a person, such things will not pass. If we speak with a partner about love, we give him exclusive "rights" on themselves. Maybe with this situation, true love is equal to slavery?

Should I believe in words?

Do not hurry with conclusions and refuse to recognize in love. It is better to determine what your "love" means. How fast do you decide on such recognition? And what are investing in recognition? Sometimes "love" is "I want." That is, the recognition lies a banal desire to possess. And this desire passing, that is, in this case, "I love" has a period of limitations. Here the recognition can happen pretty quickly, but it is not at all an indicator. So believe words standing with caution.

Is the recognition confirm? There is no mercantile interest here, but a manifested concern in relation to the object of love. He calls and writes? Can you take on your hands if you are lame? Does he pay for you in a cafe? Remembers mom's day and favorite colors? Love manifests itself in trifles and in your own feeling of comfort. If in the company with a person you feel at home, then this is your person, and there is warmness towards each other. Perhaps it is still early to talk about love, but there are all the prerequisites.

What is she - Favorite?

Let's try to draw a verbal portrait and understand what the beloved woman means in the life of a modern man?

Your favorite man will not be unwound, offend, ignore. He will not forget to call if it is delayed from work. He will bring something delicious from the store for her, will cover a warm blanket and the reminders will buy flowers. Favorite woman is not jealous, as she is confident in herself and her chosen one. Favorite woman will gladly prepare lunch, as she is nice to feed the man delicious and satisfying. For it, it is not a meantime and not debt, but will.

It is necessary to notice the moment that your favorite girl does not forget about his beauty. She understands that it is wrong to save on himself, and therefore will allocate time for a doctor, manicure and hairdresser. It is not at all that she will spend a bunch of money. After all, your favorite woman understands what to be beautiful, if there is a desire.

So what does your favorite woman mean for a man? For him, she is a whole world in which he is cozy, warm and nice. He and in the head will not come to betray this world or leave him. After all, it is equivalent to abandoning his real life.

True love

Is there evidence of the truth of feelings? Of course, no one will give one hundred percent warranty in such a matter, but still conclusions can be made on the basis of many actions. For example, a loving person knows how to forgive. He will give the right to an error and can find an excuse to his chosen one. This is a great virtue - love does not remember evil.

Love - So be happy. Unconditionally and easy. See happiness in trifles, be able to rejoice in a joint lift, hugging at a meeting, worry about your half.

If you love, you will believe and you will not check. Because you understand: treason is a betrayal that shows a true attitude.

Happily ever after

If a person decided to confess his feelings, he would have to stop comparing. Recognition in love is the verbal recognition of the finisability of its choice. What does your favorite person mean for you? He is your half. Will you not compare half of yourself with anyone else? What for? After all, changing it to another you are unable to clean physically!

So and treat your favorite person! If he seems worse than anyone else, then it is no longer necessary to talk about love. Then do not shake the air in vain. It is better to spend time to beautifully break with a person who, perhaps, is experiencing real feelings.

Often love is represented as a strong emotional attraction and hearty feeling. However, not everyone understands to the end what it means to truly love. Still in the young men and girls at the subconscious level, an image of an ideal second half is formed. Not only personal characteristics are played here, but also social attitudes with which a person is subject to all life. However, there are no ideals, so love is always aimed at a real object with all its merits and disadvantages. Love means taking a partner as it is, and skillfully resolve conflict situations.

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    Definition and signs of love

    Love feeling familiar to every person. It can visit both a young girl and the lady of Balzakovsky age. About such a sense, like love, on the one hand, everyone knows, and on the other, it is incomprehensible to anyone. Often, love is determined as a very bright feeling, thanks to which the person can "grow wings." If two are in love with each other, then a friendly relationship, affection and sexual attraction arise between them.

    If the in love did not reciprocate, it causes strong experiences. And if the chosen is carried away by someone else, then the girl appears offense, anger and other negative emotions. But people often do not understand what means loving a person really, because love can have different forms.

    Love and chemistry

    Scientists tried to find out what was happening in the body of the in love from a scientific point of view. The results were as follows: when a person looks at his beloved, he has a heart matter, because the brain begins to produce dopamine. Together with other hormones, he contributes to the special perception of the world during the experiences.

    Since the body of metabolism is maintained in the human body, it independently regulates life support processes. Therefore, dopamine cannot be produced for many years, it happens only for a certain time. If this hormone will be constantly formed, it will destructively affect the psyche. Not all lovers were glad to discover.

    Social Installations

    There is no one definition of what it means to love and be loved. Every question everyone will answer in its own way. After all, so that the answers were the same, people need to get the same upbringing, survive similar emotions, feel that it is absolutely impossible. Whether it is so, the person would turn into a robot and lost his personality. People live, and do not exist as long as they can feel. This means that the tenderness, attachment and sympathy of a person begins to realize from infant age. Emotions and mental qualities are formed under the influence of life circumstances and contribute to the formation of the personality.

    Education and religion instill some notions of love, but people still perceive them in their own way. One young lady can assume that the guy in love is obliged to give her gifts daily. After all, she is sure that only a young man can positively show himself in a relationship. Another girl will be happy from compliments and elected kisses.

    The same applies to men. If the guy brought up only a mother, he will wait from the girl of special care in any situations and assume that the girl loves him if she prepares different dishes daily, he strokes his clothes and admire it.

    Work on yourself and signs of fate

    If a guy or girl originally create a portrait of his second half and characterize his valuable qualities, then the subconscious will attract such a partner. When the meeting happens, a splash of bright emotions will occur between a pair. And strong feelings will lead both as long as they learn about each other closer. If they are incompatible, they will be expecting mutual discontent.

    These relations exist shortly, and with a break to suffer both a girl and a guy. This will happen for the reason that the lovers initially idealized each other. But since there are no ideals in reality, then for broken illusions will have to pay the mental balance.

    But there are also such pairs that live well together from the day of the wedding to the oldest. This is the result of work on yourself, because they have learned to go to mutual concessions and together to solve family problems.

    What is the female wisdom?

    From the very beginning of relations, two should learn to love. After all, pleasure from love will pass, but will remain a real world with his household tasks and pressing problems. A strong family will turn out if the wife and husband will have a clear awareness that such loving spouses.

    The perfect spouse is the woman, the advantages of which the husband boasts before others. Such a girl:

    • combines mind and beauty;
    • skillfully hides its shortcomings and emphasizes the advantages;
    • does not allow conflict situations and gives a man the opportunity to feel the main in the family;
    • do not hurry to show yourself smart and wise in front of your spouse and other people.

    If a woman loves her husband, she will not allow the fire of the family hearth. For such a rather rare ability, the spouses appreciate and honor their wives all their lives.

    What does "love in French" mean?

    There is such an opinion that the French are liberated in intimate relations. Therefore, love in French is considered to receive various sexual pleasures without any complexes.